Пример #1
def main(args):
    if json is None:
        utils.err("This collector requires the `json' Python module.")
        return 13  # Ask tcollector not to respawn us
    name_node_service = HadoopNameNode()
 def __init__(self, consumer_group_id, kafka_bootstrap_servers, kafka_cluster_prefix='', kafka_metrics_topic='samza_metrics'):
     self.consumer = KafkaConsumer(kafka_metrics_topic,
     self.methods_to_run = [self.report_consumer_lag, self.report_jvm_and_container_metrics]
     self.kafka_cluster_prefix = kafka_cluster_prefix
Пример #3
def main(argv):
  server = httplib.HTTPConnection(ES_HOST, ES_PORT)
  except socket.error, (erno, e):
    if erno == errno.ECONNREFUSED:
      return 13  # No ES running, ask tcollector to not respawn us.
Пример #4
def main(argv):
    server = httplib.HTTPConnection(ES_HOST, ES_PORT)
    except socket.error, (erno, e):
        if erno == errno.ECONNREFUSED:
            return 13  # No ES running, ask tcollector to not respawn us.
Пример #5
def main(argv):
    # Build the classpath.
    dir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
    jar = os.path.normpath(dir + "/../lib/jmx-1.0.jar")
    if not os.path.exists(jar):
        print >> sys.stderr, "WTF?!  Can't run, %s doesn't exist" % jar
        return 13
    classpath = [jar]
    for jar in CLASSPATH:
        if os.path.exists(jar):
    classpath = ":".join(classpath)

    jmx = subprocess.Popen(
            "-enablesystemassertions",  # safe++
            "-Xmx64m",  # Low RAM limit, to avoid stealing too much from prod.
            "HMaster",  # Name of the process.
            # The remaining arguments are pairs (mbean_regexp, attr_regexp).
            # The first regexp is used to match one or more MBeans, the 2nd
            # to match one or more attributes of the MBeans matched.
            "",  # All HBase / hadoop metrics.
            "Count|Time$",  # Number of threads and CPU time.
            "OpenFile",  # Number of open files.
            "Collection",  # GC runs and time spent GCing.
    do_on_signal(signal.SIGINT, kill, jmx)
    do_on_signal(signal.SIGPIPE, kill, jmx)
    do_on_signal(signal.SIGTERM, kill, jmx)
        prev_timestamp = 0
        while True:
            line = jmx.stdout.readline()

            if not line and jmx.poll() is not None:
                break  # Nothing more to read and process exited.
            elif len(line) < 4:
                print >> sys.stderr, "invalid line (too short): %r" % line

                timestamp, metric, value, mbean = line.split("\t", 3)
            except ValueError, e:
                # Temporary workaround for jmx.jar not printing these lines we
                # don't care about anyway properly.
                if "java.lang.String" not in line:
                    print >> sys.stderr, "Can't split line: %r" % line

            # Sanitize the timestamp.
                timestamp = int(timestamp)
                if timestamp < time.time() - 600:
                    raise ValueError("timestamp too old: %d" % timestamp)
                if timestamp < prev_timestamp:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "timestamp out of order: prev=%d, new=%d" %
                        (prev_timestamp, timestamp))
            except ValueError, e:
                print >> sys.stderr, ("Invalid timestamp on line: %r -- %s" %
                                      (line, e))
            prev_timestamp = timestamp

            tags = ""
            # The JMX metrics have per-request-type metrics like so:
            #   metricNameNumOps
            #   metricNameMinTime
            #   metricNameMaxTime
            #   metricNameAvgTime
            # Group related metrics together in the same metric name, use tags
            # to separate the different request types, so we end up with:
            #   numOps op=metricName
            #   avgTime op=metricName
            # etc, which makes it easier to graph things with the TSD.
            if metric.endswith("MinTime"):  # We don't care about the minimum
                continue  # time taken by operations.
            elif metric.startswith("tbl."):  # Per-table/region/cf metrics
                continue  # ignore for now, too much spam
            elif metric.endswith("NumOps"):
                tags = " op=" + metric[:-6]
                metric = "numOps"
            elif metric.endswith("AvgTime"):
                tags = " op=" + metric[:-7]
                metric = "avgTime"
            elif metric.endswith("MaxTime"):
                tags = " op=" + metric[:-7]
                metric = "maxTime"

