def get_scores(self, positive, negative): scores = [] for array in [positive, negative]: A_imgs = [] B_imgs = [] info = [] for (image_A_name, image_B_name, label) in tqdm(array.values): img_A = load_image(image_A_name, input_shape=self.input_shape, mode='train') img_B = load_image(image_B_name, input_shape=self.input_shape, mode='train') A_imgs.append(img_A) B_imgs.append(img_B) info.append((image_A_name, image_B_name, label)) A_tensor = np.stack(A_imgs) B_tensor = np.stack(B_imgs) A_embedding = self.encoder.predict(A_tensor) B_embedding = self.encoder.predict(B_tensor) distances = cdist(A_embedding, B_embedding, metric='euclidean').diagonal() scores.extend(zip(distances, info)) positive_scores, negative_scores = scores[:len(positive)], scores[ len(positive):] return positive_scores, negative_scores
def show_visualizations(self, scores, number_of_samples=None): random.shuffle(scores) counter = 0 for row in scores: score, (image_A_name, image_B_name, label) = row if number_of_samples is not None and counter >= number_of_samples: break img_A = load_image(image_A_name, input_shape=self.input_shape, mode='train') img_B = load_image(image_B_name, input_shape=self.input_shape, mode='train') heatmap_A = self.get_heatmap_encoder_learnt(img_A) heatmap_B = self.get_heatmap_encoder_learnt(img_B) plot_side_by_side( [heatmap_A * 255, img_A, img_B, heatmap_B * 255], titles=[ 'heatmap B', image_A_name + "\nSCORE: {}".format(score), image_B_name + "\nThe same? : {}".format(label), 'heatmap B' ]) counter += 1
def gen_img_pair_data(scene, pair_num, id_img2depth): # for each scene, for each image, gen pair of images K = np.loadtxt(DATA_PATH + scene + '/intrinsics.txt') extrinsic_file = pd_util.preprocess_util.list_files(DATA_PATH + scene + '/extrinsics/') extrinsic_file.sort() extrinsic = np.reshape(np.loadtxt(extrinsic_file[-1]), (-1, 3, 4)) # keep the original id_img2depth = OrderedDict(sorted(id_img2depth.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) image_names = id_img2depth.keys() for i in range(0, len(image_names) - 30, 10): pair_id = np.random.choice(range(10, 30), 10, replace=False) for j in pair_id: image_path1 = DATA_PATH + scene + '/image/' + image_names[ i] + '.jpg' image_path2 = DATA_PATH + scene + '/image/' + image_names[ i + j] + '.jpg' depth_path1 = DATA_PATH + scene + '/depth/' + id_img2depth[ image_names[i]] + '.png' depth_path2 = DATA_PATH + scene + '/depth/' + id_img2depth[ image_names[i + j]] + '.png' # try: image1 = np.array(uts.load_image(image_path1)) image2 = np.array(uts.load_image(image_path2)) depth1 = uts.read_depth(depth_path1) depth2 = uts.read_depth(depth_path2) # except: # continue print "image1 name: {}, image2 name: {} \ depth1 name: {}, depth2 name: {}".format( image_names[i], image_names[i + j], id_img2depth[image_names[i]], id_img2depth[image_names[i + j]]) flow, is_valid = get_opt_flow(depth1, depth2, K, extrinsic[i, :, :], extrinsic[i + j, :, :], True, image1, image2) is_valid = False uts.plot_images( OrderedDict([('image1', image1), ('image2', image2), ('flowu', flow[:, :, 0]), ('flowv', flow[:, :, 1])])) # print is_valid if is_valid: flow_file = FLOW_PATH + scene + '/flow/' + \ image_names[i] + '_' + image_names[i + j] + '.pkl' print 'saving ' + flow_file with open(flow_file, 'wb') as f: pkl.dump(flow, f, -1)
def understand_blend(): inputs_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'input') img1 = utils.load_image(os.path.join(inputs_path, 'figures.jpg'), (500, 500)) img2 = utils.load_image(os.path.join(inputs_path, 'cloud.jpg'), (500, 500)) for alpha in np.arange(0, 1.2, 0.2): blend = img1 + alpha * ( img2 - img1 ) # This is how PIL's blend works simple linear interpolation plt.imshow(blend)
def understand_blend(): img1 = utils.load_image(os.path.join(INPUT_DATA_PATH, 'figures.jpg'), (500, 500)) img2 = utils.load_image(os.path.join(INPUT_DATA_PATH, 'cloud.jpg'), (500, 500)) for alpha in np.arange(0, 1.2, 0.2): blend = img1 + alpha * ( img2 - img1 ) # This is how PIL's blend works simple linear interpolation plt.imshow(blend)
