Пример #1
    def get_data_on_vertical_segment(self, var_name, record, point):
        Extract values for each plane of a 2d points in telemac-3d result file
        for the given variable

        @param point (numpy.array) Point of extraction
        @param varname (string) Name of variable for which to extract data
        @param record (int) Number of desired record

        @returns (numpy.array)

        if self.get_mesh_dimension() != 3:
            raise TelemacException("Action possible only on 3d mesh")

        if len(point) != 2:
            raise TelemacException('Warning the extraction point '\
                                   'must be 2d')
        nplan = self.nplan
        res = np.zeros(nplan)
        for plan in range(self.nplan):
            values = self.get_data_on_horizontal_plane(\
                               var_name, record, plan)
            data_interp = mtri.LinearTriInterpolator(self.tri, values)
            res[plan] = data_interp(point[0], point[1])
        return res
Пример #2
    def get_data_on_horizontal_slice(\
            self, varname, record, zslices, nplanref=None):
        Extract values of plan in telemac-3d result file for the given variable

        @param zslice (numpy.array) Elevation of the slice
        @param record (int) Number of desired record
        @param nplanref (int) Number of reference plane
        @param varname (string) Name of variable for which to extract data

        @returns (numpy.array)
        if self.get_mesh_dimension() != 3:
            raise TelemacException("Action possible only on 3d mesh")

        if isinstance(zslices, list) or isinstance(zslices, np.ndarray):
            if zslices.ndim > 1:
                raise TelemacException('Warning the slice coordinate'\
                                      'must be 1d')
            res = np.zeros(((self.npoin2), len(zslices)), dtype=np.float64)
            zslices_list = zslices
        elif isinstance(zslices, int):
            res = np.zeros(((self.npoin2), zslices), dtype=np.float64)
            zslices_list = [zslices]
            raise TelemacException('Unknown zslices type')

        zref = np.zeros((self.npoin2), dtype=np.float64)

        if 'ELEVATION Z' in self.varnames:
            if nplanref is not None:
                zref = self.get_data_on_horizontal_plane(\
                                'ELEVATION Z', record, nplanref)
            values_elevation = self.get_data_value('ELEVATION Z', record)
            values_elevation = values_elevation.reshape(
                self.nplan, self.npoin2)
            values_var = self.get_data_value(varname, record)
            values_var = values_var.reshape(self.nplan, self.npoin2)

            for izs, zslice in enumerate(zslices_list):
                zslice = zref + zslice
                for j in range(self.npoin2):
                    res[j, izs] = float('nan')
                    for i in range(self.nplan - 1):
                        if values_elevation[i, j] <= zslice[j] and \
                           zslice[j] <= values_elevation[i+1, j]:
                            shz = (zslice[i]-values_elevation[i, j])/\
                                  max((values_elevation[i+1, j] \
                                       - values_elevation[i, j]), 1.0e-6)
                            res[j, izs] = (1.0-shz)*values_var[i, j]+shz*\
                                         values_var[i+1, j]
            raise TelemacException('Warning the dimension of the result '\
                                   'file is not 3 ELEVATION Z is missing')

        if isinstance(zslices, list) or isinstance(zslices, np.ndarray):
            return res
        elif isinstance(zslices, int):
            return res[:, 0]
Пример #3
    def get_data_on_horizontal_plane(self, varname, record, plane_number):
        Extract values of one plane in telemac-3d result file
        for the given variable

        @param varname (string) Name of variable for which to extract data
        @param record (int) Number of desired record
        @param plane_number (int) Number of desired plane

        @returns (numpy.array)

        if self.get_mesh_dimension() != 3:
            raise TelemacException("Action possible only on 3d mesh")

        values = self.get_data_value(varname, record)
        if plane_number < 0 or plane_number >= self.nplan:
            raise TelemacException(\
                    'Wrong plane number {} should be in [0, {}]'\
                    .format(plane_number, self.nplan-1))
        start = plane_number * self.npoin2
        end = (plane_number + 1) * self.npoin2
        extracted_values = values[start:end]

        return extracted_values
Пример #4
    def get_data_on_points(self, varname, record, points):
        Extract values on points in telemac result file (2D or 3D)
        for the given variable for one record

        @param varname (string) Name of variable for which to extract data
        @param record (int) Number of desired record to extract
        @param points list of numpy.array containing points of extraction