            # mbean is of the form "domain:key=value,...,foo=bar"
            mbean_domain, mbean_properties = mbean.rstrip().split(":", 1)
            if mbean_domain not in ("hadoop", "java.lang"):
                print >> sys.stderr, (
                    "Unexpected mbean domain = %r on line %r" %
                    (mbean_domain, line))
            mbean_properties = dict(
                prop.split("=", 1) for prop in mbean_properties.split(","))
            if mbean_domain == "hadoop":
                # jmx_service is HBase by default, but we can also have
                # RegionServer or Replication and such.
                jmx_service = mbean_properties.get("service", "HBase")
                if jmx_service == "HBase":
                    jmx_service = "regionserver"
            elif mbean_domain == "java.lang":
                jmx_service = mbean_properties.pop("type", "jvm")
                if mbean_properties:
                    tags += " " + " ".join(
                        k + "=" + v for k, v in mbean_properties.iteritems())
                assert 0, "Should never be here"

            # Hack.  Right now, the RegionServer is printing stats for its own
            # replication queue, but when another RegionServer dies, this one
            # may take over the replication queue of the dead one.  When this
            # happens, we'll get the same metrics multiple times, because
            # internally the RegionServer has multiple queues (although only
            # only one is actively used, the other ones get flushed and
            # discarded).  The following `if' statement is simply discarding
            # stats for "recovered" replication queues, because we can't keep
            # track of them properly in TSDB, because there is no sensible
            # tag we can use to differentiate queues.
            if jmx_service == "Replication":
                attr_name = mbean_properties.get("name", "")
                # Normally the attribute will look this:
                #   ReplicationSource for <N>
                # Where <N> is the ID of the destination cluster.
                # But when this is the recovered queue of a dead RegionServer:
                #   ReplicationSource for <N>-<HOST>%2C<PORT>%2C<TIMESTAMP>
                # Where <HOST>, <PORT> and <TIMESTAMP> relate to the dead RS.
                # So we discriminate those entries by looking for a dash.
                if "ReplicationSource" in attr_name and "-" in attr_name:

            jmx_service = JMX_SERVICE_RENAMING.get(jmx_service, jmx_service)
            jmx_service, repl_count = re.subn("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", ".",
            if repl_count:
                print >> sys.stderr, ("Warning: found malformed"
                                      " jmx_service=%r on line=%r" %
                                      (mbean_properties["service"], line))
            metric = jmx_service.lower() + "." + metric

            sys.stdout.write("hbase.%s %d %s%s\n" %
                             (metric, timestamp, value, tags))
Пример #6
def main(argv):
    # Build the classpath.
    dir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
    jar = os.path.normpath(dir + "/../lib/jmx-1.0.jar")
    if not os.path.exists(jar):
        print >> sys.stderr, "WTF?!  Can't run, %s doesn't exist" % jar
        return 13
    classpath = [jar]
    for jar in CLASSPATH:
        if os.path.exists(jar):
    classpath = ":".join(classpath)

    jmx = subprocess.Popen(
            "-enablesystemassertions",  # safe++
            "-Xmx64m",  # Low RAM limit, to avoid stealing too much from prod.
            "DataNode",  # Name of the process.
            # The remaining arguments are pairs (mbean_regexp, attr_regexp).
            # The first regexp is used to match one or more MBeans, the 2nd
            # to match one or more attributes of the MBeans matched.
            "",  # All HBase / hadoop metrics.
            "",  # ...
            "Count|Time$",  # Number of threads and CPU time.
            "OpenFile",  # Number of open files.
            "Collection",  # GC runs and time spent GCing.
    do_on_signal(signal.SIGINT, kill, jmx)
    do_on_signal(signal.SIGPIPE, kill, jmx)
    do_on_signal(signal.SIGTERM, kill, jmx)
        prev_timestamp = 0
        while True:
            line = jmx.stdout.readline()

            if not line and jmx.poll() is not None:
                break  # Nothing more to read and process exited.
            elif len(line) < 4:
                print >> sys.stderr, "invalid line (too short): %r" % line

            timestamp, metric, value, mbean = line.split("\t", 3)
            # Sanitize the timestamp.
                timestamp = int(timestamp)
                if timestamp < time.time() - 600:
                    raise ValueError("timestamp too old: %d" % timestamp)
                if timestamp < prev_timestamp:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "timestamp out of order: prev=%d, new=%d" %
                        (prev_timestamp, timestamp))
            except ValueError, e:
                print >> sys.stderr, ("Invalid timestamp on line: %r -- %s" %
                                      (line, e))
            prev_timestamp = timestamp

            if metric in IGNORED_METRICS:

            tags = ""
            # The JMX metrics have per-request-type metrics like so:
            #   metricNameNumOps
            #   metricNameMinTime
            #   metricNameMaxTime
            #   metricNameAvgTime
            # Group related metrics together in the same metric name, use tags
            # to separate the different request types, so we end up with:
            #   numOps op=metricName
            #   avgTime op=metricName
            # etc, which makes it easier to graph things with the TSD.
            if metric.endswith("MinTime"):  # We don't care about the minimum
                continue  # time taken by operations.
            elif metric.endswith("NumOps"):
                tags = " op=" + metric[:-6]
                metric = "numOps"
            elif metric.endswith("AvgTime"):
                tags = " op=" + metric[:-7]
                metric = "avgTime"
            elif metric.endswith("MaxTime"):
                tags = " op=" + metric[:-7]
                metric = "maxTime"

