def run_sc_train(config): """Load problem.""" if not os.path.exists(config.probfn): raise ValueError("Problem file not found.") else: p = problem.load_problem(config.probfn) """Set up model.""" model = setup_model(config, A=p.A) # Create target Directory if don't exist dirName = config.modelfn if not os.path.exists(dirName): os.mkdir(dirName) print("Directory ", dirName, " Created ") else: print("Directory ", dirName, " already exists") # model.weights[2].assign(2 * model.weights[2].numpy()) model.weights[2].assign((1234.0, 567.0)) model.weights[3].assign((1234.0, 567.0)) model.save_weights(config.modelfn + '/ckpt') print('model weights ... ') print(model.weights[2]) print(model.weights[3]) loaded_model = setup_model(config, A=p.A) loaded_model.load_weights(config.modelfn + '/ckpt') print('loaded model weights ... ') print(loaded_model.weights[2]) print(loaded_model.weights[3]) # loaded_model.load_weights('ckpt') # model.load_weights('my_model.h5', by_name=False, skip_mismatch=False) """Set up input.""" config.SNR = np.inf if config.SNR == 'inf' else float(config.SNR) data_set = DataSet.DataSet(config, p) """Set up training.""" stages = train.setup_sc_training(model, data_set, None, config.init_lr, config.decay_rate, config.lr_decay) tfconfig = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tfconfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # start timer start = time.time() # train model model.do_training(stages, data_set, config.modelfn, config.scope, config.val_step, config.maxit, config.better_wait) # end timer end = time.time() elapsed = end - start print("elapsed time of training = " + str(timedelta(seconds=elapsed)))
def run_sc_test(config): """ Test model. """ """Load problem.""" if not os.path.exists(config.probfn): raise ValueError("Problem file not found.") else: p = problem.load_problem(config.probfn) """Load testing data.""" xt = np.load(config.xtest) """Set up input for testing.""" config.SNR = np.inf if config.SNR == 'inf' else float(config.SNR) input_, label_ = (train.setup_input_sc(config.test, p, xt.shape[1], None, False, config.supp_prob, config.SNR, config.magdist, **config.distargs)) """Set up model.""" model = setup_model(config, A=p.A, name='new_global') xhs_ = model.inference(input_, None) """Create session and initialize the graph.""" tfconfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tfconfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=tfconfig) as sess: # graph initialization # load model model.load_trainable_variables(sess, config.modelfn) nmse_denom = np.sum(np.square(xt)) lnmse = [] # test model for xh_ in xhs_: xh =, feed_dict={label_: xt}) # nmse: loss = np.sum(np.square(xh - xt)) nmse_dB = 10.0 * np.log10(loss / nmse_denom) print(nmse_dB) lnmse.append(nmse_dB) res = dict(nmse=np.asarray(lnmse)) np.savez(config.resfn, **res)
def run_sc_test_with_created_session(config, sess, model): """ Test model. """ """Load problem.""" if not os.path.exists(config.probfn): raise ValueError("Problem file not found.") else: p = problem.load_problem(config.probfn) """Load testing data.""" xt = np.load(config.xtest) """Set up input for testing.""" config.SNR = np.inf if config.SNR == 'inf' else float(config.SNR) input_, label_ = (train.setup_input_sc(True, p, xt.shape[1], None, False, config.supp_prob, config.SNR, config.magdist, **config.distargs)) xhs_ = model.inference(input_, None) nmse_denom = np.sum(np.square(xt)) lnmse = [] # test model for xh_ in xhs_: xh =, feed_dict={label_: xt}) # nmse: loss = np.sum(np.square(xh - xt)) nmse_dB = 10.0 * np.log10(loss / nmse_denom) # print (nmse_dB) lnmse.append(nmse_dB) res = dict(nmse=np.asarray(lnmse)) # print(lnmse) np.savez(config.resfn, **res) # end of test return lnmse
