Пример #1
 def __add__(self, other, return_class=True):
     Adds something to this dimension
         if other is a scalar,
             @return: Another Dimension instance
         if other is another class instance,
             @return: A scalar value 
     if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
         #We're subtracting/adding another class, result should be a scalar
         other = other.decimal_degree
         return_class = False
     elif isinstance(other, BaseDimension):
         #This will start to make sense for derivative classes. If something is an Instance of BaseDimension but not of the same class,
         #Then you've passed in a another type of dimension and should convert it first!
         raise TypeError(u"{my_class} object calculation expected a {my_class}, but you gave a {other_class}. Please convert it to the same type of dimension first.".format(
                         my_class=self.__class__.__name__, other_class=other.__class__.__name__)
         other = d(other) #Otherwise, try to cast it to a Decimal
     if return_class: #Assumes we want to return an instance of the class
         return self.__class__(self.decimal_degree + other)
         return d(self.decimal_degree + other)
def fast_dca(msa1hot, weights, penalty=4.5):
    """Return a shrunk covariance inversion."""
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals

    # device = msa1hot.device
    nr, nc, ns = msa1hot.shape
    x = msa1hot.view(nr, -1)
    num_points = weights.sum() - torch.sqrt(weights.mean())

    mean = (x * weights[:, None]).sum(dim=0, keepdims=True) / num_points
    x = (x - mean) * torch.sqrt(weights[:, None])

    cov = (x.t() @ x) / num_points
    cov_reg = cov + torch.eye(nc * ns).to(d()) * penalty / torch.sqrt(weights.sum())

    inv_cov = torch.inverse(cov_reg)
    x1 = inv_cov.view(nc, ns, nc, ns)
    x2 = x1.transpose(1, 2).contiguous()
    features = x2.reshape(nc, nc, ns * ns)

    x3 = torch.sqrt((x1[:, :-1, :, :-1] ** 2).sum(dim=(1, 3))) * (
        1 - torch.eye(nc).to(d())
    apc = x3.sum(dim=0, keepdims=True) * x3.sum(dim=1, keepdims=True) / x3.sum()
    contacts = (x3 - apc) * (1 - torch.eye(nc).to(d()))
    return torch.cat((features, contacts[:, :, None]), dim=2)
def prep_seq(a3m, wmin=0.8, ns=21):
    """Return a one-hot encoded MSA for the given sequences."""
    nrow, ncol = a3m.shape
    msa1hot = F.one_hot(a3m, ns).float().to(d())
    w = reweight(msa1hot, wmin).float().to(d())

    # 1d sequence
    f1d_seq = msa1hot[0, :, :20].float()
    f1d_pssm = msa2pssm(msa1hot, w)

    f1d = torch.cat((f1d_seq, f1d_pssm), dim=1)
    f1d = f1d[None, :, :].reshape((1, ncol, 42))

    # 2d sequence
    f2d_dca = (
        fast_dca(msa1hot, w) if nrow > 1 else torch.zeros((ncol, ncol, 442)).float()
    f2d_dca = f2d_dca[None, :, :, :]
    f2d_dca = f2d_dca.to(d())

    f2d = torch.cat(
            f1d[:, :, None, :].repeat(1, 1, ncol, 1),
            f1d[:, None, :, :].repeat(1, ncol, 1, 1),

