def __init__(self, model, datagen, config, tester): self.model = model self.config = config self.datagen = datagen self.tester = tester self.visualizer = Visualizer(config, 'train') self.storage_client = dl.Storage()
def __init__(self, classifier): self.classifier = classifier self.visualizer = Visualizer() self.test = ClassificationTest(self.classifier.dataset, self.classifier) self.loss_interval = 0 self.print_loss = False self.precision_interval = 0 self.print_precision = False self.trainset_precision_interval = 0 self.print_trainset_precision = False
def visualize_region_growing(pc): """ Visualization of region growing on a given set of points """ pc_sub = pc[np.isin(pc[:, -1], [0, 1, 4]), :] pc_stem = pc[np.isin(pc[:, -1], [2, 5])] points, colors = pc_sub[:, :3], pc_sub[:, 3:6] # region growing # curvatures, normals = estimate_curvature_and_normals(points, n_neighbors=50) cluster_mask = region_growing(points, pc_sub[:, 6:9], pc_sub[:, 9:10], min_points=1000) # visualize clusters vis = Visualizer(background_color=(1, 1, 1)) # color each region in a random color colors = np.empty_like(points) for i in np.unique(cluster_mask): colors[(cluster_mask==i), :] = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=3) # vis.add_by_features(points[(cluster_mask==i)], colors[(cluster_mask==i)]) # ignore outliers colors[(cluster_mask==-1), :] = 1 vis.add_by_features(points, colors) vis.n -= 1 vis.add_by_features(pc_stem[:, :3], np.zeros_like(pc_stem[:, :3]))
def visualize_pointcloud_breeding(pc): # get normals and curvature normals, curvature = pc[:, 6:9], pc[:, 9] # augment from each point points = pc[:, :3] # generate one vector on each plane spanned by a # point and its normal in the pointcloud r = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=points.shape) n = np.cross(normals, r) n /= np.linalg.norm(n, axis=-1, keepdims=True) # create new points d = curvature / curvature.max() * 1e-2 new_points = points + n * d.reshape(-1, 1) # find the nearest neighbors of each new point tree = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=5, algorithm='ball_tree', n_jobs=-1).fit(points) nearest_idx = tree.kneighbors(new_points, return_distance=False) # interpolate color from the n nearest points colors = pc[nearest_idx, 3:6].mean(axis=1) # stack all together full_points = np.concatenate((points, new_points), axis=0) full_colors = np.concatenate((pc[:, 3:6], colors), axis=0) # show vis = Visualizer() vis.add_by_features(points, pc[:, 3:6]/255) vis.add_by_features(new_points, colors/255) vis.add_by_features(full_points, full_colors/255)
class ClassificationTrainer: def __init__(self, classifier): self.classifier = classifier self.visualizer = Visualizer() self.test = ClassificationTest(self.classifier.dataset, self.classifier) self.loss_interval = 0 self.print_loss = False self.precision_interval = 0 self.print_precision = False self.trainset_precision_interval = 0 self.print_trainset_precision = False # decide how often loss should be logged, and if it should be printed to console def enable_loss(self, interval=1, print=False): self.loss_interval = interval self.print_loss = print # decide how often precision should be logged, and if it should be printed to console def enable_precision(self, interval=5, print=False): self.precision_interval = interval self.print_precision = print # decide how often loss shall be should, and if it should be printed to console def enable_trainset_precision(self, interval=10, print=False): self.trainset_precision_interval = interval self.print_trainset_precision = print # trains the classifier and prints info as configured def train(self, epochs=10): for _ in range(epochs): loss = self.classifier.train_epoch() epoch = self.classifier.epoch if self.loss_interval != 0: if epoch % self.loss_interval == 0: self.visualizer.add_loss(epoch, loss) if self.print_loss: print("[" + str(epoch) + "] " + "Loss: " + str(loss)) if self.precision_interval != 0: if epoch % self.precision_interval == 0: precision = self.test.test() self.visualizer.add_prec(epoch, precision) if self.print_precision: print("[" + str(epoch) + "] " + "Precision: " + str(precision)) if self.trainset_precision_interval != 0: if epoch % self.trainset_precision_interval == 0: trainset_precision = self.test.test_trainset() self.visualizer.add_train_prec(epoch, trainset_precision) if self.print_trainset_precision: print("[" + str(epoch) + "] " + "Trainset Precision: " + str(trainset_precision)) # shows a diagram of the training progress def show(self):
