Пример #1
    def traj_dir_toward_line(self, line):
      @brief Determines if the current trajectory is moving toward the line

      Takes the most and least recent points, and determines if the overall
      direction of the trajectory is generally toward the given Line or away.
      This is done by comparing the distance between the current point and 
      oldest point. 

      In context of the robot goalie, will determine if the robot is currently
      moving towards the robot axis, irrespective of bounces. Used to tell
      if the ball is generally moving towards or away from the axis
        if dist(curr_pt to line) < dist(old_pt to line):
          return 1
        else return 0

      @param line The Line object used

      @return 1 if moving towards line, 0 if not
      if None in self.pt_list or line is None:
        return 0

      curr_pt = self.pt_list[self.curr_index]
      last_pt = self.pt_list[self.last_index]

      unused, distances = utils.distance_from_line(
        [curr_pt, last_pt], line, squared=1)

      # current point is closer to line than last point
      if distances[0] < distances[1]:
        return 1

      return 0
Пример #2
def stream(tracker, camera=0, server=0):
  @brief Captures video and runs tracking and moves robot accordingly

  @param tracker The BallTracker object to be used
  @param camera The camera number (0 is default) for getting frame data
    camera=1 is generally the first webcam plugged in

  ######## GENERAL PARAMETER SETUP ########
  MOVE_DIST_THRESH = 20 # distance at which robot will stop moving
  SOL_DIST_THRESH = 150 # distance at which solenoid fires
  PACKET_DELAY = 1 # number of frames between sending data packets to pi
  OBJECT_RADIUS = 13 # opencv radius for circle detection
  AXIS_SAFETY_PERCENT = 0.05 # robot stops if within this % dist of axis edges

  packet_cnt = 0
  tracker.radius = OBJECT_RADIUS

  ######## SERVER SETUP ########
  motorcontroller_setup = False
  if server:
    # Create a TCP/IP socket
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    # Obtain server address by going to network settings and getting eth ip
    server_address = ('',10000) # CHANGE THIS
    #server_address = ('localhost', 10000) # for local testing
    print 'starting up on %s port %s' % server_address
    connection, client_address = None, None
    while True:
      # Wait for a connection
      print 'waiting for a connection'
      connection, client_address = sock.accept()

  ######## CV SETUP ########

  # create video capture object for
  #cap = cv2.VideoCapture(camera)
  cap = WebcamVideoStream(camera).start() # WEBCAM
  #cap = cv2.VideoCapture('../media/goalie-test.mov')
  #cap = cv2.VideoCapture('../media/bounce.mp4')


  # create trajectory planner object
  # value of bounce determines # of bounces. 0 is default (no bounces)
  # bounce not currently working correctly
  planner = TrajectoryPlanner(frames=4, bounce=0)

  # create FPS object for frame rate tracking
  fps_timer = FPS(num_frames=20)

    # start fps timer

    ######## CAPTURE AND PROCESS FRAME ########
    ret, frame = True, cap.read() # WEBCAM
    #ret, frame = cap.read() # for non-webcam testing
    if ret is False:
      print 'Frame not read'

    # resize to 640x480, flip and blur
    frame,img_hsv = tracker.setup_frame(frame=frame, w=640,h=480,
      scale=1, blur_window=15)

    ######## TRACK OBJECTS ########
    # use the HSV image to get Circle objects for robot and objects.
    # object_list is list of Circle objects found.
    # robot is single Circle for the robot position
    # robot_markers is 2-elem list of Circle objects for robot markers
    object_list = tracker.find_circles(img_hsv.copy(), tracker.track_colors,
    robot, robot_markers = tracker.find_robot_system(img_hsv)
    walls = tracker.get_rails(img_hsv, robot_markers, colors.Yellow)
    planner.walls = walls

    # Get the line/distances between the robot markers
    # robot_axis is Line object between the robot axis markers
    # points is list of Point objects of closest intersection w/ robot axis
    # distanes is a list of distances of each point to the robot axis
    robot_axis = utils.line_between_circles(robot_markers)
    points, distances = utils.distance_from_line(object_list, robot_axis)
    planner.robot_axis = robot_axis

    ######## TRAJECTORY PLANNING ########
    # get closest object and associated point, generate trajectory
    closest_obj_index = utils.min_index(distances) # index of min value
    closest_line = None
    closest_pt = None
    if closest_obj_index is not None:
      closest_obj = object_list[closest_obj_index]
      closest_pt = points[closest_obj_index]

      closest_line = utils.get_line(closest_obj, closest_pt) # only for viewing

    # Get trajectory - list of elements for bounces, and final line traj
    # Last line intersects with robot axis
    traj_list = planner.get_trajectory_list(colors.Cyan)
    traj = planner.traj

