def evaluate(qf,ql,qc,gf,gl,gc,type='euclidean'): qf = qf[np.newaxis,:] # qf.shape = (1,2048) # gf.shape = (19732,2048) score = compute_dist(qf, gf, type=type) # cosine # predict index score = np.squeeze(score,axis=0) # score.shape = (19732,) index = np.argsort(score) # from small to large if type == 'cosine': index = index[::-1] # from large to small # good index query_index = np.argwhere(gl==ql) camera_index = np.argwhere(gc==qc) good_index = np.setdiff1d(query_index, camera_index, assume_unique=True) junk_index1 = np.argwhere(gl==-1) # junk bboxs index junk_index2 = np.intersect1d(query_index, camera_index) junk_index = np.append(junk_index2, junk_index1) CMC_tmp = compute_mAP(index, good_index, junk_index) return CMC_tmp
def eval(self, normalize_feat=True, to_re_rank=True, pool_type='average', verbose=True): """Evaluate using metric CMC and mAP. Args: normalize_feat: whether to normalize features before computing distance to_re_rank: whether to also report re-ranking scores pool_type: 'average' or 'max', only for multi-query case verbose: whether to print the intermediate information """ with measure_time('Extracting feature...', verbose=verbose): feat, ids, cams, im_names, marks = self.extract_feat( normalize_feat, verbose) # query, gallery, multi-query indices q_inds = marks == 0 g_inds = marks == 1 mq_inds = marks == 2 # A helper function just for avoiding code duplication. def compute_score(dist_mat, query_ids=ids[q_inds], gallery_ids=ids[g_inds], query_cams=cams[q_inds], gallery_cams=cams[g_inds]): # Compute mean AP mAP = mean_ap(distmat=dist_mat, query_ids=query_ids, gallery_ids=gallery_ids, query_cams=query_cams, gallery_cams=gallery_cams) # Compute CMC scores cmc_scores = cmc(distmat=dist_mat, query_ids=query_ids, gallery_ids=gallery_ids, query_cams=query_cams, gallery_cams=gallery_cams, separate_camera_set=self.separate_camera_set, single_gallery_shot=self.single_gallery_shot, first_match_break=self.first_match_break, topk=10) return mAP, cmc_scores def print_scores(mAP, cmc_scores): print( '[mAP: {:5.2%}], [cmc1: {:5.2%}], [cmc5: {:5.2%}], [cmc10: {:5.2%}]' .format(mAP, *cmc_scores[[0, 4, 9]])) ################ # Single Query # ################ with measure_time('Computing distance...', verbose=verbose): # query-gallery distance q_g_dist = compute_dist(feat[q_inds], feat[g_inds], type='euclidean') with measure_time('Computing scores...', verbose=verbose): mAP, cmc_scores = compute_score(q_g_dist) print('{:<30}'.format('Single Query:'), end='') print_scores(mAP, cmc_scores) ############### # Multi Query # ############### mq_mAP, mq_cmc_scores = None, None if any(mq_inds): mq_ids = ids[mq_inds] mq_cams = cams[mq_inds] mq_feat = feat[mq_inds] unique_mq_ids_cams = defaultdict(list) for ind, (id, cam) in enumerate(zip(mq_ids, mq_cams)): unique_mq_ids_cams[(id, cam)].append(ind) keys = unique_mq_ids_cams.keys() assert pool_type in ['average', 'max'] pool = np.mean if pool_type == 'average' else np.max mq_feat = np.stack( [pool(mq_feat[unique_mq_ids_cams[k]], axis=0) for k in keys]) with measure_time('Multi Query, Computing distance...', verbose=verbose): # multi_query-gallery distance mq_g_dist = compute_dist(mq_feat, feat[g_inds], type='euclidean') with measure_time('Multi Query, Computing scores...', verbose=verbose): mq_mAP, mq_cmc_scores = compute_score( mq_g_dist, query_ids=np.array(zip(*keys)[0]), gallery_ids=ids[g_inds], query_cams=np.array(zip(*keys)[1]), gallery_cams=cams[g_inds]) print('{:<30}'.format('Multi Query:'), end='') print_scores(mq_mAP, mq_cmc_scores) if