    f2d = f2d.view(1, ncol, ncol, 442 + 2 * 42)
    return f2d.permute((0, 3, 2, 1)), msa1hot
def brute_force_dist(input_points):
    min_distance = d(input_points[0], input_points[1])
    for i, point1 in enumerate(input_points):
        for point2 in input_points[i + 1:]:
            if d(point1, point2) < min_distance:
                min_distance = d(point1, point2)
    return min_distance
Пример #5
 def bann_player(self, pid):
     l("Player", pid, "is being banned.")
     while self.current_player_thread.is_alive():
         d("Killing it!")
         self.current_player_thread.join(0.01)  # Wait ten ms between each kill attempt
     l("Banned players:", self.banned_players)
def brute_force_all(input_points):
    point_min1, point_min2, min_distance = 0, 1, d(input_points[0],
    for i, point1 in enumerate(input_points):
        for j, point2 in enumerate(input_points[i + 1:], i + 1):
            if d(point1, point2) < min_distance:
                point_min1, point_min2, min_distance = input_points[
                    i], input_points[j], d(point1, point2)
    return point_min1, point_min2, min_distance
Пример #7
 def _check_player_agreements(self, tr):
     # Make a copy of the data of the transaction...
     data = dict(tr.get_data())
     data2 = dict(tr.get_data())
         return (
               self.players[tr.player_1].agree_with_transaction(data) == self.passwords[tr.player_1]
             and self.players[tr.player_2].agree_with_transaction(data2) == self.passwords[tr.player_2]
     except Exception as e:
         return False
    def load(self):
        """Load stored models."""
        self.models = [0] * len(self.model_paths)
        # self.cuda_streams = [torch.cuda.Stream() for i in self.model_paths]

        for i, model_path in enumerate(self.model_paths):
            print(f"Loading {model_path}...")
            self.models[i] = trRosettaNetwork()  # .share_memory()
                torch.load(model_path, map_location=torch.device(d()))
Пример #9
 def play_round(self, current_round):
     d('Dummy player', self.player_id, 'is playing yay!')
     tr = (
         self.players_ids[self.player_id-1],  # Just transfer money to the player that is player just before us
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, player_id, players_ids, starting_resources, password, interface):
     :param player_id: int The id of the currently being created player
     :param players_ids: [int] The ids of the players in the order players are going to play
     :param interface: {string: function} interface to be used by the player to make actions on the game
     :param starting_resources: {Resource: int} the amount of each resource we have at the beginning
     super(AbstractPlayer, self).__init__()
     self.player_id = player_id
     self.interface = interface
     self.players_ids = players_ids
     self.resources = starting_resources
     self.passwd = password
     d("Instantiating player", self.player_id, "with password", self.passwd)
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, seq_L, bkg_dir, weights=None):
        """Construct a loss object."""
        bkg = self.get_best_bkg_match(bkg_dir, seq_L)

        self.bd = torch.from_numpy(bkg["dist"]).permute(2, 1,
        self.bo = torch.from_numpy(bkg["omega"]).permute(2, 1, 0).to(
        self.bt = torch.from_numpy(bkg["theta"]).permute(2, 1, 0).to(
        self.bp = torch.from_numpy(bkg["phi"]).permute(2, 1,
        self.w = weights or Structural_Background_Loss.DEFAULT_WEIGHTS
Пример #12
 def check_th7(g, c):  # O(V^3)
     bfg = nx.MultiDiGraph()
     bfg.add_weighted_edges_from([(e[1], e[0], w(g, e)) for e in g.edges])
         (v, u, W[u, v] - 1) for u in g.nodes for v in g.nodes
         if (u, v) in W and (u, v) in D and D[u, v] > c
         and not (D[u, v] - d(g, v) > c or D[u, v] - d(g, u) > c)
     root = 'root'
     bfg.add_weighted_edges_from([(root, n, 0) for n in bfg.nodes])
         return nx.single_source_bellman_ford_path_length(bfg, root)
     except nx.exception.NetworkXUnbounded:
         return None
Пример #13
 def _calc_degreeminutes(decimal_degree):
     Calculate degree, minute second from decimal degree
     sign = cmp(decimal_degree, 0) # Store whether the coordinate is negative or positive
     decimal_degree = abs(decimal_degree)
     degree = decimal_degree//1 # Truncate degree to be an integer
     decimal_minute = (decimal_degree - degree)*d("60") # Calculate the decimal minutes
     minute = decimal_minute//1 # Truncate minute to be an integer
     second = (decimal_minute - minute)*d("60") # Calculate the decimal seconds
     # Finally, re-impose the appropriate sign
     degree = degree*sign
     minute = minute*sign
     second = second*sign
     return (degree, minute, decimal_minute, second)
def preprocess(msa_file=None, wmin=0.8, ns=21, use_random_seq=False):
    """Return a one-hot encoded MSA from a random sequence or an `.a3m` file."""
    if use_random_seq:
        a3m = torch.randint(0, 20, (1, 67), device=d(), requires_grad=False)
    elif msa_file:
        a3m = torch.from_numpy(parse_a3m(msa_file)).long()
    return prep_seq(a3m, wmin=wmin, ns=ns)
    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        Function that encodes the source sequence.
        :param x: Our vectorized source sequence. [Batch_size x seq_len]
        :param mask: Mask to be passed to the SelfAttention Block when encoding 
                the x sequence -> check SelfAttention.
            -  predicted log-probability vectors for each token based on the preceding tokens.
                 [Batch_size x seq_len x n_classes]
        tokens = self.token_embedding(x)
        b, t, e = tokens.size()

