def __init__(self, exec_conf: ExecutionConfig, mesh_conf, fragmentation_conf: FragmentationConfig): self._profiler = Profiler(enable_profiler)"Solver: {}".format(self.openfoam_solver)) self.exec_config = exec_conf self.result_dir = exec_conf.output_dir files.create_directory(self.result_dir) self.results = {} result_file_geom_prefix = None if type(mesh_conf) is SimpleBlockMeshConfig: result_file_geom_prefix = "gw{}_gh{}_gl{}".format( mesh_conf.width_mm, mesh_conf.height_mm, mesh_conf.length_mm) self.geom_values = "{}\t{}\t{}".format( mesh_conf.width_mm, mesh_conf.height_mm, mesh_conf.length_mm) self.geom_titles = "Geometry width\tGeometry height\tGeometry length" else: result_file_geom_prefix = "" self.geom_values = "" self.geom_titles = "" for line_idx in range(len(mesh_conf.width_lines)): result_file_geom_prefix += "w{}={}_".format(line_idx, mesh_conf.width_lines[line_idx]) self.geom_titles += "{} {}\t".format("Width line", line_idx) self.geom_values += "{}\t".format(mesh_conf.width_lines[line_idx]) for line_idx in range(len(mesh_conf.height_distance)): result_file_geom_prefix += "h{}={}_".format(line_idx, mesh_conf.height_distance[line_idx]) self.geom_titles += "{} {}\t".format("Height line", line_idx) self.geom_values += "{}\t".format(mesh_conf.height_distance[line_idx]) result_file_geom_prefix += "l={}".format(mesh_conf.length) self.geom_titles += "{}".format("Length") self.geom_values += "{}".format(mesh_conf.length) _logger.debug(result_file_geom_prefix) _logger.debug(self.geom_values) fragmentation_options_line = "fw{}_fh{}_fl{}".format( fragmentation_conf.width, fragmentation_conf.height, fragmentation_conf.length) self.fragmentation_values = "{}\t{}\t{}".format( fragmentation_conf.width, fragmentation_conf.height, fragmentation_conf.length) result_file_name = "result_{}_{}.txt".format(result_file_geom_prefix, fragmentation_options_line) self.result_file = os.path.join(self.result_dir, result_file_name) self.parsed_name ="%Y-%m-%d-%H.txt")
def __init__(self, mesh_config: SimpleBlockMeshConfig, fragmentation_config: FragmentationConfig, execution_config: ExecutionConfig = ExecutionConfig()): self.mesh_config = mesh_config self.fragmentation_config = fragmentation_config self.exec_config = execution_config self.out_file = "system/blockMeshDict" if self.exec_config is not None: self.out_file = os.path.join(execution_config.execution_folder, self.out_file) self._profiler = Profiler(enable_profiler)
def start_traverse( game: GameInterface, player_to_train: int, regretModels: List[Optional[RegretMatching]], strategyModels: List[Optional[RegretMatching]], ) -> Tuple[int, ExpandableTensorSet, ExpandableTensorSet, Counter]: lowpriority() NUM_INNER_GAME_ITERATIONS = 100 with torch.no_grad(): playerRegret = ExpandableTensorSet( 16 * 1024, (game.feature_dim(), game.action_dim(), game.action_dim())) strategyData = ExpandableTensorSet( 16 * 1024, (game.feature_dim(), game.action_dim(), game.action_dim())) metrics: Counter = Counter() for _ in range(NUM_INNER_GAME_ITERATIONS): ng = game.clone() ng.reset() with Profiler(False): traverse( ng, player_to_train, regretModels, playerRegret, strategyModels, strategyData, metrics, 0, True, 1, ) # print(metrics) return player_to_train, playerRegret, strategyData, metrics
def main(p: Parameters, o: Options): profiler = Profiler() profiler.event("start") if o.verbose: print(f"Experimenting with parameters: {p}") accuracy_results = experiment(p, o) profiler.event("end") print(profiler.summary(human=True)) config.save_accuracy(accuracy_results)
def do_train(): model, optimizer = p.model.make_model_and_optimizer( dataset.input_shape, dataset.num_classes, o.use_cuda) def generate_epochs_callbacks(): epochs_callbacks = [] for epoch in p.savepoints: def callback(epoch=epoch): scores = training.eval_scores( model, dataset, p.transformations, TransformationStrategy.random_sample, o.get_eval_options()) if o.verbose_general: print( f"Saving model {} at epoch {epoch}/{p.epochs}." ) training.save_model(p, o, model, scores, experiment.model_path(p, epoch)) epochs_callbacks.append((epoch, callback)) return dict(epochs_callbacks) epochs_callbacks = generate_epochs_callbacks() # TRAINING if 0 in p.savepoints: scores = training.eval_scores(model, dataset, p.transformations, TransformationStrategy.random_sample, o.get_eval_options()) print(f"Saving model {} at epoch {0} (before training).") training.save_model(p, o, model, scores, experiment.model_path(p, 0)) pr = Profiler() pr.event("start") scores, history =, o, model, optimizer, dataset, epochs_callbacks=epochs_callbacks) pr.event("end") print(pr.summary(human=True)) training.print_scores(scores) return model, history, scores