to_re_rank: ########################## # Re-ranked Single Query # ########################## with measure_time('Re-ranking distance...', verbose=verbose): # query-query distance q_q_dist = compute_dist(feat[q_inds], feat[q_inds], type='euclidean') # gallery-gallery distance g_g_dist = compute_dist(feat[g_inds], feat[g_inds], type='euclidean') # re-ranked query-gallery distance re_r_q_g_dist = re_ranking(q_g_dist, q_q_dist, g_g_dist) with measure_time('Computing scores for re-ranked distance...', verbose=verbose): mAP, cmc_scores = compute_score(re_r_q_g_dist) print('{:<30}'.format('Re-ranked Single Query:'), end='') print_scores(mAP, cmc_scores) ######################### # Re-ranked Multi Query # ######################### if any(mq_inds): with measure_time('Multi Query, Re-ranking distance...', verbose=verbose): # multi_query-multi_query distance mq_mq_dist = compute_dist(mq_feat, mq_feat, type='euclidean') # re-ranked multi_query-gallery distance re_r_mq_g_dist = re_ranking(mq_g_dist, mq_mq_dist, g_g_dist) with measure_time( 'Multi Query, Computing scores for re-ranked distance...', verbose=verbose): mq_mAP, mq_cmc_scores = compute_score( re_r_mq_g_dist, query_ids=np.array(zip(*keys)[0]), gallery_ids=ids[g_inds], query_cams=np.array(zip(*keys)[1]), gallery_cams=cams[g_inds]) print('{:<30}'.format('Re-ranked Multi Query:'), end='') print_scores(mq_mAP, mq_cmc_scores) return mAP, cmc_scores, mq_mAP, mq_cmc_scores
def test(sess, rerank=True): def print_scores(mAP, cmc_scores): print( '[mAP: {:5.2%}], [cmc1: {:5.2%}], [cmc5: {:5.2%}], [cmc10: {:5.2%}]' .format(mAP, *cmc_scores[[0, 4, 9]])) q_featfile = q_testfeat g_featfile = g_testfeat if args.feat_ext: feature_extract(sess, q_featfile, g_featfile) q_info = np.genfromtxt(q_featfile, delimiter=',', skip_header=1) g_info = np.genfromtxt(g_featfile, delimiter=',', skip_header=1) print('shape of q_info2: ', np.shape(q_info[:, 3:])) print('shape of q_info2: ', np.shape(g_info[:, 3:])) if args.normalize_feat: q_feat = normalize(q_info[:, 3:], axis=1) g_feat = normalize(g_info[:, 3:], axis=1) else: q_feat = q_info[:, 3:] g_feat = g_info[:, 3:] ################ # Single Query # ################ # query-gallery distance print('Computing distance...') st = time.time() q_g_dist = compute_dist(q_feat, g_feat, type='euclidean') print('Done, {:.2f}s, shape of q_g_dist: {}'.format( time.time() - st, np.shape(q_g_dist))) print('Computing scores...') st = time.time() mAP, cmc_scores = compute_score(q_g_dist, query_ids=q_info[:, 1], gallery_ids=g_info[:, 1], query_cams=q_info[:, 2], gallery_cams=g_info[:, 2]) print('Done, {:.2f}s'.format(time.time() - st)) print('{:<30}'.format('Single Query:'), end='') print_scores(mAP, cmc_scores) if not rerank: return mAP, cmc_scores ########################## # Re-ranked Single Query # ########################## print('Computing Re-ranking distance...') st = time.time() # query-query distance q_q_dist = compute_dist(q_feat, q_feat, type='euclidean') print('shape of q_q_dist: ', np.shape(q_q_dist)) # gallery-gallery distance g_g_dist = compute_dist(g_feat, g_feat, type='euclidean') print('shape of g_g_dist: ', np.shape(g_g_dist)) # re-ranked query-gallery distance re_r_q_g_dist = re_ranking(q_g_dist, q_q_dist, g_g_dist) print('shape of re_r_q_g_dist: ', np.shape(re_r_q_g_dist)) print('Done, {:.2f}s'.format(time.time() - st)) print('Computing scores for re-ranked distance...') st = time.time() remAP, recmc_scores = compute_score(re_r_q_g_dist, query_ids=q_info[:, 1], gallery_ids=g_info[:, 1], query_cams=q_info[:, 2], gallery_cams=g_info[:, 2]) print('Done, {:.2f}s'.format(time.time() - st)) print('{:<30}'.format('Re-ranked Single Query:'), end='') print_scores(remAP, recmc_scores) return mAP, cmc_scores, remAP, recmc_scores