def __init__(self, config, model_path): # initialize visualizer Visualizer.__init__(self, background_color=(1, 1, 1)) # save configurations self.class_bins = OrderedDict(config['data']['classes']) self.classes = list(self.class_bins.keys()) # get features used by model self.features = config['data']['features'] feature_dim = config['data']['feature_dim'] # create model self.model = Model_SEG(K=len(self.classes), feat_dim=feature_dim) # load parameters self.model.load_encoder(os.path.join(model_path, 'encoder.model')) self.model.load_segmentater( os.path.join(model_path, 'segmentater.model')) # evaluate model self.model.eval()
def basic_visualization(pc): # get points and colors points = raw[:, :3] colors = raw[:, 3:6] / 255 # get label-colors y = raw[:, -1:] classes = list(class2color.keys()) get_color = lambda i: class2color[classes[int(i)]] label_colors = np.apply_along_axis(get_color, axis=-1, arr=y.reshape(-1, 1)) # visualize vis = Visualizer(background_color=(1, 1, 1)) vis.add_by_features(points, colors) vis.add_by_features(points, label_colors)
def __init__(self, config, model_path): # initialize visualizer Visualizer.__init__(self, background_color=(1, 1, 1)) # data preparation self.align_pointclouds = config['preparation']['align_pointclouds'] # get classes predicted by model self.hierarchical_classes = [ OrderedDict(classes) for classes in config['data']['hierarchy_classes'] ] K = len(self.hierarchical_classes[0]) # get features and feature dimension self.features = config['data']['features'] feat_dim = config['data']['feature_dim'] # create model self.model = Model_SEG(K=K, feat_dim=feat_dim) # load parameters self.model.load_encoder(os.path.join(model_path, "encoder.model")) self.model.load_segmentater( os.path.join(model_path, "segmentater.model")) # evaluate self.model.eval()
def voxel_down_sample_octree(pc, n_points): points = pc[:, :3] print(points.shape[0]) voxels = group_points_by_octree(points, 1_000) vis = Visualizer(background_color=(1, 1, 1)) colors = np.empty_like(points) for vox in voxels: colors[vox, :] = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=3) vis.add_by_features(points, colors) samples_points = [] # get the number of points selected from each voxel weights = np.asarray([len(voxel)/points.shape[0] for voxel in voxels]) points_per_voxel = np.ceil(weights * n_points).astype(np.int32) # select random points from each voxel and add to list idx = sum([sample(list(v), min(n, len(v))) for v, n in zip(voxels, points_per_voxel)], []) vis.add_by_features(points[idx, :], colors[idx, :])
def visualize_graph_partition(points, k=-1): """ Separate visualization of k normalized clusters created by region growing algorithm where the colors show the best partition of the nearest neighbor graph in each cluster """ # import graph and partition import networkx as nx import community # region growing curvatures, normals = estimate_curvature_and_normals(points, n_neighbors=50) cluster_mask = region_growing(points, normals, curvatures, min_points=100) # get cluster indices of interest ignoreing outliers cluster_idx = np.unique(cluster_mask) cluster_idx = cluster_idx[(cluster_idx!=-1)] cluster_idx = cluster_idx[:k] if k > -1 else cluster_idx # create visualizer vis = Visualizer(background=(1, 1, 1)) # visualize each cluster for i in cluster_idx: # get points of current cluster cluster = normalize_pc(points[(cluster_mask==i)]) # build ajacency matrix for neighbor graph tree = NearestNeighbors(algorithm='ball_tree', radius=0.03, n_jobs=-1).fit(cluster) graph_matrix = tree.radius_neighbors_graph(cluster, mode='distance') # build graph from sparse adjacency matrix and compute best partition G = nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(graph_matrix) partition = community.best_partition(G) # color each partition in a random color community_colors, colors = {}, np.empty_like(cluster) for i, c in partition.items(): # get random color if c not in community_colors: community_colors[c] = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=3) # set color colors[i, :] = community_colors[c] # add to visualizer vis.add_by_features(cluster, colors) # show
