def main(): args = parse_args() config = Config(args.config) device = get_device(config.device) if config.seed is not None: torch.manual_seed(config.seed) np.random.seed(config.seed) scale = get_scaler(config.scale) model = get_model(input_shape=30, model_config=config.model) model.to_device(device) if args.t: data = Dataset.read_csv(args.data_train, header=None) print(model) train(data, model, scale, config, device), scale) if args.e: assert args.weights.exists(), "{} - does not exist".format( args.weights) data = Dataset.read_csv(args.data_test, header=None) print(model) model.load(args.weights, scale, device) evaluate(data, model, scale, device)
def drop_na(data: Dataset) -> Dataset: data = data.copy() tmp_concat = pd.concat([data.X, pd.DataFrame(data.y, columns=["_TARGET_"])], axis=1) tmp_concat.dropna(inplace=True) tmp_concat.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) data.X = tmp_concat.drop(columns=["_TARGET_"]).copy() data.y = tmp_concat["_TARGET_"].copy().to_numpy().ravel() return data
def main(): par = Params(sys.argv) random.seed(par.seed) torch.manual_seed(par.seed) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(par.seed) if par.trn and par.val: chk = Checkpoint(par.dir) if chk.contains_model: ####### resume training #################################### cfg, mod, opt = chk.load(par) ### also moves to GPU if cfg.cuda # cfg.update_par(par) ### updates par in cfg print_time('Learning [resume It={}]...'.format(cfg.n_iters_sofar)) else: ######################## training from scratch ############################## cfg = Config(par) ### reads cfg and par (reads vocabularies) mod = Model(cfg) if cfg.cuda: mod.cuda() ### moves to GPU opt = Optimizer(cfg, mod) #build Optimizer print_time('Learning [from scratch]...') trn = Dataset(par.trn, cfg.svoc, cfg.tvoc, par.batch_size, par.max_src_len, par.max_tgt_len, do_shuffle=True, do_filter=True, is_test=False) val = Dataset(par.val, cfg.svoc, cfg.tvoc, par.batch_size, par.max_src_len, par.max_tgt_len, do_shuffle=True, do_filter=True, is_test=True) Training(cfg, mod, opt, trn, val, chk) elif par.tst: #################### inference ########################################## chk = Checkpoint() cfg, mod, opt = chk.load(par, par.chk) # cfg.update_par(par) ### updates cfg options with pars tst = Dataset(par.tst, cfg.svoc, cfg.tvoc, par.batch_size, 0, 0, do_shuffle=False, do_filter=False, is_test=True) print_time('Inference [model It={}]...'.format(cfg.n_iters_sofar)) Inference(cfg, mod, tst)
def nltk_movie_review_accuracy(num_iterations): """ Try different number of features, and optimize number of training iterations.""" return 0, 0 # TODO: Exercise 4: remove line (training_documents, dev_documents, test_documents) = load_reviews() best_development_accuracy = 0.0 best_num_features = 0 best_classifier = None best_feature_set = None # Test different numbers of features. for n in [100, 1000, 10000]: print("Training with %d features..." % n) # Training set training_set = Dataset.from_document_collection(training_documents, num_features=n) # Development set development_set = Dataset.from_document_collection( dev_documents, feature_set=training_set.feature_set) # Train classifier classifier = PerceptronClassifier.from_dataset(training_set) pass # TODO: Exercise 4: train the classifier # Accuracies of classifier with n features train_accuracy = classifier.test_accuracy(training_set) development_accuracy = classifier.test_accuracy(development_set) if development_accuracy > best_development_accuracy: best_development_accuracy = development_accuracy best_num_features = n best_classifier = classifier.copy() best_feature_set = training_set.feature_set print( "Best classifier with %d features: \t Train Accuracy: %.4f \t Dev Accuracy: %.4f" % (n, train_accuracy, best_development_accuracy)) print("Best number of features: %d " % best_num_features) print("Top features for positive class:") print(best_classifier.features_for_class(True)) print("Top features for negative class:") print(best_classifier.features_for_class(False)) # Compute test score for best setting. testing_set = Dataset.from_document_collection( test_documents, feature_set=best_feature_set) testing_accuracy = best_classifier.test_accuracy(testing_set) print("Test score for best setting: %.4f" % testing_accuracy) return best_development_accuracy, testing_accuracy
def testKnee(): lr = acc = args.rate batch_size = args.batch_size epochs = args.epochs mask_type = args.mask bn = w = args.w model_type = args.model data_type = test_val = True if bn: path = "./params/%s_bn_brain_%s_%d.pkl" % (model_type, mask_type, acc) else: # path = "./params/%s_%s_%s_%d_6.pkl" % (model_type, data_type,mask_type, acc) path = "./params/%s_knee_%s_%d.pkl" % (model_type, mask_type, acc) print(path) # mask = np.load("./mask/%s/%s/%d.npy" % (data_type, mask_type, acc)) # mask = np.load("./mask/%s/%s/256_256_%d.npy" % (data_type, mask_type, acc)) # mask = sio.loadmat("./mask/knee/%s/mask_512_512_%d.mat" % (mask_type, acc))['Umask'] mask = sio.loadmat("./mask/brain/%s/%s_256_256_%d.mat" % (mask_type, mask_type, acc))['Umask'] mask = np.transpose(mask, (1, 0)) # mask = np.pad(mask, 128, 'constant') mask = fftshift(mask, axes=(-2, -1)) mask_torch = torch.from_numpy(mask).float().cuda() model = MRIReconstruction(mask_torch, w, bn).cuda() from utils.test_data import KneeDataset as Dataset dataset = Dataset(mask_torch, ["./output/selected/selected.npy"]) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=6, shuffle=False) if os.path.exists(path): model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path)) print("Finished load model parameters!") print(lr, acc, batch_size, epochs) for data in dataloader: u_img, u_k, f_img, f_k = create_input(*data) import time start = time.time() result = model(*(u_k, u_img)) end = time.time() print((end - start) / 6) result = result.cpu().detach().numpy() c, _, h, w = result.shape res = np.zeros((c, h, w), dtype=np.complex) res.real = result[:, 0] res.imag = result[:, 1] print(res.shape)"./output/result_%s_%d_ours.npy" % (mask_type, acc), res) print("INFO: Saved result . size: ", res.shape)
