def main(): trained_model = cfg.trained_model thresh = 0.5 image_dir = '/home/cory/cedl/vid/videos/vid04' net = Darknet19() net_utils.load_net(trained_model, net) net.eval() net.cuda() print('load model successfully') print(net) image_extensions = ['.jpg', '.JPG', '.png', '.PNG'] image_abs_paths = sorted([ os.path.join(image_dir, name) for name in os.listdir(image_dir) if name[-4:] in image_extensions ]) t_det = Timer() t_total = Timer() for i, image_path in enumerate(image_abs_paths): t_total.tic() image, im_data = preprocess(image_path) im_data = net_utils.np_to_variable(im_data, is_cuda=True, volatile=True).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) t_det.tic() bbox_pred, iou_pred, prob_pred = net.forward(im_data) det_time = t_det.toc() # to numpy bbox_pred = iou_pred = prob_pred = # print bbox_pred.shape, iou_pred.shape, prob_pred.shape bboxes, scores, cls_inds = yolo_utils.postprocess( bbox_pred, iou_pred, prob_pred, image.shape, cfg, thresh) im2show = yolo_utils.draw_detection(image, bboxes, scores, cls_inds, cfg) if im2show.shape[0] > 1100: im2show = cv2.resize(im2show, (int( 1000. * float(im2show.shape[1]) / im2show.shape[0]), 1000)) cv2.imshow('test', im2show) total_time = t_total.toc() format_str = 'frame: %d, (detection: %.1f fps, %.1f ms) (total: %.1f fps, %.1f ms)' print(format_str % (i, 1. / det_time, det_time * 1000, 1. / total_time, total_time * 1000)) t_det.clear() t_total.clear() key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key == ord('q'): break
def test(): im_file = 'data/demo/004545.jpg' # im_file = 'data/VOCdevkit2007/VOC2007/JPEGImages/009036.jpg' # im_file = '/media/longc/Data/data/2DMOT2015/test/ETH-Crossing/img1/000100.jpg' image = cv2.imread(im_file) model_file = 'data/imagenet_models/VGGnet_fast_rcnn_iter_70000.h5' # model_file = '/media/longc/Data/models/faster_rcnn_pytorch3/faster_rcnn_100000.h5' # model_file = '/media/longc/Data/models/faster_rcnn_pytorch2/faster_rcnn_2000.h5' detector = FasterRCNN() network.load_net(model_file, detector) detector.cuda() detector.eval() print('load model successfully!') # network.save_net(r'/media/longc/Data/models/VGGnet_fast_rcnn_iter_70000.h5', detector) # print('save model succ') t = Timer() t.tic() # image = np.zeros(shape=[600, 800, 3], dtype=np.uint8) + 255 dets, scores, classes = detector.detect(image, 0.7) runtime = t.toc() print('total spend: {}s'.format(runtime)) im2show = np.copy(image) for i, det in enumerate(dets): det = tuple(int(x) for x in det) cv2.rectangle(im2show, det[0:2], det[2:4], (255, 205, 51), 2) cv2.putText(im2show, '%s: %.3f' % (classes[i], scores[i]), (det[0], det[1] + 15), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, (0, 0, 255), thickness=1) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join('demo', 'out.jpg'), im2show) cv2.imshow('demo', im2show) cv2.waitKey(0)
def __init__(self, modelpath): self.thresh = 0.5 self.label = ('car', 'truck', 'trailer', 'oil') = Darknet19() net_utils.load_net(modelpath, print('Yolo init Success')
def init_network(): dataset_yaml = os.path.join(base_dir, 'cfgs/config_kitti_demo.yaml') cfg = load_cfg_yamls([dataset_yaml]) model = os.path.join( base_dir, 'models/training/kitti_baseline_v3/kitti_baseline_v3_100.h5') net = Darknet19(cfg) net_utils.load_net(model, net) net.eval() net.cuda() print('load model successfully') return net, cfg
def __init__(self, thresh=0.1, width=600, height=480): = (width / 2, height / 2) = cv2.VideoCapture(0), width), height) self.max_area = width * height trained_model = cfg.trained_model self.thresh = thresh = Darknet19() net_utils.load_net(trained_model,