        @returns (numpy.array)
        res = float('nan') * np.ones((len(points)), dtype=np.float64)
        if len(np.shape(np.array(points))) != 2:
            raise TelemacException('Warning problem with the list of '\
                                   'extraction points')
        # dimension of the computation result
        dim = np.shape(np.array(points))[1]
        if dim == 2:
            res = self._get_data_on_2d_points(varname, record, points)
        elif dim == 3:
            res = self._get_data_on_3d_points(varname, record, points)
            raise TelemacException('Warning problem with the dimension of '\
                                   'extraction points')
        return res
Пример #5
def subdivide(options):
    Subdivide a mesh
    if not options.freplace:
        if len(options.args) != 2:
            raise TelemacException(\
                    '\nThe code "subdivide" '
                    '(without --replace) here '
                    'requires 2 file names\n')
        slf_file = options.args[0]
        out_file = options.args[1]
        if len(options.args) != 1:
            raise TelemacException(\
                    '\nThe code "subdivide" (with --replace) '
                    'here requires 1 file name at a time\n')
        slf_file = options.args[0]
        out_file = "subdivide-tmp.slf"

    slf_file = path.realpath(slf_file)
    if not path.exists(slf_file):
        raise TelemacException(\
                '\nCould not find'
                ' the file named: {}'.format(slf_file))
    print('\n\nSubdividing ' + path.basename(slf_file) + ' within ' + \
            path.dirname(slf_file) + '\n'+'~'*72+'\n')
    slf = SubSelafin(slf_file)

    if options.freplace:
        move_file(out_file, slf_file)
Пример #6
def run_damocles(exe_path, parame_file, log_file=''):
       Running the damocles executable

       @param exe_path Path the damocles executable
       @param parame_file Path to the input aprameters file
       @param log_file Redirecting ouput to that file if present
    if not path.exists(exe_path):
        raise TelemacException("You need to compile damocles to use it...")
    # Run Fortran program
    mes = Messages(size=10)
        if log_file == '':
            print("%s < %s " % (exe_path, parame_file))
            _, code = mes.run_cmd("%s < %s" % (exe_path, parame_file), False)
            print("%s < %s > %s" % (exe_path, parame_file, log_file))
            _, code = mes.run_cmd(
                "%s < %s > %s" % (exe_path, parame_file, log_file), False)
    except OSError as exc:
        raise TelemacException(exc.strerror)
    if code != 0:
        raise TelemacException([\
               'msg':'Could not execute damocles'\
                     +'\n\nHere is the log:\n'
Пример #7
def move_file2file(src, dest):
    Move file to file

    @param src (string) source file
    @param dest (string) target file
    if dest == src:
    if path.exists(dest):
        except BaseException:
            time.sleep(5)  # /!\ addition for windows operating system
            except BaseException as excpt:
                raise TelemacException(
                    'I could not remove your existing file: ' + dest)
    if path.exists(src):
            shutil.move(src, dest)
        except BaseException:
            time.sleep(5)  # /!\ addition for windows operating system
                shutil.move(src, dest)
            except BaseException as excpt:
                raise TelemacException('I could not move your file: ' + src +
                                       '\n   ... maybe the detination exists?')
Пример #8
def build_box(blcorner, trcorner):
    Define the box for the data request

    @param blcorner (string) Bottom Left cnorner
    @param trcorner (string) Top Right corner

    @return The model box
    modelbox = [[], []]
    if blcorner is not None:
        x, y = literal_eval(blcorner)
        raise TelemacException(
            '... could not find your bounding box bottom left'
            'corner. Please use --bl option (, delimited, no '
    if trcorner is not None:
        x, y = literal_eval(trcorner)
        raise TelemacException(
            '... could not find your bounding box top right '
            'corner. Please use --tr option (, delimited, no '
    return modelbox
Пример #9
def move_file(src, dest):
    Move file to directory

    @param src (string) source file
    @param dest (string) target directory
    if path.exists(path.join(dest, path.basename(src))):
            remove(path.join(dest, path.basename(src)))
        except BaseException:
            time.sleep(5)  # /!\ addition for windows operating system
                remove(path.join(dest, path.basename(src)))
            except BaseException as excpt:
                raise TelemacException(\
                    'I could not remove your existing file: '+src)
    if path.exists(src):
            shutil.move(src, dest)
        except BaseException:
            time.sleep(5)  # /!\ addition for windows operating system
                shutil.move(src, dest)
            except BaseException as excpt:
                raise TelemacException(\
                   'I could not move your file: ' + src
                   + '\n   ... maybe the detination exists?')
Пример #10
def build_period(tfrom, tstop):
    Define the time period for the data request

