def brute_force_quadratic_primes():
    _, primes_under_1k = prime_utils.load_primes(max_number=1000)
    is_prime, primes_under_10m = prime_utils.load_primes(max_number=10000000)
    max_consecutive = 0
    final_b = final_c = 0
    for b in range(-999, 1001, 2):
        for c in list(map(lambda p: -1 * p,
                          primes_under_1k)) + primes_under_1k:
            consecutive = get_consecutive_primes(is_prime, b, c)
            if consecutive > max_consecutive:
                max_consecutive = consecutive
                final_b, final_c = b, c
    return max_consecutive, final_b, final_c
# Why the f**k are there so many pandigital questions?
import collections
import os
import sys

# This bit is ridiculous
module_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..'))
if module_path not in sys.path:

from utils import prime_utils

is_prime, primes = prime_utils.load_primes()

def is_pandigital(n):
    return set(str(n)) == set(map(str, range(
        len(str(n)) + 1))) and collections.Counter(
            str(n)).most_common()[0][1] == 1

for prime in primes:
    if is_pandigital(prime):