            # mbean is of the form "domain:key=value,...,foo=bar"
            # some tags can have spaces, so we need to fix that.
            mbean_domain, mbean_properties = mbean.rstrip().replace(" ",
                                                                        ":", 1)
            mbean_domain = mbean_domain.lower()
            if mbean_domain not in ("hadoop", "java.lang"):
                print >> sys.stderr, (
                    "Unexpected mbean domain = %r on line %r" %
                    (mbean_domain, line))
            mbean_properties = dict(
                prop.split("=", 1) for prop in mbean_properties.split(","))
            if mbean_domain == "hadoop":
                # jmx_service is HBase by default, but we can also have
                # RegionServer or Replication and such.
                jmx_service = mbean_properties.get("service", "HBase")
                if jmx_service == "HBase":
                    jmx_service = "regionserver"
            elif mbean_domain == "java.lang":
                jmx_service = mbean_properties.pop("type", "jvm")
                if mbean_properties:
                    tags += " " + " ".join(
                        k + "=" + v for k, v in mbean_properties.iteritems())
                assert 0, "Should never be here"

            jmx_service = JMX_SERVICE_RENAMING.get(jmx_service, jmx_service)
            metric = jmx_service.lower() + "." + metric

            sys.stdout.write("hadoop.%s %d %s%s\n" %
                             (metric, timestamp, value, tags))
        return 0  # Ask the tcollector to re-spawn us.
Пример #7
def main(argv):
    # Build the classpath.
    dir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
    jar = os.path.normpath(dir + "/../lib/jmx-1.0.jar")
    if not os.path.exists(jar):
        print >>sys.stderr, "WTF?!  Can't run, %s doesn't exist" % jar
        return 13
    classpath = [jar]
    for jar in CLASSPATH:
        if os.path.exists(jar):
    classpath = ":".join(classpath)

    jmx = subprocess.Popen(
        ["java", "-enableassertions", "-enablesystemassertions",  # safe++
         "-Xmx64m",  # Low RAM limit, to avoid stealing too much from prod.
         "-cp", classpath, "com.stumbleupon.monitoring.jmx",
         "--watch", "10", "--long", "--timestamp",
         "DataNode",  # Name of the process.
         # The remaining arguments are pairs (mbean_regexp, attr_regexp).
         # The first regexp is used to match one or more MBeans, the 2nd
         # to match one or more attributes of the MBeans matched.
         "hadoop", "",                     # All HBase / hadoop metrics.
         "^Hadoop", "",                    # ...
         "Threading", "Count|Time$",       # Number of threads and CPU time.
         "OperatingSystem", "OpenFile",    # Number of open files.
         "GarbageCollector", "Collection", # GC runs and time spent GCing.
         ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1)
    do_on_signal(signal.SIGINT, kill, jmx)
    do_on_signal(signal.SIGPIPE, kill, jmx)
    do_on_signal(signal.SIGTERM, kill, jmx)
        prev_timestamp = 0
        while True:
            line = jmx.stdout.readline()

            if not line and jmx.poll() is not None:
                break  # Nothing more to read and process exited.
            elif len(line) < 4:
                print >>sys.stderr, "invalid line (too short): %r" % line

            timestamp, metric, value, mbean = line.split("\t", 3)
            # Sanitize the timestamp.
                timestamp = int(timestamp)
                if timestamp < time.time() - 600:
                    raise ValueError("timestamp too old: %d" % timestamp)
                if timestamp < prev_timestamp:
                    raise ValueError("timestamp out of order: prev=%d, new=%d"
                                     % (prev_timestamp, timestamp))
            except ValueError, e:
                print >>sys.stderr, ("Invalid timestamp on line: %r -- %s"
                                     % (line, e))
            prev_timestamp = timestamp

            if metric in IGNORED_METRICS:

            tags = ""
            # The JMX metrics have per-request-type metrics like so:
            #   metricNameNumOps
            #   metricNameMinTime
            #   metricNameMaxTime
            #   metricNameAvgTime
            # Group related metrics together in the same metric name, use tags
            # to separate the different request types, so we end up with:
            #   numOps op=metricName
            #   avgTime op=metricName
            # etc, which makes it easier to graph things with the TSD.
            if metric.endswith("MinTime"):  # We don't care about the minimum
                continue                    # time taken by operations.
            elif metric.endswith("NumOps"):
                tags = " op=" + metric[:-6]
                metric = "numOps"
            elif metric.endswith("AvgTime"):
                tags = " op=" + metric[:-7]
                metric = "avgTime"
            elif metric.endswith("MaxTime"):
                tags = " op=" + metric[:-7]
                metric = "maxTime"