def setUp(self): small_collection_train_1 = DocumentCollection.from_document_list( train_docs_1) self.small_dataset_train_1 = Dataset.from_document_collection( small_collection_train_1) small_collection_train_2 = DocumentCollection.from_document_list( train_docs_2) self.small_dataset_train_2 = Dataset.from_document_collection( small_collection_train_2) small_collection_dev = DocumentCollection.from_document_list(dev_docs) self.small_dataset_dev = Dataset.from_document_collection( small_collection_dev, feature_set=self.small_dataset_train_1.feature_set) small_collection_pred_1 = DocumentCollection.from_document_list( pred_docs_1) self.small_dataset_pred_test_1 = Dataset.from_document_collection( small_collection_pred_1, feature_set=self.small_dataset_train_1.feature_set) small_collection_pred_2 = DocumentCollection.from_document_list( pred_docs_2) self.small_dataset_pred_test_2 = Dataset.from_document_collection( small_collection_pred_2, feature_set=self.small_dataset_train_1.feature_set) small_collection_no_update = DocumentCollection.from_document_list( no_update_docs) self.small_instance_list_no_update = [ DataInstance.from_document(doc, self.small_dataset_train_1.feature_set) for doc in small_collection_no_update.all_documents() ] small_collection_do_update = DocumentCollection.from_document_list( do_update_docs) self.small_instance_list_do_update = [ DataInstance.from_document(doc, self.small_dataset_train_1.feature_set) for doc in small_collection_do_update.all_documents() ]
def main(args): dataset = Dataset(args.data_path, args.offset_x, args.offset_y, args.batch_size, args.batch_per_video) optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=1e-4) model = ConvLSTM(optimizer, args.init_channel, args.block_num) if args.train == 'train': dataloader = dataset.train_loader() train(dataloader, model, args.epochs, args.steps_per_epoch, args.save_path) utils.save_model(model, args.save_path) x, y = next(dataloader) pred = model.predict(x) utils.make_image(pred, y) elif args.train == 'test': video_idx = int(input('예측할 동영상 인덱스를 입력하세요.')) x, y = dataset.test_loader(video_idx) model = utils.load_model(model, args.save_path) pred = test(model, x, y, args.batch_size) abnormal, score = anomaly_score(pred, y) plt.plot(score) plt.savefig('anomaly score.png') utils.make_video(pred, abnormal)
def get_data(name, split_id, data_dir, height, width, batch_size, workers): root = osp.join(data_dir, name) dataset = Dataset(root, split_id=split_id) normalizer = T.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) train_set = dataset.train num_classes = dataset.num_class train_transformer_img = T.Compose([ # T.Resize((height, width)), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) test_transformer_img = T.Compose([ # T.Resize((height, width)), # T.RectScale(height, width), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) train_loader = DataLoader(Preprocessor( train_set, root=dataset.images_dir, transform_img=train_transformer_img), batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=workers, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True) val_loader = DataLoader(Preprocessor(dataset.val, root=dataset.images_dir, transform_img=test_transformer_img), batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=workers, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) return dataset, num_classes, train_loader, val_loader
import datetime from utils.config import Config from model.fasterrcnn import FasterRCNNTrainer, FasterRCNN import tensorflow as tf from import Dataset physical_devices = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') assert len(physical_devices) > 0, "Not enough GPU hardware devices available" tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(physical_devices[0], True) config = Config() config._parse({}) print("读取数据中....") dataset = Dataset(config) frcnn = FasterRCNN(21, (7, 7)) print('model construct completed') """ feature_map, rpn_locs, rpn_scores, rois, roi_indices, anchor = frcnn.rpn(x, scale) ''' feature_map : (1, 38, 50, 256) max= 0.0578503 rpn_locs : (1, 38, 50, 36) max= 0.058497224 rpn_scores : (1, 17100, 2) max= 0.047915094 rois : (2000, 4) max= 791.0 roi_indices :(2000,) max= 0 anchor : (17100, 4) max= 1154.0387 ''' bbox = bboxes label = labels
def test_imputation(data, completer_func=None, multi=False, verboseID=""): # data is Dataset object # completer func is the imputation function # multi determines whether completer_func is a multiple imputation method # verboseID is the name of the completer_func function global PARAMS global N_SPLITS clfs = { # define all the classifiers with best parameters "KNN": KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=PARAMS["KNN"]["n_neighbors"], leaf_size=PARAMS["KNN"]["leaf_size"]), "LinearSVC": LinearSVC(dual=False, tol=PARAMS["LinearSVC"]["tol"], C=PARAMS["LinearSVC"]["C"], max_iter=PARAMS["LinearSVC"]["max_iter"]), # "SVC": SVC(tol=PARAMS["SVC"]["tol"], C=PARAMS["SVC"]["C"], max_iter=PARAMS["SVC"]["max_iter"]), "Forest": RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=PARAMS["Forest"]["n_estimators"], max_depth=PARAMS["Forest"]["max_depth"], min_samples_leaf=PARAMS["Forest"]["min_samples_leaf"]), "LogReg": LogisticRegression(tol=PARAMS["LogReg"]["tol"], C=PARAMS["LogReg"]["C"], max_iter=PARAMS["LogReg"]["max_iter"]), "Tree": DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=PARAMS["Tree"]["max_depth"], max_leaf_nodes=PARAMS["Tree"]["max_leaf_nodes"], min_samples_leaf=PARAMS["Tree"]["min_samples_leaf"]), "MLP": MLPClassifier(alpha=PARAMS["MLP"]["alpha"], learning_rate_init=PARAMS["MLP"]["learning_rate_init"], max_iter=PARAMS["MLP"]["max_iter"], hidden_layer_sizes=PARAMS["MLP"]["hidden_layer_sizes"], early_stopping=True, n_iter_no_change=5), } rawdata_cv = { # save each raw