Пример #1
def migrate_rules(ruletypes=["read", "write", "data"]):
    WARNING: This function creates db objects that may trigger unwanted permission update functions on session flushing.
    Disable database triggers (see `disabled_triggers`) in migration scripts when using this function!
    for ruletype in ruletypes:
        logg.info("------ migrating %s permissions ------", ruletype)
        nid_to_rulesets, nid_to_special_rulestrings = load_node_rules(
            ruletype + "access")

        nid_to_special_rulestrings = {
            nid: ",".join(r for r in rulestrings if r is not None)
            for nid, rulestrings in iteritems(nid_to_special_rulestrings)
        nid_to_special_rules = convert_nid_to_rulestr(

        save_node_to_ruleset_mappings(nid_to_rulesets, ruletype)
            {k: v
             for k, v in iteritems(nid_to_special_rules) if v}, ruletype)
        create_rulemappings_stmt = sql.select(
Пример #2
    def _extract_metadata(self, files=None):
        image_file = self._find_processing_file(files)
        width, height = get_image_dimensions(image_file)
        # XXX: this is a bit redundant...
        self.set("origwidth", width)
        self.set("origheight", height)
        self.set("origsize", image_file.size)
        self.set("width", width)
        self.set("height", height)

        # Exif
        unwanted_attrs = Image.get_unwanted_exif_attributes()

        with open(image_file.abspath, 'rb') as f:
            tags = EXIF.process_file(f)

        for k in tags.keys():
            # don't set unwanted exif attributes
            if any(tag in k for tag in unwanted_attrs):
            if tags[k]:
                self.set("exif_" + k.replace(" ", "_"), utf8_decode_escape(str(tags[k])))

        # IPTC
        iptc_metadata = lib.iptc.IPTC.get_iptc_tags(image_file.abspath)
        if iptc_metadata is not None:
            for k, v in iteritems(iptc_metadata):
                self.set('iptc_' + k, v)
Пример #3
def position_filter(sortfields_to_comp, after=False, before=False):

    assert before or after

    iter_sortfield = iteritems(sortfields_to_comp)
    prev_sortfields_to_comp = []

    first_sortfield = next(iter_sortfield)
    cond = make_cond(first_sortfield, invert=before)

    # add remaining sortfields if present
    for sortfield_to_comp in iter_sortfield:
        # We are doing a "tuple" comparision here. If the first field is equivalent, we have to compare the seconds field and so on.
        # first add comparison for current field...
        sub_cond = make_cond(sortfield_to_comp, invert=before)
        # ... and add equivalence conditions for previous fields
        for prev in prev_sortfields_to_comp:
            expr = node_value_expression(prev[0])
            # XXX: can we replace this by make_cond or something like that?
            eq_cond = expr == _prepare_value(prev[0], prev[1][1])
            sub_cond &= eq_cond


        # or-append condition for current field to full condition
        if cond is None:
            cond = sub_cond
            cond |= sub_cond

    return cond
Пример #4
def add_node_to_xmldoc(

    from schema.schema import Mask
    from schema.mapping import Mapping


    xmlnode = etree.SubElement(xmlroot, "node")
    xmlnode.set("name", node.name or u"")
    xmlnode.set("id", unicode(node.id))
    xmlnode.set("type", (node.type + "/" + (node.schema or u"")).strip("/"))
    xmlnode.set("datatype", node.type)
    xmlnode.set("schema", (node.schema or u""))

    # TODO: no access rights at the moment

    for name, value in sorted(iteritems(node.attrs)):
        if attribute_name_filter and not attribute_name_filter(name):
        xmlattr = etree.SubElement(xmlnode, "attribute")
        xmlattr.set("name", name)
        # protect XML from invalid characters
        # XXX: is this ok?
        xmlattr.text = etree.CDATA(xml_remove_illegal_chars(unicode(value)))

    files = [f for f in node.file_objects if f.filetype != u"metadata"]
    if exclude_filetypes:
        files = [f for f in files if f.filetype not in (exclude_filetypes)]

    for fileobj in files:
        add_file_to_xmlnode(fileobj, xmlnode)

    if children:
        child_query = node.children

        if exclude_childtypes:
            child_query = child_query.filter(~Node.type.in_(exclude_childtypes))

        for child in child_query.order_by("orderpos"):
            add_child_to_xmlnode(child, xmlnode)

            if child.id not in written:
                add_node_to_xmldoc(child, xmlroot, written, children, exclude_filetypes, exclude_childtypes, attribute_name_filter)

    if isinstance(node, Mask):
        exportmapping_id = node.get(u"exportmapping").strip()
        if exportmapping_id and exportmapping_id not in written:
            mapping = q(Mapping).get(int(exportmapping_id))
            if mapping is not None:
                add_node_to_xmldoc(mapping, xmlroot, written, children, exclude_filetypes, exclude_childtypes, attribute_name_filter)
    return xmlnode
Пример #5
def get_maskcache_report(maskcache_accesscount):
    sorted_entries = [(k, v)
                      for k, v in sorted(iteritems(maskcache_accesscount))]
    total_access_count = sum(v for k, v in sorted_entries)
    num_cache_keys = len(sorted_entries)
    return "keys: %s, total access count: %s, %s" % (
        num_cache_keys, total_access_count, sorted_entries)
Пример #6
    def _extract_metadata(self, files=None):
        image_file = self._find_processing_file(files)
        width, height = get_image_dimensions(image_file)
        # XXX: this is a bit redundant...
        self.set("origwidth", width)
        self.set("origheight", height)
        self.set("origsize", image_file.size)
        self.set("width", width)
        self.set("height", height)

        # Exif
        unwanted_attrs = Image.get_unwanted_exif_attributes()

        with open(image_file.abspath, 'rb') as f:
            tags = EXIF.process_file(f)

        for k in tags.keys():
            # don't set unwanted exif attributes
            if any(tag in k for tag in unwanted_attrs):
            if tags[k]:
                self.set("exif_" + k.replace(" ", "_"), utf8_decode_escape(str(tags[k])))

        # IPTC
        iptc_metadata = lib.iptc.IPTC.get_iptc_tags(image_file.abspath)
        if iptc_metadata is not None:
            for k, v in iteritems(iptc_metadata):
                self.set('iptc_' + k, v)
Пример #7
def position_filter(sortfields_to_comp, after=False, before=False):

    assert before or after

    iter_sortfield = iteritems(sortfields_to_comp)
    prev_sortfields_to_comp = []

    first_sortfield = next(iter_sortfield)
    cond = make_cond(first_sortfield, invert=before)

