def main(args): if args["model_type"] == "normal": load_robust = False else: load_robust = True simple_target_model = args[ "simple_target_model"] # if true, target model is simple CIAR10 model (LeNet) simple_local_model = True # if true, local models are simple CIFAR10 models (LeNet) # Set TF random seed to improve reproducibility tf.set_random_seed(args["seed"]) data = CIFAR() if not hasattr(K, "tf"): raise RuntimeError("This tutorial requires keras to be configured" " to use the TensorFlow backend.") if keras.backend.image_dim_ordering() != 'tf': keras.backend.set_image_dim_ordering('tf') print("INFO: '~/.keras/keras.json' sets 'image_dim_ordering' to " "'th', temporarily setting to 'tf'") # Create TF session and set as Keras backend session sess = tf.Session() keras.backend.set_session(sess) x_test, y_test = CIFAR().test_data, CIFAR().test_labels all_trans_rate_ls = [] # store transfer rate of all seeds remain_trans_rate_ls = [ ] # store transfer rate of remaining seeds, used only in local model fine-tuning # Define input TF placeholders class_num = 10 image_size = 32 num_channels = 3 test_batch_size = 100 x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, image_size, image_size, num_channels)) y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, class_num)) # required by the local robust densenet model is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape=[]) keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) ########################### load the target model ########################################## if not load_robust: if simple_target_model: target_model_name = 'modelA' target_model = cifar10_models_simple(sess,test_batch_size, 0, use_softmax=True,x = x, y = y,\ load_existing=True,model_name=target_model_name) else: target_model_name = 'densenet' target_model = cifar10_models(sess,0,test_batch_size = test_batch_size,use_softmax=True,x = x, y = y,\ load_existing=True,model_name=target_model_name) accuracy = target_model.calcu_acc(x_test, y_test) print('Test accuracy of target model {}: {:.4f}'.format( target_model_name, accuracy)) else: if args["robust_type"] == "madry": target_model_name = 'madry_robust' model_dir = "CIFAR10_models/Robust_Deep_models/Madry_robust_target_model" # TODO: pur your own madry robust target model directory here target_model = Load_Madry_Model(sess, model_dir, bias=0.5, scale=255) elif args["robust_type"] == "zico": # Note: add zico cifar10 model will added in future target_model_name = 'zico_robust' model_dir = "" # TODO: put your own robust zico target model directory here target_model = Load_Zico_Model(model_dir=model_dir, bias=0.5, scale=255) else: raise NotImplementedError corr_preds = target_model.correct_prediction(x_test, np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)) print('Test accuracy of target robust model :{:.4f}'.format( np.sum(corr_preds) / len(x_test))) ##################################### end of load target model ################################### local_model_names = args["local_model_names"] robust_indx = [] normal_local_types = [] for loc_model_name in local_model_names: if loc_model_name == "adv_densenet" or loc_model_name == "adv_vgg" or loc_model_name == "adv_resnet": # normal_local_types.append(0) robust_indx.append(1) else: robust_indx.append(0) if loc_model_name == "modelB": normal_local_types.append(1) elif loc_model_name == "modelD": normal_local_types.append(3) elif loc_model_name == "modelE": normal_local_types.append(4) print("robust index: ", robust_indx) print("normal model types:", normal_local_types) local_model_folder = '' for ii in range(len(local_model_names)): if ii != len(local_model_names) - 1: local_model_folder += local_model_names[ii] + '_' else: local_model_folder += local_model_names[ii] nb_imgs = args["num_img"] # local model attack related params clip_min = -0.5 clip_max = 0.5 li_eps = args["cost_threshold"] alpha = 1.0 k = 100 a = 0.01 load_existing = True # load pretrained local models, if false, random model will be given with_local = args[ "with_local"] # if true, hybrid attack, otherwise, only baseline attacks if args["no_tune_local"]: stop_fine_tune_flag = True load_existing = True else: stop_fine_tune_flag = False if with_local: if load_existing: loc_adv = 'adv_with_tune' if args["no_tune_local"]: loc_adv = 'adv_no_tune' else: loc_adv = 'orig' # target type if args["attack_type"] == "targeted": is_targeted = True else: is_targeted = False sub_epochs = args["nb_epochs_sub"] # epcohs for local model training use_loc_adv_thres = args[ "use_loc_adv_thres"] # threshold for transfer attack success rate, it is used when we need to start from local adversarial seeds use_loc_adv_flag = True # flag for using local adversarial examples fine_tune_freq = args[ "fine_tune_freq"] # fine-tune the model every K images to save total model training time # store the attack input files (e.g., original image, target class) input_file_prefix = os.path.join(args["local_path"], target_model_name, args["attack_type"]) os.system("mkdir -p {}".format(input_file_prefix)) # save locally generated information local_info_file_prefix = os.path.join(args["local_path"], target_model_name, args["attack_type"], local_model_folder, str(args["seed"])) os.system("mkdir -p {}".format(local_info_file_prefix)) # attack_input_file_prefix = os.path.join(args["local_path"],target_model_name, # args["attack_type"]) # save bbox attack information out_dir_prefix = os.path.join(args["save_path"], args["attack_method"], target_model_name, args["attack_type"], local_model_folder, str(args["seed"])) os.system("mkdir -p {}".format(out_dir_prefix)) #### generate the original images and target classes #### target_ys_one_hot,orig_images,target_ys,orig_labels,_, trans_test_images = \ generate_attack_inputs(sess,target_model,x_test,y_test,class_num,nb_imgs,\ load_imgs=args["load_imgs"],load_robust=load_robust,\ file_path = input_file_prefix) #### end of genarating original images and target classes #### start_points = np.copy( orig_images) # either start from orig seed or local advs # store attack statistical info dist_record = np.zeros(len(orig_labels), dtype=float) query_num_vec = np.zeros(len(orig_labels), dtype=int) success_vec = np.zeros(len(orig_labels), dtype=bool) adv_classes = np.zeros(len(orig_labels), dtype=int) # local model related variables if simple_target_model: local_model_file_name = "cifar10_simple" elif load_robust: local_model_file_name = "cifar10_robust" else: local_model_file_name = "cifar10" # save_dir = 'model/'+local_model_file_name + '/' callbacks_ls = [] attacked_flag = np.zeros(len(orig_labels), dtype=bool) local_model_ls = [] if with_local: ###################### start loading local models ############################### local_model_names_all = [] # help to store complete local model names sss = 0 for model_name in local_model_names: if model_name == "adv_densenet" or model_name == "adv_vgg" or model_name == "adv_resnet": # tensoflow based robust local models loc_model = cifar10_tf_robust_models(sess, test_batch_size = test_batch_size, x = x,y = y, is_training=is_training,keep_prob=keep_prob,\ load_existing = True, model_name = model_name,loss = args["loss_function"]) accuracy = loc_model.calcu_acc(x_test, y_test) local_model_ls.append(loc_model) print('Test accuracy of model {}: {:.4f}'.format( model_name, accuracy)) sss += 1 else: # keras based local normal models if simple_local_model: type_num = normal_local_types[sss] if model_name == 'resnet_v1' or model_name == 'resnet_v2': depth_s = [20, 50, 110] else: depth_s = [0] for depth in depth_s: # model_name used for loading models if model_name == 'resnet_v1' or model_name == 'resnet_v2': model_load_name = model_name + str(depth) else: model_load_name = model_name local_model_names_all.append(model_load_name) if not simple_local_model: loc_model = cifar10_models(sess,depth,test_batch_size = test_batch_size,use_softmax = True, x = x,y = y,\ load_existing = load_existing, model_name = model_name,loss = args["loss_function"]) else: loc_model = cifar10_models_simple(sess,test_batch_size,type_num,use_softmax = True, x = x,y = y,\ is_training=is_training,keep_prob=keep_prob,load_existing = load_existing, model_name = model_name, loss = args["loss_function"]) local_model_ls.append(loc_model) opt = keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=0.01, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) loc_model.model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy']) orig_images_nw = orig_images orig_labels_nw = orig_labels if args["no_save_model"]: if not load_existing: orig_images_nw, orig_labels_nw, batch_size=args["train_batch_size"], epochs=sub_epochs, verbose=0, validation_data=(x_test, y_test), shuffle=True) else: print( "Saving local model is yet to be implemented, please check back later, system exiting!" ) sys.exit(0) # TODO: fix the issue of loading pretrained model first and then finetune the model # if load_existing: # filepath = save_dir + model_load_name + '_pretrained.h5' # else: # filepath = save_dir + model_load_name + '.h5' # checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath=filepath, # monitor='val_acc', # verbose=0, # save_best_only=True) # callbacks = [checkpoint] # callbacks_ls.append(callbacks) # if not load_existing: # print("Train on %d data and validate on %d data" % (len(orig_labels_nw),len(y_test))) #, orig_labels_nw, # batch_size=args["train_batch_size"], # epochs=sub_epochs, # verbose=0, # validation_data=(x_test, y_test), # shuffle = True, # callbacks = callbacks) scores = loc_model.model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0) accuracy = scores[1] print('Test accuracy of model {}: {:.4f}'.format( model_load_name, accuracy)) sss += 1 ##################### end of loading local models ###################################### ##################### Define Attack Graphs of local PGD attack ############################### local_attack_graph = LinfPGDAttack(local_model_ls, epsilon=li_eps, k=k, a=a, random_start=True, loss_func=args["loss_function"], targeted=is_targeted, robust_indx=robust_indx, x=x, y=y, is_training=is_training, keep_prob=keep_prob) ##################### end of definining graphsof PGD attack ########################## ##################### generate local adversarial examples and also store the local attack information ##################### if not args["load_local_AEs"]: # first do the transfer check to obtain local adversarial samples # generated local info can be used for batch attacks, # max_loss, min_loss, max_gap, min_gap etc are other metrics we explored for scheduling seeds based on local information if is_targeted: all_trans_rate, pred_labs, local_aes,pgd_cnt_mat, max_loss, min_loss, ave_loss, max_gap, min_gap, ave_gap\ = local_attack_in_batches(sess,start_points[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],\ target_ys_one_hot[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],eval_batch_size = test_batch_size,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) else: all_trans_rate, pred_labs, local_aes,pgd_cnt_mat, max_loss, min_loss, ave_loss, max_gap, min_gap, ave_gap\ = local_attack_in_batches(sess,start_points[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],\ orig_labels[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],eval_batch_size = test_batch_size,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) # calculate local adv loss used for scheduling seeds in batch attack... if is_targeted: adv_img_loss, free_idx = compute_cw_loss(sess,target_model,local_aes,\ target_ys_one_hot,targeted=is_targeted,load_robust=load_robust) else: adv_img_loss, free_idx = compute_cw_loss(sess,target_model,local_aes,\ orig_labels,targeted=is_targeted,load_robust=load_robust) # calculate orig img loss for scheduling seeds in baseline attack if is_targeted: orig_img_loss, free_idx = compute_cw_loss(sess,target_model,orig_images,\ target_ys_one_hot,targeted=is_targeted,load_robust=load_robust) else: orig_img_loss, free_idx = compute_cw_loss(sess,target_model,orig_images,\ orig_labels,targeted=is_targeted,load_robust=load_robust) pred_labs = np.argmax(target_model.predict_prob(local_aes), axis=1) if is_targeted: transfer_flag = np.argmax(target_ys_one_hot, axis=1) == pred_labs else: transfer_flag = np.argmax(orig_labels, axis=1) != pred_labs # save local aes + '/local_aes.npy', local_aes) # store local info of local aes and original seeds: used for scheduling seeds in batch attacks np.savetxt(local_info_file_prefix + '/pgd_cnt_mat.txt', pgd_cnt_mat) np.savetxt(local_info_file_prefix + '/orig_img_loss.txt', orig_img_loss) np.savetxt(local_info_file_prefix + '/adv_img_loss.txt', adv_img_loss) np.savetxt(local_info_file_prefix + '/ave_gap.txt', ave_gap) else: local_aes = np.load(local_info_file_prefix + '/local_aes.npy') if is_targeted: tmp_labels = target_ys_one_hot else: tmp_labels = orig_labels pred_labs = np.argmax(target_model.predict_prob( np.array(local_aes)), axis=1) print('correct number', np.sum(pred_labs == np.argmax(tmp_labels, axis=1))) all_trans_rate = accuracy_score(np.argmax(tmp_labels, axis=1), pred_labs) ################################ end of generating local AEs and storing related information ####################################### if not is_targeted: all_trans_rate = 1 - all_trans_rate print('** Transfer Rate: **' + str(all_trans_rate)) if all_trans_rate > use_loc_adv_thres: print("Updated the starting points to local AEs....") start_points[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)] = local_aes use_loc_adv_flag = True # independent test set for checking transferability: for experiment purpose and does not count for query numbers if is_targeted: ind_all_trans_rate,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ = local_attack_in_batches(sess,trans_test_images,target_ys_one_hot,eval_batch_size = test_batch_size,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) else: ind_all_trans_rate,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ = local_attack_in_batches(sess,trans_test_images,orig_labels,eval_batch_size = test_batch_size,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) # record the queries spent by quering the local samples query_num_vec[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)] += 1 if not is_targeted: ind_all_trans_rate = 1 - ind_all_trans_rate print('** (Independent Set) Transfer Rate: **' + str(ind_all_trans_rate)) all_trans_rate_ls.append(ind_all_trans_rate) S = np.copy(start_points) S_label = target_model.predict_prob(S) S_label_cate = np.argmax(S_label, axis=1) S_label_cate = np_utils.to_categorical(S_label_cate, class_num) pre_free_idx = [] candi_idx_ls = [] # store the indices of images in the order attacked # these parameters are used to make sure equal number of instances from each class are selected # such that diversity of fine-tuning set is improved. However, it is not effective... per_cls_cnt = 0 cls_order = 0 change_limit = False max_lim_num = int(fine_tune_freq / class_num) # define the autozoom bbox attack graph if args["attack_method"] == "autozoom": # setup the autoencoders for autozoom attack codec = 0 args["img_resize"] = 8 # replace with your directory codec_dir = 'CIFAR10_models/cifar10_autoencoder/' # TODO: replace with your own cifar10 autoencoder directory encoder = load_model(codec_dir + 'whole_cifar10_encoder.h5') decoder = load_model(codec_dir + 'whole_cifar10_decoder.h5') encode_img = encoder.predict(data.test_data[100:101]) decode_img = decoder.predict(encode_img) diff_img = (decode_img - data.test_data[100:101]) diff_mse = np.mean(diff_img.reshape(-1)**2) # diff_mse = np.mean(np.sum(diff_img.reshape(-1,784)**2,axis = 1)) print("[Info][AE] MSE:{:.4f}".format(diff_mse)) encode_img = encoder.predict(data.test_data[0:1]) decode_img = decoder.predict(encode_img) diff_img = (decode_img - data.test_data[0:1]) diff_mse = np.mean(diff_img.reshape(-1)**2) print("[Info][AE] MSE:{:.4f}".format(diff_mse)) if args["attack_method"] == "autozoom": # define black-box model graph of autozoom autozoom_graph = AutoZOOM(sess, target_model, args, decoder, codec, num_channels, image_size, class_num) # main loop of hybrid attacks for itr in range(len(orig_labels)): print("#------------ Substitue training round {} ----------------#". format(itr)) # computer loss functions of seeds: no query is needed here because seeds are already queried before... if is_targeted: img_loss, free_idx = compute_cw_loss(sess,target_model,start_points,\ target_ys_one_hot,targeted=is_targeted,load_robust=load_robust) else: img_loss, free_idx = compute_cw_loss(sess,target_model,start_points,\ orig_labels,targeted=is_targeted,load_robust=load_robust) free_idx_diff = list(set(free_idx) - set(pre_free_idx)) print("new free idx found:", free_idx_diff) if len(free_idx_diff) > 0: candi_idx_ls.extend(free_idx_diff) pre_free_idx = free_idx if with_local: if len(free_idx) > 0: # free attacks are found attacked_flag[free_idx] = 1 success_vec[free_idx] = 1 # update dist and adv class if args['dist_metric'] == 'l2': dist = np.sum( (start_points[free_idx] - orig_images[free_idx])**2, axis=(1, 2, 3))**.5 elif args['dist_metric'] == 'li': dist = np.amax(np.abs(start_points[free_idx] - orig_images[free_idx]), axis=(1, 2, 3)) # print(start_points[free_idx].shape) adv_class = target_model.pred_class(start_points[free_idx]) adv_classes[free_idx] = adv_class dist_record[free_idx] = dist if np.amax( dist ) >= args["cost_threshold"] + args["cost_threshold"] / 10: print( "there are some problems in setting the perturbation distance!" ) sys.exit(0) print("Number of Unattacked Seeds: ", np.sum(np.logical_not(attacked_flag))) if attacked_flag.all(): # early stop when all seeds are sucessfully attacked break # define the seed generation process as a functon if args["sort_metric"] == "min": img_loss[attacked_flag] = 1e10 elif args["sort_metric"] == "max": img_loss[attacked_flag] = -1e10 candi_idx, per_cls_cnt, cls_order,change_limit,max_lim_num = select_next_seed(img_loss,attacked_flag,args["sort_metric"],\ args["by_class"],fine_tune_freq,class_num,per_cls_cnt,cls_order,change_limit,max_lim_num) print(candi_idx) candi_idx_ls.append(candi_idx) input_img = start_points[candi_idx:candi_idx + 1] if args["attack_method"] == "autozoom": # encoder decoder performance check encode_img = encoder.predict(input_img) decode_img = decoder.predict(encode_img) diff_img = (decode_img - input_img) diff_mse = np.mean(diff_img.reshape(-1)**2) else: diff_mse = 0.0 print("[Info][Start]: test_index:{}, true label:{}, target label:{}, MSE:{}".format(candi_idx, np.argmax(orig_labels[candi_idx]),\ np.argmax(target_ys_one_hot[candi_idx]),diff_mse)) ################## BEGIN: bbox attacks ############################ if args["attack_method"] == "autozoom": # perform bbox attacks if is_targeted: x_s, ae, query_num = autozoom_attack( autozoom_graph, input_img, orig_images[candi_idx:candi_idx + 1], target_ys_one_hot[candi_idx]) else: x_s, ae, query_num = autozoom_attack( autozoom_graph, input_img, orig_images[candi_idx:candi_idx + 1], orig_labels[candi_idx]) else: if is_targeted: x_s, query_num, ae = nes_attack(args,target_model,input_img,orig_images[candi_idx:candi_idx+1],\ np.argmax(target_ys_one_hot[candi_idx]), lower = clip_min, upper = clip_max) else: x_s, query_num, ae = nes_attack(args,target_model,input_img,orig_images[candi_idx:candi_idx+1],\ np.argmax(orig_labels[candi_idx]), lower = clip_min, upper = clip_max) x_s = np.squeeze(np.array(x_s), axis=1) ################## END: bbox attacks ############################ attacked_flag[candi_idx] = 1 # fill the query info, etc if len(ae.shape) == 3: ae = np.expand_dims(ae, axis=0) if args['dist_metric'] == 'l2': dist = np.sum((ae - orig_images[candi_idx])**2)**.5 elif args['dist_metric'] == 'li': dist = np.amax(np.abs(ae - orig_images[candi_idx])) adv_class = target_model.pred_class(ae) adv_classes[candi_idx] = adv_class dist_record[candi_idx] = dist if args["attack_method"] == "autozoom": # autozoom utilizes the query info of attack input, which is already done at the begining. added_query = query_num - 1 else: added_query = query_num query_num_vec[candi_idx] += added_query if dist >= args["cost_threshold"] + args["cost_threshold"] / 10: print("the distance is not optimized properly") sys.exit(0) if is_targeted: if adv_class == np.argmax(target_ys_one_hot[candi_idx]): success_vec[candi_idx] = 1 else: if adv_class != np.argmax(orig_labels[candi_idx]): success_vec[candi_idx] = 1 if attacked_flag.all(): print( "Early termination because all seeds are successfully attacked!" ) break ############################################################## ## Starts the section of substitute training and local advs ## ############################################################## if with_local: if not stop_fine_tune_flag: # augment the local model training data with target model labels print(np.array(x_s).shape) print(S.shape) S = np.concatenate((S, np.array(x_s)), axis=0) S_label_add = target_model.predict_prob(np.array(x_s)) S_label_add_cate = np.argmax(S_label_add, axis=1) S_label_add_cate = np_utils.to_categorical( S_label_add_cate, class_num) S_label_cate = np.concatenate((S_label_cate, S_label_add_cate), axis=0) # empirically, tuning with model prediction probabilities given slightly better results. # if your bbox attack is decision based, only use the prediction labels S_label = np.concatenate((S_label, S_label_add), axis=0) # fine-tune the model if itr % fine_tune_freq == 0 and itr != 0: if len(S_label) > args["train_inst_lim"]: curr_len = len(S_label) rand_idx = np.random.choice(len(S_label), args["train_inst_lim"], replace=False) S = S[rand_idx] S_label = S_label[rand_idx] S_label_cate = S_label_cate[rand_idx] print( "current num: %d, max train instance limit %d is reached, performed random sampling to get %d samples!" % (curr_len, len(S_label), len(rand_idx))) sss = 0 for loc_model in local_model_ls: model_name = local_model_names_all[sss] if args["use_mixup"]: print( "Updates the training data with mixup strayegy!" ) S_nw = np.copy(S) S_label_nw = np.copy(S_label) S_nw, S_label_nw, _ = mixup_data(S_nw, S_label_nw, alpha=alpha) else: S_nw = S S_label_nw = S_label print("Train on %d data and validate on %d data" % (len(S_label_nw), len(y_test))) if args["no_save_model"]: S_nw, S_label_nw, batch_size=args["train_batch_size"], epochs=sub_epochs, verbose=0, validation_data=(x_test, y_test), shuffle=True) else: print( "Saving local model is yet to be implemented, please check back later, system exiting!" ) sys.exit(0) # callbacks = callbacks_ls[sss] #, S_label_nw, # batch_size=args["train_batch_size"], # epochs=sub_epochs, # verbose=0, # validation_data=(x_test, y_test), # shuffle = True, # callbacks = callbacks) scores = loc_model.model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0) print('Test accuracy of model {}: {:.4f}'.format( model_name, scores[1])) sss += 1 if not attacked_flag.all(): # first check for not attacked seeds if is_targeted: remain_trans_rate, _, remain_local_aes,_, _, _, _, _, _, _\ = local_attack_in_batches(sess,orig_images[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],\ target_ys_one_hot[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],eval_batch_size = test_batch_size,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) else: remain_trans_rate, pred_labs, remain_local_aes,_, _, _, _, _, _, _\ = local_attack_in_batches(sess,orig_images[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],\ orig_labels[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],eval_batch_size = test_batch_size,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) if not is_targeted: remain_trans_rate = 1 - remain_trans_rate print('<<Ramaining Seed Transfer