Пример #1
    required_arguments = ['train_data', 'valid_data', 'si_nnet_spec', 'si_conv_nnet_spec', 'wdir', 'adapt_nnet_spec', 'init_model']
    for arg in required_arguments:
        if (arg in arguments) == False:
            print("Error: the argument %s has to be specified" % (arg)); exit(1)

    # mandatory arguments
    train_data_spec = arguments['train_data']; valid_data_spec = arguments['valid_data']
    si_nnet_spec = arguments['si_nnet_spec']
    si_conv_nnet_spec = arguments['si_conv_nnet_spec']
    adapt_nnet_spec = arguments['adapt_nnet_spec'];
    wdir = arguments['wdir']
    init_model_file = arguments['init_model']

    # parse network configuration from arguments, and initialize data reading
    cfg_si = NetworkConfig(); cfg_si.model_type = 'CNN'
    cfg_si.parse_config_cnn(arguments, '10:' + si_nnet_spec, si_conv_nnet_spec)
    cfg_si.init_data_reading(train_data_spec, valid_data_spec)

    # parse the structure of the i-vector network 
    cfg_adapt = NetworkConfig()
    net_split = adapt_nnet_spec.split(':')
    adapt_nnet_spec = ''
    for n in range(len(net_split) - 1):
        adapt_nnet_spec += net_split[n] + ':'
    cfg_adapt.parse_config_dnn(arguments, adapt_nnet_spec + '0')

    numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(89677)
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
    log('> ... initializing the model')
    # setup up the model 
    dnn = CNN_SAT(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg_si = cfg_si, cfg_adapt = cfg_adapt)
Пример #2
    arguments = parse_arguments(arg_elements)
    required_arguments = ['train_data', 'valid_data', 'nnet_spec', 'conv_nnet_spec', 'wdir']
    for arg in required_arguments:
        if arguments.has_key(arg) == False:
            print "Error: the argument %s has to be specified" % (arg); exit(1)

    # mandatory arguments
    train_data_spec = arguments['train_data']
    valid_data_spec = arguments['valid_data']
    conv_nnet_spec = arguments['conv_nnet_spec']
    nnet_spec = arguments['nnet_spec']
    wdir = arguments['wdir']

    # parse network configuration from arguments, and initialize data reading
    cfg = NetworkConfig(); cfg.model_type = 'CNNV'
    cfg.parse_config_cnn(arguments, '10:' + nnet_spec, conv_nnet_spec)
    cfg.init_data_reading(train_data_spec, valid_data_spec)

    # parse pre-training options
    # pre-training files and layer number (how many layers are set to the pre-training parameters)
    ptr_layer_number = 0; ptr_file = ''
    if arguments.has_key('ptr_file') and arguments.has_key('ptr_layer_number'):
        ptr_file = arguments['ptr_file']
        ptr_layer_number = int(arguments['ptr_layer_number'])

    # check working dir to see whether it's resuming training
    resume_training = False
    if os.path.exists(wdir + '/nnet.tmp') and os.path.exists(wdir + '/training_state.tmp'):
        resume_training = True
        cfg.lrate = _file2lrate(wdir + '/training_state.tmp')
        log('> ... found nnet.tmp and training_state.tmp, now resume training from epoch ' + str(cfg.lrate.epoch))
Пример #3
    for arg in required_arguments:
        if arguments.has_key(arg) == False:
            print "Error: the argument %s has to be specified" % (arg)

    # mandatory arguments
    train_data_spec = arguments['train_data']
    valid_data_spec = arguments['valid_data']
    conv_nnet_spec = arguments['conv_nnet_spec']
    nnet_spec = arguments['nnet_spec']
    wdir = arguments['wdir']

    # parse network configuration from arguments, and initialize data reading
    cfg = NetworkConfig()
    cfg.model_type = 'CNN_LACEA'
    cfg.parse_config_cnn(arguments, '10:' + nnet_spec, conv_nnet_spec)
    cfg.init_data_reading(train_data_spec, valid_data_spec)

    # check working dir to see whether it's resuming training
    resume_training = False
    if os.path.exists(wdir + '/nnet.tmp_CNN_LACEA') and os.path.exists(
            wdir + '/training_state.tmp_CNN_LACEA'):
        resume_training = True
        cfg.lrate = _file2lrate(wdir + '/training_state.tmp_CNN_LACEA')
        log('> ... found nnet.tmp_CNN_LACEA and training_state.tmp_CNN_LACEA, now resume training from epoch '
            + str(cfg.lrate.epoch))

    numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(89677)
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2**30))
    log('> ... initializing the model')
    # construct the cnn architecture
Пример #4
            print "Error: the argument %s has to be specified" % (arg)

    # mandatory arguments
    train_data_spec = arguments['train_data']
    valid_data_spec = arguments['valid_data']
    si_nnet_spec = arguments['si_nnet_spec']
    si_conv_nnet_spec = arguments['si_conv_nnet_spec']
    adapt_nnet_spec = arguments['adapt_nnet_spec']
    wdir = arguments['wdir']
    init_model_file = arguments['init_model']

    # parse network configuration from arguments, and initialize data reading
    cfg_si = NetworkConfig()
    cfg_si.model_type = 'CNN'
    cfg_si.parse_config_cnn(arguments, '10:' + si_nnet_spec, si_conv_nnet_spec)
    cfg_si.init_data_reading(train_data_spec, valid_data_spec)

    # parse the structure of the i-vector network
    cfg_adapt = NetworkConfig()
    net_split = adapt_nnet_spec.split(':')
    adapt_nnet_spec = ''
    for n in xrange(len(net_split) - 1):
        adapt_nnet_spec += net_split[n] + ':'
    cfg_adapt.parse_config_dnn(arguments, adapt_nnet_spec + '0')

    numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(89677)
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2**30))
    log('> ... initializing the model')
    # setup up the model
    dnn = CNN_SAT(numpy_rng=numpy_rng,