confusion matrix output cv "KNN": [], "LinearSVC": [], # "SVC": [], "Forest": [], "LogReg": [], "Tree": [], "MLP": [], } kf = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=N_SPLITS) fold = 1 X = data.X y = data.y for train_idx, test_idx in kf.split(X, y): X_train, X_test = X.iloc[train_idx], X.iloc[test_idx] y_train, y_test = y[train_idx], y[test_idx] X_test = X_test.reset_index(drop=True) X_train = X_train.reset_index(drop=True) if completer_func: # do imputations on training set and test set individually data_incomplete = Dataset("tmp", X_train, y_train, types=data.types, protected_features=data.protected_features, categorical_features=data.categorical_features, encoders=[data.X_encoders, data.y_encoder]) try: data_complete = completer_func(data_incomplete) except Exception as e: # catch exception and skip print("Exception occurred in completer function '{}': {}".format(verboseID, e)) for clf_name in clfs.keys(): rawdata_cv[clf_name].append([]) fold += 1 continue if ((not multi) and data_complete.X.isnull().sum().sum() > 0) or (multi and sum([dd.X.isnull().sum().sum() for dd in data_complete]) > 0): # if completed dataset still contains missing values, skip print("Completer function '{}' produces missing values, skipped".format(verboseID)) for clf_name in clfs.keys(): rawdata_cv[clf_name].append([]) fold += 1 continue # apply one-hot-encoding if multi: _ = [m.preprocess() for m in data_complete] else: data_complete.preprocess() X_train = [m.X_encoded.copy() for m in data_complete] if multi else data_complete.X_encoded.copy() y_train = data_complete[0].y.copy() if multi else data_complete.y.copy() data_incomplete = Dataset("tmp", X_test, y_test, types=data.types, protected_features=data.protected_features, categorical_features=data.categorical_features, encoders=[data.X_encoders, data.y_encoder]) try: data_complete = completer_func(data_incomplete) except Exception as e: print("Exception occurred in completer function '{}': {}".format(verboseID, e)) for clf_name in clfs.keys(): rawdata_cv[clf_name].append([]) fold += 1 continue if ((not multi) and data_complete.X.isnull().sum().sum() > 0) or (multi and sum([dd.X.isnull().sum().sum() for dd in data_complete]) > 0): print("Completer function '{}' produces missing values, skipped".format(verboseID)) for clf_name in clfs.keys(): rawdata_cv[clf_name].append([]) fold += 1 continue # apply one-hot-encoding if multi: _ = [m.preprocess() for m in data_complete] else: data_complete.preprocess() X_test = [m.X_encoded.copy() for m in data_complete] if multi else data_complete.X_encoded.copy() y_test = data_complete[0].y.copy() if multi else data_complete.y.copy() if not completer_func: multi = False # get result for each classifier for clf_name, clf in clfs.items(): result = compute_confusion_matrix(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, clf, data.protected_features, multi=multi) rawdata_cv[clf_name].append(result) fold += 1 return rawdata_cv
def get_data(name, split_id, data_dir, height, width, batch_size, workers, combine_trainval): root = osp.join(data_dir, name) dataset = Dataset(root, split_id=split_id) normalizer = T.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) num_classes = dataset.num_class if name == "GTOS_256": train_transformer_img = T.Compose([ # T.Resize((height, width)), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) test_transformer_img = T.Compose([ # T.Resize((height, width)), # T.RectScale(height, width), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) if name == "CDMS_174": train_transformer_img = T.Compose([ T.RandomCrop(256), T.RandomHorizontalFlip(), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) test_transformer_img = T.Compose([ T.CenterCrop(256), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) if name == "CDMS_160": train_transformer_img = T.Compose([ T.RandomCrop(256), T.RandomHorizontalFlip(), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) test_transformer_img = T.Compose([ T.CenterCrop(256), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) train_loader = DataLoader(Preprocessor( dataset.train, root=dataset.images_dir, dataset_name=name, transform_img=train_transformer_img), batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=workers, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True) val_loader = DataLoader(Preprocessor(dataset.val, root=dataset.images_dir, dataset_name=name, transform_img=test_transformer_img), batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=workers, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) test_loader = DataLoader(Preprocessor(dataset.test, root=dataset.images_dir, dataset_name=name, transform_img=test_transformer_img), batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=workers, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) return dataset, num_classes, train_loader, val_loader, test_loader
def main(): PROJECT_PATH = "/rapids/notebooks/host/BM_GPU" config_path = f"{PROJECT_PATH}/config_aicrowd.yaml" Data = Dataset(PROJECT_PATH, 'task1_etho', config_path) Data.load_data() # configuration INFO = INFO_items = list(INFO.items()) INFO_items.