Пример #1
def embed_bit(block, bit):
    patch = block.copy()
    coefs = dct(dct(patch, axis=0, norm='ortho'), axis=1, norm='ortho')
    while not valid_coeffs(coefs, bit, P) or (bit != retrieve_bit(patch)):
        coefs = change_coeffs(coefs, bit)
        patch = double_to_byte(
            idct(idct(coefs, axis=0, norm='ortho'), axis=1, norm='ortho'))
    return patch
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, n_filters, filter_size):
        n_filters (int): Number of learnable filters in a group
        filter_size (int): Size of each filter in the group
        super(WienerFilter, self).__init__()

        self.alpha = torch.FloatTensor([0.0])
        self.alpha = self.alpha.unsqueeze(-1)
        self.alpha = nn.Parameter(self.alpha)

        self.g_ker = torch.Tensor(n_filters, 1, filter_size, filter_size)
        self.g_ker = nn.Parameter(self.g_ker)
Пример #3
def extract_watermark(host, pxl_perm_mat):
    host = utils.pad(host)
    host = cv.cvtColor(host, cv.COLOR_BGR2YCrCb)
    luma = host[:, :, 0]
    luma = luma.astype(np.float)
    luma = utils.dct(luma)
    watermark = extract_freq_domain(luma)
    pxl_perm_mat = utils.inv_perm_mat(pxl_perm_mat)
    watermark = utils.permute_pxl(watermark, pxl_perm_mat)
    return watermark
Пример #4
def embed_watermark(host, watermark, robustness):
    old_shape = host.shape[0: 2]
    host = utils.pad(host)
    height, width = host.shape[0: 2]
    host = cv.cvtColor(host, cv.COLOR_BGR2YCrCb)
    luma = host[:, :, 0]
    luma = luma.astype(np.float)
    watermark = cv.resize(watermark, (width >> 1, height >> 2))
    watermark = cv.adaptiveThreshold(watermark, 255, cv.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv.THRESH_BINARY, 11, 2)
    watermark, pxl_perm_mat = utils.pseudo_random_permute(watermark)
    luma = utils.dct(luma)
    luma = embed_freq_domain(luma, watermark, robustness)
    luma = utils.idct(luma)
    host[:, :, 0] = np.clip(luma, 0, 255)
    host = cv.cvtColor(host, cv.COLOR_YCrCb2BGR)
    host = utils.cut(host, old_shape)
    return host, pxl_perm_mat
Пример #5
def bm3d(im,

    blocks_noisy = block_dct(im, bsize=N1_ht)
    bh, bw, _, _ = blocks_noisy.shape
    thr_im_dct = utils.dct(im)
    thr_im_dct = utils.hard_thr(thr_im_dct, lambda2d * sigma)
    thr_im = utils.dct(thr_im_dct, inverse=True)
    blocks_thr = block_dct(thr_im, bsize=N1_ht)
    step1_agg = np.zeros_like(im)
    step1_weights = np.zeros_like(im)
    _ys = set()  #debug
    for y in range(0, bh, Nstep_ht):
        for x in range(0, bw, Nstep_ht):
            ref = blocks_thr[y, x]
            Sy_min = max(0, y - N_S_ht)
            Sy_max = min(bh, y + N_S_ht + 1)
            Sx_min = max(0, x - N_S_ht)
            Sx_max = min(bw, x + N_S_ht + 1)
            neighborhood = blocks_thr[Sy_min:Sy_max, Sx_min:Sx_max]
            idx_x, idx_y = group(ref, neighborhood, tau_match_ht, N2_ht)
            grp = blocks_noisy[Sy_min:Sy_max, Sx_min:Sx_max][idx_y, idx_x]
            grp = utils.dct(grp, axes=0)
            grp = utils.hard_thr(grp, lambda3d * sigma)
            weights = np.square(sigma) * np.sum(grp > 0)
            if weights == 0:
                weights = 1.
            weights = 1. / weights
            grp = utils.dct(grp, inverse=True)
            grp *= weights[np.newaxis, ...]
            idx_x = idx_x + Sx_min
            idx_y = idx_y + Sy_min
            for i in range(len(grp)):
                _ys.add((idx_y[i], idx_x[i]))  #debug
                step1_agg[idx_y[i]:idx_y[i] + N1_ht,
                          idx_x[i]:idx_x[i] + N1_ht] += grp[i]
                step1_weights[idx_y[i]:idx_y[i] + N1_ht,
                              idx_x[i]:idx_x[i] + N1_ht] += weights
    print(len(_ys))  #debug
    basic_im = step1_agg / (step1_weights + 10e-8)

