def download_object(url, params=None, object_type=None): try: data = requests.get(url=url, params=params).json() return utils.deserialize_json(object_type, data) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return None
def run(): ''' Model inference loop. Dequeues from Redis job queue and predicts. Enqueues prediction back into Redis job queue. ''' # Redis look-up prediction loop while True: # Retrieve job from Redis, FIFO try: job = redis.dequeue('job_queue') job_obj = deserialize_json(job) job_id = job_obj['job_id'] results = {} if 'data' in job_obj: # Model prediction data = job_obj['data'] X = np.array([data]) pred = int(xgb_model.predict(X)[0]) results = {'predictions': {'prediction': pred, 'name': label_names[pred]}} print("Data {} Results {}".format(data, results)) # Push prediction result to Redis redis.set(job_id, serialize_obj(results), expiry=300) except Exception as e: print("Unknown error occured. {}".format(e)) continue
async def get_group_by_id(request): async with['db_pool'].acquire() as conn: group_id = int(request.match_info['group_id']) try: group = await db.get_group_by_id(conn, group_id) except db.RecordNotFound as e: raise web.HTTPNotFound(text=str(e)) return web.json_response(deserialize_json(group))
async def create_group(request): data = await request.json() employees = parse_file(data['file']) async with['db_pool'].acquire() as conn: db_group = deserialize_json(await db.get_last_group(conn)) # print('CALLED create_group()') new_group = create_new_group(*db_group, employees) await db.create_data(conn, new_group) return web.json_response(employees)
def predict(): ''' Decorator function for /api/predict route. Takes in a JSON request with 'data' as key to an array of four floats: petal length, petal width, sepal length, sepal width Creates a job and enqueues into Redis, waits for it to be done up till MAX_TRIES Input: {'data': [float, float, float, float]} Returns: {'prediction': int, 'name': str}, int ''' results = {'prediction': -1, 'name': 'nil'} response_code = 500 # Generate a random UUID job id job_id = generate_uuid_string() try: # Retrieve data from request JSON data = request.json['data'] # Create a job to put into Redis job = serialize_obj({'job_id': job_id, 'data': data}) redis.enqueue('job_queue', job) response = None # Try to get done job from Redis for i in range(MAX_TRIES): done_job = redis.get(job_id) if done_job is not None: redis.delete(job_id) response = deserialize_json(done_job) break else: time.sleep(SLEEP_DURATION) # Return null response and server error if response is None: return jsonify(results), 500 else: # Prediction server success if len(response.keys()) > 0: results = response['predictions'] results = {'prediction': int(results['prediction']), 'name': results['name']} return jsonify(results), 200 except Exception as e: print("Exception occurred {}".format(e)) return jsonify(results), 500
async def get_all_groups(request): async with['db_pool'].acquire() as conn: db_all_groups = deserialize_json(await db.get_all_groups(conn)) return web.json_response(db_all_groups)