def start_game(self): if self.on_iter == self.max_games: return self.on_game += 1 # print("Starting", self.on_game) ng = ng.reset() with Profiler(False): metrics = Counter() policy_network = random.choice(self.policy_networks) if policy_network.num_steps >= 100: eval_net = copy.deepcopy(policy_network).cpu().eval() else: eval_net = None self.pool.apply_async( start_traverse, args=(ng, eval_net, metrics, 0,), callback=self.finish_game, )
def evaluate(data, model, scale, device): X, y, _, _ = data.split(1, shuffle=False) X, y = prep_data(X, y, device) X = scale(X) model.eval() profiler = Profiler("INFERENCE TIME") profiler.tick() pred = model(X) profiler.tock() print(profiler, end='\n\n') criterion = get_loss('bce') error = criterion(pred, y) print("loss: {:.4f}".format(error)) acc = accuracy(torch.argmin(pred, dim=1), y[:, 0]) print("accuracy: {:.4f}".format(acc))
def train(run_id: str, data_dir: str, validate_data_dir: str, models_dir: Path, umap_every: int, save_every: int, backup_every: int, vis_every: int, validate_every: int, force_restart: bool, visdom_server: str, port: str, no_visdom: bool): # Create a dataset and a dataloader train_dataset = LandmarkDataset(data_dir, img_per_cls, train=True) train_loader = LandmarkDataLoader( train_dataset, cls_per_batch, img_per_cls, num_workers=6, ) validate_dataset = LandmarkDataset(validate_data_dir, v_img_per_cls, train=False) validate_loader = LandmarkDataLoader( validate_dataset, v_cls_per_batch, v_img_per_cls, num_workers=4, ) validate_iter = iter(validate_loader) criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # Setup the device on which to run the forward pass and the loss. These can be different, # because the forward pass is faster on the GPU whereas the loss is often (depending on your # hyperparameters) faster on the CPU. device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # FIXME: currently, the gradient is None if loss_device is cuda # loss_device = torch.device("cpu") # fixed by loss_device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # Create the model and the optimizer model = Encoder(device, loss_device) arc_face = ArcFace(model_embedding_size, num_class, scale=30, m=0.35, device=device) multi_gpu = False # device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: multi_gpu = True model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model) arc_face = torch.nn.DataParallel(arc_face) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([{ 'params': model.parameters() }, { 'params': arc_face.parameters() }], lr=learning_rate_init, momentum=0.9) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer=optimizer, step_size=25000, gamma=0.5) init_step = 1 # Configure file path for the model state_fpath = models_dir.joinpath(run_id + ".pt") pretrained_path = state_fpath backup_dir = models_dir.joinpath(run_id + "_backups") # Load any existing model if not force_restart: if state_fpath.exists(): print( "Found existing model \"%s\", loading it and resuming training." % run_id) checkpoint = torch.load(pretrained_path) init_step = checkpoint["step"] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model_state"]) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["optimizer_state"]) optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] = learning_rate_init else: print("No model \"%s\" found, starting training from scratch." % run_id) else: print("Starting the training from scratch.") model.train() # Initialize the visualization environment vis = Visualizations(run_id, vis_every, server=visdom_server, port=port, disabled=no_visdom) vis.log_dataset(train_dataset) vis.log_params() device_name = str( torch.cuda.get_device_name(0) if torch.cuda.is_available() else "CPU") vis.log_implementation({"Device": device_name}) # Training loop profiler = Profiler(summarize_every=500, disabled=False) for step, cls_batch in enumerate(train_loader, init_step): profiler.tick("Blocking, waiting for batch (threaded)") # Forward pass inputs = torch.from_numpy( labels = torch.from_numpy(cls_batch.labels).long().to(device) sync(device) profiler.tick("Data to %s" % device) embeds = model(inputs) sync(device) profiler.tick("Forward pass") output = arc_face(embeds, labels) loss = criterion(output, labels) sync(device) profiler.tick("Loss") # Backward pass optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() profiler.tick("Backward pass") optimizer.step() scheduler.step() profiler.tick("Parameter update") acc = get_acc(output, labels) # Update visualizations # learning_rate = optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] vis.update(loss.item(), acc, step) print("step {}, loss: {}, acc: {}".format(step, loss.item(), acc)) # Draw projections and save them to the backup folder if umap_every != 0 and step % umap_every == 0: print("Drawing and saving projections (step %d)" % step) projection_dir = backup_dir / 'projections' projection_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) projection_fpath = projection_dir.joinpath("%s_umap_%d.png" % (run_id, step)) embeds = embeds.detach() embeds = (embeds / torch.norm(embeds, dim=1, keepdim=True)).cpu().numpy() vis.draw_projections(embeds, img_per_cls, step, projection_fpath) # Overwrite the latest version of the model if save_every != 0 and step % save_every == 0: print("Saving the model (step %d)" % step) { "step": step + 1, "model_state": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state": optimizer.state_dict(), }, state_fpath) # Make a backup if backup_every != 0 and step % backup_every == 0: if step > 4000: # don't save until 4k steps print("Making a backup (step %d)" % step) ckpt_dir = backup_dir / 'ckpt' ckpt_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) backup_fpath = ckpt_dir.joinpath("" % (run_id, step)) { "step": step + 1, "model_state": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state": optimizer.state_dict(), }, backup_fpath) # Do validation if validate_every != 0 and step % validate_every == 0: # validation loss, acc model.eval() for i in range(num_validate): with torch.no_grad(): validate_cls_batch = next(validate_iter) validate_inputs = torch.from_numpy( validat_labels = torch.from_numpy( validate_cls_batch.labels).long().to(device) validate_embeds = model(validate_inputs) validate_output = arc_face(validate_embeds, validat_labels) validate_loss = criterion(validate_output, validat_labels) validate_acc = get_acc(validate_output, validat_labels) vis.update_validate(validate_loss.item(), validate_acc, step, num_validate) # take the last one for drawing projection projection_dir = backup_dir / 'v_projections' projection_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) projection_fpath = projection_dir.joinpath("%s_umap_%d.png" % (run_id, step)) validate_embeds = validate_embeds.detach() validate_embeds = (validate_embeds / torch.norm( validate_embeds, dim=1, keepdim=True)).cpu().numpy() vis.draw_projections(validate_embeds, v_img_per_cls, step, projection_fpath, is_validate=True) model.train() profiler.tick("Extras (visualizations, saving)")
def train(run_id: str, clean_data_root: Path, models_dir: Path, umap_every: int, save_every: int, backup_every: int, vis_every: int, force_restart: bool, visdom_server: str, no_visdom: bool): dataset = SpeakerVerificationDataset(clean_data_root) loader = SpeakerVerificationDataLoader( dataset, speakers_per_batch, utterances_per_speaker, num_workers=8, ) # cuda device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") loss_device = torch.device("cpu") # 创建模型和优化器 model = SpeakerEncoder(device, loss_device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate_init) init_step = 1 # 为模型配置文件路径 state_fpath = models_dir.joinpath(run_id + ".pt") backup_dir = models_dir.joinpath(run_id + "_backups") model.train() # 初始化可视化环境(visdom) vis = Visualizations(run_id, vis_every, server=visdom_server, disabled=no_visdom) device_name = str( torch.cuda.get_device_name(0) if torch.cuda.is_available() else "CPU") # 开始训练 profiler = Profiler(summarize_every=10, disabled=False) for step, speaker_batch in enumerate(loader, init_step): profiler.tick("Blocking, waiting for batch (threaded)") # 正向传播 inputs = torch.from_numpy( sync(device) profiler.tick("Data to %s" % device) embeds = model(inputs) sync(device) profiler.tick("Forward pass") embeds_loss = embeds.view( (speakers_per_batch, utterances_per_speaker, -1)).to(loss_device) loss, eer = model.loss(embeds_loss) sync(loss_device) profiler.tick("Loss") # 反向传播 model.zero_grad() loss.backward() profiler.tick("Backward pass") model.do_gradient_ops() optimizer.step() profiler.tick("Parameter update") vis.update(loss.item(), eer, step) # 进行一次UMAP投影可视化并保存图片 if umap_every != 0 and step % umap_every == 0: # print("Drawing and saving projections (step %d)" % step) backup_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) projection_fpath = backup_dir.joinpath("%s_umap_%06d.png" % (run_id, step)) embeds = embeds.detach().cpu().numpy() vis.draw_projections(embeds, utterances_per_speaker, step, projection_fpath) # 更新模型 if save_every != 0 and step % save_every == 0: # print("Saving the model (step %d)" % step) { "step": step + 1, "model_state": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state": optimizer.state_dict(), }, state_fpath) # 进行一次备份 if backup_every != 0 and step % backup_every == 0: # print("Making a backup (step %d)" % step) backup_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) backup_fpath = backup_dir.joinpath("" % (run_id, step)) { "step": step + 1, "model_state": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state": optimizer.state_dict(), }, backup_fpath) profiler.tick("Extras (visualizations, saving)")