def stylized_frames_mask_combiner(relevant_directories, dump_frame_extension, other_style=None): # in dirs frames_dir = relevant_directories['frames_path'] mask_frames_dir = relevant_directories['processed_masks_dump_path'] stylized_frames_dir = relevant_directories['stylized_frames_path'] # out dirs (we'll dump combined imagery here) dump_path = os.path.join(stylized_frames_dir, os.path.pardir) model_name_suffix = '_' + os.path.basename(os.path.split(other_style)[0]) if other_style is not None else '' dump_path_bkg_masked = os.path.join(dump_path, 'composed_background_masked' + model_name_suffix) dump_path_person_masked = os.path.join(dump_path, 'composed_person_masked' + model_name_suffix) os.makedirs(dump_path_bkg_masked, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(dump_path_person_masked, exist_ok=True) # if other_stylized_frames_path exists overlay frames are differently styled frames and not original frames if other_style is not None: overlay_frames_dir = other_style else: overlay_frames_dir = frames_dir if len(os.listdir(dump_path_bkg_masked)) == 0 and len(os.listdir(dump_path_person_masked)) == 0: for cnt, (name1, name2, name3) in enumerate(zip(sorted(os.listdir(stylized_frames_dir)), sorted(os.listdir(mask_frames_dir)), sorted(os.listdir(overlay_frames_dir)))): s_img_path = os.path.join(stylized_frames_dir, name1) # stylized original frame image m_img_path = os.path.join(mask_frames_dir, name2) # mask image o_img_path = os.path.join(overlay_frames_dir, name3) # overlay image # load input imagery s_img = utils.load_image(s_img_path) m_img = utils.load_image(m_img_path, target_shape=s_img.shape[:2]) o_img = utils.load_image(o_img_path, target_shape=s_img.shape[:2]) # prepare canvas imagery combined_img_background = s_img.copy() combined_img_person = s_img.copy() # create masks background_mask = m_img == 0. person_mask = m_img == 1. # apply masks combined_img_background[background_mask] = o_img[background_mask] combined_img_person[person_mask] = o_img[person_mask] # save combined imagery combined_img_background_path = os.path.join(dump_path_bkg_masked, str(cnt).zfill(FILE_NAME_NUM_DIGITS) + dump_frame_extension) combined_img_person_path = os.path.join(dump_path_person_masked, str(cnt).zfill(FILE_NAME_NUM_DIGITS) + dump_frame_extension) cv.imwrite(combined_img_background_path, (combined_img_background * 255).astype(np.uint8)[:, :, ::-1]) cv.imwrite(combined_img_person_path, (combined_img_person * 255).astype(np.uint8)[:, :, ::-1]) else: print('Skipping combining with masks, already done.') return {"dump_path_bkg_masked": dump_path_bkg_masked, "dump_path_person_masked": dump_path_person_masked}
def __init__(self): super(Base, self).__init__() = VGG().to(opt.device).eval() self.content_image = load_image(opt.content_image_path).to(opt.device) self.style_image = load_image(opt.style_image_path).to(opt.device) self.out_image = self.content_image.clone().requires_grad_(True) self.optimizer = optim.Adam([self.out_image], opt.learning_rate) ## Hyper Pramaters self.alpha = opt.alpha self.beta = opt.beta self.model = {'basemodel':} self.visual_names = ['total_loss']
def getCk(in_dir, label_dir, csv_file): classes = get_classes(csv_file) input_images = sorted(os.listdir(in_dir)) height, width, _ = utils.load_image(in_dir + "/" + input_images[0]).shape #height = 2 #width = 2 for k in range(len(classes)): cnt = np.zeros((height, width)) class_representative = np.zeros((height, width, 3)) for f in input_images: print("Reading " + f) image_path = in_dir + "/" + f label_path = label_dir + "/" + f image = cv2.imread(image_path, -1) label = cv2.imread(label_path, -1) #print(label) for h in range(height): for w in range(width): if label[h, w, 2] == k: class_representative[h, w] += image[h, w] cnt[h, w] += 1 for h in range(height): for w in range(width): if cnt[h, w] > 0: class_representative[ h, w] = class_representative[h, w] / cnt[h, w] img = Image.fromarray(class_representative.astype(np.uint8))"C" + str(k) + ".png") print("saved...")