def voc_ap(model, cfg): imdb_name = 'voc_2007_test' output_dir = 'models/testing/' + cfg['exp_name'] if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) imdb = VOCDataset(imdb_name, '../data', cfg['batch_size'], yolo_utils.preprocess_test, processes=4, shuffle=False, dst_size=cfg['inp_size']) net = Darknet19(cfg) net_utils.load_net(model, net) net.cuda() net.eval() mAP = eval_net(net, cfg, imdb, max_per_image=300, thresh=0.001, output_dir=output_dir, vis=False) imdb.close() return mAP
def test_voc_ap(model): print(model) imdb = VOCDataset(imdb_name, cfg.DATA_DIR, cfg.batch_size, yolo_utils.preprocess_test, processes=4, shuffle=False, dst_size=cfg.inp_size) net = Darknet19() net_utils.load_net(model, net) net.cuda() net.eval() mAP = test_net(net, imdb, max_per_image, thresh, vis) imdb.close() return mAP
yolo_utils.preprocess_test((image, None, cfg.inp_size))[0], 0) return image, im_data # hyper-parameters # npz_fname = 'models/yolo-voc.weights.npz' # h5_fname = 'models/yolo-voc.weights.h5' trained_model = cfg.trained_model # trained_model = os.path.join( # cfg.train_output_dir, 'darknet19_voc07trainval_exp3_158.h5') thresh = 0.5 im_path = 'demo' # --- net = Darknet19() net_utils.load_net(trained_model, net) # net.load_from_npz(npz_fname) # net_utils.save_net(h5_fname, net) net.cuda() net.eval() print('load model succ...') t_det = Timer() t_total = Timer() im_fnames = sorted((fname for fname in os.listdir(im_path) if os.path.splitext(fname)[-1] == '.jpg')) im_fnames = (os.path.join(im_path, fname) for fname in im_fnames) pool = Pool(processes=1) for i, (image, im_data) in enumerate(pool.imap(
print('imdb load data succeeded') net = Darknet19() # CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '1' os.makedirs(cfg.train_output_dir, exist_ok=True) try: ckp = open(cfg.check_point_file) ckp_epoch = int(ckp.readlines()[0]) use_model = os.path.join(cfg.train_output_dir, cfg.exp_name + '_' + str(ckp_epoch) + '.h5') except IOError: ckp_epoch = 0 use_model = cfg.pretrained_model net_utils.load_net(use_model, net) net.cuda() net.train() print('load net succeeded') start_epoch = ckp_epoch imdb.epoch = start_epoch optimizer = get_optimizer(cfg, net, start_epoch) # show training parameters print('-------------------------------') print('gpu_id', os.environ.get('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES')) print('use_model', use_model) print('exp_name', cfg.exp_name)
origin_time = max_ctime print('start_write_and_test') print('newfile_time', max_ctime) print('file', file_dict[max_ctime]) test_f = open('test_ap_newmodel.txt', mode='a+') test_f.writelines(['MODELS', '\n', file_dict[max_ctime], '\n']) test_f.close() new_mdoels_path = os.path.join(file_dir, file_dict[max_ctime]) imdb_map_newf = VOCDataset(imdb_name, cfg.DATA_DIR, cfg.batch_size, yolo_utils.preprocess_test, processes=1, shuffle=False, dst_size=cfg.multi_scale_inp_size) net = Darknet19() net_utils.load_net(new_mdoels_path, net) net.cuda() net.eval() test_net(net, imdb_map_newf, max_per_image, thresh, vis=False) print('test_this_models_done.....') imdb_map_newf.close() torch.cuda.empty_cache() gc.collect() time.sleep(1200) # print(file_dict[max_ctime]) #打印出最新文件名 # print(max_ctime)
