Пример #1
    def process(self, packet: GameTickPacket):
        """Simplified preprocessing which just takes care of the car and game info that I need.
            packet {GameTickPacket} -- The information packet from the game.
        # Car
        self.agent.pos = a3v(
        self.agent.rot = a3r(
        self.agent.vel = a3v(
        #self.agent.ang_vel  = a3v(packet.game_cars[self.agent.index].physics.angular_velocity)
        #self.agent.dead     = packet.game_cars[self.agent.index].is_demolished
        #self.agent.wheel_c  = packet.game_cars[self.agent.index].has_wheel_contact
        #self.agent.sonic    = packet.game_cars[self.agent.index].is_super_sonic
        #self.agent.jumped   = packet.game_cars[self.agent.index].jumped
        #self.agent.d_jumped = packet.game_cars[self.agent.index].double_jumped
        #self.agent.boost    = packet.game_cars[self.agent.index].boost
        self.agent.orient_m = orient_matrix(self.agent.rot)

        # Game info
        self.active = packet.game_info.is_round_active
        self.time = packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed
        self.dt = self.time - self.last_time
        self.last_time = self.time
Пример #2
    def draw_debug(self):
        path = [
            a3v(step.physics.location) for step in self.ball.predict.slices
            path, self.game_interface.renderer.pink())

        for drone in self.drones:
            if drone.role is not None:
                    drone.pos, 1, 1, drone.role.name,
Пример #3
def setup(hive, packet, field_info, indices):
    """Sets up the variables and classes for the hivemind.
        hive {Hivemind} -- The hivemind bot helper process.
        packet {GameTickPacket} -- Information about the game.
        field_info {FieldInfoPacket} -- Information about the game field.
        indices {set} -- Set containing the indices of each agent the hivemind controls.

    # Game info
    hive.time = 0.0
    hive.dt = 1.0 / 120.0
    hive.last_time = 0.0
    hive.r_active = False
    hive.ko_pause = False
    hive.m_ended = False
    hive.gravity = -650.0

    # Hivemind attributes
    hive.team = packet.game_cars[indices.copy().pop()].team
    hive.strategy = None

    # Creates Car objects for each car.
    hive.drones = []
    hive.teammates = []
    hive.opponents = []
    for index in range(packet.num_cars):
        name = packet.game_cars[index].name
        if index in indices:
            hive.drones.append(Drone(index, hive.team, name))
        elif packet.game_cars[index].team == hive.team:
            hive.teammates.append(Car(index, hive.team, name))
            hive.opponents.append(Car(index, (hive.team + 1) % 2, name))

    # Creates a Ball object.
    hive.ball = Ball()

    # Creates Boostpad objects.
    hive.l_pads = []
    hive.s_pads = []
    for i in range(field_info.num_boosts):
        pad = field_info.boost_pads[i]
        pad_type = hive.l_pads if pad.is_full_boost else hive.s_pads
        pad_obj = BoostPad(i, a3v(pad.location))
Пример #4
def setup(s, p, fi, indices):
    """Sets up the variables and classes for the hivemind.
        s {BotHelperProcess (self)} -- The hivemind bot helper process.
        p {GameTickPacket} -- Information about the game.
        fi {FieldInfoPacket} -- Information about the game field.
        indices {set} -- Set containing the indices of each agent the hivemind controls.

    # Game info.
    s.dt = 1 / 120.0
    s.last_time = 0.0

    s.strategy = None

    # Creates Drone objects.
    s.drones = []
    for index in indices:

    # Initialises hivemind attributes.
    s.team = p.game_cars[s.drones[0].index].team
    s.strategy = None

    # Creates Car objects for teammates and opponents.
    s.teammates = []
    s.opponents = []
    for index in range(p.num_cars):
        if index not in indices:
            if p.game_cars[index].team == s.team:

    # Creates a Ball object.
    s.ball = Ball()

    # Creates Boostpad objects.
    s.l_pads = []
    s.s_pads = []
    for i in range(fi.num_boosts):
        pad = fi.boost_pads[i]
        pad_type = s.l_pads if pad.is_full_boost else s.s_pads
        pad_obj = BoostPad(i, a3v(pad.location))
Пример #5
def setup(s, p):
    """Sets up the variables and classes for the hivemind.
        s {BaseAgent} -- The hivemind bot helper process.
        p {GameTickPacket} -- Information about the game.
        fi {FieldInfoPacket} -- Information about the game field.

