Пример #1
def histogram(data, name, nbins=None, datarange=(None, None), format='png', suffix='', path='./', rows=1, columns=1, num=1, last=True, fontmap = {1:10, 2:8, 3:6, 4:5, 5:4}, verbose=1):

    # Internal histogram specification for handling nested arrays

        # Stand-alone plot or subplot?
        standalone = rows==1 and columns==1 and num==1
        if standalone:
            if verbose>0:
                print 'Generating histogram of', name

        subplot(rows, columns, num)

        #Specify number of bins (10 as default)
        uniquevals = len(unique(data))
        nbins = nbins or uniquevals*(uniquevals<=25) or int(4 + 1.5*log(len(data)))

        # Generate histogram
        hist(data.tolist(), nbins, histtype='stepfilled')


        # Plot options
        title('\n\n   %s hist'%name, x=0., y=1., ha='left', va='top', fontsize='medium')

        ylabel("Frequency", fontsize='x-small')

        # Plot vertical lines for median and 95% HPD interval
        quant = calc_quantiles(data)
        axvline(x=quant[50], linewidth=2, color='black')
        for q in hpd(data, 0.05):
            axvline(x=q, linewidth=2, color='grey', linestyle='dotted')

        # Smaller tick labels
        tlabels = gca().get_xticklabels()
        setp(tlabels, 'fontsize', fontmap[rows])
        tlabels = gca().get_yticklabels()
        setp(tlabels, 'fontsize', fontmap[rows])

        if standalone:
            if not os.path.exists(path):
            if not path.endswith('/'):
                path += '/'
            # Save to file
            savefig("%s%s%s.%s" % (path, name, suffix, format))

    except OverflowError:
        print '... cannot generate histogram'
Пример #2
def summary_plot(pymc_obj, name='model', format='png',  suffix='-summary', path='./', alpha=0.05, quartiles=True, rhat=True, main=None, chain_spacing=0.05, vline_pos=0):
    Model summary plot
        pymc_obj: PyMC object, trace or array
            A trace from an MCMC sample or a PyMC object with one or more traces.

        name (optional): string
            The name of the object.

        format (optional): string
            Graphic output format (defaults to png).

        suffix (optional): string
            Filename suffix.

        path (optional): string
            Specifies location for saving plots (defaults to local directory).
        alpha (optional): float
            Alpha value for (1-alpha)*100% credible intervals (defaults to 0.05).
        rhat (optional): bool
            Flag for plotting Gelman-Rubin statistics. Requires 2 or more 
            chains (defaults to True).
        main (optional): string
            Title for main plot. Passing False results in titles being 
            suppressed; passing False (default) results in default titles.
        chain_spacing (optional): float
            Plot spacing between chains (defaults to 0.05).
        vline_pos (optional): numeric
            Location of vertical reference line (defaults to 0).
    if not gridspec:
        print '\nYour installation of matplotlib is not recent enough to support summary_plot; this function is disabled until matplotlib is updated.'
    # Quantiles to be calculated
    quantiles = [100*alpha/2, 50, 100*(1-alpha/2)]
    if quartiles:
        quantiles = [100*alpha/2, 25, 50, 75, 100*(1-alpha/2)]

    # Range for x-axis
    plotrange = None
    # Number of chains
    chains = None
    # Gridspec
    gs = None
    # Subplots
    interval_plot = None
    rhat_plot = None
        # First try Model type
        vars = pymc_obj._variables_to_tally
    except AttributeError:
        # Assume an iterable
        vars = pymc_obj
    # Empty list for y-axis labels
    labels = []
    # Counter for current variable
    var = 1
    # Make sure there is something to print
    if all([v._plot==False for v in vars]):
        print 'No variables to plot'
    for variable in vars:

        # If plot flag is off, do not print
        if variable._plot==False:
        # Extract name
        varname = variable.__name__

