def balance_data_frame(data_frame: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Balances the given data frame to the class label with the least occurrence; Label must be at last column. :param data_frame: must be pre-filtered of NA labels :return: data frame with equal rows of each class; shuffled. """ print("Balancing data frame") util.start_timer() labels = np.transpose(data_frame)[-1] unique_labels, unique_label_counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True) min_count = min(unique_label_counts) # min_count = 3038 balanced_labelled_data = [] for idx, unique_label in enumerate(unique_labels): unique_label_data = np.array([ x for x in filter(lambda row: row[-1] == unique_label, data_frame) ]) # Random re-balance if there is excess data of this label if unique_label_counts[idx] != min_count: np.random.shuffle(unique_label_data) # in-place shuffle unique_label_data = np.delete( unique_label_data, [x for x in range(unique_label_counts[idx] - min_count)], axis=0) balanced_labelled_data.extend(unique_label_data) # Shuffle data frame before returning balanced_labelled_data = np.array(balanced_labelled_data) np.random.shuffle(balanced_labelled_data) util.end_timer_print_duration() return balanced_labelled_data
def extract_feature_array_from_product( file_path: str) -> (np.ndarray, int, int, int, list): """ Extract bands from an ESA data product :param file_path: path to a ESA SNAP dim file :return: (numpy array of shape (bands, pixels), image width, image height, number of pixels) """ print('Extracting feature array from product', file_path) util.start_timer() from snappy import ProductIO p = ProductIO.readProduct(file_path) bands = [p.getBand(x) for x in p.getBandNames()] if len(bands) == 0: raise Exception("No bands found in product") image_width = bands[0].getRasterWidth() image_height = bands[0].getRasterHeight() number_of_pixels = image_width * image_height feature_array = np.array([ band.readPixels(0, 0, image_width, image_height, np.zeros(number_of_pixels, np.float32)) for band in bands ]) band_names = [band.getName() for band in bands] util.end_timer_print_duration() return feature_array, image_width, image_height, number_of_pixels, band_names
def get_labels_npy(self, image_width: int, number_of_pixels: int) -> []: print("Label npy generation from ground truth instance") util.start_timer() labels = [] for i in range(number_of_pixels): x = i % image_width y = i // image_width labels.append(self.check_pixel_class(x, y).value) util.end_timer_print_duration() return labels
def experiment_cross_validated_recursive_feature_elimination( data_frame, band_names, results_folder): print("Experiment Started: RFECV") util.start_timer() label_array = np.transpose(data_frame)[-1] feature_data = np.delete(data_frame, 0, axis=1) feature_data = np.delete(feature_data, -1, axis=1) sc = StandardScaler() feature_data = sc.fit_transform(feature_data) X = feature_data Y = label_array lr_model = LogisticRegression(multi_class='ovr', solver='liblinear') rfecv = RFECV(lr_model, step=1, cv=3) rfecv =, Y) util.end_timer_print_duration() print("Feature Names:", band_names) print("RFECV RESULTS") print("Optimal Number of features:", rfecv.n_features_) print("Selected Features:", rfecv.support_) print("Feature Ranking:", rfecv.ranking_) print("Grid Scores:", (range(1, len(rfecv.grid_scores_) + 1), rfecv.grid_scores_)) plt.figure() plt.xlabel("Number of features selected") plt.ylabel("3-Fold Cross validation score (mean accuracy)") plt.plot(range(1, len(rfecv.grid_scores_) + 1), rfecv.grid_scores_) plt.savefig(results_folder + 'rfecv.png') print("RFE RESULTS ") for i in range(1, len(band_names) + 1): lr_model_2 = LogisticRegression(multi_class='ovr', solver='liblinear') rfe = RFE(lr_model_2, i) rfe =, Y) print("Selected Number of features:", rfe.n_features_) print("Selected Features:", rfe.support_) print("Feature Ranking:", rfe.ranking_)
def get_labels_npy_exclude_some_polygons(self, image_width: int, number_of_pixels: int, polygons_to_exclude: [()]) -> []: print("Label npy generation from ground truth instance") util.start_timer() labels = [] for i in range(number_of_pixels): x = i % image_width y = i // image_width try: pixel_parent_polygon = self.polygon_lookup(x, y) except Exception: labels.append(self.check_pixel_class( x, y).value) # Can just assign na else: labels.append( self.check_pixel_class(x, y).value if polygons_to_exclude. count(self.polygon_lookup(x, y)) == 0 else self.pixel_class_enum.__members__['na'].value) util.end_timer_print_duration() return labels
def __init__(self, pins_file_path, pixel_class_enum): print("Generating ground truth instance from pins file:", pins_file_path, "enum:", pixel_class_enum) util.start_timer() self.pixel_class_enum = pixel_class_enum self.boundaries = { x: {} for x in filter(lambda y: y != 'na', pixel_class_enum.__members__) } with open(pins_file_path, 'r') as fd: text = rows = text.split('\n')[ 6:] # First 6 rows are comments of the file for row in rows: fields = row.split( '\t') # Each field is separated by a Tab character if len(fields) != 8: continue name_fields = fields[].split('_') class_name = name_fields[0] polygon_index = name_fields[1] pin_type = name_fields[2] if class_name not in list(pixel_class_enum.__members__): continue if polygon_index not in self.boundaries[class_name].keys(): self.boundaries[class_name][polygon_index] = {} self.boundaries[class_name][polygon_index][ 'x_min' if pin_type == 'TL' else 'x_max'] = fields[ PinsFileRowIndex.x.value] self.boundaries[class_name][polygon_index][ 'y_min' if pin_type == 'TL' else 'y_max'] = fields[ PinsFileRowIndex.y.value] util.end_timer_print_duration()
def generate_filtered_data_frame_with_pixel_index_and_labels( number_of_pixels: int, feature_array: np.ndarray, label_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Adds a pixel index row, and a label row, before transposing to a data-frame. Then filters unlabelled pixels. \n(WARNING: PIXEL INDEX MUST BE REMOVED BEFORE USING DATA TO FIT MODEL) :param number_of_pixels: :param feature_array: :param label_array: :return: data_frame of shape (number of pixels, number of features + 2), 1 extra column for pixel index, 1 for label """ print('Generating data frame with pixel index and labels') util.start_timer() data_frame = np.insert(feature_array, 0, [x for x in range(number_of_pixels)], axis=0) # Insert Index Row data_frame = np.append(data_frame, [label_array], axis=0) data_frame = np.transpose(data_frame) data_frame = np.array( list( filter(lambda row: row[-1] !=, data_frame))) util.end_timer_print_duration() return data_frame
def experiment_original_multi_model_lr(data_frame): # Multi-model Methodology print("\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n", "MULTI-MODEL CLASSIFICATION", "\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n") # Generate train, test sets print("Generating train-test split") util.start_timer() data_frame_labels = np.transpose(data_frame)[-1] data_frame_features_with_pixel_index = np.delete(data_frame, -1, axis=1) x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( data_frame_features_with_pixel_index, data_frame_labels, test_size=0.33) util.end_timer_print_duration() x_train_scaled, x_test_scaled, fitted_scaler = scale_but_ignore_index_column( x_train, x_test, StandardScaler) print("Starting multi-model training") util.start_timer() # Forest classifier x_train_forest_clf = np.copy(x_train_scaled) y_train_forest_clf = np.copy(y_train) # Relabel for idx, original_label in enumerate(y_train_forest_clf): if original_label != RosebelPixelClass3.forest.value: # The value used is arbitrary as long as its consistent -- use lower class value for the complement y_train_forest_clf[idx] = # Re-balance forest_clf_frame = np.transpose( np.append(np.transpose(x_train_forest_clf), np.array([y_train_forest_clf]), axis=0)) balanced_data_frame = balance_data_frame(forest_clf_frame) x_train_forest_clf = np.delete(balanced_data_frame, -1, axis=1) x_train_forest_clf_no_pixel_index = np.delete(x_train_forest_clf, 0, axis=1) y_train_forest_clf = np.transpose(balanced_data_frame)[-1] # Fit forest classifier forest_lr_classifier = LogisticRegression(multi_class='ovr', solver='liblinear'), y_train_forest_clf) # Water classifier x_train_water_clf = np.copy(x_train_scaled) y_train_water_clf = np.copy(y_train) # relabel for idx, original_label in enumerate(y_train_water_clf): if original_label != RosebelPixelClass3.water.value: # The value used is arbitrary as long as its consistent -- use lower class number for the complement y_train_water_clf[idx] = # Re-balance water_clf_frame = np.transpose( np.append(np.transpose(x_train_water_clf), np.array([y_train_water_clf]), axis=0)) balanced_data_frame = balance_data_frame(water_clf_frame) x_train_water_clf = np.delete(balanced_data_frame, -1, axis=1) x_train_water_clf_no_pixel_index = np.delete(x_train_water_clf, 0, axis=1) y_train_water_clf = np.transpose(balanced_data_frame)[-1] # Fit water classifier water_lr_classifier = LogisticRegression(multi_class='ovr', solver='liblinear'), y_train_water_clf) util.end_timer_print_duration() # Use both classifiers to generate a prediction array combined_predictor_result = [] # use normal list first x_test_no_pixel_index = np.delete(x_test_scaled, 0, axis=1) for test_pixel in x_test_no_pixel_index: forest_predictor_result = forest_lr_classifier.predict([test_pixel])[0] water_predictor_result = water_lr_classifier.predict([test_pixel])[0] # Neither forest or water if (forest_predictor_result != RosebelPixelClass3.forest.value) and ( water_predictor_result != RosebelPixelClass3.water.value): combined_predictor_result.append(RosebelPixelClass3.mines.value) # Forest and not water elif (forest_predictor_result == RosebelPixelClass3.forest.value) and ( water_predictor_result != RosebelPixelClass3.water.value): combined_predictor_result.append(RosebelPixelClass3.forest.value) # Water and not forest elif (water_predictor_result == RosebelPixelClass3.water.value) and ( forest_predictor_result != RosebelPixelClass3.forest.value): combined_predictor_result.append(RosebelPixelClass3.water.value) # Conflict -- forest predictor says forest, water predictor says water, choose 1 and we'll be right 50% of the time else: combined_predictor_result.append(RosebelPixelClass3.water.value) # Evaluate our results accuracy_score = metrics.accuracy_score( y_test, np.array(combined_predictor_result)) confusion_matrix = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, combined_predictor_result) print("Accuracy:\n", accuracy_score) print("\nConfusion Matrix:\n", confusion_matrix) for row_index in range(confusion_matrix.shape[0]): # Print class prediction accuracy first value = confusion_matrix[row_index][row_index] print( '\n' + RosebelPixelClass3(row_index + 1).name, # Account for na class in enum 'pixel prediction accuracy: %.2f%%' % (value * 100 / sum(confusion_matrix[row_index]))) # Print out incorrectness for col_index in range(confusion_matrix.shape[1]): if row_index != col_index: value = confusion_matrix[row_index][col_index] print( RosebelPixelClass3(row_index + 1).name, 'pixels mis-predicted as', RosebelPixelClass3(col_index + 1).name + ': %.2f%%' % (value * 100 / sum(confusion_matrix[row_index])))
def experiment_original_single_model_lr(result_folder, gt, image_width, enum, data_frame, error_discover=False, save_directory=None): print("Single Model LR Experiment") # Generate train, test sets print("Generating train-test split") util.start_timer() data_frame_labels = np.transpose(data_frame)[-1] data_frame_features_with_pixel_index = np.delete(data_frame, -1, axis=1) x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( data_frame_features_with_pixel_index, data_frame_labels, test_size=0.33) util.end_timer_print_duration() # SCALING x_train_scaled, x_test_scaled, fitted_scaler = scale_but_ignore_index_column( x_train, x_test, StandardScaler) # x_train_scaled = x_train # x_test_scaled = x_test x_train_scaled_no_index = np.delete(x_train_scaled, 0, axis=1) x_test_scaled_no_index = np.delete(x_test_scaled, 0, axis=1) # Fit one LR model print("Fitting Logistic Regression Model with Training Data") util.start_timer() lr_model = LogisticRegression(multi_class='ovr', solver='liblinear'), y_train) util.end_timer_print_duration() # Evaluate model print("Evaluating Logistic Regression Model with Test Data") util.start_timer() accuracy_score = lr_model.score(x_test_scaled_no_index, y_test) test_predictions = lr_model.predict(x_test_scaled_no_index) confusion_matrix = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, test_predictions) util.end_timer_print_duration() # Summarize Results print("\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n" + "CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY" + "\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n") util.print_train_test_pixel_summary(y_train, y_test, RosebelPixelClass3) print("Accuracy:\n" + str(accuracy_score)) print("\nConfusion Matrix:\n", confusion_matrix) util.print_translate_confusion_matrix(confusion_matrix, RosebelPixelClass3, lambda x: x + 1) # Error Discovery if error_discover: print("\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n", "ERROR DISCOVERY", "\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n") util.print_error_discovery(confusion_matrix, enum, lr_model, x_test_scaled, y_test, gt, image_width) # Model Persistence TODO pipeline the scaler and predictor into a single estimator if save_directory is not None: joblib.dump(lr_model, save_directory + "/lr_model.joblib") joblib.dump(fitted_scaler, save_directory + "/std_scaler.joblib")
print("\tCollated data frame shape: " + str(data_frame_collated.shape)) # exit() # Train LR/RF model np.random.shuffle(data_frame_collated) data_frame_labels = np.transpose(data_frame_collated)[-1] data_frame_features_with_pixel_index = np.delete(data_frame_collated, -1, axis=1) x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( data_frame_features_with_pixel_index, data_frame_labels, test_size=0.33) x_train_scaled, x_test_scaled, fitted_scaler = m.scale_but_ignore_index_column(x_train, x_test, StandardScaler) x_train_scaled_no_index = np.delete(x_train_scaled, 0, axis=1) x_test_scaled_no_index = np.delete(x_test_scaled, 0, axis=1) x_train_no_index = np.delete(x_train, 0, axis=1) x_test_no_index = np.delete(x_test, 0, axis=1) util.start_timer() # print("Fitting Logistic Regression Model with Training Data") # lr_model = LogisticRegression(multi_class='ovr', solver='liblinear') #, y_train) print("Fitting Random Forest Model with Training Data") rf_model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=50, max_depth=50, min_samples_leaf=22), y_train) util.end_timer_print_duration() # # Evaluate model # print("Evaluating Logistic Regression Model with Test Data") # util.start_timer() # accuracy_score = lr_model.score(x_test_scaled_no_index, y_test) # test_predictions = lr_model.predict(x_test_scaled_no_index) # confusion_matrix = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, test_predictions) # util.end_timer_print_duration()