    ######## SEND DATA TO CLIENT ########
    if packet_cnt != PACKET_DELAY:
      packet_cnt = packet_cnt + 1
      packet_cnt = 0 # reset packet counter

      # error checking to ensure will run properly
      if len(robot_markers) is not 2 or robot is None or closest_pt is None:
      elif server:
          if motorcontroller_setup is False:
            # send S packet for motorcontroller setup
            motorcontroller_setup = True

            ######## SETUP MOTORCONTROLLER ########
            axis_pt1 = robot_markers[0].to_pt_string()
            axis_pt2 = robot_markers[1].to_pt_string()
            data = 'SM '+axis_pt1+' '+axis_pt2+' '+robot.to_pt_string()
            print data

          # setup is done, send packet with movement data
            obj_robot_dist = utils.get_pt2pt_dist(robot, closest_obj)
            print 'dist: ' + str(obj_robot_dist) # USE FOR CALIBRATION

            ######## SOLENOID ACTIVATION CODE ########
            # check if solenoid should fire
            if obj_robot_dist <= SOL_DIST_THRESH: # fire solenoid, dont move
              print 'activate solenoid!'

            ######## MOTOR CONTROL ########
            # get safety parameters
            rob_ax1_dist = utils.get_pt2pt_dist(robot_markers[0],robot)
            rob_ax2_dist = utils.get_pt2pt_dist(robot_markers[1],robot)
            axis_length = utils.get_pt2pt_dist(robot_markers[0],

            # ensure within safe bounds of motion relative to axis
            # if rob_ax1_dist/axis_length <= AXIS_SAFETY_PERCENT or \
            #   rob_ax2_dist/axis_length <= AXIS_SAFETY_PERCENT:
            #   # in danger zone, kill motor movement
            #   print 'INVALID ROBOT LOCATION: stopping motor'
            #   data = 'KM'
            #   connection.sendall(data)

            # if in danger zone near axis edge, move towards other edge
            if rob_ax1_dist/axis_length <= AXIS_SAFETY_PERCENT:
              print 'INVALID ROBOT LOCATION'
              data = 'MM '+robot.to_pt_string()+' '+robot_markers[1].to_pt_string()
            elif rob_ax2_dist/axis_length <= AXIS_SAFETY_PERCENT:
              print 'INVALID ROBOT LOCATION'
              data = 'MM '+robot.to_pt_string()+' '+robot_markers[0].to_pt_string()

            # check if robot should stop moving
            elif obj_robot_dist <= MOVE_DIST_THRESH: # obj close to robot
              # Send stop command, obj is close enough to motor to hit
              data = 'KM'
              print data

            # Movement code
            else: # far enough so robot should move

              # if planner.traj is not None:
              #   axis_intersect=shapes.Point(planner.traj.x2,planner.traj.y2)
              #   # Clamp the point to send to the robot axis
              #   traj_axis_pt = utils.clamp_point_to_line(
              #     axis_intersect, robot_axis)

              #   data = 'D '+robot.to_pt_string()+' '+traj_axis_pt.to_string()
              #   connection.sendall(data)

              #### FOR CLOSEST POINT ON AXIS ####
              if closest_pt is not None and robot is not None:
                # if try to move more than length of axis, stop instead
                if utils.get_pt2pt_dist(robot,closest_pt) > axis_length:
                  print 'TRYING TO MOVE OUT OF RANGE'
                  data = 'KM'
                  print data
                  data = 'MM ' + robot.to_pt_string() + ' ' + \
                  print data

        except IOError:
          pass # don't send anything

    frame = gfx.draw_lines(img=frame, line_list=walls)

    frame = gfx.draw_robot_axis(img=frame, line=robot_axis) # draw axis line
    frame = gfx.draw_robot(frame, robot) # draw robot
    frame = gfx.draw_robot_markers(frame, robot_markers) # draw markers

    frame = gfx.draw_circles(frame, object_list) # draw objects

    # eventually won't need to print this one
    frame = gfx.draw_line(img=frame, line=closest_line) # closest obj>axis

    # draw full set of trajectories, including bounces
    #frame = gfx.draw_lines(img=frame, line_list=traj_list)
    #frame = gfx.draw_line(img=frame, line=traj) # for no bounces

    frame = gfx.draw_point(img=frame, pt=closest_pt)
    #frame=gfx.draw_line(frame,planner.debug_line) # for debug

    ######## FPS COUNTER ########

    ######## DISPLAY FRAME ON SCREEN ########
    # quit by pressing q
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

  # release capture
  cap.stop() # WEBCAM
  #cap.release() # for testing w/o webcam