def run_sc_train(config): """Load problem.""" if not os.path.exists(config.probfn): raise ValueError("Problem file not found.") else: p = problem.load_problem(config.probfn) """Set up model.""" model = setup_model(config, A=p.A) """Set up input.""" config.SNR = np.inf if config.SNR == 'inf' else float(config.SNR) y_, x_, y_val_, x_val_ = (train.setup_input_sc(config.test, p, config.tbs, config.vbs, config.fixval, config.supp_prob, config.SNR, config.magdist, **config.distargs)) """Set up training.""" stages = train.setup_sc_training(model, y_, x_, y_val_, x_val_, None, config.init_lr, config.decay_rate, config.lr_decay) tfconfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tfconfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=tfconfig) as sess: # graph initialization # start timer start = time.time() # train model model.do_training(sess, stages, config.modelfn, config.scope, config.val_step, config.maxit, config.better_wait) # end timer end = time.time() elapsed = end - start print("elapsed time of training = " + str(timedelta(seconds=elapsed)))
def run_sc_train(config): """Load problem.""" if not os.path.exists(config.probfn): raise ValueError("Problem file not found.") else: p = problem.load_problem(config.probfn) config.SNR = np.inf if config.SNR == 'inf' else float(config.SNR) tfconfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tfconfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True y_, x_, y_val_, x_val_ = (train.setup_input_sc(config.test, p, config.tbs, config.vbs, config.fixval, config.supp_prob, config.SNR, config.magdist, **config.distargs)) """Set up model.""" global_model = setup_model(config, A=p.A, name='global') comm_rounds = 2 num_clients = config.num_cl do_3_stage_training = True new_Layer_model = setup_model(config, A=p.A, name='layer') client_data = y_.shape[1] // num_clients client_val_data = y_val_.shape[1] // num_clients client_models_dict = {} client_stages_dict = {} for i in range(num_clients): client_models_dict[i] = setup_model(config, A=p.A, name='client%d' % (i)) client_stages_dict[i] = train.setup_sc_training( client_models_dict[i], y_[:, i * client_data:(i + 1) * client_data], x_[:, i * client_data:(i + 1) * client_data], y_val_[:, i * client_val_data:(i + 1) * client_val_data], x_val_[:, i * client_val_data:(i + 1) * client_val_data], None, config.init_lr, config.decay_rate, config.lr_decay, i, do_3_stage_training) Layer_wise_lnmse = [] with tf.Session(config=tfconfig) as sess: nmse_for_all_rounds = [] for layer in range(global_model._T): print("Layer ", layer + 1) for rounds in range(comm_rounds): global_layer = global_model.vars_in_layer[layer] global_weights = get_weight_obj(global_layer[0].eval(sess), global_layer[1].eval(sess), global_layer[2].eval(sess)) client_weight_list = get_weight_obj([], [], []) for client in range(num_clients): client_model = client_models_dict[client] client_model.set_weights_at_layer(global_weights, layer, sess) print( '--------------------------------------------------------------' ) print(f'Round: {rounds+1:02} | client no: {client+1:02}') stages = client_stages_dict[client] start = time.time() if do_3_stage_training: for stage_number in range(layer * 3, layer * 3 + 3): client_model.do_training_one_stage( sess, stages[stage_number], config.modelfn, config.scope, config.val_step, config.maxit, config.better_wait) else: client_model.do_training_one_stage( sess, stages[layer], config.modelfn, config.scope, config.val_step, config.maxit, config.better_wait) end = time.time() elapsed = end - start print("elapsed time of training = " + str(timedelta(seconds=elapsed))) client_layers = client_model.vars_in_layer[layer] client_weights = get_weight_obj( client_layers[0].eval(sess), client_layers[1].eval(sess), client_layers[2].eval(sess)) client_weight_list['B'].append(client_weights['B']) client_weight_list['W'].append(client_weights['W']) client_weight_list['theta'].append(client_weights['theta']) new_weights = {} new_weights['B'] = tf.convert_to_tensor( np.mean(client_weight_list['B'], axis=0)) new_weights['W'] = tf.convert_to_tensor( np.mean(client_weight_list['W'], axis=0)) new_weights['theta'] = tf.convert_to_tensor( np.mean(client_weight_list['theta'], axis=0)) global_model.set_weights_at_layer(new_weights, layer, sess) if do_3_stage_training: for layer_in in range(layer + 1): client_weight_list = get_weight_obj([], [], []) for client in range(num_clients): client_layer = client_models_dict[ client].vars_in_layer[layer_in] client_weights = get_weight_obj( client_layer[0].eval(sess), client_layer[1].eval(sess), client_layer[2].eval(sess)) client_weight_list['B'].append(client_weights['B']) client_weight_list['W'].append(client_weights['W']) client_weight_list['theta'].append( client_weights['theta']) new_weights = {} new_weights['B'] = tf.convert_to_tensor( np.mean(client_weight_list['B'], axis=0)) new_weights['W'] = tf.convert_to_tensor( np.mean(client_weight_list['W'], axis=0)) new_weights['theta'] = tf.convert_to_tensor( np.mean(client_weight_list['theta'], axis=0)) new_Layer_model.set_weights_at_layer( new_weights, layer_in, sess) lnmse2 = run_sc_test_with_created_session( config, sess, new_Layer_model) Layer_wise_lnmse.append(lnmse2[layer + 1]) np.savez('Layer_lnmse_' + str(num_clients) + "_" + str(config.maxit), Layer_wise_lnmse) print("Layer wise performance") print(Layer_wise_lnmse) if do_3_stage_training: new_global_model = setup_model(config, A=p.A, name='new_global') for layer in range(new_global_model._T): client_weight_list = get_weight_obj([], [], []) for client in range(num_clients): client_layer = client_models_dict[client].vars_in_layer[ layer] client_weights = get_weight_obj(client_layer[0].eval(sess), client_layer[1].eval(sess), client_layer[2].eval(sess)) client_weight_list['B'].append(client_weights['B']) client_weight_list['W'].append(client_weights['W']) client_weight_list['theta'].append(client_weights['theta']) new_weights = {} new_weights['B'] = tf.convert_to_tensor( np.mean(client_weight_list['B'], axis=0)) new_weights['W'] = tf.convert_to_tensor( np.mean(client_weight_list['W'], axis=0)) new_weights['theta'] = tf.convert_to_tensor( np.mean(client_weight_list['theta'], axis=0)) new_global_model.set_weights_at_layer(new_weights, layer, sess) lnmse2 = run_sc_test_with_created_session(config, sess, new_global_model) np.savez( 'lnmse_new_global' + str(num_clients) + "_" + str(config.maxit), lnmse2) print("New Global model performance") print(lnmse2) save_trainable_variables(sess, config.modelfn, config.scope)
def run_sc_test(config): """ Test model. """ """Load problem.""" if not os.path.exists(config.probfn): raise ValueError("Problem file not found.") else: p = problem.load_problem(config.probfn) """Load testing data.""" xt = np.load(config.xtest) """Set up input for testing.""" config.SNR = np.inf if config.SNR == 'inf' else float(config.SNR) input_, label_ = (train.setup_input_sc(config.test, p, xt.shape[1], None, False, config.supp_prob, config.SNR, config.magdist, **config.distargs)) """Set up model.""" model = setup_model(config, A=p.A) xhs_ = model.inference(input_, None, False) """Create session and initialize the graph.""" tfconfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tfconfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=tfconfig) as sess: # graph initialization # load model model.load_trainable_variables(sess, config.modelfn) nmse_denom = np.sum(np.square(xt)) supp_gt = xt != 0 lnmse = [] lspar = [] lsperr = [] lflspo = [] lflsne = [] # test model for xh_ in xhs_: xh =, feed_dict={label_: xt}) # nmse: loss = np.sum(np.square(xh - xt)) nmse_dB = 10.0 * np.log10(loss / nmse_denom) print(nmse_dB) lnmse.append(nmse_dB) supp = xh != 0.0 # intermediate sparsity spar = np.sum(supp, axis=0) lspar.append(spar) # support error sperr = np.logical_xor(supp, supp_gt) lsperr.append(np.sum(sperr, axis=0)) # false positive flspo = np.logical_and(supp, np.logical_not(supp_gt)) lflspo.append(np.sum(flspo, axis=0)) # false negative flsne = np.logical_and(supp_gt, np.logical_not(supp)) lflsne.append(np.sum(flsne, axis=0)) res = dict(nmse=np.asarray(lnmse), spar=np.asarray(lspar), sperr=np.asarray(lsperr), flspo=np.asarray(lflspo), flsne=np.asarray(lflsne)) np.savez(config.resfn, **res)
