Пример #1
def http_post_instance_scenario_action(tenant_id, instance_id):
    '''take an action over a scenario instance'''
    #check valid tenant_id
    if not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id): 
        print 'httpserver.http_post_instance_scenario_action() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
        bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id)
    #parse input data
    http_content,_ = format_in( instance_scenario_action_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, instance_scenario_action_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_post_instance_scenario_action: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    print "http_post_instance_scenario_action input: ", http_content
    #obtain data
    result, data = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
    if result < 0:
        print "http_get_instance_id error %d %s" % (-result, data)
        bottle.abort(-result, data)
    instance_id = data["uuid"]
    result, data = nfvo.instance_action(mydb, tenant_id, instance_id, http_content)
    if result < 0:
        print "http_post_scenario_action error %d: %s" % (-result, data)
        bottle.abort(-result, data)
        return format_out(data)
Пример #2
def http_post_instance_scenario_action(tenant_id, instance_id):
    """take an action over a scenario instance"""
    # check valid tenant_id
    if not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
        print "httpserver.http_post_instance_scenario_action() tenant %s not found" % tenant_id
        bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, "Tenant %s not found" % tenant_id)
    # parse input data
    http_content = format_in(instance_scenario_action_schema)
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, instance_scenario_action_schema)
    if r is not None:
        print "http_post_instance_scenario_action: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    print "http_post_instance_scenario_action input: ", http_content
    # obtain data
    result, data = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
    if result < 0:
        print "http_get_instance_id error %d %s" % (-result, data)
        bottle.abort(-result, data)

    result, data = nfvo.instance_action(mydb, tenant_id, instance_id, http_content)
    if result < 0:
        print "http_post_scenario_action error %d: %s" % (-result, data)
        bottle.abort(-result, data)
        return format_out(data)
Пример #3
def http_post_scenario_action(tenant_id, scenario_id):
    '''take an action over a scenario'''
    #check valid tenant_id
    if not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id): 
        print 'httpserver.http_post_scenario_action() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
        bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id)
    #parse input data
    http_content = format_in( scenario_action_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, scenario_action_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_post_scenario_action: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    if "start" in http_content:
        result, data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['start']['instance_name'], \
                    http_content['start'].get('datacenter') )
        if result < 0:
            print "http_post_scenario_action start error %d: %s" % (-result, data)
            bottle.abort(-result, data)
            return format_out(data)
    elif "deploy" in http_content:   #Equivalent to start
        result, data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['deploy']['instance_name'],
                    http_content['deploy'].get('datacenter') )
        if result < 0:
            print "http_post_scenario_action deploy error %d: %s" % (-result, data)
            bottle.abort(-result, data)
            return format_out(data)
    elif "reserve" in http_content:   #Reserve resources
        result, data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['reserve']['instance_name'],
                    http_content['reserve'].get('datacenter'),  startvms=False )
        if result < 0:
            print "http_post_scenario_action reserve error %d: %s" % (-result, data)
            bottle.abort(-result, data)
            return format_out(data)
    elif "verify" in http_content:   #Equivalent to start and then delete
        result, data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['verify']['instance_name'],
                    http_content['verify'].get('datacenter'), startvms=False )
        if result < 0 or result!=1:
            print "http_post_scenario_action verify error during start %d: %s" % (-result, data)
            bottle.abort(-result, data)
        instance_id = data['uuid']
        result, message = nfvo.delete_instance(mydb, tenant_id,instance_id)
        if result < 0:
            print "http_post_scenario_action verify error during start delete_instance_id %d %s" % (-result, message)
            bottle.abort(-result, message)
            #print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
            return format_out({"result":"Verify OK"})
Пример #4
def http_post_scenario_action(tenant_id, scenario_id):
    '''take an action over a scenario'''
    #check valid tenant_id
    if not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id): 
        print 'httpserver.http_post_scenario_action() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
        bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id)
    #parse input data
    http_content,_ = format_in( scenario_action_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, scenario_action_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_post_scenario_action: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    if "start" in http_content:
        result, data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['start']['instance_name'], \
                    http_content['start'].get('datacenter') )
        if result < 0:
            print "http_post_scenario_action start error %d: %s" % (-result, data)
            bottle.abort(-result, data)
            return format_out(data)
    elif "deploy" in http_content:   #Equivalent to start
        result, data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['deploy']['instance_name'],
