Пример #1
def checkText(request):
    print('getting title')
    article = request.GET.get('article')
    title = request.GET.get('title')
    text = lemmatization(title + " " + article)
    if float(model.predict(text)) < 0.50:
        msg = "This article seems REAL !"
        if float(model.predict(text)) > 0.75:
            msg = "This article is  Fake !"
            msg = "This article is probably Fake !"

    response = {'percent': round(model.predict(text), 2), 'msg': msg}

    return JsonResponse(response)
Пример #2
def test_predict():
    """Tests the predict function by predicting a sample image"""
    img_path = "data/mendeley/kneeKL299/train/4/9039627L.png"
    img = cv2.imread(img_path, 0).astype("float")
    processed_image = preprocess(img)
    logits, probabilities = predict(processed_image)
    assert isinstance(logits, np.ndarray)
    assert logits.shape == (5, )
    assert isinstance(probabilities, np.ndarray)
    assert probabilities.shape == (5, )
Пример #3
def predict():
    ''' get current sound data and predict '''
    y = sound.get_data()
    y1 = [0]
    _yy = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    if y:
        _y = list(y)
        y1 = model.predict(preprocessor(y)).tolist()[0]
        _yy = model.predict_proba(preprocessor(_y)).tolist()[0]

    # probas
    y2 = _yy[0]
    y3 = _yy[1]
    y4 = _yy[2]
    y5 = _yy[3]
    y6 = _yy[4]
    y7 = _yy[5]
    rv = jsonify(points=[y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7])
    return rv
Пример #4
def checkUrl(request):
    print('getting title')
    url = request.GET.get('url')
    r = requests.get(url)
    print('parsing page')
    tree = fromstring(r.content)
    title = tree.findtext('.//title')
    title = lemmatization(title)
    prediction = round(float(model.predict(title)), 2)
    if prediction < 0.50:
        msg = "This article seems REAL !"
        if prediction > 0.75:
            msg = "This article is  Fake !"
            msg = "This article is probably Fake !"

    response = {'percent': prediction, 'msg': msg}

    return JsonResponse(response)
n = 0
for sample_rate in sample_rate_list:
    # resample audio and put them into a single h5 file.
    util.make_h5('./audio_test', sr=sample_rate)

    #load test data from h5 file.
    X_test = util.load_test_data(sample_rate)

    # load trained 5 models' path (same models but 5-fold cross validated)
    model_list = glob.glob('saved_models/%s/**/*.h5' % sample_rate)

    for model_name in model_list:
        #load each model
        m = model.load_model(model_name)
        # model predict
        pred = model.predict(m, X_test, n_class=41)

        # ensemble with geometric mean
        if n == 0:
            total_pred = pred
            total_pred *= pred

        n += 1

result = total_pred**(1 / float(n))

# save submission by the format for MAP@3 evaluation.
util.write_csv(result, './submission.csv')
Пример #6
kl = -1

stop_after = -1  # Reduce the amount of samples to evaluate for quicker results. -1 for "all"

for filepath_kl in filepaths:
    count = 0
    kl += 1
    print("current KL", kl)
    for filename in os.listdir(filepath_kl):
        if stop_after != -1 and stop_after <= count:
        img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(filepath_kl, filename),
        processed_image = preprocess(img)
        logits, probabilities = predict(processed_image)
        prediction = np.argmax(probabilities)

        def overrule(prediction, probabilities):
            Overrule prediction for KL=0 and KL=2 to KL=1 if conditions are met
                prediction: int
                probabilities: np.array

            Returns: prediction

            is_kl2 = prediction == 2
            kl1_falls_between = probabilities[0] > probabilities[
                1] and probabilities[2] > probabilities[1]
Пример #7
# Create the CNN and compile the model
model = model.create_cnn(64, 64, 3, regress=True)
opt = Adam(lr=1e-3, decay=1e-3 / 200)
model.compile(loss="mean_absolute_percentage_error", optimizer=opt)

# train the model
print("[INFO] training model...")
          validation_data=(testImagesX, testY),

# Make predictions on testing data
print("[INFO] predicting house prices...")
preds = model.predict(testImagesX)

diff = preds.flatten() - testY
percentDiff = (diff / testY) * 100
absPercentDiff = np.abs(percentDiff)

# Compute the mean and standard deviation of the absolute percentage difference
mean = np.mean(absPercentDiff)
std = np.std(absPercentDiff)

# Show some statistics on our model
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8")
print("[INFO] avg. house price: {}, std house price: {}".format(
    locale.currency(df["price"].mean(), grouping=True),
    locale.currency(df["price"].std(), grouping=True)))
# importing libraries
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from utils import read_dataset
from utils import model

# reading data
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = read_dataset.read_irisdata("../dataset/Iris.csv")

# number of K
k_value = 2
epoch = 5

method : train()
arguments : number of clusters, features, labels, number of epochs
returns : k number of centroids
centroids = model.train(k_value, X_train, y_train, epoch)

method : predict()
arguments : number of clusters, k centroids, testing set
returns : predicted class label
class_label = model.predict(k_value, centroids, X_test)

# accuracy score
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, class_label)
print('Test Accuracy: {}\n\n'.format(accuracy))