def build_jtharness(top_dir, tag=None): work_dir = join(top_dir, 'jtharness_work') hg_dir = join(work_dir, 'jtharness') build_dir = join(hg_dir, 'build') mkdir(work_dir) chdir(work_dir) # clone the jtharness mercurial repository hg_clone(jtharness_repo) chdir(hg_dir) if tag is None: # find the latest tag tag = get_latest_hg_tag('jt') hg_switch_tag(tag) print(str.format('Using jtharness tag {0}', tag)) # download and extract dependencies for jtharness_dependecy in jtharness_dependencies: utils.download_artifact(jtharness_dependecy[0], jtharness_dependecy[1]) utils.extract_archive(jtharness_dependecy[1], build_dir) move(join('build', 'jh2.0', 'javahelp', 'lib', 'jhall.jar'), build_dir) move(join('build', 'jh2.0', 'javahelp', 'lib', 'jh.jar'), build_dir) chdir(build_dir) # create build properties build_properties = '' with open(build_properties, 'w') as properties: properties.write('jhalljar = ./build/jhall.jar\n') properties.write('jhjar = ./build/jh.jar\n') properties.write('jcommjar = ./build/comm.jar\n') properties.write('servletjar = ./build/servlet-api.jar\n') properties.write( 'bytecodelib = ./build/asm-3.1.jar:./build/asm-commons-3.1.jar\n') properties.write('junitlib = ./build/junit-4.4.jar\n') properties.write('BUILD_DIR = ./JTHarness-build\n') # run the ant build utils.run_cmd([ 'ant', 'build', '-propertyfile', build_properties, '-Djvmargs="-Xdoclint:none"', '-debug' ]) # copy the archive bundles = os.listdir(join(hg_dir, 'JTHarness-build', 'bundles')) bundle_pattern = re.compile('jtharness-([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.zip') for bundle in bundles: match = bundle_pattern.match(bundle) if match is not None: jtharness_version = copy(join(hg_dir, 'JTHarness-build', 'bundles', bundle), join(top_dir, '')) return jtharness_version
def main(argv=None): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-m', '--major', help='The SapMachine major version to build', metavar='MAJOR', required=True) parser.add_argument('-d', '--dir', help='The dir to extract jtreg to', metavar='DIR', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() ver = int(args.major) if ver >= 17: url = '' else: url = '' print( str.format('Downloading "{0}" and extracting to "{1}"', url, args.dir)) archive_path = join(args.dir, '') utils.remove_if_exists(archive_path) utils.download_artifact(url, archive_path) path = join(args.dir, 'jtreg') utils.remove_if_exists(path) os.makedirs(path) with ZipFile(archive_path, 'r') as zipObj: zipObj.extractall(path) utils.remove_if_exists(archive_path)
def get_previous_run_id(repo, run_id, pr_number): """ Gets the previous run id for a given workflow run, considering that the previous workflow run needs to come from the same PR. """ # Get branch and repo from run: this_run = utils.subprocess_check_output([ "gh", "api", "-X", "GET", f"repos/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}", "--jq", "{ head_branch: .head_branch, head_repository: .head_repository.full_name }" ]) this_run = json.loads(this_run) pr_branch = this_run["head_branch"] pr_repo = this_run["head_repository"] # Get all previous runs that match branch, repo and workflow name: output = utils.subprocess_check_output([ "gh", "api", "-X", "GET", f"repos/{repo}/actions/runs", "-f", "event=pull_request", "-f", "status=success", "-f", f"branch='{pr_branch}'", "--paginate", "--jq", f'[.workflow_runs.[] | select(.head_repository.full_name=="{pr_repo}" and .name=="{artifacts_workflow_name}")] | sort_by(.id) | reverse | [.[].id]' ]) ids = [] for l in [json.loads(l) for l in output.splitlines()]: for id in l: ids.append(id) if ids[0] != int(run_id): raise Exception( f"Expected to find {run_id} in the list of matching runs.") for previous_run_id in ids[1:]: utils.download_artifact(repo, "pr", "prev_run_pr", previous_run_id) try: with open("prev_run_pr/NR") as file: prev_pr_number = int( print(f"PR number: {prev_pr_number}") finally: if os.path.isdir("prev_run_pr"): shutil.rmtree("prev_run_pr") # the previous run needs to be coming from the same PR: if pr_number == prev_pr_number: return int(previous_run_id) raise Exception("Couldn't find previous run.")