def visualize_aligned_region_growing_and_breeding_clusters(pc, k=-1): """ Separate visualization of k normalized, aligned and breeded clusters created by region growing algorithm """ # region growing points, curvatures, normals = pc[:, :3], pc[:, 9], pc[:, 6:9] cluster_mask = region_growing(points, normals, curvatures, min_points=1000) # get cluster indices of interest ignoreing outliers cluster_idx = np.unique(cluster_mask) cluster_idx = cluster_idx[(cluster_idx!=-1)] cluster_idx = cluster_idx[:k] if k > -1 else cluster_idx # create visualizer vis = Visualizer() # visualize each cluster for i in cluster_idx: # get points of current cluster mask = (cluster_mask==i) cluster = points[mask] # make colors from classes get_color = lambda i: list(class2color.values())[int(i)] colors = np.apply_along_axis(get_color, axis=-1, arr=pc[mask, -1:]) # principle component anaylsis pca = PCA(n_components=1).fit(cluster) # print(i, pca.explained_variance_, pca.explained_variance_ratio_) a = pca.components_[0].reshape(-1, 1) a /= np.linalg.norm(a) # priciple component must show away from origin such that the aligned custer/pointcloud is not upside down mean = cluster.mean(axis=0).reshape(-1, 1) b = mean / np.linalg.norm(mean) # compute angle between principle component and position of pointcloud and inverse direction if needed a *= 1 if (a.T @ b < 0) else -1 # create rotation matrix to align principle component to (0, 1, 0) c = a + np.asarray([0, 1, 0]).reshape(-1, 1) # b = (0, 1, 0).T R = 2 * (c @ c.T) / (c.T @ c) - np.eye(3) # rotate points rotated_points = cluster @ R.T # normalize points rotated_points = normalize_pc(rotated_points) # get normals and curvature of current cluster cur_normals, cur_curvature = normals[mask], curvatures[mask] l = max(ceil(10_000/cluster.shape[0]) - 1, 0) # generate one vector on each plane spanned by a # point and its normal in the pointcloud r = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(cluster.shape[0] * l, 3)) n = np.cross(cur_normals.repeat(l, axis=0), r) n /= np.linalg.norm(n, axis=-1, keepdims=True) # create new points d = np.random.uniform(-5e-2, 5e-2, size=n.shape[0]) new_points = rotated_points.repeat(l, axis=0) + n * d.reshape(-1, 1) # stack points together all_points = np.concatenate((rotated_points, new_points), axis=0) all_colors = colors.repeat(l+1, axis=0) # visualize vis.add_by_features(rotated_points, colors/255, normalize=False) vis.add_by_features(all_points, all_colors/255, normalize=False) # increase distance between pointclouds vis.n += 1
class Trainer(): def __init__(self, model, datagen, config, tester): self.model = model self.config = config self.datagen = datagen self.tester = tester self.visualizer = Visualizer(config, 'train') self.storage_client = dl.Storage() def plotGraphs(self, folder, results): for result in results: epoch_list = list(range(1, len(results[result]) + 1)) new_list = [float(x) for x in results[result]] plt.plot(epoch_list, new_list) # print('result :', result) # print('results[result]:',results[result]) plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.ylabel(result) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, result + '.png')) self.storage_client.set_file(self.config.exp_name + "_trainviz_" + result, os.path.join(folder, result + '.png'), storage_type='data') plt.close() plt.clf() def train(self): accumulated_results = dict() for cur_epoch in range(self.config.num_epochs): # print() # print() # print() # print('Epoch ',cur_epoch) # print(' -------------------------------') results_epoch = self.train_epoch(cur_epoch) if (not (self.tester is None)): self.tester.test(cur_epoch) for current_result in results_epoch: if current_result in accumulated_results: accumulated_results[current_result].append( results_epoch[current_result]) else: accumulated_results[current_result] = [ results_epoch[current_result] ] self.plotGraphs(self.config.summary_dir, accumulated_results) def train_one_epoch(self, accumulated_results, cur_epoch): results_epoch = self.train_epoch(cur_epoch) for current_result in results_epoch: if current_result in accumulated_results: accumulated_results[current_result].append( str(results_epoch[current_result])) else: accumulated_results[current_result] = [ str(results_epoch[current_result]) ] self.plotGraphs(self.config.summary_dir, accumulated_results) return accumulated_results def train_epoch(self, cur_epoch): num_steps = self.datagen.get_num_batches() accumulated_results = dict() start_time_epoch = time.time() fo = open('/tmp/step.txt', 'w') fo.close() for i in range(num_steps): start_time = time.time() results_step, data_batch = self.train_step(i) if ((((i + 1) % self.config.step_result_print_frequency) == 0)): # print(' Step : ',i+1 , " of total : ",num_steps) fo = open('/tmp/step.txt', 'w') fo.write('\nStep : ' + str(i + 1) + ", epoch : " + str(cur_epoch)) # fo.close() # self.storage_client.set_file(self.config.exp_name+'_steplog','/tmp/step.txt', storage_type='data') for