def SV(feature_path, result_path, plot=False): queryfeatpath = feature_path + '/query.csv' query = readfeatures(queryfeatpath, args.normalize_feat) q_feat = query[:, 3:] q_ids = query[:, 1].astype( galleryfeatpath = feature_path + '/gallery.csv' gallery = readfeatures(galleryfeatpath, args.normalize_feat) g_feat = gallery[:, 3:] g_ids = gallery[:, 1].astype( resultfile = result_path if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(resultfile)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(resultfile)) f = open(resultfile, "w", newline='') w = csv.writer(f) head = ["Threshold", "TTR", "FTR"] w.writerow(head) ingalleryID = list(np.unique(g_ids)) q_g_dist = compute_dist(q_feat, g_feat, type='euclidean') if args.rerank: ########################## # Re-ranked Single Query # ########################## print('Computing Re-ranking distance...') # st = time.time() # gallery-gallery distance g_g_dist = compute_dist(g_feat, g_feat, type='cosine') # print('shape of g_g_dist: ', np.shape(g_g_dist)) for i in range(len(q_feat)): temp_q_feat = np.expand_dims(q_feat[i], axis=0) q_q_dist = compute_dist(temp_q_feat, temp_q_feat, type='euclidean') # print('shape of q_q_dist: ', np.shape(q_q_dist)) # re-ranked query-gallery distance q_g_dist[i] = re_ranking(np.expand_dims(q_g_dist[i], axis=0), q_q_dist, g_g_dist, k1=10, k2=5) # query-query distance # similar_idx = np.argmin(q_g_dist, axis=1) similar_dist = np.min(q_g_dist, axis=1) # ed = time.time() # print("%f" % (ed-st)) TTR_list = [] FTR_list = [] TTR_to_FTR = np.zeros(6, dtype=np.float) print("Start SV evaluating: {}".format(os.path.dirname(queryfeatpath))) for t in range(0, 2000): threshold = t / 1000.0 match_mask = similar_dist <= threshold # ed = time.clock() # print("{:.6f}".format(ed - st)) inidmask = np.in1d(q_ids, ingalleryID) TQ = float(len(q_ids[inidmask])) NTQ = float(len(q_ids[np.logical_not(inidmask)])) matched_q = q_ids[match_mask] matached_inidmask = np.in1d(matched_q, ingalleryID) TTQ = float(list(matached_inidmask).count(True)) FNTQ = float(list(matached_inidmask).count(False)) TTR = TTQ / TQ * 100.0 FTR = FNTQ / NTQ * 100.0 # print("Threshold: {}, TTR: {:.3f}, FTR: {:.3f}".format(threshold, TTR, FTR)) w.writerow([threshold, TTR, FTR]) f.flush() TTR_list.append(TTR) FTR_list.append(FTR) if FTR <= 0.1: TTR_to_FTR[0] = TTR elif FTR <= 1.0: TTR_to_FTR[1] = TTR elif FTR <= 5.0: TTR_to_FTR[2] = TTR elif FTR <= 10.0: TTR_to_FTR[3] = TTR elif FTR <= 20.0: TTR_to_FTR[4] = TTR elif FTR <= 30.0: TTR_to_FTR[5] = TTR f.close() if plot: graphname = 'gallery_' + args.dataset + "_SV_%d" % (i) plotcurve(graphname, TTR_list, FTR_list) print() print("Test SV: %s" % (resultfile)) print("==================================") print("FTR:\t0.1,\t1,\t5,\t10,\t20,\t30") print("TTR:\t{:.2f},\t{:.2f},\t{:.2f}, \t{:.2f},\t{:.2f},\t{:.2f}\n\n".format(*TTR_to_FTR.tolist())) return TTR_to_FTR