    @param tfrom (string) First date (ex "1972-13-07")
    @param tstop (string) Last date (ex "1980-12-31")
    period = [[], []]
    if tfrom != None:
        for i in tfrom.split('-'):
        raise TelemacException(\
                '... could not find your from date. '
                'Please use --from option '
                '(- delimited, no spaces).\n\n')
    if tstop != None:
        for i in tstop.split('-'):
        raise TelemacException(\
                '... could not find your stop date. '
                'Please use --stop option '
                '(- delimited, no spaces).\n\n')
    return period
def hycom2srf(tfrom, tstop, blcorner, trcorner, root_name, only_2d):
    Convertion form HYCOM data to Serafin format
    # Arbitrary 6-day period
    period = [[], []]
    if tfrom != None:
        for i in tfrom.split('-'):
        raise TelemacException(\
                '... could not find your from date. '
                'Please use --from option '
                '(- delimited, no spaces).\n\n')
    if tstop != None:
        for i in tstop.split('-'):
        raise TelemacException(\
                '... could not find your stop date. '
                'Please use --stop option '
                '(- delimited, no spaces).\n\n')

    # arbitrary box (small pieve of the atlantic side of Mexico)
    modelbox = [[], []]
    if blcorner != None:
        for i in blcorner.split(','):
        raise TelemacException(\
             '... could not find your bounding box bottom left corner. '
             'Please use --bl option (, delimited, no spaces).\n\n')
    if trcorner != None:
        for i in trcorner.split(','):
        raise TelemacException(\
            '... could not find your bounding box top right corner. '
            'Please use --tr option (, delimited, no spaces).\n\n')

# <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
# ~~~~ Convert to Selafin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    print('\n\n' + '~' * 72 + '\n')
    print('\nProcessing header (mesh, connectivity, etc.)\n')
    hy2slf = HYCOM(period)

    print('\n\n' + '~' * 72 + '\n')
    print('\nProcessing core variables (time record, variables, etc.)\n')
    tic = time.time()
    print('\nExtraction start time:   '+\
            time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(tic)))
    hy2slf.put_content(root_name, only_2d)
    toc = time.time()
    print('\nExtraction end time:     '+\
            time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(toc)))
    print('___________\nDuration:     ' + str(int(toc - tic)) + ' seconds\n')
Пример #12
    def _parse_cas(self):
        Parse the steering file and identify (key, value)
        And updates self.values according to the pairs identified
        lines = []
        # ~~ clean ending empty lines
        with open(self.file_name, 'r') as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                # Remove trailing spaces (left and right) and \n
                line = line.strip(' ').rstrip('\n')
                # not adding empty lines
                if line != '':
                    # Skipping &key (&ETA, &FIN...)
                    if line[0] == '&':

        # ~~ clean comments
        core = []
        for line in lines:
            line = line.replace('"""', "'''")\
                       .replace('"', "'")\
                       .replace("''", '"')
            proc = re.match(KEY_COMMENT, line+'/')
            line = proc.group('before').strip() + ' '
            proc = re.match(EMPTY_LINE, line)
            if not proc:

        # Creates a one line of the cleaned up steering
        cas_stream = (' '.join(core))
        # ~~ Matching keword -> values
        while cas_stream != '':
            # ~~ Matching keyword
            proc = re.match(KEY_EQUALS, cas_stream)
            if not proc:
                raise TelemacException(\
                   ' Error while parsing steering file {} '
                   'incorrect line:\n{}'\
                   .format(self.file_name, cas_stream[:100]))
            keyword = proc.group('key').strip()
            cas_stream = proc.group('after')    # still hold the separator
            # ~~ Matching value
            proc = re.match(VAL_EQUALS, cas_stream)
            if not proc:
                raise TelemacException('No value to keyword '+keyword)
            val = []
            # The value can be on multiple lines
            while proc:
                if proc.group('val') == '"':
                    val.append(proc.group('val').replace("'", ''))
                cas_stream = proc.group('after')    # still hold the separator
                proc = re.match(VAL_EQUALS, cas_stream)
            # Updating the value with the last one read
            self.values[keyword] = val
    def read_cfg(self):
        Read the content of the config file and extract all cfgs,
        and their key/values -- Returns a dictionary of all configs in
        the files that are highlighted in [Configurations]
        bypass = False
        # ~~ Read Configuration File ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        cfgfile = configparser.RawConfigParser()
            cfgfile.read(self.cfg_file, encoding='utf-8')
        except configparser.Error as xcpt:
            raise TelemacException(\
                 'Error while reading {}'.format(self.cfg_file)+str(xcpt))
        # ~~ Read Config Names ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        cfgs = cfgfile.get('Configurations', 'configs')
        if cfgs == '':
            raise TelemacException(\
                 '\nPlease specify appropriate configuration names for '
                 'key [Configurations] in the config file\n')
        # ~~ Filter Config Names ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        cfgnames = cfgs.split()
        if self.cfgname != '':
            if self.cfgname not in cfgnames:
                print('\nNot able to find your configuration [{}]'
                      ' in the configuration file: {}'.format(
                          self.cfgname, self.cfg_file))
                if bypass:
                    print(' ... will try to gess the configuration from '
                          'the general keys and move on ...')
                    err = '\n ... use instead:\n'
                    for cfg in cfgnames:
                        err += '    +> {}\n'.format(cfg)
                    raise TelemacException(err)

