def reverse(linked_list): tail_pos = linked_list.head reversed_linked_list = LinkedList() if tail_pos is None: return None while tail_pos: value = tail_pos.value reversed_linked_list.prepend(value) tail_pos = return reversed_linked_list
def test_1(self): ll = LinkedList() node1 = Node(1) node2 = Node(2) node3 = Node(3) node4 = Node(4) node5 = Node(5) ll.append_node(node1) ll.append_node(node2) ll.append_node(node3) ll.append_node(node4) ll.append_node(node5) reverse_linklist(ll) ll.print()
def test_1(self): ll = LinkedList() ll.append(1) ll.append(2) ll.append(3) ll.append(4) ll.append(5) self.assertEqual(find_kth_to_tail(ll, 2), 4)
def solve_part2(inp: str) -> int: cups = [] for d in inp[:-1]: cups.append(int(d)) for x in range(len(cups) + 1, 1000001): cups.append(x) llist = LinkedList(cups) current = llist.values[cups[0]] # Create a circle in the linked list llist.values[1000000].next = current for _ in range(10000000): tmp = current picked = [] for _ in range(3): tmp = picked.append(tmp) = picked[2].next destination = current.val - 1 while destination in picked or destination < 1: destination -= 1 if destination < 1: destination = 1000000 picked[2].next = llist.values[destination].next llist.values[destination].next = picked[0] current = node_1 = llist.values[1] return *
def __init__(self, *target_symbols, **kwargs): self.trading_days = list() self.builder = deque() self.composites = LinkedList(*[Node(self)] * 2) self._dynamic_universe = {} self.symbol_collection = set(target_symbols) static_universe = kwargs.get('static_universe') self.static_collection = set( static_universe) if static_universe else set() self.full_universe = set() self._previous_trading_day_map = dict() self.symbol_data = defaultdict(dict) self.static_universe = defaultdict(set) self.dynamic_universe = defaultdict(set) self.dynamic_universe_ranked = [] self.cached_factor_data = {} self.st_dict = defaultdict(set) self.industry_dict = defaultdict(set) self.untradable_dict = defaultdict(set)
def test_1(self): ll = LinkedList() node1 = Node(1) node2 = Node(2) node3 = Node(3) node4 = Node(4) node5 = Node(5) ll.append_node(node1) ll.append_node(node2) ll.append_node(node3) ll.append_node(node4) ll.append_node(node5) ll.append_node(node3) self.assertEqual(get_length_of_loop_link(ll), 3)
def merge(ll1, ll2): ll = LinkedList() c1 = ll1.head c2 = ll2.head while c1 and c2: if c1.get_data() < c2.get_data(): ll.append(c1.get_data()) c1 = c1.get_next() else: ll.append(c2.get_data()) c2 = c2.get_next() while c1: ll.append(c1.get_data()) c1 = c1.get_next() while c2: ll.append(c2.get_data()) c2 = c2.get_next() return ll
def solve_part1_ll(inp: str) -> int: cups = [] for d in inp[:-1]: cups.append(int(d)) llist = LinkedList(cups) current = llist.values[cups[0]] # Create a circle in the linked list llist.values[cups[8]].next = current for _ in range(100): # for _ in range(10): tmp = current picked = [] for _ in range(3): tmp = picked.append(tmp) = picked[2].next destination = current.val - 1 while destination in picked or destination < 1: destination -= 1 if destination < 1: destination = 9 picked[2].next = llist.values[destination].next llist.values[destination].next = picked[0] current = node = llist.values[1] r = "" for _ in range(8): node = r += str(node.val) return int(r)
from utils.linked_list import LinkedList def iscircular(linked_list): if linked_list.head is None: return False slow = linked_list.head fast = linked_list.head while fast and slow = fast = if slow == fast: return True return False linked_list = LinkedList() list1 = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] for v in list1: linked_list.append(v) assert iscircular(linked_list) is False = linked_list.head assert iscircular(linked_list) is True