        positions = self.pos_embedding(torch.arange(
            t, device=d()))[None, :, :].expand(b, t, e)
        x = tokens + positions
        x = self.do(x)

        for tblock in self.tblocks:
            x = tblock(x, mask)

        mask = mask.squeeze(1).float()
        expanded_mask = torch.repeat_interleave(mask, e, 1).view(b, t, e)
        x = torch.mul(expanded_mask, x)

        x = x.max(dim=1)[0] if self.max_pool else x.mean(
            dim=1)  # pool over the time dimension
        x = self.toprobs(x)
        return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)
Пример #16
    def decode(self, 
               trg: torch.Tensor, 
               trg_mask: torch.Tensor,
               memory: torch.Tensor,
               src_mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:

        Function that encodes the target sequence.

        :param trg: Our vectorized target sequence. [Batch_size x trg_seq_len]
        :param trg_mask: Mask to be passed to the SelfAttention Block when encoding 
                the trg sequence-> check SelfAttention.
        :param memory: Our src sequence encoded by the encoding function. This will be used
                as a memory over the source sequence.
        :param src_mask: Mask to be passed to the SelfAttention Block when computing attention
                over the source sequence/memory. -> check SelfAttention.

            -  Returns the log probabilities of the next word over the entire target sequence.
                [Batch_size x trg_seq_len x vocab_size]
        tokens = self.token_embedding(trg)
        b, t, e = tokens.size()
        positions = self.pos_embedding(torch.arange(t, device=d()))[None, :, :].expand(b, t, e)
        x = tokens + positions

        trg_mask = trg_mask & subsequent_mask(t).type_as(trg_mask)
        for block in self.decoding_blocks:
            x = block(x, memory, src_mask, trg_mask)

        x = self.toprobs(x.view(b*t, e)).view(b, t, self.vocab_size)
        return F.log_softmax(x, dim=2)
Пример #17
    def __init__(self, motif_npz_path, mask=None, save_dir=None, keys=None):
        """Construct a loss object.

            motif_npz_path: t, p, d, o for the target structure
            mask: binary mask of shape [LxL] that indicates where to apply the loss
            keys (optional): only apply the `motif_loss` to certain components
                (default: ["dist", "omega", "theta", "phi"])

        self.device = torch.device(d())
        self.motif = dict(np.load(motif_npz_path))
        self.mask = mask
        self.keys = keys or Motif_Satisfaction.DEFAULT_KEYS
        self.seq_L = self.mask.shape[0]

        save_dir = Path(save_dir) if save_dir else None

        # If the target is larger than the sequence, crop out a section of seq_L x seq_L:
        # start_i = 0  # Start at the top left
        for key in self.keys:
            # self.motif[key] = self.motif[key][start_i: start_i + self.seq_L, start_i : start_i + self.seq_L]

            if save_dir:
                plot_values = self.motif[key].copy()
                plot_values[plot_values == 0] = cfg.limits[key][1]
                np.fill_diagonal(plot_values, 0)
                    save_dir / f"_{key}_target.jpg",