        # Retrieve trace(s)
        i = 0
        traces = []
        while True:
               #traces.append(pymc_obj.trace(varname, chain=i)[:])
           except KeyError:
        chains = len(traces)
        if gs is None:
            # Initialize plot
            if rhat and chains>1:
                gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[3,1])

                gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)
            # Subplot for confidence intervals
            interval_plot = subplot(gs[0])
        # Get quantiles
        data = [calc_quantiles(d, quantiles) for d in traces]
        data = [[d[q] for q in quantiles] for d in data]
        # Ensure x-axis contains range of current interval
        if plotrange:
            plotrange = [min(plotrange[0], nmin(data)), max(plotrange[1], nmax(data))]
            plotrange = [nmin(data), nmax(data)]
            # First try missing-value stochastic
            value = variable.get_stoch_value()
        except AttributeError:
            # All other variable types
            value = variable.value

        # Number of elements in current variable
        k = size(value)
        # Append variable name(s) to list
        if k>1:
            names = var_str(varname, shape(value))
            labels += names
        # Add spacing for each chain, if more than one
        e = [0] + [(chain_spacing * ((i+2)/2))*(-1)**i for i in range(chains-1)]
        # Loop over chains
        for j,quants in enumerate(data):
            # Deal with multivariate nodes
            if k>1:

                for i,q in enumerate(transpose(quants)):
                    # Y coordinate with jitter
                    y = -(var+i) + e[j]
                    if quartiles:
                        # Plot median
                        pyplot(q[2], y, 'bo', markersize=4)
                        # Plot quartile interval
                        errorbar(x=(q[1],q[3]), y=(y,y), linewidth=2, color="blue")
                        # Plot median
                        pyplot(q[1], y, 'bo', markersize=4)

                    # Plot outer interval
                    errorbar(x=(q[0],q[-1]), y=(y,y), linewidth=1, color="blue")

                # Y coordinate with jitter
                y = -var + e[j]
                if quartiles:
                    # Plot median
                    pyplot(quants[2], y, 'bo', markersize=4)
                    # Plot quartile interval
                    errorbar(x=(quants[1],quants[3]), y=(y,y), linewidth=2, color="blue")
                    # Plot median
                    pyplot(quants[1], y, 'bo', markersize=4)
                # Plot outer interval
                errorbar(x=(quants[0],quants[-1]), y=(y,y), linewidth=1, color="blue")
        # Increment index
        var += k
    # Define range of y-axis
    ylim(-var+0.5, -0.5)
    datarange = plotrange[1] - plotrange[0]
    xlim(plotrange[0] - 0.05*datarange, plotrange[1] + 0.05*datarange)
    # Add variable labels
    ylabels = yticks([-(l+1) for l in range(len(labels))], labels)        
    # Add title
    if main is not False:
        plot_title = main or str(int((1-alpha)*100)) + "% Credible Intervals"
    # Remove ticklines on y-axes
    for ticks in interval_plot.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
        ticks.tick1On = False
        ticks.tick2On = False
    for loc, spine in interval_plot.spines.iteritems():
        if loc in ['bottom','top']:
            #spine.set_position(('outward',10)) # outward by 10 points
        elif loc in ['left','right']:
            spine.set_color('none') # don't draw spine
    # Reference line
    axvline(vline_pos, color='k', linestyle='--')  
    # Genenerate Gelman-Rubin plot
    if rhat and chains>1:

