Пример #1
    def primitives(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_primitives'):
            return self._primitives

        # Calculate rectangle and text size
        font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font)
        text_size = font.getsize(self.text)

        if self.wrap is not None and text_size[0] > self.wrap:
            # TODO: insert the logic here
        # No wrap, simple logic
        text_size = font.getsize(
            self.text)  # equivalent to text's top left at origin  # noqa
        half_text_size = scale_point(text_size, 0.5)
        text_position = add_points(self.center, negate(half_text_size))

        pad = self.padding, self.padding
        rect_size = add_points(text_size, pad)

        rect_top_left = add_points(text_position, negate(pad))
        # add padding to bottom point as well
        rect_bottom_right = add_points(rect_top_left,
                                       (add_points(rect_size, pad)))

        self._primitives = [
            Text(self.text, text_position, self.font),
            Rectangle(rect_top_left, rect_bottom_right)
        return self._primitives
Пример #2
    def _get_wired_primitives(self):
        """The wired primitives consists of 4 90degree arcs at four corners,
        and four lines"""
        x1, y1 = self.top_left
        x2, y2 = self.bottom_right
        r = self.radius

        # TODO: check for case of circle or ellipse

        lines = [
            # Horizontal lines
            Line(add_points((x1, y1), (r, 0)), add_points((x2, y1), (-r, 0))),
            Line(add_points((x1, y2), (r, 0)), add_points((x2, y2), (-r, 0))),
            # Vertical lines
            Line(add_points((x1, y1), (0, r)), add_points((x1, y2), (0, -r))),
            Line(add_points((x2, y1), (0, r)), add_points((x2, y2), (0, -r))),

        # anti clockwise points starting from top right point
        anticw_points_from_top_right = [(x2, y1), (x1, y1), (x1, y2), (x2, y2)]
        # Their differences from center: add them to get corresponding centers
        center_diffs = [(-r, r), (r, r), (r, -r), (-r, -r)]

        # Zipped to add them in loop
        zipped = zip(anticw_points_from_top_right, center_diffs)

        arcs = [
            Arc(add_points(x, y), r, i * math.pi / 2, (i + 1) * math.pi / 2,
                self.fill) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zipped)
        return [*lines, *arcs]
Пример #3
def render_object(img, obj):
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

    if obj.type == 'rectangle':
        draw.rectangle((obj.top_left, obj.bottom_right))

    elif obj.type == 'text':
        draw.text(obj.position, obj.text, font=ImageFont.truetype(obj.font))

    elif obj.type == 'line':
        draw.line(obj.start + obj.end)

    elif obj.type == 'arc':
        x0, y0 = add_points(obj.center, (-obj.radius, -obj.radius))
        x1, y1 = add_points(obj.center, (obj.radius, obj.radius))
        start = rad_to_deg(-obj.end)
        end = rad_to_deg(-obj.start)
        draw.arc((x0, y0, x1, y1), start, end)

        [render_object(img, x) for x in obj.primitives]
Пример #4
    def primitives(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_primitives'):
            return self._primitives

        arrow_head_length = 7
        line_dist = distance(self.start, self.end)
        factor = arrow_head_length / line_dist
        # Calculate arrow head lines:
        # - Take a line from end to start, rotate it 30 deg, and clip it
        # - Take a line from end to start, rotate it -30 deg, and clip it
        origin_shifted = add_points(self.start, negate(self.end))
        pos_rotated = rotate_point(origin_shifted, math.pi / 6)
        neg_rotated = rotate_point(origin_shifted, -math.pi / 6)

        p1 = pos_rotated[0] * factor, pos_rotated[1] * factor
        p2 = neg_rotated[0] * factor, neg_rotated[1] * factor
        head1 = add_points(self.end, p1)
        head2 = add_points(self.end, p2)

        return [
            Line(self.start, self.end),  # the main line
            Line(self.end, head1),
            Line(self.end, head2),
Пример #5
    def primitives(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_primitives'):
            return self._primitives
        # No wrap, simple Logic

        # Calculate text size
        font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font)
        text_size = font.getsize(
            self.text)  # equivalent to text's top left at origin  # noqa
        half_text_size = scale_point(text_size, 0.5)
        text_position = add_points(self.center, negate(half_text_size))

        padding = self.padding
        left = text_position[0] - padding - abs(self.slide)
        right = text_position[0] + text_size[0] + padding + abs(self.slide)

        rect_top_left = (left, text_position[1] - padding)
        rect_bottom_right = (right, text_position[1] + text_size[1] + padding)

        self._primitives = [
            Text(self.text, text_position, self.font),
            ParalleloGram(rect_top_left, rect_bottom_right, self.slide)
        return self._primitives
Пример #6
 def center(self):
     return scale_point(add_points(self.top_left, self.bottom_right), 0.5)
Пример #7
 def center(self):
     return scale_point(add_points(self.start, self.end), 0.5)