def main(argv=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-m', '--major', help='the SapMachine major version to build', metavar='MAJOR', required=True) parser.add_argument('-d', '--destination', help='the download destination', metavar='DIR', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() boot_jdk_major_max = int(args.major) boot_jdk_major_min = boot_jdk_major_max - 1 destination = os.path.realpath(args.destination) releases = utils.github_api_request('releases', per_page=100) platform = str.format('{0}-{1}_bin', utils.get_system(), utils.get_arch()) for release in releases: if release['prerelease']: continue version, version_part, major, build_number, sap_build_number, os_ext = utils.sapmachine_tag_components(release['name']) if major is None: continue major = int(major) if major <= boot_jdk_major_max and major >= boot_jdk_major_min: assets = release['assets'] for asset in assets: asset_name = asset['name'] asset_url = asset['browser_download_url'] if 'jdk' in asset_name and platform in asset_name and not asset_name.endswith('.txt'): archive_path = join(destination, asset_name) utils.remove_if_exists(archive_path) utils.download_artifact(asset_url, archive_path) boot_jdk_exploded = join(destination, 'boot_jdk') utils.remove_if_exists(boot_jdk_exploded) os.makedirs(boot_jdk_exploded) utils.extract_archive(archive_path, boot_jdk_exploded) sapmachine_folder = glob.glob(join(boot_jdk_exploded, 'sapmachine*')) if sapmachine_folder is not None: sapmachine_folder = sapmachine_folder[0] files = os.listdir(sapmachine_folder) for f in files: shutil.move(join(sapmachine_folder, f), boot_jdk_exploded) utils.remove_if_exists(sapmachine_folder) if utils.get_system() == 'osx': files = os.listdir(join(boot_jdk_exploded, 'Contents', 'Home')) for f in files: shutil.move(join(boot_jdk_exploded, 'Contents', 'Home', f), boot_jdk_exploded) utils.remove_if_exists(join(boot_jdk_exploded, 'Contents')) return 0 return 0
def main(argv=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-m', '--major', help='the SapMachine major version to build', metavar='MAJOR', required=True) parser.add_argument('-d', '--destination', help='the download destination', metavar='DIR', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() boot_jdk_major_max = int(args.major) boot_jdk_major_min = boot_jdk_major_max - 1 destination = os.path.realpath(args.destination) releases = utils.get_github_releases() platform = str.format('{0}-{1}_bin', utils.get_system(), utils.get_arch()) retries = 2 releases = extra_bootjdks + releases while retries > 0: for release in releases: if release['prerelease']: continue tag = SapMachineTag.from_string(release['name']) if tag is None: print( str.format("SapMachine release {0} not recognized", release['name'])) continue major = tag.get_major() if major <= boot_jdk_major_max and major >= boot_jdk_major_min: assets = release['assets'] for asset in assets: asset_name = asset['name'] asset_url = asset['browser_download_url'] if 'jdk' in asset_name and platform in asset_name and ( asset_name.endswith('.tar.gz') or asset_name.endswith('.zip') ) and 'symbols' not in asset_name: archive_path = join(destination, asset_name) utils.remove_if_exists(archive_path) utils.download_artifact(asset_url, archive_path) boot_jdk_exploded = join(destination, 'boot_jdk') utils.remove_if_exists(boot_jdk_exploded) os.makedirs(boot_jdk_exploded) utils.extract_archive(archive_path, boot_jdk_exploded) sapmachine_folder = [ f for f_ in [ glob.glob(join(boot_jdk_exploded, e)) for e in ('sapmachine*', 'jdk*') ] for f in f_ ] if sapmachine_folder is not None: sapmachine_folder = sapmachine_folder[0] files = os.listdir(sapmachine_folder) for f in files: shutil.move(join(sapmachine_folder, f), boot_jdk_exploded) utils.remove_if_exists(sapmachine_folder) if utils.get_system() == 'osx': files = os.listdir( join(boot_jdk_exploded, 'Contents', 'Home')) for f in files: shutil.move( join(boot_jdk_exploded, 'Contents', 'Home', f), boot_jdk_exploded) utils.remove_if_exists( join(boot_jdk_exploded, 'Contents')) return 0 retries -= 1 if retries == 1: boot_jdk_major_min = boot_jdk_major_max - 2 return 0