current_result in results_step: if current_result in accumulated_results: accumulated_results[current_result].append( results_step[current_result]) else: accumulated_results[current_result] = [ results_step[current_result] ] # if ( (((i+1)%self.config.step_result_print_frequency)==0) ): # print(current_result, " : ", results_step[current_result]) if ((i % self.config.visualization_frequency) == 0): start_t = time.time() order = data_batch['order'] type_list = data_batch['type_list'] self.visualizer.Visualize(data_batch, order, type_list, cur_epoch, accumulate=False) shutil.make_archive(self.config.exp_name + "_viz", 'zip', self.config.visualization_dir) self.storage_client.set_file(self.config.exp_name + "_viz", self.config.exp_name + "", storage_type='data') emptyInsideFolder(self.config.visualization_dir) # print('viz time : ',time.time()-start_t) sys.stdout.flush() if ((((i + 1) % self.config.step_result_print_frequency) == 0)): # fo = open('/tmp/step.txt','a+') fo.write('\nstep took : ' + str(time.time() - start_time)) hdd = psutil.disk_usage('/home/') fo.write("\nTotal: " + str( * 1.0 / (2**30)) + " GiB") fo.write("\nUsed: " + str(hdd.used * 1.0 / (2**30)) + " GiB") fo.write("\nFree: " + str( * 1.0 / (2**30)) + " GiB") hdd = psutil.disk_usage('/') fo.write("\nTotal: " + str( * 1.0 / (2**30)) + " GiB") fo.write("\nUsed: " + str(hdd.used * 1.0 / (2**30)) + " GiB") fo.write("\nFree: " + str( * 1.0 / (2**30)) + " GiB") fo.close() self.storage_client.set_file(self.config.exp_name + '_steplog', '/tmp/step.txt', storage_type='data') os.remove('/tmp/step.txt') # print('step took : ',time.time()-start_time) # print('Overall train results of epoch ',cur_epoch,' : ') for current_result in accumulated_results: accumulated_results[current_result] = np.mean( accumulated_results[current_result]) # print(current_result,' : ',accumulated_results[current_result]) if (((cur_epoch % self.config.model_save_frequency) == 0)): # print('saving') self.visualizer.reset() # print('epoch took : ',time.time()-start_time_epoch) # print('-------------------------------') return accumulated_results def train_step(self, cur_step): start_time = time.time() data_train_step = self.datagen.get_batch() data_time = time.time() # print('data_time ',data_time-start_time) results_step, data_batch = self.model.run_batch( data_train_step, "train", cur_step) run_time = time.time() # print('run_time',run_time-data_time) return results_step, data_batch
class Tester(): def __init__(self, model, datagen, config): self.model = model self.config = config self.datagen = datagen self.visualizer = Visualizer(config, 'test') def test(self, cur_epoch): accumulated_results = dict() print() print() print() print('Testing now') print('Epoch ', cur_epoch) print(' -------------------------------') results_epoch = self.test_epoch(cur_epoch) for current_result in results_epoch: if current_result in accumulated_results: accumulated_results[current_result].append( results_epoch[current_result]) else: accumulated_results[current_result] = [ results_epoch[current_result] ] plotGraphs(self.config.summary_dir, accumulated_results) def test_epoch(self, cur_epoch): num_steps = self.datagen.get_num_batches() accumulated_results = dict() start_time_epoch = time.time() for i in range(num_steps): start_time = time.time() results_step, data_batch = self.test_step(i) if ((((i + 1) % self.config.step_result_print_frequency) == 0)): print(' Step : ', i + 1, " of total : ", num_steps) for current_result in results_step: if current_result in accumulated_results: accumulated_results[current_result].append( results_step[current_result]) else: accumulated_results[current_result] = [ results_step[current_result] ] if ((((i + 1) % self.config.step_result_print_frequency) == 0)): print(current_result, " : ", results_step[current_result]) if ((i % self.config.visualization_frequency) == 0): start_t = time.time() order = data_batch['order'] type_list = data_batch['type_list'] self.visualizer.Visualize(data_batch, order, type_list, cur_epoch, accumulate=True) sys.stdout.flush() if ((((i + 1) % self.config.step_result_print_frequency) == 0)): print('step took : ', time.time() - start_time) print('Overall test results of epoch ', cur_epoch, ' : ') for current_result in accumulated_results: accumulated_results[current_result] = np.mean( accumulated_results[current_result]) print(current_result, ' : ', accumulated_results[current_result]) self.visualizer.reset() print('test took : ', time.time() - start_time_epoch) print('-------------------------------') return accumulated_results def test_step(self, cur_step): start_time = time.time() data_train_step = self.datagen.get_batch() data_time = time.time() # print('data_time ',data_time-start_time) results_step, data_batch = self.model.run_batch( data_train_step, "test", cur_step) run_time = time.time() # print('run_time',run_time-data_time) return results_step, data_batch