def train(run_id: str, clean_data_root: Path, models_dir: Path, umap_every: int, save_every: int, backup_every: int, vis_every: int, force_restart: bool, visdom_server: str, no_visdom: bool): # Create a dataset and a dataloader dataset = SpeakerVerificationDataset(clean_data_root) loader = SpeakerVerificationDataLoader( dataset, speakers_per_batch, utterances_per_speaker, num_workers=8, ) # Setup the device on which to run the forward pass and the loss. These can be different, # because the forward pass is faster on the GPU whereas the loss is often (depending on your # hyperparameters) faster on the CPU. device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # FIXME: currently, the gradient is None if loss_device is cuda loss_device = torch.device("cpu") # Create the model and the optimizer model = SpeakerEncoder(device, loss_device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate_init) init_step = 1 # Configure file path for the model state_fpath = models_dir.joinpath(run_id + ".pt") backup_dir = models_dir.joinpath(run_id + "_backups") # Load any existing model if not force_restart: if state_fpath.exists(): print("Found existing model \"%s\", loading it and resuming training." % run_id) checkpoint = torch.load(state_fpath) init_step = checkpoint["step"] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model_state"]) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["optimizer_state"]) optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] = learning_rate_init else: print("No model \"%s\" found, starting training from scratch." % run_id) else: print("Starting the training from scratch.") model.train() # Initialize the visualization environment vis = Visualizations(run_id, vis_every, server=visdom_server, disabled=no_visdom) vis.log_dataset(dataset) vis.log_params() device_name = str(torch.cuda.get_device_name(0) if torch.cuda.is_available() else "CPU") vis.log_implementation({"Device": device_name}) # Training loop profiler = Profiler(summarize_every=10, disabled=False) for step, speaker_batch in enumerate(loader, init_step): profiler.tick("Blocking, waiting for batch (threaded)") # Forward pass inputs = torch.from_numpy( sync(device) profiler.tick("Data to %s" % device) embeds = model(inputs) sync(device) profiler.tick("Forward pass") embeds_loss = embeds.view((speakers_per_batch, utterances_per_speaker, -1)).to(loss_device) loss, eer = model.loss(embeds_loss) sync(loss_device) profiler.tick("Loss") # Backward pass model.zero_grad() loss.backward() profiler.tick("Backward pass") model.do_gradient_ops() optimizer.step() profiler.tick("Parameter update") # Update visualizations # learning_rate = optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] vis.update(loss.item(), eer, step) # Draw projections and save them to the backup folder if umap_every != 0 and step % umap_every == 0: print("Drawing and saving projections (step %d)" % step) backup_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) projection_fpath = backup_dir.joinpath("%s_umap_%06d.png" % (run_id, step)) embeds = embeds.detach().cpu().numpy() vis.draw_projections(embeds, utterances_per_speaker, step, projection_fpath) # Overwrite the latest version of the model if save_every != 0 and step % save_every == 0: print("Saving the model (step %d)" % step){ "step": step + 1, "model_state": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state": optimizer.state_dict(), }, state_fpath) # Make a backup if backup_every != 0 and step % backup_every == 0: print("Making a backup (step %d)" % step) backup_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) backup_fpath = backup_dir.joinpath("" % (run_id, step)){ "step": step + 1, "model_state": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state": optimizer.state_dict(), }, backup_fpath) profiler.tick("Extras (visualizations, saving)")