def main(argv=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-t', '--tag', help='the tag to create the debian packages from', metavar='TAG', required=True) parser.add_argument('-d', '--templates-directory', help='specify the templates directory', metavar='DIR', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() templates_dir = realpath(args.templates_directory) tag = args.tag if tag.endswith('-alpine'): # the "-alpine" tags do not contain any assets tag = tag[:-len('-alpine')] cwd = os.getcwd() work_dir = join(cwd, 'deb_work') version, version_part, major, build_number, sap_build_number, os_ext = utils.sapmachine_tag_components(tag) version = version.replace('-', '.') jdk_name = str.format('sapmachine-{0}-jdk-{1}', major, version) jre_name = str.format('sapmachine-{0}-jre-{1}', major, version) jdk_url, jre_url = utils.fetch_tag(tag, 'linux-x64', utils.get_github_api_accesstoken()) utils.remove_if_exists(work_dir) mkdir(work_dir) jdk_archive = join(work_dir, jdk_url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]) jre_archive = join(work_dir, jre_url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]) utils.download_artifact(jdk_url, jdk_archive) utils.download_artifact(jre_url, jre_archive) clone_sapmachine(join(work_dir, 'sapmachine_master')) src_dir = join(work_dir, 'sapmachine_master') jdk_dir = join(work_dir, jdk_name) jre_dir = join(work_dir, jre_name) mkdir(jdk_dir) mkdir(jre_dir) utils.extract_archive(jdk_archive, jdk_dir) utils.extract_archive(jre_archive, jre_dir) env = os.environ.copy() env['DEBFULLNAME'] = 'SapMachine' env['DEBEMAIL'] = '*****@*****.**' utils.run_cmd(['dh_make', '-n', '-s', '-y'], cwd=jdk_dir, env=env) utils.run_cmd(['dh_make', '-n', '-s', '-y'], cwd=jre_dir, env=env) jre_exploded_image = glob.glob(join(jre_dir, 'sapmachine-*'))[0] generate_configuration( templates_dir=join(templates_dir, 'jre'), major=major, target_dir=join(jre_dir, 'debian'), exploded_image=jre_exploded_image, src_dir=src_dir, download_url=jre_url) jdk_exploded_image = glob.glob(join(jdk_dir, 'sapmachine-*'))[0] generate_configuration( templates_dir=join(templates_dir, 'jdk'), major=major, target_dir=join(jdk_dir, 'debian'), exploded_image=jdk_exploded_image, src_dir=src_dir, download_url=jdk_url) utils.run_cmd(['debuild', '-b', '-uc', '-us'], cwd=jre_dir, env=env) utils.run_cmd(['debuild', '-b', '-uc', '-us'], cwd=jdk_dir, env=env) deb_files = glob.glob(join(work_dir, '*.deb')) for deb_file in deb_files: copy(deb_file, cwd) remove(deb_file)
def main(argv=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-t', '--tag', help='the tag to create the debian packages from', metavar='TAG', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() tag = args.tag cwd = os.getcwd() work_dir = join(cwd, 'rpm_work') version, version_part, major, update, version_sap, build_number, os_ext = utils.sapmachine_tag_components(tag) version = version.replace('-', '.') jdk_name = str.format('sapmachine-jdk-{0}', version) jdk_url, jre_url = utils.get_asset_url(tag, 'linux-x64') utils.remove_if_exists(work_dir) mkdir(work_dir) jdk_archive = join(work_dir, jdk_url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]) utils.download_artifact(jdk_url, jdk_archive) utils.extract_archive(jdk_archive, work_dir) bin_dir = join(work_dir, jdk_name, 'bin') tools = [f for f in listdir(bin_dir) if isfile(join(bin_dir, f))] alternatives = [] alternatives_t = Template(alternatives_template) for tool in tools: alternatives.append(alternatives_t.substitute(tool=tool, major=major)) alternatives = '\n'.join(alternatives) specfile_t = Template(spec_template) specfile_content = specfile_t.substitute( version=version, major=major, alternatives=alternatives, workdir=work_dir ) with open(join(work_dir, 'sapmachine.spec'), 'w') as specfile: specfile.write(specfile_content) rpmbuild_dir = join(work_dir, 'rpmbuild') mkdir(rpmbuild_dir) rpmbuild_cmd = str.format('rpmbuild -bb -v --buildroot={0}/BUILD {0}/sapmachine.spec', work_dir) rpmbuild_cmd = rpmbuild_cmd.split(' ') rpmbuild_cmd.append('--define') rpmbuild_cmd.append(str.format('_rpmdir {0}', work_dir)) rpmbuild_cmd.append('--define') rpmbuild_cmd.append(str.format('_topdir {0}', rpmbuild_dir)) utils.run_cmd(rpmbuild_cmd, cwd=work_dir) rpm_files = glob.glob(join(work_dir, 'x86_64', '*.rpm')) for rpm_file in rpm_files: copy(rpm_file, cwd) remove(rpm_file) return 0
