def resize_keep_aspect(image, target_res, pad=False):
    """Resizes image to the target_res while keeping aspect ratio by cropping

    image: an 3d array with dims [channel, height, width]
    target_res: [height, width]
    pad: if True, will pad zeros instead of cropping to preserve aspect ratio
    im_res = image.shape[-2:]

    # finds the resolution needed for either dimension to have the target aspect
    # ratio, when the other is kept constant. If the image doesn't have the
    # target ratio, then one of these two will be larger, and the other smaller,
    # than the current image dimensions
    resized_res = (int(np.ceil(im_res[1] * target_res[0] / target_res[1])),
                   int(np.ceil(im_res[0] * target_res[1] / target_res[0])))

    # only pads smaller or crops larger dims, meaning that the resulting image
    # size will be the target aspect ratio after a single pad/crop to the
    # resized_res dimensions
    if pad:
        image = utils.pad_image(image, resized_res, pytorch=False)
        image = utils.crop_image(image, resized_res, pytorch=False)

    # switch to numpy channel dim convention, resize, switch back
    image = np.transpose(image, axes=(1, 2, 0))
    image = resize(image, target_res, mode='reflect')
    return np.transpose(image, axes=(2, 0, 1))
def pad_crop_to_res(image, target_res):
    """Pads with 0 and crops as needed to force image to be target_res

    image: an array with dims [..., channel, height, width]
    target_res: [height, width]
    return utils.crop_image(utils.pad_image(image, target_res, pytorch=False),
def propagation_ASM(u_in,
    """Propagates the input field using the angular spectrum method

    u_in: complex field of size (num_images, 1, height, width, 2)
        where the last two channels are real and imaginary values
    feature_size: (height, width) of individual holographic features in m
    wavelength: wavelength in m
    z: propagation distance
    linear_conv: if True, pad the input to obtain a linear convolution
    padtype: 'zero' to pad with zeros, 'median' to pad with median of u_in's
    return_H[_exp]: used for precomputing H or H_exp, ends the computation early
        and returns the desired variable
    precomped_H[_exp]: the precomputed value for H or H_exp
    dtype: torch dtype for computation at different precision

    tensor of size (num_images, 1, height, width, 2)

    if linear_conv:
        # preprocess with padding for linear conv.
        input_resolution = u_in.size()[-3:-1]
        conv_size = [i * 2 for i in input_resolution]
        if padtype == 'zero':
            padval = 0
        elif padtype == 'median':
            padval = torch.median(torch.pow((u_in**2).sum(-1), 0.5))
        u_in = utils.pad_image(u_in, conv_size, padval=padval)

    if precomped_H is None and precomped_H_exp is None:
        # resolution of input field, should be: (num_images, num_channels, height, width, 2)
        field_resolution = u_in.size()

        # number of pixels
        num_y, num_x = field_resolution[2], field_resolution[3]

        # sampling inteval size
        dy, dx = feature_size

        # size of the field
        y, x = (dy * float(num_y), dx * float(num_x))

        # frequency coordinates sampling
        fy = np.linspace(-1 / (2 * dy) + 0.5 / (2 * y),
                         1 / (2 * dy) - 0.5 / (2 * y), num_y)
        fx = np.linspace(-1 / (2 * dx) + 0.5 / (2 * x),
                         1 / (2 * dx) - 0.5 / (2 * x), num_x)

        # momentum/reciprocal space
        FX, FY = np.meshgrid(fx, fy)

        # transfer function in numpy (omit distance)
        HH = 2 * math.pi * np.sqrt(1 / wavelength**2 - (FX**2 + FY**2))

        # create tensor & upload to device (GPU)
        H_exp = torch.tensor(HH, dtype=dtype).to(u_in.device)

        # here one may iterate over multiple distances, once H_exp is uploaded on GPU

        # reshape tensor and multiply
        H_exp = torch.reshape(H_exp, (1, 1, *H_exp.size()))

    # handle loading the precomputed H_exp value, or saving it for later runs
    elif precomped_H_exp is not None:
        H_exp = precomped_H_exp

    if precomped_H is None:
        # multiply by distance
        H_exp = torch.mul(H_exp, z)

        # band-limited ASM - Matsushima et al. (2009)
        fy_max = 1 / np.sqrt((2 * z * (1 / y))**2 + 1) / wavelength
        fx_max = 1 / np.sqrt((2 * z * (1 / x))**2 + 1) / wavelength
        H_filter = torch.tensor(
            ((np.abs(FX) < fx_max) & (np.abs(FY) < fy_max)).astype(np.uint8),

        # get real/img components
        H_real, H_imag = utils.polar_to_rect(, H_exp)

        H = torch.stack((H_real, H_imag), 4)
        H = utils.ifftshift(H)
        H = precomped_H

    # return for use later as precomputed inputs
    if return_H_exp:
        return H_exp
    if return_H:
        return H

    # angular spectrum
    U1 = torch.fft(utils.ifftshift(u_in), 2, True)

    # convolution of the system
    U2 = utils.mul_complex(H, U1)

    # Fourier transform of the convolution to the observation plane
    u_out = utils.fftshift(torch.ifft(U2, 2, True))

    if linear_conv:
        return utils.crop_image(u_out, input_resolution)
        return u_out