        # Get the bin_indices for each of the motif_targets:
        # TODO make this allow linear combinations of the two closest bins
        self.bin_indices = {}
        for key in self.keys:
            indices = np.abs(cfg.bin_dict_np[key][np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] -
                             self.motif[key][:, :, np.newaxis]).argmin(axis=-1)

            # Fix the no-contact locations:
            no_contact_locations = np.argwhere(self.motif[key] == 0)
            indices[no_contact_locations[:, 0], no_contact_locations[:, 1]] = 0
            self.bin_indices[key] = (torch.from_numpy(indices).long().to(
Пример #18
def wd(g, show=False):
    Given a synchronous circuit :math:`G`, this algorithm computes :math:`W(u, v)` and :math:`D(u, v)` for all
    :math:`u,v \in V` such that :math:`u` is connected to :math:`v` in :math:`G`.

    | Time complexity  | :math:`O(V^3)` |
    | Space complexity | :math:`O(V^2)` |

    :param g: A NetworkX (Multi)DiGraph representing a synchronous circuit.
    :param show: Print the matrices.
    :return: Matrices W and D in the form ``dict<(u,v), int>``.

    # STEP 1
    # Weight each edge (u,?) in E with the ordered pair (w(e), -d(u)).
    g = g.copy()
    for e in g.edges:
        g.edges[e]['weight'] = MyTuple((w(g, e), -d(g, e[0])))

    # STEP 2
    # Using the weighting from Step 1, compute the weight of the shortest path joining each connected pair of vertices
    # by solving an all-pairs shortest-paths algorithm -- Floyd-Warshall.
    # In the all-pairs algorithm, add two weights by performing component-wise addition, and compare weights using
    # lexicographic ordering.
    sp = nx.floyd_warshall(g)  # O(V^2)
    for u in sp:
        for v in sp[u]:
            if sp[u][v] == 0:
                sp[u][v] = MyTuple((0, 0))