def comment_pr(repo, run_id): """ Generates coverage diff produced by the changes in the current PR. If the diff is not empty, then post it as a comment. If a workflow run produces the same diff as the directly preceeding one, then don't post a comment. """ # Store diff for current run current_diff_folder = "current_diff" utils.download_artifact(repo, comparison_artifact_name, current_diff_folder, run_id) utils.download_artifact(repo, "pr", "pr", run_id) try: with open("pr/NR") as file: pr_number = int( finally: if os.path.isdir("pr"): shutil.rmtree("pr") # Try storing diff for previous run: prev_run_id = 0 prev_diff_exists = False try: prev_run_id = get_previous_run_id(repo, run_id, pr_number) prev_diff_folder = "prev_diff" utils.download_artifact(repo, comparison_artifact_name, prev_diff_folder, prev_run_id) prev_diff_exists = True if filecmp.cmp( f"{current_diff_folder}/{comparison_artifact_file_name}", f"{prev_diff_folder}/{comparison_artifact_file_name}", shallow=False): print( f"Previous run {prev_run_id} resulted in the same diff, so not commenting again." ) return else: print(f"Diff of previous run {prev_run_id} differs, commenting.") except Exception: # this is not necessarily a failure, it can also mean that there was no previous run yet. print("Couldn't generate diff for previous run:", sys.exc_info()[1]) comment = get_comment_text( f"{current_diff_folder}/{comparison_artifact_file_name}", repo, run_id) if comment == None: if prev_run_id == 0: print( "Nothing to comment. There's no previous run, and there's no coverage change." ) return print("Previous run found, and current run removes coverage change.") if not prev_diff_exists: print( "Couldn't get the comparison artifact from previous run. Not commenting." ) return comment = comment_first_line + \ "A recent commit removed the previously reported differences." post_comment(comment, repo, pr_number)
def build_jtreg(top_dir, jtharness_version, tag=None, build_number=None): work_dir = join(top_dir, 'jtreg_work') hg_dir = join(work_dir, 'jtreg') build_dir = join(hg_dir, 'build') dependencies_dir = join(hg_dir, 'dependencies') images_dir = join(hg_dir, 'build', 'images') mkdir(work_dir) chdir(work_dir) # clone the jtreg mercurial repository hg_clone(jtreg_repo) chdir(hg_dir) mkdir(dependencies_dir) if tag is None: # find the latest tag tag = get_latest_hg_tag('jtreg') if build_number is None: build_number = tag.split('-')[1] else: if build_number is None: build_number = 'b01' hg_switch_tag(tag) print(str.format('Using jtreg tag {0}', tag)) # download and extract dependencies for jtreg_dependecy in jtreg_dependencies: utils.download_artifact(jtreg_dependecy[0], jtreg_dependecy[1]) utils.extract_archive(jtreg_dependecy[1], dependencies_dir) # workaround for jtreg.gmk JAVAHELP_JAR rule with open('DUMMY.SF', 'w+') as dummy: dummy.write('dummy') with zipfile.ZipFile( join(dependencies_dir, 'jh2.0', 'javahelp', 'lib', 'jh.jar'), 'a') as java_help: java_help.write('DUMMY.SF', join('META-INF', 'DUMMY.SF')) utils.extract_archive(join(top_dir, ''), dependencies_dir) copytree(join(top_dir, 'asmtools-release'), join(dependencies_dir, 'asmtools')) # build configuration javac = dirname(dirname(realpath(utils.which('javac')))) ant = dirname(dirname(realpath(utils.which('ant')))) make_build_env = os.environ.copy() make_build_env['JDK17HOME'] = javac make_build_env['JDK18HOME'] = javac make_build_env['JDKHOME'] = javac make_build_env['ANTHOME'] = ant make_build_env['ASMTOOLS_HOME'] = join(dependencies_dir, 'asmtools') make_build_env['JAVAHELP_HOME'] = join(dependencies_dir, 'jh2.0', 'javahelp') make_build_env['JTHARNESS_HOME'] = join(dependencies_dir, 'jtharness-' + jtharness_version) make_build_env['TESTNG_JAR'] = join(dependencies_dir, 'testng.jar') make_build_env['JUNIT_JAR'] = join(dependencies_dir, 'junit.jar') make_build_env['JCOV_JAR'] = join(dependencies_dir, 'JCOV_BUILD', 'jcov_3.0', 'jcov.jar') make_build_env['JCOV_NETWORK_SAVER_JAR'] = join(dependencies_dir, 'JCOV_BUILD', 'jcov_3.0', 'jcov_network_saver.jar') make_build_env['JCOMMANDER_JAR'] = join(dependencies_dir, 'jcommander-1.48.jar') # run make utils.run_cmd(['make', '-C', 'make', 'BUILD_NUMBER=' + build_number], env=make_build_env) # add additional libraries to the archive # with zipfile.ZipFile(join(images_dir, ''), 'a') as jtreg_archive: # jtreg_archive.write(join(dependencies_dir, 'jcommander-1.48.jar'), join('jtreg', 'lib', 'jcommander.jar')) # jtreg_archive.write(join(dependencies_dir, 'testng.jar'), join('jtreg', 'lib', 'testng.jar')) # copy the build result copy(join(images_dir, ''), top_dir)