def test_1(self): ll1 = LinkedList() ll1.append(2) ll1.append(4) ll1.append(6) ll1.append(8) ll1.append(10) ll2 = LinkedList() ll2.append(1) ll2.append(3) ll2.append(5) ll2.append(7) ll2.append(9) ll = merge(ll1, ll2) ll.print()
class Universe(object): """ 提供Universe符号计算逻辑。 Example: >> Universe('HS300') + Universe('ZZ500') + Universe('IF') #定义由沪深300,中证500和沪深300主力合约构成的股票池 >> Universe(IndSW.JiSuanJiL1).filter_universe(Factor.PE.nsmall(100)) + StockScreener(Factor.PE.nsmall(100), Universe(IndSW.ChuanMeiL1)) #获取计算机和传媒行业PE最低的10只股票组成的股票池 说明: StockScreener(factor_filter_condition, universe)和universe.filter_universe(factor_filter_condition)效果是一样的 """ # NODE_SYMBOLS = 'SYMBOLS' # NODE_ADD = 'ADD' # NODE_FILTER = 'FILTER' def __init__(self, *target_symbols, **kwargs): self.trading_days = list() self.builder = deque() self.composites = LinkedList(*[Node(self)] * 2) self._dynamic_universe = {} self.symbol_collection = set(target_symbols) static_universe = kwargs.get('static_universe') self.static_collection = set( static_universe) if static_universe else set() self.full_universe = set() self._previous_trading_day_map = dict() self.symbol_data = defaultdict(dict) self.static_universe = defaultdict(set) self.dynamic_universe = defaultdict(set) self.dynamic_universe_ranked = [] self.cached_factor_data = {} self.st_dict = defaultdict(set) self.industry_dict = defaultdict(set) self.untradable_dict = defaultdict(set) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (str, unicode)): other = Universe(other) elif isinstance(other, (list, set, tuple)): other = Universe(static_universe=other) elif isinstance(other, Universe): pass else: raise Exception new_universe = Universe() new_universe.composites = self.composites + other.composites return new_universe def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def apply_filter(self, filter_condition, skip_halt=True): self.builder.append( (BuilderType.APPLY_FILTER, (filter_condition, skip_halt))) return self def is_st(self, formula): self.builder.append((BuilderType.IS_ST, formula)) return self def can_trade(self, formula): self.builder.append((BuilderType.CAN_TRADE, formula)) return self def exchange(self, formula): self.builder.append((BuilderType.EXCHANGE, formula)) return self def exclude_list(self, formula): formula = formula.split(',') if isinstance(formula, basestring) else formula self.builder.append((BuilderType.EXCLUDE_LIST, formula)) return self def custom_universe(self, formula): formula = formula.split(',') if isinstance(formula, basestring) else formula self.builder.append((BuilderType.CUSTOM_UNIVERSE, formula)) return self def apply_sort(self, filter_condition): self.builder.append((BuilderType.APPLY_SORT, filter_condition)) return self def _load_from_subset(self, subset_data): """ Universe接收通过UniverseService传入的数据 Args: subset_data: dict of universe service data """ self.symbol_data['static'] = { e: e for e in subset_data['all_static_universe'] } self.symbol_data['dynamic'].update( subset_data['symbol_collection_dict']) self._previous_trading_day_map = subset_data[ 'previous_trading_day_map'] # self._cached_trading_days = subset_data['_cached_trading_days'] # self._cached_trading_days_index = subset_data['_cached_trading_days_index'] # self.stock_list_by_day = subset_data['stock_list_by_day'] self.untradable_dict = subset_data['untradable_dict'] self.industry_dict = subset_data['industry_dict'] self.st_dict = subset_data['st_dict'] self.cached_factor_data = subset_data['cached_factor_data'] def load_data_from_service(self, trading_days, from_subset_data=None): """ 加载 universe 数据,包括 symbol 数据、辅助性数据 Args: trading_days(list of datetime.datetime): 交易日期 from_subset_data(dict): load universe所需数据来自传入的subset """ if set(trading_days) <= set(self.trading_days): return self.trading_days = trading_days self.composites.traversal(func=dispatch_trading_days, trading_days=trading_days) self._load_from_subset(from_subset_data) self.composites.traversal(func=dispatch_symbol_data, data=self.symbol_data) self.composites.traversal(func=dispatch_auxiliary_data, head=self) def build(self): """ 构建筛选结果 """ def func(node): node.obj.pipeline() self.composites.traversal(func=func) self.static_universe = self.composites.recursive( formula=(lambda x, y: operate_or(x, y)), formatter=(lambda x: x.obj.static_universe)) self.dynamic_universe = self.composites.recursive( formula=(lambda x, y: operate_or(x, y)), formatter=(lambda x: x.obj.dynamic_universe)) self.full_universe = self.composites.recursive( formula=(lambda x, y: operate_or(x, y)), formatter=(lambda x: x.obj.full_universe)) head = self.composites.link_head.obj def _expand_custom_universe(self, custom_universe): """ 将custom_universe展开,当custom_universe为按日期动态定义时 Returns: custom_universe """ if custom_universe and isinstance(custom_universe, dict): last_universe = set() for date in self.trading_days: if date not in custom_universe: custom_universe.update({date: last_universe}) else: custom_universe[date] = set(custom_universe[date]) last_universe = custom_universe[date] return custom_universe def pipeline(self): """ 构建个性化 Universe 对象 """ builders = filter(lambda x: x[0] != BuilderType.APPLY_SORT, self.builder) while builders: builder_type, formula = builders.pop(0) if builder_type == BuilderType.CUSTOM_UNIVERSE: formula = self._expand_custom_universe(formula) if formula and len(self.symbol_collection) != 0: self.dynamic_universe = operate_and( self.dynamic_universe, formula) self.static_universe = operate_and(self.static_universe, formula) else: self.dynamic_universe = operate_or(self.dynamic_universe, formula) self.static_universe = operate_or(self.static_universe, formula) elif builder_type == BuilderType.EXCLUDE_LIST: exclude_list = set(formula) if exclude_list: self.dynamic_universe = operate_minus( self.dynamic_universe, exclude_list) self.static_universe = operate_minus( self.static_universe, exclude_list) elif builder_type == BuilderType.IS_ST: if formula is True: self.dynamic_universe = operate_and( target_a=self.dynamic_universe, target_b=self.st_dict) self.static_universe = operate_and( target_a=self.static_universe, target_b=self.st_dict) else: self.dynamic_universe = operate_minus( target_a=self.dynamic_universe, target_b=self.st_dict) self.static_universe = operate_minus( target_a=self.static_universe, target_b=self.st_dict) elif builder_type == BuilderType.CAN_TRADE: if formula is True: self.dynamic_universe = operate_minus( target_a=self.dynamic_universe, target_b=self.untradable_dict) self.static_universe = operate_minus( target_a=self.static_universe, target_b=self.untradable_dict) self.full_universe = set() for dynamic_universe in self.dynamic_universe.itervalues(): self.full_universe |= dynamic_universe
def test_2(self): ll = LinkedList() ll.append(1) self.assertEqual(get_length_of_loop_link(ll), -1)
