Пример #1
    def find_corner_in_full_scale(self,point):
        point= self.m_d.scale_up(point)
        scale = self.m_d.scale
        gray_img = self.m_d.gray_img
        canny_img = self.m_d.canny_img
        x,y = point
        cr = correct_rectangle((x-5,y-5,10,10), cv.GetSize(gray_img))
        for img in [gray_img,canny_img]:
            cv.SetImageROI(img, cr)
        cv.Canny(gray_img, canny_img, 300, 500)
        conts = cv.FindContours(canny_img, cv.CreateMemStorage(),
        db.DrawContours(self.m_d.tmp_img, conts, (255,255,255), (128,128,128), 10)
        min =10
        min_point = None
        while conts:
            for c in  conts:
                vec = vector(point,c)
                len =length(vec)
                if len<min:
                    min = len
                    min_point = c

        return min_point
Пример #2
    def get_candidates(self, m_d):
        Get candidates for this corner from new image
        @param m_d: marker_detector
        # if this corner is wider then MAX_CORNER_ANGLE, we probably won't
        # find it anyway. Instead lets find narrow corners and calculate its
        # position
        if self.angle > MAX_CORNER_ANGLE: return []
        cr = self.get_rectangle(m_d)
        cr = correct_rectangle(cr, m_d.size)
        if cr is None: return []
        tmp_img = m_d.tmp_img
        gray_img = m_d.gray_img
        bw_img = m_d.bw_img
        canny = m_d.canny_img
        cv.Copy(gray_img, tmp_img)
        cv.Threshold(gray_img, bw_img, 125, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_OTSU)
        if self.black_inside > 0:
            cv.Not(bw_img, bw_img)
        cv.Canny(gray_img, canny, 300, 500)
        cv.Or(bw_img, canny, bw_img)
        tmpim = m_d.canny_img
        cv.Copy(bw_img, tmpim)
        cv.Set2D(tmpim, 1, 1, 255)
        conts = cv.FindContours(tmpim, cv.CreateMemStorage(),
        cv.SetImageROI(tmpim, cr)
        result = []
        while conts:
            aconts = cv.ApproxPoly(conts, cv.CreateMemStorage(),
                                   cv.CV_POLY_APPROX_DP, 2)
            nconts = list(aconts)
            cv.PolyLine(tmpim, [nconts], True, (255, 255, 255))
            self._append_candidates_from_conts(cr, result, nconts, m_d)
            conts = conts.h_next()

#        print result
#        db.show([tmpim,m_d.draw_img], 'tmpim', 0, 0, 0)
        return result
Пример #3
    def find_old_markers(self):
        Find markers using their previous position
        #print "find old"
        self.borders = []
        for scale in range(0, -1, -1):
            for mar in self.not_found:
                if mar.find_corners():

