Пример #1
    def condition(self, packet):
	# Should be an IPv4 packet
	if packet.type != ETH_TYPE_IP:
	    return False

	# Should be a broadcast request
	dstip = utils.bin_to_ip(packet.data.dst)
	if dstip != utils.get_iface_bcast(self.interface) and dstip != "":
	    return False

	# Should be a UDP packet
	if packet.data.p != IP_PROTO_UDP:
	    return False

	# Should be from port 137 to port 137
	if packet.data.data.dport != 137 or packet.data.data.dport != 137:
	    return False

	# Must be a Name Query
	 # bit 1 = Message is a Query
	 # bit 2-5 = Opcode: Name Query
	  # We check this so we don't reply to Registration Queries
	if packet.data.data.data.op & 0xf800 != 0:
	    return False
	out.verbose("%s: Request from %s" % (self.getName(), utils.bin_to_ip(packet.data.src)))
	out.verbose("%s: \tQueries: %s" % (self.getName(), ' '.join([decode_name(x.name).rstrip() for x in packet.data.data.data.qd])))
	return True
Пример #2
    def action(self, packet):
	ifname = self.interface[0]
	targetip = utils.bin_to_ip(packet.data.tpa)
	srcip = utils.bin_to_ip(packet.data.spa)

	# Determine what mac address to use
	targetmac = self.getAddress(targetip)
	if not targetmac:
	    return False

	# Ethernet:
	# We set source address as destination
	packet.dst = packet.src
	# And we set source address as our address
	packet.src = utils.mac_to_bin(targetmac)
	# ARP:
	# change OP to ARP Reply
	packet.data.op = dpkt.arp.ARP_OP_REPLY
	# Set target mac as sender mac
	packet.data.tha = packet.data.sha
	# Flip target IP and sender IP
	packet.data.tpa, packet.data.spa= packet.data.spa, packet.data.tpa
	# Set sender mac as our own mac
	packet.data.sha = utils.mac_to_bin(targetmac)

	# Time to send!
	utils.send_raw(ifname, str(packet))
	# Log action
	out.verbose("%s module: ARP response to %s: %s at %s " % (self.getName(), srcip, targetip, targetmac))
	return True
Пример #3
    def condition(self, packet):
	# Should be an ARP packet
	if packet.type != dpkt.ethernet.ETH_TYPE_ARP:
	    return False

	# Check that ARP type == Request
	if packet.data.op != dpkt.arp.ARP_OP_REQUEST:
	    return False

	targetip = utils.bin_to_ip(packet.data.tpa)
	srcip = utils.bin_to_ip(packet.data.spa)

	out.verbose("%s: Request for %s from %s" % (self.getName(), targetip, srcip))
	return True
Пример #4
    def action(self, packet):
	targetip = utils.bin_to_ip(packet.data.src)
	targetport = 137
	nbns_response = packet.data.data.data
	nbns_response.op = 0x8500
	# For each question, add an answer
	for query in nbns_response.qd:
	    name = decode_name(query.name).rstrip()
	    address = self.getAddress(name)
	    if not address:
		out.debug("%s: Skipped Query from %s for %s" % (self.getName(), targetip, name), 0)
	    answer = NS.RR()
	    answer.name = query.name # We reinsert in encoded format
	    answer.type = query.type
	    answer.cls = query.cls
	    answer.ttl = 120 # Not very long TTL
	    answer.rlen = 6
	    answer.rdata = '\x00\x00' + utils.ip_to_bin(address) # 0x0000 is flags for Unique name + B-Node
	nbns_response.qd = []

	if len(nbns_response.an) == 0:
	    return False
	# Response is a UDP packet with 137 source port and Query's IP+Port as destination
	sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
	sock.bind(('', targetport))
	sock.sendto(str(nbns_response), (targetip, packet.data.data.sport))
	for answer in nbns_response.an:
	    out.verbose("%s: \tResponse: %s - %s" % (self.getName(), decode_name(answer.name).rstrip(), utils.bin_to_ip(answer.rdata[2:])))
	return True
Пример #5
    def action(self, packet):
	targetip = utils.bin_to_ip(packet.data.src)
	targetport = 5355
	llmnr_response = packet.data.data.data
	llmnr_response.op = 0x8000
	# For each question, add an answer
	for query in llmnr_response.qd:
	    address = self.getAddress(query.name, query.type)
	    if not address:
		out.debug("%s: Skipped query from %s for %s" % (self.getName(), targetip, query.name), 0)
	    answer = dpkt.dns.DNS.RR()
	    answer.name = query.name
	    answer.type = query.type
	    answer.cls = query.cls
	    answer.ttl = 30
	    if answer.type == dpkt.dns.DNS_A:
		answer.rlen = 4
		answer.rdata = utils.ip_to_bin(address)
	    elif answer.type == dpkt.dns.DNS_AAAA:
		answer.rlen = 16
		answer.rdata = utils.ip6_to_bin(address)

	if len(llmnr_response.an) == 0:
	    return False
	# Response is a UDP packet with 5355 source port and Query's source port
	# as destination port.
	sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
	sock.bind(('', targetport))
	sock.sendto(str(llmnr_response), (targetip, packet.data.data.sport))
	for answer in llmnr_response.an:
	    if answer.type == dpkt.dns.DNS_A:
		out.verbose("%s: \tResponse: %s - %s" % (self.getName(), answer.name, utils.bin_to_ip(answer.rdata)))
	    elif answer.type == dpkt.dns.DNS_AAAA:
		out.verbose("%s: \tResponse: %s - %s" % (self.getName(), answer.name, utils.bin_to_ip6(answer.rdata)))
	return True
Пример #6
    def condition(self, packet):
	# Should be an IPv4 packet
	if packet.type != dpkt.ethernet.ETH_TYPE_IP:
	    return False
	# Should be a UDP packet
	if packet.data.p != dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_UDP:
	    return False
	# Should have a destination
	if packet.data.dst != utils.ip_to_bin(""):
	    return False
	if packet.data.data.dport != 5355:
	    return False
	# And is a LLMNR Request
	if packet.data.data.data.op & 0x8000 != 0:
	    return False
	out.verbose("%s: LLMNR request from %s" % (self.getName(), utils.bin_to_ip(packet.data.src)))
	out.verbose("%s: \tQueries: %s" % (self.getName(), ' '.join([x.name for x in packet.data.data.data.qd])))
	return True