Rate>>:**' + str(remain_trans_rate)) # if transfer rate is higher than threshold, use local advs as starting points if remain_trans_rate <= 0 and use_loc_adv_flag: print( "No improvement for substitue training, stop fine-tuning!" ) stop_fine_tune_flag = False # transfer rate check with independent test examples if is_targeted: all_trans_rate, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _\ = local_attack_in_batches(sess,trans_test_images,target_ys_one_hot,eval_batch_size = test_batch_size,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) else: all_trans_rate, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _\ = local_attack_in_batches(sess,trans_test_images,orig_labels,eval_batch_size = test_batch_size,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) if not is_targeted: all_trans_rate = 1 - all_trans_rate print('<<Overall Transfer Rate>>: **' + str(all_trans_rate)) # if trans rate is not high enough, still start from orig seed; start from loc adv only # when trans rate is high enough, useful when you start with random model if not use_loc_adv_flag: if remain_trans_rate > use_loc_adv_thres: use_loc_adv_flag = True print("Updated the starting points....") start_points[np.logical_not( attacked_flag)] = remain_local_aes # record the queries spent on checking newly generated loc advs query_num_vec += 1 else: print("Updated the starting points....") start_points[np.logical_not( attacked_flag)] = remain_local_aes # record the queries spent on checking newly generated loc advs query_num_vec[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)] += 1 remain_trans_rate_ls.append(remain_trans_rate) all_trans_rate_ls.append(all_trans_rate) np.set_printoptions(precision=4) print("all_trans_rate:") print(all_trans_rate_ls) print("remain_trans_rate") print(remain_trans_rate_ls) # save the query information of all classes if not args["no_save_text"]: save_name_file = os.path.join(out_dir_prefix, "{}_num_queries.txt".format(loc_adv)) np.savetxt(save_name_file, query_num_vec, fmt='%d', delimiter=' ') save_name_file = os.path.join(out_dir_prefix, "{}_success_flags.txt".format(loc_adv)) np.savetxt(save_name_file, success_vec, fmt='%d', delimiter=' ')
def main(): tf.set_random_seed(1234) # for producing the same images if not hasattr(keras.backend, "tf"): raise RuntimeError("This tutorial requires keras to be configured" " to use the TensorFlow backend.") if keras.backend.image_dim_ordering() != 'tf': keras.backend.set_image_dim_ordering('tf') print("INFO: '~/.keras/keras.json' sets 'image_dim_ordering' to " "'th', temporarily setting to 'tf'") sess = tf.Session() keras.backend.set_session(sess) # load and preprocess dataset data_spec = DataSpec(batch_size=TOT_IMAGES, scale_size=256, crop_size=224, isotropic=False) image_producer = ImageNetProducer(data_path=INPUT_DIR, num_images=TOT_IMAGES, data_spec=data_spec, batch_size=TOT_IMAGES) # Define input TF placeholder x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 224, 224, 3)) y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 1000)) class_num = 1000 # load target model and produce data # model = preprocess layer + pretrained model from keras.applications.densenet import DenseNet121 from keras.applications.densenet import preprocess_input pretrained_model = DenseNet121(weights='imagenet') image_producer.startover() target_model = keras_model_wrapper(pretrained_model, preprocess_input, x=x, y=y) for (indices, label, names, images) in image_producer.batches(sess): images = np.array(images) label = np_utils.to_categorical(np.array(label), class_num) accuracy = model_eval(sess, x, y, target_model.predictions, images, label, args={'batch_size': 32}) print('Test accuracy of wrapped target model:{:.4f}'.format(accuracy)) # data information x_test, y_test = images, label # x_test [0, 255] print('loading %s images in total ', images.shape) print(np.min(x_test), np.max(x_test)) # local attack specific parameters clip_min = args.lower clip_max = args.upper nb_imgs = args.nb_imgs li_eps = args.epsilon targeted_true = True if args.attack_type == 'targeted' else False k = args.K # iteration a = args.learning_rate # step size # Test the accuracy of targeted attacks, need to redefine the attack graph target_ys_one_hot, orig_images, target_ys, orig_labels = generate_attack_inputs( target_model, x_test, y_test, class_num, nb_imgs) # Set random seed to improve reproducibility tf.set_random_seed(args.seed) np.random.seed(args.seed) # test whether adversarial examples exsit, if no, generate it, otherwise, load it. prefix = "Results" prefix = os.path.join(prefix, str(args.seed)) if not os.path.exists(prefix): # no history info # load local models or define the architecture local_model_types = ['VGG16', 'VGG19', 'resnet50'] local_model_ls = [] pred_ls = [] for model_type in local_model_types: pretrained_model, preprocess_input_func = load_model(model_type) local_model = keras_model_wrapper(pretrained_model, preprocess_input_func, x=x, y=y) accuracy = model_eval(sess, x, y, local_model.predictions, images, label, args={'batch_size': 32}) print('Test accuracy of model {}: {:.4f}'.format( model_type, accuracy)) local_model_ls.append(local_model) pred_ls.append(local_model.predictions) # load local model attack graph if targeted_true: orig_img_loss = compute_cw_loss(target_model, orig_images, target_ys_one_hot, targeted=targeted_true) else: orig_img_loss = compute_cw_loss(target_model, orig_images, orig_labels, targeted=targeted_true) local_attack_graph = LinfPGDAttack(local_model_ls, epsilon=li_eps, k=k, a=a, random_start=False, loss_func='xent', targeted=targeted_true, x=x, y=y) # pgd attack to local models and generate adversarial example seed if targeted_true: _, pred_labs, local_aes, pgd_cnt_mat, max_loss, \ min_loss, ave_loss, max_gap, min_gap, ave_gap = local_attack_in_batches(sess, orig_images, target_ys_one_hot, eval_batch_size = 1, attack_graph=local_attack_graph, model=target_model, clip_min=clip_min, clip_max=clip_max) else: _, pred_labs, local_aes, pgd_cnt_mat, max_loss, \ min_loss, ave_loss, max_gap, min_gap, ave_gap = local_attack_in_batches(sess, orig_images, orig_labels, eval_batch_size = 1, attack_graph=local_attack_graph, model=target_model, clip_min=clip_min, clip_max=clip_max) # calculate the loss for all adversarial seeds if targeted_true: adv_img_loss = compute_cw_loss(target_model, local_aes, target_ys_one_hot, targeted=targeted_true) else: adv_img_loss = compute_cw_loss(target_model, local_aes, orig_labels, targeted=targeted_true) success_rate = accuracy_score(target_ys, pred_labs) print( '** Success rate of targeted adversarial examples generated from local models: **' + str(success_rate)) accuracy = accuracy_score(np.argmax(orig_labels, axis=1), pred_labs) print( '** Success rate of targeted adversarial examples generated by local models (untargeted): **' + str(1 - accuracy)) # l-inf distance of orig_images and local_aes dist = local_aes - orig_images l_fin_dist = np.linalg.norm(dist.reshape(nb_imgs, -1), np.inf, axis=1) # save the generated local adversarial example ... os.makedirs(prefix) # save statistics fname = prefix + '/adv_img_loss.txt' np.savetxt(fname, adv_img_loss) fname = prefix + '/orig_img_loss.txt' np.savetxt(fname, orig_img_loss) fname = prefix + '/pgd_cnt_mat.txt' np.savetxt(fname, pgd_cnt_mat) fname = prefix + '/max_loss.txt' np.savetxt(fname, max_loss) fname = prefix + '/min_loss.txt' np.savetxt(fname, min_loss) fname = prefix + '/ave_loss.txt' np.savetxt(fname, ave_loss) fname = prefix + '/max_gap.txt' np.savetxt(fname, max_gap) fname = prefix + '/min_gap.txt' np.savetxt(fname, min_gap) fname = prefix + '/ave_gap.txt' np.savetxt(fname, ave_gap) # save output for local attacks fname = os.path.join(prefix, 'local_aes.npy'), local_aes) fname = os.path.join(prefix, 'orig_images.npy'), orig_images) fname = os.path.join(prefix, 'target_ys.npy'), target_ys) fname = os.path.join(prefix, 