    # add remaining sortfields if present
    for sortfield_to_comp in iter_sortfield:
        # We are doing a "tuple" comparision here. If the first field is equivalent, we have to compare the seconds field and so on.
        # first add comparison for current field...
        sub_cond = make_cond(sortfield_to_comp, invert=before)
        # ... and add equivalence conditions for previous fields
        for prev in prev_sortfields_to_comp:
            expr = node_value_expression(prev[0])
            # XXX: can we replace this by make_cond or something like that?
            eq_cond = expr == _prepare_value(prev[0], prev[1][1])
            sub_cond &= eq_cond


        # or-append condition for current field to full condition
        if cond is None:
            cond = sub_cond
            cond |= sub_cond

    return cond
Пример #8
 def get_user_data(self, data):
     return {
         attribute_name: data.get(ldap_fieldname)[0].decode("utf8")
         if data.get(ldap_fieldname) else None
         for attribute_name, ldap_fieldname in iteritems(
Пример #9
def save_node_to_special_rules(nid_to_special_rules, ruletype):
    from core import Node
    logg.info("saving special %s rules for %d nodes", ruletype, len(nid_to_special_rules))
    for nid, rules_with_flags in iteritems(nid_to_special_rules):
        ruleset_assoc = _create_private_ruleset_assoc_for_nid(nid, ruletype)
        rs = ruleset_assoc.ruleset
        assert rules_with_flags, "tried to save a special ruleset with no rules"
        for rule, (invert, blocking) in rules_with_flags:
            rs.rule_assocs.append(AccessRulesetToRule(rule=rule, invert=invert, blocking=blocking))
Пример #10
def find_plugin_with_theme(theme_name):
    """Look for a plugin which contains the requested theme `theme_name and return its path.`
    :param theme_name: name of the theme (name of theme directory)
    :returns: path to plugin
    for plugin_name, m in iteritems(plugins):
        plugin_path = os.path.dirname(m.__file__)
        logg.debug("looking for theme %s in plugin %s", theme_name, plugin_name)
        theme_path = os.path.join(plugin_path, "themes", theme_name)
        if os.path.exists(theme_path):
            return plugin_path
Пример #11
 def print_url(self):
     if config.getboolean("config.enable_printing"):
         # self.content means: we're showing a single result node.
         # Therefore, we want to print the node, not the list.
         if self.content is not None:
             return self.content.print_url
         if self.container.system_attrs.get("print", "1") == "1":
             # printing is allowed for containers by default, unless system.print != "1" is set on the node
             params = {k:v for k, v in iteritems(self.nav_params) if k.startswith("sortfield")}
             return print_url(self.container.id, **params)
Пример #12
 def print_url(self):
     if config.getboolean("config.enable_printing"):
         # self.content means: we're showing a single result node.
         # Therefore, we want to print the node, not the list.
         if self.content is not None:
             return self.content.print_url
         if self.container.system_attrs.get("print", "1") == "1":
             # printing is allowed for containers by default, unless system.print != "1" is set on the node
             params = {k:v for k, v in iteritems(self.nav_params) if k.startswith("sortfield")}
             return print_url(self.container.id, **params)
Пример #13
    def search_link(self, mode="simple"):
        params = {
            k: v
            for k, v in iteritems(self.url_params)
            if k not in ("query", "searchmode", "id")
        if mode != "simple":
            params["searchmode"] = mode

        return node_url(self.container.id, **
                        params) if not self.edit else edit_node_url(
                            self.container.id, **params)
Пример #14
    def nav_link(self, **param_overrides):
        params = {}
        # params = self.nav_params.copy()
        params = self.nav_searchparams.copy()
        params["page"] = self.page

        if not "page" in param_overrides:
            if self.page:
                params["page"] = self.page

        params = {k: v.encode('utf-8') if not isinstance(v, int) else v for k, v in iteritems(params) if v is not None and v != ""}
        return '/edit/edit_content?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
Пример #15
    def nav_link(self, **param_overrides):
        params = {}
        # params = self.nav_params.copy()
        params = self.nav_searchparams.copy()
        params["page"] = self.page

        if not "page" in param_overrides:
            if self.page:
                params["page"] = self.page

        params = {k: v.encode('utf-8') if not isinstance(v, int) else v for k, v in iteritems(params) if v is not None and v != ""}
        return '/edit/edit_content?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
Пример #16
def assert_access_rule(access_rule, invert=None, blocking=None, **attrs_to_check):
    # we must flush the rule first to gain access to column default values
    from core import db
    attrs = dict(group_ids=None, dateranges=None, subnets=None, invert_group=False, invert_date=False, invert_subnet=False)
    for attrname, expected_value in iteritems(attrs):
        value = getattr(access_rule, attrname)
        if isinstance(value, set):
            assert value == set(expected_value)
            assert value == expected_value
Пример #17
def save_node_to_special_rules(nid_to_special_rules, ruletype):
    from core import Node
    logg.info("saving special %s rules for %d nodes", ruletype,
    for nid, rules_with_flags in iteritems(nid_to_special_rules):
        ruleset_assoc = _create_private_ruleset_assoc_for_nid(nid, ruletype)
        rs = ruleset_assoc.ruleset
        assert rules_with_flags, "tried to save a special ruleset with no rules"
        for rule, (invert, blocking) in rules_with_flags:
Пример #18
def all_node_id_gen(api, start_node_id=COLLECTIONS_NODE_ID):
    """Generates all node ids in the tree starting from `start_node_id`"""
    top_collections = iteritems(api.children_shortlist(start_node_id))
    it = None
    while True:
        if not it:
            collection_nid, collection_name, _ = next(top_collections)
            logg.info("fetching all children of top collection %s (%s)", collection_name, collection_nid)
            it = api.allchildren_shortlist(collection_nid).iterids()
            nid = next(it)
        except StopIteration:
            it = None
        yield nid
Пример #19
def all_node_id_gen(api, start_node_id=COLLECTIONS_NODE_ID):
    """Generates all node ids in the tree starting from `start_node_id`"""
    top_collections = iteritems(api.children_shortlist(start_node_id))
    it = None
    while True:
        if not it:
            collection_nid, collection_name, _ = next(top_collections)
            logg.info("fetching all children of top collection %s (%s)",
                      collection_name, collection_nid)
            it = api.allchildren_shortlist(collection_nid).iterids()
            nid = next(it)
        except StopIteration:
            it = None
        yield nid
Пример #20
def check_node(node, expected, **check_attrs):
    assert isinstance(node, Node)
    print("expected node content:")
    print("actual node attributes:")
    # every doi-imported node must fulfill this
    assert node.name == expected[u"DOI"]
    doi = node.get(u"doi") or node.get(u"DOI")
    assert doi == expected[u"DOI"]
    # additional attribute value checks
    for attr, expected in iteritems(check_attrs):
        value = node.get(attr)
        if value:
            assert value == expected
Пример #21
def check_node(node, expected, **check_attrs):
    assert isinstance(node, Node)
    print("expected node content:")
    print("actual node attributes:")
    # every doi-imported node must fulfill this
    assert node.name == expected[u"DOI"]
    doi = node.get(u"doi") or node.get(u"DOI")
    assert doi == expected[u"DOI"]
    # additional attribute value checks
    for attr, expected in iteritems(check_attrs):
        value = node.get(attr)
        if value:
            assert value == expected
Пример #22
    def feedback(self, req):
        self.lang = lang(req)
        self.ip = req.ip
        self.url_params = {k: v for k, v in iteritems(req.args) if k not in ()}