from utils.linked_list import LinkedList # def PrintListReversinglyRecurisively def print_list_reversingly_recurisively(head): if head is None: return current = head next = current.get_next() if next is not None: print_list_reversingly_recurisively(next) print(current.get_data()) if __name__ == '__main__': ll = LinkedList() ll.append(1) ll.append(2) ll.append(3) ll.append(4) ll.append(5) # ll.print() print_list_reversingly_recurisively(ll.head)
def mgm_floyd(X, K, num_graph, num_node): """ :param K: affinity matrix, (num_graph, num_graph, num_node^2, num_node^2) :param num_graph: number of graph, int :param num_node: number of node, int :return: matching results, (num_graph, num_graph, num_node, num_node) """ affinity_matrix = cal_affinity_matrix(X, K, num_graph) max = np.max(affinity_matrix) min = np.min(affinity_matrix) linked_k = LinkedList() for i in range(num_graph): linked_k.add(i) linked_nodes = LinkedList() while not linked_k.isEmpty(): v = linked_k.pop() for i in range(v): linked_nodes.add(i) for i in range(v + 1, num_graph): linked_nodes.append(i) while not linked_nodes.isEmpty(): x = linked_nodes.pop() for y in range(num_graph): # calculate S_org J_xy_ori = single_affinity(X[x][y], K[x][y]) J_xy = (J_xy_ori - min) / (max - min) S_org = J_xy # calculate S_opt X_xv_vy = np.matmul(X[x][v], X[v][y]) J_xv_vy = (single_affinity(X_xv_vy, K[x][y]) - min) / (max - min) S_opt = J_xv_vy # compare and update if S_org < S_opt: X[x][y] = np.matmul(X[x][v], X[v][y]) X[y][x] = np.matmul(X[y][v], X[v][x]) if linked_nodes.remove(y) linked_nodes.append(y) if linked_k.remove(y) linked_k.append(y) if linked_k.remove(x) linked_k.append(x) if J_xy_ori < min: min = J_xy_ori elif J_xy_ori > max: max = J_xy_ori # set lambda and repeat above process Lambda = 0.45 affinity_matrix = cal_affinity_matrix(X, K, num_graph) max = np.max(affinity_matrix) min = np.min(affinity_matrix) # use unary consistency to speed up consistency_matrix = cal_unary_consistency_matrix(X, num_graph, num_node) flag = False # use flag to check whether X is updated for i in range(num_graph): linked_k.add(i) while not linked_k.isEmpty(): v = linked_k.pop() for i in range(v): linked_nodes.add(i) for i in range(v + 1, num_graph): linked_nodes.add(i) if flag: consistency_matrix = cal_unary_consistency_matrix( X, num_graph, num_node) flag = False while not linked_nodes.isEmpty(): x = linked_nodes.pop() for y in range(num_graph): J_xy_ori = single_affinity(X[x][y], K[x][y]) J_xy = (J_xy_ori - min) / (max - min) Cp_xy = consistency_matrix[y] S_org = (1 - Lambda) * J_xy + Lambda * Cp_xy X_xv_vy = np.matmul(X[x][v], X[v][y]) J_xv_vy = (single_affinity(X_xv_vy, K[x][y]) - min) / (max - min) C_xv_vy = consistency_matrix[v] S_opt = (1 - Lambda) * J_xv_vy + Lambda * C_xv_vy if S_org < S_opt: X[x][y] = np.matmul(X[x][v], X[v][y]) X[y][x] = np.matmul(X[y][v], X[v][x]) flag = True if linked_nodes.remove(y) linked_nodes.append(y) if linked_k.remove(y) linked_k.append(y) if linked_k.remove(x) linked_k.append(x) if J_xy_ori < min: min = J_xy_ori elif J_xy_ori > max: max = J_xy_ori return X
# 后节点前移 node.set_data(next.get_data()) node.set_next(nnext) # 其实这里node4的内存是释放不了的,因为之前还存在引用 # del next else: # 要删除的是尾节点,从头遍历 c = linklist.head while c.get_next() != node: c = c.get_next() c.set_next(None) if __name__ == '__main__': ll = LinkedList() node1 = Node(1) node2 = Node(2) node3 = Node(3) node4 = Node(4) node5 = Node(5) ll.append_node(node1) ll.append_node(node2) ll.append_node(node3) ll.append_node(node4) ll.append_node(node5) delete(ll, node3) ll.print() print("======") delete(ll, node5) ll.print()
def test_2(self): ll = LinkedList() ll.append(1) self.assertEqual(find_kth_to_tail(ll, 1), 1)