                    http_content['deploy'].get('datacenter') )
        if result < 0:
            print "http_post_scenario_action deploy error %d: %s" % (-result, data)
            bottle.abort(-result, data)
            return format_out(data)
    elif "reserve" in http_content:   #Reserve resources
        result, data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['reserve']['instance_name'],
                    http_content['reserve'].get('datacenter'),  startvms=False )
        if result < 0:
            print "http_post_scenario_action reserve error %d: %s" % (-result, data)
            bottle.abort(-result, data)
            return format_out(data)
    elif "verify" in http_content:   #Equivalent to start and then delete
        result, data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['verify']['instance_name'],
                    http_content['verify'].get('datacenter'), startvms=False )
        if result < 0 or result!=1:
            print "http_post_scenario_action verify error during start %d: %s" % (-result, data)
            bottle.abort(-result, data)
        instance_id = data['uuid']
        result, message = nfvo.delete_instance(mydb, tenant_id,instance_id)
        if result < 0:
            print "http_post_scenario_action verify error during start delete_instance_id %d %s" % (-result, message)
            bottle.abort(-result, message)
            #print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
            return format_out({"result":"Verify OK"})
Пример #5
def http_post_datacenters():
    '''insert a tenant into the catalogue. '''
    #parse input data
    http_content = format_in( datacenter_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, datacenter_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_post_tenants: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    result, data = nfvo.new_datacenter(mydb, http_content['datacenter'])
    if result < 0:
        print "http_post_datacenters error %d %s" % (-result, data)
        bottle.abort(-result, data)
        return http_get_datacenter_id('any', data)
Пример #6
def http_post_datacenters():
    '''insert a tenant into the catalogue. '''
    #parse input data
    http_content,_ = format_in( datacenter_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, datacenter_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_post_tenants: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    result, data = nfvo.new_datacenter(mydb, http_content['datacenter'])
    if result < 0:
        print "http_post_datacenters error %d %s" % (-result, data)
        bottle.abort(-result, data)
        return http_get_datacenter_id('any', data)
Пример #7
def http_post_tenants():
    """insert a tenant into the catalogue. """
    # parse input data
    http_content = format_in(tenant_schema)
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, tenant_schema)
    if r is not None:
        print "http_post_tenants: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    result, data = nfvo.new_tenant(mydb, http_content["tenant"])
    if result < 0:
        print "http_post_tenants error %d %s" % (-result, data)
        bottle.abort(-result, data)
        return http_get_tenant_id(data)
Пример #8
def http_post_vnfs(tenant_id):
    '''insert a vnf into the catalogue. Creates the flavor and images in the VIM, and creates the VNF and its internal structure in the OPENMANO DB'''
    print "Parsing the YAML file of the VNF"
    #parse input data
    http_content = format_in( vnfd_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, vnfd_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_post_vnfs: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    result, data = nfvo.new_vnf(mydb,tenant_id,http_content)
    if result < 0:
        print "http_post_vnfs error %d %s" % (-result, data)
        bottle.abort(-result, data)
        return http_get_vnf_id(tenant_id,data)
Пример #9
def http_post_vnfs(tenant_id):
    '''insert a vnf into the catalogue. Creates the flavor and images in the VIM, and creates the VNF and its internal structure in the OPENMANO DB'''
    print "Parsing the YAML file of the VNF"
    #parse input data
    http_content, used_schema = format_in( vnfd_schema_v01, ("version",), {"v0.2": vnfd_schema_v02})
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, used_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_post_vnfs: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    result, data = nfvo.new_vnf(mydb,tenant_id,http_content)
    if result < 0:
        print "http_post_vnfs error %d %s" % (-result, data)
        bottle.abort(-result, data)
        return http_get_vnf_id(tenant_id,data)
Пример #10
def http_putnettmap_datacenter_id(tenant_id, datacenter_id, netmap_id):
    '''edit a  netmap'''
    #parse input data
    http_content,_ = format_in( netmap_edit_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, netmap_edit_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_putnettmap_datacenter_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    #obtain data, check that only one exist
    result, content = nfvo.datacenter_edit_netmap(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, netmap_id, http_content)
    if result < 0:
        print "http_putnettmap_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
        bottle.abort(-result, content)
        return http_getnetmap_datacenter_id(tenant_id, datacenter_id, netmap_id)
Пример #11
def http_edit_datacenter_id(datacenter_id):
    '''edit datacenter details, can use both uuid or name'''
    #parse input data
    http_content,_ = format_in( datacenter_edit_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, datacenter_edit_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_edit_datacenter_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    result, data = nfvo.edit_datacenter(mydb, datacenter_id, http_content['datacenter'])
    if result < 0:
        print "http_edit_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (-result, data)
        bottle.abort(-result, data)
        return http_get_datacenter_id('any', datacenter_id)
Пример #12
def http_edit_network_id(network_id_name):
    '''edit network details, can use both uuid or name'''
    #parse input data