# Load weights # Loads pretrained yolo VOC weights if args.transfer: net.load_from_npz(cfg.pretrained_model, num_conv=18) exp_name = str(int(time.time())) # For tensorboard consistency on reloads start_epoch = 0 j = 0 lr = cfg.init_learning_rate # Loads from a latest saved checkpoint in case training takes place over multiple days. else: path_t = cfg.trained_model() if os.path.exists(path_t): j, exp_name, start_epoch, lr = net_utils.load_net(path_t, net) j, exp_name, start_epoch, lr = int(j), str(int(exp_name)), int(start_epoch), float(lr) print('lr is {} and its type is {}'.format(lr, type(lr))) else: e = 'no checkpoint to load from\n' sys.exit(e) # To keep the tensorflow logs consistent in case training takes multiple days with a lot of start and stops path = os.path.join(cfg.TRAIN_DIR, 'runs', str(exp_name)) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) # Transfer learning # Freeze all the parameters for params in net.parameters(): params.requires_grad = False
def main(): output_dir = '../output' output_template_dir = '../output_template' kitti_output_dir = '../kitti_det_output' input_file_list = '/home/cory/project/yolo2-pytorch/train_data/kitti/kitti_val_images.txt' # input_file_list = '/home/cory/project/yolo2-pytorch/flow/w01_imgs.txt' vis_enable = False thresh = 0.5 trained_model = '/home/cory/project/yolo2-pytorch/models/training/kitti_new_2_flow_center_ft_flownet2_joint/' \ 'kitti_new_2_flow_center_ft_flownet2_joint_30.h5' shutil.rmtree(output_dir, ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(kitti_output_dir, ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree(output_template_dir, output_dir) os.makedirs(kitti_output_dir) net = Darknet19(cfg) net_utils.load_net(trained_model, net) net.eval() net.cuda() print(trained_model) print('load model successfully') img_files = open(input_file_list) image_abs_paths = img_files.readlines() image_abs_paths = [f.strip() for f in image_abs_paths] t_det = Timer() t_total = Timer() for i, image_path in enumerate(image_abs_paths): t_total.tic() image, im_data = preprocess(image_path) im_data = net_utils.np_to_variable(im_data, is_cuda=True, volatile=True).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) t_det.tic() bbox_pred, iou_pred, prob_pred = net.forward(im_data) det_time = t_det.toc() bbox_pred = iou_pred = prob_pred = bboxes, scores, cls_inds = yolo_utils.postprocess( bbox_pred, iou_pred, prob_pred, image.shape, cfg, thresh) det_obj = detection_objects(bboxes, scores, cls_inds) save_as_kitti_format(i, det_obj, kitti_output_dir, src_label='kitti') total_time = t_total.toc() format_str = 'frame: %d, (detection: %.1f fps, %.1f ms) (total: %.1f fps, %.1f ms) %s' print(format_str % (i, 1. / det_time, det_time * 1000, 1. / total_time, total_time * 1000, image_path)) t_det.clear() t_total.clear() if vis_enable: im2show = yolo_utils.draw_detection(image, bboxes, scores, cls_inds, cfg) cv2.imshow('detection', im2show) cv2.imwrite(output_dir + '/detection/{:04d}.jpg'.format(i), im2show) key = cv2.waitKey(0) if key == ord('q'): break
def main(): shutil.rmtree('output', ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree('output_template', 'output') # trained_model = cfg.trained_model # trained_model = '/home/cory/yolo2-pytorch/models/training/kitti_new_2/kitti_new_2_60.h5' trained_model = '/home/cory/yolo2-pytorch/models/training/voc0712_obj_scale/voc0712_obj_scale_1.h5' # trained_model = '/home/cory/yolo2-pytorch/models/training/kitti_det_new_2/kitti_det_new_2_40.h5' # trained_model = '/home/cory/yolo2-pytorch/models/training/kitti_det_new_2/kitti_det_new_2_10.h5' thresh = 0.5 use_kitti = True image_dir = '/home/cory/KITTI_Dataset/data_tracking_image_2/training/image_02/0013' # car = 1 5 # pedestrian = 13 17 net = Darknet19() net_utils.load_net(trained_model, net) net.eval() net.cuda() print('load model successfully') # print(net) def str_index(filename): if use_kitti: return filename begin_pos = filename.rfind('_') + 1 end_pos = filename.rfind('.') str_v = filename[begin_pos: end_pos] return int(str_v) image_extensions = ['.jpg', '.JPG', '.png', '.PNG'] image_abs_paths = sorted([os.path.join(image_dir, name) for name in os.listdir(image_dir) if name[-4:] in image_extensions], key=str_index) key_frame_path = '' detection_period = 5 use_flow = False kitti_filename = 'yolo_flow_kitti_det.txt' try: os.remove(kitti_filename) except OSError: pass t_det = Timer() t_total = Timer() for i, image_path in enumerate(image_abs_paths): t_total.tic() image, im_data = preprocess(image_path) im_data = net_utils.np_to_variable(im_data, is_cuda=True, volatile=True).