            # mbean is of the form "domain:key=value,...,foo=bar"
            # some tags can have spaces, so we need to fix that.
            mbean_domain, mbean_properties = mbean.rstrip().replace(" ", "_").split(":", 1)
            mbean_domain = mbean_domain.lower()
            if mbean_domain not in ("hadoop", "java.lang"):
                print >>sys.stderr, ("Unexpected mbean domain = %r on line %r"
                                     % (mbean_domain, line))
            mbean_properties = dict(prop.split("=", 1)
                                    for prop in mbean_properties.split(","))
            if mbean_domain == "hadoop":
              # jmx_service is HBase by default, but we can also have
              # RegionServer or Replication and such.
              jmx_service = mbean_properties.get("service", "HBase")
              if jmx_service == "HBase":
                  jmx_service = "regionserver"
            elif mbean_domain == "java.lang":
                jmx_service = mbean_properties.pop("type", "jvm")
                if mbean_properties:
                    tags += " " + " ".join(k + "=" + v for k, v in
                assert 0, "Should never be here"

            jmx_service = JMX_SERVICE_RENAMING.get(jmx_service, jmx_service)
            metric = jmx_service.lower() + "." + metric

            sys.stdout.write("hadoop.%s %d %s%s\n"
                             % (metric, timestamp, value, tags))
        return 0  # Ask the tcollector to re-spawn us.
Пример #8
def main():
    '''Application entry point.

    # Don't run as root unless we have to (see escalate_privileges())

    args = parse_command_line_arguments()

                        format=' %(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

    # If there is a mac address argument on the command line, "normalize" it to
    # our standard form (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX)
        client_mac = utils.normalize_mac_address(args.client_mac)
        if not client_mac:
    except AttributeError:
        client_mac = None

    # If there is an interface name on the command line, see if it is legit.
        if not utils.verify_interface_name(args.interface):
    except AttributeError:

    # Verify the "db" argument on the command line. All operation modes use
    # the db argument
    if os.path.exists(args.db):
        if not os.path.isfile(args.db):
            print('"{}" is not a file'.format(args.db), file=sys.stderr)
        # For all operations other than 'new', the lease db file has to exist
        if args.operation != 'new':
            print('db file "{}" does not exist'.format(args.db),

    if args.operation == 'new':
        handle_new_lease(client_mac, args.hostname, args.preferred_server,
                         args.interface, args.db)

    elif args.operation == 'rebind':
        handle_rebind(client_mac, args.expiring, args.interface, args.db)

    elif args.operation == 'release':
        handle_release(client_mac, args.all, args.interface, args.db)

    elif args.operation == 'view':
        for (
        ) in DhcpLeaseDb(args.db).all_leases():

        raise ValueError('invalid operation')
Пример #9
def main(argv):
    # Build the classpath.
    dir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
    jar = os.path.normpath(dir + "/../lib/jmx-1.0.jar")
    if not os.path.exists(jar):
        print >>sys.stderr, "WTF?!  Can't run, %s doesn't exist" % jar
        return 13
    classpath = [jar]
    for jar in CLASSPATH:
        if os.path.exists(jar):
    classpath = ":".join(classpath)

    jmx = subprocess.Popen(
        ["java", "-enableassertions", "-enablesystemassertions",  # safe++
         "-Xmx64m",  # Low RAM limit, to avoid stealing too much from prod.
         "-cp", classpath, "com.stumbleupon.monitoring.jmx",
         "--watch", "10", "--long", "--timestamp",
         "HMaster",  # Name of the process.
         # The remaining arguments are pairs (mbean_regexp, attr_regexp).
         # The first regexp is used to match one or more MBeans, the 2nd
         # to match one or more attributes of the MBeans matched.
         "hadoop", "",                     # All HBase / hadoop metrics.
         "Threading", "Count|Time$",       # Number of threads and CPU time.
         "OperatingSystem", "OpenFile",    # Number of open files.
         "GarbageCollector", "Collection", # GC runs and time spent GCing.
         ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1)
    do_on_signal(signal.SIGINT, kill, jmx)
    do_on_signal(signal.SIGPIPE, kill, jmx)
    do_on_signal(signal.SIGTERM, kill, jmx)
        prev_timestamp = 0
        while True:
            line = jmx.stdout.readline()

            if not line and jmx.poll() is not None:
                break  # Nothing more to read and process exited.
            elif len(line) < 4:
                print >>sys.stderr, "invalid line (too short): %r" % line

                timestamp, metric, value, mbean = line.split("\t", 3)
            except ValueError, e:
                # Temporary workaround for jmx.jar not printing these lines we
                # don't care about anyway properly.
                if "java.lang.String" not in line:
                    print >>sys.stderr, "Can't split line: %r" % line

