def plot_particle_proposer(self, sess, batch, proposed_particles, task): # define the inputs and train/run the model input_dict = { **{self.placeholders[key]: batch[key] for key in 'osa'}, **{ self.placeholders['num_particles']: 100 }, } s_samples =, input_dict) plt.figure('Particle Proposer') plt.gca().clear() plot_maze(task) for i in range(min(len(s_samples), 10)): color = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, 3) plt.quiver(s_samples[i, :, 0], s_samples[i, :, 1], np.cos(s_samples[i, :, 2]), np.sin(s_samples[i, :, 2]), color=color, width=0.001, scale=100) plt.quiver(batch['s'][i, 0, 0], batch['s'][i, 0, 1], np.cos(batch['s'][i, 0, 2]), np.sin(batch['s'][i, 0, 2]), color=color, scale=50, width=0.003) plt.pause(0.01)
def plot_proposer(session, method, statistics, batch, task, num_examples, variant): num_particles = 1000 proposer_out = method.propose_particles(method.encodings[0, :], num_particles, statistics['state_mins'], statistics['state_maxs']) # define the inputs and train/run the model input_dict = { **{method.placeholders[key]: batch[key] for key in 'osa'}, } particles =, input_dict) for i in range(num_examples): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2.4, 1.29 / 0.9), num="%s %s proposer" % (variant, i)) # plt.gca().clear() plot_maze(task, margin=5, linewidth=0.5) quiv = plt.quiver(particles[i, :, 0], particles[i, :, 1], np.cos(particles[i, :, 2]), np.sin(particles[i, :, 2]), np.ones([num_particles]), cmap='viridis_r', clim=[0, 2], alpha=1.0, **quiv_kwargs) plt.quiver([batch['s'][0, i, 0]], [batch['s'][0, i, 1]], np.cos([batch['s'][0, i, 2]]), np.sin([batch['s'][0, i, 2]]), color='red', **quiv_kwargs) # width=0.01, scale=100 plt.plot([batch['s'][0, i, 0]], [batch['s'][0, i, 1]], 'or', **marker_kwargs) plt.gca().axis('off') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, bottom=0.05, right=1.0, top=0.95, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.00) # plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, bottom=0.0, right=1.0, top=1.0, wspace=0.001, hspace=0.1) plt.savefig('../plots/models/prop{}.pdf'.format(i), transparent=True, dpi=600, frameon=False, facecolor='w', pad_inches=0.01)
def plot_motion_model(self, sess, batch, motion_samples, task): # define the inputs and train/run the model input_dict = { **{self.placeholders[key]: batch[key] for key in 'osa'}, **{ self.placeholders['num_particles']: 100 }, } s_motion_samples =, input_dict) plt.figure('Motion Model') plt.gca().clear() plot_maze(task) for i in range(min(len(s_motion_samples), 10)): plt.quiver(s_motion_samples[i, :, 0], s_motion_samples[i, :, 1], np.cos(s_motion_samples[i, :, 2]), np.sin(s_motion_samples[i, :, 2]), color='blue', width=0.001, scale=100) plt.quiver(batch['s'][i, 0, 0], batch['s'][i, 0, 1], np.cos(batch['s'][i, 0, 2]), np.sin(batch['s'][i, 0, 2]), color='black', scale=50, width=0.003) plt.quiver(batch['s'][i, 1, 0], batch['s'][i, 1, 1], np.cos(batch['s'][i, 1, 2]), np.sin(batch['s'][i, 1, 2]), color='red', scale=50, width=0.003) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') plt.pause(0.01)