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) layer_of_flow = 'conv4' # key frame if i % detection_period == 0 and use_flow: key_frame_path = image_path # conv5 feature map feature = net.get_feature_map(im_data=im_data, layer=layer_of_flow) feature = feature_map_all = plot_feature_map(feature, resize_ratio=1) # cv2.imshow('feature_map', feature_map_all) cv2.imwrite('output/feature_map/{:04d}.jpg'.format(i), feature_map_all * 255) t_det.tic() if use_flow: t1 = time.time() conv5_shifted_gpu = detect_by_flow(i, feature, image, image_path, key_frame_path) t2 = time.time() print('detect_by_flow', t2 - t1) bbox_pred, iou_pred, prob_pred = net.feed_feature(Variable(conv5_shifted_gpu), layer=layer_of_flow) else: bbox_pred, iou_pred, prob_pred = net.forward(im_data) det_time = t_det.toc() # to numpy bbox_pred = iou_pred = prob_pred = # print bbox_pred.shape, iou_pred.shape, prob_pred.shape bboxes, scores, cls_inds = yolo_utils.postprocess(bbox_pred, iou_pred, prob_pred, image.shape, cfg, thresh) det_obj = detection_objects(bboxes, scores, cls_inds) save_as_kitti_format(i, det_obj, kitti_filename, src_label='kitti') im2show = yolo_utils.draw_detection(image, bboxes, scores, cls_inds, cfg) cv2.imshow('detection', im2show) cv2.imwrite('output/detection/{:04d}.jpg'.format(i), im2show) total_time = t_total.toc() format_str = 'frame: %d, (detection: %.1f fps, %.1f ms) (total: %.1f fps, %.1f ms)' print(format_str % ( i, 1. / det_time, det_time * 1000, 1. / total_time, total_time * 1000)) t_det.clear() t_total.clear() key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key == ord('q'): break
yolo_utils.preprocess_test((image, None, cfg.inp_size))[0], 0) return image, im_data, fname # hyper-parameters # npz_fname = 'models/yolo-voc.weights.npz' # h5_fname = 'models/yolo-voc.weights.h5' trained_model = cfg.trained_model # trained_model = os.path.join(cfg.train_output_dir, 'darknet19_voc07trainval_exp3_158.h5') thresh = 0.1 #im_path = 'demo' dir_path = 'demo' # --- net = Darknet19() #load model net_utils.load_net(trained_model, net) #load weights # net.load_from_npz(npz_fname) # net_utils.save_net(h5_fname, net) net.cuda() #use GPU net.eval() print('load model succ...') t_det = Timer() t_total = Timer() # im_fnames = ['person.jpg'] for n, par in enumerate(sorted(os.listdir(dir_path))): print "hahahaha" im_path = os.path.join(dir_path, par) #im_fnames = sorted((fname for fname in os.listdir(im_path) if os.path.splitext(fname)[-1] == '.JPG'))#shuffle data im_fnames = sorted(fname for fname in os.listdir(im_path) if os.path.splitext(fname)[-1] == '.JPG'
def main(): shutil.rmtree('output', ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree('output_template', 'output') shutil.rmtree('kitti_det_output', ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs('kitti_det_output') trained_model = '/home/cory/yolo2-pytorch/models/training/kitti_new_2/kitti_new_2_100.h5' thresh = 0.5 use_kitti = True image_dir = '/home/cory/KITTI_Dataset/data_object_image_2/training/image_2' net = Darknet19() net_utils.load_net(trained_model, net) net.eval() net.cuda() print('load model successfully') # print(net) def str_index(filename): if use_kitti: return filename begin_pos = filename.rfind('_') + 1 end_pos = filename.rfind('.') str_v = filename[begin_pos:end_pos] return