    http_content,_ = format_in( network_edit_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, network_edit_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_edit_network_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    result, network_id = nfvo.edit_network(mydb, network_id_name, http_content['network'])
    if result < 0:
        print "http_edit_network_id error %d %s" % (-result, network_id)
        bottle.abort(-result, network_id)
        return http_get_network_id('any', network_id)
Пример #13
def http_edit_datacenter_id(datacenter_id):
    '''edit datacenter details, can use both uuid or name'''
    #parse input data
    http_content,_ = format_in( datacenter_edit_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, datacenter_edit_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_edit_datacenter_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    result, data = nfvo.edit_datacenter(mydb, datacenter_id, http_content['datacenter'])
    if result < 0:
        print "http_edit_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (-result, data)
        bottle.abort(-result, data)
        return http_get_datacenter_id('any', datacenter_id)
Пример #14
def http_ssociate_datacenters(tenant_id, datacenter_id):
    '''associate an existing datacenter to a this tenant. '''
    #parse input data
    http_content = format_in( datacenter_associate_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, datacenter_associate_schema)
    if r != None: print "http_associate_datacenters: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    result, data = nfvo.associate_datacenter_to_tenant(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, 
                                http_content['datacenter'].get('vim_tenant_name') )
    if result < 0:
        print "http_associate_datacenters error %d %s" % (-result, data)
        bottle.abort(-result, data)
        print "http_associate_datacenters data" , data 
        return http_get_datacenter_id(tenant_id, data)
Пример #15
def http_action_datacenter_id(datacenter_id):
    '''perform an action over datacenter, can use both uuid or name'''
    #parse input data
    http_content = format_in( datacenter_action_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, datacenter_action_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_action_datacenter_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    #obtain data, check that only one exist
    result, content = nfvo.datacenter_action(mydb, datacenter_id, http_content)
    if result < 0:
        print "http_action_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
        bottle.abort(-result, content)
    if 'net-update' in http_content:
        return http_getnetwork_datacenter_id(datacenter_id)
        return format_out(content)
Пример #16
def http_action_datacenter_id(tenant_id, datacenter_id):
    '''perform an action over datacenter, can use both uuid or name'''
    #parse input data
    http_content,_ = format_in( datacenter_action_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, datacenter_action_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_action_datacenter_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    #obtain data, check that only one exist
    result, content = nfvo.datacenter_action(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, http_content)
    if result < 0:
        print "http_action_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
        bottle.abort(-result, content)
    if 'net-update' in http_content:
        return http_getnetwork_datacenter_id(datacenter_id)
        return format_out(content)
Пример #17
def http_post_instances(tenant_id):
    '''take an action over a scenario'''
    #check valid tenant_id
    if not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id): 
        print 'httpserver.http_post_scenario_action() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
        bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id)
    #parse input data
    http_content,used_schema = format_in( instance_scenario_create_schema)
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, used_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_post_instances: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    result, data = nfvo.create_instance(mydb, tenant_id, http_content["instance"])
    if result < 0:
        print "http_post_instances start error %d: %s" % (-result, data)
        bottle.abort(-result, data)
        return format_out(data)
Пример #18
def http_postnetmap_datacenter_id(tenant_id, datacenter_id):
    '''creates a new netmap'''
    #parse input data
    http_content,_ = format_in( netmap_new_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, netmap_new_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_action_datacenter_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    #obtain data, check that only one exist
    result, content = nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, http_content)
    if result < 0:
        print "http_postnetmap_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
        bottle.abort(-result, content)
    af.convert_str2boolean(content, ('shared', 'multipoint') )
    print content
    data={'netmaps' : content}
    return format_out(data)
Пример #19
def http_associate_networks(tenant_id, network_id):
    '''associate an existing network to a this tenant. '''
    #parse input data
    http_content,_ = format_in( network_associate_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, network_associate_schema)
    if r != None: print "http_associate_networks: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    result, data = nfvo.associate_network_to_tenant(mydb, tenant_id, network_id, 
    if result < 0:
        print "http_associate_networks error %d %s" % (-result, data)
        bottle.abort(-result, data)
        print "http_associate_networks data" , data 
        return http_get_network_id(tenant_id, data)
Пример #20
def http_edit_datacenter_id(datacenter_id):
    '''edit datacenter details, can use both uuid or name'''
    #parse input data
    http_content = format_in( datacenter_edit_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, datacenter_edit_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_edit_datacenter_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    #obtain data, check that only one exist
