Пример #1
def _crop(image, boxes, labels, img_shape):

    height, width, _ = image.shape
    pad_image_flag = True

    for _ in range(250):
        if random.uniform(0, 1) <= 0.2:
            scale = 1
            scale = random.uniform(0.3, 1.)
        short_side = min(width, height)
        w = int(scale * short_side)
        h = w

        if width == w:
            l = 0
            l = random.randrange(width - w)
        if height == h:
            t = 0
            t = random.randrange(height - h)
        roi = np.array((l, t, l + w, t + h))

        # area_boxes_U_roi / area_boxes
        value = matrix_iof(boxes, roi[np.newaxis])
        flag = (value >= 1)
        if not flag.any():

        centers = (boxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]) / 2
        mask_a = np.logical_and(roi[:2] < centers, centers < roi[2:]).all(axis=1)
        boxes_t = boxes[mask_a].copy()
        labels_t = labels[mask_a].copy()

        if boxes_t.shape[0] == 0:

        image_t = image[roi[1]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[2]]

        boxes_t[:, :2] = np.maximum(boxes_t[:, :2], roi[:2])
        boxes_t[:, :2] -= roi[:2]
        boxes_t[:, 2:] = np.minimum(boxes_t[:, 2:], roi[2:])
        boxes_t[:, 2:] -= roi[:2]
        # boxes_t[:, 2:] -= boxes_t[:, :2]

        b_w_t = (boxes_t[:, 2] - boxes_t[:, 0] + 1) / w * img_shape
        b_h_t = (boxes_t[:, 3] - boxes_t[:, 1] + 1) / h * img_shape
        mask_b = np.minimum(b_w_t, b_h_t) > 16.0
        boxes_t = boxes_t[mask_b]
        labels_t = labels_t[mask_b]

        if boxes_t.shape[0] == 0:

        pad_image_flag = False
        # cv2.imwrite('crop.jpg', image_t)
        # print('there are %01d faces in crop' % len(boxes_t))
        return image_t, boxes_t, labels_t, pad_image_flag
    return image, boxes, labels, pad_image_flag
Пример #2
def _crop(image, boxes, labels, img_dim):
    height, width, _ = image.shape
    pad_image_flag = True

    for _ in range(250):
        if random.uniform(0, 1) <= 0.2:
            scale = 1
            scale = random.uniform(0.3, 1.)
        short_side = min(width, height)
        w = int(scale * short_side)
        h = w

        if width == w:
            l = 0
            l = random.randrange(width - w)
        if height == h:
            t = 0
            t = random.randrange(height - h)
        roi = np.array((l, t, l + w, t + h))

        value = matrix_iof(boxes, roi[np.newaxis])
        flag = (value >= 1)
        if not flag.any():

        centers = (boxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]) / 2
        mask_a = np.logical_and(roi[:2] < centers,
                                centers < roi[2:]).all(axis=1)
        boxes_t = boxes[mask_a].copy()
        labels_t = labels[mask_a].copy()

        if boxes_t.shape[0] == 0:

        image_t = image[roi[1]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[2]]

        boxes_t[:, :2] = np.maximum(boxes_t[:, :2], roi[:2])
        boxes_t[:, :2] -= roi[:2]
        boxes_t[:, 2:] = np.minimum(boxes_t[:, 2:], roi[2:])
        boxes_t[:, 2:] -= roi[:2]

        # 这里不再对小于16 的人脸进行过滤
        # make sure that the cropped image contains at least one face > 16 pixel at training image scale
        # b_w_t = (boxes_t[:, 2] - boxes_t[:, 0] + 1) / w * img_dim
        # b_h_t = (boxes_t[:, 3] - boxes_t[:, 1] + 1) / h * img_dim
        # mask_b = np.minimum(b_w_t, b_h_t) > 16.0
        # boxes_t = boxes_t[mask_b]
        # labels_t = labels_t[mask_b]

        if boxes_t.shape[0] == 0:

        pad_image_flag = False

        return image_t, boxes_t, labels_t, pad_image_flag
    return image, boxes, labels, pad_image_flag
Пример #3
def _crop(image, boxes, labels, img_dim, rgb_means):
    height, width, _ = image.shape

    for _ in range(250):
        if random.uniform(0, 1) <= 0.2:
            scale = 1
            scale = random.uniform(0.3, 1.)
        short_side = min(width, height)
        w = int(scale * short_side)
        h = w

        if width == w:
            l = 0
            l = random.randrange(width - w)
        if height == h:
            t = 0
            t = random.randrange(height - h)
        roi = np.array((l, t, l + w, t + h))

        value = matrix_iof(boxes, roi[np.newaxis])
        flag = (value >= 1)
        if not flag.any():

        centers = (boxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]) / 2
        mask_a = np.logical_and(roi[:2] < centers,
                                centers < roi[2:]).all(axis=1)
        boxes_t = boxes[mask_a].copy()
        labels_t = labels[mask_a].copy()