    # Game info.
    fi = s.get_field_info()
    s.dt = 1 / 120.0
    s.last_time = 0.0

    # Creates Car objects for all bots.
    s.teammates = []
    s.opponents = []
    for index in range(p.num_cars):
        if index == s.index:
            s.agent = Car(s.index)
        elif p.game_cars[index].team == s.team:

    s.agent.controller = None

    # Creates a Ball object.
    s.ball = Ball()

    # Creates Boostpad objects.
    s.l_pads = []
    s.s_pads = []
    for i in range(fi.num_boosts):
        pad = fi.boost_pads[i]
        pad_type = s.l_pads if pad.is_full_boost else s.s_pads
        pad_obj = BoostPad(i, a3v(pad.location))

    s.setup = True
Пример #6
def process(s, p):
    """Processes the gametick packet.

        s {BotHelperProcess (self)} -- The process which is processing the packet.
        p {GameTickPacket} -- The game packet being processed.

    # Processing drone data.
    for drone in s.drones:
        drone.pos = a3v(p.game_cars[drone.index].physics.location)
        drone.rot = a3r(p.game_cars[drone.index].physics.rotation)
        drone.vel = a3v(p.game_cars[drone.index].physics.velocity)
        drone.ang_vel = a3v(p.game_cars[drone.index].physics.angular_velocity)
        drone.on_g = p.game_cars[drone.index].has_wheel_contact
        drone.sonic = p.game_cars[drone.index].is_super_sonic
        drone.boost = p.game_cars[drone.index].boost
        drone.orient_m = orient_matrix(drone.rot)
        drone.turn_r = turn_r(drone.vel)

    # Processing teammates.
    for teammate in s.teammates:
        teammate.pos = a3v(p.game_cars[teammate.index].physics.location)
        teammate.rot = a3r(p.game_cars[teammate.index].physics.rotation)
        teammate.vel = a3v(p.game_cars[teammate.index].physics.velocity)
        teammate.ang_vel = a3v(
        teammate.on_g = p.game_cars[teammate.index].has_wheel_contact
        teammate.sonic = p.game_cars[teammate.index].is_super_sonic
        teammate.boost = p.game_cars[teammate.index].boost
        teammate.orient_m = orient_matrix(teammate.rot)
        teammate.turn_r = turn_r(teammate.vel)

    # Processing opponents.
    for opponent in s.opponents:
        opponent.pos = a3v(p.game_cars[opponent.index].physics.location)
        opponent.rot = a3r(p.game_cars[opponent.index].physics.rotation)
        opponent.vel = a3v(p.game_cars[opponent.index].physics.velocity)
        opponent.ang_vel = a3v(
        opponent.on_g = p.game_cars[opponent.index].has_wheel_contact
        opponent.sonic = p.game_cars[opponent.index].is_super_sonic
        opponent.boost = p.game_cars[opponent.index].boost
        opponent.orient_m = orient_matrix(opponent.rot)
        opponent.turn_r = turn_r(opponent.vel)

    # Processing Ball data.
    s.ball.pos = a3v(p.game_ball.physics.location)
    s.ball.vel = a3v(p.game_ball.physics.velocity)
    s.ball.ang_vel = a3v(p.game_ball.physics.angular_velocity)
    # Ball prediction is being updated in the main file, i.e. hivemind.py.

