Пример #1
    def _aug_image(self, instance, net_h, net_w):
        image_name = instance['filename']
        image_name = image_name.replace('.raw', '.mhd')
        image = raw_reader(image_name, instance['img_num'])

        if image.shape[0] != 512:
            return None, None

        if image is None:
            print('Cannot find ', image_name)

        image_h, image_w, _ = image.shape

        # determine the amount of scaling and cropping
        dw = self.jitter * image_w
        dh = self.jitter * image_h
        # dw = 0
        # dh = 0

        new_ar = (image_w + np.random.normal(0, dw)) / (
            image_h + np.random.normal(0, dh))
        # scale = np.random.uniform(0.25, 2)
        scale = np.random.normal(1, 0.15)

        if new_ar < 1:
            new_h = int(scale * net_h)
            new_w = int(net_h * new_ar)
            new_w = int(scale * net_w)
            new_h = int(net_w / new_ar)

        dx = int(np.random.uniform(0, net_w - new_w))
        dy = int(np.random.uniform(0, net_h - new_h))

        # apply scaling and cropping
        im_sized = apply_random_scale_and_crop(image, new_w, new_h, net_w,
                                               net_h, dx, dy)

        # randomly distort hsv space
        # im_sized = random_distort_image(im_sized)

        # randomly flip
        flip = np.random.randint(2)
        im_sized = random_flip(im_sized, flip)

        # correct the size and pos of bounding boxes
        all_objs = correct_bounding_boxes(instance['object'], new_w, new_h,
                                          net_w, net_h, dx, dy, flip, image_w,

        im_sized = self.gauss_noise(im_sized, 0, 0.001)

        return im_sized, all_objs
Пример #2
    def _aug_image(self, instance, net_h, net_w):
        # Read image in BGR format
        filename = instance['filename']
        image = cv2.imread(filename)
        if image is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to load image file: %s" % filename)

        # Convert to RGB
        image = image[:,:,::-1]
        # Apply jitter and scaling
        image_h, image_w, _ = image.shape
        dw = self.aug_jitter * image_w
        dh = self.aug_jitter * image_h
        new_ar = (image_w + np.random.uniform(-dw, dw)) / (image_h + np.random.uniform(-dh, dh))
        scale = np.random.uniform(self.aug_scale[0], self.aug_scale[1])

        if (new_ar < 1):
            new_h = int(scale * net_h)
            new_w = int(new_h * new_ar)
            new_w = int(scale * net_w)
            new_h = int(new_w / new_ar)
        # Apply padding to place the image in a random position within the net
        if not self.aug_pad:
            dx = 0
            dy = 0
            dx = int(np.random.uniform(0, net_w - new_w))
            dy = int(np.random.uniform(0, net_h - new_h))

        # apply scaling and cropping
        im_sized = apply_random_scale_and_crop(image, new_w, new_h, net_w, net_h, dx, dy)
        # randomly distort hsv space
        im_sized = random_distort_image(im_sized, self.aug_hue, self.aug_saturation, self.aug_exposure)
        # randomly flip
        if self.aug_flip:
            flip = np.random.randint(2)
            im_sized = random_flip(im_sized, flip)
            flip = False

        # Make into gray image
        if self.aug_gray:
            im_sized = cv2.cvtColor(im_sized, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)[:,:,np.newaxis]
        # correct the size and pos of bounding boxes
        all_objs = correct_bounding_boxes(instance['object'], new_w, new_h, net_w, net_h, dx, dy, flip, image_w, image_h)
        return im_sized, all_objs   
Пример #3
    def _aug_image(self, instance, net_h, net_w):
        image_name = instance['filename']
        image_name = image_name.replace(
            'yolo_v3', '')  # hack for changed folder structure
        image = cv2.imread(image_name)  # RGB image

        if image is None: print('Cannot find ', image_name)
        image = image[:, :, ::-1]  # RGB image

        image_h, image_w, _ = image.shape

        # determine the amount of scaling and cropping
        dw = self.jitter * image_w
        dh = self.jitter * image_h

        new_ar = (image_w + np.random.uniform(-dw, dw)) / (
            image_h + np.random.uniform(-dh, dh))
        scale = np.random.uniform(0.95, 1.05)

        if (new_ar < 1):
            new_h = int(scale * net_h)
            new_w = int(net_h * new_ar)
            new_w = int(scale * net_w)
            new_h = int(net_w / new_ar)

        dx = int(np.random.uniform(0, net_w - new_w))
        dy = int(np.random.uniform(0, net_h - new_h))