    # STEP 3
    # For each shortest path weight (x, y) between two vertices u and v, set W(u, v) <- x and D(u, v) <- d(v) - y.
    W = {(u, v): sp[u][v][0]
         for u in g.nodes for v in g.nodes if sp[u][v] != np.inf}
    D = {(u, v): d(g, v) - sp[u][v][1]
         for u in g.nodes for v in g.nodes if sp[u][v] != np.inf}
    if show:
        print('Matrix W')
        print('Matrix D')
    return W, D
Пример #19
 def play_round(self, round_number):
     d("Cheater player", self.player_id, "is playing, yay!")
     # Try to make schedule transaction with anyone that accepts it, to sell whatever they accepts
     # and try to set a impossible deadline (> the end of the game)
     # or just never pay them back
         # Test code for bad players
         # import time
         # while True:
         #     time.sleep(10000)
     except Exception as ex:
         d("Gotcha! Now I am going to just hold this CPU!", ex)
         # import time
         # while True:
         #     time.sleep(10000)
Пример #20
 def agree_with_transaction(self, tr_data_dict):
     d("Cheater player asked about", tr_data_dict)
     if tr_data_dict['player_2'] == self.player_id:
         if '_deadline' in tr_data_dict['transaction_2to1']:
             d('Cheater player', self.player_id, "is accepting the transaction")
             d('Cheater player', self.player_id, "is refusing the transaction because delay_2to1 no in tr_data_dict",)
             return False
         return self.passwd
         d('Cheater player', self.player_id, "is refusing the transaction the receiving player is not myself:", tr_data_dict['player_2'], "myself=", self.player_id)
         return False
Пример #21
 def normalised(self, val=None, as_float=False):
     Returns the specified value to fit the prescribed ranges and range rules
     if val is None:
         val = self.decimal_degree
     val = d(val) #Cast to Decimal
     range_high = d(self.range_high)
     range_low = d(self.range_low)
     if self.range_rotates:
         #Cycles through the range
         n_val = (val + range_high)%(range_high - range_low) + range_low
         #Oscillates between range extremes:
         range_range = range_high - range_low
         n_passes, residual = divmod((val - range_low),range_range)
         if n_passes % 2: #If odd, subtract residual off the high
             n_val = range_high - residual
         else: #If even, add it to the low
             n_val = range_low + residual
     return n_val                 
Пример #22
def closest_split_pair(Px, Py, pair_dist):
    best_pair = pair_dist[0], pair_dist[1]
    delta = pair_dist[2]
    xm = Px[len(Px) // 2][0]
    Sy = [x for x in Py if xm - delta <= x[0] <= xm + delta]
    best = delta
    for i, point1 in enumerate(Sy):
        for point2 in Sy[i + 1:i + 8]:
            current_dist = d(point1, point2)
            if current_dist < best:
                best_pair = point1, point2
                best = current_dist
    return best_pair[0], best_pair[1], best
Пример #23
 def __cmp__(self, other):
     Compares two dimension instances
     if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
         #Same thing as 
         other = other.decimal_degree
     elif isinstance(other, BaseDimension):
         #This will start to make sense for derivative classes. If something is an Instance of BaseDimension but not of the same class,
         #Then you've passed in a another type of dimension and should convert it first!
         raise TypeError(u"{my_class} object calculation expected a {my_class}, but you gave a {other_class}. Please convert it to the same type of dimension first.".format(
                         my_class=self.__class__.__name__, other_class=other.__class__.__name__)
         other = d(other) #Otherwise, try to cast it to a Decimal
     return cmp(self.decimal_degree, other.decimal_degree)
Пример #24
 def test_random_wd(self):
     Check that the computed :math:`W` and :math:`D` matrices correspond to the definition.
     for _ in range(10):
         g = gen_random_circuit()
         W, D = wd(g)
         for u in g.nodes:
             for v in g.nodes:
                 if nx.has_path(g, u, v):
                     if u == v:
                         self.assertEqual(W[u, v], 0)
                         self.assertEqual(D[u, v], d(g, u))
                         self.assertEqual(W[u, v], min([w_path(g, p) for p in nx.all_simple_paths(g, u, v)]))
                         self.assertEqual(D[u, v], max([d_path(g, p) for p in nx.all_simple_paths(g, u, v) if w_path(g, p) == W[u, v]]))
                     self.assertFalse((u, v) in W)
                     self.assertFalse((u, v) in D)
Пример #25
def cp(g, return_delta=False):
    Compute the clock period of a synchronous circuit.

    | Time complexity  | :math:`O(E)`     |
    | Space complexity | :math:`O(V + E)` |

    :param g: A NetworkX (Multi)DiGraph representing a synchronous circuit.
    :param return_delta: Whether to return the computed :math:`\Delta` or not (used in other algorithms).
    :return: The clock period of the given circuit.

    # STEP 1
    # Let G0 be the sub-graph of G that contains precisely those edges e with register count w(e) = 0.
    zero_edges = list(filter(lambda e: w(g, e) == 0, g.edges))
    g0 = nx.MultiDiGraph()
    delta = dict()

    # STEP 2
    # By condition W2, G0 is acyclic. Perform a topological sort on G0, totally ordering its vertices so that if there
    # is an edge from vertex u to vertex v in G0, then u precedes v in the total order. Go though the vertices in the
    # order defined by the topological sort.
    for v in nx.topological_sort(g0):  # O(V + E)
        # STEP 3
        # On visiting each vertex v, compute the quantity delta(v) as follows:
        #   a. If there is no incoming edge to v, set delta(v) <- d(v).
        #   b. Otherwise, set delta(v) <- d(v) + max { delta(u) : u -e-> v and w(e) = 0 }.
        delta[v] = d(g0, v)
        if g0.in_degree(v) > 0:
            delta[v] += max(list(map(lambda e: delta[e[0]], g0.in_edges(v))))

    # STEP 4
    # The clock period is max { delta(v) }.
    if return_delta:
        return max(delta.values()), delta
    return max(delta.values())
Пример #26
    def encode(self, 
               src: torch.Tensor, 
               src_mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        Function that encodes the source sequence.