    result, content = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter_id)
    if result < 0:
        print "http_edit_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
        bottle.abort(-result, content)
    #edit data 
    datacenter_id = content['uuid']
    where={'uuid': content['uuid']}
    result, content = mydb.update_rows('datacenters', http_content['datacenter'], where)
    if result < 0:
        print "http_edit_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
        bottle.abort(-result, content)

    return http_get_datacenter_id('any', datacenter_id)
Пример #21
class vimconnector():
    def new_host(self, vimURIadmin, host_data):
        '''Adds a new host to VIM'''
        '''Returns status code of the VIM response'''
        print "VIMConnector: Adding a new host"
        headers_req = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
        payload_req = host_data
            vim_response = requests.post(vimURIadmin + '/hosts',
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException, e:
            print "new_host Exception: ", e.args
            return -HTTP_Not_Found, str(e.args[0])
        print vim_response
        #print vim_response.status_code
        if vim_response.status_code == 200:
            #print vim_response.json()
            #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
            res, http_content = af.format_in(
                vim_response, openmano_schemas.new_host_response_schema)
            #print http_content
            if res:
                r = af.remove_extra_items(
                    http_content, openmano_schemas.new_host_response_schema)
                if r is not None: print "Warning: remove extra items ", r
                #print http_content
                host_id = http_content['host']['id']
                #print "Host id: ",host_id
                return vim_response.status_code, host_id
                return -HTTP_Bad_Request, http_content
            #print vim_response.text
            jsonerror = af.format_jsonerror(vim_response)
            text = 'Error in VIM "%s": not possible to add new host. HTTP Response: %d. Error: %s' % (
                vimURIadmin, vim_response.status_code, jsonerror)
            #print text
            return -vim_response.status_code, text
Пример #22
def http_edit_tenant_id(tenant_id):
    '''edit tenant details, can use both uuid or name'''
    #parse input data
    http_content,_ = format_in( tenant_edit_schema )
    r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, tenant_edit_schema)
    if r is not None: print "http_edit_tenant_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
    #obtain data, check that only one exist
    result, content = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', tenant_id)
    if result < 0:
        print "http_edit_tenant_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
        bottle.abort(-result, content)
    #edit data 
    tenant_id = content['uuid']
    where={'uuid': content['uuid']}
    result, content = mydb.update_rows('nfvo_tenants', http_content['tenant'], where)
    if result < 0:
        print "http_edit_tenant_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
        bottle.abort(-result, content)

    return http_get_tenant_id(tenant_id)
Пример #23
            vim_response = requests.post(vimURIadmin + '/ports',
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException, e:
            print "new_external_port Exception: ", e.args
            return -HTTP_Not_Found, str(e.args[0])
        print vim_response
        #print vim_response.status_code
        if vim_response.status_code == 200:
            #print vim_response.json()
            #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
            res, http_content = af.format_in(
                vim_response, openmano_schemas.new_port_response_schema)
            #print http_content
            if res:
                r = af.remove_extra_items(
                    http_content, openmano_schemas.new_port_response_schema)
                if r is not None: print "Warning: remove extra items ", r
                #print http_content
                port_id = http_content['port']['id']
                print "Port id: ", port_id
                return vim_response.status_code, port_id
                return -HTTP_Bad_Request, http_content
            #print vim_response.text
            jsonerror = af.format_jsonerror(vim_response)
            text = 'Error in VIM "%s": not possible to add new external port. HTTP Response: %d. Error: %s' % (
                vimURIadmin, vim_response.status_code, jsonerror)
            #print text
            return -vim_response.status_code, text
Пример #24
     headers_req = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
     payload_req = port_data
         vim_response = requests.post(self.url_admin+'/ports', headers = headers_req, data=payload_req)
     except requests.exceptions.RequestException, e:
         print "new_external_port Exception: ", e.args
         return -HTTP_Not_Found, str(e.args[0])
     print vim_response
     #print vim_response.status_code
     if vim_response.status_code == 200:
     #print vim_response.json()
     #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
         res, http_content = af.format_in(vim_response, openmano_schemas.new_port_response_schema)
     #print http_content
         if res:
             r = af.remove_extra_items(http_content, openmano_schemas.new_port_response_schema)
             if r is not None: print "Warning: remove extra items ", r
             #print http_content
             port_id = http_content['port']['id']
             print "Port id: ",port_id
             return vim_response.status_code,port_id
         else: return -HTTP_Bad_Request,http_content
         #print vim_response.text
         jsonerror = af.format_jsonerror(vim_response)
         text = 'Error in VIM "%s": not possible to add new external port. HTTP Response: %d. Error: %s' % (self.url_admin, vim_response.status_code, jsonerror)
         #print text
         return -vim_response.status_code,text
 def new_external_network(self,net_name,net_type):
     '''Adds a external network to VIM (shared)'''