int(str_v) image_extensions = ['.jpg', '.JPG', '.png', '.PNG'] img_files = open( '/home/cory/yolo2-pytorch/train_data/kitti/kitti_val_images.txt') image_abs_paths = img_files.readlines() image_abs_paths = [f.strip() for f in image_abs_paths] '''image_abs_paths = sorted([os.path.join(image_dir, name) for name in os.listdir(image_dir) if name[-4:] in image_extensions], key=str_index)''' key_frame_path = '' detection_period = 5 use_flow = False kitti_filename = 'yolo_flow_kitti_det.txt' try: os.remove(kitti_filename) except OSError: pass t_det = Timer() t_total = Timer() for i, image_path in enumerate(image_abs_paths): t_total.tic() image, im_data = preprocess(image_path) im_data = net_utils.np_to_variable(im_data, is_cuda=True, volatile=True).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) layer_of_flow = 'conv4' t_det.tic() bbox_pred, iou_pred, prob_pred = net.forward(im_data) det_time = t_det.toc() # to numpy bbox_pred = iou_pred = prob_pred = # print bbox_pred.shape, iou_pred.shape, prob_pred.shape bboxes, scores, cls_inds = yolo_utils.postprocess( bbox_pred, iou_pred, prob_pred, image.shape, cfg, thresh) det_obj = detection_objects(bboxes, scores, cls_inds) save_as_kitti_format(i, det_obj, kitti_filename, src_label='kitti') vis_enable = False if vis_enable: im2show = yolo_utils.draw_detection(image, bboxes, scores, cls_inds, cfg) cv2.imshow('detection', im2show) cv2.imwrite('output/detection/{:04d}.jpg'.format(i), im2show) total_time = t_total.toc() format_str = 'frame: %d, (detection: %.1f fps, %.1f ms) (total: %.1f fps, %.1f ms)' print(format_str % (i, 1. / det_time, det_time * 1000, 1. / total_time, total_time * 1000)) t_det.clear() t_total.clear() if vis_enable: key = cv2.waitKey(0) if key == ord('q'): break
cfg, thr=0.1) if im2show.shape[0] > 1100: im2show = cv2.resize(im2show, (int(1000. * float(im2show.shape[1]) / im2show.shape[0]), 1000)) # noqa cv2.imshow('test', im2show) cv2.waitKey(0) with open(det_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print('Evaluating detections') imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': # data loader imdb = VOCDataset(imdb_name, cfg.DATA_DIR, cfg.batch_size, yolo_utils.preprocess_test, processes=1, shuffle=False, dst_size=cfg.multi_scale_inp_size) net = Darknet19() net_utils.load_net(trained_model, net) net.cuda() net.eval() test_net(net, imdb, max_per_image, thresh, vis) imdb.close()
def extractObjects(self, video_path): import os import cv2 import torch import numpy as np from torch.multiprocessing import Pool from darknet import Darknet19 import utils.yolo as yolo_utils import as net_utils from utils.timer import Timer import cfgs.config as cfg def preprocess(fname): # return fname image = cv2.imread(fname) im_data = np.expand_dims( yolo_utils.preprocess_test((image, None, cfg.inp_size))[0], 0) return image, im_data # hyper-parameters # npz_fname = 'models/yolo-voc.weights.npz' # h5_fname = 'models/yolo-voc.weights.h5' trained_model = cfg.trained_model # trained_model = os.path.join(cfg.train_output_dir, 'darknet19_voc07trainval_exp3_158.h5') thresh = 0.5 im_path = video_path # --- net = Darknet19() net_utils.load_net(trained_model, net) # net.load_from_npz(npz_fname) # net_utils.save_net(h5_fname, net) net.cuda() net.eval() print('load model succ...') t_det = Timer() t_total = Timer() # im_fnames = ['person.jpg'] im_fnames = sorted([ fname for fname in sorted(os.listdir(im_path)) if os.path.splitext(fname)[-1] == '.jpg' ]) im_fnames = (os.path.join(im_path, fname) for fname in im_fnames) objectDetect = [] for i, (image) in enumerate(im_fnames): t_total.tic() im_data = preprocess(image) image = im_data[0] im_data = im_data[1] im_data = net_utils.np_to_variable(im_data, is_cuda=True, volatile=True).permute( 0, 3, 1, 2) t_det.tic() bbox_pred, iou_pred, prob_pred = net(im_data) det_time = t_det.toc() # to numpy bbox_pred = iou_pred = prob_pred = # print bbox_pred.shape, iou_pred.shape, prob_pred.shape bboxes, scores, cls_inds = yolo_utils.postprocess( bbox_pred, iou_pred, prob_pred, image.shape, cfg, thresh) objectDetect.append(','.join( set([cfg.label_names[i] for i in cls_inds]))) return objectDetect
