Пример #1
from __future__ import with_statement
from __future__ import division

import collections

from utils import memoize_m
from utils.tool import _, _dir_init, CmdTool, ProviMixin

import provi_prep as provi

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "hbexplore")

# 1=donor, 2=acceptor ???
HbxHbond = collections.namedtuple("HbxHbond", [
    "chain1", "resno1", "resname1", "atomname1", "chain2", "resno2",
    "resname2", "atomname2", "dDA", "dHA", "aDHA", "aHAhyb", "type"

def parse_hbx_output(hbexplore_file):
    """Function that parses HBexplores .anal files"""
    hbonds = []
    id_dict = {}
    hbpart = 0
    #   SG  CYS   127      O   ILE   124    3.2597
    # TOM     18  CB  VAL     2       3.462  14.126   6.256  1.00 14.07      193L 162
    # parse HBX.anal file
    #87     NH2 ARG A  71      O   MET A   1    3.0821  2.356   128.0    53.8   s-s
    with open(hbexplore_file, "r") as fp:
        for l in fp:
Пример #2
import os

from utils.tool import _, _dir_init, CmdTool, ScriptMixin

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "jmol")

JAVA_CMD = "java"

JMOL_PATH = os.environ.get("JMOL_PATH", "")
JMOL_JAR = os.path.join(JMOL_PATH, "JmolData.jar")

class Jmol(CmdTool, ScriptMixin):
    args = [_("script_file", type="file", ext="jspt")]
    script_tmpl = None
    tmpl_dir = TMPL_DIR

    def _init(self, script_file, *args, **kwargs):
        # TODO when args is empty check for self.script_tmpl
        #     to get rid of script_file
        if script_file == "__tmpl__":
            self.script_file = self.outpath(self.script_tmpl)
        self.cmd = [
            JAVA_CMD, "-Xmx6000M", "-jar", JMOL_JAR, "-oxdl", "-s",

class JmolImage(Jmol):
    args = [
        _("jmol_file", type="file", ext="jmol"),
Пример #3
from utils import copy_dict, try_float, try_div, flatten
from utils.math import point_plane_dist
from utils.tool import (_, _dir_init, PyTool, RecordsMixin, ParallelMixin,
                        ProviMixin, JsonBackend, SqliteBackend)
from utils.numpdb import NumPdb, NumAtoms
from opm import Opm, OpmInfo, Ppm2
from dowser import DowserRepeat, DowserPlus2
from voronoia import Voronoia, HOLE_NOT_FILLED, HOLE_PARTLY_FILLED
from hbexplore import HBexplore
from msms import Msms
from mpstruc import MpstrucDownload, MpstrucInfo
from pdb import PdbInfo
from dssp import Dssp

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "mppd")

CURATED_INFO = collections.defaultdict(
        "": {
            "backbone_only": True,
            "no_pdb_entry": True,
            "representative": "",
            "related": [],
            "species": "",
            "comment": ""
        "2W1B": {
            "comment": "dowser max_repeats=5"
Пример #4
from __future__ import division

import collections

from utils.tool import _, _dir_init, CmdTool
from utils import numpdb
from utils.numpdb import NumPdb

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "dssp")

DSSP_CMD = "mkdssp"

# http://swift.cmbi.ru.nl/gv/dssp/index.html
#   W. Kabsch, C. Sander and MPI-MF, 1983, 1985, 1988, 1994 1995
#   CMBI version by [email protected] / November 18,2002
#   dsspcmbi [Options] PDB_File DSSP_File -> Read PDB_File and write DSSP_File
#   dsspcmbi [Options] -- dssp_file       -> Read from stdin and write DSSP_File
#   dsspcmbi -h                           -> Display this help screen
#   -na   Disables the calculation of accessible surface.
#   -c    Classic (old) format.
#   -w    Wide 2002 format (for future use,not the current standard).
#   -v    Verbose.
#   --    Read from standard input.

#   -h -? Prints a help message.
Пример #5
import os

from utils.tool import _, _dir_init, CmdTool

pdbDIR, pdbPARENT_DIR, pdbTMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "pdb")
DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "solvate")
solvate_CMD = os.path.join(TMPL_DIR, "solvate")

class Solvate(CmdTool):
    SOLVATE is a program to construct an atomic solvent environment model
    for a given atomic macromolecule model (solute) for use in molecular
    dynamics simulations.
    args = [
          help="specifies the name of the input pdb-/psf-file of the solute. "
          "If the -ion option is set, both pdb- and psf-file are required; " +
          "otherwise only the pdb-file is needed. No extension must be given! "
          "The input file name may be omitted, in which case SOLVATE creates "
          + "a pure spherical water droplet centered at the origin."),
          "specifies the minimum water shell thickness in Angstrom (dafult: 10.0),"
Пример #6
from poster.encode import multipart_encode
from poster.streaminghttp import register_openers

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import svd
import scipy

from utils import memoize_m, try_float
from utils.math import norm
from utils.tool import _, _dir_init, PyTool, ProviMixin
from utils.listing import ListRecord, ListIO
import utils.numpdb as numpdb
from utils.numpdb import NumPdb, numsele

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init( __file__, "tmdet" )
PDBTM_LOCAL_PATH = os.environ.get("PDBTM_LOCAL_PATH", "")
TMDET_URL = "http://tmdet.enzim.hu/"
PDBTM_ALPHAHELICAL_URL = "http://pdbtm_data.enzim.hu/pdbtmalpha"

def pdbtm_download():
        return urllib2.urlopen( url ).read()
    except urllib2.HTTPError:
        raise Exception("MPstruc url error")

def pdbtm( pdbid, db_path=PDBTM_LOCAL_PATH ):
Пример #7
import collections

from poster.encode import multipart_encode
from poster.streaminghttp import register_openers

import numpy as np

from utils import memoize_m, try_float, copy_dict, get_index
from utils.math import norm
from utils.tool import _, _dir_init, PyTool, ProviMixin
from utils.listing import ListRecord, ListIO
from utils.numpdb import NumPdb

from pdb import PdbAssembly

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "opm")
OPM_URL = "http://opm.phar.umich.edu/"
OPM_PDB_URL = OPM_URL + "pdb/{pdb_id:}.pdb"
OPM_LIST_URL = OPM_URL + "superfamilies_dl.php?class={class_id:}"
OPM_SEARCH_URL = OPM_URL + "protein.php?search={pdb_id:}"
OPM_LOCAL_PATH = os.environ.get("OPM_LOCAL_PATH", "")
PPM_URL = "http://sunshine.phar.umich.edu/"

def opm_list(class_id):
        url = OPM_LIST_URL.format(class_id=class_id)
        page = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
    except urllib2.HTTPError:
        raise Exception("Opm_list url error")
    pdb_ids = re.findall(r"([0-9a-zA-Z]{4})<br />", page)
Пример #8
from __future__ import with_statement
from __future__ import division

import os
import logging

from basekit import utils
from utils import path, copy_dict
from utils.tool import _, _dir_init, CmdTool, PyTool

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "mapman")
Mapman_CMD = os.path.join(TMPL_DIR, "lx_mapman")

LOG = logging.getLogger('mapman')

class BrixToMap(PyTool):
    """A wrapper around the 'Mapman' program to convert a Brix-File into a Map-File."""
    args = [
        _("brix_input", type="file", help="Input Brix-File "),
    out = []
    tmpl_dir = TMPL_DIR

    def _init(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.mapman = Mapman(
            self.brix_input, "brix",
Пример #9
from utils import copy_dict, try_float, try_div, flatten
from utils.math import point_plane_dist
from utils.tool import (_, _dir_init, PyTool, RecordsMixin, ParallelMixin,
                        ProviMixin, JsonBackend, SqliteBackend)
from utils.numpdb import NumPdb, NumAtoms
from opm import Opm, OpmInfo, Ppm2
from dowser import DowserRepeat
from voronoia import Voronoia, HOLE_NOT_FILLED, HOLE_PARTLY_FILLED
from hbexplore import HBexplore
from msms import Msms
from mpstruc import MpstrucInfo
from pdb import PdbInfo
from dssp import Dssp

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "voronoia")

CURATED_INFO = collections.defaultdict(
        "": {
            "backbone_only": True,
            "no_pdb_entry": True,
            "representative": "",
            "related": [],
            "species": "",
            "comment": ""
        "2XND": {
            "representative": "",
            # from sequence similarity
Пример #10
from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import utils.numpdb as numpdb
import os
import string
import shutil
import collections

import utils
from utils import copy_dict, dir_walker, iter_stride
from utils.tool import _, _dir_init, CmdTool, ProviMixin
from utils.math import hclust
import json

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "msms")
wfmesh_FILE = os.path.join(TMPL_DIR, "wfmesh.py")
MSMS_CMD = "msms"
BABEL_CMD = "babel"

# newest open babel helps 2.2.3
g Surface1
# Number of vertices: 30918
v -51.84846 50.86638 114.37491

# Number of normals: 21610
vn -.076 .994 -.082

# Number of faces: 64556
f 3//3 2//2 1//1
Пример #11
from __future__ import with_statement
from __future__ import division

import os
import re
import json
import urllib2
import xml.etree.ElementTree

from utils.tool import _, _dir_init, PyTool
from utils.listing import ListRecord, ListIO

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "mpstruc")
MPSTRUC_URL = "http://blanco.biomol.uci.edu/mpstruc/"

def mpstruc_download():
        return urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
    except urllib2.HTTPError:
        raise Exception("MPstruc url error")

def mpstruc_tree(xml_file=None):
    if not xml_file:
        tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(xml_file)
Пример #12
from __future__ import division

import os
import json
import itertools
import numpy as np
from utils import copy_dict
from utils.tool import _, _dir_init, PyTool, CmdTool, ScriptMixin
from utils.numpdb import NumPdb
from utils.mrc import getMrc
from utils.math import rmsd
from pdb import *#PdbSplit

#from pdb import PdbEdit, NumpdbTest

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init( __file__, "spider" )
SPIDER_CMD = "spider"

# 2010 Cryo-EM Modeling Challenge: http://ncmi.bcm.edu/challenge

class MrcHeaderPrinter( PyTool ):
    args = [
        _( "mrc_file", type="file", ext="mrc" )

    def func( self, *args, **kwargs ):
        header = mrc_header( self.mrc_file )
        for name, value in zip(header._fields, header):
            print "%20s\t%s" % ( name, value )
Пример #13
import scipy.spatial
import itertools
from cStringIO import StringIO
import numpy as np
np.seterr( all="raise" )

import utils.numpdb as numpdb
from utils import try_int, copy_dict, listify
from utils.tool import _, _dir_init, PyTool, ProviMixin, CmdTool
from utils.timer import Timer
from utils.db import get_pdb_files
from utils.listing import ListRecord, ListIO, list_compare, list_join
from utils.math import rmatrixu, mag

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init( __file__, "pdb" )

PDB_SEARCH_URL = 'http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/rest/search'
PDB_DOWNLOAD_URL = 'http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/files/'
PDBE_ASSEMBLY = 'http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe-srv/view/files/{pdb_id:}_1.mmol' # not available anymore ASR 20 May 2014
RCSB_ASSEMBLY = 'http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/files/{pdb_id:}.pdb1.gz'

TMPL_DIR_CIONIZE = _dir_init( PARENT_DIR, "cionize" )
cionize_CMD = os.path.join( PARENT_DIR, "cionize" )

# the rotamere lib needs the 'remaining_atoms' data
ROTAMERE_LIB_PATH = os.path.join(
    PARENT_DIR, "data", "bio", "bbind02.May.lib.json"
Пример #14
from __future__ import with_statement
from __future__ import division

import os
import logging
import collections
import shutil

from basekit import utils
import utils.numpdb as numpdb
from utils import dir_walker
from utils.tool import _, _dir_init, CmdTool

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "superpose")
THESEUS_CMD = os.path.join(TMPL_DIR, "theseus")

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "align")
MUSCLE_CMD = os.path.join(TMPL_DIR, "muscle3.8.31")

LOG = logging.getLogger('align')

class TheseusMakeFasta(CmdTool):
    """A wrapper around the 'theseus-align' programm."""
    args = [
        _("pdb_input", type="str", nargs="+", help="list of pdb-files"),
    out = []
    tmpl_dir = TMPL_DIR
Пример #15
import os
import urllib2
import collections

from poster.encode import multipart_encode
from poster.streaminghttp import register_openers

import numpy as np

import utils.path
from utils.tool import (_, _dir_init, PyTool, RecordsMixin, ParallelMixin,
from utils.numpdb import NumPdb

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "capture")
CAPTURE_URL = "http://capture.caltech.edu/"

os.environ["HTTP_PROXY"] = 'proxy.charite.de:8080'

def capture_web(pdb_file, output_file):
    """queries the CaPTURE webservice"""
    # Register the streaming http handlers with urllib2
    # use relpath to hide local path
    with open(os.path.relpath(pdb_file), "r") as fp:
        # headers contains the necessary Content-Type and Content-Length
        # datagen is a generator object that yields the encoded parameters
        datagen, headers = multipart_encode({
            "upfile": fp,
Пример #16

import os
import shutil
import auto_parameterization as ap

from utils import copy_dict
from utils.tool import _, _dir_init, CmdTool, PyTool, ProviMixin
from utils.numpdb import NumPdb
from shutil import copyfile

DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "dowser")

DOWSER_CMD = "dowser"
DOWSERX_CMD = "dowserx"
DOWSER_REPEAT_CMD = "dowser-repeat"
DOWSERPLUS2_CMD = "/home/student/Software/Dowser++/callDowser++.sh"

DOWSER_ATOMDICT = os.path.join(TMPL_DIR, "atomdict.db")
DOWSER_ATOMPARMS = os.path.join(TMPL_DIR, "atomparms.db")

class DowserMixin(object):
    def _pre_exec(self):
        shutil.copy(self.pdb_file, self.input_file)

    def _post_exec(self):
Пример #17
import shutil

import numpy as np
from numpy import *
from array import array

from basekit import utils
from utils import memoize_m, dir_walker, path
from utils.tool import _, _dir_init, CmdTool, ProviMixin, ParallelMixin
from utils.tool import RecordsMixin, PyTool
from utils.listing import merge_dic_list
from utils.bio import AA1
from align import Muscle
import provi_prep as provi

pdbDIR, pdbPARENT_DIR, pdbTMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "pdb")
DIR, PARENT_DIR, TMPL_DIR = _dir_init(__file__, "superpose")
THESEUS_CMD = os.path.join(TMPL_DIR, "theseus")

LOG = logging.getLogger('superpose')

class Theseus(CmdTool):
    """A wrapper around the 'theseus' programm."""
    args = [