        # ignore tiny faces
        b_w_t = (boxes_t[:, 2] - boxes_t[:, 0] + 1) / w * img_dim
        b_h_t = (boxes_t[:, 3] - boxes_t[:, 1] + 1) / h * img_dim
        mask_b = np.minimum(b_w_t, b_h_t) > 16.0
        boxes_t = boxes_t[mask_b]
        labels_t = labels_t[mask_b].copy()

        if boxes_t.shape[0] == 0:

        image_t = image[roi[1]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[2]]

        boxes_t[:, :2] = np.maximum(boxes_t[:, :2], roi[:2])
        boxes_t[:, :2] -= roi[:2]
        boxes_t[:, 2:] = np.minimum(boxes_t[:, 2:], roi[2:])
        boxes_t[:, 2:] -= roi[:2]

        return image_t, boxes_t, labels_t

    long_side = max(width, height)
    image_t = np.empty((long_side, long_side, 3), dtype=image.dtype)
    image_t[:, :] = rgb_means
    image_t[0:0 + height, 0:0 + width] = image

    return image_t, boxes, labels
Пример #4
def _crop(image, boxes, labels, landm, img_dim):
    height, width, _ = image.shape
    pad_image_flag = True

    for _ in range(250):
        if random.uniform(0, 1) <= 0.2:
            scale = 1.0
            scale = random.uniform(0.3, 1.0)
        PRE_SCALES = [0.3, 0.45, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]
        scale = random.choice(PRE_SCALES)
        short_side = min(width, height)
        w = int(scale * short_side)
        h = w

        if width == w:
            l = 0
            l = random.randrange(width - w)
        if height == h:
            t = 0
            t = random.randrange(height - h)
        roi = np.array((l, t, l + w, t + h))

        value = matrix_iof(boxes, roi[np.newaxis])
        flag = (value >= 1)
        if not flag.any():

        centers = (boxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]) / 2
        mask_a = np.logical_and(roi[:2] < centers, centers < roi[2:]).all(axis=1)
        boxes_t = boxes[mask_a].copy()
        labels_t = labels[mask_a].copy()
        landms_t = landm[mask_a].copy()
        landms_t = landms_t.reshape([-1, 5, 2])

        if boxes_t.shape[0] == 0:

        image_t = image[roi[1]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[2]]

        boxes_t[:, :2] = np.maximum(boxes_t[:, :2], roi[:2])
        boxes_t[:, :2] -= roi[:2]
        boxes_t[:, 2:] = np.minimum(boxes_t[:, 2:], roi[2:])
        boxes_t[:, 2:] -= roi[:2]

        # landm
        landms_t[:, :, :2] = landms_t[:, :, :2] - roi[:2]
        landms_t[:, :, :2] = np.maximum(landms_t[:, :, :2], np.array([0, 0]))
        landms_t[:, :, :2] = np.minimum(landms_t[:, :, :2], roi[2:] - roi[:2])
        landms_t = landms_t.reshape([-1, 10])

	# make sure that the cropped image contains at least one face > 16 pixel at training image scale
        b_w_t = (boxes_t[:, 2] - boxes_t[:, 0] + 1) / w * img_dim
        b_h_t = (boxes_t[:, 3] - boxes_t[:, 1] + 1) / h * img_dim
        mask_b = np.minimum(b_w_t, b_h_t) > 0.0
        boxes_t = boxes_t[mask_b]
        labels_t = labels_t[mask_b]
        landms_t = landms_t[mask_b]

        if boxes_t.shape[0] == 0:

        pad_image_flag = False

        return image_t, boxes_t, labels_t, landms_t, pad_image_flag
    return image, boxes, labels, landm, pad_image_flag
Пример #5
    def __call__(self, img, target):
            img (PIL Image): Image to be cropped.