            cfgnames = [self.cfgname]
            # If no configuration given taking the first one
            self.cfgname = cfgnames[0]

        # ~~ Verify presence of configs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        for cfg in cfgnames:
            if cfg not in cfgfile.sections():
                raise TelemacException(\
                   '\nNot able to find the configuration [{}] '
                   'in the configuration file: {}'.format(cfg, self.cfg_file))
        # ~~ Read General ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        if 'general' in cfgfile:
            self.general = dict(cfgfile.items('general'))
            self.general = {}
        # ~~ Loads Configurations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        self.configs = {}
        for cfg in cfgnames:
            if cfg in cfgfile:
                self.configs.update({cfg: dict(cfgfile.items(cfg))})
                self.configs.update({cfg: {}})
Пример #14
def get_xyn(file_name):
    # TODO: Read the whole header, for the time being head is copied
    #       over
    # TODO: Read multiple variables depending on type and on a list

    # ~~ Get all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    core = get_file_content(file_name)

    # ~~ Parse head ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    icore = 0
    file_type = None
    while re.match(KEN_HEADER, core[icore]):
        # ~~> instruction FileType
        proc = re.match(ASC_FILE_TYPE, core[icore])
        if proc:
            file_type = proc.group('type').lower()
        # ... more instruction coming ...
        icore += 1
    head = core[0:icore]
    if file_type is None:
        proc = re.match(VAR_3DBL, core[icore]+' ')
        if not proc:
            proc = re.match(VAR_2DBL, core[icore]+' ')
            if not proc:
                raise TelemacException(
                        '\nCould not parse the first record: '
                file_type = 'xy'
            file_type = 'xyz'

    # /!\ icore starts the body

    # ~~ Parse body ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # This is also fairly fast, so you might not need a progress bar
    xyz = []  # ; pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=len(core)).start()
    while icore < len(core):
        if file_type == 'xy':
            proc = re.match(VAR_2DBL, core[icore]+' ')
            if not proc:
                raise TelemacException(
                        '\nCould not parse the following xyz record: '
        elif file_type == 'xyz':
            proc = re.match(VAR_3DBL, core[icore]+' ')
            if not proc:
                raise TelemacException(
                        '\nCould not parse the following xyz record: '
        icore += 1
    # pbar.finish()

    return head, file_type, xyz
    def __init__(self, dates):

            from pydap.client import open_url
        except Exception as excpt:
            raise TelemacException(
                '... you are in bad luck !\n'
                '  ~>  you need the pydap library unzipped locally\n'
        # ~~~~ Initialisation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        self.moddates = [datetime(*dates[0]), datetime(*dates[1])]
        jcope2vars = ['el', 'itime', 's', 'u', 'v']
        # /!\ unknown convertion of time records into dates
        jcope2date = [1993, 1, 1]
        jcope2root = 'http://apdrc.soest.hawaii.edu/dods/public_data/FRA-JCOPE2'
        self.slf2d = None
        self.slf3d = None
        self.jcope2ilon = None
        self.jcope2ilat = None
        self.zplan = None
        self.mask2 = None
        self.mask3 = None