        :param src: Our vectorized source sequence. [Batch_size x seq_len]
        :param src_mask: Mask to be passed to the SelfAttention Block when encoding 
                the src sequence-> check SelfAttention.
            -  Returns the source sequence embedded [Batch_size x seq_len x embedding_size]
        tokens = self.token_embedding(src)
        b, t, e = tokens.size()
        positions = self.pos_embedding(torch.arange(t, device=d()))[None, :, :].expand(b, t, e)

        embed = tokens + positions
        embed = self.do(embed)

        for block in self.encoding_blocks:
            embed = block(embed, src_mask)
        return embed
Пример #27
    def make_transaction(self, **kwargs):

            Submits a transaction to the judging party. The judging party will go through standard checks to see if the
            calling player has the right to submit a transaction, then it will try to validate the transaction and
            potentially refuse it. For a complete description of what happens when a transaction is submitted to the
            judging party, please refer to the paper, located in the `paper/` directory.

            :param{AbstractPlayer} calling_player: The player that is calling the method (typically, `self`)
            :param{string} type: The type of transaction to be performed
            :param{dict} args: Arguments to be passed to the transaction

            d("Banned players", self.banned_players)
            if self.current_pid in self.banned_players:
                return  # Just return until it times out

            # The calling player has to be the current player, only the current player is allowed to submit transactions
            # during her own turn. When calling make_transaction the player has to pass itself as a parameter to prove who 
            # she claims she is. In case this does not match the comparison with the current player, it means the calling 
            # player is trying to submit transaction while it is not her turn and thus she is cheating, so we ban her.
            if kwargs['calling_player'] is not self.players[self.current_pid]:
                # bann_player takes the player id as a parameter but all we have is the player object reference itself
                # so we need to first retrieve its id, which is nothing else than the index in the players' list
                # @TODO stop using the index of the list as the id, move to a dict {id: player_reference}
                raise PlayerBannedException("Attempted to submit a transaction while it was not her turn.")

            if self.current_player_transaction_attempts >= ALLOWED_TRANSACTIONS_ATTEMPTS_PER_ROUND \
                or self.current_player_transactions >= ALLOWED_TRANSACTIONS_PER_ROUND:
                raise PlayerBannedException("Attempted too many transactions.")
            self.current_player_transaction_attempts += 1
            d("Current player already attempted", self.current_player_transaction_attempts, "during current turn.")
                type_str = kwargs['type']
                args = kwargs['args']
            except KeyError as ex:
                return False
            d("make_transaction() with:", str(type_str), str('args'))
                transaction = self.transaction_types[type_str](*args)
            except Exception as e:
                return False
            d("Instantiated transaction", transaction)
            if not isinstance(transaction, AbstractTransaction):
                d("Not an instance of AbstractTransaction")
                return False
                d("Is a rightful instance")
                if not self._check_player_agreements(transaction):
                    d("A player refused the transaction")
                    return False

                d("Was agreed by all players")
                d("Validating transaction...")
                valid_transaction = transaction.is_valid(self)
                d("Transaction validation ended.")
                if valid_transaction is True:
                    # Note that there will not be any concurrent modification between the check of the transaction and 
                    l("Transaction is valid, applying it")
                    self.current_player_transactions += 1
                    d("Current player has already done", self.current_player_transactions, "in its current turn.")
                    # Transaction is applied, tick the clock
                    return True
                # The transaction was not valid
                d("Transaction is invalid")
                return False
        except Exception as e:
            # If anything failed, the transaction should not be accepted
            d("Something went wrong:", e)
            d("As a consequence, we refuse the transaction.")
            return False
Пример #28
import json
import requests
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from utils import deObfuscate as d

with open('config.json', 'r') as f:
    config = json.load(f)

verbose = True
APIKEY = d(config["APIKEY"])
contract = "0xf08253ebb55c5da33d637ad201a00760776f1d3b"
startBlock = 5188000
txEndpoint = f"https://api.bscscan.com/api?module=account&action=txlist&address={contract}&startblock={startBlock}%20&endblock=99999999&sort=asc&apikey={APIKEY}"