def run_robust_train(config): """Load problem.""" if not os.path.exists(config.probfn): raise ValueError("Problem file not found.") else: p = problem.load_problem(config.probfn) """Set up input.""" # `psigma` is a list of standard deviations for curriculum learning psigmas = np.linspace(0, config.psigma_max, config.psteps)[1:] psigma_ = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=()) with tf.name_scope('input'): Ap_, y_, x_ = train.setup_input_robust(p.A, psigma_, config.msigma, p.pnz, config.Abs, config.xbs) if != "robust_ALISTA": # If not joint robust training # reshape y_ into shape (m, Abs * xbs) # reshape x_ into shape (n, Abs * xbs) y_ = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(y_, [1, 0, 2]), (config.M, -1)) x_ = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(x_, [1, 0, 2]), (config.N, -1)) # fix validation set Ap_val_ = tf.get_variable(name="Ap_val", dtype=tf.float32, initializer=Ap_) y_val_ = tf.get_variable(name="y_val", dtype=tf.float32, initializer=y_) x_val_ = tf.get_variable(name="x_val", dtype=tf.float32, initializer=x_) """Set up model.""" if == "robust_ALISTA": """Load the Q reweighting matrix.""" if config.Q is None: # use default Q reweighting matrix if "re" in config.encoder_loss: # if using reweighted loss Q = np.sqrt( (np.ones(shape=(config.N, config.N), dtype=np.float32) + np.eye(config.N, dtype=np.float32) * (config.N - 2))) else: Q = None elif os.path.exists(config.Q) and config.Q.endswith(".npy"): Q = np.load(config.Q) assert Q.shape == (config.N, config.N) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid parameter `--Q`\n" "A valid `--Q` parameter should be one of the following:\n" " 1) omitted for default value as in the paper;\n" " 2) path/to/your/npy/file that contains your Q matrix.\n") """Binit matrix.""" if config.encoder_Binit == "default": Binit = p.A elif config.Binit in ["uniform", "normal"]: pass else: raise ValueError( "Invalid parameter `--Binit`\n" "A valid `--Binit` parameter should be one of the following:\n" " 1) omitted for default value `p.A`;\n" " 2) `normal` or `uniform`.\n") encoder, decoder = setup_model(config, Q=Q, Binit=Binit) W_ = encoder.inference(Ap_) W_val_ = encoder.inference(Ap_val_) xh_ = decoder.inference(y_, Ap_, W_, x0_=None)[-1] xh_val_ = decoder.inference(y_val_, Ap_val_, W_val_, x0_=None)[-1] else: decoder = setup_model(config, A=p.A) xh_ = decoder.inference(y_, None)[-1] xh_val_ = decoder.inference(y_val_, None)[-1] config.dec_load = config.modelfn config.decoder = ("robust_" + config.model + '_ps{ps}_nsteps{nsteps}_ms{ms}_lr{lr}'.format( ps=config.psigma_max, nsteps=config.psteps, ms=config.msigma, lr=config.decoder_lr)) config.decoderfn = os.path.join(config.expbase, config.decoder) print("\npretrained decoder loaded from {}".format(config.modelfn)) print("trained augmented model will be saved to {}".format( config.decoderfn)) """Set up loss.""" loss_ = tf.nn.l2_loss(xh_ - x_) nmse_denom_ = tf.nn.l2_loss(x_) nmse_ = loss_ / nmse_denom_ db_ = 10.0 * tf.log(nmse_) / tf.log(10.0) # validation loss_val_ = tf.nn.l2_loss(xh_val_ - x_val_) nmse_denom_val_ = tf.nn.l2_loss(x_val_) nmse_val_ = loss_val_ / nmse_denom_val_ db_val_ = 10.0 * tf.log(nmse_val_) / tf.log(10.0) """Set up optimizer.""" global_step_ = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) if == "robust_ALISTA": """Encoder and decoder apply different initial learning rate.""" # get trainable variable for de encoder and decoder encoder_variables_ = tf.get_collection( key=tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope=config.encoder_scope) decoder_variables_ = tf.get_collection( key=tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope=config.decoder_scope) trainable_variables_ = encoder_variables_ + decoder_variables_ # calculate gradients w.r.t. all trainable variables in the model grads_ = tf.gradients(loss_, trainable_variables_) encoder_grads_ = grads_[:len(encoder_variables_)] decoder_grads_ = grads_[len(encoder_variables_):] # define learning rates for optimizers over two parts global_step_ = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) encoder_lr_ = tf.train.exponential_decay(config.encoder_lr, global_step_, 5000, 0.75, staircase=False) encoder_opt_ = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(encoder_lr_) decoder_lr_ = tf.train.exponential_decay(config.decoder_lr, global_step_, 5000, 0.75, staircase=False) decoder_opt_ = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(decoder_lr_) # define training operator encoder_op_ = encoder_opt_.apply_gradients( zip(encoder_grads_, encoder_variables_)) decoder_op_ = decoder_opt_.apply_gradients( zip(decoder_grads_, decoder_variables_)) learning_step_ =, decoder_op_) else: lr_ = tf.train.exponential_decay(config.decoder_lr, global_step_, 5000, 0.75, staircase=False) learning_step_ = (tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr_).minimize( loss_, global_step=global_step_)) tfconfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tfconfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=tfconfig) as sess: # graph initialization, feed_dict={psigma_: psigmas[0]}) # load pre-trained model(s) if == "robust_ALISTA": encoder.load_trainable_variables(sess, config.enc_load) decoder.load_trainable_variables(sess, config.dec_load) # start timer start = time.time() for psigma in psigmas: print('\ncurrent sigma: {}'.format(psigma)) for i in range(config.maxit): db, loss, _ =[db_, loss_, learning_step_], feed_dict={psigma_: psigma}) if i % config.val_step == 0: db_val, loss_val =[db_val_, loss_val_], feed_dict={psigma_: psigma}) sys.stdout.write( "\ri={i:<7d} | loss_train={loss_train:.6f} | " "db_train={db_train:.6f} | loss_val={loss_val:.6f} | " "db_val={db_val:.6f}".format(i=i, loss_train=loss, db_train=db, loss_val=loss_val, db_val=db_val)) sys.stdout.flush() if == "robust_ALISTA": encoder.save_trainable_variables(sess, config.encoderfn) decoder.save_trainable_variables(sess, config.decoderfn) # end timer end = time.time() elapsed = end - start print("elapsed time of training = " + str(timedelta(seconds=elapsed)))
def run_encoder_train(config): """Load problem.""" if not os.path.exists(config.probfn): raise ValueError("Problem file not found.") else: p = problem.load_problem(config.probfn) """Load the Q reweighting matrix.""" if config.Q is None: # use default Q reweighting matrix if "re" in config.encoder_loss: # if using reweighted loss Q = np.sqrt( (np.ones(shape=(config.N, config.N), dtype=np.float32) + np.eye(config.N, dtype=np.float32) * (config.N - 2))) else: Q = None elif os.path.exists(config.Q) and config.Q.endswith(".npy"): Q = np.load(config.Q) assert Q.shape == (config.N, config.N) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid parameter `--Q`\n" "A valid `--Q` parameter should be one of the following:\n" " 1) omitted for default value as in the paper;\n" " 2) path/to/your/npy/file that contains your Q matrix.\n") """Binit matrix.""" if config.encoder_Binit == "default": Binit = p.A elif config.Binit in ["uniform", "normal"]: pass else: raise ValueError( "Invalid parameter `--Binit`\n" "A valid `--Binit` parameter should be one of the following:\n" " 1) omitted for default value `p.A`;\n" " 2) `normal` or `uniform`.\n") """Set up model.""" model = setup_model(config, Binit=Binit, Q=Q) print("The trained model will be saved in {}".format(config.model)) """Set up training.""" from import get_loss_func, bmxbm, mxbm with tf.name_scope('input'): A_ = tf.constant(p.A, dtype=tf.float32) perturb_ = tf.random.normal(shape=(config.Abs, config.M, config.N), mean=0.0, stddev=config.encoder_psigma, dtype=tf.float32) Ap_ = A_ + perturb_ Ap_ = Ap_ / tf.sqrt( tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(Ap_), axis=1, keepdims=True)) Apt_ = tf.transpose(Ap_, [0, 2, 1]) W_ = model.inference(Ap_) """Set up loss.""" eye_ = tf.eye(config.N, batch_shape=[config.Abs], dtype=tf.float32) residual_ = bmxbm(Apt_, W_, batch_first=True) - eye_ loss_func = get_loss_func(config.encoder_loss, model._Q_) loss_ = loss_func(residual_) # fix validation set Ap_val_ = tf.get_variable(name='Ap_val', dtype=tf.float32, initializer=Ap_, trainable=False) Apt_val_ = tf.transpose(Ap_val_, [0, 2, 1]) W_val_ = model.inference(Ap_val_) # validation loss residual_val_ = bmxbm(Apt_val_, W_val_, batch_first=True) - eye_ loss_val_ = loss_func(residual_val_) """Set up optimizer.""" global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) lr = tf.train.exponential_decay(config.encoder_lr, global_step, 5000, 0.75, staircase=True) learning_step = (tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr).minimize( loss_, global_step=global_step)) # create session and initialize the graph tfconfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tfconfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=tfconfig) as