def stylize(args): img_list=os.listdir(args.content_image) epoch_name=os.path.basename(args.model).split('.')[0] experiment_name=os.path.dirname(args.output_image) if not os.path.exists(experiment_name): os.system('mkdir {}'.format(experiment_name)) if not os.path.exists(args.output_image): os.system('mkdir {}'.format(args.output_image)) for img in img_list: if is_image_file(img): content_image = utils.load_image(os.path.join(args.content_image,img), scale=args.content_scale) content_image=content_image.convert('RGB') content_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x.mul(255)) ]) content_image = content_transform(content_image) content_image = content_image.unsqueeze(0) if args.cuda: content_image = content_image.cuda() content_image = Variable(content_image, volatile=True) style_model = TransformerNet() style_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model)) if args.cuda: style_model.cuda() output = style_model(content_image) if args.cuda: output = output.cpu() content_image=content_image.cpu() output_data =[0][0][content_image_data,output_data],2) output_name=os.path.join(args.output_image,epoch_name+"_result_"+img) utils.save_image(output_name, output_data)
def death_scene(self): """<Dr@m@tiK Sc3Ne>""" position = self.get_current_position() self.image = load_image("x_x.gif") self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect[0], self.rect[1] = position
def get_embeddings(self): all_unique_whales = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'validation_all.csv')) selected_whales_ids = all_unique_whales.groupby('Id') selected_whales_ids_with_most_occurances = list( selected_whales_ids.count().sort_values( 'Image', ascending=False)[:15].index) selected_whales = all_unique_whales[all_unique_whales['Id'].isin( selected_whales_ids_with_most_occurances)] selected_whales = selected_whales[selected_whales['Id'] != 'new_whale'] imgs = [] classes = [] classes_names = {} for image_name, class_name in selected_whales.values: img = load_image(image_name, input_shape=self.input_shape, mode='train') imgs.append(img) if class_name not in classes_names.keys(): new_class = len(classes_names.keys()) + 1 classes_names[class_name] = new_class classes.append(new_class) else: classes.append(classes_names[class_name]) if len(classes_names.keys()) == 20: break tensor = np.stack(imgs) preprocessed_tensor = preprocess_input(tensor, self.model_name) embeddings = self.encoder.predict(preprocessed_tensor) return embeddings, np.array(classes), classes_names
def __data_generator(self, batch_samples): # initialize images and labels tensors for faster processing X = np.empty((len(batch_samples), *self.img_crop_dims, 3)) y = np.empty((len(batch_samples), self.n_classes)) for i, sample in enumerate(batch_samples): # load and randomly augment image img_file = os.path.join( self.img_dir, '{}.{}'.format(sample['image_id'], self.img_format)) img = utils.load_image(img_file, self.img_load_dims) if img is not None: img = utils.random_crop(img, self.img_crop_dims) img = utils.random_horizontal_flip(img) X[i, ] = img # normalize labels y[i, ] = utils.normalize_labels(sample['label']) # apply basenet specific preprocessing # input is 4D numpy array of RGB values within [0, 255] X = self.basenet_preprocess(X) return X, y
def deep_dream_video_ouroboros(config): """ Feeds the output dreamed image back to the input and repeat Name etymology for nerds: """ ts = time.time() assert any([config['input_name'].lower().endswith(img_ext) for img_ext in SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS]), \ f'Expected an image, but got {config["input_name"]}. Supported image formats {SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS}.' utils.print_ouroboros_video_header(config) # print some ouroboros-related metadata to the console img_path = utils.parse_input_file(config['input']) # load numpy, [0, 1] range, channel-last, RGB image # use_noise and consequently None value, will cause it to initialize the frame with uniform, [0, 1] range, noise frame = None if config['use_noise'] else utils.load_image(img_path, target_shape=config['img_width']) for frame_id in range(config['ouroboros_length']): print(f'Ouroboros iteration {frame_id+1}.') # Step 1: apply DeepDream and feed the last iteration's output to the input frame = deep_dream_static_image(config, frame) dump_path = utils.save_and_maybe_display_image(config, frame, name_modifier=frame_id) print(f'Saved ouroboros frame to: {os.path.relpath(dump_path)}\n') # Step 2: transform frame e.g. central zoom, spiral, etc. # Note: this part makes amplifies the psychodelic-like appearance frame = utils.transform_frame(config, frame) video_utils.create_video_from_intermediate_results(config) print(f'time elapsed = {time.time()-ts} seconds.')