class SimpleBlockMeshGenerator: def __init__(self, mesh_config: SimpleBlockMeshConfig, fragmentation_config: FragmentationConfig, execution_config: ExecutionConfig = ExecutionConfig()): self.mesh_config = mesh_config self.fragmentation_config = fragmentation_config self.exec_config = execution_config self.out_file = "system/blockMeshDict" if self.exec_config is not None: self.out_file = os.path.join(execution_config.execution_folder, self.out_file) self._profiler = Profiler(enable_profiler) def __del__(self): self._profiler.print_report() def create(self, custom_out_file=None):"\n\n===== Run geometry generating") self._profiler.start("Geometry creating") self._print_configuration() self._calculate_points() self._calculate_fragmentation() self._calculate_boundary() text = self._format_text() file_to_write = self.out_file if custom_out_file != 0 and (custom_out_file is not None) and (len(custom_out_file)): file_to_write = custom_out_file if custom_out_file == 0: file_to_write = 0 self.save_geometry(text, file_to_write) self._profiler.stop("Geometry creating")"===== End geometry generating\n\n") def generate(self):"\n\n===== Run block mesh generating") self._profiler.start("Mesh generating") self.generate_mesh() self._profiler.stop("Mesh generating") # Just because there a lots of logs from blockMesh command"===== End block mesh generating\n\n") def _print_configuration(self): _logger.log(LogLvl.LOG_INFO, "Generate mesh with size:") _logger.log( LogLvl.LOG_INFO, "width_mm: {}\theight_mm: {}\tlength_mm: {}".format( self.mesh_config.width_mm, self.mesh_config.height_mm, self.mesh_config.length_mm)) _logger.log(LogLvl.LOG_INFO, "Generate mesh with fragmentation:") _logger.log( LogLvl.LOG_INFO, "{:>25}{:>25}{:>25}\n".format( "width_fragmentation: " + str(self.fragmentation_config.width), "height_fragmentation: " + str(self.fragmentation_config.height), "length_fragmentation: " + str(self.fragmentation_config.length))) def _calculate_points(self): # TODO add check, that convertToMeters is 0.001 (m to mm) width_mm = self.mesh_config.width_mm height_mm = self.mesh_config.height_mm length_mm = self.mesh_config.length_mm p1 = [0, 0, 0] p2 = [width_mm, 0, 0] p3 = [width_mm, height_mm, 0] p4 = [0, height_mm, 0] p5 = [0, 0, length_mm] p6 = [width_mm, 0, length_mm] p7 = [width_mm, height_mm, length_mm] p8 = [0, height_mm, length_mm] arr = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8] self.points = "" for i in range(len(arr)): self.points += " ({} {} {})".format(arr[i][0], arr[i][1], arr[i][2]) if i + 1 != len(arr): self.points += "\n" def _calculate_fragmentation(self): mesh_elem_size_mm = self.fragmentation_config.elem_size_mm assert (self.mesh_config.width_mm >= mesh_elem_size_mm) assert (self.mesh_config.height_mm >= mesh_elem_size_mm) assert (self.mesh_config.length_mm >= mesh_elem_size_mm) # TODO enable dynamic fragmentation # length_fragmentation = int(float(length_mm) / mesh_elem_size_mm) # height_fragmentation = int(float(height_mm) / mesh_elem_size_mm) # width_fragmentation = int(float(width_mm) / mesh_elem_size_mm) # TODO try to use 6 2 1 (default in tutorial) # x - width, y - height, z - length self.fragmentation = " hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) ({} {} {}) simpleGrading (1.0 1.0 1.0)".format( self.fragmentation_config.width, self.fragmentation_config.height, self.fragmentation_config.length) def _calculate_boundary(self): _logger.error("Not implemented") def _format_text(self): t = Template(MESH_FILE_TEMPLATE) boundary = """ topSurface { type patch; faces ( (2 3 7 6) ); } bottomSurface { type patch; faces ( (0 1 5 4) ); } rearFixedEnd { type patch; faces ( (4 5 6 7) ); } frontTractionEnd { type patch; faces ( (0 1 2 3) ); } leftSurface { type patch; faces ( (0 3 7 4) ); } rightSurface { type patch; faces ( (1 2 6 5) ); }""" return t.substitute(points=self.points, fragmentation=self.fragmentation, boundary=boundary) @staticmethod def save_geometry(text, filename): if filename != 0: _logger.debug("Save file to: {}".format(filename)) f = open(filename, "w+") f.writelines(text) f.close() else: print(text) def generate_mesh(self): # FIXME temporary solution # FIXME Not check that is not None openfoam_folder = "OPENFOAM FOLDER NOT SPECIFIED" if self.exec_config is not None: if self.exec_config.openfoam_folder is not None: openfoam_folder = self.exec_config.openfoam_folder env_script = "ENV SCRIPT NOT SPECIFIED" if self.exec_config is not None: if self.exec_config.prepare_env_script is not None: env_script = self.exec_config.prepare_env_script # Make sure script have commented lines, where FOAM_INST_DIR is set prepare_call = "export FOAM_INST_DIR=" + openfoam_folder prepare_call += "; " prepare_call += ". " + env_script prepare_call += "; " prepare_call += "cd " + self.exec_config.execution_folder try: command = "{}; {}".format(prepare_call, "blockMesh") if _logger.log_lvl == LogLvl.LOG_DEBUG or print_mesh_stats:"{}".format(command), shell=True) else:"{} > /dev/null".format(command), shell=True) except OSError: raise OSError( "blockMesh not found. Please check that you have prepared OpenFOAM environment" )
def train(run_id: str, train_data_root: Path, test_data_root: Path, models_dir: Path, save_every: int, backup_every: int, vis_every: int, force_restart: bool, visdom_server: str, no_visdom: bool): # Create a dataset and a dataloader dataset = SpeakerVerificationDataset(train_data_root) loader = SpeakerVerificationDataLoader( dataset, speakers_per_batch, utterances_per_speaker, num_workers=dataloader_workers, # pin_memory=True, ) test_dataset = SpeakerVerificationDataset(test_data_root) testdata_loader = SpeakerVerificationDataLoader( test_dataset, speakers_per_batch, utterances_per_speaker, num_workers=dataloader_workers, # pin_memory=True, ) # Setup the device on which to run the forward pass and the loss. These can be different, # because the forward pass is faster on the GPU whereas the loss is often (depending on your # hyperparameters) faster on the CPU. device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # Create the model and the optimizer model = SpeakerEncoder(device) raw_model = model if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: print("Use", torch.cuda.device_count(), "GPUs.") # dim = 0 [30, xxx] -> [10, ...], [10, ...], [10, ...] on 3 GPUs model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate_init) init_step = 1 # Configure file path for the model state_fpath = models_dir.joinpath(run_id + ".pt") backup_dir = models_dir.joinpath(run_id + "_backups") # Load any existing model if not force_restart: if state_fpath.exists(): print( "Found existing model \"%s\", loading it and resuming training." % run_id) checkpoint = torch.load(str(state_fpath)) init_step = checkpoint["step"] raw_model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model_state"]) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["optimizer_state"]) optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] = learning_rate_init else: print("No model \"%s\" found, starting training from scratch." % run_id) else: print("Starting the training from scratch.") model.train() save_interval_s_time = time.time() prt_interval_s_time = time.time() total_loss, total_eer = 0, 0 # Training loop profiler = Profiler(summarize_every=1, disabled=True) for step, speaker_batch in enumerate(loader, init_step): # step_s_time = time.time() sync(device) profiler.tick("Blocking, waiting for batch (threaded)") # Forward pass inputs = torch.from_numpy( sync(device) profiler.tick("Data to %s" % device) embeds = model(inputs) sync(device) profiler.tick("Forward pass") embeds_loss = embeds.view( (speakers_per_batch, utterances_per_speaker, -1)) loss, eer = raw_model.loss(embeds_loss) # print(loss.item(), flush=True) total_loss += loss.item() total_eer += eer sync(device) profiler.tick("Loss") # Backward pass model.zero_grad() loss.backward() profiler.tick("Backward pass") raw_model.do_gradient_ops() optimizer.step() sync(device) profiler.tick("Parameter update") if step % vis_every == 0: learning_rate = optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] prt_interval_e_time = time.time() cost_time = prt_interval_e_time - prt_interval_s_time prt_interval_s_time = prt_interval_e_time print( " Step %06d> %d step cost %d seconds, lr:%.4f, Avg_loss:%.4f, Avg_eer:%.4f." % ( # step, save_every, cost_time, loss.detach().numpy(), eer), flush=True) step, vis_every, cost_time, learning_rate, total_loss / vis_every, total_eer / vis_every), flush=True) total_loss, total_eer = 0, 0 # Overwrite the latest version of the model && test model # save_every = 20 if save_every != 0 and step % save_every == 0: # save { "step": step + 1, "model_state": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state": optimizer.state_dict(), }, str(state_fpath)) # test test_total_loss, test_total_eer = 0.0, 0.0 for test_step, test_batch in enumerate(testdata_loader, 1): testinputs = torch.from_numpy( with torch.no_grad(): test_embeds = model(testinputs) test_embeds_loss = test_embeds.view( (speakers_per_batch, utterances_per_speaker, -1)) test_loss, test_eer = raw_model.loss(test_embeds_loss) # print(loss.item(), flush=True) test_total_loss += test_loss.item() test_total_eer += test_eer test_prt_interval = 10 if test_step % test_prt_interval == 0: print( " |--Test Step %06d> Avg_loss:%.4f, Avg_eer:%.4f." % (test_step, test_total_loss / test_step, test_total_eer / test_step), flush=True) if test_step == 50: break # print log save_interval_e_time = time.time() cost_time = save_interval_e_time - save_interval_s_time print( "\n" "++++Step %06d> Saving the model, %d step cost %d seconds." % ( # step, save_every, cost_time, loss.detach().numpy(), eer), flush=True) step, save_every, cost_time), flush=True) save_interval_s_time = save_interval_e_time # Make a backup if backup_every != 0 and step % backup_every == 0: print("Making a backup (step %d)" % step) backup_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) backup_fpath = str( backup_dir.joinpath("" % (run_id, step))) { "step": step + 1, "model_state": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state": optimizer.state_dict(), }, backup_fpath) sync(device) profiler.tick("Extras (visualizations, saving)")
def train(data, model, scale, config, device): from nn.optim.sgd import SGD from utils.train_history import TrainHistory X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = data.split(config.train_part, shuffle=True) assert len(X_train) > 0, "Wrong number of train examples" assert len(X_test) > 0, "Wrong number of test examples" X_train, y_train = prep_data(X_train, y_train, device) X_test, y_test = prep_data(X_test, y_test, device) print("first label in train part: {:.2f}%".format( y_train[:, 0].sum().float() / y_train.shape[0] * 100)) print("first label in test part: {:.2f}%".format( y_test[:, 0].sum().float() / y_test.shape[0] * 100))[X_train, X_test], dim=0)) X_train = scale(X_train) X_test = scale(X_test) criterion = get_loss(config.loss) optimizer = SGD(model, **config.sgd_params) profiler = Profiler("TRAIN TIME") history = TrainHistory(config.epochs, ["loss", "val_loss", "acc", "val_acc"]) for i in range(1, config.epochs + 1): profiler.tick() losses = [] for batch_X, batch_y in batch_iterator(X_train, y_train, config.batch_size, permute=True): output = model(batch_X) losses.append(criterion(output, batch_y).to("cpu")) grad = criterion.backward(output, batch_y) model.backward(grad) optimizer.optimise() test_pred = model(X_test) test_loss = criterion(test_pred, y_test) test_acc = accuracy(torch.argmax(test_pred, dim=1), torch.argmax(y_test, dim=1)) pred = model(X_train) acc = accuracy(torch.argmax(pred, dim=1), torch.argmax(y_train, dim=1)) history.update(i, np.mean(losses), test_loss, acc, test_acc) history.print_progress() if config.cross_validation: idxs = np.random.permutation( np.arange(X_train.shape[0] + X_test.shape[0])) X =[X_train, X_test], dim=0) y =[y_train, y_test], dim=0) train_num = int(X.shape[0] * config.train_part) X_train = X[idxs[train_num:]] X_test = X[idxs[:train_num]] y_train = y[idxs[train_num:]] y_test = y[idxs[:train_num]] profiler.tock() history.visualize() print('\n', profiler, sep='', end='\n\n')
class Executor: # openfoam_solver = "solidEquilibriumDisplacementFoamMod" openfoam_solver = "solidDisplacementFoamMod" def __init__(self, exec_conf: ExecutionConfig, mesh_conf, fragmentation_conf: FragmentationConfig): self._profiler = Profiler(enable_profiler)"Solver: {}".format(self.openfoam_solver)) self.exec_config = exec_conf self.result_dir = exec_conf.output_dir files.create_directory(self.result_dir) self.results = {} result_file_geom_prefix = None if type(mesh_conf) is SimpleBlockMeshConfig: result_file_geom_prefix = "gw{}_gh{}_gl{}".format( mesh_conf.width_mm, mesh_conf.height_mm, mesh_conf.length_mm) self.geom_values = "{}\t{}\t{}".format( mesh_conf.width_mm, mesh_conf.height_mm, mesh_conf.length_mm) self.geom_titles = "Geometry width\tGeometry height\tGeometry length" else: result_file_geom_prefix = "" self.geom_values = "" self.geom_titles = "" for line_idx in range(len(mesh_conf.width_lines)): result_file_geom_prefix += "w{}={}_".format(line_idx, mesh_conf.width_lines[line_idx]) self.geom_titles += "{} {}\t".format("Width line", line_idx) self.geom_values += "{}\t".format(mesh_conf.width_lines[line_idx]) for line_idx in range(len(mesh_conf.height_distance)): result_file_geom_prefix += "h{}={}_".format(line_idx, mesh_conf.height_distance[line_idx]) self.geom_titles += "{} {}\t".format("Height line", line_idx) self.geom_values += "{}\t".format(mesh_conf.height_distance[line_idx]) result_file_geom_prefix += "l={}".format(mesh_conf.length) self.geom_titles += "{}".format("Length") self.geom_values += "{}".format(mesh_conf.length) _logger.debug(result_file_geom_prefix) _logger.debug(self.geom_values) fragmentation_options_line = "fw{}_fh{}_fl{}".format( fragmentation_conf.width, fragmentation_conf.height, fragmentation_conf.length) self.fragmentation_values = "{}\t{}\t{}".format( fragmentation_conf.width, fragmentation_conf.height, fragmentation_conf.length) result_file_name = "result_{}_{}.txt".format(result_file_geom_prefix, fragmentation_options_line) self.result_file = os.path.join(self.result_dir, result_file_name) self.parsed_name ="%Y-%m-%d-%H.txt") def __del__(self): self._profiler.print_report() def run(self):"\n\n===== Run calculation") self.