def other(context): warehouse = load_saved(guild=context.user_data.get('guild', '')) hours = 3 responses = [] now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) if (other := warehouse.get('other', {})) and (age := now - other['timestamp']) < datetime.timedelta(hours=hours): output = [f'Based on /g_stock_other data {age.seconds // 60} minutes old:\n'] page_counter = 0 value_to_weight = {id: id_lookup.get(id, {}).get('shopSellPrice', 0)/id_lookup.get(id, {}).get('weight', 1) for id in other['data']} for id in sorted(value_to_weight, key=value_to_weight.get, reverse=True): items = other['data'][id] hold_output = [] sub_output = [] item_count = 0 for item in sorted(items): item_id, name, count = item if item_id.startswith('u') and (match :='[╦брхЃрхЄрХюрхѕрхЅ]+', item_id)): split = match.span()[0] item_id = item_id[:split] + 'РђІ' + item_id[split:] # zero width space item_count += count sub_output.append(f'<code> </code>/g_i_{item_id} {name} x {count}') hold_output.append(f"<code>{id}</code> {id_lookup.get(id, {}).get('name', 'Assorted')} РѕЉ {item_count} Ъњ░{id_lookup.get(id, {}).get('shopSellPrice', '??')}") hold_output.append(f"Ъњ░/Рџќ№ИЈ {value_to_weight[id]:.2f}") hold_output.extend(sub_output) hold_output.append(' ') hold_output = '\n'.join(hold_output) page_counter += len(hold_output.encode('utf-8')) if page_counter >= 3000: # tg officially supports messages as long as 4096, but the formatting gives up around 3000 responses.append('\n'.join(output)) page_counter = 0 output = [] output.append(hold_output)
def misc(context): warehouse = load_saved(guild=context.user_data.get('guild', '')) hours = 5 responses = [] now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if (misc := warehouse.get('misc', {})) and ( age := now - misc['timestamp']) < datetime.timedelta(hours=hours): try: with open('auctionprices.dict', 'rb') as ap, open('stockprices.dict', 'rb') as sp: auction_prices = pickle.load(ap) stock_prices = pickle.load(sp) price_age = min(auction_prices['last_update'], stock_prices['last_update']) prices = {**auction_prices, **stock_prices} prices['last_update'] = price_age except FileNotFoundError: prices = {} output = [ f'Based on /g_stock_misc data {age.seconds // 60} minutes old:\n' ] for id in sorted(misc['data'], key=misc['data'].get, reverse=True): price = prices.get(id, '') if price: currency = '💰' if isinstance(price, int) else '�' price = f'{currency}{price}' output.append( f'<code>{id}</code> {id_lookup.get(id, {}).get("name", "Name Missing")} x {misc["data"][id]} {price}' ) sort_by_weight = { id: misc['data'][id] * id_lookup.get(id, {}).get('weight', 1) for id in misc['data'] } sort_by_weight = sorted(sort_by_weight, key=sort_by_weight.get, reverse=True) x = [ misc['data'][id] * id_lookup.get(id, {}).get('weight', 1) for id in sort_by_weight ] y = [ f'{id_lookup.get(id, {}).get("name", "??").lower()} {id}' for id in sort_by_weight ] r = range(len(sort_by_weight)) plt.clf() # clear plot, because it doesn't get cleared from last run plt.figure(figsize=(6.4, 1.5 + (len(sort_by_weight) * 0.15))) plt.barh(r, x) plt.yticks(r, y, fontsize='8') plt.legend(loc='upper right', labels=['Weight']) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.3) buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='png') responses.append(buf) responses.append('\n'.join(output))
def craft(context): response = ["Can't craft this"] if context.args: id = context.args[0] info = id_lookup.get(id, {}) count = 1 if len(context.args) > 1: count = int(context.args[1]) if info.get('craftable', False): recipe = [{ 'name': name, 'number': int(amount) * count } for name, amount in info['recipe'].items() if name != 'Gold'] recipe_str = '\n'.join([ f' {name}: {amount}{(f" x {count} = {int(amount) * count}" if count > 1 else "")}' for name, amount in info['recipe'].items() ]) response = [ f'<b>{info["name"]}{f" x {count}" if count > 1 else ""}</b> /c_{id}{f"_{count}" if count > 1 else ""}\n' f''' Mana requirement: {info.get("craftMana", "unknown")}💧{(f" x {count} = {info.get('craftMana', 0) * count}💧" if count > 1 else "")}\n''' f'{recipe_str}\n\n' f'{parts(recipe, context.user_data.get("guild", ""))}' ] return response