def __init__(self, image_path, mask_path, low_threshold, high_threshold, image_shape=(224, 224, 3), augment=True): self.image_path = image_path self.mask_path = mask_path self.low_threshold = np.log2(low_threshold) self.high_threshold = np.log2(high_threshold) self.image_shape = image_shape self.image = utils.load_image(self.image_path, image_shape) self.mask = utils.clean_mask( utils.load_image(self.mask_path, image_shape)) self.augment = augment
def crop_and_save(img_paths, height, width, directories, with_label=False): with progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(img_paths)) as bar: for index, img_path in enumerate(img_paths): img_path = str(img_path) img = utils.load_image(img_path) date_time = utils.get_date_from_metadata(img) image_save_directory = directories[0] + date_time if not os.path.exists(image_save_directory): os.makedirs(image_save_directory) image = np.asarray(img) # if with_label: # json_path =args.main_jsons+ name+".json" # label_points = utils.list_from_dict(dict_from_json(json_path)[0]['Label']['cranberry']) # mask = utils.mask_from_list(label_points,3648,4864) # img_mask_pair = join_img_label(img,mask) # # label_name = "/"+str(index) + "_" + date_time + "_label" # label_save_direcotry = directories[1] + date_time+"_label" # cropped,cropped_label = utils.crop_and_save_single(image,height,width,with_label=True) # else: cropped = utils.crop_and_save_single(image, height, width, image_save_directory, str(index) + "_" + date_time, with_label=False) bar.update(1)
def predict(self, file, is_base64=False): start = time.time() if is_base64: image = image_from_base64(file) else: image = load_image(file) cccd_result = self._predictcccd(image) if cccd_result is not None and 'id' in cccd_result and 'full_name' in cccd_result: return build_result(file, cccd_result, "CCCD", start) else: # print("check image is cmnd") cmnd_result = self.predictcmnd(image) if cmnd_result is not None and 'id' in cmnd_result: return build_result(file, cmnd_result, "CMND", start) else: # print("Not detect image") return { # 'urlimg':"", 'idc': "", 'fullname': "", 'dob': "", 'sex': '', # 'ethnicity': '', 'national': '', 'country': '', 'address': '', 'score': 0, 'typekyc': "None", 'totaltime': round(time.time() - start) }
def compute_gram_style(self, size): style = utils.load_image(self.style_image_path, size=size) style = self.style_transform(style) style = style.repeat(self.opt.batch_size, 1, 1, 1).to(self.device) features_style = self.vgg.get_features(style, 'style') gram_style = [self.gram_matrix(y) for y in features_style['style']] return gram_style
def deep_dream_video(config): video_path = os.path.join(config['inputs_path'], config['input']) tmp_input_dir = os.path.join(config['out_videos_path'], 'tmp_input') tmp_output_dir = os.path.join(config['out_videos_path'], 'tmp_out') config['dump_dir'] = tmp_output_dir os.makedirs(tmp_input_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(tmp_output_dir, exist_ok=True) metadata = video_utils.dump_frames(video_path, tmp_input_dir) last_img = None for frame_id, frame_name in enumerate(sorted(os.listdir(tmp_input_dir))): print(f'Processing frame {frame_id}') frame_path = os.path.join(tmp_input_dir, frame_name) frame = utils.load_image(frame_path, target_shape=config['img_width']) if config['blend'] is not None and last_img is not None: # 1.0 - get only the current frame, 0.5 - combine with last dreamed frame and stabilize the video frame = utils.linear_blend(last_img, frame, config['blend']) dreamed_frame = deep_dream_static_image(config, frame) last_img = dreamed_frame utils.save_and_maybe_display_image( config, dreamed_frame, should_display=config['should_display'], name_modifier=frame_id) video_utils.create_video_from_intermediate_results(config, metadata) shutil.rmtree(tmp_input_dir) # remove tmp files print(f'Deleted tmp frame dump directory {tmp_input_dir}.')