# np.random.seed(11) # nav02: i=108 i = 108 # for i in range(100, 120): np.random.seed(i) dat = shuffle_data(data['train']) dat = reduce_data(dat, 1) dat = noisyfy_data(dat) plot_trajectory(dat, figure_name=None, emphasize=0, mincolor=0.0, linewidth=0.5) plot_maze(task) # plot_trajectories(data['val'], figure_name='2', emphasize=None, mincolor=0.0, linewidth=0.5) # plot_maze(task) plt.tick_params(top='off', bottom='off', left='off', right='off', labelleft='off', labelbottom='off') plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig("../plots/"+task +".png", # bbox_inches='tight', # transparent=False, # pad_inches=0, # dpi=200)
def plot_particle_filter(self, sess, batch, particle_list, particle_probs_list, num_particles, state_step_sizes, task): num_particles = 1000 head_scale = 1.5 quiv_kwargs = { 'scale_units': 'xy', 'scale': 1. / 40., 'width': 0.003, 'headlength': 5 * head_scale, 'headwidth': 3 * head_scale, 'headaxislength': 4.5 * head_scale } marker_kwargs = { 'markersize': 4.5, 'markerfacecolor': 'None', 'markeredgewidth': 0.5 } color_list =, 1, 10)) colors = { 'lstm': color_list[0], 'pf_e2e': color_list[1], 'pf_ind_e2e': color_list[2], 'pf_ind': color_list[3], 'ff': color_list[4], 'odom': color_list[4] } pred, s_particle_list, s_particle_probs_list = self.predict( sess, batch, num_particles, return_particles=True) num_steps = 20 # s_particle_list.shape[1] for s in range(1): plt.figure("example {}".format(s), figsize=[12, 5.15]) plt.gca().clear() for i in range(num_steps): ax = plt.subplot(4, 5, i + 1, frameon=False) plt.gca().clear() plot_maze(task, margin=5, linewidth=0.5) if i < num_steps - 1: ax.quiver(s_particle_list[s, i, :, 0], s_particle_list[s, i, :, 1], np.cos(s_particle_list[s, i, :, 2]), np.sin(s_particle_list[s, i, :, 2]), s_particle_probs_list[s, i, :], cmap='viridis_r', clim=[.0, 2.0 / num_particles], alpha=1.0, **quiv_kwargs) current_state = batch['s'][s, i, :] plt.quiver(current_state[0], current_state[1], np.cos(current_state[2]), np.sin(current_state[2]), color="red", **quiv_kwargs) plt.plot(current_state[0], current_state[1], 'or', **marker_kwargs) else: ax.plot(batch['s'][s, :num_steps, 0], batch['s'][s, :num_steps, 1], '-', linewidth=0.6, color='red') ax.plot(pred[s, :num_steps, 0], pred[s, :num_steps, 1], '-', linewidth=0.6, color=colors['pf_ind_e2e']) ax.plot(batch['s'][s, :1, 0], batch['s'][s, :1, 1], '.', linewidth=0.6, color='red', markersize=3) ax.plot(pred[s, :1, 0], pred[s, :1, 1], '.', linewidth=0.6, markersize=3, color=colors['pf_ind_e2e']) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, bottom=0.0, right=1.0, top=1.0, wspace=0.001, hspace=0.1) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) show_pause(pause=0.01)
def plot_prediction(pred1, pred2, statistics, batch, task, num_examples, variant): color_list =, 1, 10)) colors = { 'lstm': color_list[0], 'pf_e2e': color_list[1], 'pf_ind_e2e': color_list[2], 'pf_ind': color_list[3], 'ff': color_list[4], 'odom': color_list[4] } num_steps = 50 init_steps = 20 for s in range(num_examples): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2.4, 1.29), num="%s prediction %s" % (variant, s)) # plt.figure("example {}, vartiant: {}".format(s, variant), figsize=[12, 5.15]) plt.gca().clear() plot_maze(task, margin=5, linewidth=0.5) plt.plot(batch['s'][s, :num_steps, 0], batch['s'][s, :num_steps, 1], '-', linewidth=0.3, color='gray') plt.plot(pred1[s, :init_steps, 0], pred1[s, :init_steps, 1], '--', linewidth=0.3, color=colors['pf_ind_e2e']) plt.plot(pred1[s, init_steps - 1:num_steps, 0], pred1[s, init_steps - 1:num_steps, 1], '-', linewidth=0.3, color=colors['pf_ind_e2e']) plt.plot(pred2[s, :init_steps, 0], pred2[s, :init_steps, 1], '--', linewidth=0.3, color=colors['lstm']) plt.plot(pred2[s, init_steps - 1:num_steps, 0], pred2[s, init_steps - 1:num_steps, 1], '-', color=colors['lstm'], linewidth=0.3) # for i in range(init_steps, num_steps): # # p = pred1[s, i, :] # plt.quiver(p[0], p[1], np.cos(p[2]), # np.sin(p[2]), color=colors['pf_ind_e2e'], **quiv_kwargs) # p = pred2[s, i, :] # plt.quiver(p[0], p[1], np.cos(p[2]), # np.sin(p[2]), color=colors['lstm'], **quiv_kwargs) # # plt.plot(p[0], p[1], 'og', **marker_kwargs) # # current_state = batch['s'][s, i, :] # plt.quiver(current_state[0], current_state[1], np.cos(current_state[2]), # np.sin(current_state[2]), color="black", **quiv_kwargs) # # plt.plot(current_state[0], current_state[1], 'or', **marker_kwargs) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, bottom=0.0, right=1.0, top=1.0, wspace=0.001, hspace=0.1) plt.savefig('../plots/models/pred{}.pdf'.format(s), transparent=True, dpi=600, frameon=False, facecolor='w', pad_inches=0.01)
def plot_measurement_model(session, method, statistics, batch, task, num_examples, variant): batch_size = len(batch['o']) x = np.linspace(100.0 / 4, 1000.0 - 100.0 / 4, 20) y = np.linspace(100.0 / 4, 500.0 - 100.0 / 4, 10) theta = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 12 + 1)[1:] g = np.meshgrid(x, y, theta) poses = np.vstack([np.ravel(x) for x in g]).transpose([1, 0]) test_poses = tf.tile( tf.constant(poses, dtype='float32')[None, :, :], [batch_size, 1, 1]) measurement_model_out = method.measurement_update(method.encodings[0, :], test_poses, statistics['means'], statistics['stds']) # define the inputs and train/run the model input_dict = { **{method.placeholders[key]: batch[key] for key in 'osa'}, } obs_likelihood =, input_dict) print(obs_likelihood.shape) for i in range(num_examples): # plt.figure("%s likelihood" % i) fig, (ax, cax) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(2.4 / 0.83 / 0.95 / 0.97, 1.29 / 0.9), gridspec_kw={"width_ratios": [0.97, 0.03]}, num="%s %s likelihood" % (variant, i)) # plt.gca().clear() plot_maze(task, margin=5, linewidth=0.5, ax=ax) idx = obs_likelihood[i, :] > 1 * np.mean(obs_likelihood[i, :]) # idx = obs_likelihood[i, :] > 0 * np.mean(obs_likelihood[i, :]) max = np.max(obs_likelihood[i, :]) # ax.scatter([poses[:, 0]], [poses[:, 1]], s=[0.001], c=[(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)], marker='.') quiv = ax.quiver(poses[idx, 0] + 0 * np.cos(poses[idx, 2]), poses[idx, 1] + 0 * np.sin(poses[idx, 2]), np.cos(poses[idx, 2]), np.sin(poses[idx, 2]), obs_likelihood[i, idx], cmap='viridis_r', clim=[0.0, max], **quiv_kwargs) ax.plot([batch['s'][0, i, 0]], [batch['s'][0, i, 1]], 'or', **marker_kwargs) ax.quiver([batch['s'][0, i, 0]], [batch['s'][0, i, 1]], np.cos([batch['s'][0, i, 2]]), np.sin([batch['s'][0, i, 2]]), color='red', **quiv_kwargs) ax.axis('off') fig.colorbar(quiv, cax=cax, orientation="vertical", label='Obs. likelihood', ticks=[0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, bottom=0.05, right=0.83, top=0.95, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.00) plt.savefig('../plots/models/measurement_model{}.pdf'.format(i), transparent=True, dpi=600, frameon=False, facecolor='w', pad_inches=0.01)
def plot_particle_filter(session, method, statistics, batch, task, num_examples, num_particles, variant): color_list =, 1, 10)) colors = { 'lstm': color_list[0], 'pf_e2e': color_list[1], 'pf_ind_e2e': color_list[2], 'pf_ind': color_list[3], 'ff': color_list[4], 'odom': color_list[4] } pred, s_particle_list, s_particle_probs_list = method.predict( session, batch, num_particles, return_particles=True) num_steps = 20 # s_particle_list.shape[1] for s in range(num_examples): plt.figure("example {}, vartiant: {}".format(s, variant), figsize=[12, 5.15]) plt.gca().clear() for