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]['order']) config = Data.config with open (f"{PROJECT_PATH}/{config['result_path']}/angle_scale_model.pickle", 'rb') as file: angle_scaler = pickle.load(file) with open (f"{PROJECT_PATH}/{config['result_path']}/limb_scale_model.pickle", 'rb') as file: limb_scaler = pickle.load(file) # features tot_bp = Data.data_obj['rotated_bodypoints']*config['postural_weight'] tot_angle = angle_scaler.transform(Data.data_obj['angles'])*config['postural_weight'] tot_limb = limb_scaler.transform(Data.data_obj['limbs'])*config['postural_weight'] tot_marker_pwr = None # Implement this later maybe tot_angle_pwr = Data.data_obj['angle_power']*config['kinematic_weight'] tot_limb_pwr = Data.data_obj['limb_power']*config['kinematic_weight'] # Postural Embedding if config['include_marker_postural']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Marker Postural ::: START") p_marker_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_bp) print(f"::: Marker Postural ::: Computation Time: {time.time()-start_timer}") if config['include_angle_postural']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Angle Postural ::: START") p_angle_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_angle) print(f"::: Angle Postural ::: Computation Time: {time.time()-start_timer}") if config['include_limb_postural']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Limb Postural ::: START") p_limb_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_limb) print(f"::: Limb Postural ::: Computation Time: {time.time()-start_timer}") if config['include_all_postural']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Angle & Limb Postural ::: START Timer") p_angle_limb_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_angle, tot_limb) print(f"::: Angle & Limb Postural ::: Time Stamp: {time.time()-start_timer}") # Kinematic Embedding if config['include_marker_kinematic']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Marker Kinematic ::: START") k_marker_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_marker_pwr) print(f"::: Marker Kinematic ::: Computation Time: {time.time()-start_timer}") if config['include_angle_kinematic']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Angle Kinematic ::: START") k_angle_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_angle_pwr) print(f"::: Angle Kinematic ::: Computation Time: {time.time()-start_timer}") if config['include_limb_kinematic']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Limb Kinematic ::: START") k_limb_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_limb_pwr) print(f"::: Limb Kinematic ::: Computation Time: {time.time()-start_timer}") if config['include_all_kinematic']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Angle & Limb Kinematic ::: START Timer") k_angle_limb_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_angle_pwr, tot_limb_pwr) print(f"::: Angle & Limb Kinematic ::: Time Stamp: {time.time()-start_timer}") if config['include_all_features']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Angle & Limb Kinematic & Postural ::: START Timer") kp_angle_limb_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_angle, tot_limb, tot_angle_pwr, tot_limb_pwr) print(f"::: Angle & Limb Kinematic & Postural ::: Time Stamp: {time.time()-start_timer}")
def concat(data: Dataset) -> pd.DataFrame: data = data.copy() return pd.concat([data.X, pd.DataFrame(data.y, columns=["_TARGET_"])], axis=1)
def get_data(name, split_id, data_dir, height, width, batch_size, workers, combine_trainval): root = osp.join(data_dir, name) dataset = Dataset(root, split_id=split_id) normalizer = T.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) num_classes = dataset.num_class if name == "GTOS_256": train_transformer_img = T.Compose([ # T.Resize((height, width)), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) train_transformer_diff = T.Compose([ T.Resize((240, 240)), # T.Grayscale(num_output_channels=3), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) test_transformer_img = T.Compose([ # T.Resize((height, width)), # T.RectScale(height, width), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) test_transformer_diff = T.Compose([ T.Resize((240, 240)), # T.RectScale(height, width), # T.Grayscale(num_output_channels=3), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) if name == "CDMS_174": train_transformer_img = T.Compose([ T.RandomCrop(256), T.RandomHorizontalFlip(), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) train_transformer_diff = T.Compose([ T.RandomCrop(256), T.RandomHorizontalFlip(), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) test_transformer_img = T.Compose([ T.CenterCrop(256), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) test_transformer_diff = T.Compose([ T.CenterCrop(256), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) if name == "CDMS_160": train_transformer_img = T.Compose([ T.RandomCrop(256), T.RandomHorizontalFlip(), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) train_transformer_diff = T.Compose([ T.RandomCrop(256), T.RandomHorizontalFlip(), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) test_transformer_img = T.Compose([ T.CenterCrop(256), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) test_transformer_diff = T.Compose([ T.CenterCrop(256), T.ToTensor(), # normalizer, ]) # a = Preprocessor(train_set, root=dataset.images_dir, # transform_img=train_transformer_img, transform_diff=train_transformer_diff) # p = a[800] # import cv2 # img = p[0] # img = img.numpy() # img = (np.transpose(img, (1, 2, 0)) * 255).astype(np.uint8) # cv2.imwrite('/Users/jason/Documents/GitHub/DAIN_py/tmp/img.png', img) # diff = p[1] # diff = diff.numpy() # diff = (np.transpose(diff, (1, 2, 0)) * 255).astype(np.uint8) # cv2.imwrite('/Users/jason/Documents/GitHub/DAIN_py/tmp/diff.png', diff) train_loader = DataLoader(Preprocessor( dataset.train, root=dataset.images_dir, dataset_name=name, transform_img=train_transformer_img, transform_diff=train_transformer_diff), batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=workers, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True) val_loader = DataLoader(Preprocessor(dataset.val, root=dataset.images_dir, dataset_name=name, transform_img=test_transformer_img, transform_diff=test_transformer_diff), batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=workers, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) test_loader = DataLoader(Preprocessor( dataset.test, root=dataset.images_dir, dataset_name=name, transform_img=test_transformer_img, transform_diff=test_transformer_diff), batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=workers, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) return dataset, num_classes, train_loader, val_loader, test_loader