        img_ = np.array(img)
        height, width, _ = img_.shape
        pad_image_flag = True

        boxes = target['boxes']
        labels = target['labels']
        landmarks = target['landmarks']

        if DEBUG_SHOW:
            image_ = img_.copy()
            for i in range(len(boxes)):
                box = boxes[i].astype(np.int)
                cv2.rectangle(image_, (box[0], box[1]), (box[2], box[3]),
                              (255, 255, 0))
            cv2.imshow('srcimg', image_)

        for _ in range(250):
            if random.uniform(0, 1) <= 0.2:
                scale = 1.0
                scale = random.uniform(0.3, 1.0)
            PRE_SCALES = [0.3, 0.45, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]
            scale = random.choice(PRE_SCALES)
            short_side = min(width, height)
            w = int(scale * short_side)
            h = w

            if width == w:
                l = 0
                l = random.randrange(width - w)
            if height == h:
                t = 0
                t = random.randrange(height - h)
            roi = np.array((l, t, l + w, t + h))

            value = matrix_iof(boxes, roi[np.newaxis])
            flag = (value >= 1)
            if not flag.any():

            centers = (boxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]) / 2
            mask_a = np.logical_and(roi[:2] < centers,
                                    centers < roi[2:]).all(axis=1)
            boxes_t = boxes[mask_a].copy()
            labels_t = labels[mask_a].copy()

            landms_t = None
            if landmarks:
                landms_t = landmarks[mask_a].copy()
                landms_t = landms_t.reshape([-1, 5, 2])

            if boxes_t.shape[0] == 0:

            image_t = img_[roi[1]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[2]]

            boxes_t[:, :2] = np.maximum(boxes_t[:, :2], roi[:2])
            boxes_t[:, :2] -= roi[:2]
            boxes_t[:, 2:] = np.minimum(boxes_t[:, 2:], roi[2:])
            boxes_t[:, 2:] -= roi[:2]

            # landmarks
            if landmarks:
                landms_t[:, :, :2] = landms_t[:, :, :2] - roi[:2]
                landms_t[:, :, :2] = np.maximum(landms_t[:, :, :2],
                                                np.array([0, 0]))
                landms_t[:, :, :2] = np.minimum(landms_t[:, :, :2],
                                                roi[2:] - roi[:2])
                landms_t = landms_t.reshape([-1, 10])

            # make sure that the cropped image contains at least one face > 16 pixel at training image scale
            b_w_t = (boxes_t[:, 2] - boxes_t[:, 0] + 1) / w * self.size[1]
            b_h_t = (boxes_t[:, 3] - boxes_t[:, 1] + 1) / h * self.size[0]
            mask_b = np.minimum(b_w_t, b_h_t) > 0.0
            boxes_t = boxes_t[mask_b]
            labels_t = labels_t[mask_b]

            if landmarks:
                landms_t = landms_t[mask_b]

            if boxes_t.shape[0] == 0:

            pad_image_flag = False

            img = Image.fromarray(image_t)
            target['boxes'] = boxes_t
            target['labels'] = labels_t
            target['landmarks'] = landms_t
            return img, target

        return img, target
Пример #6
def _crop(image, boxes, labels, img_dim):
    """Randmoly crops image and makes it square
            image - image as a np.array
            boxes - ground truth boxes for a image
            labels - class labels ('1' by default)
            img_dim - necessary dim
            cropped image, cropped gt boxes, boxes' labels, flag shows whether image need padding or not

    height, width, _ = image.shape
    pad_image_flag = True

    for _ in range(250):
        if random.uniform(0, 1) <= 0.2:
            scale = 1
            scale = random.uniform(0.3, 1.)
        short_side = min(width, height)
        w = int(scale * short_side)
        h = w

        if width == w:
            l = 0
            l = random.randrange(width - w)
        if height == h:
            t = 0
            t = random.randrange(height - h)
        roi = np.array((l, t, l + w, t + h))

        value = matrix_iof(boxes, roi[np.newaxis])
        flag = (value >= 1)
        if not flag.any():

        centers = (boxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]) / 2
        mask_a = np.logical_and(roi[:2] < centers, centers < roi[2:]).all(axis=1)
        boxes_t = boxes[mask_a].copy()
        labels_t = labels[mask_a].copy()

        if boxes_t.shape[0] == 0:

        image_t = image[roi[1]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[2]]

        boxes_t[:, :2] = np.maximum(boxes_t[:, :2], roi[:2])
        boxes_t[:, :2] -= roi[:2]
        boxes_t[:, 2:] = np.minimum(boxes_t[:, 2:], roi[2:])
        boxes_t[:, 2:] -= roi[:2]