i in range(num_steps): ax = plt.subplot(4, 5, i + 1, frameon=False) plt.gca().clear() plot_maze(task, margin=5, linewidth=0.5) if i < num_steps - 1: ax.quiver(s_particle_list[s, i, :, 0], s_particle_list[s, i, :, 1], np.cos(s_particle_list[s, i, :, 2]), np.sin(s_particle_list[s, i, :, 2]), s_particle_probs_list[s, i, :], cmap='viridis_r', clim=[.0, 2.0 / num_particles], alpha=1.0, **quiv_kwargs) current_state = batch['s'][s, i, :] plt.quiver(current_state[0], current_state[1], np.cos(current_state[2]), np.sin(current_state[2]), color="red", **quiv_kwargs) plt.plot(current_state[0], current_state[1], 'or', **marker_kwargs) else: ax.plot(batch['s'][s, :num_steps, 0], batch['s'][s, :num_steps, 1], '-', linewidth=0.6, color='red') ax.plot(pred[s, :num_steps, 0], pred[s, :num_steps, 1], '-', linewidth=0.6, color=colors['pf_ind_e2e']) ax.plot(batch['s'][s, :1, 0], batch['s'][s, :1, 1], '.', linewidth=0.6, color='red', markersize=3) ax.plot(pred[s, :1, 0], pred[s, :1, 1], '.', linewidth=0.6, markersize=3, color=colors['pf_ind_e2e']) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, bottom=0.0, right=1.0, top=1.0, wspace=0.001, hspace=0.1) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.savefig('../plots/models/pf{}.pdf'.format(s), transparent=True, dpi=600, frameon=False, facecolor='w', pad_inches=0.01) plt.figure('colorbar', (12, 0.6)) a = np.array([[0, 2.0 / num_particles]]) img = plt.imshow(a, cmap="viridis_r") plt.gca().set_visible(False) cax = plt.axes([0.25, 0.75, 0.50, 0.2]) plt.colorbar(orientation="horizontal", cax=cax, label='Particle weight', ticks=[0, 0.001, 0.002]) plt.savefig('../plots/models/colorbar.pdf'.format(s), transparent=True, dpi=600, frameon=False, facecolor='w', pad_inches=0.01)
def plot_motion_model(session, method, statistics, batch, task, num_examples, num_particles, variant): motion_samples = method.motion_update( method.placeholders['a'][:, 1], tf.tile(method.placeholders['s'][:, :1], [1, num_particles, 1]), statistics['means'], statistics['stds'], statistics['state_step_sizes']) # define the inputs and train/run the model input_dict = { **{method.placeholders[key]: batch[key] for key in 'osa'}, } particles =, input_dict) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2.4, 1.29), num="%s motion model" % (variant)) # plt.gca().clear() plot_maze(task, margin=5, linewidth=0.5) for i in range(num_examples): plt.quiver(particles[i, :, 0], particles[i, :, 1], np.cos(particles[i, :, 2]), np.sin(particles[i, :, 2]), np.ones([num_particles]), cmap='viridis_r', **quiv_kwargs, alpha=1.0, clim=[0, 2]) # width=0.01, scale=100 plt.quiver( [batch['s'][i, 0, 0]], [batch['s'][i, 0, 1]], np.cos([batch['s'][i, 0, 2]]), np.sin([batch['s'][i, 0, 2]]), color='black', **quiv_kwargs, ) # width=0.01, scale=100 plt.plot(batch['s'][i, :2, 0], batch['s'][i, :2, 1], '--', color='black', linewidth=0.3) plt.plot(batch['s'][i, :1, 0], batch['s'][i, :1, 1], 'o', color='black', linewidth=0.3, **marker_kwargs) plt.plot(batch['s'][i, 1:2, 0], batch['s'][i, 1:2, 1], 'o', color='red', linewidth=0.3, **marker_kwargs) plt.quiver([batch['s'][i, 1, 0]], [batch['s'][i, 1, 1]], np.cos([batch['s'][i, 1, 2]]), np.sin([batch['s'][i, 1, 2]]), color='red', **quiv_kwargs) # width=0.01, scale=100 plt.gca().axis('off') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, bottom=0.0, right=1.0, top=1.0, wspace=0.001, hspace=0.1) plt.savefig('../plots/models/motion_model{}.pdf'.format(i), transparent=True, dpi=600, frameon=False, facecolor='w', pad_inches=0.01)