def __init__(self, model, datagen, config): self.model = model self.config = config self.datagen = datagen self.visualizer = Visualizer(config, 'test')
def __init__(self, args): super(ActorLearner, self).__init__() self.summ_base_dir = args.summ_base_dir self.local_step = 0 self.global_step = args.global_step self.local_episode = 0 self.last_saving_step = 0 self.filename = str("_"+str(args.alg_type)+"_"+str(args.actor_id)+"_minimize_local" self.saver = None self.actor_id = args.actor_id self.visdom = args.visdom # launch python -m visdom.server self.vis = Visualizer(self.actor_id,self.visdom,args.num_actions) ## default port is 8098 http://localhost:8097. actor_id self.alg_type = args.alg_type #print("self.alg.type is: {}".format(self.alg_type)) self.use_monitor = args.use_monitor self.max_local_steps = args.max_local_steps self.optimizer_type = args.opt_type self.optimizer_mode = args.opt_mode self.num_actions = args.num_actions self.initial_lr = args.initial_lr self.lr_annealing_steps = args.lr_annealing_steps self.num_actor_learners = args.num_actor_learners self.is_train = args.is_train self.input_shape = args.input_shape self.reward_clip_val = args.reward_clip_val self.q_update_interval = args.q_update_interval self.restore_checkpoint = args.restore_checkpoint self.random_seed = args.random_seed # Shared mem vars if self.alg_type != "AE": self.learning_vars = args.learning_vars else: self.learning_vars_lower = args.learning_vars_lower self.learning_vars_upper = args.learning_vars_upper if self.optimizer_mode == 'local': if self.alg_type != "AE": if self.optimizer_type == 'rmsprop': self.opt_st = np.ones(self.learning_vars.size, dtype=ctypes.c_float) else: self.opt_st = np.zeros(self.learning_vars.size, dtype=ctypes.c_float) else: if self.optimizer_type == 'rmsprop': self.opt_st = np.ones(self.learning_vars_lower.size, dtype=ctypes.c_float) else: self.opt_st = np.zeros(self.learning_vars_lower.size, dtype=ctypes.c_float) elif self.optimizer_mode == 'shared': self.opt_st = args.opt_state_lower # rmsprop/momentum self.alpha = args.momentum # adam self.b1 = args.b1 self.b2 = args.b2 self.e = args.e if args.env == 'GYM': from environments.atari_environment import AtariEnvironment self.emulator = AtariEnvironment(, self.random_seed, args.visualize, use_rgb=args.use_rgb, frame_skip=args.frame_skip, agent_history_length=args.history_length, max_episode_steps=args.max_episode_steps, single_life_episodes=args.single_life_episodes, ) elif args.env == 'ALE': from environments.emulator import Emulator self.emulator = Emulator( args.rom_path,, args.visualize, self.actor_id, self.random_seed, args.single_life_episodes) else: raise Exception('Invalid environment `{}`'.format(args.env)) self.grads_update_steps = args.grads_update_steps self.max_global_steps = args.max_global_steps self.gamma = args.gamma self.rescale_rewards = args.rescale_rewards self.max_achieved_reward = -float('inf') if self.rescale_rewards: self.thread_max_reward = 1.0 # Barrier to synchronize all actors after initialization is done self.barrier = args.barrier = # Initizlize Tensorboard summaries self.summary_ph, self.update_ops, self.summary_ops = self.setup_summaries() self.summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() # open log file each agent #with open(str(self.filename), 'w') as file_name: file_name = open(str(self.filename), 'w') file_name.truncate() self.opened_log_file = file_name self.wr = csv.writer(file_name, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
if AUC >= 0.75:, save_path) if __name__ == '__main__': os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = Config.gpu device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") save_dir = Config.savePath if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) if Config.isOri: in_channel = 2 else: in_channel = 1 myModel = ResNet(in_ch=in_channel, num_classes=2).to(device) myModel = torch.nn.DataParallel(myModel).cuda() optimizer = optim.Adam(myModel.parameters(), lr=Config.base_lr, weight_decay=Config.weight_decay) criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() best = {'loss': 0.0, 'save': ''} vis = Visualizer(env=Config.env) train(myModel, optimizer, criterion, Config.num_epochs, Config.batch_size)