	# make sure that the cropped image contains at least one face > 16 pixel at training image scale
        b_w_t = (boxes_t[:, 2] - boxes_t[:, 0] + 1) / w * img_dim
        b_h_t = (boxes_t[:, 3] - boxes_t[:, 1] + 1) / h * img_dim
        mask_b = np.minimum(b_w_t, b_h_t) > 16.0
        boxes_t = boxes_t[mask_b]
        labels_t = labels_t[mask_b]

        if boxes_t.shape[0] == 0:

        pad_image_flag = False

        return image_t, boxes_t, labels_t, pad_image_flag
    return image, boxes, labels, pad_image_flag
def _crop_(image, boxes, coords, labels, img_dim):
    # bboxes, [n, 4],x1, y1, x2, y2
    height, width, _ = image.shape
    pad_image_flag = True

    for _ in range(250):
        if random.uniform(0, 1) <= 0.2:
            scale = 1
            scale = random.uniform(0.3, 1.)
        short_side = min(width, height)    # ��scale��С��С�ߣ���������
        w = int(scale * short_side)
        h = w

        if width == w:
            l = 0
            l = random.randrange(width - w)    # ��ʣ���������ѡ��ƽ�ƾ���
        if height == h:
            t = 0
            t = random.randrange(height - h)    # �߶�����
        roi = np.array((l, t, l + w, t + h))    # ��ȡƽ�ƺ��roi:(l, t),(��)
        roi_coords = np.array((l, t, l+w, t, l+int(w/2), t+int(h/2), l, t+h, l+w, t+h))

        value = matrix_iof(boxes, roi[np.newaxis])
        flag = (value >= 1)    # crop box contain max(bbox)?
        if not flag.any():
        # print("roi:", roi, "bbox", boxes)
        centers = (boxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]) / 2    # ��ʵbbox������
        mask_a = np.logical_and(roi[:2] < centers, centers < roi[2:]).all(axis=1)  # all roi containe bbox center, is bool
        boxes_t = boxes[mask_a].copy()
        labels_t = labels[mask_a].copy()    # its correspond box label
        coords_t = coords[mask_a].copy()    # ѡȡroi����bbox���ĵ�bbox, ����Ӧ��label, coord
        # print("mask_a",mask_a,"boxes_t", boxes_t, "\n","labels_t", labels_t)

        if boxes_t.shape[0] == 0:   # means no box in roi

        image_t = image[roi[1]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[2]]    # img is h, w
        # print("before+++bbox", boxes_t, "====roi", roi, "||||roi_coords", roi_coords)
        boxes_t[:, :2] = np.maximum(boxes_t[:, :2], roi[:2])    # return bigger, means inner coordinate
        boxes_t[:, :2] -= roi[:2]     # bbox ��roi����Ծ��뱣��һ��(����img�ѱ���ȡ)
        # coords[:, ]   ?????????????????????????
        boxes_t[:, 2:] = np.minimum(boxes_t[:, 2:], roi[2:])    # return smaller, means inner coordinate
        boxes_t[:, 2:] -= roi[:2]    # ֻ�����ƶ�!!!!!!
        # print("after+++++bbox", boxes_t)
        # print("relative value",boxes_t)
        # coords[:, ]   ?????????????????????????
        # print("before+++coords:", coords )
        coords_t -= np.tile(roi[:2], 5)
        # print("after+++++coords",coords_t)
        ## coords 
        coords_t[:, :2] = np.maximum(coords_t[:, :2], roi_coords[:2])  
        coords_t[:,:2]  -= roi_coords[:2]
        coords_t[:, 2:4] = np.maximum(coords_t[:, 2:4], roi_coords[2:4])
        coords_t[:,:2]  -= roi_coords[2:4]
        ## coords center ###
        left_rigt_center = coords_t[:, 4] - roi_coords[4]    #w or h
        for flag in left_rigt_center:
            if flag: 
                coords_t[:, 4:6] = np.maximum(coords_t[:, 4:6], roi_coords[4:6])
                coords_t[:,4:6]  -= roi_coords[4:6]
                coords_t[:, 4:6] = np.minimum(coords_t[:, 4:6], roi_coords[4:6])
                coords_t[:,4:6]  -= roi_coords[4:6]
        ## coords center ###
        coords_t[:, 6:8] = np.minimum(coords_t[:, 6:8], roi_coords[6:8])
        coords_t[:,6:8]  -= roi_coords[6:8]
        coords_t[:, 8:] = np.minimum(coords_t[:, 8:], roi_coords[8:])
        coords_t[:,8:]  -= roi_coords[8:]
        # coords

        # make sure that the cropped image contains at least one face > 16 pixel at training image scale
        b_w_t = (boxes_t[:, 2] - boxes_t[:, 0] + 1) / w * img_dim    # 1024=img_dim scale
        b_h_t = (boxes_t[:, 3] - boxes_t[:, 1] + 1) / h * img_dim
        mask_b = np.minimum(b_w_t, b_h_t) > 16.0    # why in img_dim??
        boxes_t = boxes_t[mask_b]
        labels_t = labels_t[mask_b]
        coords_t = coords_t[mask_b]

        if boxes_t.shape[0] == 0:    # no box satisfy above condition

        pad_image_flag = False

        return image_t, boxes_t, coords_t, labels_t, pad_image_flag
    return image, boxes, coords, labels, pad_image_flag