        searchmode_from_req = req.args.get("searchmode")
        if searchmode_from_req in ("extended", "extendedsuper"):
            if self.searchmask is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "no searchmask defined, extended search cannot be run for container {}"
            self.searchmode = searchmode_from_req

        if self.searchmode == "extended":
            extendedfields = range(1, 4)
        elif self.searchmode == "extendedsuper":
            extendedfields = range(1, 11)
            extendedfields = []

        # this is the "special" value for simple search
        if not extendedfields and "query" in req.args:
            self.values[0] = req.args["query"]
            for pos in extendedfields:
                searchmaskitem_argname = "field" + str(pos)
                searchmaskitem_id = req.args.get(searchmaskitem_argname,
                self.searchmaskitem_ids[pos] = searchmaskitem_id

                searchmaskitem = self.searchmask.children.filter_by(
                    ) if searchmaskitem_id else None
                field = searchmaskitem.children.first(
                ) if searchmaskitem else None

                value_argname = "query" + str(pos)

                if field is not None and field.getFieldtype() == "date":
                    from_value = req.args.get(value_argname + "-from", u"")
                    to_value = req.args.get(value_argname + "-to", u"")
                    value = from_value + ";" + to_value
                    value = req.args.get(value_argname)

                if value:
                    self.values[pos] = value
Пример #23
def migrate_rules(ruletypes=["read", "write", "data"]):
    WARNING: This function creates db objects that may trigger unwanted permission update functions on session flushing.
    Disable database triggers (see `disabled_triggers`) in migration scripts when using this function!
    for ruletype in ruletypes:
        logg.info("------ migrating %s permissions ------", ruletype)
        nid_to_rulesets, nid_to_special_rulestrings = load_node_rules(ruletype + "access")

        nid_to_special_rulestrings = {nid: ",".join(r for r in rulestrings if r is not None) for nid, rulestrings in iteritems(nid_to_special_rulestrings)}
        nid_to_special_rules = convert_nid_to_rulestr(nid_to_special_rulestrings)

        save_node_to_ruleset_mappings(nid_to_rulesets, ruletype)
        save_node_to_special_rules({k: v for k, v in iteritems(nid_to_special_rules) if v}, ruletype)
        create_rulemappings_stmt = sql.select([mediatumfunc.create_node_rulemappings_from_rulesets(ruletype)])
Пример #24
    def nav_link(self, **param_overrides):
        params can be removed from the URL by setting them to None in param_overrides
        params = self.nav_params.copy()
        if self.liststyle_name:
            params["liststyle"] = self.liststyle_name
        if self.nodes_per_page_from_req:
            params["nodes_per_page"] = self.nodes_per_page_from_req

        if not ("before" in param_overrides or "after" in param_overrides):
            if self.before:
                params["before"] = self.before
            if self.after:
                params["after"] = self.after

        params = {k: v for k, v in iteritems(params) if v is not None}
        return node_url(**params)
Пример #25
    def nav_link(self, **param_overrides):
        params can be removed from the URL by setting them to None in param_overrides
        params = self.nav_params.copy()
        if self.liststyle_name:
            params["liststyle"] = self.liststyle_name
        if self.nodes_per_page_from_req:
            params["nodes_per_page"] = self.nodes_per_page_from_req

        if not ("before" in param_overrides or "after" in param_overrides):
            if self.before:
                params["before"] = self.before
            if self.after:
                params["after"] = self.after

        params = {k: v for k, v in iteritems(params) if v is not None}
        return node_url(**params)
Пример #26
    def feedback(self, req):
        self.lang = lang(req)
        self.ip = req.ip
        self.url_params = {k: v for k, v in iteritems(req.args) if k not in ()}

        searchmode_from_req = req.args.get("searchmode")
        if searchmode_from_req in ("extended", "extendedsuper"):
            if self.searchmask is None:
                raise ValueError("no searchmask defined, extended search cannot be run for container {}".format(self.container.id))
            self.searchmode = searchmode_from_req

        if self.searchmode == "extended":
            extendedfields = range(1, 4)
        elif self.searchmode == "extendedsuper":
            extendedfields = range(1, 11)
            extendedfields = []

        # this is the "special" value for simple search
        if not extendedfields and "query" in req.args:
            self.values[0] = req.args["query"]
            for pos in extendedfields:
                searchmaskitem_argname = "field" + str(pos)
                searchmaskitem_id = req.args.get(searchmaskitem_argname, type=int)
                self.searchmaskitem_ids[pos] = searchmaskitem_id

                searchmaskitem = self.searchmask.children.filter_by(id=searchmaskitem_id).scalar() if searchmaskitem_id else None
                field = searchmaskitem.children.first() if searchmaskitem else None

                value_argname = "query" + str(pos)

                if field is not None and field.getFieldtype() == "date":
                    from_value = req.args.get(value_argname + "-from", u"")
                    to_value = req.args.get(value_argname + "-to", u"")
                    value = from_value + ";" + to_value
                    value = req.args.get(value_argname)

                if value:
                    self.values[pos] = value
Пример #27
def view(req, op):
    maskcache_info = {
               key=lambda t: t[1],

    all_objects = gc.get_objects()

    memory_info = {"count": len(all_objects), "total_size": 0, "summary": ""}

    sessions = athana._ATHANA_HANDLER.sessions

    sessions_info = {"count": len(sessions), "total_size": 0, "summary": ""}

    if pympler:
        maskcache_info["total_size"] = asizeof(data.maskcache)
        sessions_info["total_size"] = asizeof(sessions)
        summarized_all_objects = sorted(summary.summarize(all_objects),
                                        key=lambda t: t[2],
        memory_info["summary"] = summarized_all_objects[:500]

    import os
    if "MEDIATUM_EMBED_IPYTHON" in os.environ:
        import IPython

    del all_objects

    return render_template("memstats.j2.jade",
Пример #28
def apply_order_by_for_sortfields(query, sortfields_to_comp, before=False):
    for sortfield, (order, _) in iteritems(sortfields_to_comp):
        if order == "desc":
            desc = not bool(before)
            desc = bool(before)

        expr = node_value_expression(sortfield)

        if desc:
            expr = expr.desc()