def visualize_aligned_region_growing_clusters(pc, k=-1): """ Separate visualization of k normalized and aligned clusters created by region growing algorithm where the colors for each point come from the distances to the nearest neighbors in a given radius """ points, colors = pc[:, :3], pc[:, 3:6] # region growing curvatures, normals = estimate_curvature_and_normals(points, n_neighbors=250) cluster_mask = region_growing(points, normals, curvatures, min_points=1000) # get cluster indices of interest ignoreing outliers cluster_idx = np.unique(cluster_mask) cluster_idx = cluster_idx[(cluster_idx!=-1)] cluster_idx = cluster_idx[:k] if k > -1 else cluster_idx # create visualizer vis = Visualizer() # visualize each cluster for i in cluster_idx: # # get points of current cluster cluster = points[(cluster_mask==i)] cluster_colors = colors[(cluster_mask==i)] # # compute colors by nearest neighbors # tree = NearestNeighbors(algorithm='ball_tree', radius=0.03, n_jobs=-1).fit(normalize_pc(cluster)) # distances, _ = tree.radius_neighbors(cluster) # # compute colors from distances # colors = np.asarray([[sum(ds)] for ds in distances]) + 0.5 # colors = (colors / colors.max()).repeat(3, axis=-1) # principle component anaylsis pca = PCA(n_components=1).fit(cluster) # print(i, pca.explained_variance_, pca.explained_variance_ratio_) a = pca.components_[0].reshape(-1, 1) a /= np.linalg.norm(a) # priciple component must show away from origin such that the aligned custer/pointcloud is not upside down mean = cluster.mean(axis=0).reshape(-1, 1) b = mean / np.linalg.norm(mean) # compute angle between principle component and position of pointcloud and inverse direction if needed a *= 1 if (a.T @ b < 0) else -1 # create rotation matrix to align principle component to (0, 1, 0) c = a + np.asarray([0, 1, 0]).reshape(-1, 1) # b = (0, 1, 0).T R = 2 * (c @ c.T) / (c.T @ c) - np.eye(3) # add to visualizer # pc_orig = vis.add_by_features(cluster, colors) pc_rot = vis.add_by_features(cluster @ R.T, cluster_colors) # visualize princple components # origin_orig, origin_rot = np.asarray(pc_orig.points).mean(axis=0).reshape(-1, 1), np.asarray(pc_rot.points).mean(axis=0).reshape(-1, 1) # line_points = [a * 0.5 + origin_orig, -a * 0.5 + origin_orig, R @ a * 0.5 + origin_rot, -R @ a * 0.5 + origin_rot] # create lineset of principle components # lineset = open3d.geometry.LineSet() # lineset.points = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(line_points) # lineset.lines = open3d.utility.Vector2iVector([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) # lineset.colors = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector([(0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1)]) # add to visualizer # vis.add_geometry(lineset) # increase distance between clusters vis.n += 1
def train(**kwargs): opt.parse(kwargs) vis = Visualizer(opt.env) # step1: configure model # model = getattr(models, opt.model)() # opt.model = ResNet34 模块内的文件可以看做是它的属性 model = Mymodel(pretrained=True) model = model.model # 直接调用torchvision中的resnet34 # 预训练里面是包括最后全连接层的,所以直接调用会报错: While copying the parameter named fc.weight, whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([120, 512]) # and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([1000, 512]). # pre_model = resnet34(pretrained=True) # Linear = t.nn.Linear(1000, opt.num_classes) # model = t.nn.Sequential( # pre_model, # Linear # ) if opt.load_model_path: model.load(opt.load_model_path) if opt.use_gpu: model.cuda() # step2: data train_data = DogBreedData(opt.train_data_root, train=True) val_data = DogBreedData(opt.train_data_root, train=False) train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_data, opt.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=opt.num_workers) val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_data, opt.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=opt.num_workers) # setp3: loss and optimizer loss = t.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = t.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=opt.weight_decay) # step4: meters loss_meter = meter.AverageValueMeter() # 一个类,计算平均值,方差的 # confusion_matrix = meter.ConfusionMeter(120) previous_loss = 1e100 # train for epoch in range(opt.max_epoch): # one epoch 表示遍历整个数据集 loss_meter.reset() # confusion_matrix.reset() # loss = 0 # 损失值清零,计算每一个epoch的损失值的平均值 for ii, (data, label) in tqdm(enumerate(train_dataloader)): input = Variable(data) target = Variable(label.type(t.LongTensor)) if opt.use_gpu: input = input.cuda() target = target.cuda() # 梯度清零 optimizer.zero_grad() # 前向传播 score = model(input) # 计算交叉熵损失 loss = loss( score, target ) # loss = t.