sess: # start timer start = time.time() for i in range(config.maxit): # training step _, loss =[learning_step, loss_]) # validation step if i % config.val_step == 0: # validation step loss_val = sys.stdout.write("\ri={i:<7d} | train_loss={train_loss:.6f} | " "loss_val={loss_val:.6f}".format( i=i, train_loss=loss, loss_val=loss_val)) sys.stdout.flush() # end timer end = time.time() elapsed = end - start print("elapsed time of training = " + str(timedelta(seconds=elapsed))) train.save_trainable_variables(sess, config.modelfn, config.scope) print("model saved to {}".format(config.modelfn))
def run_denoise_train(config): """Load problem.""" import utils.prob_conv as problem if not os.path.exists(config.probfn): raise ValueError("Problem file not found.") else: p = problem.load_problem(config.probfn) """Set up model.""" model = setup_model(config, filters=p._fs) """Set up input.""" # training clean_ = data.bsd500_denoise_inputs(config.data_folder, config.train_file, config.tbs, config.height_crop, config.width_crop, config.num_epochs) clean_.set_shape(( config.tbs, *clean_.get_shape()[1:], )) # validation clean_val_ = data.bsd500_denoise_inputs(config.data_folder, config.val_file, config.vbs, config.height_crop, config.width_crop, 1) clean_val_.set_shape(( config.vbs, *clean_val_.get_shape()[1:], )) # add noise noise_ = tf.random_normal(clean_.shape, stddev=config.denoise_std, dtype=tf.float32) noise_val_ = tf.random_normal(clean_val_.shape, stddev=config.denoise_std, dtype=tf.float32) noisy_ = clean_ + noise_ noisy_val_ = clean_val_ + noise_val_ # fix validation set with tf.name_scope('input'): clean_val_ = tf.get_variable(name='clean_val', dtype=tf.float32, initializer=clean_val_) noisy_val_ = tf.get_variable(name='noisy_val', dtype=tf.float32, initializer=noisy_val_) """Set up training.""" stages = train.setup_denoise_training(model, noisy_, clean_, noisy_val_, clean_val_, None, config.init_lr, config.decay_rate, config.lr_decay) tfconfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tfconfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=tfconfig) as sess: # graph initialization # start timer start = time.time() # train model model.do_training(sess, stages, config.modelfn, config.scope, config.val_step, config.maxit, config.better_wait) # end timer end = time.time() elapsed = end - start print("elapsed time of training = " + str(timedelta(seconds=elapsed)))
def run_robust_test(config): """Load problem.""" print(config.probfn) if not os.path.exists(config.probfn): raise ValueError("Problem file not found.") else: p = problem.load_problem(config.probfn) """Set tesing data.""" test_As = np.load('./data/robust_test_A.npz') x = np.load('./data/xtest_n500_p10.npy') """Set up input.""" psigmas = sorted([float(k) for k in test_As.keys()]) psigma_ = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=()) with tf.name_scope('input'): Ap_ = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(250, 500)) x_ = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(500, None)) ## measure y_ from x_ using Ap_ y_ = tf.matmul(Ap_, x_) """Set up model.""" if == "robust_ALISTA": """Load the Q reweighting matrix.""" if config.Q is None: # use default Q reweighting matrix if "re" in config.encoder_loss: # if using reweighted loss Q = np.sqrt( (np.ones(shape=(config.N, config.N), dtype=np.float32) + np.eye(config.N, dtype=np.float32) * (config.N - 2))) else: Q = None elif os.path.exists(config.Q) and config.Q.endswith(".npy"): Q = np.load(config.Q) assert Q.shape == (config.N, config.N) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid parameter `--Q`\n" "A valid `--Q` parameter should be one of the following:\n" " 1) omitted for default value as in the paper;\n" " 2) path/to/your/npy/file that contains your Q matrix.\n") """Binit matrix.""" if config.encoder_Binit == "default": Binit = p.A elif config.Binit in ["uniform", "normal"]: pass else: raise ValueError( "Invalid parameter `--Binit`\n" "A valid `--Binit` parameter should be one of the following:\n" " 1) omitted for default value `p.A`;\n" " 2) `normal` or `uniform`.