        # attributes can be NULL (means: attribute doesn't exist), so we must be careful about null ordering
        if not (sortfield.startswith("node.") or sortfield == "nodename"):
            if before:
                expr = expr.nullsfirst()
                expr = expr.nullslast()

        query = query.order_by(expr)

    return query
Пример #29
def apply_order_by_for_sortfields(query, sortfields_to_comp, before=False):
    for sortfield, (order, _) in iteritems(sortfields_to_comp):
        if order == "desc":
            desc = not bool(before)
            desc = bool(before)

        expr = node_value_expression(sortfield)

        if desc:
            expr = expr.desc()

        # attributes can be NULL (means: attribute doesn't exist), so we must be careful about null ordering
        if not (sortfield.startswith("node.") or sortfield == "nodename"):
            if before:
                expr = expr.nullsfirst()
                expr = expr.nullslast()

        query = query.order_by(expr)

    return query
Пример #30
def getContent(req, ids):
    node = q(Node).get(ids[0])
    if not node.has_write_access() or "admin" in current_user.hidden_edit_functions:
        return req.getTAL("web/edit/edit.html", {}, macro="access_error")

    if req.params.get("type", "") == "addattr" and req.params.get("new_name", "") != "" and req.params.get("new_value", "") != "":
        attrname = req.form.get("new_name")
        attrvalue = req.form.get("new_value")
        if attrname.startswith("system."):
            if current_user.is_admin:
                node.system_attrs[attrname[7:]] = attrvalue
            # non-admin user may not add / change system attributes, silently ignore the request.
            # XXX: an error msg would be better
                logg.warn("denied writing a system attribute because user is not an admin user, node=%s attrname=%s current_user=%s",
                          node.id, attrname, current_user.id)
                return httpstatus.HTTP_FORBIDDEN

        node.set(attrname, attrvalue)
        logg.info("new attribute %s for node %s added", req.params.get("new_name", ""), node.id)

    for key in req.params.keys():
        # update localread value of current node
        if key.startswith("del_localread"):
            logg.info("localread attribute of node %s updated", node.id)

        # removing attributes only allowed for admin user

        # remove attribute
        if key.startswith("attr_"):
            if not current_user.is_admin:
                return httpstatus.HTTP_FORBIDDEN

            del node.attrs[key[5:-2]]
            logg.info("attribute %s of node %s removed", key[5:-2], node.id)

        # remove system attribute
        if key.startswith("system_attr_"):
            if not current_user.is_admin:
                return httpstatus.HTTP_FORBIDDEN

            attrname = key[12:-2]
            del node.system_attrs[attrname]
            logg.info("system attribute %s of node %s removed", attrname, node.id)

    metadatatype = node.metadatatype
    fieldnames = []

    if metadatatype:
        fields = metadatatype.getMetaFields()
        for field in fields:
            fieldnames += [field.name]
        fields = []

    metafields = OrderedDict()
    technfields = OrderedDict()
    obsoletefields = OrderedDict()
    system_attrs = []

    tattr = {}
    with suppress(AttributeError, warn=False):
        tattr = node.getTechnAttributes()
    tattr = formatTechAttrs(tattr)

    for key, value in sorted(iteritems(node.attrs), key=lambda t: t[0].lower()):
        if value or current_user.is_admin:
            # display all values for admins, even if they are "empty" (= a false value)
            if key in fieldnames:
                metafields[key] = formatdate(value, getFormat(fields, key))
            elif key in tattr.keys():
                technfields[key] = formatdate(value)
                obsoletefields[key] = value

    for key, value in sorted(iteritems(node.system_attrs), key=lambda t: t[0].lower()):
        system_attrs.append((key, value))

    # remove all technical attributes
    if req.params.get("type", "") == "technical":
        for key in technfields:
            del node.attrs[key]
        technfields = {}
        logg.info("technical attributes of node %s removed", node.id)

    return req.getTAL("web/edit/modules/admin.html", {"id": req.params.get("id", "0"),
                                                      "tab": req.params.get("tab", ""),
                                                      "node": node,
                                                      "obsoletefields": obsoletefields,
                                                      "metafields": metafields,
                                                      "system_attrs": system_attrs,
                                                      "fields": fields,
                                                      "technfields": technfields,
                                                      "tattr": tattr,
                                                      "fd": formatdate,
                                                      "gf": getFormat,
                                                      "user_is_admin": current_user.is_admin,
                                                      "canedit": node.has_write_access(),
                                                      "csrf": req.csrf_token.current_token},
Пример #31
def add_node_to_xmldoc(node,

    from schema.schema import Mask
    from schema.mapping import Mapping


    xmlnode = etree.SubElement(xmlroot, "node")
    xmlnode.set("name", node.name or u"")
    xmlnode.set("id", unicode(node.id))
    xmlnode.set("type", (node.type + "/" + (node.schema or u"")).strip("/"))
    xmlnode.set("datatype", node.type)
    xmlnode.set("schema", (node.schema or u""))