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(_WeightedLoss)也是Module类,这里是forward()函数 # 反向传播,梯度下降 loss.backward() optimizer.step() # loss update and visualize # 两种方法对比以下。。 loss_meter.add([0]) # def value(self): return self.mean, self.std # confusion_matrix.add(, # 更新loss #[0] += previous_loss # loss_old =[0] # loss_mean = loss_old/float(ii) if ii % opt.print_freq == opt.print_freq - 1: # vis.plot('loss', loss_mean) vis.plot('loss', loss_meter.value()[0]) # validate and visualize # val_cm, val_accuracy = val(model, val_dataloader) # vis.plot('val_accuracy', val_accuracy) # vis.log("epoch:{epoch},lr:{lr},loss:{loss},train_cm:{train_cm},val_cm:{val_cm}".format( # epoch=epoch, loss=loss_meter.value()[0], val_cm=str(val_cm.value()), # train_cm=str(confusion_matrix.value()), # update learning rate if loss_meter.value()[0] > previous_loss: lr = * opt.lr_decay # 第二种降低学习率的方法:不会有moment等信息的丢失 for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr previous_loss = loss_meter.value()[0]
def voxel_down_sample_random(pc, voxel_grid_size=0.2, n_points=35_000): # get points points = pc[:, :3] colors = np.ones_like(points) # get boundings of points max_ = np.max(points, axis=0) min_ = np.min(points, axis=0) # move bounding box anchor to origin bbox = max_ - min_ # compute number of voxels in each dimesion n_voxels = np.ceil(bbox/voxel_grid_size).astype(np.int32) voxel_points = [] # loop over all voxels for index in tqdm(np.ndindex(*n_voxels), total=np.product(n_voxels)): # build anchors of current voxels anchorA = np.asarray(index) * voxel_grid_size + min_ anchorB = anchorA + voxel_grid_size # get points in current voxel point_idx = get_points_in_bbox(points, anchorA, anchorB) if len(point_idx) > 0: voxel_points.append(point_idx) sampled_point_idx = [] # compute weight of first voxel weights = np.asarray([len(idx) / points.shape[0] for idx in voxel_points]) # weights = 1 - np.asarray([len(idx) / points.shape[0] for idx in voxel_points]) # weight = weights[0] / np.sum(weights) # sample random points from each voxel for i, idx in enumerate(voxel_points): # get number of points to sample from current voxel n_points_from_current = min(ceil(weights[i] * n_points), len(idx)) # sample points random sampled_point_idx += sample(list(idx), n_points_from_current) # if i+1 < len(voxel_points): # # update weight # weights = 1 - np.asarray([len(idx) / (points.shape[0] - len(sampled_point_idx)) for idx in voxel_points[i+1:]]) # weight = weights[0] / np.sum(weights) # color points of current voxel colors[idx] = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=3) print(len(sampled_point_idx), n_points, n_voxels) # get sampled points sampled_point_idx = sample(sampled_point_idx, n_points) sampled_points = points[sampled_point_idx, :] sampled_colors = colors[sampled_point_idx, :] random_point_idx = sample(range(points.shape[0]), n_points) random_points = points[random_point_idx, :] random_colors = colors[random_point_idx, :] # visualize vis = Visualizer(background_color=(1, 1, 1)) vis.add_by_features(points, colors) # vis.add_by_features(random_points, random_colors) vis.add_by_features(sampled_points, sampled_colors)
def train(**kwargs): opt.parse(kwargs) vis = Visualizer(opt.env) # step1: configure model # model = getattr(models, opt.model)() # opt.model = ResNet34 模块内的文件可以看做是它的属性 model = Mymodel(pretrained=True) model = model.model # 直接调用torchvision中的resnet34 # 预训练里面是包括最后全连接层的,所以直接调用会报错: While copying the parameter named fc.weight, whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([120, 512]) # and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([1000, 512]). # pre_model = resnet34(pretrained=True) # Linear = t.nn.Linear(1000, opt.num_classes) # model = t.nn.Sequential( # pre_model, # Linear # ) if opt.load_model_path: model.load(opt.load_model_path) if opt.use_gpu: model.cuda() # step2: data train_data = DogBreedData(opt.train_data_root, train=True) val_data = DogBreedData(opt.train_data_root, train=False) train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_data, opt.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=opt.num_workers) val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_data, opt.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=opt.num_workers) # setp3: loss and optimizer loss = t.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = t.