Пример #1
    def post_update(self):
        self.t += self._sim_step

        if self.checkpoint:
            pose, vel = self.character.get_pose()
            self.recorder.append('character', pose)

        if self.checkpoint and self.t > self.cut_off:
            pose, vel = self.character.get_pose()
            pose, vel = self._skeleton.toLocalFrame(pose, vel)
            with open('data/states/%s.npy' % self.name, 'wb') as f:
                np.save(f, pose)
                np.save(f, vel)

            frames = self.recorder.get('character')
            last_frame = frames[-1]
            inv_ori_rot = self._skeleton.buildHeadingTrans(
            offset = np.array(last_frame[0:3])
            offset[1] = 0
            for frame in frames:
                pos = np.array(frame[0:3])
                rot = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(np.array(frame[3:7]))
                newpos = inv_ori_rot.rotate(pos - offset)
                newrot = inv_ori_rot.mul(rot)
                frame[0:3] = newpos.tolist()
                frame[3:7] = newrot.wxyz().tolist()

            self.recorder.save('data/records/%s.yaml' % self.name)

            print('finish data saving')
Пример #2
    def disturb_pose(self, pose, noise):
        """ uniform disturb pose

      noise  float, deviation angle in radius
        new_pose = pose.copy()

        noise3d = noise / np.sqrt(3)
        new_pose[:3] += uniform(-noise3d, noise3d, 3)

        for jstar, jdof in zip(self.pos_start, self.joint_dof):
            if jdof == 1:
                new_pose[jstar] += uniform(-noise, noise)
            elif jdof == 4:
                noise_quat = Quaternion.fromExpMap(
                    uniform(-noise3d, noise3d, 3))
                ori_quat = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose[jstar:jstar + 4])
                new_quat = noise_quat.mul(ori_quat)
                new_pose[jstar:jstar + 4] = new_quat.wxyz()
            elif jdof == 0:
                assert (False and "not support jdof other than 1 and 4")

        return new_pose
Пример #3
    def targ_pose_to_exp(self, pose):
        """ Convert target pose to exponential map, used as initialization of
        Actor reference memory

        pose        np.array of float, pose of character

        exp         np.array of float, action represented in exponential map
        assert (pose.size == self.dof)

        expmap = np.zeros(self.expdof)
        for i in range(1, self.num_joints):
            dof = self.joint_dof[i]
            p_off = self.pos_start[i]
            e_off = self.exp_start[i]
            if dof == 1:  # revolute
                expmap[e_off] = pose[p_off]
            elif dof == 4:  # spherical
                quata = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose[p_off:p_off + 4])
                expmap[e_off:e_off + 3] = quata.expmap()

        assert (np.isfinite(sum(expmap))), embed()  #(action, targ_pose)
        return expmap
Пример #4
    def computeVel(self, pose0, pose1, dt, padding=True):
        """ Compute velocity between two poses

        pose0   np.array of float, start pose
        pose1   np.array of float, end pose
        dt      float, duraction between two poses

        avg_vel np.array of float, vel (w/ or w/o padding)
        assert (pose0.size == self.dof)
        assert (pose1.size == self.dof)

        avg_vel = np.zeros_like(pose0)

        root0 = pose0[:3]
        root1 = pose1[:3]
        avg_vel[:3] = (root1 - root0) / dt

        offset = 3

        # root angular velocity is in world coordinate
        dof = self.joint_dof[0]
        quat0 = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose0[offset:offset + dof])
        quat1 = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose1[offset:offset + dof])
        avg_vel[offset:offset + 3] = computeAngVel(quat0, quat1, dt)
        offset += dof

        # other joints
        for i in range(1, self.num_joints):
            dof = self.joint_dof[i]
            if dof == 1:  # revolute
                theta0 = pose0[offset]
                theta1 = pose1[offset]
                avg_vel[offset] = (theta1 - theta0) / dt
            elif dof == 4:  # spherical
                quat0 = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose0[offset:offset + dof])
                quat1 = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose1[offset:offset + dof])
                avg_vel[offset:offset + 3] = computeAngVelRel(quat0, quat1, dt)
            offset += dof

        if padding is False:
            avg_vel = avg_vel[self.comp2pad]

        return avg_vel
Пример #5
    def calc_reward(self):
        if self.is_fail:
            return 0
        count, pose, vel = self._mocap.slerp(self.t)

        vel[0] *= self.preset.speed_multiplier; vel[2] *= self.preset.speed_multiplier

        self._curr_kin_pose = pose
        self._curr_kin_vel = vel
        local_sim_pose, local_sim_vel = self._skeleton.toLocalFrame(self._curr_sim_pose, self._curr_sim_vel)
        local_kin_pose, local_kin_vel = self._skeleton.toLocalFrame(self._curr_kin_pose, self._curr_kin_vel)
        reward = self._skeleton.get_reward(local_sim_pose, local_sim_vel, local_kin_pose, local_kin_vel)

