def go_deep(self, curr_node, level, parent=None): ''' Deepness ''' for left, right in curr_node.items(): tmp_node = Node(left, level + 1, parent, self.DEBUG) if (parent is not None): parent.addChild(tmp_node) else: self.root_node = tmp_node if (type(right) == dict): self.go_deep(right, level + 1, tmp_node) else: parent.addChild(Node(right, level + 2, tmp_node, self.DEBUG))
def initialise_heap(self): """Initialises a heap of Nodes of length self.max_size * 4 + 1""" heap = np.array([ Node( self.default_key_to_use, tuple([None for _ in range(self.dimension_of_value_attribute)])) for _ in range(self.max_size * 4 + 1) ]) # We don't use the 0th element in a heap so we want it to have infinite value so it is never swapped with a lower node heap[0] = Node(float("inf"), (None, None, None, None, None)) return heap
def add(self, val): """链表头部添加元素 :param val: 要保存的具体数据 """ node = Node(val) = self.__head self.__head = node
def initialise_deque(self): """Initialises a queue of Nodes of length self.max_size""" deque = np.array([ Node( 0, tuple([None for _ in range(self.dimension_of_value_attribute)])) for _ in range(self.max_size) ]) return deque
def depth_first_search(self, head, visited): if not head: return None, visited if head in visited: return visited[head], visited new_node = Node(head.val) visited[head] = new_node, visited = self.depth_first_search(, visited) new_node.random, visited = self.depth_first_search( head.random, visited) return new_node, visited
def __init__(self, node=None, *args, **kwargs): self._head = 1 if node is None: self.__head = node else: self.__head = Node(node) for arg in args: self.append(arg) if kwargs.values() is not None: for kwarg in kwargs: self.append(kwargs[kwarg])
def append(self, val): """链表尾部添加元素""" node = Node(val) # 如果链表为空,需要特殊处理 if self.is_empty(): self.__head = node else: cur = self.__head while is not None: cur = # 退出循环的时候,cur指向的尾结点 = node
def tree_for_adv_search(): a1 = Node(infinity, create_leafs([3, 12, 8])) a2 = Node(infinity, create_leafs([2, 4, 6])) a3 = Node(infinity, create_leafs([14, 5, 2])) parent = Node(infinity, [a1, a2, a3]) print('number of nodes: {}'.format( return parent
def ComplicatedLinkList(value_2d_lst): """ :param value_2d_lst: :return: """ if not value_2d_lst: return None node_lst = [Node(value) for value, _ in value_2d_lst] for idx, [_, random] in enumerate(value_2d_lst): node_lst[idx].next = node_lst[ idx + 1] if idx is not len(node_lst) - 1 else None node_lst[idx].random = node_lst[random] if random != 'null' else None return node_lst[0]
def insert(self, pos, val): """指定位置添加元素""" # 在头部添加元素 if pos <= 0: self.add(val) # 在尾部添加元素 elif pos >= self.length(): self.append(val) else: cur = self.__head count = 0 while count < (pos - 1): count += 1 cur = # 退出循环的时候,cur指向pos的前一个位置 node = Node(val) = = node
def austria_graph(): def create_child(node): return {'node': node, 'color': None} wa = create_child(Node("WA")) nt = create_child(Node("NT")) sa = create_child(Node("SA")) q = create_child(Node('Q')) nsw = create_child(Node('NSW')) v = create_child(Node('V')) wa['node'].add_children([ nt, sa ]) sa['node'].add_children([ wa, nt, q, nsw, v ]) nt['node'].add_children([ wa, sa, q ]) q['node'].add_children([ nt, sa, nsw ]) nsw['node'].add_children([ q, sa, v ]) v['node'].add_children([ nsw, sa ]) return wa
def letterTree(): a1 = Node('B', create_leafs(['C', 'D', 'E'], 3), 2) a2 = Node('F', create_leafs(['G', 'H', 'I'], 3), 2) a3 = Node('J', create_leafs(['K', 'L', 'M'], 3), 2) parent = Node('A', [a1, a2, a3], 1) return parent
def letterGraph(): a = Node('A') b = Node('B') c = Node('C') d = Node('D') c = Node('C') e = Node('E') f = Node('F') g = Node('G') a.add_children([b, c]) b.add_children([a, d, e]) c.add_children([a, d]) d.add_children([b, c, e, g, f]) e.add_children([b, d, g]) f.add_children([d, g]) g.add_children([e, d, f]) return a
def mapGraphWithCost(): def create_node_with_cost(node, distance): return {'node': node, 'distance': distance, 'cost': infinity} arad = Node('Arad') sibiu = Node('Sibiu') timisoara = Node('Timisoara') zerind = Node('Zerind') fagaras = Node('Fagaras') oradea = Node('Oradea') rimniicu_vilcea = Node('Rimniicu Vilcea') lugoj = Node('Lugoj') bucharest = Node('Bucharest') pitesti = Node('Pitesti') craiova = Node('Craiova') mehadia = Node('Mehadia') urzieni = Node('Urzieni') drobeta = Node('Drobeta') hirsova = Node('Hirsova') vaslui = Node('Vaslui') iasi = Node('Iasi') arad.add_children([ create_node_with_cost(sibiu, 140), create_node_with_cost(timisoara, 118), create_node_with_cost(zerind, 75) ]) sibiu.add_children([ create_node_with_cost(arad, 140), create_node_with_cost(fagaras, 99), create_node_with_cost(oradea, 151), create_node_with_cost(rimniicu_vilcea, 80) ]) timisoara.add_children( [create_node_with_cost(arad, 118), create_node_with_cost(lugoj, 111)]) zerind.add_children( [create_node_with_cost(arad, 75), create_node_with_cost(oradea, 71)]) fagaras.add_children([ create_node_with_cost(sibiu, 99), create_node_with_cost(bucharest, 211) ]) oradea.add_children( [create_node_with_cost(zerind, 71), create_node_with_cost(sibiu, 151)]) rimniicu_vilcea.add_children([ create_node_with_cost(sibiu, 80), create_node_with_cost(pitesti, 97), create_node_with_cost(craiova, 146) ]) lugoj.add_children([ create_node_with_cost(timisoara, 111), create_node_with_cost(mehadia, 70) ]) bucharest.add_children([ create_node_with_cost(fagaras, 211), create_node_with_cost(pitesti, 101), create_node_with_cost(Node('Giurgiu', bucharest), 90), # Leaf Node create_node_with_cost(urzieni, 85) ]) pitesti.add_children([ create_node_with_cost(rimniicu_vilcea, 97), create_node_with_cost(craiova, 138), create_node_with_cost(bucharest, 101) ]) craiova.add_children([ create_node_with_cost(pitesti, 138), create_node_with_cost(rimniicu_vilcea, 146), create_node_with_cost(drobeta, 120) ]) mehadia.add_children( [create_node_with_cost(lugoj, 70), create_node_with_cost(drobeta, 75)]) urzieni.add_children([ create_node_with_cost(hirsova, 98), create_node_with_cost(vaslui, 142), create_node_with_cost(bucharest, 85) ]) drobeta.add_children([ create_node_with_cost(mehadia, 75), create_node_with_cost(craiova, 120) ]) hirsova.add_children([ create_node_with_cost(Node('Eforie', [hirsova]), 86), create_node_with_cost(urzieni, 98) ]) vaslui.add_children( [create_node_with_cost(urzieni, 142), create_node_with_cost(iasi, 92)]) iasi.add_children([ create_node_with_cost(vaslui, 92), create_node_with_cost(Node('Neamt', [iasi]), 87) ]) return arad