        # ~~~~ Time records ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        print('     +> Extract JCOPE2 time records\n')
        self.experiments = []
        experiment = {}  # /!\ only one time period covered at this stage
        for jvar in jcope2vars:
            jcope2url = jcope2root + '/' + jvar
            jcope2data = open_url(jcope2url)
            nit = jcope2data['time'].shape[0]
            # /!\ the following print statement requires __future__
            print('        x ' + str(nit) + ' records from ' + jcope2url,
            its = []
            ats = []
            for itime in range(nit):
                date = datetime(jcope2date[0], jcope2date[1], jcope2date[2])+\
                if itime == 0:
                    print(' from: ' + str(date), end='')
                if itime == nit - 1:
                    print(' to: ' + str(date))
                if self.moddates[0] <= date and date <= self.moddates[1]:
            if its != []:
                for ivar in list(jcope2data.keys()):
                    if ivar not in ['time', 'lev', 'lat', 'lon']:
                        experiment.update({ivar: jcope2data[ivar]})
                raise TelemacException(\
                    '... I could not find the time to do your work\n'
                    '  ~>  you may need to select a different time period\n')
        self.experiments.append((experiment, nit, its, ats))
Пример #16
def get_lqd(file_name):
    # ~~ Get all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    core = get_file_content(file_name)

    # ~~ Parse head ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    icore = 0
    while re.match(LQD_HEADER, core[icore]):
        icore += 1
    head = core[0:icore]
    # /!\ icore starts the body

    # ~~ Parse variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    jcore = icore + 1
    while icore < len(core) and jcore < len(core):
        if re.match(LQD_HEADER, core[icore]):
            icore += 1
            jcore += 1
        if re.match(LQD_HEADER, core[jcore]):
            jcore += 1
        core[icore].replace(',', ' ')
        core[jcore].replace(',', ' ')
        # ~~> Variable header
        if core[icore].split()[0].upper() != 'T':
            raise TelemacException(\
                    '\nThought I would find T for this LQD file on '
                    'this line: {}'.format(core[icore]))
        if len(core[icore].split()) != len(core[jcore].split()):
            raise TelemacException(\
                '\nThought I to corresponding units for this LQD file on '
                'this line: {}'.format(core[jcore]))
        vrs = zip(core[icore].upper().split(), core[jcore].upper().split())

    # ~~ Size valid values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    icore = jcore + 1
    while icore < len(core):
        if not re.match(LQD_HEADER, core[jcore]):
            icore += 1

    # ~~ Parse body ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # This is also fairly fast, so you might not need a progress bar
    time = np.zeros(jcore - icore)
    z = np.zeros(len(vrs) - 1, jcore - icore)
    itime = 0
    for icore in core[jcore + 1:]:
        if re.match(LQD_HEADER, icore):
        values = icore.replace(',', ' ').split()
        time[itime] = float(values[0])
        for ivar in range(len(values[1:])):
            z[itime][ivar] = float(values[ivar])

    return head, vrs[1:], time, z
Пример #17
    def get(self, varname, i=0, j=0, k=0):
        Get the value of a variable of Mascaret

        @param varname (str) Name of the variable
        @param i (int) index on first dimension
        @param j (int) index on second dimension
        @param k (int) index on third dimension

        @return scalar value
        value = None
        vartype, _, _, ndim = self.get_type_var(varname)
        # Calling get_var_size with index=i in case of tracer
        dim1, dim2, dim3 = self.get_var_size(varname, i)
        # Checking that index are within bound
        if ndim >= 1:
            if not 0 <= i < dim1:
                raise TelemacException("i=%i is not within [0,%i]" % (i, dim1))
            index_i = i + 1
            index_i = 0

        if ndim >= 2:
            if not 0 <= j < dim2:
                raise TelemacException("j=%i is not within [0,%i]" % (j, dim2))
            index_j = j + 1
            index_j = 0

        if ndim == 3:
            if not 0 <= k < dim3:
                raise TelemacException("k=%i is not within [0,%i]" % (k, dim3))
            index_k = k + 1
            index_k = 0

        # Getting value depending on type
        if b'DOUBLE' in vartype:
            value = self.get_double(varname, index_i, index_j, index_k)
        elif b'INT' in vartype:
            value = self.get_int(varname, index_i, index_j, index_k)
        elif b'STRING' in vartype:
            value = self.get_string(varname, index_i, index_j, index_k)
        elif b'BOOL' in vartype:
            value = self.get_bool(varname, index_i, index_j, index_k)
            raise TelemacException("Unknown data type %s for %s" %
                                   (vartype, varname))

        return value
Пример #18
    def set(self, varname, value, i=0, j=0, k=0):
        Set the value of a variable of Mascaret

        @param varname (str) Name of the variable
        @param value (str/float/int) to set
        @param i (int) index on first dimension
        @param j (int) index on second dimension
        @param k (int) index on third dimension
        vartype, _, modifiable, ndim = self.get_type_var(varname)

        dim1, dim2, dim3 = self.get_var_size(varname, i)