def IV(feature_path, result_path, plot=False): queryfeatpath = feature_path + '/query.csv' query = readfeatures(queryfeatpath, args.normalize_feat) q_feat = query[:, 3:] q_ids = query[:, 1].astype( galleryfeatpath = feature_path + '/gallery.csv' gallery = readfeatures(galleryfeatpath, args.normalize_feat) g_feat = gallery[:, 3:] g_ids = gallery[:, 1].astype( resultfile = result_path if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(resultfile)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(resultfile)) f = open(resultfile, "w", newline='') w = csv.writer(f) head = ["Threshold", "TTR", "FTR"] w.writerow(head) ingalleryID = list(np.unique(g_ids)) q_g_dist = compute_dist(q_feat, g_feat, type='euclidean') if args.rerank: ########################## # Re-ranked Single Query # ########################## print('Computing Re-ranking distance...') # st = time.time() # gallery-gallery distance g_g_dist = compute_dist(g_feat, g_feat, type='euclidean') # print('shape of g_g_dist: ', np.shape(g_g_dist)) for i in range(len(q_feat)): temp_q_feat = np.expand_dims(q_feat[i], axis=0) q_q_dist = compute_dist(temp_q_feat, temp_q_feat, type='euclidean') # print('shape of q_q_dist: ', np.shape(q_q_dist)) # re-ranked query-gallery distance q_g_dist[i] = re_ranking(np.expand_dims(q_g_dist[i], axis=0), q_q_dist, g_g_dist, k1=10, k2=5) # query-query distance TTR_list = [] FTR_list = [] TTR_to_FTR = np.zeros(6, dtype=np.float) print("Start IV evaluating: {}".format(os.path.dirname(queryfeatpath))) for t in range(0, 2000): threshold = t / 1000.0 iv_TTR = np.zeros(len(ingalleryID), dtype=np.float) iv_FTR = np.zeros(len(ingalleryID), dtype=np.float) for j, id in enumerate(ingalleryID): g_mask = g_ids == id onlyg_q_dist = q_g_dist[:, g_mask] similar_dist = np.min(onlyg_q_dist, axis=1) similar_idx = np.argmin(onlyg_q_dist, axis=1) ingallerymask = q_ids == id TQ = float(list(ingallerymask).count(True)) NTQ = float(list(ingallerymask).count(False)) ing_dist = similar_dist[ingallerymask] match_dist = ing_dist <= threshold TTQ = float(list(match_dist).count(True)) not_ing_dist = similar_dist[np.logical_not(ingallerymask)] # not_ing_idx = similar_idx[np.logical_not(ingallerymask)] not_ing_match_dist = not_ing_dist <= threshold # not_ing_match_dist = np.bitwise_and(not_ing_dist <= threshold, not_ing_pre_idx == id) FNTQ = float(list(not_ing_match_dist).count(True)) iv_TTR[j] = TTQ / TQ * 100.0 iv_FTR[j] = FNTQ / NTQ * 100.0 TTR = np.mean(iv_TTR) FTR = np.mean(iv_FTR) TTR_list.append(TTR) FTR_list.append(FTR) # print("Threshold: {}, TTR: {:.3f}, FTR: {:.3f}".format(threshold, TTR, FTR)) w.writerow([threshold, TTR, FTR]) f.flush() if FTR <= 0.1: TTR_to_FTR[0] = TTR elif FTR <= 1.0: TTR_to_FTR[1] = TTR elif FTR <= 5.0: TTR_to_FTR[2] = TTR elif FTR <= 10.0: TTR_to_FTR[3] = TTR elif FTR <= 20.0: TTR_to_FTR[4] = TTR elif FTR <= 30.0: TTR_to_FTR[5] = TTR f.close() if plot: graphname = 'gallery_' + args.dataset + "_IV_%d" % (i) plotcurve(graphname, TTR_list, FTR_list) print() print("Test IV: %s" % (resultfile)) print("==================================") print("FTR:\t0.1,\t1,\t5,\t10,\t20,\t30") print("TTR:\t{:.2f},\t{:.2f},\t{:.2f}, \t{:.2f},\t{:.2f},\t{:.2f}\n\n".format(*TTR_to_FTR.tolist())) return TTR_to_FTR#, np.asarray(TTR_list), np.asarray(FTR_list)
def main(): cfg = Config() # Redirect logs to both console and file. if cfg.log_to_file: ReDirectSTD(cfg.stdout_file, 'stdout', False) ReDirectSTD(cfg.stderr_file, 'stderr', False) TVT, TMO = set_devices(cfg.sys_device_ids) # Dump the configurations to log. import pprint print('-' * 60) print('cfg.__dict__') pprint.pprint(cfg.