    # TODO: no access rights at the moment

    for name, value in sorted(iteritems(node.attrs)):
        if attribute_name_filter and not attribute_name_filter(name):
        xmlattr = etree.SubElement(xmlnode, "attribute")
        xmlattr.set("name", name)
        # protect XML from invalid characters
        # XXX: is this ok?
        xmlattr.text = etree.CDATA(xml_remove_illegal_chars(unicode(value)))

    files = [f for f in node.file_objects if f.filetype != u"metadata"]

    if exclude_filetypes:
        files = [f for f in files if f.filetype not in (exclude_filetypes)]

    for fileobj in files:
        add_file_to_xmlnode(fileobj, xmlnode)

    if children:
        child_query = node.children

        if exclude_childtypes:
            child_query = child_query.filter(

        for child in child_query.order_by("orderpos"):
            add_child_to_xmlnode(child, xmlnode)

            if child.id not in written:
                add_node_to_xmldoc(child, xmlroot, written, children,
                                   exclude_filetypes, exclude_childtypes,

    if isinstance(node, Mask):
        exportmapping_id = node.get(u"exportmapping").strip()
        if exportmapping_id and exportmapping_id not in written:
            mapping = q(Mapping).get(int(exportmapping_id))
            if mapping is not None:
                add_node_to_xmldoc(mapping, xmlroot, written, children,
                                   exclude_filetypes, exclude_childtypes,
    return xmlnode
Пример #32
def convert_symbolic_rules_to_dnf(nid_to_symbolic_rule, simplify=False):
    return {nid: boolalg.to_dnf(rule, simplify=simplify) for nid, rule in iteritems(nid_to_symbolic_rule)}
Пример #33
 def attributes_filtered_by_key(self, attribute_key_filter):
     return {
         k: v
         for k, v in iteritems(self.attributes) if attribute_key_filter(k)
Пример #34
def getContent(req, ids):
    node = q(Node).get(ids[0])
    if not node.has_write_access() or "admin" in current_user.hidden_edit_functions:
        return req.getTAL("web/edit/edit.html", {}, macro="access_error")

    if req.params.get("type", "") == "addattr" and req.params.get("new_name", "") != "" and req.params.get("new_value", "") != "":
        attrname = req.form.get("new_name")
        attrvalue = req.form.get("new_value")
        if attrname.startswith("system."):
            if current_user.is_admin:
                node.system_attrs[attrname[7:]] = attrvalue
            # non-admin user may not add / change system attributes, silently ignore the request.
            # XXX: an error msg would be better
                logg.warn("denied writing a system attribute because user is not an admin user, node=%s attrname=%s current_user=%s",
                          node.id, attrname, current_user.id)
                return httpstatus.HTTP_FORBIDDEN

        node.set(attrname, attrvalue)
        logg.info("new attribute %s for node %s added", req.params.get("new_name", ""), node.id)

    for key in req.params.keys():
        # update localread value of current node
        if key.startswith("del_localread"):
            logg.info("localread attribute of node %s updated", node.id)

        # removing attributes only allowed for admin user

        # remove attribute
        if key.startswith("attr_"):
            if not current_user.is_admin:
                return httpstatus.HTTP_FORBIDDEN

            del node.attrs[key[5:-2]]
            logg.info("attribute %s of node %s removed", key[5:-2], node.id)

        # remove system attribute
        if key.startswith("system_attr_"):
            if not current_user.is_admin:
                return httpstatus.HTTP_FORBIDDEN

            attrname = key[12:-2]
            del node.system_attrs[attrname]
            logg.info("system attribute %s of node %s removed", attrname, node.id)

    metadatatype = node.metadatatype
    fieldnames = []

    if metadatatype:
        fields = metadatatype.getMetaFields()
        for field in fields:
            fieldnames += [field.name]
        fields = []

    metafields = OrderedDict()
    technfields = OrderedDict()
    obsoletefields = OrderedDict()
    system_attrs = []

    tattr = {}
        tattr = node.getTechnAttributes()
    except AttributeError:
    tattr = formatTechAttrs(tattr)

    for key, value in sorted(iteritems(node.attrs), key=lambda t: t[0].lower()):
        if value or current_user.is_admin:
            # display all values for admins, even if they are "empty" (= a false value)
            if key in fieldnames:
                metafields[key] = formatdate(value, getFormat(fields, key))
            elif key in tattr.keys():
                technfields[key] = formatdate(value)
                obsoletefields[key] = value

    for key, value in sorted(iteritems(node.system_attrs), key=lambda t: t[0].lower()):
        system_attrs.append((key, value))

    # remove all technical attributes
    if req.params.get("type", "") == "technical":
        for key in technfields:
            del node.attrs[key]
        technfields = {}
        logg.info("technical attributes of node %s removed", node.id)

    return req.getTAL("web/edit/modules/admin.html", {"id": req.params.get("id", "0"),
                                                      "tab": req.params.get("tab", ""),
                                                      "node": node,
                                                      "obsoletefields": obsoletefields,
                                                      "metafields": metafields,
                                                      "system_attrs": system_attrs,
                                                      "fields": fields,
                                                      "technfields": technfields,
                                                      "tattr": tattr,
                                                      "fd": formatdate,
                                                      "gf": getFormat,
                                                      "user_is_admin": current_user.is_admin,
                                                      "canedit": node.has_write_access()},
Пример #35
 def statements_with_time(self):
     return ((k, v[0]) for k, v in iteritems(self._statements))
Пример #36
class Image(Content):

    #: create zoom tiles when width or height of image exceeds this value
    ZOOM_SIZE = 2000


    # image formats that should exist for each mimetype of the `original` image
        lambda: [u"image/png"], {
        u"image/tiff": [u"image/tiff", u"image/png"],
        u"image/svg+xml": [u"image/svg+xml", u"image/png"],
        u"image/jpeg": [u"image/jpeg"],
        u"image/gif": [u"image/gif"],
        u"image/png": [u"image/png"],
        u"image/bmp": [u"image/bmp"]

        u"jpg": u"image/jpeg",
        u"jpeg": u"image/jpeg",
        u"png": u"image/png",
        u"tif": u"image/tiff",
        u"tiff": u"image/tiff",
        u"gif": u"image/gif",
        u"svg": u"image/svg+xml",
        u"bmp": u"image/bmp",