def main(): root_dir = '/home/cory/project/yolo2-pytorch' output_dir = root_dir + '/output' output_template_dir = root_dir + '/output_template' kitti_filename = root_dir + '/yolo_flow_kitti_det.txt' shutil.rmtree(output_dir, ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree(output_template_dir, output_dir) # trained_model = cfg.trained_model # trained_model = '/home/cory/yolo2-pytorch/models/training/kitti_new_2/kitti_new_2_100.h5' # trained_model = '/home/cory/project/yolo2-pytorch/models/training/kitti_baseline_v3/kitti_baseline_v3_80.h5' trained_model = '/home/cory/project/yolo2-pytorch/models/training/kitti_new_2_flow_center_ft/kitti_new_2_flow_center_ft_50.h5' # trained_model = '/home/cory/yolo2-pytorch/models/training/kitti_new_2_flow_ft/kitti_new_2_flow_ft_2.h5' # trained_model = '/home/cory/yolo2-pytorch/models/training/voc0712_obj_scale/voc0712_obj_scale_1.h5' # trained_model = '/home/cory/yolo2-pytorch/models/training/kitti_det_new_2/kitti_det_new_2_40.h5' # trained_model = '/home/cory/yolo2-pytorch/models/training/kitti_det_new_2/kitti_det_new_2_10.h5' thresh = 0.5 # car = 1 5 # pedestrian = 13 17 net = Darknet19() net_utils.load_net(trained_model, net) net.eval() net.cuda() print('load model successfully') # print(net) img_files = open( '/home/cory/project/yolo2-pytorch/train_data/kitti/kitti_val_images.txt' ) # img_files = open('/home/cory/project/yolo2-pytorch/train_data/kitti/0001_images.txt') # img_files = open('/home/cory/yolo2-pytorch/train_data/ImageNetVID_test.txt') # img_files = open('/home/cory/yolo2-pytorch/train_data/vid04_images.txt') image_abs_paths = img_files.readlines() image_abs_paths = [f.strip() for f in image_abs_paths] image_abs_paths = image_abs_paths[500:] key_frame_path = '' detection_period = 1 use_flow = False layer_of_flow = 'conv4' try: os.remove(kitti_filename) except OSError: pass t_det = Timer() t_total = Timer() for i, image_path in enumerate(image_abs_paths): t_total.tic() t0 = time.time() image, im_data = preprocess(image_path) im_data = net_utils.np_to_variable(im_data, is_cuda=True, volatile=True).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) t1 = time.time() print('t1', t1 - t0) # key frame if use_flow and i % detection_period == 0: key_frame_path = image_path # conv5 feature map feature = net.get_feature_map(im_data=im_data, layer=layer_of_flow) feature = feature_map_all = plot_feature_map(feature, resize_ratio=1) # cv2.imshow('feature_map', feature_map_all) cv2.imwrite(output_dir + '/feature_map/{:04d}.jpg'.format(i), feature_map_all * 255) t_det.tic() if use_flow: conv5_shifted_gpu = detect_by_flow(i, feature, image, image_path, key_frame_path, output_dir) bbox_pred, iou_pred, prob_pred = net.feed_feature( Variable(conv5_shifted_gpu), layer=layer_of_flow) else: bbox_pred, iou_pred, prob_pred = net.forward(im_data) det_time = t_det.toc() t2 = time.time() print('t2', t2 - t1) # to numpy bbox_pred = iou_pred = prob_pred = t3 = time.time() print('t3', t3 - t2) # print bbox_pred.shape, iou_pred.shape, prob_pred.shape bboxes, scores, cls_inds = yolo_utils.postprocess( bbox_pred, iou_pred, prob_pred, image.shape, cfg, thresh) t4 = time.time() print('t4', t4 - t3) det_obj = detection_objects(bboxes, scores, cls_inds) save_as_kitti_format(i, det_obj, kitti_filename, src_label='kitti') im2show = yolo_utils.draw_detection(image, bboxes, scores, cls_inds, cfg) cv2.imshow('detection', im2show) cv2.imwrite(output_dir + '/detection/{:04d}.jpg'.format(i), im2show) total_time = t_total.toc() format_str = 'frame: %d, (detection: %.1f fps, %.1f ms) (total: %.1f fps, %.1f ms)' print(format_str % (i, 1. / det_time, det_time * 1000, 1. / total_time, total_time * 1000)) t5 = time.time() print('t5', t5 - t4) t_det.clear() t_total.clear() key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key == ord('q'): break
def __init__(self): self.img_uploader = util.FTP_Uploader() self.face = util.Face_Detect() # =================================检索列表=============================== #年龄列表' self.ageLists = {} fp_ages = open(AgeInfoDir, 'r') for ages_lists in fp_ages: age_num, age_lists = ages_lists[:-1].split(':') self.ageLists[age_num.encode('utf-8')] = age_lists fp_ages.close() #类别列表 self.classLists = {} fp_classes = open(ClassInfoDir, 'r') for classes_lists in fp_classes: class_num, class_lists = classes_lists[:-1].split(':') #print class_num self.classLists[class_num.encode('utf-8')] = class_lists fp_classes.close() #print self.classLists #款式列表 self.versionLists = {} fp_versions = open(VerInfoDir, 'r') for versions_lists in fp_versions: print versions_lists version_num, version_lists = versions_lists[:-1].split(':') self.versionLists[version_num.encode('utf-8')] = version_lists fp_versions.close() # 风格列表 self.styleLists = {} fp_styles = open(StyInfoDir, 'r') for styles_lists in fp_styles: style_num, style_lists = styles_lists[:-1].split(':') self.styleLists[style_num.encode('utf-8')] = style_lists fp_styles.close() # 价钱列表 self.princeLists = {} fp_princes = open(PrinceInfoDir, 'r') for princes_lists in fp_princes: prince_num, prince_value = princes_lists[:-1].split('\t') self.princeLists[prince_num.encode('utf-8')] = prince_value fp_princes.close() #print self.princeLists self.bboxes = [] self.scores = [] self.cls_inds = [] self.cls_res = [] self.cls_score = [] self.cls_res_top5 = [] self.cls_score_top5 = [] #Init for resnet with open(ClassPath, 'r') as file: num_classes = [] for eachline in file: numclass = eachline.split('\t')[-1][:-1] num_classes.append(numclass) self.num_classes = num_classes model_res = getmodel(restore=1) torch.nn.DataParallel(model_res).cuda() self.model_res = model_res self.trained_model = cfg.trained_model #Init for yolov2 # trained_model = os.path.join(cfg.train_output_dir, 'darknet19_voc07trainval_exp3_158.h5') self.thresh = 0.5 self.im_path = 'demo' # --- net = Darknet19() # load model net_utils.load_net(self.trained_model, net) # load weights # net.load_from_npz(npz_fname) # net_utils.save_net(h5_fname, net) net.cuda() # use GPU net.eval() = net print('load model succ...')
yolo_utils.preprocess_train, processes=2, shuffle=True, dst_size=cfg.multi_scale_inp_size) # dst_size=cfg.inp_size) print('load data succ...') net = Darknet19() # net_utils.load_net(cfg.trained_model, net) #pretrained_model = os.path.join(cfg.train_output_dir, # 'darknet19_voc07trainval_exp3_79.h5') pretrained_model = 'yolo-voc.weights.h5' # training from scratch: with_patch=False # continue training or testing: with_patch=True net_utils.load_net(pretrained_model, net, with_patch=False) #net.load_from_npz(cfg.pretrained_model, num_conv=18) net.cuda() net.train() print('load net succ...') # optimizer start_epoch = 0 lr = 1e-2 optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([net.patch], lr=lr, momentum=cfg.momentum, weight_decay=cfg.weight_decay) # tensorboad use_tensorboard = cfg.use_tensorboard and SummaryWriter is not None