        from diagnostics import gelman_rubin
        # If there are multiple chains, calculate R-hat
        rhat_plot = subplot(gs[1])
        if main is not False:
        # Set x range
        # X axis labels
        xticks((1.0,1.5,2.0), ("1", "1.5", "2+"))
        yticks([-(l+1) for l in range(len(labels))], "")
        # Calculate diagnostic
            R = gelman_rubin(pymc_obj)
        except ValueError:
            R = {}
            for variable in vars:
                R[variable.__name__] = gelman_rubin(variable)
        i = 1
        for variable in vars:
            if variable._plot==False:
            # Extract name
            varname = variable.__name__
                value = variable.get_stoch_value()
            except AttributeError:
                value = variable.value
            k = size(value)
            if k>1:
                pyplot([min(r, 2) for r in R[varname]], [-(j+i) for j in range(k)], 'bo', markersize=4)
                pyplot(min(R[varname], 2), -i, 'bo', markersize=4)
            i += k
        # Define range of y-axis
        ylim(-i+0.5, -0.5)
        # Remove ticklines on y-axes
        for ticks in rhat_plot.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
            ticks.tick1On = False
            ticks.tick2On = False
        for loc, spine in rhat_plot.spines.iteritems():
            if loc in ['bottom','top']:
                #spine.set_position(('outward',10)) # outward by 10 points
            elif loc in ['left','right']:
                spine.set_color('none') # don't draw spine
    savefig("%s%s%s.%s" % (path, name, suffix, format))                
Пример #3
def summary_plot(pymc_obj, name='model', format='png',  suffix='-summary', path='./', alpha=0.05, quartiles=True, rhat=True, main=None, chain_spacing=0.05, vline_pos=0):
    Model summary plot
        pymc_obj: PyMC object, trace or array
            A trace from an MCMC sample or a PyMC object with one or more traces.

        name (optional): string
            The name of the object.

        format (optional): string
            Graphic output format (defaults to png).

        suffix (optional): string
            Filename suffix.

        path (optional): string
            Specifies location for saving plots (defaults to local directory).
        alpha (optional): float
            Alpha value for (1-alpha)*100% credible intervals (defaults to 0.05).
        rhat (optional): bool
            Flag for plotting Gelman-Rubin statistics. Requires 2 or more 
            chains (defaults to True).
        main (optional): string
            Title for main plot. Passing False results in titles being 
            suppressed; passing False (default) results in default titles.
        chain_spacing (optional): float
            Plot spacing between chains (defaults to 0.05).
        vline_pos (optional): numeric
            Location of vertical reference line (defaults to 0).
    if not gridspec:
        print '\nYour installation of matplotlib is not recent enough to support summary_plot; this function is disabled until matplotlib is updated.'
    # Quantiles to be calculated
    quantiles = [100*alpha/2, 50, 100*(1-alpha/2)]
    if quartiles:
        quantiles = [100*alpha/2, 25, 50, 75, 100*(1-alpha/2)]

    # Range for x-axis
    plotrange = None
    # Number of chains
    chains = None
    # Gridspec
    gs = None
    # Subplots
    interval_plot = None
    rhat_plot = None
        # First try Model type
        vars = pymc_obj._variables_to_tally
    except AttributeError:
            # Try a database object
            vars = pymc_obj._traces
        except AttributeError:
            # Assume an iterable
            vars = pymc_obj

    # Empty list for y-axis labels
    labels = []
    # Counter for current variable
    var = 1
    # Make sure there is something to print
    if all([v._plot==False for v in vars]):
        print 'No variables to plot'
    for variable in vars:

        # If plot flag is off, do not print
        if variable._plot==False:
        # Extract name
        varname = variable.__name__

        # Retrieve trace(s)
        i = 0
        traces = []
        while True:
               #traces.append(pymc_obj.trace(varname, chain=i)[:])
           except (KeyError, IndexError):
        chains = len(traces)
        if gs is None:
            # Initialize plot
            if rhat and chains>1:
                gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[3,1])

                gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)
            # Subplot for confidence intervals
            interval_plot = subplot(gs[0])
        # Get quantiles
        data = [calc_quantiles(d, quantiles) for d in traces]
        data = [[d[q] for q in quantiles] for d in data]
        # Ensure x-axis contains range of current interval
        if plotrange:
            plotrange = [min(plotrange[0], nmin(data)), max(plotrange[1], nmax(data))]
            plotrange = [nmin(data), nmax(data)]
            # First try missing-value stochastic
            value = variable.get_stoch_value()
        except AttributeError:
            # All other variable types
            value = variable.value

