def get(self, id): id = int(id) # 转换成数字 cur = self.db.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT posttime FROM articles WHERE id = %s', (id,)) posttime = fetchone(cur).posttime cur.execute('UPDATE tags SET count = count - 1 ' 'WHERE tag in (SELECT tag FROM link_tags_articles WHERE article_id = %s)', (id,)) cur.execute('DELETE FROM link_tags_articles WHERE article_id = %s', (id,)) cur.execute('DELETE FROM tags WHERE count = 0') cur.execute('DELETE FROM link_files_articles WHERE article_id = %s', (id,)) cur.execute('DELETE FROM articles WHERE id = %s', (id,))#删除文章 date_add(self.db, posttime, add=-1) # 减去一个日期计数 search.delete_document(id) # 删除索引 search.flush() return self.write(u'ID:%s 的文章已删除' % id)
def call(): """运行此任务 :returns: none """ cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( 'SELECT id, title, content, posttime, ' 'ARRAY(' 'SELECT tag FROM link_tags_articles WHERE link_tags_articles.article_id =' ') as tags ' 'FROM articles WHERE id != %s ', (0,)) for row in fetchall(cur): search.index(row['id'], row['title']+row['content']+(' '.join(tag for tag in row['tags'])), values={1:xapian.sortable_serialise(time.mktime(row['posttime'].timetuple()))}) search.flush()
def post(self): cur = self.db.cursor() title = self.get_argument('title', '') # 标题 content = self.get_argument('content', '') # 内容 render = html_body(content) # 渲染rst结果到缓存 posttime = tags = self.get_argument('tags', '').split(',') # tag集合 tags = tuple(set(tags)) # 去除重复记录 files = self.get_argument('files', '').split(',') # files集合 if '' in files: files.remove('')#去掉空文件 cur.execute('SELECT tag FROM tags WHERE tag in %s', (tags,)) exists_tags = fetchall(cur) insert_tags = list(tags) for t in exists_tags: insert_tags.remove(t.tag) cur.execute('INSERT INTO articles(title,content,render,posttime) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s) RETURNING id', (title, content, render, posttime))#插入文章 article_id = cur.fetchone()[0]#取得插入的文章id for t in insert_tags:#插入新的tag cur.execute('INSERT INTO tags VALUES(%s,%s)', (t, 0)) for t in tags: cur.execute('INSERT INTO link_tags_articles(tag,article_id) VALUES(%s,%s)', (t, article_id))#插入tag关系 cur.execute('UPDATE tags SET count = count+1 WHERE tag in %s', (tags,))#更新count值 for f in files: cur.execute('INSERT INTO link_files_articles(filename,article_id) VALUES(%s,%s)', (f, article_id))#插入附件关系 date_add(self.db, posttime) # 添加日期计数 #加到xapian全文索引中 terms = title+content+(' '.join(tag for tag in tags)) if type(terms) == unicode: terms = terms.encode('utf-8') search.index(article_id, terms, values={1:xapian.sortable_serialise(mktime(posttime.timetuple()))}) search.flush() self.redirect(self.reverse_url('index'))
def post(self, id): id = int(id) cur = self.db.cursor() title = self.get_argument('title', '') # 标题 content = self.get_argument('content', '') # 内容 render = html_body(content) # 渲染rst结果到缓存 tags = self.get_argument('tags', '').split(',') # tag集合 tags = tuple(set(tags)) # 去除重复记录 files = self.get_argument('files', '').split(',') # files集合 if '' in files: files.remove('')#去掉空文件 files = tuple(files) # ------------------处理tags--------------------- if tags: cur.execute('SELECT tag FROM link_tags_articles WHERE article_id = %s and tag not in %s', (id, tags)) del_tags = tuple([t.tag for t in fetchall(cur)])#要删除的tag cur.execute('SELECT tag FROM link_tags_articles WHERE article_id = %s and tag in %s', (id, tags)) exists_tags = fetchall(cur)#已经存在的tag add_tags = list(tags)#要添加的tag for t in exists_tags: if t.tag.decode('utf-8') in add_tags: add_tags.remove(t.tag.decode('utf-8'))#生成要添加的tag列表 cur.execute('SELECT tag FROM tags WHERE tag in %s', (tags,)) exists_tags = fetchall(cur) insert_tags = list(tags)#需要新插入的tag for t in exists_tags: if t.tag.decode('utf-8') in insert_tags: insert_tags.remove(t.tag.decode('utf-8')) else: del_tags = () add_tags = [] insert_tags = [] # ------------------处理附件--------------------- if files: cur.execute('SELECT filename FROM link_files_articles WHERE article_id = %s and filename not in %s', (id, files)) del_files = tuple([f.filename for f in fetchall(cur)])#要删除的file cur.execute('SELECT filename FROM link_files_articles WHERE article_id = %s and filename in %s', (id, files)) exists_files = fetchall(cur)#已经存在的file add_files = list(files)#要添加的file for f in exists_files: if f.filename.decode('utf-8') in add_files: add_files.remove(f.filename.decode('utf-8'))#生成要添加的file列表 else: del_files = () add_files = [] if del_tags: cur.execute('DELETE FROM link_tags_articles WHERE tag in %s and article_id = %s', (del_tags, id)) cur.execute('UPDATE tags SET count = count - 1 WHERE tag in %s', (del_tags,)) cur.execute('DELETE FROM tags WHERE count <=0') for t in insert_tags: cur.execute('INSERT INTO tags VALUES(%s,%s)', (t, 0)) for t in add_tags: cur.execute('INSERT INTO link_tags_articles(tag,article_id) VALUES(%s,%s)', (t, id))#给新tag添加关联 if del_files: cur.execute('DELETE FROM link_files_articles WHERE filename in %s and article_id = %s', (del_files, id)) for f in add_files: cur.execute('INSERT INTO link_files_articles(filename,article_id) VALUES(%s,%s)', (f, id)) cur.execute('UPDATE articles SET title = %s,content=%s,render=%s WHERE id = %s', (title, content, render, id))#更新文章内容 self.db.commit() #重新索引 terms = title+content+(' '.join(tag for tag in tags)) if type(terms) == unicode: terms = terms.encode('utf-8') search.update_index(id, terms) search.flush() return self.redirect(self.reverse_url('article', id))