def GET(self, what): if not r_safeproperty.match(what): raise web.notfound inp = web.input(point=None) points ='district', what=what, order=what+' desc', where=what+' is not null') points = [x[what] for x in points.list()] web.header('Content-Type', 'image/png') return simplegraphs.sparkline(points, inp.point)
def GET(self, table, what): try: table = table_map[table] except KeyError: raise web.notfound if not r_safeproperty.match(what): raise web.notfound inp = web.input(point=None) points =, what=what, order=what+' asc', where=what+' is not null') points = [x[what] for x in points.list()] web.header('Content-Type', 'image/png') return simplegraphs.sparkline(points, inp.point)
def GET(self, table, what): try: table = table_map[table] except KeyError: raise web.notfound() if not r_safeproperty.match(what): raise web.notfound() inp = web.input(point=None) points =, what=what, order=what + ' asc', where=what + ' is not null') points = [x[what] for x in points.list()] web.header('Content-Type', 'image/png') return simplegraphs.sparkline(points, inp.point)
def GET(self, img=None): i = web.input() frm, to = i.get('from', ''), i.get('to', '') if frm and to: contributions = db.query("""SELECT sum(amount) AS amount, p.firstname, p.lastname, as polid, employer_stem as employer, date_part('year', sent) as year FROM contribution cn, committee cm, politician_fec_ids pfi, politician p WHERE cn.recipient_id = AND cm.candidate_id = pfi.fec_id AND pfi.politician_id = AND cn.employer_stem = $frm AND$to GROUP BY year, p.lastname, p.firstname, cn.employer_stem, ORDER BY year""", vars=locals()).list() if img: points = [c.amount for c in contributions] web.header('Content-Type', 'image/png') return simplegraphs.sparkline(points, i.get('point', 0)) return render.contributions(frm, to, contributions) else: raise web.notfound()