        if self.is_episode_end():
            pose, vel = self.character.get_pose()
            pose, vel = self._skeleton.toLocalFrame(pose, vel)

            bonus = 10.0*self._skeleton.get_reward2(local_sim_pose, local_sim_vel, local_kin_pose, local_kin_vel)
            bonus *= np.exp(-1.0 * np.mean(np.abs(vel[6:] - local_kin_vel[6:])))
            bonus *= np.exp(-1.0 * np.mean(np.abs(vel[3:6] - self.preset.angular_v)))

            bonus *= bell(vel[2], self.preset.linear_v_z, 1.0)

            if self.checkpoint:
                print('v[2]', vel[2])
                print('writing to %s ...' % (self.checkpoint + '.npy'))
                with open(self.checkpoint + '.npy', 'wb') as f:
                    np.save(f, pose)
                    np.save(f, vel)
                print('processing recording, please wait ...')
                frames = self.motion_recorder.get('character')
                last_frame = frames[-1]
                inv_ori_rot = self._skeleton.buildHeadingTrans(np.array(last_frame[3:7]))
                offset = np.array(last_frame[0:3])
                offset[1] = 0
                for frame in frames:
                    pos = np.array(frame[0:3])
                    rot = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(np.array(frame[3:7]))
                    newpos = inv_ori_rot.rotate(pos - offset)
                    newrot = inv_ori_rot.mul(rot)
                    frame[0:3] = newpos.tolist()
                    frame[3:7] = newrot.wxyz().tolist()
                self.motion_recorder.save(self.checkpoint + '.yaml')
                print('writing done')
            return bonus + reward

        return reward 
Пример #6
def change_dir(frames):
    # change direction to x+ axis, starting position at origin
    ori_pos = frames[0, 1:4].copy()
    ori_pos[1] = 0
    vel_dir = frames[-1, 1:4] - frames[0, 1:4]
    heading_theta = np.arctan2(-vel_dir[2], vel_dir[0])
    inv_rot = Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(-heading_theta, np.array([0, 1, 0]))
    for i in range(frames.shape[0]):
        frame = frames[i]
        frames[i, 1:4] = inv_rot.rotate(frame[1:4] - ori_pos)
        root_rot = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(frame[4:8])
        new_rot = inv_rot.mul(root_rot)
        frames[i, 4:8] = new_rot.pos_wxyz()

    return frames
Пример #7
    def disturb_root_pose(self, pose, pos_noise, ori_noise):
        """ uniform disturb pose root
        new_pose = pose.copy()

        noise3d = pos_noise / np.sqrt(3)
        new_pose[:3] += uniform(-noise3d, noise3d, 3)

        noise3d = ori_noise / np.sqrt(3)
        noise_quat = Quaternion.fromExpMap(uniform(-noise3d, noise3d, 3))
        ori_quat = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose[3:7])
        new_quat = noise_quat.mul(ori_quat)
        new_pose[3:7] = new_quat.wxyz()

        return new_pose
Пример #8
    def normalize_target_pose(self, pose):
      normalize given pose to make quaternions norm as 1
        assert (pose.size == self.dof)
        norm_pose = pose.copy()
        for i in range(self.num_joints):
            dof = self.joint_dof[i]
            p_off = self.pos_start[i]
            if dof == 4:  # spherical
                quata = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose[p_off:p_off + 4])
                norm_pose[p_off:p_off + 4] = quata.pos_wxyz()

        assert (np.isfinite(sum(norm_pose))), embed()  #(action, targ_pose)
        return norm_pose
Пример #9
    def generalized_falling_rwd(self):
        avg_penalty = self.offset_penalty / self.num_step
        rwd = 1.0 - np.clip(
            np.power(avg_penalty / self.offset_penalty_coeff, 2), 0, 1)

        avg_ang_penalty = self.angv_penalty / self.num_step
        rwd *= np.exp(-self.angv_penalty_coeff * avg_ang_penalty)

        if rwd > 0:
            q = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(self.root_quat)
            min_angle = np.pi
            for qb in self.q_bases:
                q_base = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(np.array(qb))
                q_diff = q.mul(q_base.conjugate())
                angle = np.abs(q_diff.angle())
                min_angle = np.min([min_angle, angle])
            rwd *= np.clip(min_angle / (np.pi / 2), 0.01, 1)

            if self.head_contact:
                rwd *= 0.7

        return rwd
Пример #10
    def toLocalFrame(self, pose, vel, ori_pos=None, ori_rot=None):
        """ Convert pose and vel from world frame to local frame,
        the local frame heading direction is rotated x-axis

        pose        np.array of float, character pose
        vel         np.array of float, character vel w/ padding
        ori_pos     np.array of float, 3 dim, position of local coordinate origin
        ori_rot     np.array of float, 4 dim, (w, x, y, z) quat of local coordinate orientation

        if ori_pos is None:
            ori_pos = pose[:3]
        if ori_rot is None:
            ori_rot = pose[3:7]

        # heading theta
        inv_ori_rot = self.buildHeadingTrans(ori_rot)

        local_pos = pose.copy()
        local_vel = vel.copy()

        # ignore y difference, because local cooridnate shares xoz plane with world
        local_pos[0] -= ori_pos[0]  # root x pos
        local_pos[2] -= ori_pos[2]  # root y pos

        ori_rot = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(ori_rot)
        ori_rot = inv_ori_rot.mul(ori_rot)
        local_pos[3:7] = ori_rot.pos_wxyz()  # root orientation

        local_vel[:3] = inv_ori_rot.rotate(vel[:3])  # root velocity
        local_vel[3:6] = inv_ori_rot.rotate(vel[3:6])  # root angular velocity

        return local_pos, local_vel
Пример #11
    def targ_pose_to_action(self, pose):
        """ Convert desired pose to action

        pose        np.array of float, pose of character

        action      np.array of float, action which DeepMimicSim can take in
        assert (pose.size == self.dof)

        action = np.zeros(self.dof - 7)
        for i in range(1, self.num_joints):
            dof = self.joint_dof[i]
            p_off = self.pos_start[i]
            a_off = self.act_start[i]
            if dof == 1:  # revolute
                action[a_off] = pose[p_off]
            elif dof == 4:  # spherical
                quata = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose[p_off:p_off + 4])
                action[a_off:a_off + 4] = quata.angaxis()

        assert (np.isfinite(sum(action))), embed()  #(action, targ_pose)
        return action
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, skeleton, mocap_file, extend_none_wrap=True):

        self._skeleton = skeleton  # HumanoidSkeleton

        self._durations = None
        self._frames = None

        self._cycletime = None  # total time of mocap
        self._spf = None  # seconds per frame
        self._cyc_offset = None  # cycle offset of base
        self._is_wrap = None

        with open(mocap_file, 'r') as f:
            data = json.load(f)

        frame_data = np.array(data["Frames"])
        loop_type = data["Loop"]
        self._is_wrap = (loop_type == "wrap")

        # assert frame duration should be uniform
        self._durations = frame_data[:, 0]
        tmp = self._durations[:-1]
        assert (abs(tmp - tmp.mean()).max() < 1e-10), tmp
        self._spf = self._durations[0]

        # if is non-wrap motion, extend final frame 0.5 seconds
        if not self._is_wrap and extend_none_wrap:
            n_ext = int(0.5 / self._spf)
            frame_data[-1, 0] = self._spf
            repeated_frames = np.repeat([frame_data[-1]], n_ext, axis=0)
            frame_data = np.concatenate([frame_data, repeated_frames])
            frame_data[-1, 0] = 0
            self._durations = frame_data[:, 0]

        # calculate cycle time and other information
        self._cycletime = np.sum(self._durations)

        self._frames = frame_data[:, 1:]
        self.num_frames = frame_data.shape[0]
        self._cyc_offset = self._frames[-1][:3] - self._frames[0][:3]
        self._cyc_offset[1] = 0
        assert (self._frames.shape[1] == self._skeleton.dof)

        # normalize quaternions
        for offset, dof in zip(self._skeleton.pos_start,
            if dof == 4:
                for i in range(self.num_frames):
                    quat = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(self._frames[i,
                                                            offset:offset + 4])
                    self._frames[i, offset:offset + 4] = quat.wxyz()

        # precompute velocity
        self._vels_pad = np.zeros((self.num_frames, self._skeleton.dof))

        for i in range(self._vels_pad.shape[0] - 1):
            curr_frame = self._frames[i]
            next_frame = self._frames[i + 1]
            dt = self._durations[i]
            self._vels_pad[i] = self._skeleton.computeVel(
                curr_frame, next_frame, dt, True)
        self._vels_pad[-1] = self._vels_pad[-2]

        self._vels_pad_noise = self._vels_pad.copy()

        self._vels_pad = self._butterworth_filter(self._vels_pad)

        self._vels_comp_noise = self._vels_pad_noise[:,
        self._vels_comp = self._vels_pad[:, self._skeleton.comp2pad]
        assert (np.isfinite(
            self._vels_pad.sum())), print("infinite vels in mocap file")

        # precompute com pose and smooth
        self._com = []
        self._com_vel = []
        for p, v in zip(self._frames, self._vels_pad):
        self._com = np.array(self._com)
        self._com_vel = np.array(self._com_vel)

        self._com_smooth = self._com.copy()
        self._com_smooth = self._butterworth_filter(self._com_smooth)