        # Number of elements in current variable
        k = size(value)
        # Append variable name(s) to list
        if k>1:
            names = var_str(varname, shape(value))
            labels += names
        # Add spacing for each chain, if more than one
        e = [0] + [(chain_spacing * ((i+2)/2))*(-1)**i for i in range(chains-1)]
        # Loop over chains
        for j,quants in enumerate(data):
            # Deal with multivariate nodes
            if k>1:

                for i,q in enumerate(transpose(quants)):
                    # Y coordinate with jitter
                    y = -(var+i) + e[j]
                    if quartiles:
                        # Plot median
                        pyplot(q[2], y, 'bo', markersize=4)
                        # Plot quartile interval
                        errorbar(x=(q[1],q[3]), y=(y,y), linewidth=2, color="blue")
                        # Plot median
                        pyplot(q[1], y, 'bo', markersize=4)

                    # Plot outer interval
                    errorbar(x=(q[0],q[-1]), y=(y,y), linewidth=1, color="blue")

                # Y coordinate with jitter
                y = -var + e[j]
                if quartiles:
                    # Plot median
                    pyplot(quants[2], y, 'bo', markersize=4)
                    # Plot quartile interval
                    errorbar(x=(quants[1],quants[3]), y=(y,y), linewidth=2, color="blue")
                    # Plot median
                    pyplot(quants[1], y, 'bo', markersize=4)
                # Plot outer interval
                errorbar(x=(quants[0],quants[-1]), y=(y,y), linewidth=1, color="blue")
        # Increment index
        var += k
    # Update margins
    left_margin = max([len(x) for x in labels])*0.015
    gs.update(left=left_margin, right=0.95, top=0.9, bottom=0.05)
    # Define range of y-axis
    ylim(-var+0.5, -0.5)
    datarange = plotrange[1] - plotrange[0]
    xlim(plotrange[0] - 0.05*datarange, plotrange[1] + 0.05*datarange)
    # Add variable labels
    ylabels = yticks([-(l+1) for l in range(len(labels))], labels)        
    # Add title
    if main is not False:
        plot_title = main or str(int((1-alpha)*100)) + "% Credible Intervals"
    # Remove ticklines on y-axes
    for ticks in interval_plot.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
        ticks.tick1On = False
        ticks.tick2On = False
    for loc, spine in interval_plot.spines.iteritems():
        if loc in ['bottom','top']:
            #spine.set_position(('outward',10)) # outward by 10 points
        elif loc in ['left','right']:
            spine.set_color('none') # don't draw spine
    # Reference line
    axvline(vline_pos, color='k', linestyle='--')  
    # Genenerate Gelman-Rubin plot
    if rhat and chains>1:

        from diagnostics import gelman_rubin
        # If there are multiple chains, calculate R-hat
        rhat_plot = subplot(gs[1])
        if main is not False:
        # Set x range
        # X axis labels
        xticks((1.0,1.5,2.0), ("1", "1.5", "2+"))
        yticks([-(l+1) for l in range(len(labels))], "")
        # Calculate diagnostic
            R = gelman_rubin(pymc_obj)
        except ValueError:
            R = {}
            for variable in vars:
                R[variable.__name__] = gelman_rubin(variable)
        i = 1
        for variable in vars:
            if variable._plot==False:
            # Extract name
            varname = variable.__name__
                value = variable.get_stoch_value()
            except AttributeError:
                value = variable.value
            k = size(value)
            if k>1:
                pyplot([min(r, 2) for r in R[varname]], [-(j+i) for j in range(k)], 'bo', markersize=4)
                pyplot(min(R[varname], 2), -i, 'bo', markersize=4)
            i += k
        # Define range of y-axis
        ylim(-i+0.5, -0.5)
        # Remove ticklines on y-axes
        for ticks in rhat_plot.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
            ticks.tick1On = False
            ticks.tick2On = False
        for loc, spine in rhat_plot.spines.iteritems():
            if loc in ['bottom','top']:
                #spine.set_position(('outward',10)) # outward by 10 points
            elif loc in ['left','right']:
                spine.set_color('none') # don't draw spine
    savefig("%s%s%s.%s" % (path, name, suffix, format))