    # Processing Boostpads.
    s.active_pads = []
    for pad_type in (s.l_pads, s.s_pads):
        for pad in pad_type:
            pad.active = p.game_boosts[pad.index].is_active
            pad.timer = p.game_boosts[pad.index].timer
            if pad.active == True:

    # Processing other game info.
    s.time = p.game_info.seconds_elapsed
    s.dt = s.time - s.last_time
    s.last_time = s.time
    s.r_active = p.game_info.is_round_active
    s.ko_pause = p.game_info.is_kickoff_pause
    s.m_ended = p.game_info.is_match_ended
Пример #7
def process(hive, packet):
    """Processes the gametick packet.

        hive {Hivemind} -- The process which is processing the packet.
        packet {GameTickPacket} -- The game packet being processed.

    # Processing game info.
    hive.time = packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed
    hive.dt = hive.time - hive.last_time
    hive.last_time = hive.time
    hive.r_active = packet.game_info.is_round_active
    hive.ko_pause = packet.game_info.is_kickoff_pause
    hive.m_ended = packet.game_info.is_match_ended
    hive.gravity = packet.game_info.world_gravity_z

    # Processing drone data.
    for drone in hive.drones:
        # From packet:
        drone.pos = a3v(packet.game_cars[drone.index].physics.location)
        drone.rot = a3r(packet.game_cars[drone.index].physics.rotation)
        drone.vel = a3v(packet.game_cars[drone.index].physics.velocity)
        drone.ang_vel = a3v(
        drone.dead = packet.game_cars[drone.index].is_demolished
        drone.wheel_c = packet.game_cars[drone.index].has_wheel_contact
        drone.sonic = packet.game_cars[drone.index].is_super_sonic
        drone.jumped = packet.game_cars[drone.index].jumped
        drone.d_jumped = packet.game_cars[drone.index].double_jumped
        drone.boost = packet.game_cars[drone.index].boost
        # Calculated:
        drone.orient_m = orient_matrix(drone.rot)
        drone.turn_r = turn_r(drone.vel)

    # Processing teammates.
    for teammate in hive.teammates:
        # From packet:
        teammate.pos = a3v(packet.game_cars[teammate.index].physics.location)
        teammate.rot = a3r(packet.game_cars[teammate.index].physics.rotation)
        teammate.vel = a3v(packet.game_cars[teammate.index].physics.velocity)
        teammate.ang_vel = a3v(
        teammate.dead = packet.game_cars[teammate.index].is_demolished
        teammate.wheel_c = packet.game_cars[teammate.index].has_wheel_contact
        teammate.sonic = packet.game_cars[teammate.index].is_super_sonic
        teammate.jumped = packet.game_cars[teammate.index].jumped
        teammate.d_jumped = packet.game_cars[teammate.index].double_jumped
        teammate.boost = packet.game_cars[teammate.index].boost
        # Calculated:
        #teammate.orient_m   = orient_matrix(teammate.rot)
        #teammate.turn_r     = turn_r(teammate.vel)
        #teammate.predict    = None

    # Processing opponents.
    for opponent in hive.opponents:
        # From packet:
        opponent.pos = a3v(packet.game_cars[opponent.index].physics.location)
        opponent.rot = a3r(packet.game_cars[opponent.index].physics.rotation)
        opponent.vel = a3v(packet.game_cars[opponent.index].physics.velocity)
        opponent.ang_vel = a3v(
        opponent.dead = packet.game_cars[opponent.index].is_demolished
        opponent.wheel_c = packet.game_cars[opponent.index].has_wheel_contact
        opponent.sonic = packet.game_cars[opponent.index].is_super_sonic
        opponent.jumped = packet.game_cars[opponent.index].jumped
        opponent.d_jumped = packet.game_cars[opponent.index].double_jumped
        opponent.boost = packet.game_cars[opponent.index].boost
        # Calculated:
        #opponent.orient_m   = orient_matrix(opponent.rot)
        #opponent.turn_r     = turn_r(opponent.vel)
        #opponent.predict    = None

    # Processing Ball data.
    hive.ball.pos = a3v(packet.game_ball.physics.location)
    hive.ball.rot = a3r(packet.game_ball.physics.rotation)
    hive.ball.vel = a3v(packet.game_ball.physics.velocity)
    hive.ball.ang_vel = a3v(packet.game_ball.physics.angular_velocity)
    # Ball prediction is being updated in the main file, i.e. hivemind.py.