def train_knee(): from import KneeDataset as Dataset lr = acc = args.rate batch_size = args.batch_size epochs = args.epochs mask_type = args.mask bn = w = args.w model_type = args.model data_type = cuda = args.cuda test_val = True if bn: path = "./params/%s_bn_%s_%s_%d.pkl" % (model_type, data_type, mask_type, acc) else: # path = "./params/%s_%s_%s_%d_6.pkl" % (model_type, data_type,mask_type, acc) path = "./params/%s_%s_%s_%d.pkl" % (model_type, data_type, mask_type, acc) print(path) # mask = np.load("./mask/%s/%s/%d.npy" % (data_type, mask_type, acc)) # mask = np.load("./mask/%s/%s/256_256_%d.npy" % (data_type, mask_type, acc)) # mask = sio.loadmat("./mask/%s/%s/%s_320_320_%d.mat" % (data_type, mask_type, mask_type, acc))['Umask'] # mask = np.transpose(mask) # mask = fftshift(mask, axes=(-2, -1)) # mask_torch = torch.from_numpy(mask).float().cuda() mask = sio.loadmat("./mask/brain/%s/%s_256_256_%d.mat" % (mask_type, mask_type, acc))['Umask'] mask = np.transpose(mask, (1, 0)) # print("./mask/brain/%s/%s_256_256_%d.mat" % (mask_type, mask_type, acc)) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.imshow(mask, cmap="gray") # mask = fftshift(mask, axes=(-2, -1)) mask_torch = torch.from_numpy(mask).float().cuda() # print(mask_torch.size()) vis = Visualizer() model = MRIReconstruction(mask_torch, w, bn).cuda() # model = nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=[0, 2, 3]) dataset = Dataset(mask_torch) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) # criterion = MRIReconstructionLoss(0.01, 0.1, 1) criterion = nn.MSELoss() valid_dataset = Dataset(mask_torch, training=False) valid_dataloader = DataLoader(valid_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False) if os.path.exists(path): model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path, map_location='cuda:%d' % cuda)) print("Finished load model parameters!") print(path) print(lr, acc, batch_size, epochs) for epoch in range(epochs): timestr = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) print(timestr, end=": ") loss = 0 valid_dataset.indexs = [] _i = 1 if test_val: with torch.no_grad(): for data in valid_dataloader: u_img, u_k, f_img, f_k = create_input(*data) result = model(*(u_k, u_img)) loss += criterion(f_img, result).cpu().item() _i += 1 ############################## 可视化########################### # the common section print("Epoch: ", epoch, "Rate: ", acc, "Test Loss: ", loss / _i, end=" ") index = 40 data = valid_dataset[index] a = torch.unsqueeze(data[0], dim=0) b = torch.unsqueeze(data[1], dim=0) c = torch.unsqueeze(data[2], dim=0) d = torch.unsqueeze(data[3], dim=0) u_img, u_k, f_img, f_k = create_input(*(a, b, c, d)) result = model(*(u_k, u_img)) index = 0 u_img, u_k, f_img, f_k = create_input(*(a, b, c, d)) u_img = u_img[index].detach().cpu().numpy() u_img = create_complex_value(u_img) img = f_img[index].detach().cpu().numpy() img = create_complex_value(img) vis.plot("%s %s Test Loss - %d" % (model_type, mask_type, acc), loss) vis.img("%s %s Undersampled image %d" % (model_type, mask_type, acc), abs(u_img)) h, w = img.shape # img_ = img[h//2-128:h//2+128, w//2-128:w//2+128] vis.img("%s %s full image %d" % (model_type, mask_type, acc), abs(img)) vis.img("%s %s Mask %d" % (model_type, mask_type, acc), mask) out = result[index].detach().cpu().numpy() out = create_complex_value(out) vis.img("%s %s Reconstructed image %d" % (model_type, mask_type, acc), np.abs(out)) max_value = np.max(np.abs(img)) max_value = 255 print("SSIM: ", compare_ssim(np.abs(img), np.abs(out), data_range=max_value), " ", compare_ssim(np.abs(img), np.abs(u_img), data_range=max_value), end=" ") print("SSIM: ", compare_psnr(np.abs(img), np.abs(out), data_range=max_value), " ", compare_psnr(np.abs(img), np.abs(u_img), data_range=max_value))"./data/rec_model3.npy", out)"./data/under.npy", u_img)"./data/full_img", img) for data in dataloader: u_img, u_k, f_img, f_k = create_input(*data) result = model(*(u_k, u_img)) loss = criterion(f_img, result) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step(), path)
def test1(): lr = acc = args.rate batch_size = args.batch_size epochs = args.epochs mask_type = args.mask bn = w = args.w model_type = args.model data_type = test_val = True if bn: path = "./params/%s_bn_%s_%s_%d.pkl" % (model_type, data_type, mask_type, acc) else: # path = "./params/%s_%s_%s_%d_6.pkl" % (model_type, data_type,mask_type, acc) path = "./params/%s_%s_%s_%d.pkl" % (model_type, data_type, mask_type, acc) print(path) # mask = np.load("./mask/%s/%s/%d.npy" % (data_type, mask_type, acc)) # mask = np.load("./mask/%s/%s/256_256_%d.npy" % (data_type, mask_type, acc)) mask = sio.loadmat("./mask/%s/%s/%s_256_256_%d.mat" % (data_type, mask_type, mask_type, acc))['Umask'] mask = fftshift(mask, axes=(-2, -1)) mask_torch = torch.from_numpy(mask).float().cuda() model = MRIReconstruction(mask_torch, w, bn).cuda() from utils.test_data import BrainDataset as Dataset if os.path.exists(path): model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path)) print("Finished load model parameters!") print(lr, acc, batch_size, epochs) if not os.path.exists('./pano/%s/%d/res' % (mask_type, acc)): os.makedirs('./pano/%s/%d/res' % (mask_type, acc)) for i in range(190): data = sio.loadmat("./pano/%s/%d/f_img/%d.mat" % (mask_type, acc, i))['im_ori']'./output/selected/selected.npy', data) dataset = Dataset(mask_torch, ["./output/selected/selected.npy"]) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=6, shuffle=False) for data in dataloader: u_img, u_k, f_img, f_k = create_input(*data) result = model(*(u_k, u_img)).cpu().detach().numpy() c, _, h, w = result.shape res = np.zeros((c, h, w), dtype=np.complex) res.real = result[:, 0] res.imag = result[:, 1] "./pano/%s/%d/res/%d_%s_%s_%d" % (mask_type, acc, i, mask_type, model_type, acc), res) print("INFO: Saved result . size: ", res.shape)
