Пример #1
    def __init__(self, keras_model, rc_name):
        # Example of rc_name: FeatureSqueezing?squeezer=bit_depth_1
        self.model_predict = lambda x: keras_model.predict(x)
        subject, params = parse_params(rc_name)
        assert subject == 'FeatureSqueezing'

        if 'squeezer' in params:
            self.filter = get_squeezer_by_name(params['squeezer'], 'python')
        elif 'squeezers' in params:
            squeezer_names = params['squeezers'].split(',')
            self.filters = [ get_squeezer_by_name(squeezer_name, 'python') for squeezer_name in squeezer_names ]

            def filter_func(x, funcs):
                x_p = x
                for func in funcs:
                    x_p = func(x_p)
                return x_p

            self.filter = lambda x: filter_func(x, self.filters)
Пример #2
  def __init__(self, model1, model2, model3, epsilon, k, a, random_start, loss_func, Y=None,
               sq1 = lambda x:x, sq2 = lambda x:x, sq3 = lambda x:x):
    """Attack parameter initialization. The attack performs k steps of
       size a, while always staying within epsilon from the initial
       This simulatenously runs the Combined Linf attack for 4 models
    self.model1 = model1
    self.model2 = model2
    self.model3 = model3
    self.epsilon = epsilon
    self.vanilla_model = model1   # Models 1,2 are bit-depth models 
    self.k = k
    self.a = a
    self.Y = np.argmax(Y, axis = 1) # Target Labels
    self.rand = random_start

    self.sq1 = sq1
    self.sq2 = sq2
    self.sq3 = get_squeezer_by_name('non_local_means_color_13_3_2', 'python') 
    vanilla_y_softmax = tf.nn.softmax(self.vanilla_model.pre_softmax)
    y1_softmax        = tf.nn.softmax(self.model1.pre_softmax)
    y2_softmax        = tf.nn.softmax(self.model2.pre_softmax)
    y3_softmax        = tf.nn.softmax(self.model3.pre_softmax) 
    t1 = y1_softmax - vanilla_y_softmax
    t2 = y2_softmax - vanilla_y_softmax
    t3 = y3_softmax - vanilla_y_softmax
    diff_softmax_1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(t1), axis=1) - 1.4)
    diff_softmax_2 = tf.nn.relu(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(t2), axis=1) - 1.4)
    diff_softmax_3 = tf.nn.relu(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(t3), axis=1) - 1.4) 
    max_vec = tf.maximum(tf.maximum(diff_softmax_1, diff_softmax_2), diff_softmax_3)
    self.reg_loss = 1000 * tf.reduce_sum(max_vec)
    self.loss = model1.xent + model2.xent + model3.xent - self.reg_loss
    # (TODO) Need to add an regularizaton of some sort.
    if loss_func != 'xent':
      print('Unknown loss function. Defaulting to cross-entropy')

    self.grad = (tf.gradients(self.loss, model1.x_input)[0] + tf.gradients(self.loss, model2.x_input)[0] \
                 + tf.gradients(self.loss, model3.x_input)[0])
Пример #3
 def get_squeezer_by_name(self, name):
     return get_squeezer_by_name(name, 'python')
def get_tf_squeezer_by_name(name):
    return get_squeezer_by_name(name, 'tensorflow')
Пример #5
  def perturb(self, x_nat, y, sess):
    """Given a set of examples (x_nat, y), returns a set of adversarial
       examples within epsilon of x_nat in l_infinity norm."""
    if self.rand:
      x = x_nat + np.random.uniform(-self.epsilon, self.epsilon, x_nat.shape)
      x = np.copy(x_nat)

    r_min = 100000.00
    max_acc = 0
    x_max = x
    sel = 0

    bit_depth_sq = get_squeezer_by_name(FLAGS.bit_depth_filter, "python")
    non_local_sq = get_squeezer_by_name(FLAGS.non_local_filter, "python")

    for i in range(self.k):
      x_van = reduce_precision_py(x, 256)
      x_bit = self.sq_bit(x_van)
      x_local = self.sq_local(x_van)