def death_scene(self): """Dramatic scene.""" position = self.get_current_position() self.image = load_image("x_x.gif") self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect[0], self.rect[1] = position self.dead = True
def load_image(self, image_name, mode): """ Load image and convert to Numpy array with values between 0 and 1 :param image_name: String with image name for ALL_DIR directory :param mode: String "train" or "test", depends on which folder take images from :return: Numpy array with values between 0 and 1 with shape self.train_conf.input_shape """ return load_image(image_name, self.train_conf.input_shape, mode)
def load_feature_style(self): image = load_image(os.path.join(self.style_dir, self.style_image_name), size=self.image_size) image = transforms.Compose([ transforms.CenterCrop(min(image.size[0], image.size[1])), transforms.Resize(self.image_size), transforms.ToTensor(), ])(image) image = image.repeat(self.batch_size, 1, 1, 1) self.style_image =
def predict_folder(model, folder_path): image_list = utils.recursive_find_images(args.image, extensions=('.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg')) results = [] for image_path in image_list: image = utils.load_image(image_path) pred = predict_single_image(model, image_path) results.append((image, pred)) return results
def test_model(self): inputs = [] images = [] file_paths = list_files_in_directory('test_resources/*.jpg') for file_path in file_paths: image_array = load_image(file_path, False, target_size=(300, 300)) images.append(imread(file_path)) inputs.append(image_array) inputs = np.asarray(inputs, dtype='float32') inputs = preprocess_input(inputs) predictions = self.model.predict(inputs, batch_size=1, verbose=1) prior_box_manager = PriorBoxManager(self.prior_boxes, box_scale_factors=[.1, .1, .2, .2]) results = prior_box_manager.detection_out(predictions) for i, img in enumerate(images): # Parse the outputs. det_label = results[i][:, 0] det_conf = results[i][:, 1] det_xmin = results[i][:, 2] det_ymin = results[i][:, 3] det_xmax = results[i][:, 4] det_ymax = results[i][:, 5] # Get detections with confidence higher than 0.6. top_indices = [i for i, conf in enumerate(det_conf) if conf >= 0.8] top_conf = det_conf[top_indices] top_label_indices = det_label[top_indices].tolist() top_xmin = det_xmin[top_indices] top_ymin = det_ymin[top_indices] top_xmax = det_xmax[top_indices] top_ymax = det_ymax[top_indices] colors =, 1, 21)).tolist() plt.imshow(img / 255.) currentAxis = plt.gca() for i in range(top_conf.shape[0]): xmin = int(round(top_xmin[i] * img.shape[1])) ymin = int(round(top_ymin[i] * img.shape[0])) xmax = int(round(top_xmax[i] * img.shape[1])) ymax = int(round(top_ymax[i] * img.shape[0])) score = top_conf[i] label = int(top_label_indices[i]) #label_name = voc_classes[label - 1] #label_name = self.class_names[label - 1] label_name = self.class_names[label] display_txt = '{:0.2f}, {}'.format(score, label_name) coords = (xmin, ymin), xmax-xmin+1, ymax-ymin+1 color = colors[label] currentAxis.add_patch(plt.Rectangle(*coords, fill=False, edgecolor=color, linewidth=2)) currentAxis.text(xmin, ymin, display_txt, bbox={'facecolor':color, 'alpha':0.5})
def deep_dream_static_image(config, img): device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # checking whether you have a GPU model = utils.fetch_and_prepare_model(config['model'], config['pretrained_weights'], device) try: layer_ids_to_use = [ model.layer_names.index(layer_name) for layer_name in config['layers_to_use'] ] except Exception as e: # making sure you set the correct layer name for this specific model print('Invalid layer name!') print( f'Available layers for model {config["model"].name} are {model.layer_names}.' ) exit(0) if img is None: # load either image or start from pure noise image img_path = os.path.join(config['inputs_path'], config['input']) img = utils.load_image(img_path, target_shape=config['img_width'] ) # load numpy, [0, 1], channel-last, RGB image if config['use_noise']: shape = img.shape img = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=shape).astype(np.float32) img = utils.preprocess_numpy_img(img) base_shape = img.shape[:-1] # save initial height and width # Note: simply rescaling the whole result (and not only details, see original implementation) gave me better results # Going from smaller to bigger resolution (from pyramid top to bottom) for pyramid_level in range(config['pyramid_size']): new_shape = utils.get_new_shape(config, base_shape, pyramid_level) img = cv.resize(img, (new_shape[1], new_shape[0])) input_tensor = utils.pytorch_input_adapter(img, device) for iteration in range(config['num_gradient_ascent_iterations']): h_shift, w_shift = np.random.randint( -config['spatial_shift_size'], config['spatial_shift_size'] + 1, 2) input_tensor = utils.random_circular_spatial_shift( input_tensor, h_shift, w_shift) gradient_ascent(config, model, input_tensor, layer_ids_to_use, iteration) input_tensor = utils.random_circular_spatial_shift( input_tensor, h_shift, w_shift, should_undo=True) img = utils.pytorch_output_adapter(input_tensor) return utils.post_process_numpy_image(img)