    # beware of duplicates!
    EXTENSION_FOR_MIMETYPE = {v:k for k, v in iteritems(MIMETYPE_FOR_EXTENSION)}

    def get_default_edit_menu_tabs(cls):
        return "menulayout(view);menumetadata(metadata;files;admin);menuclasses(classes);menusecurity(acls)"

    def get_sys_filetypes(cls):
        return [u"original", u"thumb", u"image", u"presentation", u"zoom"]

    def get_upload_filetype(cls):
        return u"original"

    def svg_image(self):
        return self.files.filter_by(filetype=u"image", mimetype=u"image/svg+xml").scalar()

    def zoom_available(self):
        zoom_file = self.files.filter_by(filetype=u"zoom").scalar()
        return zoom_file is not None

    def should_use_zoom(self):
        # svg should never use the flash zoom
        if self.svg_image is not None:
            return False

        return int(self.get("width") or 0) > Image.ZOOM_SIZE or int(self.get("height") or 0) > Image.ZOOM_SIZE

    def image_url_for_mimetype(self, mimetype):
            file_ext = Image.EXTENSION_FOR_MIMETYPE[mimetype]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("unsupported image mimetype " + mimetype)

        url = u"/image/{}.{}".format(self.id, file_ext)

        return self._add_version_tag_to_url(url)

    def preferred_image_url(self):
        url = u"/image/" + unicode(self.id)
        return self._add_version_tag_to_url(url)

    def presentation_url(self):
        url = u"/thumb2/" + unicode(self.id)
        return self._add_version_tag_to_url(url)

    def get_image_formats(self):
        image_files = self.files.filter_by(filetype=u"image")
        image_formats = {}
        for img_file in image_files:
            if img_file.exists:
                image_formats[img_file.mimetype] = {
                    "url": self.image_url_for_mimetype(img_file.mimetype),
                    "display_size": humanize.filesize.naturalsize(img_file.size)

        return image_formats

    # prepare hash table with values for TAL-template
    def _prepareData(self, req):
        obj = prepare_node_data(self, req)
        if obj["deleted"]:
            # no more processing needed if this object version has been deleted
            # rendering has been delegated to current version
            return obj

        obj["highres_url"] = None

        can_see_original = self.has_data_access()

        use_flash_zoom = config.getboolean("image.use_flash_zoom", True) and self.should_use_zoom
        image_url = '/fullsize?id=%d' % self.id if use_flash_zoom else '/image/%d' % self.id
        image_url = self._add_version_tag_to_url(image_url)

        archive = get_archive_for_node(self)
        if archive:
            if can_see_original:
                obj['highres_url'] = u"/file/{nid}/{nid}.tif".format(nid=self.id)
                archive_state = archive.get_file_state(self)
                if archive_state == Archive.NOT_PRESENT:
                    obj['archive_fetch_url'] = u"/archive/{}".format(self.id)
                elif archive_state == Archive.PENDING:
                    obj['archive_fetch_url'] = u"pending"
                elif archive_state == Archive.PRESENT:
                    obj['archive_fetch_url'] = None

        files, sum_size = filebrowser(self, req)

        obj['canseeoriginal'] = can_see_original
        obj['preferred_image_url'] = self.preferred_image_url
        obj["image_formats"] = self.get_image_formats()
        obj['zoom'] = self.zoom_available
        obj['image_url'] = image_url
        obj['attachment'] = files
        obj['sum_size'] = sum_size
        obj['presentation_url'] = self.presentation_url
        obj['fullsize'] = str(self.id)
        if not self.isActiveVersion():
            obj['tag'] = self.tag
            obj['fullsize'] += "&v=" + self.tag
        obj['fullsize'] = '"' + obj['fullsize'] + '"'

        full_style = req.args.get(u"style", u"full_standard")
        if full_style:
            obj['style'] = full_style

        return obj

    def _generate_other_format(self, mimetype_to_generate, files=None):
        original_file = filter_scalar(lambda f: f.filetype == u"original", files)

        extension = mimetype_to_generate.split("/")[1]
        newimg_name = os.path.splitext(original_file.abspath)[0] + "." + extension

        assert original_file.abspath != newimg_name

        if original_file.mimetype == u"image/svg+xml":
            convert_options = ["-alpha", "off", "-colorspace", "RGB", "-background", "white"]
            convert_options = []

        old_file = filter_scalar(lambda f: f.filetype == u"image" and f.mimetype == mimetype_to_generate, files)

        if old_file is not None:

        convert_image(original_file.abspath, newimg_name, convert_options)

        self.files.append(File(newimg_name, u"image", mimetype_to_generate))

    def _check_missing_image_formats(self, files=None):
        if files is None:
            files = self.files.all()

        original_file = filter_scalar(lambda f: f.filetype == u"original", files)
        old_image_files = filter(lambda f: f.filetype == u"image", files)

        wanted_mimetypes = set(Image.IMAGE_FORMATS_FOR_MIMETYPE[original_file.mimetype])

        return wanted_mimetypes - {f.mimetype for f in old_image_files}

    def _generate_image_formats(self, files=None, mimetypes_to_consider=None):
        """Creates other full size formats for this image node.

        TIFF: create new PNG to be used as `image`
        SVG: create PNG and add it as `png_image`

        :param mimetypes_to_consider: limit the formats that should be (re)-generated to this sequence of mimetypes
        if files is None:
            files = self.files.all()

        original_file = filter_scalar(lambda f: f.filetype == u"original", files)
        old_image_files = filter(lambda f: f.filetype == u"image", files)

        for old_img_file in old_image_files:
            # we don't want to remove the original file...
            if old_img_file.path != original_file.path:

        mimetypes_to_generate = set(Image.IMAGE_FORMATS_FOR_MIMETYPE[original_file.mimetype])

        if mimetypes_to_consider is not None:
            mimetypes_to_generate = mimetypes_to_generate.intersection(mimetypes_to_consider)

        for new_mimetype in mimetypes_to_generate:
            if new_mimetype == original_file.mimetype:
                # image is alias for the original image in this case
                fileobj = File(original_file.path, u"image", original_file.mimetype)
                self._generate_other_format(new_mimetype, files)

    def _find_processing_file(self, files=None):
        """Finds the file that should be used for processing (generating thumbnails, extracting metadata etc) in a file sequence.
        if files is None:
            files = self.files.all()

        original_file = filter_scalar(lambda f: f.filetype == u"original", files)

        if original_file.mimetype == u"image/svg+xml":
            return filter_scalar(lambda f: f.filetype == u"image" and f.mimetype == u"image/png", files)

        return original_file

    def _generate_thumbnails(self, files=None):
        if files is None:
            files = self.files.all()

        image_file = self._find_processing_file(files)
        path = os.path.splitext(image_file.abspath)[0]

        # XXX: we really should use the correct file ending and find another way of naming
        thumbname = path + ".thumb"
        thumbname2 = path + ".presentation"

        old_thumb_files = filter(lambda f: f.filetype in (u"thumb", u"presentation"), files)

        # XXX: removing files before the new ones are created is bad, that should happen later (use File.unlink_after_deletion).
        # XXX: But we need better thumbnail naming first.
        for old in old_thumb_files:

        make_thumbnail_image(image_file.abspath, thumbname)
        make_presentation_image(image_file.abspath, thumbname2)

        self.files.append(File(thumbname, u"thumb", u"image/jpeg"))
        self.files.append(File(thumbname2, u"presentation", u"image/jpeg"))

    def _generate_zoom_archive(self, files=None):
        if files is None:
            files = self.files.all()

        image_file = self._find_processing_file(files)

        zip_filename = get_zoom_zip_filename(self.id)
        zip_filepath = os.path.join(config.get("paths.zoomdir"), zip_filename)

        old_zoom_files = filter(lambda f: f.filetype == u"zoom", files)

        for old in old_zoom_files:

