def send_post(self, destination): try: # Отправляем текст, нарезая при необходимости for text in cut_long_text(self.final_text): my_bot.send_message( destination, text, parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=self.web_preview_url == '') # Отправляем отображаемые приложения к посту for url in self.gif_links: my_bot.send_document(destination, url) if len(self.image_links) > 0: my_bot.send_media_group( destination, [InputMediaPhoto(url) for url in self.image_links]) if len(self.video_links) > 0: my_bot.send_media_group( destination, [InputMediaVideo(url) for url in self.video_links]) for url in self.audio_links: my_bot.send_audio(destination, url) except apihelper.ApiException: action_log("VK Error: api exception")
def send_post(self, destination): try: # Отправляем текст, нарезая при необходимости for text in cut_long_text(self.final_text): my_bot.send_message(destination, text, parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=self.web_preview_url == '') # Отправляем отображаемые приложения к посту for url in self.gif_links: my_bot.send_document(destination, url) if len(self.image_links) > 0: my_bot.send_media_group(destination, [InputMediaPhoto(url) for url in self.image_links]) if len(self.video_links) > 0: my_bot.send_media_group(destination, [InputMediaVideo(url) for url in self.video_links]) for url in self.audio_links: my_bot.send_audio(destination, url) except apihelper.ApiException: action_log("VK Error: api exception")
def send_post(self, destination): # Отправляем текст, нарезая при необходимости for text in cut_long_text(self.final_text): my_bot.send_message( destination, text, parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=self.web_preview_url == '') # Отправляем отображаемые приложения к посту for url in self.video_links: my_bot.send_message(destination, url) for url in self.gif_links: my_bot.send_document(destination, url) for url in self.image_links: my_bot.send_photo(destination, url) for url in self.audio_links: my_bot.send_audio(destination, url)
def get_log(message): user_action_log(message, "requested bot logs") with open(config.file_location['bot_logs'], 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: lines = file.readlines()[-100:] for text in cut_long_text(''.join(lines), max_len=3500): my_bot.reply_to(message, "{}".format(text))
from configs import * from model import * from tqdm import tqdm from utils import write_ann_file, cut_long_text, ernie_tokenizer """ 设置模型与优化器 """ model = BilstmCRF(label_size) """ 设置模型路径 """ ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint(model=model) ckpt.restore(tf.train.latest_checkpoint('../resource/model_1019/')) """ 预测测试集 """ test_files = [x for x in os.listdir(TEST_PATH)] for file in tqdm(test_files): with open(TEST_PATH + file, 'r') as reader: text = cut_texts, _ = cut_long_text(text, []) pred_labels = [] for cut_text in cut_texts: # cut_text的前后是有cls与sep两个token的 text_ids = ernie_tokenizer.encode(list(cut_text)) text_ids = tf.expand_dims(tf.constant(text_ids), axis=0) attention_mask = tf.math.not_equal(text_ids, 0) pred_label = model(text_ids, attention_mask) # 掐掉头尾的cls与sep pred_label = pred_label[0].numpy().tolist()[1:-1] pred_labels.extend(pred_label) write_ann_file(file_name=file.split('.')[0], text=text,