\n") encoder, decoder = setup_model(config, Q=Q, Binit=Binit) W_ = tf.squeeze(encoder.inference(tf.expand_dims(Ap_, axis=0)), axis=0) xh_ = decoder.inference(y_, Ap_, W_, x0_=None)[-1] else: decoder = setup_model(config, A=p.A) xh_ = decoder.inference(y_, None)[-1] config.decoder = ("robust_" + config.model + '_ps{ps}_nsteps{nsteps}_ms{ms}_lr{lr}'.format( ps=config.psigma_max, nsteps=config.psteps, ms=config.msigma, lr=config.decoder_lr)) config.decoderfn = os.path.join(config.expbase, config.decoder) print("\ntrained augmented model loaded from {}".format( config.decoderfn)) """Set up loss.""" loss_ = tf.nn.l2_loss(xh_ - x_) nmse_denom_ = tf.nn.l2_loss(x_) nmse_ = loss_ / nmse_denom_ db_ = 10.0 * tf.log(nmse_) / tf.log(10.0) tfconfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tfconfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=tfconfig) as sess: # graph initialization, feed_dict={psigma_: psigmas[0]}) # load pre-trained model(s) if == "robust_ALISTA": encoder.load_trainable_variables(sess, config.encoderfn) decoder.load_trainable_variables(sess, config.decoderfn) # start timer start = time.time() res = dict(sigmas=np.array(psigmas)) avg_dBs = [] print('sigma\tnmse') sum_time = 0.0 tcounter = 0 for psigma in psigmas: Aps = test_As[str(psigma)] sum_dB = 0.0 counter = 0 for Ap in Aps: db =, feed_dict={x_: x, Ap_: Ap}) # start timer start = time.time() # inference, feed_dict={x_: x, Ap_: Ap}) # end timer end = time.time() elapsed = end - start sum_time = sum_time + elapsed tcounter = tcounter + 1 sum_dB = sum_dB + db counter = counter + 1 avg_dB = sum_dB / counter print(psigma, '\t', avg_dB) avg_dBs.append(avg_dB) print("average elapsed time of inference =", str(timedelta(seconds=sum_time / tcounter))) res['avg_dBs'] = np.asarray(avg_dBs) print('saving results to', config.resfn) np.savez(config.resfn, **res)
def run_denoise_test(config): import glob from PIL import Image """Load problem.""" import utils.prob_conv as problem if not os.path.exists(config.probfn): raise ValueError("Problem file not found.") else: p = problem.load_problem(config.probfn) """Set up model.""" model = setup_model(config, filters=p._fs) """Set up input.""" orig_clean_ = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, 256, 256, 1)) clean_ = orig_clean_ * (1.0 / 255.0) mean_ = tf.reduce_mean(clean_, axis=( 1, 2, 3, ), keepdims=True) demean_ = clean_ - mean_ """Add noise.""" noise_ = tf.random_normal(tf.shape(demean_), stddev=config.denoise_std, dtype=tf.float32) noisy_ = demean_ + noise_ """Inference.""" _, recons_ = model.inference(noisy_, None) recon_ = recons_[-1] # denormalize recon_ = (recon_ + mean_) * 255.0 """PSNR.""" mse2_ = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(orig_clean_ - recon_), axis=( 1, 2, 3, )) psnr_ = 10.0 * tf.log(255.0**2 / mse2_) / tf.log(10.0) avg_psnr_ = tf.reduce_mean(psnr_) """Load test images.""" test_images = [] filenames = [] types = ( "*.tif", "*.png", "*.jpg", "*.gif", ) for type in types: filenames.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(config.test_dir, type))) for filename in filenames: im = if im.size != (256, 256): im = im.resize((256, 256)) test_images.append(np.asarray(im).astype(np.float32)) test_images = np.asarray(test_images).reshape((-1, 256, 256, 1)) tfconfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tfconfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=tfconfig) as sess: # graph initialization # load model model.load_trainable_variables(sess, config.modelfn) # testing psnr, avg_psnr =[psnr_, avg_psnr_], feed_dict={orig_clean_: test_images}) print('file names\t| PSNR/dB') for fname, p in zip(filenames, psnr): print(os.path.basename(fname), '\t', p) print("average PSNR = {} dB".format(avg_psnr)) print("full PSNR records on testing set are stored in {}".format( config.resfn)), psnr) sum_time = 0.0 ntimes = 200 for i in range(ntimes): # start timer start = time.time() # testing, feed_dict={orig_clean_: test_images}) # end timer end = time.time() sum_time = sum_time + end - start print("average elapsed time for one image inference = " + str(timedelta(seconds=sum_time / ntimes / test_images.shape[0]))) # start timer start = time.time()