        _create_zoom_archive(Image.ZOOM_TILESIZE, image_file.abspath, zip_filepath)
        file_obj = File(path=zip_filepath, filetype=u"zoom", mimetype=u"application/zip")

    def _extract_metadata(self, files=None):
        image_file = self._find_processing_file(files)
        width, height = get_image_dimensions(image_file)
        # XXX: this is a bit redundant...
        self.set("origwidth", width)
        self.set("origheight", height)
        self.set("origsize", image_file.size)
        self.set("width", width)
        self.set("height", height)

        # Exif
        unwanted_attrs = Image.get_unwanted_exif_attributes()

        with open(image_file.abspath, 'rb') as f:
            tags = EXIF.process_file(f)

        for k in tags.keys():
            # don't set unwanted exif attributes
            if any(tag in k for tag in unwanted_attrs):
            if tags[k]:
                self.set("exif_" + k.replace(" ", "_"), utf8_decode_escape(str(tags[k])))

        # IPTC
        iptc_metadata = lib.iptc.IPTC.get_iptc_tags(image_file.abspath)
        if iptc_metadata is not None:
            for k, v in iteritems(iptc_metadata):
                self.set('iptc_' + k, v)

    def event_files_changed(self):
        """postprocess method for object type 'image'. called after object creation"""
        logg.debug("Postprocessing node %s", self.id)
        existing_files = self.files.all()

        if filter_scalar(lambda f: f.filetype == u"original", existing_files) is None:
            # we cannot do anything without an `original` file, stop here

        missing_image_mimetypes = self._check_missing_image_formats(existing_files)

        if missing_image_mimetypes:
            self._generate_image_formats(existing_files, missing_image_mimetypes)

        # _generate_image_formats is allowed to change `image` and `original` images, so
        files = self.files.all()

        # generate both thumbnail sizes if one is missing because they should always display the same
        if (filter_scalar(lambda f: f.filetype == u"thumb", files) is None
            or filter_scalar(lambda f: f.filetype == u"presentation", files) is None):

        # should we skip this sometimes? Do we want to overwrite everything?

        if self.should_use_zoom:
                # XXX: this sometimes throws SystemError, see #806
                # XXX: missing zoom tiles shouldn't abort the upload process
                logg.exception("zoom image generation failed!")

        # XXX: IPTC writeback will be fixed in #782
        # self._writeback_iptc()


    def get_unwanted_exif_attributes(cls):
        Returns a list of unwanted exif tags which are not to be extracted from uploaded images
        @return: list
        return ['BitsPerSample',

    """ list with technical attributes for type image """
    def getTechnAttributes(self):
        return {"Standard": {"creator": "Ersteller",
                             "creationtime": "Erstelldatum",
                             "updateuser": "******",
                             "updatetime": "Update Datum",
                             "updatesearchindex": "Update Suche",
                             "height": "Höhe Thumbnail",
                             "width": "Breite Thumbnail",
                             "faulty": "Fehlerhaft",
                             "workflow": "Workflownummer",
                             "workflownode": "Workflow Knoten",
                             "origwidth": "Originalbreite",
                             "origheight": "Originalhöhe",
                             "origsize": "Dateigröße"},

                "Exif": {"exif_EXIF_ComponentsConfiguration": "EXIF ComponentsConfiguration",
                         "exif_EXIF_LightSource": "EXIF LightSource",
                         "exif_EXIF_FlashPixVersion": "EXIF FlashPixVersion",
                         "exif_EXIF_ColorSpace": "EXIF ColorSpace",
                         "exif_EXIF_MeteringMode": "EXIF MeteringMode",
                         "exif_EXIF_ExifVersion": "EXIF ExifVersion",
                         "exif_EXIF_Flash": "EXIF Flash",
                         "exif_EXIF_DateTimeOriginal": "EXIF DateTimeOriginal",
                         "exif_EXIF_InteroperabilityOffset": "EXIF InteroperabilityOffset",
                         "exif_EXIF_FNumber": "EXIF FNumber",
                         "exif_EXIF_FileSource": "EXIF FileSource",
                         "exif_EXIF_ExifImageLength": "EXIF ExifImageLength",
                         "exif_EXIF_SceneType": "EXIF SceneType",
                         "exif_EXIF_CompressedBitsPerPixel": "EXIF CompressedBitsPerPixel",
                         "exif_EXIF_ExposureBiasValue": "EXIF ExposureBiasValue",
                         "exif_EXIF_ExposureProgram": "EXIF ExposureProgram",
                         "exif_EXIF_ExifImageWidth": "EXIF ExifImageWidth",
                         "exif_EXIF_DateTimeDigitized": "EXIF DateTimeDigitized",
                         "exif_EXIF_FocalLength": "EXIF FocalLength",
                         "exif_EXIF_ExposureTime": "EXIF ExposureTime",
                         "exif_EXIF_ISOSpeedRatings": "EXIF ISOSpeedRatings",
                         "exif_EXIF_MaxApertureValue": "EXIF MaxApertureValue",

                         "exif_Image_Model": "Image Model",
                         "exif_Image_Orientation": "Image Orientation",
                         "exif_Image_DateTime": "Image DateTime",
                         "exif_Image_YCbCrPositioning": "Image YCbCrPositioning",
                         "exif_Image_ImageDescription": "Image ImageDescription",
                         "exif_Image_ResolutionUnit": "Image ResolutionUnit",
                         "exif_Image_XResolution": "Image XResolution",
                         "exif_Image_Make": "Image Make",
                         "exif_Image_YResolution": "Image YResolution",
                         "exif_Image_ExifOffset": "Image ExifOffset",

                         "exif_Thumbnail_ResolutionUnit": "Thumbnail ResolutionUnit",
                         "exif_Thumbnail_DateTime": "Thumbnail DateTime",
                         "exif_Thumbnail_JPEGInterchangeFormat": "Thumbnail JPEGInterchangeFormat",
                         "exif_Thumbnail_JPEGInterchangeFormatLength": "Thumbnail JPEGInterchangeFormatLength",
                         "exif_Thumbnail_YResolution": "Thumbnail YResolution",
                         "exif_Thumbnail_Compression": "Thumbnail Compression",
                         "exif_Thumbnail_Make": "Thumbnail Make",
                         "exif_Thumbnail_XResolution": "Thumbnail XResolution",
                         "exif_Thumbnail_Orientation": "Thumbnail Orientation",
                         "exif_Thumbnail_Model": "Thumbnail Model",
                         "exif_JPEGThumbnail": "JPEGThumbnail",
                         "Thumbnail": "Thumbnail"}}