item_count += count sub_output.append(f'<code> </code>/g_i_{item_id} {name} x {count}') hold_output.append(f"<code>{id}</code> {id_lookup.get(id, {}).get('name', 'Assorted')} РѕЉ {item_count} Ъњ░{id_lookup.get(id, {}).get('shopSellPrice', '??')}") hold_output.append(f"Ъњ░/Рџќ№ИЈ {value_to_weight[id]:.2f}") hold_output.extend(sub_output) hold_output.append(' ') hold_output = '\n'.join(hold_output) page_counter += len(hold_output.encode('utf-8')) if page_counter >= 3000: # tg officially supports messages as long as 4096, but the formatting gives up around 3000 responses.append('\n'.join(output)) page_counter = 0 output = [] output.append(hold_output) count_and_weight = {id: sum(list(zip(*other['data'][id]))[2]) * id_lookup.get(id, {}).get('weight', 0) for id in other['data']} sort_by_weight = sorted(count_and_weight, key=count_and_weight.get, reverse=True) x = [count_and_weight[id] for id in sort_by_weight] y = [f"{id_lookup.get(id, {'name': 'assorted'})['name'].lower()} {id}" for id in sort_by_weight] r = range(len(x)) plt.clf() # clear plot, because it doesn't get cleared from last run plt.figure(figsize=(6.4, 1.5+(len(sort_by_weight)*0.15))) plt.barh(r, x) plt.yticks(r, y, fontsize='8') plt.legend(loc='upper right', labels=['Other by Weight']) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.3) buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='png') responses.append('\n'.join(output))
def all_stock(context): warehouse = load_saved(guild=context.user_data.get('guild', '')) hours = 50 responses = [] now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) if (res := warehouse.get('res', {})) and \ (rec := warehouse.get('rec', {})) and \ (alch := warehouse.get('alch', {})) and \ (misc := warehouse.get('misc', {})) and \ (parts := warehouse.get('parts', {})) and \ (other := warehouse.get('other', {})) and \ (age_res := now - res['timestamp']) < datetime.timedelta(hours=hours) and \ (age_rec := now - rec['timestamp']) < datetime.timedelta(hours=hours) and \ (age_alch := now - alch['timestamp']) < datetime.timedelta(hours=hours) and \ (age_misc := now - misc['timestamp']) < datetime.timedelta(hours=hours) and \ (age_parts := now - parts['timestamp']) < datetime.timedelta(hours=hours) and \ (age_other := now - other['timestamp']) < datetime.timedelta(hours=hours): ages = ( (age_res, '/g_stock_res'), (age_rec, '/g_stock_rec'), (age_alch, '/g_stock_alch'), (age_misc, '/g_stock_misc'), (age_parts, '/g_stock_parts'), (age_other, '/g_stock_other') ) age, command = max(ages) output = [f'Based on {command} data {age.seconds // 60} minutes old:\n'] items_by_weight = {} items_by_category = {} for category in warehouse: if category != 'other': for id, count in warehouse[category]['data'].items(): items_by_weight[id] = count * id_lookup.get(id, {}).get('weight', 0) items_by_category[id] = category else: for id in warehouse[category]['data']: items_by_weight[id] = sum(list(zip(*warehouse[category]['data'][id]))[2]) * id_lookup.get(id, {}).get('weight', 0) items_by_category[id] = category total_guild_weight = sum(items_by_weight.values()) output.append(f'Total guild weight: {total_guild_weight}') sorted_by_weight = sorted(items_by_weight, key=items_by_weight.get, reverse=False) x = [items_by_weight[id] for id in sorted_by_weight] y = [f"{id_lookup.get(id, {'name': 'unidentified object'})['name'].lower()} {id}" for id in sorted_by_weight] r = range(len(x)) colors = [color_lookup[items_by_category[item.rpartition(' ')[2]]] for item in y] plt.clf() # clear plot, because it doesn't get cleared from last run fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.xaxis.tick_top() plt.figure(figsize=(6.4, (len(x) * 0.15))) plt.barh(r, x, color=colors) plt.yticks(r, y, fontsize='8', fontname='symbola') plt.title('Weight in Guild Stock') patches = [mpatches.Patch(color=color, label=category) for category, color in color_lookup.items()] plt.legend(handles=patches, ncol=3, title='/g_stock_…') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.3) buf = io.BytesIO() = 'weights.pdf' plt.savefig(buf, format='pdf') responses.append('\n'.join(output)) responses.append(buf)