        # Check modifiable value
        if not modifiable:
            raise TelemacException("Variable %s is readonly" % varname)

        # Checking that index are within bound
        if ndim >= 1:
            if not 0 <= i < dim1:
                raise TelemacException("i=%i is not within [0,%i]" % (i, dim1))
            index_i = i + 1
            index_i = 0

        if ndim >= 2:
            if not 0 <= j < dim2:
                raise TelemacException("j=%i is not within [0,%i]" % (i, dim2))
            index_j = j + 1
            index_j = 0
        if ndim == 3:
            if not 0 <= k < dim3:
                raise TelemacException("k=%i is not within [0,%i]" % (i, dim3))
            index_k = k + 1
            index_k = 0

        # Getting value depending on type
        if b"DOUBLE" in vartype:
            self.set_double(varname, value, index_i, index_j, index_k)
        elif b"INT" in vartype:
            self.set_int(varname, value, index_i, index_j, index_k)
        elif b"STRING" in vartype:
            self.set_string(varname, value, index_i, index_j, index_k)
        elif b"BOOL" in vartype:
            self.set_bool(varname, value, index_i, index_j, index_k)
            raise TelemacException("Unknown data type %s for %s" %
                                   (vartype, varname))
Пример #19
 def _check_choix(self):
     Check if the keyword value is in the list of choix
     for key, value in self.values.items():
         # If empty value doing nothing
         if value in ['', []]:
         # Check if we have a keyword with choices
         choix = 'CHOIX1' if self.lang == 'en' else 'CHOIX'
         if choix in self.dico.data[key]:
             list_choix = self.dico.data[key][choix]
             # Special treatment for grapchi outputs like keywords
             if key in SPECIAL:
                 if key == 'COUPLING WITH':
                     list_val = value.split(";")
                     list_val = value.split(",")
                 for val in list_val:
                     tmp_val = str(val.strip(' 0123456789*'))
                     new_val = 'k' + tmp_val + 'i'
                     new_val2 = 'k' + tmp_val
                     new_val3 = tmp_val + 'i'
                     # Handling case of Tracer lists such as T1, T* ...
                     # Special case for gaia where you have stuff like kSi
                     # and kES where k and i are number or *
                     if not (str(val).strip(' ') in list_choix
                             or str(val).rstrip('123456789*') in list_choix
                             or new_val in list_choix or new_val2
                             in list_choix or new_val3 in list_choix):
                         raise TelemacException(
                             "In {}: \n".format(self.file_name) +
                             "The value for {} ({})is not"
                             " among the choices: \n{}".format(
                                 key, val, list_choix))
             elif isinstance(value, list):
                 for val in value:
                     if str(val).strip(' ') not in list_choix:
                         raise TelemacException(
                             "In {}: \n".format(self.file_name) +
                             "The value for {} ({})is not among"
                             " the choices: \n{}".format(
                                 key, val, list_choix))
                 if str(value).strip(' ') not in list_choix:
                     raise TelemacException(
                         "In {}: \n".format(self.file_name) +
                         "The value for {} ({})is not among the choices: \n{}"
                         .format(key, value, list_choix))
Пример #20
def chop(options):
    Chopping of a file
    root_file = None
    if not options.freplace:
        if not options.parallel:
            if len(options.args) != 2:
                raise TelemacException(\
                        '\nThe code "chop" (without --replace) '
                        'here requires 2 file names\n')
            slf_files = [options.args[0]]
            out_file = options.args[1]
            if len(options.args) != 3:
                raise TelemacException(\
                        '\nThe code "chop" (without --replace) '
                        'here requires 2 file names and '
                        '1 file root name for the partition\n')
            slf_files = [options.args[0]]
            root_file = options.args[1]
            out_file = options.args[2]
        slf_files = options.args
        out_file = "chop-tmp.slf"

    for slf_file in slf_files:

        slf_file = path.realpath(slf_file)
        if not path.exists(slf_file):
            raise TelemacException(\
               '\nCould not find the file named: {}'.format(slf_file))
        print('\n\nChoping ' + path.basename(slf_file) + ' within ' + \
                path.dirname(slf_file) + '\n'+'~'*72+'\n')
        vrs = options.xvars
        if options.xvars != None:
            vrs = clean_quotes(options.xvars.replace('_', ' '))
        times = (int(options.tfrom), int(options.tstep), int(options.tstop))
        slf = ChopSelafin(slf_file, times=times, vrs=vrs, root=root_file)
        if options.eswitch:
        if options.fswitch:


        if options.freplace:
            move_file(out_file, slf_file)
def generate_doxygen(doxydoc, verbose):
    Generate the Doxygen documentation (In html) for the Python and the sources

    @param doxydoc name of the doxygen folder to use (doxydocs or doxypydocs)
    @param verbose If True display doxygen listing

    if doxydoc == "doxydocs":
        # Checking that the converter is compiled
        converter_path = path.join(CFGS.get_root(),

        if not path.exists(path.join(converter_path, 'f77_to_f90')):
            raise TelemacException(
                "You need to compile the converter in :\n"+converter_path)

    # Compiling sources doxygen
    doxy_dir = path.join(CFGS.get_root(),
    doxy_file = path.join(doxy_dir, 'Doxyfile')

    compile_doxygen(doxy_file, verbose)
Пример #22
def plot_var(res, var, record=-1, time=None, add_mesh=False,
    Plot a scalar map for the given variable and time record

    @param res (TelemacFile) Structure to file from which data will be read
    @param var (str) Name of the variable to plot
    @param record (str) Record to plot
    @param time (str) If >= 0.0 will get nearest record to that time (This
    overwrites record)
    @param add_mesh (boolean) If True overlay the mesh on top of the scalar map
    @param fig_name (str) If not empty save the plot in that file instead of
    showing it
    # If time is positive searched for record
    if time is not None:
        record = res.get_closest_record(time)
        time = res.times[record]
        time = res.times[record]

    if var not in res.varnames:
        raise TelemacException("{} is not in :\n{}".format(var, res.varnames))

    vnv_plot2d(var, res, plot_mesh=add_mesh, record=record,
Пример #23
    def download_ecmwf(self):

        result = self.connection.result()
        file_name = self.request.get("target")

        # ~> tries connecting 3 times before stopping
        tries = 0
        while True:

            # ~> downloading file by blocks
            http = urlopen(result["href"])
            f = open(file_name, "wb")
            ibar = 0
            pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=result["size"]).start()
            while True:
                chunk = http.read(1024 * 1024)
                if not chunk:
                ibar += len(chunk)
            # ~> have I got everything ?
            if ibar == result["size"]:
            if tries == 3:
                raise TelemacException("    ... exhausted the number "
                                       "of download trials.\nYou may wish "
                                       "to attempt this again later.")
            print("    ... trying to download the data once more ...")
            tries += 1
def generate_notebook_pdf(doc_dir, notebook_dir):
    Generate an html layout of the notebooks using ipython nbconvert
    Than coying back the file into doc_dir

    @param doc_dir (string) Path to the folder that will contain the html
                            version of the docuemntation
    @param notebook_dir (string) Path to the notebooks
    # Creating doc folder if necessary
    if not path.exists(doc_dir):

    # Running convertion in notebook folder
    # Gathering all html files
    for root, _, files in walk(notebook_dir):
        for ffile in files:
            if ffile.endswith("ipynb"):
                # Skipping notebook tmp folders
                if ".ipynb_checkpoint" in root:
                notebook = path.join(root, ffile)
                cmd = "jupyter nbconvert --to pdf --output-dir={} {}"\
                       .format(doc_dir, notebook)
                print("   ~> Converting "+ffile)
                # Running convertion
                mes = Messages(size=10)
                tail, code = mes.run_cmd(cmd, bypass=False)

                if code != 0:
                    raise TelemacException('nbconvert failed\n {}'.format(tail))
Пример #25
def plot_mesh2d(res, display_bnd=False,
                display_liq_bnd=False, fig_name=''):
    Plot a 2d triangular mesh with either boundary conditions or liquid
    boundary number

    @param input_file (string) File from wich to read the mesh
    @param bnd_file (string) Name of the boundary file
               (only used if display_bnd or display_liq_bnd is True)
    @param display_bnd (boolean) If True display boundary type for each
        boundary node
    @param display_liq bnd (boolean) If True display liquidi boundary number
        for each boundary node
    @param fig_name (str) If not empty save the plot in that file instead of
    showing it
    if (display_bnd or display_liq_bnd) and res.boundary_file == '':
        raise TelemacException(\
                "bnd_file is mandatory if using --bnd or --liq-bnd")

    vnv_plot2d(res.varnames[0], res,
Пример #26
def get_float_type_from_float(f, endian, nfloat):
    Identifies float precision from the file (single or double)