    """ fullsize popup-window for image node """
    def popup_fullsize(self, req):
        # XXX: should be has_data_access instead, see #1135>
        # but cannot be changed at the moment
        if not self.has_read_access():
            return 404

        d = {}
        d["image_url"] = self.preferred_image_url
        d['tileurl'] = "/tile/{}/".format(self.id)
        d["no_flash_url"] = "/fullsize?id={}&no_flash=1".format(self.id)
        html = webconfig.theme.render_macro("image.j2.jade", "imageviewer", d)

    def popup_thumbbig(self, req):

    def processImage(self, type="", value="", dest=""):
        """XXX: this method is only called in shoppingbags.
        What does it even do?!
        img = None
        for file in self.files:
            if file.filetype == "image":
                img = file

        if img:
            pic = PILImage.open(img.abspath)

            if type == "percentage":
                w = pic.size[0] * int(value) / 100
                h = pic.size[1] * int(value) / 100

            if type == "pixels":
                if pic.size[0] > pic.size[1]:
                    w = int(value)
                    h = pic.size[1] * int(value) / pic.size[0]
                    h = int(value)
                    w = pic.size[0] * int(value) / pic.size[1]

            elif type == "standard":
                w, h = value.split("x")
                w = int(w)
                h = int(h)

                if pic.size[0] < pic.size[1]:
                    factor_w = w * 1.0 / pic.size[0]
                    factor_h = h * 1.0 / pic.size[1]

                    if pic.size[0] * factor_w < w and pic.size[1] * factor_w < h:
                        w = pic.size[0] * factor_w
                        h = pic.size[1] * factor_w
                        w = pic.size[0] * factor_h
                        h = pic.size[1] * factor_h
                    factor_w = w * 1.0 / pic.size[0]
                    factor_h = h * 1.0 / pic.size[1]

                    if pic.size[0] * factor_w < w and pic.size[1] * factor_w < h:
                        w = pic.size[0] * factor_h
                        h = pic.size[1] * factor_h
                        w = pic.size[0] * factor_w
                        h = pic.size[1] * factor_w

            else:  # do nothing but copy image
                w = pic.size[0]
                h = pic.size[1]

            pic = pic.resize((int(w), int(h)), PILImage.ANTIALIAS)
            if not os.path.isdir(dest):
            pic.save(dest + self.id + ".jpg", "jpeg")
            return 1
        return 0

    def event_metadata_changed(self):
        # XXX: IPTC writeback will be fixed in #782
        # self._writeback_iptc()

    def _writeback_iptc(self):
        """ Handles metadata content if changed.
            Creates a 'new' original [old == upload].
        upload_file = None
        original_path = None
        original_file = None

        for f in self.files:
            if f.getType() == 'original':
                original_file = f
                if os.path.exists(f.abspath):
                    original_path = f.abspath
                if os.path.basename(original_path).startswith('-'):

            if f.type == 'upload':
                if os.path.exists(f.abspath):
                    upload_file = f

        if not original_file:
            logg.info('No original upload for writing IPTC.')

        if not upload_file:
            upload_path = '{}_upload{}'.format(os.path.splitext(original_path)[0], os.path.splitext(original_path)[-1])
            import shutil
            shutil.copy(original_path, upload_path)
            self.files.append(File(upload_path, "upload", original_file.mimetype))

        tag_dict = {}

        for field in self.getMetaFields():
            if field.get('type') == "meta" and field.getValueList()[0] != '' and 'on' in field.getValueList():
                tag_name = field.getValueList()[0].split('iptc_')[-1]

                field_value = self.get('iptc_{}'.format(field.getName()))

                if field.getValueList()[0] != '' and 'on' in field.getValueList():
                    tag_dict[tag_name] = field_value

        lib.iptc.IPTC.write_iptc_tags(original_path, tag_dict)
Пример #37
    def search_link(self, mode="simple"):
        params = {k: v for k, v in iteritems(self.url_params) if k not in ("query", "searchmode", "id")}
        if mode != "simple":
            params["searchmode"] = mode

        return node_url(self.container.id, **params) if not self.edit else edit_node_url(self.container.id, **params)
Пример #38
 def statements_with_all_infos(self):
     return iteritems(self._statements)
Пример #39
def update(self, **kwargs):
    for name, value in iteritems(kwargs):
        setattr(self, name, value)
Пример #40
 def attributes_filtered_by_value(self, attribute_value_filter):
     return {
         k: v
         for k, v in iteritems(self.attributes) if attribute_value_filter(v)
Пример #41
 def attributes_filtered_by_key(self, attribute_key_filter):
     return {k: v for k, v in iteritems(self.attributes) if attribute_key_filter(k)}
Пример #42
 def statements_with_time(self):
     return ((k, v[0]) for k, v in iteritems(self._statements))
Пример #43
 def statements_with_all_infos(self):
     return iteritems(self._statements)
Пример #44
 def attributes_filtered_by_value(self, attribute_value_filter):
     return {k: v for k, v in iteritems(self.attributes) if attribute_value_filter(v)}
Пример #45
 def get_user_data(self, data):
     return {attribute_name: data.get(ldap_fieldname)[0].decode("utf8") if data.get(ldap_fieldname) else None
             for attribute_name, ldap_fieldname in iteritems(self.user_attributes)}
Пример #46
def get_maskcache_report(maskcache_accesscount):
    sorted_entries = [(k, v) for k, v in sorted(iteritems(maskcache_accesscount))]
    total_access_count = sum(v for k, v in sorted_entries)
    num_cache_keys = len(sorted_entries)
    return "keys: %s, total access count: %s, %s" % (num_cache_keys, total_access_count, sorted_entries)
Пример #47
def update(self, **kwargs):
    for name, value in iteritems(kwargs):
        setattr(self, name, value)
Пример #48
def convert_symbolic_rules_to_dnf(nid_to_symbolic_rule, simplify=False):
    return {
        nid: boolalg.to_dnf(rule, simplify=simplify)
        for nid, rule in iteritems(nid_to_symbolic_rule)