    blocks_noisy = block_dct(im, bsize=N1_wie)
    bh, bw, _, _ = blocks_noisy.shape
    blocks_basic = block_dct(basic_im, bsize=N1_wie)
    step2_agg = np.zeros_like(im)
    step2_weights = np.zeros_like(im)
    for y in range(0, bh, Nstep_wie):
        for x in range(0, bw, Nstep_wie):
            ref = blocks_basic[y, x]
            Sy_min = max(0, y - N_S_wie)
            Sy_max = min(bh, y + N_S_wie + 1)
            Sx_min = max(0, x - N_S_wie)
            Sx_max = min(bw, x + N_S_wie + 1)
            neighborhood = blocks_basic[Sy_min:Sy_max, Sx_min:Sx_max]
            idx_x, idx_y = group(ref, neighborhood, tau_match_wie, N2_wie)
            mask = np.zeros(neighborhood.shape[:2], dtype=np.bool)
            mask[idx_y, idx_x] = True
            grp_basic = neighborhood[mask]
            n_matched = len(grp_basic)
            grp_basic = grp_basic[:min(n_matched, N2_wie)]
            grp_basic = utils.dct(grp_basic, axes=0)
            W_wie = np.square(grp_basic) / (np.square(grp_basic) +
            grp_noisy = blocks_noisy[Sy_min:Sy_max, Sx_min:Sx_max][mask]
            grp_noisy = grp_noisy[:min(n_matched, N2_wie)]
            grp_noisy = utils.dct(grp_noisy, axes=0)
            grp_noisy *= W_wie
            weights = 1. / (np.square(sigma) * np.sum(np.square(W_wie)) +
            grp_noisy = utils.dct(grp_noisy, inverse=True)
            grp_noisy *= weights
            xv = np.arange(Sx_min, Sx_max)
            yv = np.arange(Sy_min, Sy_max)
            xv, yv = np.meshgrid(xv, yv)
            xv = xv[mask]
            xv = xv[:min(n_matched, N2_wie)]
            yv = yv[mask]
            xv = xv[:min(n_matched, N2_wie)]
            for i in range(len(grp_noisy)):
                step2_agg[yv[i]:yv[i] + N1_wie,
                          xv[i]:xv[i] + N1_wie] += grp_noisy[i]
                step2_weights[yv[i]:yv[i] + N1_wie,
                              xv[i]:xv[i] + N1_wie] += weights
    final_im = step2_agg / (step2_weights + 10e-8)

    return basic_im, final_im
Пример #6
def block_dct(im, bsize, inverse=False):
    # Compute dct for all overlapping blocks in an image
    blocks = all_blocks(im, bsize)
    blocks = utils.dct(blocks, axes=[2, 3], inverse=inverse)
    return blocks
Пример #7
        inSequence = getSequence()

    print("\nThe input sequence is: {}".format(inSequence))

    if args.transform == 'dft':
        task = 'Discrete Fourier Transform'
        outSequence = np.round(dft(inSequence), args.roundDigit)
    elif args.transform == 'ditfft':
        task = 'Fast Fourier Transform (Decimation in Time)'
        outSequence = np.round(ditfft(inSequence), args.roundDigit)
    elif args.transform == 'diffft':
        task = 'Fast Fourier Transform (Decimation in Frequency)'
        outSequence = np.round(reArrange(diffft(inSequence)), args.roundDigit)
    elif args.transform == 'dct':
        task = 'Discrete Cosine Transform'
        outSequence = np.round(dct(inSequence), args.roundDigit)
    elif args.transform == 'dst':
        task = 'Discrete Sine Transform'
        outSequence = np.round(dst(inSequence), args.roundDigit)
    elif args.transform == 'wht':
        task = 'Walsh-Hadamard Transform'
        outSequence = np.round(wht(inSequence), args.roundDigit)
    elif args.transform == 'slant':
        task = 'Slant Transform'
        outSequence = slant(inSequence)
    elif args.transform == 'haar':
        task = 'Haar Transform'
        outSequence = haar(inSequence)
        task = 'Karhunen-Loeve Transform'
        outSequence = klt(inSequence)