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=opt.weight_decay) # step4: meters loss_meter = meter.AverageValueMeter() # 一个类,计算平均值,方差的 # confusion_matrix = meter.ConfusionMeter(120) previous_loss = 1e100 # train for epoch in range(opt.max_epoch): # one epoch 表示遍历整个数据集 loss_meter.reset() # confusion_matrix.reset() # loss = 0 # 损失值清零,计算每一个epoch的损失值的平均值 for ii,(data, label) in tqdm(enumerate(train_dataloader)): input = Variable(data) target = Variable(label.type(t.LongTensor)) if opt.use_gpu: input = input.cuda() target = target.cuda() # 梯度清零 optimizer.zero_grad() # 前向传播 score = model(input) # 计算交叉熵损失 loss = loss(score, target) # loss = t.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(_WeightedLoss)也是Module类,这里是forward()函数 # 反向传播,梯度下降 loss.backward() optimizer.step() # loss update and visualize # 两种方法对比以下。。 loss_meter.add([0]) # def value(self): return self.mean, self.std # confusion_matrix.add(, # 更新loss #[0] += previous_loss # loss_old =[0] # loss_mean = loss_old/float(ii) if ii%opt.print_freq == opt.print_freq-1: # vis.plot('loss', loss_mean) vis.plot('loss', loss_meter.value()[0]) # validate and visualize # val_cm, val_accuracy = val(model, val_dataloader) # vis.plot('val_accuracy', val_accuracy) # vis.log("epoch:{epoch},lr:{lr},loss:{loss},train_cm:{train_cm},val_cm:{val_cm}".format( # epoch=epoch, loss=loss_meter.value()[0], val_cm=str(val_cm.value()), # train_cm=str(confusion_matrix.value()), # update learning rate if loss_meter.value()[0] > previous_loss: lr = * opt.lr_decay # 第二种降低学习率的方法:不会有moment等信息的丢失 for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr previous_loss = loss_meter.value()[0]
def train(dataroot): #ipdb.set_trace() #============================================ #============ setup visdom ============ #============================================ vis = Visualizer(opt.trainenv) # opt.env #vis = visdom.Visdom(env='train') #============================================ #============= load model ============== #============================================ anetwork = audioNetwork().double() vnetwork = videoNetwork().double() if opt.load_amodel_path: anetwork.load(opt.load_amodel_path) if opt.load_vmodel_path: vnetwork.load(opt.load_vmodel_path) #============================================ #============ load data =============== #============================================ trainData = lipDataset(dataroot, True, False, False, opt.augment) #ipdb.set_trace() #len(trainData) trainDataLoader = DataLoader(trainData, batch_size=opt.batch_size, num_workers=opt.num_workers, shuffle=opt.shuffle, drop_last=opt.drop_last) #============================================ #====== optimizer and loss ============= #============================================ audioOptimizer = optim.SGD(anetwork.parameters(), opt.audiolr, opt.audioMomentum) videoOptimizer = optim.SGD(vnetwork.parameters(), opt.videolr, opt.videoMomentum) criterion = ContrastiveLoss() index = 1 # start training for epoch in range(opt.max_epoch): for idx, (vinput, ainput, label) in enumerate(trainDataLoader): #ipdb.set_trace() vinput = ainput = label = audioOptimizer.zero_grad() videoOptimizer.zero_grad() vfeat = vnetwork.forward(vinput) afeat = anetwork.forward(ainput) #ipdb.set_trace() loss = criterion.forward(vfeat, afeat, label) #vis.plot(idx, loss, opt.trainwin) print('loss: ', loss) loss.backward() audioOptimizer.step() videoOptimizer.step() if (idx + 1) % opt.print_freq == 0: print('---epoch---:', epoch + 1, ' loss:', loss) vis.plot(index, loss, opt.trainwin) index = index + 1 + '/anetwork' + str(epoch + 1) + '.pth') + '/vnetwork' + str(epoch + 1) + '.pth')
os.makedirs(save_dir) save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, 'state-{}-{}-AUC-{}.pth'.format(epoch + 1, i + 1,AUC)) if AUC >= 0.75:, save_path) if __name__ == '__main__': os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = Config_graph.gpu device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") save_dir = Config_graph.savePath if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) vis = Visualizer(env=Config_graph.env) adjMetrix = np.load('utils/adjMetrix.npy') adjMetrix = torch.from_numpy(adjMetrix) adjMetrix = sp.coo_matrix(adjMetrix) adjMetrix = normalize(adjMetrix + sp.eye(adjMetrix.shape[0])) adjMetrix = adjMetrix.todense() adjMetrix = torch.from_numpy(adjMetrix) adjMetrix = adjMetrix.float() adjMetrix = model = UGGAT(nfeat=Config_graph.feat_in, nhid=Config_graph.hidden, nclass=Config_graph.nclass, dropout=Config_graph.dropout, nheads=Config_graph.nb_heads,