      vanilla_grad, vanilla_loss, y_vanilla, r_loss, \
      check, bit_grad1, bit_loss1, y_bit1 = \
                  sess.run([self.grad_vanilla, self.loss_vanilla,self.vanilla_model.y_pred,
                            self.reg_loss, self.check, self.grad_bit, self.loss_bit,self.bit_model.y_pred],
                              self.vanilla_model.x_input: x_van,
                              self.vanilla_model.y_input: y,
                              self.cur_x: x_nat,
                              self.bit_model.x_input: x_bit,
                              self.bit_model.y_input: y })

      print("  =========================== Iteration =========================== : ", i)
      print("******** Check Value:   ", check)
      if np.array_equal(x_van, x_bit):
          print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X_vanilla and X_bit are the same")
      if check == 0 and not np.array_equal(x_van, x_bit):
        print (" The same value is being passed to both vanilla and bit models")

      bit_grad, bit_loss, y_bit = sess.run([self.grad_bit, self.loss_bit,self.bit_model.y_pred],
                                           feed_dict={ self.cur_x: x_nat,
                                                       self.bit_model.x_input: x_bit,
                                                        self.bit_model.y_input: y })

      if not np.array_equal(y_bit, y_bit1):
          print(" -----------------------------------------------------------------")
          print(" The two Bit predictions differ")
          print(" From the combined    Model :", y_bit1)
          print(" From the standalone  Model :", y_bit)
          print(" From the vanilla Model: ", y_vanilla)
          print(" -----------------------------------------------------------------")

      median_grad, median_loss, y_median = sess.run([ self.grad_median, self.loss_median,
                                                      self.median_model.y_pred ],
                                          feed_dict = {self.cur_x: x_nat,
                                                       self.median_model.x_input: x_van,
                                                      self.median_model.y_input: y })

      local_grad, local_loss, y_local = sess.run([self.grad_vanilla, self.loss_vanilla,
                                                 feed_dict={self.vanilla_model.x_input: x_local,
                                                            self.vanilla_model.y_input: y, self.cur_x : x_nat})

      y_robust_median = np.argmax(self.rc_median.predict(x_van), axis=1)
      y_robust_bit = np.argmax(self.rc_bit.predict(x_van), axis=1)
      y_robust_local = np.argmax(self.rc_local.predict(x_van), axis = 1)

      vanilla_acc = 1.0 - np.sum(y_vanilla == self.Y) / (float(len(self.Y)))
      median_acc = 1.0 - np.sum(y_median == self.Y) / (float(len(self.Y)))
      bit_acc = 1.0 - np.sum(y_bit == self.Y) / (float(len(self.Y)))
      local_acc = 1.0 - np.sum(y_local == self.Y) / (float(len(self.Y)))

      min_acc = min(vanilla_acc, median_acc, bit_acc, local_acc)
      if (min_acc > max_acc):
        max_acc = min_acc
        x_max = np.copy(x)
        sel = i

      if (i > 15):
          self.a = 0.01

      tempilate = ('Vanilla: ({:.3f}%)   Median: ({:.3f}%)  Bit: ({:.3f}%) Non-local: ({:.3f}%) Reg Loss : ({:.3f}) ')
      print(tempilate.format(vanilla_acc, median_acc, bit_acc, local_acc, r_loss))

      if not np.array_equal(y_robust_median, y_median):
          print("!!!!!!!! [ERROR!! --- M ----] Medians Disagree")
      if not np.array_equal(y_robust_bit, y_bit):
          print("!!!!!!!! [ERROR!! ---- B ----]Bit Depth Disagree")
      if not np.array_equal(y_robust_local, y_local):
          print("!!!!!!!! [ERROR!!------- L ------ ] Local Disagree")

      grad = vanilla_grad + median_grad + bit_grad + local_grad
      x += self.a * np.sign(grad)
      x = np.clip(x, x_nat - self.epsilon, x_nat + self.epsilon)
      x = np.clip(x, 0, 1)