        # apply scaling and cropping
        im_sized = apply_random_scale_and_crop(image, new_w, new_h, net_w,
                                               net_h, dx, dy)

        # randomly distort hsv space
        # im_sized = random_distort_image(im_sized)

        # randomly flip
        flip = np.random.randint(2)
        im_sized = random_flip(im_sized, flip)
        #im_sized = random_flip(image, flip)
        flip2 = np.random.randint(2)
        im_sized = random_flip2(im_sized, flip2)

        # correct the size and pos of bounding boxes
        #all_objs = correct_bounding_boxes(instance['object'], new_w, new_h, net_w, net_h, dx, dy, flip, image_w, image_h)
        all_objs = correct_bounding_boxes2(instance['object'], new_w, new_h,
                                           net_w, net_h, dx, dy, flip, flip2,
                                           image_w, image_h)

        return im_sized, all_objs
Пример #4
    def _aug_image(self, instance, net_h, net_w):
        #image_name = "." + instance['filename']
        image_name = instance['filename']

        pil_image = PIL.Image.open(image_name).convert('RGB')
        image = np.array(pil_image)

        #image = cv2.imread(image_name)  # RGB image

        if image is None: print('Cannot find ', image_name)
        #'image = image[:, :, ::-1]  # RGB image

        image_h, image_w, _ = image.shape

        # determine the amount of scaling and cropping
        dw = self.jitter * image_w
        dh = self.jitter * image_h

        new_ar = (image_w + np.random.uniform(-dw, dw)) / (
            image_h + np.random.uniform(-dh, dh))
        scale = np.random.uniform(0.25, 2)

        if (new_ar < 1):
            new_h = int(scale * net_h)
            new_w = int(net_h * new_ar)
            new_w = int(scale * net_w)
            new_h = int(net_w / new_ar)

        dx = int(np.random.uniform(0, net_w - new_w))
        dy = int(np.random.uniform(0, net_h - new_h))

        # apply scaling and cropping
        im_sized = apply_random_scale_and_crop(image, new_w, new_h, net_w,
                                               net_h, dx, dy)

        # randomly distort hsv space
        im_sized = random_distort_image(im_sized)

        # randomly flip
        flip = np.random.randint(2)
        im_sized = random_flip(im_sized, flip)

        # correct the size and pos of bounding boxes
        all_objs = correct_bounding_boxes(instance['object'], new_w, new_h,
                                          net_w, net_h, dx, dy, flip, image_w,

        return im_sized, all_objs
Пример #5
    def _aug_image(self, instance, net_h, net_w):
        _, image_name = os.path.split(instance['filename'])
        full_image_name = self.im_dir + image_name
        image = cv2.imread(full_image_name) # RGB image
        if image is None: print('Cannot find ', full_image_name)
        image = image[:,:,::-1] # RGB image
        image_h, image_w, _ = image.shape
        # determine the amount of scaling and cropping
        dw = self.jitter * image_w;
        dh = self.jitter * image_h;

        new_ar = (image_w + np.random.uniform(-dw, dw)) / (image_h + np.random.uniform(-dh, dh));
        scale = np.random.uniform(0.95, 1.05);

        if (new_ar < 1):
            new_h = int(scale * net_h);
            new_w = int(net_h * new_ar);
            new_w = int(scale * net_w);
            new_h = int(net_w / new_ar);
        dx = int(np.random.uniform(0, net_w - new_w));
        dy = int(np.random.uniform(0, net_h - new_h));
        # apply scaling and cropping
        im_sized = apply_random_scale_and_crop(image, new_w, new_h, net_w, net_h, dx, dy)
        # randomly distort hsv space
        # im_sized = random_distort_image(im_sized)
        # randomly flip
        flip = np.random.randint(2)
        im_sized = random_flip(im_sized, flip)
        #im_sized = random_flip(image, flip)
        #flip2 = np.random.randint(2)
        #im_sized = random_flip2(im_sized, flip2)
        # correct the size and pos of bounding boxes
        all_objs = correct_bounding_boxes(instance['object'], new_w, new_h, net_w, net_h, dx, dy, flip, image_w, image_h)
        #all_objs = correct_bounding_boxes2(instance['object'], new_w, new_h, net_w, net_h, dx, dy, flip, flip2, image_w, image_h)
        return im_sized, all_objs   
Пример #6
    def _aug_image(self, instance, net_h, net_w):
        _, image_name = os.path.split(instance['filename'])
        full_image_name = self.im_dir + image_name
        image = cv2.imread(full_image_name) # RGB image
        if image is None: print('Cannot find ', full_image_name)
        image = image[:,:,::-1] # RGB image
        image_h, image_w, _ = image.shape
        # determine the amount of scaling and cropping
        dw = self.jitter * image_w;
        dh = self.jitter * image_h;

        new_ar = (image_w + np.random.uniform(-dw, dw)) / (image_h + np.random.uniform(-dh, dh));
        scale = np.random.uniform(0.95, 1.05);

        if (new_ar < 1):
            new_h = int(scale * net_h);
            new_w = int(net_h * new_ar);
            new_w = int(scale * net_w);
            new_h = int(net_w / new_ar);
        dx = int(np.random.uniform(0, net_w - new_w));
        dy = int(np.random.uniform(0, net_h - new_h));
        # apply scaling and cropping
        im_sized = apply_random_scale_and_crop(image, new_w, new_h, net_w, net_h, dx, dy)
        # randomly distort hsv space
        # im_sized = random_distort_image(im_sized)
        # randomly flip
        flip = np.random.randint(2)
        im_sized = random_flip(im_sized, flip)
        #im_sized = random_flip(image, flip)
        flip2 = np.random.randint(2)
        im_sized = random_flip2(im_sized, flip2)
        # correct the size and pos of bounding boxes
        #all_objs = correct_bounding_boxes(instance['object'], new_w, new_h, net_w, net_h, dx, dy, flip, image_w, image_h)
        all_objs = correct_bounding_boxes2(instance['object'], new_w, new_h, net_w, net_h, dx, dy, flip, flip2, image_w, image_h)
        return im_sized, all_objs   
Пример #7
    def _aug_image(self, instance, net_h, net_w):
        image_name = instance['filename']
        image = cv2.imread(image_name, ) # RGB image
        image = cv2.imdecode(np.fromfile(image_name, dtype=np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)  # 打开含有中文路径的图片

        if image is None: print('Cannot find ', image_name)
        image = image[:,:,::-1] # RGB image
        image_h, image_w, _ = image.shape
        # determine the amount of scaling and cropping
        dw = self.jitter * image_w;
        dh = self.jitter * image_h;

        new_ar = (image_w + np.random.uniform(-dw, dw)) / (image_h + np.random.uniform(-dh, dh));
        scale = np.random.uniform(0.25, 2);

        if (new_ar < 1):
            new_h = int(scale * net_h);
            new_w = int(net_h * new_ar);
            new_w = int(scale * net_w);
            new_h = int(net_w / new_ar);
        dx = int(np.random.uniform(0, net_w - new_w));
        dy = int(np.random.uniform(0, net_h - new_h));
        # apply scaling and cropping
        im_sized = apply_random_scale_and_crop(image, new_w, new_h, net_w, net_h, dx, dy)
        # randomly distort hsv space
        im_sized = random_distort_image(im_sized)
        # randomly flip
        flip = np.random.randint(2)
        im_sized = random_flip(im_sized, flip)
        # correct the size and pos of bounding boxes
        all_objs = correct_bounding_boxes(instance['object'], new_w, new_h, net_w, net_h, dx, dy, flip, image_w, image_h)
        return im_sized, all_objs