def cross_val(data_original: Dataset, data_config, clf_config, complete_function=None, selected_cols=[]): bias = [] acc = [] smote = SMOTE() scaler = StandardScaler() for i in range(10): if complete_function: data = gen_complete_random(data_original, random_ratio=0.4, selected_cols=selected_cols) else: data = data_original print("Running Cross Validation {}".format(i)) bias_cv = [] acc_cv = [] for train_idx, test_idx in StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=20).split(data.X, data.y): X_train, X_test = data.X.iloc[train_idx].copy(), data.X.iloc[test_idx].copy() Y_train, Y_test = data.y[train_idx], data.y[test_idx] X_train.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) X_test.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if complete_function: data_incomplete = Dataset("tmp", X_train, Y_train, types=data.types, protected_features=data.protected_features, categorical_features=data.categorical_features, encoders=[data.X_encoders, data.y_encoder]) try: data_complete = complete_function(data_incomplete) except Exception as e: print("Error: {}. Skipped".format(e)) continue if data_complete.X.isnull().sum().sum() > 0: print("Complete function error, skipped") continue X_train = data_complete.X.copy() Y_train = data_complete.y.copy() X_train.drop(columns=data.protected_features, inplace=True) if complete_function: data_incomplete = Dataset("tmp", X_test, Y_test, types=data.types, protected_features=data.protected_features, categorical_features=data.categorical_features, encoders=[data.X_encoders, data.y_encoder]) try: data_complete = complete_function(data_incomplete) except Exception as e: print("Error: {}. Skipped".format(e)) continue if data_complete.X.isnull().sum().sum() > 0: print("Complete function error, skipped") continue X_test = data_complete.X.copy() Y_test = data_complete.y.copy() X_train_res, Y_train_res = smote.fit_resample(X_train, Y_train) X_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X_train_res) clf = LogisticRegression(max_iter=clf_config["max_iter"], C=clf_config["C"], tol=clf_config["tol"]), Y_train_res) X_test_scaled = pd.DataFrame(scaler.transform(X_test.drop(columns=data.protected_features)), columns=X_test.drop(columns=data.protected_features).columns) X_test_scaled = pd.concat([X_test_scaled, X_test[data.protected_features]], axis=1) X_test_A = X_test_scaled[X_test_scaled[data_config["target"]] == data_config["A"]].drop(columns=data.protected_features).to_numpy() X_test_B = X_test_scaled[X_test_scaled[data_config["target"]] == data_config["B"]].drop(columns=data.protected_features).to_numpy() Y_test_A = Y_test[X_test_scaled[X_test_scaled[data_config["target"]] == data_config["A"]].index.tolist()] Y_test_B = Y_test[X_test_scaled[X_test_scaled[data_config["target"]] == data_config["B"]].index.tolist()] matrix_A = confusion_matrix(Y_test_A, clf.predict(X_test_A)).ravel().tolist() matrix_B = confusion_matrix(Y_test_B, clf.predict(X_test_B)).ravel().tolist() try: bias_cv.append(newBias(matrix_A+matrix_B)) except Exception as e: print("\tError: {}, skipped".format(e)) acc_cv.append(accuracy_score(clf.predict(X_test_scaled.drop(columns=data.protected_features).to_numpy()), Y_test)) bias.append(np.mean(bias_cv)) acc.append(np.mean(acc_cv)) return (np.mean(bias), np.mean(acc))
if __name__ == '__main__': args = yaml.load(open('./configs/runner.yml', 'r'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) args = {**args, **yaml.load(open('./configs/data.yml', 'r'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)} seed = args["seed"] random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) train_file, test_file, embedding_source = args["train_file"], args["test_file"], args["embedding_source"] dataset = Dataset(data_columns=args["data_info"], batch_size=args["batch_size"], seq_len=args["seq_len"]) dataset.load_data(train_file, test_file, embedding_source) vocab_size = len(dataset.vocab) embeddings = dataset.embeddings model = instantiate_model(args["model"], vocab_size, embeddings) # tqdm_range = trange(args["epochs"], desc="Epoch", unit="epoch") print("=" * 54) for epoch in range(args["epochs"]): _, _ = model.run_epoch(dataset.train_batch_loader, dataset.valid_batch_loader) print("-" * 54) train_acc = model.evaluate(dataset.train_batch_loader) val_acc = model.evaluate(dataset.valid_batch_loader) print("Epoch %3d ended | train acc.: %3.2f | val acc.: %.2f" % ((epoch + 1), train_acc * 100, val_acc * 100))
history = { 'train_losses':[], 'val_losses' :[], 'epoch_data' : [] } if(args.checkpoint_path): checkpoint = load_checkpoint(args.checkpoint_path) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state']) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer_state']) history = checkpoint['history'] START_EPOCH = history['epoch_data'][-1]+1 ds = Dataset(path=args.dataset_path) shuffle_dataset = True # Creating data indices for training and validation splits: dataset_size = len(ds) indices = list(range(dataset_size)) split = int(np.floor(validation_split * dataset_size)) if shuffle_dataset : np.random.seed(random_seed) np.random.shuffle(indices) train_indices, val_indices = indices[split:], indices[:split] # Creating PT data samplers and loaders: train_sampler = SubsetRandomSampler(train_indices) validation_sampler = SubsetRandomSampler(val_indices) train_loader =,batch_size=batch_size,sampler=train_sampler)
