Пример #1
def draw_result_img(img_disp, ith_img, humans, dict_id2skeleton,
                    skeleton_detector, multiperson_classifier):
    ''' Draw skeletons, labels, and prediction scores onto image for display '''

    # Resize to a proper size for display
    r, c = img_disp.shape[0:2]
    desired_cols = int(1.0 * c * (img_disp_desired_rows / r))
    img_disp = cv2.resize(img_disp,
                          dsize=(desired_cols, img_disp_desired_rows))

    # Draw all people's skeleton
    skeleton_detector.draw(img_disp, humans)

    # Draw bounding box and label of each person
    if len(dict_id2skeleton):
        for id, label in dict_id2label.items():
            skeleton = dict_id2skeleton[id]
            # scale the y data back to original
            skeleton[1::2] = skeleton[1::2] / scale_h
            # print("Drawing skeleton: ", dict_id2skeleton[id], "with label:", label, ".")
            lib_plot.draw_action_result(img_disp, id, skeleton, label)

    # Add blank to the left for displaying prediction scores of each class
    #img_disp = lib_plot.add_white_region_to_left_of_image(img_disp)
    #cv2.putText(img_disp, "Frame:" + str(ith_img),
    #            (20, 20), fontScale=1.5, fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN,
    #            color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=2)
    # Draw predicting score for only 1 person
    if len(dict_id2skeleton):
        classifier_of_a_person = multiperson_classifier.get_classifier(
    return img_disp
Пример #2
def draw_result_img(img_disp, ith_img, humans, dict_id2skeleton,
                    skeleton_detector, multiperson_classifier,
                    img_disp_desired_rows, dict_id2label, scale_h):
        Draw skeletons, labels, and prediction scores onto image for display 
        img_disp => copy of the input image

    # Resize to a proper size for display
    r, c = img_disp.shape[
        0:2]  # find the size of image, height 480 and width 640
    desired_cols = int(1.0 * c * (img_disp_desired_rows / r))

    # resize to 640*480  => unchange
    img_disp = cv2.resize(img_disp,
                          dsize=(desired_cols, img_disp_desired_rows))

    # Draw all people's skeleton
    skeleton_detector.draw(img_disp, humans)

    # Draw bounding box and label of each person
    if len(dict_id2skeleton):
        for id, label in dict_id2label.items():
            skeleton = dict_id2skeleton[id]
            # scale the y data back to original
                1::2] = skeleton[1::2] / scale_h  # y 在擷取特徵的時候有乘scale_h,要除回來
            lib_plot.draw_action_result(img_disp, id, skeleton, label)

    # add text "fps"
                "Frame:" + str(ith_img), (10, 25),
                color=(0, 0, 0),

    # Draw predicting score for only 1 person
    # 取最小的id
    if len(dict_id2skeleton):
        classifier_of_a_person = multiperson_classifier.get_classifier(
    return img_disp