    print("Selected Iteration:", sel)

    return x_max
Пример #6
  def perturb(self, x_nat, y, sess):
    """Given a set of examples (x_nat, y), returns a set of adversarial
       examples within epsilon of x_nat in l_infinity norm."""
    if self.rand:
      x = x_nat + np.random.uniform(-self.epsilon, self.epsilon, x_nat.shape)
      x = np.copy(x_nat)

    r_min = 100000.00
    max_acc = 0
    x_max = x
    sel = 0

    bit_depth_sq = get_squeezer_by_name(FLAGS.bit_depth_filter, "python")
    non_local_sq = get_squeezer_by_name(FLAGS.non_local_filter, "python")

    for i in range(self.k):
      x_van = reduce_precision_py(x, 256)
      x_bit = self.sq_bit(x_van)
      x_local = self.sq_local(x_van)

      vanilla_grad, vanilla_loss, y_vanilla = sess.run([self.grad_vanilla, self.loss_vanilla,
                                                        feed_dict={self.vanilla_model.x_input: x_van,
                                                                  self.vanilla_model.y_input: y,
                                                                   self.cur_x : x_nat})

      median_grad, median_loss, y_median = sess.run([self.grad_median, self.loss_median,
                                                    feed_dict={self.median_model.x_input: x_van,
                                                               self.median_model.y_input: y, self.cur_x : x_nat})
      bit_grad, bit_loss, y_bit = sess.run([self.grad_vanilla, self.loss_vanilla,
                                           feed_dict={self.vanilla_model.x_input: x_bit,
                                                      self.vanilla_model.y_input: y, self.cur_x : x_nat})

      local_grad, local_loss, y_local = sess.run([self.grad_vanilla, self.loss_vanilla,
                                                 feed_dict={self.vanilla_model.x_input: x_local,
                                                            self.vanilla_model.y_input: y, self.cur_x : x_nat})

      y_robust_median = np.argmax(self.rc_median.predict(x_van), axis=1)
      y_robust_bit = np.argmax(self.rc_bit.predict(x_van), axis=1)
      y_robust_local = np.argmax(self.rc_local.predict(x_van), axis = 1)

      vanilla_acc = 1.0 - np.sum(y_vanilla == self.Y) / (float(len(self.Y)))
      median_acc = 1.0 - np.sum(y_median == self.Y) / (float(len(self.Y)))
      bit_acc = 1.0 - np.sum(y_bit == self.Y) / (float(len(self.Y)))
      local_acc = 1.0 - np.sum(y_local == self.Y) / (float(len(self.Y)))

      min_acc = min(vanilla_acc, median_acc, bit_acc, local_acc)
      if (min_acc > max_acc):
        max_acc = min_acc
        x_max = np.copy(x)
        sel = i

      if (i > 15):
          self.a = 0.01

      print(" Iteration : ", i)
      tempilate = ('Vanilla: ({:.3f}%)   Median: ({:.3f}%)  Bit: ({:.3f}%) Non-local: ({:.3f}%)')
      print(tempilate.format(vanilla_acc, median_acc, bit_acc, local_acc))

      if not np.array_equal(y_robust_median, y_median):
          print("Medians Disagree")
      if not np.array_equal(y_robust_bit, y_bit):
          print("Bit Depth Disagree")
      if not np.array_equal(y_robust_local, y_local):
          print("Local Disagree")

      grad = vanilla_grad + median_grad + bit_grad + local_grad
      x += self.a * np.sign(grad)
      x = np.clip(x, x_nat - self.epsilon, x_nat + self.epsilon)
      x = np.clip(x, 0, 1)

    print("Selected Iteration:", sel)
    print (" Exiting PGDAttack ")
    return x_max
Пример #7
def main(argv=None):
    # 0. Select a dataset.
    from datasets import MNISTDataset, CIFAR10Dataset, ImageNetDataset
    from datasets import get_correct_prediction_idx, evaluate_adversarial_examples, calculate_mean_confidence, \

    if FLAGS.dataset_name == "MNIST":
        dataset = MNISTDataset()
    elif FLAGS.dataset_name == "CIFAR-10":
        dataset = CIFAR10Dataset()
        FLAGS.image_size = 32  # Redundant for the Current Attack.
    elif FLAGS.dataset_name == "ImageNet":
        dataset = ImageNetDataset()
        FLAGS.image_size = 224  # Redundant for the Current Attack.

    # 1. Load a dataset.
    print("\n===Loading %s data..." % FLAGS.dataset_name)
    if FLAGS.dataset_name == 'ImageNet':
        if FLAGS.model_name == 'inceptionv3':
            img_size = 299
            img_size = 224
        X_test_all, Y_test_all = dataset.get_test_data(img_size, 0, 200)
        X_test_all, Y_test_all = dataset.get_test_dataset()

    # Randomized optimizations
    if FLAGS.dataset_name != "ImageNet":
        all_idx = np.arange(10000)
        selected_idx = all_idx[:(FLAGS.nb_examples * 2)]
        X_test_all, Y_test_all = X_test_all[selected_idx], Y_test_all[

    # 2. Load a trained model.
    sess = load_tf_session()

    # Define input TF placeholder
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                       shape=(None, dataset.image_size, dataset.image_size,
    y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, dataset.num_classes))

    sq_list = FLAGS.squeezers.split(';')
    print(" Squeezers used for EOT :", sq_list)

    x_s = []
    squeezers = []
    models = []
    for squeezer in sq_list:
                           shape=(None, dataset.image_size, dataset.image_size,
        if squeezer.startswith("median"):
            squeezers.append(lambda x: x)
            with tf.variable_scope(FLAGS.model_name + squeezer):
                cur_model = dataset.load_model_by_name(
                    pre_filter=get_squeezer_by_name(squeezer, 'tensorflow'))
            squeezers.append(get_squeezer_by_name(squeezer, 'python'))
            with tf.variable_scope(FLAGS.model_name + "local" + squeezer):
                cur_model = dataset.load_model_by_name(FLAGS.model_name,

    with tf.variable_scope(FLAGS.model_name + "vanilla"):
        model_vanilla = dataset.load_model_by_name(FLAGS.model_name,

    # 3. Evaluate the trained model.
    # TODO: add top-5 accuracy for ImageNet.
    print("Evaluating the pre-trained model...")

    # We use the Vanilla Model here for Prediction
        "  ************************************************* Shape of X_test_all :",
    Y_pred_all = model_vanilla.predict(X_test_all)
    mean_conf_all = calculate_mean_confidence(Y_pred_all, Y_test_all)
    accuracy_all = calculate_accuracy(Y_pred_all, Y_test_all)
    print('Test accuracy on raw legitimate examples %.4f' % (accuracy_all))
    print('Mean confidence on ground truth classes %.4f' % (mean_conf_all))

    # 4. Select some examples to attack.
    import hashlib
    from datasets import get_first_n_examples_id_each_class

    if FLAGS.select:
        # Filter out the misclassified examples.
        correct_idx = get_correct_prediction_idx(Y_pred_all, Y_test_all)
        if FLAGS.test_mode:
            # Only select the first example of each class.
            correct_and_selected_idx = get_first_n_examples_id_each_class(
            selected_idx = [correct_idx[i] for i in correct_and_selected_idx]
            if not FLAGS.balance_sampling:
                selected_idx = correct_idx[:FLAGS.nb_examples]
                # select the same number of examples for each class label.
                nb_examples_per_class = int(FLAGS.nb_examples /
                correct_and_selected_idx = get_first_n_examples_id_each_class(
                    Y_test_all[correct_idx], n=nb_examples_per_class)
                selected_idx = [
                    correct_idx[i] for i in correct_and_selected_idx
        selected_idx = np.array(range(FLAGS.nb_examples))

    from utils.output import format_number_range
    selected_example_idx_ranges = format_number_range(sorted(selected_idx))
    print("Selected %d examples." % len(selected_idx))
    print("Selected index in test set (sorted): %s" %
    X_test, Y_test, Y_pred = X_test_all[selected_idx], Y_test_all[
        selected_idx], Y_pred_all[selected_idx]

    # The accuracy should be 100%.
    accuracy_selected = calculate_accuracy(Y_pred, Y_test)
    mean_conf_selected = calculate_mean_confidence(Y_pred, Y_test)
    print('Test accuracy on selected legitimate examples %.4f' %
    print('Mean confidence on ground truth classes, selected %.4f\n' %

    task = {}
    task['dataset_name'] = FLAGS.dataset_name
    task['model_name'] = FLAGS.model_name
    task['accuracy_test'] = accuracy_all
    task['mean_confidence_test'] = mean_conf_all

    task['test_set_selected_length'] = len(selected_idx)
    task['test_set_selected_idx_ranges'] = selected_example_idx_ranges
    task['test_set_selected_idx_hash'] = hashlib.sha1(
    task['accuracy_test_selected'] = accuracy_selected
    task['mean_confidence_test_selected'] = mean_conf_selected

    task_id = "%s_%d_%s_%s" % \
            (task['dataset_name'], task['test_set_selected_length'], task['test_set_selected_idx_hash'][:5],
             task['model_name'], )

    FLAGS.result_folder = os.path.join(FLAGS.result_folder, task_id)
    if not os.path.isdir(FLAGS.result_folder):

    from utils.output import save_task_descriptor
    save_task_descriptor(FLAGS.result_folder, [task])

    # 5. Generate adversarial examples.

    from utils.squeeze import reduce_precision_py
    from utils.parameter_parser import parse_params
    attack_string_hash = hashlib.sha1(
    sample_string_hash = task['test_set_selected_idx_hash'][:5]

    from datasets.datasets_utils import get_next_class, get_least_likely_class
    Y_test_target_next = get_next_class(Y_test)
    Y_test_target_ll = get_least_likely_class(Y_pred)

    X_test_adv_list = []
    X_test_adv_discretized_list = []
    Y_test_adv_discretized_pred_list = []

    attack_string_list = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0,
    to_csv = []

    X_adv_cache_folder = os.path.join(FLAGS.result_folder, 'adv_examples')
    adv_log_folder = os.path.join(FLAGS.result_folder, 'adv_logs')
    predictions_folder = os.path.join(FLAGS.result_folder, 'predictions')
    for folder in [X_adv_cache_folder, adv_log_folder, predictions_folder]:
        if not os.path.isdir(folder):

    predictions_fpath = os.path.join(predictions_folder, "legitimate.npy")
    np.save(predictions_fpath, Y_pred, allow_pickle=False)

    if FLAGS.clip >= 0:
        epsilon = FLAGS.clip
        print("Clip the adversarial perturbations by +-%f" % epsilon)
        max_clip = np.clip(X_test + epsilon, 0, 1)
        min_clip = np.clip(X_test - epsilon, 0, 1)

    # NOTE : At the moment we only support single attacks and single detectors.
    for attack_string in attack_string_list:
        attack_name, attack_params = parse_params(attack_string)
        print("\nRunning attack: %s %s" % (attack_name, attack_params))

        if 'targeted' in attack_params:
            targeted = attack_params['targeted']
            print("targeted value: %s" % targeted)
            if targeted == 'next':
                Y_test_target = Y_test_target_next
            elif targeted == 'll':
                Y_test_target = Y_test_target_ll
            elif targeted == False:
                attack_params['targeted'] = False
                Y_test_target = Y_test.copy()
            targeted = False
            attack_params['targeted'] = False
            Y_test_target = Y_test.copy()

        # Note that we use the attack model here instead of the vanilla model
        # Note that we pass in the Squeezer function for BPDA
        X_test_adv = eot_adversarial_attack(sess, model_vanilla, models, x, y,
                                            x_s, X_test, Y_test_target,
                                            attack_params, squeezers)

        if FLAGS.clip > 0:
            # This is L-inf clipping.
            X_test_adv = np.clip(X_test_adv, min_clip, max_clip)


        # 5.0 Output predictions.
        Y_test_adv_pred = model_vanilla.predict(X_test_adv)
        predictions_fpath = os.path.join(predictions_folder,
                                         "%s.npy" % attack_string)
        np.save(predictions_fpath, Y_test_adv_pred, allow_pickle=False)

        # 5.1 Evaluate the adversarial examples being discretized to uint8.
        print("\n---Attack (uint8): %s" % attack_string)
        # All data should be discretized to uint8.
        X_test_adv_discret = reduce_precision_py(X_test_adv, 256)
        Y_test_adv_discret_pred = model_vanilla.predict(X_test_adv_discret)

        # Y_test_adv_discret_pred is for the vanilla model
        rec = evaluate_adversarial_examples(X_test, Y_test, X_test_adv_discret,
                                            Y_test_target.copy(), targeted,
        rec['dataset_name'] = FLAGS.dataset_name
        rec['model_name'] = FLAGS.model_name
        rec['attack_string'] = attack_string
        rec['discretization'] = True

    from utils.output import write_to_csv
    attacks_evaluation_csv_fpath = os.path.join(FLAGS.result_folder,
                                                "%s_attacks_%s_evaluation.csv" % \
                                                (task_id, attack_string_hash))
    fieldnames = [
        'dataset_name', 'model_name', 'attack_string', 'discretization',
        'success_rate', 'mean_confidence', 'mean_l2_dist', 'mean_li_dist',
        'mean_l0_dist_value', 'mean_l0_dist_pixel'
    write_to_csv(to_csv, attacks_evaluation_csv_fpath, fieldnames)

    if FLAGS.visualize is True:
        from datasets.visualization import show_imgs_in_rows
        if FLAGS.test_mode or FLAGS.balance_sampling:
            selected_idx_vis = range(Y_test.shape[1])
            selected_idx_vis = get_first_n_examples_id_each_class(Y_test, 1)

        legitimate_examples = X_test[selected_idx_vis]

        rows = [legitimate_examples]
        rows += map(lambda x: x[selected_idx_vis], X_test_adv_list)

        img_fpath = os.path.join(
            '%s_attacks_%s_examples.png' % (task_id, attack_string_hash))
        #show_imgs_in_rows(rows, img_fpath)
        print('\n===Adversarial image examples are saved in ', img_fpath)

        # TODO: output the prediction and confidence for each example, both legitimate and adversarial.

    # 6. Evaluate robust classification techniques.
    # Example: --robustness \
    #           "Base;FeatureSqueezing?squeezer=bit_depth_1;FeatureSqueezing?squeezer=median_filter_2;"
    if FLAGS.robustness != '':
        Test the accuracy with robust classifiers.
        Evaluate the accuracy on all the legitimate examples.
        from robustness import evaluate_robustness
        result_folder_robustness = os.path.join(FLAGS.result_folder,
        fname_prefix = "robustness_summary"
        evaluate_robustness(FLAGS.robustness, model_vanilla, Y_test_all, X_test_all, Y_test, \
                            attack_string_list, X_test_adv_discretized_list,
                            fname_prefix, selected_idx_vis, result_folder_robustness)

    # 7. Detection experiment.
    # Example: --detection "FeatureSqueezing?distance_measure=l1&squeezers=median_smoothing_2,bit_depth_4,bilateral_filter_15_15_60;"
    if FLAGS.detection != '':
        from detections.base import DetectionEvaluator

        result_folder_detection = os.path.join(FLAGS.result_folder,
        csv_fname = "detection_summary.csv"
        de = DetectionEvaluator(model_vanilla, result_folder_detection,
                                csv_fname, FLAGS.dataset_name)
        Y_test_all_pred = model_vanilla.predict(X_test_all)
        de.build_detection_dataset(X_test_all, Y_test_all, Y_test_all_pred,
                                   selected_idx, X_test_adv_discretized_list,
                                   attack_string_list, attack_string_hash,
                                   FLAGS.clip, Y_test_target_next,