    # Processing Boostpads.
    hive.active_pads = []
    for pad in hive.l_pads + hive.s_pads:
        pad.active = packet.game_boosts[pad.index].is_active
        pad.timer = packet.game_boosts[pad.index].timer
        if pad.active == True:
Пример #8
def process(s, p):
    """Processes the gametick packet.

        s {BaseAgent} -- The agent which is processing the packet.
        p {GameTickPacket} -- The game packet being processed.

    # Processing game info.
    s.time = p.game_info.seconds_elapsed
    s.dt = s.time - s.last_time
    s.last_time = s.time
    s.r_active = p.game_info.is_round_active
    s.ko_pause = p.game_info.is_kickoff_pause
    s.m_ended = p.game_info.is_match_ended

    # Processing agent data.
    s.agent.pos = a3v(p.game_cars[s.agent.index].physics.location)
    s.agent.rot = a3r(p.game_cars[s.agent.index].physics.rotation)
    s.agent.vel = a3v(p.game_cars[s.agent.index].physics.velocity)
    s.agent.ang_vel = a3v(p.game_cars[s.agent.index].physics.angular_velocity)
    s.agent.on_g = p.game_cars[s.agent.index].has_wheel_contact
    s.agent.sonic = p.game_cars[s.agent.index].is_super_sonic
    s.agent.boost = p.game_cars[s.agent.index].boost
    s.agent.orient_m = orient_matrix(s.agent.rot)
    s.agent.turn_r = turn_r(s.agent.vel)

    # Processing teammates.
    for teammate in s.teammates:
        teammate.pos = a3v(p.game_cars[teammate.index].physics.location)
        teammate.rot = a3r(p.game_cars[teammate.index].physics.rotation)
        teammate.vel = a3v(p.game_cars[teammate.index].physics.velocity)
        teammate.ang_vel = a3v(
        teammate.on_g = p.game_cars[teammate.index].has_wheel_contact
        teammate.sonic = p.game_cars[teammate.index].is_super_sonic
        teammate.boost = p.game_cars[teammate.index].boost
        teammate.orient_m = orient_matrix(teammate.rot)
        teammate.turn_r = turn_r(teammate.vel)

    # Processing opponents.
    for opponent in s.opponents:
        opponent.pos = a3v(p.game_cars[opponent.index].physics.location)
        opponent.rot = a3r(p.game_cars[opponent.index].physics.rotation)
        opponent.vel = a3v(p.game_cars[opponent.index].physics.velocity)
        opponent.ang_vel = a3v(
        opponent.on_g = p.game_cars[opponent.index].has_wheel_contact
        opponent.sonic = p.game_cars[opponent.index].is_super_sonic
        opponent.boost = p.game_cars[opponent.index].boost
        opponent.orient_m = orient_matrix(opponent.rot)
        opponent.turn_r = turn_r(opponent.vel)

    # Processing Ball data.
    s.ball.pos = a3v(p.game_ball.physics.location)
    s.ball.vel = a3v(p.game_ball.physics.velocity)
    s.ball.ang_vel = a3v(p.game_ball.physics.angular_velocity)
    s.ball.predict = s.get_ball_prediction_struct()

    # Processing Boostpads.
    s.active_pads = []
    for pad_type in (s.l_pads, s.s_pads):
        for pad in pad_type:
            pad.active = p.game_boosts[pad.index].is_active
            pad.timer = p.game_boosts[pad.index].timer
            if pad.active == True: