def put(self): """Modify smsoptions for the given owner_mobile. """ status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS try: data = DotDict(json_decode(self.request.body)) owner_mobile = data['owner_mobile']"[UWEB] smsoption request: %s, uid: %s", data, self.current_user.uid) except Exception as e: status = ErrorCode.ILLEGAL_DATA_FORMAT logging.exception("[UWEB] Invalid data format. Exception: %s", e.args) self.write_ret(status) return try: del data['owner_mobile'] fields = DotDict(login="******", powerlow="powerlow = %s", powerdown="powerdown = %s", illegalshake="illegalshake = %s", illegalmove="illegalmove = %s", sos="sos = %s", heartbeat_lost="heartbeat_lost = %s", charge="charge = %s", region_enter="region_enter = %s", region_out="region_out = %s", stop="stop = %s", speed_limit="speed_limit = %s") for key, value in data.iteritems(): data[key] = fields[key] % data[key] set_clause = ','.join([v for v in data.itervalues() if v is not None]) if set_clause: self.db.execute("UPDATE T_SMS_OPTION SET " + set_clause + " WHERE uid = %s", owner_mobile) self.write_ret(status) except Exception as e: logging.exception("[UWEB] uid:%s tid:%s update SMS Options failed. Exception: %s", self.current_user.uid,self.current_user.tid, e.args) status = ErrorCode.SERVER_BUSY self.write_ret(status)
def post(self): """Provide some statistics about terminals. """ status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS try: data = DotDict(json_decode(self.request.body))"[UWEB] event statistic request: %s, uid: %s, tid: %s", data, self.current_user.uid, self.current_user.tid) except Exception as e: status = ErrorCode.ILLEGAL_DATA_FORMAT self.write_ret(status) return try: res = [] page_size = UWEB.LIMIT.PAGE_SIZE page_number = int(data.pagenum) page_count = int(data.pagecnt) start_time = data.start_time end_time = data.end_time tids = str_to_list(data.tids) # the interval between start_time and end_time is one week if self.current_user.cid != UWEB.DUMMY_CID: # no checks for enterprise pass elif (int(end_time) - int(start_time)) > UWEB.QUERY_INTERVAL: self.write_ret(ErrorCode.QUERY_INTERVAL_EXCESS) return CATEGORY_DCT = DotDict(illegalmove=EVENTER.CATEGORY.ILLEGALMOVE, illegashake=EVENTER.CATEGORY.ILLEGALSHAKE, #sos=EVENTER.CATEGORY.EMERGENCY, heartbeat_lost=EVENTER.CATEGORY.HEARTBEAT_LOST, powerlow=EVENTER.CATEGORY.POWERLOW) if page_count == -1: count = len(tids) d, m = divmod(count, page_size) page_count = (d + 1) if m else d for tid in tids: res_item = {} res_item['alias'] = QueryHelper.get_alias_by_tid(tid, self.redis, self.db) for key, category in CATEGORY_DCT.iteritems(): item = self.db.get("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM V_EVENT" " WHERE tid = %s" " AND (timestamp BETWEEN %s AND %s)" " AND category = %s", tid, start_time, end_time, category) res_item[key] = item.count res.append(res_item) # store resutl in redis m = hashlib.md5() m.update(self.request.body) hash_ = m.hexdigest() mem_key = self.KEY_TEMPLATE % (self.current_user.uid, hash_) self.redis.setvalue(mem_key, res, time=UWEB.STATISTIC_INTERVAL) res = res[(page_number * page_size):((page_number+1) * page_size)] self.write_ret(status, dict_=DotDict(res=res, pagecnt=page_count, hash_=hash_)) except Exception as e: logging.exception("[UWEB] event statistic, uid:%s, tid:%s failed. Exception: %s", self.current_user.uid, self.current_user.tid, e.args) status = ErrorCode.SERVER_BUSY self.write_ret(status)