'target_ys_one_hot.npy'), target_ys_one_hot) else: print('loading data from files') local_aes = np.load(os.path.join(prefix, 'local_aes.npy')) orig_images = np.load(os.path.join(prefix, 'orig_images.npy')) target_ys = np.load(os.path.join(prefix, 'target_ys.npy')) target_ys_one_hot = np.load( os.path.join(prefix, 'target_ys_one_hot.npy')) assert local_aes.shape == (nb_imgs, 224, 224, 3) assert orig_images.shape == (nb_imgs, 224, 224, 3) assert target_ys.shape == (nb_imgs, ) assert target_ys_one_hot.shape == (nb_imgs, class_num) print('begin NES attack') num_queries_list = [] success_flags = [] # fetch batch orig_images = orig_images[args.bstart:args.bend] target_ys = target_ys[args.bstart:args.bend] local_aes = local_aes[args.bstart:args.bend] # begin loop for idx in range(len(orig_images)): initial_img = orig_images[idx:idx + 1] target_class = target_ys[idx] if args.attack_seed_type == 'adv': print('attack seed is %s' % args.attack_seed_type) attack_seed = local_aes[idx] else: print('attack seed is %s' % args.attack_seed_type) attack_seed = orig_images[idx] _, num_queries, adv = nes_attack(sess, args, target_model, attack_seed, initial_img, target_class, class_num, IMAGE_SIZE) if num_queries == args.max_queries: success_flags.append(0) else: success_flags.append(1) num_queries_list.append(num_queries) # save query number and success fname = os.path.join(prefix, '{}_num_queries.txt'.format(args.attack_seed_type)) np.savetxt(fname, num_queries_list) fname = os.path.join(prefix, '{}_success_flags.txt'.format(args.attack_seed_type)) np.savetxt(fname, success_flags) print('finish NES attack')
def main(args): if args["model_type"] == "normal": load_robust = False else: load_robust = True # Set TF random seed to improve reproducibility # tf.set_random_seed(args["seed"]) data = MNIST() if not hasattr(K, "tf"): raise RuntimeError("This tutorial requires keras to be configured" " to use the TensorFlow backend.") if keras.backend.image_dim_ordering() != 'tf': keras.backend.set_image_dim_ordering('tf') print("INFO: '~/.keras/keras.json' sets 'image_dim_ordering' to " "'th', temporarily setting to 'tf'") # Create TF session and set as Keras backend session sess = tf.Session() keras.backend.set_session(sess) # # Get MNIST test data x_test, y_test = MNIST().test_data, MNIST().test_labels all_trans_rate_ls=[] # store transfer rate of all seeds (evaluated on independent test set) remain_trans_rate_ls = [] # store transfer rate of remaining seeds, used only in local model fine-tuning # Define input TF placeholder x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 28, 28, 1)) y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 10)) class_num = 10 image_size = 28 num_channels = 1 ################## load target model ############################### if not load_robust: target_model_name = 'mnist' target_model = mnist_models(sess,0,use_softmax=True,x = x, y = y,\ load_existing=True,model_name=target_model_name) accuracy = target_model.calcu_acc(x_test,y_test,batch_size = 1000) print('Test accuracy of target model {}: {:.4f}'.format(target_model_name,accuracy)) else: if args["robust_type"] == "madry": target_model_name = 'madry_robust' model_dir = "MNIST_models/madry_robust_model" target_model = MadryModel(sess,model_dir = model_dir,bias = 0.5) elif args["robust_type"] == "zico": target_model_name = 'zico_robust' model_dir = "MNIST_models/zico_robust_model/mnist.pth" target_model = ZicoModel(model_dir = model_dir,bias = 0.5) elif args["robust_type"] == "percy": target_model_name = 'percy_robust' model_dir = "MNIST_models/percy_robust_model/sdp_train/" target_model = PercyModel(sess,model_dir = model_dir,bias = 0.5) else: raise NotImplementedError pred_class = target_model.pred_class(x_test) print('Test accuracy of target robust model :{:.4f}'.format(np.sum(pred_class == np.argmax(y_test,axis = 1))/len(x_test))) ###################### end of loading target model ################## if args["attack_method"] == "autozoom": # setup the autoencoders # codec = CODEC(image_size, num_channels, args["compress_mode"], use_tanh=False) codec = 0 args["img_resize"] = 14 codec_dir = 'MNIST_models/mnist_autoencoder/' encoder = load_model(codec_dir + 'whole_mnist_encoder.h5') decoder = load_model(codec_dir + 'whole_mnist_decoder.h5') encode_img = encoder.predict(data.test_data[100:101]) decode_img = decoder.predict(encode_img) diff_img = (decode_img - data.test_data[100:101]) diff_mse = np.mean(diff_img.reshape(-1)**2) print("[Info][AE] MSE:{:.4f}".format(diff_mse)) encode_img = encoder.predict(data.test_data[0:1]) decode_img = decoder.predict(encode_img) diff_img = (decode_img - data.test_data[0:1]) diff_mse = np.mean(diff_img.reshape(-1)**2) print("[Info][AE] MSE:{:.4f}".format(diff_mse)) #load local models or define the architecture local_model_names = ['modelA','modelB','modelC', 'modelD', 'modelE', 'modelF'] if args["attack_method"] == "autozoom": # define black-box model graph blackbox_attack = AutoZOOM(sess, target_model, args, decoder, codec, num_channels,image_size,class_num) nb_imgs = args["num_img"] # local attack related params clip_min = -0.5 clip_max = 0.5 li_eps = args["cost_threshold"] load_existing = True # if true, we start with pretrained local models, otherwise, start with random model with_local = args["with_local"] # if true, hybrid attack, otherwise, only baseline attacks if args["no_tune_local"]: stop_fine_tune_flag = True else: stop_fine_tune_flag = False if with_local: if load_existing: loc_adv = 'adv_with_tune' if args["no_tune_local"]: loc_adv = 'adv_no_tune' else: loc_adv = 'orig' # target type if args["attack_type"] == "targeted": is_targeted = True else: is_targeted = False ### attack pretrained models or build models using substitute training #### # local model training parameters sub_epochs = args["nb_epochs_sub"] # epcohs for sub model training or fine-tuning use_loc_adv_thres = args["use_loc_adv_thres"] # threshold for transfer attack success rate, only use local AEs when transfer rate is higher than this threshold use_loc_adv_flag = True # since we are starting from pretrained models, hybrid attack always uses local aes. If we start from random model, local ae is not reliable fine_tune_freq = args["fine_tune_freq"] # fine-tune the model every K images to save total model training time # store the attack input files (e.g., original image, target class) input_file_prefix = os.path.join(args["local_path"],target_model_name, args["attack_type"]) os.system("mkdir -p {}".format(input_file_prefix)) # generate the attack seeds and target class target_ys_one_hot,orig_images,target_ys,orig_labels,_, x_trans_inputs = \ generate_attack_inputs(sess,target_model,x_test,y_test,class_num,nb_imgs,\ load_imgs=args["load_imgs"],load_robust=load_robust,\ file_path = input_file_prefix) # images are generated based on seed (1234), reassign # the random to improve reproducibility random.seed(args["seed"]) np.random.seed(args["seed"]) tf.set_random_seed(args["seed"]) start_points = np.copy(orig_images) # starting points for the gradient attacks, can be local AEs # attack statistical info dist_record = np.zeros(len(orig_labels),dtype = float) query_num_vec = np.zeros(len(orig_labels), dtype=int) success_vec = np.zeros(len(orig_labels),dtype=bool) adv_classes = np.zeros(len(orig_labels), dtype=int) # define local model graphs and do the initial training model_types = [0,1,2,5] # select the architecture of local models local_model_ls = [] pred_ls = [] sss = 0 # Prepare callbacks for model saving save_dir = 'MNIST_models/normal_models/' callbacks_ls = [] attacked_flag = np.zeros(len(orig_labels),dtype = bool) ################## load local models ##################### if with_local: load_model_names = [] for model_type in model_types: model_name = local_model_names[model_type] load_model_names.append(model_name) loc_model = mnist_models(sess,model_type,use_softmax=True,x = x, y = y,\ load_existing=load_existing,model_name=model_name) pred_ls.append(loc_model.predictions) local_model_ls.append(loc_model) opt = keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=0.01, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) loc_model.model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy']) if args["no_save_model"]: if not load_existing:, orig_labels, batch_size=args["train_batch_size"], epochs=sub_epochs, verbose=0, validation_data=(x_test, y_test), shuffle = True) else: if load_existing: filepath = save_dir + model_name + '_pretrained.h5' else: filepath = save_dir + model_name + '.h5' checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath=filepath, monitor='val_acc', verbose=0, save_best_only=True) # earlystopping = keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_acc',\ # min_delta=0, patience=3, verbose=0, mode='auto', baseline=None, \ # restore_best_weights=False) # callbacks = [checkpoint, earlystopping] callbacks = [checkpoint] callbacks_ls.append(callbacks) if not load_existing: print("Train on %d data and validate on %d data" % (len(orig_labels),len(y_test))), orig_labels, batch_size=args["train_batch_size"], epochs=sub_epochs, verbose=0, validation_data=(x_test, y_test), shuffle = True, callbacks = callbacks) scores = loc_model.model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0) print('Test accuracy of model {}: {:.4f}'.format(model_name,scores[1])) sss += 1 ####################### end of load local models ######################## # Define Attack Graph of PGD attack local_attack_graph = LinfPGDAttack(local_model_ls, epsilon = li_eps, k = 100, a = 0.01, random_start = True, loss_func = args["loss_function"], targeted = is_targeted, x = x, y = y) # store local info: a directory of random number generator is included below for the convenience in averaging the attack results local_info_file_prefix = os.path.join(args["local_path"],target_model_name, args["attack_type"],str(args["seed"])) os.system("mkdir -p {}".format(local_info_file_prefix)) if not args["load_local_AEs"]: # check do the transfer check to obtain local adversarial samples if is_targeted: all_trans_rate, pred_labs, local_aes,pgd_cnt_mat, max_loss, min_loss,\ ave_loss, max_gap, min_gap, ave_gap = local_attack_in_batches(sess,start_points[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],\ target_ys_one_hot[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],eval_batch_size = 500,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) else: all_trans_rate, pred_labs, local_aes,pgd_cnt_mat,max_loss, min_loss,\ ave_loss, max_gap, min_gap, ave_gap = local_attack_in_batches(sess,start_points[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],\ orig_labels[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],eval_batch_size = 500,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) # calculate local adv loss used for scheduling experiments... if is_targeted: adv_img_loss, free_idx = compute_cw_loss(sess,target_model,local_aes,\ target_ys_one_hot,targeted=is_targeted,load_robust=load_robust) else: adv_img_loss, free_idx = compute_cw_loss(sess,target_model,local_aes,\ orig_labels,targeted=is_targeted,load_robust=load_robust) # calculate orig img loss for scheduling experiments if is_targeted: orig_img_loss, free_idx = compute_cw_loss(sess,target_model,orig_images,\ target_ys_one_hot,targeted=is_targeted,load_robust=load_robust) else: orig_img_loss, free_idx = compute_cw_loss(sess,target_model,orig_images,\ orig_labels,targeted=is_targeted,load_robust=load_robust) if not args["force_tune_baseline"]: # save local aes'/local_aes.npy',local_aes) # store local info of local aes and original seeds: used for scheduling seeds in batch attacks np.savetxt(local_info_file_prefix+'/pgd_cnt_mat.txt',pgd_cnt_mat) np.savetxt(local_info_file_prefix+'/orig_img_loss.txt',orig_img_loss) np.savetxt(local_info_file_prefix+'/adv_img_loss.txt',adv_img_loss) np.savetxt(local_info_file_prefix+'/ave_gap.txt',ave_gap) else: local_aes = np.load(local_info_file_prefix+'/local_aes.npy') if is_targeted: tmp_labels = target_ys_one_hot else: tmp_labels = orig_labels pred_labs = np.argmax(target_model.predict_prob(np.array(local_aes)),axis=1) print('correct number',np.sum(pred_labs == np.argmax(tmp_labels,axis=1))) all_trans_rate = accuracy_score(np.argmax(tmp_labels,axis=1), pred_labs) if not is_targeted: all_trans_rate = 1 - all_trans_rate print('** Transfer Rate: **' + str(all_trans_rate)) # independent test set for checking transferability: for experiment purpose and does not count for query numbers if is_targeted: ind_all_trans_rate, pred_labs, _,_, _, _,\ _, _, _, _ = local_attack_in_batches(sess,x_trans_inputs,target_ys_one_hot,eval_batch_size = 500,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) else: ind_all_trans_rate, pred_labs, _,_,_, _,\ _, _, _, _ = local_attack_in_batches(sess,x_trans_inputs,orig_labels,eval_batch_size = 500,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) # record the queries spent by quering the local samples query_num_vec[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)] += 1 if not is_targeted: ind_all_trans_rate = 1 - ind_all_trans_rate print('** (Independent Set) Transfer Rate: **' + str(ind_all_trans_rate)) all_trans_rate_ls.append(ind_all_trans_rate) if args["test_trans_rate_only"]: print("Program terminates after checking the transfer rate!") sys.exit(0) if not args["force_tune_baseline"]: if all_trans_rate > use_loc_adv_thres: print("Updated the starting points to local AEs....") start_points[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)] = local_aes use_loc_adv_flag = True # initial fine-tuning set obtained from querying the target model S = np.copy(start_points) S_label = target_model.predict_prob(S) S_label_cate = np.argmax(S_label,axis = 1) S_label_cate = np_utils.to_categorical(S_label_cate, class_num) # stores the order of images attacked (record the image index) candi_idx_ls = [] pre_free_idx = [] # these parameters are used to make sure equal number of instances from each class are selected # such that diversity of fine-tuning set is improved. However, it is not effective... per_cls_cnt = 0 cls_order = 0 change_limit = False max_lim_num = int(fine_tune_freq/class_num) # store gradient black-box attack results out_dir_prefix = os.path.join(args["save_path"], args["attack_method"],target_model_name, args["attack_type"],str(args["seed"])) os.system("mkdir -p {}".format(out_dir_prefix)) ######### main loop of hybrid attack ########### for itr in range(len(orig_labels)): print("#------------ Attack Round {} ----------------#".format(itr)) if is_targeted: img_loss, free_idx = compute_cw_loss(sess,target_model,start_points,\ target_ys_one_hot,targeted=is_targeted,load_robust=load_robust) else: img_loss, free_idx = compute_cw_loss(sess,target_model,start_points,\ orig_labels,targeted=is_targeted,load_robust=load_robust) free_idx_diff = list(set(free_idx) - set(pre_free_idx)) print("new free_idx found:",free_idx_diff) if len(free_idx_diff) > 0: candi_idx_ls.extend(free_idx_diff) pre_free_idx = free_idx if with_local: if len(free_idx)>0: # free attacks are found attacked_flag[free_idx] = 1 success_vec[free_idx] = 1 # update the distance and adv class if args['dist_metric'] == 'l2': dist = np.sum((start_points[free_idx]-orig_images[free_idx])**2,axis = (1,2,3))**.5 elif args['dist_metric'] == 'li': dist = np.amax(np.abs(start_points[free_idx] - orig_images[free_idx]),axis = (1,2,3)) adv_class = target_model.pred_class(start_points[free_idx]) adv_classes[free_idx]= adv_class dist_record[free_idx] = dist if np.amax(dist) >= args["cost_threshold"] + args["cost_threshold"]/10: print("there are some problems in setting the perturbation distance!") sys.exit(0) print("Number of Unattacked Seeds: ",np.sum(np.logical_not(attacked_flag))) if attacked_flag.all(): # early stop when seeds are sucessfully attacked break if args["sort_metric"] == "min": img_loss[attacked_flag] = 