        if len(self.not_found) == 0: return
        # if there are some undetected markers, try to find them again. This
        # time bw_img has more accurate tresholding, so maybe we will find them
        if len(self.borders) == 0: return
        (x, y, wx, wy) = cv.BoundingRect(self.borders)
        rect = correct_rectangle((x - wx / 2, y - wy / 2, wx * 1.5, wy * 1.5),
Пример #4
    def get_candidates(self, m_d):
        Get candidates for this corner from new image
        @param m_d: marker_detector
        # if this corner is wider then MAX_CORNER_ANGLE, we probably won't
        # find it anyway. Instead lets find narrow corners and calculate its
        # position
        if self.angle > MAX_CORNER_ANGLE: return []
        cr = self.get_rectangle(m_d)
        cr = correct_rectangle(cr, m_d.size)
        if cr is None: return []
        tmp_img = m_d.tmp_img
        gray_img = m_d.gray_img
        bw_img = m_d.bw_img
        canny = m_d.canny_img
        cv.Copy(gray_img, tmp_img)
        cv.Threshold(gray_img, bw_img, 125, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_OTSU)
        if self.black_inside>0:
            cv.Not(bw_img, bw_img)
        cv.Canny(gray_img, canny, 300, 500)
        cv.Or(bw_img, canny, bw_img)
        tmpim = m_d.canny_img
        cv.Copy(bw_img, tmpim)
        cv.Set2D(tmpim, 1, 1, 255)
        conts = cv.FindContours(tmpim, cv.CreateMemStorage(), cv.CV_RETR_EXTERNAL);
        cv.SetImageROI(tmpim, cr)
        result = []
        while conts:
            aconts = cv.ApproxPoly(conts, cv.CreateMemStorage(), cv.CV_POLY_APPROX_DP, 2)
            nconts = list(aconts)
            cv.PolyLine(tmpim, [nconts], True, (255,255,255))
            self._append_candidates_from_conts(cr, result, nconts, m_d)
            conts = conts.h_next()
#        print result
#        db.show([tmpim,m_d.draw_img], 'tmpim', 0, 0, 0)
        return result
Пример #5
    def find_better_point(self, from_, direction, predicted_length, range=20):
        Tries to find better corner arm - goes from from_ using vector direction
        on a line to find last visible point on this line
        @param from_:
        @param tpredicted_length: predicted length of this side
        @param direction:
        img = self.bw_img
        timg = self.tmp_img
        L1 = predicted_length * 1.2
        vec = direction
        L2 = length(vec)
        vec = add((0, 0), vec, L1 / L2) #vector towards direction of length of old side
        vec1 = rotateVec(vec, d2r(range))
        vec2 = rotateVec(vec, d2r(-range))
        x, y = from_
        size = cv.GetSize(img)

        border_points = [add(from_, vec1), add(from_, vec2), (x - 5, y - 5), (x + 5, y + 5)]
        (x, y, wx, wy) = cv.BoundingRect(border_points)
        crect = correct_rectangle((x - 3, y - 3, wx + 6, wy + 6), size)
        [cv.SetImageROI(i, crect) for i in [img, timg, self.gray_img]]
        cv.Threshold(self.gray_img, img, 125, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_OTSU)
        cv.Not(img, timg)
        cv.Canny(self.gray_img, img, 300, 500)
        cv.Or(img, timg,timg)
        rect = cvrect(crect)
        cv.Set2D(timg, 1, 1, (30, 30, 30))
        conts = cv.FindContours(timg, cv.CreateMemStorage(), cv.CV_RETR_EXTERNAL)
        db.DrawContours(timg, conts, (255, 255, 255), (128, 128, 128), 10)
        fr = add(from_, rect[0], -1)
        ans = []
        while conts:
            cont = cv.ApproxPoly(conts, cv.CreateMemStorage(), cv.CV_POLY_APPROX_DP, parameter=2, parameter2=0)
            cv.DrawContours(timg, cont, (255, 255, 255), (128, 128, 128), 10)
            cont = list(cont)
            L = len(cont)
            for i, p in enumerate(cont):
                if length(vector(fr, p)) < 5:
                    prev = cont[(i - 1 + L) % L]
                    next = cont[(i + 1) % L]
                    ans.append(vector(fr, prev))
                    ans.append(vector(fr, next))
            conts = conts.h_next()
        [cv.ResetImageROI(i) for i in [self.gray_img, timg, img]]
        if len(ans) == 0:
            # we didn't find corresponding corner,
            # that means it wasn't really a corner
            return None
        if len(ans) == 2 and ans[0] == ans[1]: return add(from_, direction)
        min = math.pi
        min_index = 0
        for i, v in enumerate(ans):
            tmp = vectorAngle(vec, v)
            if tmp < min:
                min = tmp
                min_index = i

        ans = ans[min_index]

        if length(ans)+1< L2:
            # the point we just found is closer then the previous one
            return add(from_,direction)

        abs_point = add(from_, ans)
        if point_on_edge(abs_point, crect):
            if not point_on_edge(abs_point, (0, 0, size[0], size[1])):
                if range < 20:
                    # this is recurence call. When we are here it means that
                    # side is longer then expected by over 2 times - it is not
                    # the side we are looking for- corner is not valid
                    return None
                    return self.find_better_point(from_, abs_point,
                                                  predicted_length * 2, 5)

        return abs_point