            # Sanitize the timestamp.
                timestamp = int(timestamp)
                if timestamp < time.time() - 600:
                    raise ValueError("timestamp too old: %d" % timestamp)
                if timestamp < prev_timestamp:
                    raise ValueError("timestamp out of order: prev=%d, new=%d"
                                     % (prev_timestamp, timestamp))
            except ValueError, e:
                print >>sys.stderr, ("Invalid timestamp on line: %r -- %s"
                                     % (line, e))
            prev_timestamp = timestamp

            tags = ""
            # The JMX metrics have per-request-type metrics like so:
            #   metricNameNumOps
            #   metricNameMinTime
            #   metricNameMaxTime
            #   metricNameAvgTime
            # Group related metrics together in the same metric name, use tags
            # to separate the different request types, so we end up with:
            #   numOps op=metricName
            #   avgTime op=metricName
            # etc, which makes it easier to graph things with the TSD.
            if metric.endswith("MinTime"):  # We don't care about the minimum
                continue                    # time taken by operations.
            elif metric.startswith("tbl."): # Per-table/region/cf metrics
                continue                    # ignore for now, too much spam
            elif metric.endswith("NumOps"):
                tags = " op=" + metric[:-6]
                metric = "numOps"
            elif metric.endswith("AvgTime"):
                tags = " op=" + metric[:-7]
                metric = "avgTime"
            elif metric.endswith("MaxTime"):
                tags = " op=" + metric[:-7]
                metric = "maxTime"

            # mbean is of the form "domain:key=value,...,foo=bar"
            mbean_domain, mbean_properties = mbean.rstrip().split(":", 1)
            if mbean_domain not in ("hadoop", "java.lang"):
                print >>sys.stderr, ("Unexpected mbean domain = %r on line %r"
                                     % (mbean_domain, line))
            mbean_properties = dict(prop.split("=", 1)
                                    for prop in mbean_properties.split(","))
            if mbean_domain == "hadoop":
              # jmx_service is HBase by default, but we can also have
              # RegionServer or Replication and such.
              jmx_service = mbean_properties.get("service", "HBase")
              if jmx_service == "HBase":
                  jmx_service = "regionserver"
            elif mbean_domain == "java.lang":
                jmx_service = mbean_properties.pop("type", "jvm")
                if mbean_properties:
                    tags += " " + " ".join(k + "=" + v for k, v in
                assert 0, "Should never be here"

            # Hack.  Right now, the RegionServer is printing stats for its own
            # replication queue, but when another RegionServer dies, this one
            # may take over the replication queue of the dead one.  When this
            # happens, we'll get the same metrics multiple times, because
            # internally the RegionServer has multiple queues (although only
            # only one is actively used, the other ones get flushed and
            # discarded).  The following `if' statement is simply discarding
            # stats for "recovered" replication queues, because we can't keep
            # track of them properly in TSDB, because there is no sensible
            # tag we can use to differentiate queues.
            if jmx_service == "Replication":
              attr_name = mbean_properties.get("name", "")
              # Normally the attribute will look this:
              #   ReplicationSource for <N>
              # Where <N> is the ID of the destination cluster.
              # But when this is the recovered queue of a dead RegionServer:
              #   ReplicationSource for <N>-<HOST>%2C<PORT>%2C<TIMESTAMP>
              # Where <HOST>, <PORT> and <TIMESTAMP> relate to the dead RS.
              # So we discriminate those entries by looking for a dash.
              if "ReplicationSource" in attr_name and "-" in attr_name:

            jmx_service = JMX_SERVICE_RENAMING.get(jmx_service, jmx_service)
            jmx_service, repl_count = re.subn("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", ".",
            if repl_count:
                print >>sys.stderr, ("Warning: found malformed"
                                     " jmx_service=%r on line=%r"
                                     % (mbean_properties["service"], line))
            metric = jmx_service.lower() + "." + metric

            sys.stdout.write("hbase.%s %d %s%s\n"
                             % (metric, timestamp, value, tags))