    @param f (file descriptor) File descriptor
    @param endian (string) Endianess type ("<" for little ">" for big)
    @param nfloat (float) Float to compare to

    @return (string, integer) Returns the string to be used for readinf ans the
    number of byte on which the float is encoded ('f', 4) for single ('d',8)
    for double precision

    pointer = f.tell()
    ifloat = 4
    cfloat = 'f'
    l = unpack(endian + 'i', f.read(4))
    if l[0] != ifloat * nfloat:
        ifloat = 8
        cfloat = 'd'
    _ = unpack(endian + str(nfloat) + cfloat, f.read(ifloat * nfloat))
    chk = unpack(endian + 'i', f.read(4))
    if l != chk:
        raise TelemacException(\
                '... Cannot read {} floats from your binary file'
                '     +> Maybe it is the wrong file format ?'
    return cfloat, ifloat
Пример #27
def get_endian_from_char(f, nchar):
    Returns endianess of the file by trying to read a value in the file and
    comparing it to nchar

    @param f (file descriptor) File descriptor
    @param nchar (string) String to compare to

    @returns (string) String for endianess ("<" for little ">" for big)
    pointer = f.tell()
    endian = ">"  # "<" means little-endian, ">" means big-endian
    l, _, chk = unpack(endian + 'i' + str(nchar) + 'si', f.read(4 + nchar + 4))
    if chk != nchar:
        endian = "<"
        l, _, chk = unpack(endian + 'i' + str(nchar) + 'si',
                           f.read(4 + nchar + 4))
    if l != chk:
        raise TelemacException(\
                '... Cannot read {} characters from your binary file'
                '    +> Maybe it is the wrong file format ?'
    return endian
Пример #28
def subset_variables_slf(vrs, all_vars):
    Take a string in the format "var1:object;var2:object;var3;var4" and returns
    two list one of index and one of values of all the variables in all_vars
    that match var.

    @param vrs (string) String contain ; separated var:object values
    @param all_vars (list) List of the variables to match with

    @return (list) list of index of the matching variables
    @return (list) list of names of the matching variables
    ids = []
    names = []
    # vrs has the form "var1:object;var2:object;var3;var4"
    # /!\ the ; separator might be a problem for command line action
    variable = vrs.replace(',', ';').split(';')
    for var in variable:
        var_name = var.split(':')[0]
        # Loop on variables in file
        for jvar in range(len(all_vars)):
            # Filling varname with spaces
            full_var_name = all_vars[jvar].lower() + \
                            " "*(16-len(all_vars[jvar]))
            # if varnme is in the variable name adding it
            if var_name.lower() in full_var_name:
    if len(ids) < len(variable):
        raise TelemacException(\
                "... Could not find {} in {}"
                "   +> may be you forgot to switch name spaces into "
                "underscores in your command ?"
                "".format(variable, str(all_vars)))
    return ids, names
def generate_get(output_variable):
    Will generate a string containing a call to the get of the api

    @param output_variable Eficas output_variable rubrique

    @returns a string

    string = ""

    # Getting name of python variable
    name = output_variable['NAME']
    # Getting name of the variable in the API
    var_name = output_variable['VAR_INFO']['VAR_NAME']

    # Checking what type of zone definition we have
    if 'INDEX' in output_variable['VAR_INFO']['ZONE_DEF']:
        i, j, k = output_variable['VAR_INFO']['ZONE_DEF']['INDEX']
        string = "%s = my_case.get('%s', i=%i, j=%i, k=%i)" % (name, var_name,
                                                               i, j, k)
        raise TelemacException("Missin Zone definition")

    return string
Пример #30
def extract_timeseries(file_name, var_name, points=None, nodes=None):
    Extract timeseries informations on a list of nodes or points

    @param file_name (str) Name of the file from which to extract
    @param var_name (str) Name of the variable to extract
    @param points (List) List of points on which to extract
    @param nodes (List) List of nodes on which to extract

    @returns (List, numpy.array) List of strings (name for each column), the
    extracted data

    res = TelemacFile(file_name)
    header = ['time (s)']

    if points is not None:
        tmp_data = res.get_timeseries_on_points(var_name, points)
        for point in points:
    elif nodes is not None:
        tmp_data = res.get_timeseries_on_nodes(var_name, nodes)
        for node in nodes:
        raise TelemacException("Give at least points or nodes")

    data = np.vstack((res.times, tmp_data))


    return header, data.T