def getResults(txEndpoint):
    response = requests.get(txEndpoint)
    response = json.loads(response.text)
    return response["result"]

def getDistances():
    results = getResults(txEndpoint)
    dist = 0
    prior = results[0]["blockNumber"]
    distances = []
    for x in (results[1:]):
        dist = int(x["blockNumber"]) - int(prior)
        prior = x["blockNumber"]
        distances += [(x["blockNumber"], dist)]
Пример #29
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__    = "Alvaro Lopez Ortega"
__email__     = "*****@*****.**"
__license__   = "MIT"

import gitlog
import projects
from utils import date_to_unix as d

releases = [
    {"name": "Austin",  "period": (d(2010,1),  d(2010,10)), "projects": ['openstack']},
    {"name": "Bexar",   "period": (d(2010,10), d(2011,2)),  "projects": ['openstack']},
    {"name": "Cactus",  "period": (d(2011,2),  d(2011,4)),  "projects": ['openstack']},
    {"name": "Diablo",  "period": (d(2011,4),  d(2012,1)),  "projects": ['openstack']},
    {"name": "Essex",   "period": (d(2012,1),  d(2012,4)),  "projects": ['openstack']},
    {"name": "Folsom",  "period": (d(2012,4),  d(2012,9)),  "projects": ['openstack']},
    {"name": "Grizzly", "period": (d(2012,9),  d(2013,3)),  "projects": ['openstack']},

def get_all_releases_dicts ():
    # Add a 'global' release
    rel = releases[:]
    rel += [{"name":   "Global",
             "period": (rel[0]['period'][0],
             "projects": ["openstack"]}]

    # Figure out project on each release
    for project in projects.get_project_list():
Пример #30
import json
import requests
import time
import os
import subprocess
from utils import deObfuscate as d

with open('config.json', 'r') as f:
    config = json.load(f)

# VARIABLE                            # TYPE (DEFAULT) : <DESCRIPTION>.
              )  # STR  (None)    : Base64 encoded Public eth/bsc address.
    config["APIKEY"])  # STR  (None)    : Base64 encoded bscScan.com API key.
Пример #31
    def play_round(self):
        d("Players ids:", self.players_ids)
        for pid in self.players_ids:
            d("=" * 30, "Changing player")
            # This is a quick and dirty fix, @TODO
            d("Banned players", self.banned_players)
            if pid in self.banned_players:
                d("Player", pid, "has been banned, passing this turn.")
            d("Current player id:", pid)
            self.current_player_transaction_attempts = 0
            self.current_player_transactions = 0
            p = self.players[pid]
            t = None
            self.current_pid = pid
                t = time()
                import threading
                self.current_player_thread = threading.Thread(
                    args=(p, self.clock.current_turn_number())
                if self.current_player_thread.is_alive():
                    l("Player", self.current_pid, "timed out! After", time() - t)
            except PlayerBannedException:
                # This is a quick and dirty fix, @TODO
            except SystemExit as ex:
                l("Player", self.current_pid, "timed out (exception)! After", time() - t)
                return False  # @TODO
            # This displays the state of the game

            if self.clock.is_over():
                l("Game Over")
                return False
        return True
Пример #32
 def set_minute(self, minute):
     self.minute = d(minute)
Пример #33
 def set_second(self, second):
     self.second = d(second)
Пример #34
 def _calc_decimaldegree(degree, minute, second):
     Calculate decimal degree form degree, minute, second
     return d(degree) + d(minute)/d("60.0") + d(second)/d("3600.0")
Пример #35
 def set_degree(self, degree):
     self.degree = d(degree)
Пример #36
def to_tensor(value):
    """Return a pytorch tensor from a python list."""
    return torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(value)).float().to(d())
Пример #37
 def agree_with_transaction(self, tr_data_dict):
     d('DummyPlayer', self.player_id, "accepts transaction", tr_data_dict['_id'])
     return self.passwd