def save_evaluation_images(self, epoch, alpha=0, latest=False): image_names = os.listdir(self.opt.evaluation_images_path) for ind, image_path in enumerate(image_names): eval_image = utils.load_image(os.path.join(self.opt.evaluation_images_path, image_path), scale=2) eval_tensor = self.eval_transform(eval_image).to(self.device).expand(1, -1, -1, -1) output_tensor = self.recover_tensor(self.forward(eval_tensor, alpha_0=alpha).squeeze(dim=0)).clamp(min=0.0, max=1).cpu() if latest: save_name = 'latest_img_%d_alpha_%.3f.jpeg' % (ind, alpha) else: save_name = 'epoch_%d_img_%d_alpha_%.3f.jpeg' % (epoch, ind, alpha) save_path = os.path.join(self.opt.images_save_dir, save_name) utils.save_tensor_as_image(save_path, output_tensor)
def calculate_MAP(self, model): for test_key in self.test_keys: image_path = self.path_prefix + test_key image_array = load_image(image_path, False, self.image_size) image_array = np.expand_dims(image_array, axis=0) image_array = preprocess_images(image_array) predicted_data = self.model.predict(image_array) predicted_data = np.squeeze(predicted_data) original_image_size = None predicted_boxes = self._decode_predictions(predicted_data, original_image_size) ground_truth_box_data = self.ground_truth_data[test_key].copy()
def deep_dream_video_ouroboros(config): img_path = os.path.join(config['inputs_path'], config['input']) # load numpy, [0, 1], channel-last, RGB image, None will cause it to start from the uniform noise [0, 1] image frame = None if config['use_noise'] else utils.load_image(img_path, target_shape=config['img_width']) for frame_id in range(config['video_length']): print(f'Dream iteration {frame_id+1}.') frame = deep_dream_static_image(config, frame) utils.save_and_maybe_display_image(config, frame, should_display=config['should_display'], name_modifier=frame_id) frame = utils.transform_frame(config, frame) # transform frame e.g. central zoom, spiral, etc. video_utils.create_video_from_intermediate_results(config)
def main(args): model, input_shape = utils.load_model_get_shape(args.model) print(f'Loaded model {args.model}') if args.dataset is not None: print('Running inference on validation dataset') results = predict_dataset(model, args.dataset) visualise_gt(results, args.save_images) elif os.path.isdir(args.image): results = predict_folder(model, args.image) else: image = utils.load_image(args.image) results = predict_single_image(model, image)
def state(self, key, screen): """Keylogger""" self.shield = False self.rotate = False if key[K_SPACE]: if not self.shield_ok(): self.shield = False elif self.shield_ok(): self.shield = True self.rotate = True if key[K_DOWN]: if not self.rect.y > 369: self.rect = self.rect.move(0, self.speed) if key[K_UP]: if not self.rect.y < 82: self.rect = self.rect.move(0, -self.speed) if key[K_RIGHT]: self.image = load_image("unicorn.png") copy_pos = self.get_current_position() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x, self.rect.y = copy_pos if not self.rect.x > 680: self.rect = self.rect.move(self.speed, 0) if key[K_LEFT]: self.image = load_image("left_unicorn.png") copy_pos = self.get_current_position() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x, self.rect.y = copy_pos if not self.rect.x < 20: self.rect = self.rect.move(-self.speed, 0)
def pull_image(self, index): """Returns the original image object at index in PIL form Note: not using self.__getitem__(), as any transformations passed in could mess up this functionality. Argument: index (int): index of img to show Return: PIL img """ img_id = self.ids[index] img = load_image(self._imgpath / (img_id.stem + '.jpg')) return img
def __data_generator(self, batch_samples): # initialize images and labels tensors for faster processing X = np.empty((len(batch_samples), *self.img_load_dims, 3)) y = np.empty((len(batch_samples), self.n_classes)) for i, sample in enumerate(batch_samples): # load and randomly augment image img_file = os.path.join(self.img_dir, '{}.{}'.format(sample['image_id'], self.img_format)) img = utils.load_image(img_file, self.img_load_dims) if img is not None: X[i, ] = img # normalize labels if sample.get('label') is not None: y[i, ] = utils.normalize_labels(sample['label']) # apply basenet specific preprocessing # input is 4D numpy array of RGB values within [0, 255] X = self.basenet_preprocess(X) return X, y