def edit(self, author, email, url, body, date, publish=1, REQUEST=None): """ Editor """ = author = email self.author_url = url self.body = cleanCommentBody(self, body) = DateTime.DateTime(date) self.published = publish self.reindex_object() if REQUEST is not None: url = REQUEST.HTTP_REFERER.split('?')[0] return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(url+'?msg=%s' % 'Comment edited successfully')
def manage_addComment(self, author, body, url='', email='', date=None, bitakora_cpt='', random_cpt='', captcha_zz=0, REQUEST=None): """ Called from HTML form when commenting """ from utils import checkNewCaptchaValue, isCommentSpam if self.CAPTCHA_ENABLED: if not checkNewCaptchaValue(self, bitakora_cpt): if REQUEST is not None: return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url()+u'?msg=%s&body=%s&comment_author=%s&comment_email=%s&comment_url=%s#bitakora_cpt_control' % (self.gettext('Are you a bot? Please try again...'), url_quote(body.encode('utf-8')), url_quote(author.encode('utf-8')), url_quote(email.encode('utf-8')), url_quote(url.encode('utf-8')))) return None # Publish the comment by default publish = 1 if isCommentSpam(body, author, email, url, self.blogurl(), REQUEST): from zLOG import LOG, INFO LOG('manage_addComment', INFO, 'Spam: %s' % body) if REQUEST is not None: return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url()+u'?msg=%s&body=%s&comment_author=%s&comment_email=%s&comment_url=%s#bitakora_cpt_control' % (self.gettext('Are you a bot? Please try again...'), url_quote(body.encode('utf-8')), url_quote(author.encode('utf-8')), url_quote(email.encode('utf-8')), url_quote(url.encode('utf-8')))) return 0 newauthor = clean(author) newbody = cleanCommentBody(self, body) newurl = cleanURL(url) newemail = cleanEmail(email) if date is None: newdate = DateTime.DateTime() else: newdate = DateTime.DateTime(date) newid = self.createCommentId() if self.commentsModerated(): publish = 0 comment = Comment(newid, newauthor, newemail, newurl, newbody, newdate, self.getId(), publish) self._setObject(str(newid), comment) comment = getattr(self, str(newid)) try: mailhost = self.MailHost from EpozPostTidy import cleanHTML mTo = self.contact_mail if self.inCommunity(): mFrom = self.admin_mail else: mFrom = self.contact_mail variables = {} variables['from'] = mFrom.encode('utf-8') variables['to'] = mTo.encode('utf-8') variables['comment_author'] = newauthor.encode('utf-8') variables['comment_email'] = newemail.encode('utf-8') variables['comment_url'] = newurl.encode('utf-8') variables['comment_body'] = cleanHTML(newbody).encode('utf-8') variables['comment_address'] = comment.absolute_url() mSubj = self.gettext('New comment in your blog!') mMsg = self.comment_email_template(self, **variables) notifyByEmail(mailhost, mTo.encode('utf-8'), mFrom.encode('utf-8'), mSubj.encode('utf-8'), mMsg.encode('utf-8')) except Exception, e: # If there is no MailHost, or other error happened # there won't be e-mail notifications from logging import getLogger log = getLogger('manage_addComment')'Error sending e-mail: %s' % e)