1e10 elif args["sort_metric"] == "max": img_loss[attacked_flag] = -1e10 candi_idx, per_cls_cnt, cls_order,change_limit,max_lim_num = select_next_seed(img_loss,attacked_flag,args["sort_metric"],\ args["by_class"],fine_tune_freq,class_num,per_cls_cnt,cls_order,change_limit,max_lim_num) print(candi_idx) candi_idx_ls.append(candi_idx) input_img = start_points[candi_idx:candi_idx+1] if args["attack_method"] == "autozoom": # encoder performance check encode_img = encoder.predict(input_img) decode_img = decoder.predict(encode_img) diff_img = (decode_img - input_img) diff_mse = np.mean(diff_img.reshape(-1)**2) else: diff_mse = 0.0 print("[Info][Start]: test_index:{}, true label:{}, target label:{}, MSE:{}".format(candi_idx, np.argmax(orig_labels[candi_idx]),\ np.argmax(target_ys_one_hot[candi_idx]),diff_mse)) ################## BEGIN: bbox attacks ############################ if args["attack_method"] == "autozoom": if is_targeted: x_s, ae, query_num = autozoom_attack(blackbox_attack,input_img,orig_images[candi_idx:candi_idx+1],target_ys_one_hot[candi_idx]) else: x_s, ae, query_num = autozoom_attack(blackbox_attack,input_img,orig_images[candi_idx:candi_idx+1],orig_labels[candi_idx]) else: if is_targeted: x_s, query_num, ae = nes_attack(args,target_model,input_img,orig_images[candi_idx:candi_idx+1],np.argmax(target_ys_one_hot[candi_idx]),\ lower = clip_min, upper = clip_max) else: x_s, query_num, ae = nes_attack(args,target_model,input_img,orig_images[candi_idx:candi_idx+1],np.argmax(orig_labels[candi_idx]),\ lower = clip_min, upper = clip_max) x_s = np.squeeze(np.array(x_s),axis = 1) ################## END: bbox attacks ############################ attacked_flag[candi_idx] = 1 # fill the query info, etc if len(ae.shape) == 3: ae = np.expand_dims(ae, axis=0) if args['dist_metric'] == 'l2': dist = np.sum((ae-orig_images[candi_idx])**2)**.5 elif args['dist_metric'] == 'li': dist = np.amax(np.abs(ae-orig_images[candi_idx])) adv_class = target_model.pred_class(ae) adv_classes[candi_idx] = adv_class query_num_vec[candi_idx] += query_num if dist >= args["cost_threshold"] + args["cost_threshold"]/10 or math.isnan(dist): print("the distance is not optimized properly") sys.exit(0) if is_targeted: if adv_class == np.argmax(target_ys_one_hot[candi_idx]): success_vec[candi_idx] = 1 else: if adv_class != np.argmax(orig_labels[candi_idx]): success_vec[candi_idx] = 1 if attacked_flag.all(): print("Early termination because all seeds are successfully attacked!") break ############################################################## ## Starts the section of substitute training and local advs ## ############################################################## if with_local: if not stop_fine_tune_flag: # augment the local model training data with target model labels S = np.concatenate((S, np.array(x_s)), axis=0) S_label_add = target_model.predict_prob(np.array(x_s)) S_label_add_cate = np.argmax(S_label_add,axis = 1) S_label_add_cate = np_utils.to_categorical(S_label_add_cate, class_num) S_label_cate = np.concatenate((S_label_cate, S_label_add_cate), axis=0) S_label = np.concatenate((S_label, S_label_add), axis=0) # fine-tune the local models if itr % fine_tune_freq == 0 and itr != 0: if len(S_label) > args["train_inst_lim"]: curr_len = len(S_label) rand_idx = np.random.choice(len(S_label),args["train_inst_lim"],replace = False) S = S[rand_idx] S_label = S_label[rand_idx] S_label_cate = S_label_cate[rand_idx] print("current num: %d, max train instance limit %d is reached, performed random sampling to get %d samples!" % (curr_len,len(S_label),len(rand_idx))) print("Train on %d data and validate on %d data" % (len(S_label),len(y_test))) sss = 0 for loc_model in local_model_ls: # model_name = local_model_names[sss] model_name = load_model_names[sss] if args["no_save_model"]:, S_label, batch_size=args["train_batch_size"], epochs=sub_epochs, verbose=0, validation_data=(x_test, y_test), shuffle = True) else: callbacks = callbacks_ls[sss], S_label, batch_size=args["train_batch_size"], epochs=sub_epochs, verbose=0, validation_data=(x_test, y_test), shuffle = True, callbacks = callbacks) scores = loc_model.model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0) print('Test accuracy of model {}: {:.4f}'.format(model_name,scores[1])) sss += 1 if not attacked_flag.all(): # first check for not attacked seeds if is_targeted: remain_trans_rate, pred_labs, remain_local_aes,_, _, _,\ _, _, _, _ = local_attack_in_batches(sess,orig_images[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],\ target_ys_one_hot[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],eval_batch_size = 500,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) else: remain_trans_rate, pred_labs, remain_local_aes,_,_, _,\ _, _, _, _ = local_attack_in_batches(sess,orig_images[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],\ orig_labels[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)],eval_batch_size = 500,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) if not is_targeted: remain_trans_rate = 1 - remain_trans_rate print('<<Ramaining Seed Transfer Rate>>:**' + str(remain_trans_rate)) # if transfer rate is higher than threshold, use local advs as starting points if remain_trans_rate <=0 and use_loc_adv_flag: print("No improvement from substitue training, stop fine-tuning!") stop_fine_tune_flag = False # transfer rate check with independent test examples if is_targeted: all_trans_rate, pred_labs, _,_, _, _,\ _, _, _, _ = local_attack_in_batches(sess,x_trans_inputs,target_ys_one_hot,eval_batch_size = 500,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) else: all_trans_rate, pred_labs, _,_, _, _,\ _, _, _, _ = local_attack_in_batches(sess,x_trans_inputs,orig_labels,eval_batch_size = 500,\ attack_graph = local_attack_graph,model = target_model,clip_min=clip_min,clip_max=clip_max,load_robust=load_robust) if not is_targeted: all_trans_rate = 1 - all_trans_rate print('<<Overall Transfer Rate>>: **'+str(all_trans_rate)) # if trans rate is not high enough, still start from orig seed; start from loc adv only # when trans rate is high enough if not args["force_tune_baseline"]: if not use_loc_adv_flag: if remain_trans_rate > use_loc_adv_thres: use_loc_adv_flag = True print("Updated the starting points....") start_points[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)] = remain_local_aes # record the queries spent on checking newly generated loc advs query_num_vec += 1 else: print("Updated the starting points....") start_points[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)] = remain_local_aes # record the queries spent on checking newly generated loc advs query_num_vec[np.logical_not(attacked_flag)] += 1 remain_trans_rate_ls.append(remain_trans_rate) all_trans_rate_ls.append(all_trans_rate) np.set_printoptions(precision=4) print("all_trans_rate:") print(all_trans_rate_ls) print("remain_trans_rate") print(remain_trans_rate_ls) # save the query information of all classes if not args["no_save_text"]: save_name_file = os.path.join(out_dir_prefix,"{}_num_queries.txt".format(loc_adv)) np.savetxt(save_name_file, query_num_vec,fmt='%d',delimiter=' ') save_name_file = os.path.join(out_dir_prefix,"{}_success_flags.txt".format(loc_adv)) np.savetxt(save_name_file, success_vec,fmt='%d',delimiter=' ')