__dict__) print('-' * 60) ########### # Dataset # ########### test_set = create_dataset(**cfg.test_set_kwargs) ######### # Model # ######### model = Model(, path_to_predefined='', pretrained=False, last_conv_stride=cfg.last_conv_stride) model.cuda() r''' This is compeletly useless, but since I used apex, and its optimization level has different effect on each layer of networ and optimizer is mandatory argument, I created this optimizer. ''' optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters()) model, optimizer = amp.initialize( model, optimizer, opt_level=cfg.opt_level, #loss_scale=cfg.loss_scale ) print(model) # Model wrapper model_w = DataParallel(model) # May Transfer Model to Specified Device. TMO([model]) ##################### # Load Model Weight # ##################### # To first load weights to CPU map_location = (lambda storage, loc: storage) used_file = cfg.model_weight_file or cfg.ckpt_file loaded = torch.load(used_file, map_location=map_location) if cfg.model_weight_file == '': loaded = loaded['state_dicts'][0] load_state_dict(model, loaded) print('Loaded model weights from {}'.format(used_file)) ################### # Extract Feature # ################### test_set.set_feat_func(ExtractFeature(model_w, TVT)) with measure_time('Extracting feature...', verbose=True): feat, ids, cams, im_names, marks = test_set.extract_feat(True, verbose=True) ####################### # Select Query Images # ####################### # Fix some query images, so that the visualization for different models can # be compared. # Sort in the order of image names inds = np.argsort(im_names) feat, ids, cams, im_names, marks = \ feat[inds], ids[inds], cams[inds], im_names[inds], marks[inds] # query, gallery index mask is_q = marks == 0 is_g = marks == 1 prng = np.random.RandomState(2) # selected query indices sel_q_inds = prng.permutation(range(np.sum(is_q)))[:cfg.num_queries] q_ids = ids[is_q][sel_q_inds] q_cams = cams[is_q][sel_q_inds] q_feat = feat[is_q][sel_q_inds] q_im_names = im_names[is_q][sel_q_inds] #################### # Compute Distance # #################### # query-gallery distance q_g_dist = compute_dist(q_feat, feat[is_g], type='euclidean') ########################### # Save Rank List as Image # ########################### q_im_paths = list() for n in q_im_names: if isinstance(n, bytes): n = n.decode("utf-8") q_im_paths.append(ospj(test_set.im_dir, n)) save_paths = list() for n in q_im_names: if isinstance(n, bytes): n = n.decode("utf-8") save_paths.append(ospj(cfg.exp_dir, 'rank_lists', n)) g_im_paths = list() for n in im_names[is_g]: if isinstance(n, bytes): n = n.decode("utf-8") g_im_paths.append(ospj(test_set.im_dir, n)) for dist_vec, q_id, q_cam, q_im_path, save_path in zip( q_g_dist, q_ids, q_cams, q_im_paths, save_paths): rank_list, same_id = get_rank_list(dist_vec, q_id, q_cam, ids[is_g], cams[is_g], cfg.rank_list_size) save_rank_list_to_im(rank_list, same_id, q_im_path, g_im_paths, save_path)
lr_2 = piecewise_constant_lr(lr_decay_steps, lr_decay) lr = lr_1 + lr_2 train_net = TrainStepWrap(loss_net, lr, config.momentum, is_train=False) load_checkpoint("checkpoints/40.ckpt", net=train_net) q_feats, q_labels, g_feats, g_labels = [], [], [], [] for data, gt_classes, theta in query_dataset: output = train_net(data, gt_classes, theta) output = output.asnumpy() label = gt_classes.asnumpy() q_feats.append(output) q_labels.append(label) q_feats = np.vstack(q_feats) q_labels = np.hstack(q_labels) for data, gt_classes, theta in gallery_dataset: output = train_net(data, gt_classes, theta) output = output.asnumpy() label = gt_classes.asnumpy() g_feats.append(output) g_labels.append(label) g_feats = np.vstack(g_feats) g_labels = np.hstack(g_labels) q_g_dist = compute_dist(q_feats, g_feats, dis_type='cosine') mAP, cmc_scores = compute_score(q_g_dist, q_labels, g_labels) print(mAP, cmc_scores)