def main(): config_name = sys.argv[1] # load configuration and data with open(config_name) as f: config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) PROJECT_PATH = config['GPU_project_path'] config_path = f"{PROJECT_PATH}/{config_name}" Data = Dataset(PROJECT_PATH, config_path) Data.load_data() # configuration INFO = INFO_values = Data.info_values skeleton = config['skeleton'] skeleton_color = config['skeleton_color'] skeleton_fill = config['skeleton_fill'] num_videos_per_clusters = config['num_sample_videos'] video_duration = config['max_video_length'] video_type = config['video_type'] # bodypoints if video_type == 0: tot_bp = Data.data_obj['bodypoints'] elif video_type == 1: tot_bp = Data.data_obj['rotated_bodypoints'] elif video_type == 2: tot_bp = Data.data_obj['scaled_bodypoints'] # embeddings tot_embed = Data.data_obj['all_embeddings'] # cluster tot_clusters = Data.data_obj['cluster'] num_clusters = int(np.max(tot_clusters)) + 1 # Determine Which frames to Abstract video_cluster_idx = {} for clust_i in range(num_clusters): sorted_list_idx = sorted((list(y) for (x, y) in itertools.groupby(( enumerate(tot_clusters)), operator.itemgetter(1)) if x == clust_i), key=len, reverse=True) top_start_stop_idx = map(lambda x: [x[0][0], x[-1][0]], sorted_list_idx[0:num_videos_per_clusters]) video_cluster_idx[clust_i] = np.array(list(top_start_stop_idx)) global_start_frames = np.array( [val['global_start_fr'] for val in INFO_values]) global_stop_frames = np.array( [val['global_stop_fr'] for val in INFO_values]) global_directories = np.array([val['directory'] for val in INFO_values]) for clust_i in range(0, num_clusters): # Create video fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(10, 10)) fig.suptitle(f"Cluster {clust_i} Sample Videos") fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95]) # animal video data if video_type == 0: video_i, file_start_fr = {}, {} for i, (start, stop) in enumerate( tqdm(video_cluster_idx[clust_i], desc="Collecting Videos")): file_bool = start > global_start_frames if any(file_bool): file_start_fr[i] = global_start_frames[file_bool][-1] file_path = global_directories[file_bool][-1] file_key = file_path.split("/")[-1] video_path = glob( f"{config['raw_video_path']}/{file_key}.avi")[0] video = video_start = start - file_start_fr[i] video_stop = video_start + video_duration if video_stop < len(video): video_i[i] = video[video_start:video_stop] else: video_i[i] = video[video_start:] else: return # don't create a video # video format FFMpegWriter = animation.writers['ffmpeg'] writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=25) SAVE_PATH = f"{config['save_video_path']}/mutivideo_cluster{clust_i}.mp4" if not os.path.exists(f"{config['save_video_path']}"): os.makedirs(f"{config['save_video_path']}") with writer.saving(fig, SAVE_PATH, dpi=300): for fr_i in tqdm(np.arange(0, video_duration), desc=f"Cluster {clust_i} Frame Loop"): for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(video_cluster_idx[clust_i]): fr = start + fr_i # stop animation if video ends if (video_type == 0) & (fr_i >= len(video_i[i])): continue # configure plot ax[i // 3, i % 3].clear() ax[i // 3, i % 3].set_axis_off() ax[i // 3, i % 3].set(title=f"Cluster {int(tot_clusters[fr])}") if (video_type == 1) | (video_type == 2): ax[i // 3, i % 3].set(xlim=(-3, 3), ylim=(-3, 3)) if video_type == 0: ax[i // 3, i % 3].imshow(video_i[i][fr_i]) for skeleton_i, color_i in zip(skeleton, skeleton_color): ax[i // 3, i % 3].plot(tot_bp[fr, skeleton_i, 0], tot_bp[fr, skeleton_i, 1], marker="o", markersize=2, linewidth=2, alpha=0.6, c=color_i) for fill_obj in skeleton_fill: ax[i // 3, i % 3].add_patch( matplotlib.patches.Polygon( xy=tot_bp[fr, fill_obj['trapezoid'], 0:2], fill=True, alpha=0.7, color=fill_obj['fill'])) writer.grab_frame() plt.close()
def convert_protected(data: Dataset) -> Tuple[Dataset, LabelEncoder]: data = data.copy() encoder = LabelEncoder() for feature in data.protected_features: data.X[feature] = encoder.fit_transform(data.X[feature]) return data, encoder
def main(): PROJECT_PATH = "/rapids/notebooks/host/BM_GPU" config_path = f"{PROJECT_PATH}/config_aicrowd.yaml" num_videos_per_clusters = 9 video_duration = 200 # frames Data = Dataset(PROJECT_PATH, 'task1_etho', config_path) Data.load_data() # configuration INFO = INFO_values = Data.info_values with open(f"{PROJECT_PATH}/config_aicrowd.yaml") as f: config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # config = Data.config skeleton = config['skeleton'] skeleton_color= config['skeleton_color'] skeleton_fill = config['skeleton_fill'] # features #tot_bp = Data.data_obj['rotated_bodypoints'] tot_bp = Data.data_obj['scaled_bodypoints'] # embeddings tot_embed = Data.data_obj['all_embeddings'] # cluster tot_clusters = Data.data_obj['cluster'] num_clusters = int(np.max(tot_clusters))+1 # Determine Which frames to Abstract video_cluster_idx = {} for clust_i in range(num_clusters): clust_idx = np.where(tot_clusters==clust_i)[0] difference = np.diff(clust_idx) # Find consecutive break break_idx = np.where(difference != 1)[0] mod_break_idx = np.insert(break_idx, 0, 0) break_difference = np.diff(mod_break_idx) # Find max consecutive sorted_idx = np.argsort(break_difference) top_idx = sorted_idx[-num_videos_per_clusters:] video_idx = np.array([[ clust_idx[mod_break_idx[idx]+1], clust_idx[mod_break_idx[idx+1]+1]] for idx in top_idx]) video_cluster_idx[clust_i] = video_idx global_start_frames = np.array([val['global_start_fr'] for val in INFO_values]) global_stop_frames = np.array([val['global_stop_fr'] for val in INFO_values]) global_directories = np.array([val['directory'] for val in INFO_values]) for clust_i in range(0, num_clusters): # Create video fig, ax = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(10,10)) fig.suptitle(f"Cluster {clust_i} Sample Videos") fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95]) # # animal video data # video_i, file_start_fr = {}, {} # for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(tqdm(video_cluster_idx[clust_i], desc="Collecting Videos")): # file_bool = start > global_start_frames # if any(file_bool): # file_start_fr[i] = global_start_frames[file_bool][-1] # file_path = global_directories[file_bool][-1] # file_key = file_path.split("/")[-1] # video_path = glob(f"{VIDEO_PATH}/{file_key}.avi")[0] # video = # video_start = start-file_start_fr[i] # video_stop = video_start+video_duration # if video_stop < len(video): # video_i[i] = video[video_start:video_stop] # else: # video_i[i] = video[video_start:] # else: # return # don't create a video # video format FFMpegWriter = animation.writers['ffmpeg'] writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=25) SAVE_PATH=f"videos/task1_etho/mutivideo_cluster{clust_i}.mp4" with writer.saving(fig, SAVE_PATH, dpi=300): for fr_i in tqdm(np.arange(0, video_duration), desc=f"Cluster {clust_i} Frame Loop"): for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(video_cluster_idx[clust_i]): fr = start+fr_i # configure plot ax[i//3,i%3].clear() ax[i//3,i%3].set_axis_off() ax[i//3,i%3].set(title=f"Cluster {int(tot_clusters[fr])}") ax[i//3,i%3].set(xlim=(-3,3), ylim=(-3,3)) # ax[i//3,i%3].imshow(video_i[i][fr_i]) for skeleton_i, color_i in zip(skeleton, skeleton_color): ax[i//3,i%3].plot(tot_bp[fr,skeleton_i,0], tot_bp[fr,skeleton_i,1], marker="o", markersize=2, linewidth=2, alpha=0.6, c=color_i) for fill_obj in skeleton_fill: ax[i//3,i%3].add_patch(matplotlib.patches.Polygon(xy=tot_bp[fr,fill_obj['trapezoid'],0:2], fill=True, alpha=0.7, color=fill_obj['fill'])) writer.grab_frame() plt.close()
def main(): # grab arguments config_name = sys.argv[1] with open(config_name) as f: config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) config_path = f"{config['GPU_project_path']}/{config_name}" PROJECT_PATH = config['GPU_project_path'] Data = Dataset(PROJECT_PATH, config_path) Data.load_data() # configuration INFO = INFO_items = list(INFO.items()) INFO_items.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]['order']) config = Data.config with open( f"{PROJECT_PATH}/{config['result_path']}/angle_scale_model.pickle", 'rb') as file: angle_scaler = pickle.load(file) with open( f"{PROJECT_PATH}/{config['result_path']}/limb_scale_model.pickle", 'rb') as file: limb_scaler = pickle.load(file) # features tot_bp = Data.data_obj['rotated_bodypoints'] * config['postural_weight'] tot_angle = angle_scaler.transform( Data.data_obj['angles']) * config['postural_weight'] tot_limb = limb_scaler.transform( Data.data_obj['limbs']) * config['postural_weight'] tot_marker_pwr = None # Implement this later maybe tot_angle_pwr = Data.data_obj['angle_power'] * config['kinematic_weight'] tot_limb_pwr = Data.data_obj['limb_power'] * config['kinematic_weight'] # take out bad frames tot_good_fr, tot_bad_fr, tot_disregard_fr = locate_bad_fr(config, tot_bp) tot_angle = tot_angle[tot_good_fr] tot_limb = tot_limb[tot_good_fr] tot_angle_pwr = tot_angle_pwr[tot_good_fr] tot_limb_pwr = tot_limb_pwr[tot_good_fr] print("******************") nan_fr = np.where(np.isnan(tot_limb_pwr))[0] print(len(np.unique(nan_fr))) print("******************") # Postural Embedding if config['include_marker_postural']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Marker Postural ::: START") p_marker_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_bp) print( f"::: Marker Postural ::: Computation Time: {time.time()-start_timer}" ) if config['include_angle_postural']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Angle Postural ::: START") p_angle_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_angle) print( f"::: Angle Postural ::: Computation Time: {time.time()-start_timer}" ) if config['include_limb_postural']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Limb Postural ::: START") p_limb_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_limb) print( f"::: Limb Postural ::: Computation Time: {time.time()-start_timer}" ) if config['include_all_postural']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Angle & Limb Postural ::: START Timer") p_angle_limb_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_angle, tot_limb) print( f"::: Angle & Limb Postural ::: Time Stamp: {time.time()-start_timer}" ) # Kinematic Embedding if config['include_marker_kinematic']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Marker Kinematic ::: START") k_marker_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_marker_pwr) print( f"::: Marker Kinematic ::: Computation Time: {time.time()-start_timer}" ) if config['include_angle_kinematic']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Angle Kinematic ::: START") k_angle_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_angle_pwr) print( f"::: Angle Kinematic ::: Computation Time: {time.time()-start_timer}" ) if config['include_limb_kinematic']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Limb Kinematic ::: START") k_limb_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_limb_pwr) print( f"::: Limb Kinematic ::: Computation Time: {time.time()-start_timer}" ) if config['include_all_kinematic']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Angle & Limb Kinematic ::: START Timer") k_angle_limb_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_angle_pwr, tot_limb_pwr) print( f"::: Angle & Limb Kinematic ::: Time Stamp: {time.time()-start_timer}" ) if config['include_all_features']: start_timer = time.time() print(f"::: Angle & Limb Kinematic & Postural ::: START Timer") kp_angle_limb_embed(config, INFO_items, tot_angle, tot_limb, tot_angle_pwr, tot_limb_pwr) print( f"::: Angle & Limb Kinematic & Postural ::: Time Stamp: {time.time()-start_timer}" )
def load_dataset(): global data_path dataset = Dataset(data_path, verbose=True) dataset_size = len(dataset.samples) assert dataset_size > 0 return dataset
from import Dataset base_path = os.getcwd() model_path = os.path.join(base_path, "model_save") train_datapath = os.path.join(base_path, "data", "train.tfrecords") val_datapath = os.path.join(base_path, "data", "test.tfrecords") class My_config(config): Name = "ImageNet" Num_categrade = 13 Batch_size = 10 Use_learning_rate_reduce = False real_config = My_config() train_dataset = Dataset(train_datapath, config=real_config) val_dataset = Dataset(val_datapath, config=real_config) # a = next(train_dataset.data_generater()) model = Densenet(model_dir=model_path, config=real_config, mode='training') model.train(train_dataset=train_dataset, val_dataset=val_dataset, learning_rate=real_config.Learning_rate, epochs=200, layers='heads') print(model)