def main(args): tf.set_random_seed(1234) # for producing the same images if not hasattr(keras.backend, "tf"): raise RuntimeError("This tutorial requires keras to be configured" " to use the TensorFlow backend.") if keras.backend.image_dim_ordering() != 'tf': keras.backend.set_image_dim_ordering('tf') print("INFO: '~/.keras/keras.json' sets 'image_dim_ordering' to " "'th', temporarily setting to 'tf'") sess = tf.Session() keras.backend.set_session(sess) # load and preprocess dataset data_spec = DataSpec(batch_size=TOT_IMAGES, scale_size=256, crop_size=224, isotropic=False) image_producer = ImageNetProducer( data_path=INPUT_DIR, num_images=TOT_IMAGES, data_spec=data_spec, batch_size=TOT_IMAGES) # Define input TF placeholder x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 224, 224, 3)) y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 1000)) class_num = 1000 # load target model and produce data # model = preprocess layer + pretrained model from keras.applications.densenet import DenseNet121 from keras.applications.densenet import preprocess_input pretrained_model = DenseNet121(weights='imagenet') image_producer.startover() target_model = keras_model_wrapper(pretrained_model, preprocess_input, x = x,y = y) images, label = None, None for (indices, label, names, images) in image_producer.batches(sess): images = np.array(images) label = np_utils.to_categorical(np.array(label), class_num) assert type(images) == np.ndarray, type(images) assert type(label) == np.ndarray, type(images) accuracy = model_eval(sess, x, y, target_model.predictions, images, label, args= {'batch_size': 32}) print('Test accuracy of wrapped target model:{:.4f}'.format(accuracy)) # data information x_test, y_test = images, label # x_test [0, 255] print(images.shape, len(label)) print(np.min(x_test), np.max(x_test)) # local attack specific parameters clip_min = 0.0 clip_max = 255.0 nb_imgs = args['num_img'] li_eps = 12.0 targeted_true = True if args['attack_type'] == 'targeted' else False k = 30 # pgd iteration a = 2.55 # pgd step size # Test the accuracy of targeted attacks, need to redefine the attack graph target_ys_one_hot, orig_images, target_ys, orig_labels = generate_attack_inputs(target_model, x_test,y_test, class_num, nb_imgs) # Set random seed to improve reproducibility tf.set_random_seed(args["seed"]) np.random.seed(args["seed"]) # test whether adversarial examples exsit, if no, generate it, otherwise, load it. prefix = "Results" prefix = os.path.join(prefix, str(args["seed"])) if not os.path.exists(prefix): # no history info # load local models or define the architecture local_model_types = ['VGG16', 'VGG19', 'resnet50'] # 'VGG16', 'VGG19', 'resnet50'] local_model_ls = [] pred_ls = [] for model_type in local_model_types: pretrained_model, preprocess_input_func = load_local_model(model_type) local_model = keras_model_wrapper(pretrained_model, preprocess_input_func, x = x,y = y) accuracy = model_eval(sess, x, y, local_model.predictions, images, label, args= {'batch_size': 32}) # assert accuracy >= 0.5, 'Error: low accuracy of local model' print('Test accuracy of model {}: {:.4f}'.format(model_type, accuracy)) local_model_ls.append(local_model) pred_ls.append(local_model.predictions) # load local model attack graph if targeted_true: orig_img_loss = compute_cw_loss(target_model, orig_images, target_ys_one_hot,targeted=targeted_true) else: orig_img_loss = compute_cw_loss(target_model, orig_images,orig_labels,targeted=targeted_true) attack_sub_pgd_tar = LinfPGDAttack(local_model_ls, epsilon = li_eps, k = k, a = a, random_start = False, loss_func = 'xent', targeted = targeted_true, x = x, y = y) # pgd attack to local models and generate adversarial example seed # pgd attack to local models and generate adversarial example seed if targeted_true: _, pred_labs, local_aes, pgd_cnt_mat, max_loss, \ min_loss, ave_loss, max_gap, min_gap, ave_gap = local_attack_in_batches(sess, orig_images, target_ys_one_hot, eval_batch_size = 1, attack_graph=attack_sub_pgd_tar, model=target_model, clip_min=clip_min, clip_max=clip_max) else: _, pred_labs, local_aes, pgd_cnt_mat, max_loss, \ min_loss, ave_loss, max_gap, min_gap, ave_gap = local_attack_in_batches(sess, orig_images, orig_labels, eval_batch_size = 1, attack_graph=attack_sub_pgd_tar, model=target_model, clip_min=clip_min, clip_max=clip_max) # calculate the loss for all adversarial seeds if targeted_true: adv_img_loss = compute_cw_loss(target_model,local_aes, target_ys_one_hot,targeted=targeted_true) else: adv_img_loss = compute_cw_loss(target_model,local_aes,orig_labels,targeted=targeted_true) success_rate = accuracy_score(target_ys, pred_labs) print('** Success rate of targeted adversarial examples generated from local models: **' + str(success_rate)) # keep accuracy = accuracy_score(np.argmax(orig_labels,axis = 1), pred_labs) print('** Success rate of targeted adversarial examples generated by local models (untargeted): **' + str(1-accuracy)) # save local adversarial os.makedirs(prefix) # save statistics fname = prefix + '/adv_img_loss.txt' np.savetxt(fname, adv_img_loss) fname = prefix + '/orig_img_loss.txt' np.savetxt(fname, orig_img_loss) fname = prefix + '/pgd_cnt_mat.txt' np.savetxt(fname, pgd_cnt_mat) fname = prefix + '/max_loss.txt' np.savetxt(fname, max_loss) fname = prefix + '/min_loss.txt' np.savetxt(fname, min_loss) fname = prefix + '/ave_loss.txt' np.savetxt(fname, ave_loss) fname = prefix + '/max_gap.txt' np.savetxt(fname, max_gap) fname = prefix + '/min_gap.txt' np.savetxt(fname, min_gap) fname = prefix + '/ave_gap.txt' np.savetxt(fname, ave_gap) # save output for local attacks fname = prefix + '/local_aes.npy', local_aes) fname = prefix + '/orig_images.npy', orig_images) fname = prefix + '/target_ys.npy', target_ys) fname = prefix + '/target_ys_one_hot.npy', target_ys_one_hot) else: print('loading data from files') local_aes = np.load(prefix + '/local_aes.npy') orig_images = np.load(prefix + '/orig_images.npy') target_ys = np.load(prefix + '/target_ys.npy') target_ys_one_hot = np.load(prefix + '/target_ys_one_hot.npy') assert local_aes.shape == (nb_imgs, 224, 224, 3) assert orig_images.shape == (nb_imgs, 224, 224, 3) assert target_ys.shape == (nb_imgs,) assert target_ys_one_hot.shape == (nb_imgs, class_num) # load autoencoder encoder = load_model(os.path.join(args["codec_dir"], 'imagenet_2_whole_encoder.h5')) decoder = load_model(os.path.join(args["codec_dir"], 'imagenet_2_whole_decoder.h5')) args["img_resize"] = decoder.input_shape[1] # ################## test whether autoencoder is working ################## # encode_img = encoder.predict(orig_images/255.-0.5) # decode_img = decoder.predict(encode_img) # # rescale decode_img # decode_img = np.clip((decode_img+0.5) * 255, a_min=0.0, a_max=255) # diff_img = (decode_img - orig_images) / 255.0 - 0.5 # diff_mse = np.mean(diff_img.reshape(-1)**2) # print('MSE: %.4f' % diff_mse) ######################################################################## # define black-box model graph of autozoom blackbox_attack = AutoZOOM(sess, target_model, args, decoder, num_channels=3,image_size=224,num_labels=class_num) print('begin autoencoder attack') num_queries_list = [] success_flags = [] # fetch batch orig_images = orig_images[args['bstart']:args['bend']] target_ys = target_ys[args['bstart']:args['bend']] local_aes = local_aes[args['bstart']:args['bend']] target_ys_one_hot = target_ys_one_hot[args['bstart']:args['bend']] for idx in range(len(orig_images)): initial_img = orig_images[idx:idx+1] target_y_one_hot = target_ys_one_hot[idx] if args["attack_seed_type"] == 'adv': print('attack seed is %s'%args["attack_seed_type"]) attack_seed = local_aes[idx:idx+1] else: print('attack seed is %s'%args["attack_seed_type"]) attack_seed = orig_images[idx:idx+1] # scale imgs to [-0.5, 0.5] initial_img = initial_img / 255.0 - 0.5 attack_seed = attack_seed / 255.0 - 0.5 # attack if targeted_true: ae, query_num = autozoom_attack(blackbox_attack, attack_seed, initial_img, target_y_one_hot) else: raise NotImplementedError print('image %d: query_num %d'%(idx, query_num)) # save query number and success if query_num == args["max_iterations"] * 2: success_flags.append(0) else: success_flags.append(1) num_queries_list.append(query_num) # save query number and success fname = prefix + '/{}_num_queries.txt'.format(args["attack_seed_type"]) np.savetxt(fname,num_queries_list) fname = prefix + '/{}_success_flags.txt'.format(args["attack_seed_type"]) np.savetxt(fname,success_flags) print('finish autozoom attack')