__run_execution()"===== End calculation\n\n")"\n\n===== Run result parsing") self._profiler.start("Parse results") self.__parse_output_from_file("sigmaEq") self.__parse_output_from_file("D") self.__parse_output_from_file("Time") self._profiler.stop("Parse results")"===== End result parsing\n\n") def __run_execution(self): self._profiler.start("Run solver") # FIXME no check if none prepare_call = "export FOAM_INST_DIR=" + self.exec_config.openfoam_folder prepare_call += "; " prepare_call += ". " + "$HOME/prog/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-dev/etc/bashrc_modified" prepare_call += "; " prepare_call += "cd " + self.exec_config.execution_folder try:["{}; {} > {}".format(prepare_call, self.openfoam_solver, self.result_file)], shell=True) except OSError: _logger.error("{} not found.".format(self.openfoam_solver)) _logger.error("Please make sure you are using modified version of OpenFOAM and env is prepared") self._profiler.stop("Run solver") def __parse_time(self, text): found_exec = re.findall(r'ExecutionTime = (\d+.?\d*) s', text)[-1] found_clock = re.findall(r'ClockTime = (\d+.?\d*) s', text)[-1] exec_time = float(found_exec) clock_time = float(found_clock) # Save result to file file_parsed_name = "{}-{}".format("time", self.parsed_name) file_parsed_result = os.path.join(self.result_dir, file_parsed_name) formatted_result = "{geometry}\t{fragmentation}\t{exec_time}\t{clock_time}\n".format( geometry=self.geom_values, fragmentation=self.fragmentation_values, exec_time=exec_time, clock_time=clock_time) with open(file_parsed_result, "a") as log_file: if os.stat(file_parsed_result).st_size == 0: log_file.write("{}" "\tFragmentation width\tFragmentation height\tFragmentation length" "\t{}\t{}\n".format(self.geom_titles, "Execution time", "Clock time")) log_file.write(formatted_result) def __parse_output(self, param_to_parse, text): _logger.debug("Parse: {}".format(param_to_parse)) start_index = text.rfind("Max {} = ".format(param_to_parse)) len = text[start_index:].find('\n') _logger.debug(text[start_index:start_index + len]) # (.123 250000 1.00009e+06 160325 7.29635e-10 2.36271e+06 0 -2.40131e-45 5.12455e-06 2.01673e-06 1.18136e-05) p = re.compile(r'[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+[eE]?[-+]?[0-9]*') values = p.findall(text[start_index:start_index + len]) _logger.debug("Found values: {}".format(values)) float_val = [] for val in values: float_val.append(float(val)) _logger.debug("Values as float: {}".format(float_val)) max_value = -1. # FIXME Workaround for cantilever beam to use D which is with -D flag if param_to_parse == "sigmaEq": max_value = max(float_val) elif param_to_parse == "D": max_value = abs(max(float_val, key=abs))"Max (Min) {}: {}".format(param_to_parse, max_value)) # Save to map self.results[param_to_parse] = max_value # Save result to file file_parsed_name = "{}-{}".format(param_to_parse, self.parsed_name) file_parsed_result = os.path.join(self.result_dir, file_parsed_name) formatted_result = "{geometry}\t{fragmentation}\t{value}\n".format(geometry=self.geom_values, fragmentation=self.fragmentation_values, value=max_value) with open(file_parsed_result, "a") as log_file: if os.stat(file_parsed_result).st_size == 0: log_file.write("{}" "\tFragmentation width\tFragmentation height\tFragmentation length" "\t{}\n".format(self.geom_titles, param_to_parse)) log_file.write(formatted_result) def __parse_output_from_file(self, param_to_parse): with open(self.result_file, 'rt') as file: contents = # TODO yeaah, custom call for "time"! if param_to_parse == "Time": self.__parse_time(contents) else: self.__parse_output(param_to_parse, contents) def get_results(self): return self.results
import random from import GamePhase, GameState from utils.profiler import Profiler import torch PROFILE = True if __name__ == "__main__": dummyState = GameState(4) payoff_sum = torch.zeros((4, ), dtype=torch.float) action_hist = torch.zeros(( 4, dummyState.action_dim(), ), dtype=torch.float) with Profiler(PROFILE): random.seed(1) for x in range(1000): gameState = GameState(4) first = True while not gameState.terminal(): seatToAct = gameState.get_players_to_act()[0] if not PROFILE: gameState.print() if False and seatToAct == 0: possible_actions = gameState.getPossibleActions(seatToAct) print("Possible Actions: " + str(possible_actions)) action = input("Please give an action for seat " + str(seatToAct) + ": ") action = int(action) gameState.playerAction(seatToAct, action) else: