Пример #1
    def _generateJavaByFieldNameOrder(self, value, fieldNameOrder):
        content = ''
        isList = False
        count = 1
        if isinstance(value, list):
            content += 'list('
            isList = True
            count = len(value)

        ll = []
        for i in xrange(count):
            if isList:
                iteration = value[i]
                iteration = value
            text = 'map('
            l = []
            for key in fieldNameOrder:
                if key in iteration.keys():
                    l.append(Util.value2javastr(key) + ', ' + Util.value2javastr(iteration[key]))
            text += ', '.join(l)
            text += ')'
        content += ', '.join(ll)

        if isList:
            content += ')'

        return content
Пример #2
    def _generateJavaText(self, iDatas, iIdentifies):
        content = """package {package};

import {package}.base.LData;
import {package}.base.LMap;
        content += '\n/**\n'
        for identify in iIdentifies:
            content += ' * ' + identify + '.csv\n'
        content += ' */\n'
        content += """public class %s extends LData {
    public static final LMap data = new LMap();

""" % self.javaFileName

        llgroup = []
        ll = None
        for i, data in enumerate(iDatas):
            if ll is None or len(ll) == ConstDataWriter.JAVA_CODE_LEN:
                ll = []
            text = '    ' + Util.value2javastr(
                data[0]) + ', ' + Util.value2javastr(data[1])
            text += ', // ' + data[2] if i < len(iDatas) - 1 and \
                i % ConstDataWriter.JAVA_CODE_LEN < (ConstDataWriter.JAVA_CODE_LEN - 1) else ' // ' + data[2]

        static_content = '    static {\n'
        init_content = ''
        for index, ll in enumerate(llgroup):
            init_content += '    private static void init' + str(
                index) + '() {\n'
            init_content += 'data.map(\n'
            init_content += '\n'.join(ll)
            init_content += '\n);\n'
            init_content += '    }\n\n'
            static_content += '        init' + str(index) + '();\n'
        static_content += '        data.setFrozen(true);\n'
        static_content += '    }\n\n'

        content += static_content
        content += init_content
        content += '}'
        return content
Пример #3
    def _generateJavaText(self, iDatas, iFieldNameOrders):
        content = """package {package};

import {package}.base.LData;
import {package}.base.LMap;
        content += '\n/**\n'
        headKeySet = set()
        for head in self.heads:
            content += ' * ' + head[Util.FILE_IDENTIFY] + '.csv\n'
            for i in xrange(len(head[Util.COLUMN_NAME_KEY])):
                if not head[Util.COLUMN_NAME_KEY][i] in headKeySet\
                    and self.outputComment.has_key(head[Util.COLUMN_NAME_KEY][i]):
                    content += ' * ' + head[Util.COLUMN_NAME_KEY][
                        i] + ' = ' + head[Util.FIELD_NAME_KEY][i] + '\n'

        for key, value in self.outputComment.iteritems():
            if not key in headKeySet:
                content += ' * ' + key + ' = ' + value + '\n'
        content += ' */\n'
        content += """public class %s extends LData {
    public static final LMap data = new LMap();

""" % self.javaFileName

        llgroup = []
        ll = None
        for index, data in enumerate(iDatas):
            fieldNameOrder = iFieldNameOrders[index]
            for key, value in sorted(data.items()):
                if ll is None or len(ll) == DataWriter.JAVA_CODE_LEN:
                    ll = []
                ll.append('    ' + Util.value2javastr(key) + ', '\
                + self._generateJavaByFieldNameOrder(value, fieldNameOrder))

        static_content = '    static {\n'
        init_content = ''
        for index, ll in enumerate(llgroup):
            init_content += '    private static void init' + str(
                index) + '() {\n'
            init_content += 'data.map(\n'
            init_content += ',\n'.join(ll)
            init_content += '\n);\n'
            init_content += '    }\n\n'
            static_content += '        init' + str(index) + '();\n'
        static_content += '        data.setFrozen(true);\n'
        static_content += '    }\n\n'

        content += static_content
        content += init_content
        content += '}'
        return content