def spectral_entropy(X_dataA, X_dataB, X_testdataA, y_labelA, y_labelB, if_plot=False): """Get the Spectral entropy""" entropy_freqA = normalize( np.array([ audioFeatureExtraction.stSpectralEntropy(X, numOfShortBlocks=150) for X in X_dataA ])) entropy_freqB = normalize( np.array([ audioFeatureExtraction.stSpectralEntropy(X, numOfShortBlocks=50) for X in X_dataB ])) entr_freqtestA = normalize( np.array([ audioFeatureExtraction.stSpectralEntropy(X, numOfShortBlocks=150) for X in X_testdataA ])) if if_plot: featurePlot(entropy_freqA, 'A', y_labelA, title='Spectral Entropy (set A) vs Feature Labels (set A)') featurePlot(entropy_freqB, 'B', y_labelB, title='Spectral Entropy (set B) vs Feature Labels (set B)') return entropy_freqA, entropy_freqB, entr_freqtestA
def signal_energy_frame(x_dataA, x_dataB, x_testdataA, y_labelA, y_labelB, if_plot=False): """signal energy of frame""" energyA = normalize( np.array([audioFeatureExtraction.stEnergy(x) for x in x_dataA])) energyB = normalize( np.array([audioFeatureExtraction.stEnergy(x) for x in x_dataB])) ener_testA = normalize( np.array([audioFeatureExtraction.stEnergy(x) for x in x_testdataA])) if if_plot: featurePlot( energyA, 'A', y_labelA, title='Signal Energy of Frame (set A) vs Feature Labels (set A)') featurePlot( energyB, 'B', y_labelB, title='Signal Energy of Frame (set B) vs Feature Labels (set B)') return energyA, energyB, ener_testA
def zero_crossing(x_dataA, x_dataB, x_testdataA, y_labelA, y_labelB, if_plot=False): """zero crossing rate of frame""" zero_crossingsA = normalize( np.array([audioFeatureExtraction.stZCR(x) for x in x_dataA])) zero_crossingsB = normalize( np.array([audioFeatureExtraction.stZCR(x) for x in x_dataB])) zc_testA = normalize( np.array([audioFeatureExtraction.stZCR(x) for x in x_testdataA])) if if_plot: featurePlot( zero_crossingsA, 'A', y_labelA, title='Zero Crossings Rate of Frame (set A) vs Feature Labels' ' (set A)') featurePlot( zero_crossingsB, 'B', y_labelB, title='Zero Crossings Rate of Frame (set B) vs Feature Labels' ' (set B)') return zero_crossingsA, zero_crossingsB, zc_testA
def spectral_centroid_frame(X_dataA, X_dataB, X_testdataA, y_labelA, y_labelB, framerate_A, framerate_B, if_plot=False): """Get Spectral centroid of frame (given abs(FFT))""" FsA = int(framerate_A[0] / 20) # framerate is the same for all of set A FsB = int(framerate_B[0] / 10) # framerate is the same for all of set B centroidA = np.array([ audioFeatureExtraction.stSpectralCentroidAndSpread(np.abs(X), FsA) for X in X_dataA ]) centroidA[:, 0] = normalize(centroidA[:, 0]) centroidA[:, 1] = normalize(centroidA[:, 1]) centroidB = np.array([ audioFeatureExtraction.stSpectralCentroidAndSpread(np.abs(X), FsB) for X in X_dataB ]) centroidB[:, 0] = normalize(centroidB[:, 0]) centroidB[:, 1] = normalize(centroidB[:, 1]) cent_testA = np.array([ audioFeatureExtraction.stSpectralCentroidAndSpread(np.abs(X), FsA) for X in X_testdataA ]) cent_testA[:, 0] = normalize(cent_testA[:, 0]) cent_testA[:, 1] = normalize(cent_testA[:, 1]) if if_plot: featurePlot( centroidA[:, 0], 'A', y_labelA, title='Centroids (1st Column of Set A) vs. Feature Labels (Set A)') featurePlot( centroidA[:, 1], 'A', y_labelA, title='Centroids (2nd Column of Set A) vs. Feature Labels (Set A)') featurePlot( centroidB[:, 0], 'B', y_labelB, title='Centroids (1st Column of Set B) vs. Feature Labels (Set B)') featurePlot( centroidB[:, 1], 'B', y_labelB, title='Centroids (2nd Column of Set B) vs. Feature Labels (Set B)') return centroidA, centroidB, cent_testA
def spectral_flux(X_dataA, X_dataB, X_testdataA, y_labelA, y_labelB, if_plot=False): """ Get spectral flux """ fluxA = normalize( np.array([ np.abs( audioFeatureExtraction.stSpectralFlux(X[:int(len(X) / 2)], X[int(len(X) / 2):])) for X in X_dataA ])) fluxB = normalize( np.array([ np.abs( audioFeatureExtraction.stSpectralFlux(X[:int(len(X) / 2)], X[int(len(X) / 2) + 1:])) for X in X_dataB ])) flux_testA = normalize( np.array([ np.abs( audioFeatureExtraction.stSpectralFlux(X[:int(len(X) / 2)], X[int(len(X) / 2):])) for X in X_testdataA ])) if if_plot: featurePlot(fluxA, 'A', y_labelA, title='Spectral Flux (set A) vs Feature Labels (set A)') featurePlot(fluxB, 'B', y_labelB, title='Spectral Flux (set B) vs Feature Labels (set B)') return fluxA, fluxB, flux_testA
def entropy_of_energy(x_dataA, x_dataB, x_testdataA, y_labelA, y_labelB, if_plot=False): """Entropy of Energy""" entropyA = normalize( np.array([ audioFeatureExtraction.stEnergyEntropy(x, numOfShortBlocks=50) for x in x_dataA ])) entropyB = normalize( np.array([ audioFeatureExtraction.stEnergyEntropy(x, numOfShortBlocks=50) for x in x_dataB ])) entr_testA = normalize( np.array([ audioFeatureExtraction.stEnergyEntropy(x, numOfShortBlocks=50) for x in x_testdataA ])) if if_plot: featurePlot( entropyA, 'A', y_labelA, title='Entropy of Energy (set A) vs Feature Labels (set A)') featurePlot( entropyB, 'B', y_labelB, title='Entropy of Energy (set B) vs Feature Labels (set B)') return entropyA, entropyB, entr_testA
def get_mcfcc_feat(x_dataA, x_dataB, x_testdataA, framerate_A, framerate_B, if_plot=False): """Get the MFCC features""" FsA = int(framerate_A[0] / 10) # framerate is the same for all of set A FsB = int(framerate_B[0] / 4) # framerate is the same for all of set B mfccA = np.array([ mfcc(np.abs(x), samplerate=FsA, numcep=3, winlen=0.025) for x in x_dataA ]) mfccA_feat = np.array([[ np.average(m[:, 0]), np.std(m[:, 0]), np.average(m[:, 1]), np.std(m[:, 1]), np.average(m[:, 2]), np.std(m[:, 2]) ] for m in mfccA]) for i in range(len(mfccA_feat[0])): mfccA_feat[:, i] = np.abs(mfccA_feat[:, i]) / max( np.abs(mfccA_feat[:, i])) mfccB = np.array([ mfcc(np.abs(x), samplerate=FsB, numcep=5, winlen=0.01, winstep=0.01) for x in x_dataB ]) mfccB_feat = np.array([[ np.average(m[:, 0]), np.std(m[:, 0]), np.average(m[:, 1]), np.std(m[:, 1]), np.average(m[:, 2]), np.std(m[:, 2]) ] for m in mfccB]) for i in range(len(mfccB_feat[0])): mfccB_feat[:, i] = np.abs(mfccB_feat[:, i]) / max( np.abs(mfccB_feat[:, i])) mfcc_testA = np.array([ mfcc(np.abs(x), samplerate=FsA, numcep=3, winlen=0.025) for x in x_testdataA ]) mfcctestA_feat = np.array([[ np.average(m[:, 0]), np.std(m[:, 0]), np.average(m[:, 1]), np.std(m[:, 1]), np.average(m[:, 2]), np.std(m[:, 2]) ] for m in mfcc_testA]) for i in range(len(mfccA_feat[0])): mfccA_feat[:, i] = np.abs(mfccA_feat[:, i]) / max( np.abs(mfccA_feat[:, i])) if if_plot: featurePlot( mfccA_feat[:, 0], 'A', title= 'MFCC Features (1st column) (Set A) vs Features Labels (Set A)') featurePlot( mfccA_feat[:, 1], 'A', title= 'MFCC Features (2nd column) (Set A) vs Features Labels (Set A)') featurePlot( mfccB_feat[:, 0], 'B', title= 'MFCC Features (1st column) (Set B) vs Features Labels (Set B)') featurePlot( mfccB_feat[:, 1], 'B', title= 'MFCC Features (2nd column) (Set B) vs Features Labels (Set B)') return mfccA_feat, mfccB_feat, mfcctestA_feat
def set_A(x_dataA, x_testdataA, y_labelA, if_plot=False): """Get peaks for A""" dataA_peaks = find_peaks(x_dataA, 'A') testdataA_peaks = find_peaks(x_testdataA, 'A') # Get the S1 and S2 bounds for set A s1_boundsA, s2_boundsA = get_S1S2_bounds(x_dataA, dataA_peaks, 'A') s1_boundstA, s2_boundstA = get_S1S2_bounds(x_testdataA, testdataA_peaks, 'A') # Standard deviation of S1 stdS1_A = normalize(stdInterval(s1_boundsA, 0, s1_boundsA, 1, x_dataA)) stdS1_testA = normalize( stdInterval(s1_boundstA, 0, s1_boundstA, 1, x_testdataA)) # Standard deviation of S2 stdS2_A = normalize(stdInterval(s2_boundsA, 0, s2_boundsA, 1, x_dataA)) stdS2_testA = normalize( stdInterval(s2_boundstA, 0, s2_boundstA, 1, x_testdataA)) # frequency intervals of S1 and S2 freqS1_A = freqInterval(x_dataA, s1_boundsA, 0, s1_boundsA, 1) freqS2_A = freqInterval(x_dataA, s2_boundsA, 0, s2_boundsA, 1) # standard deviation of S1 and S2 frequencies stdS1_freqA = normalize(np.array([np.std(f) for f in freqS1_A])) stdS2_freqA = normalize(np.array([np.std(f) for f in freqS2_A])) # mean of S1 and S2 frequencies meanS1_freqA = normalize(np.array([np.average(f) for f in freqS1_A])) meanS2_freqA = normalize(np.array([np.average(f) for f in freqS2_A])) if if_plot: featurePlot( stdS1_A, 'A', y_labelA, title='Standard Deviation of S1 (set A) vs. Feature Labels (set A)' ) featurePlot( stdS2_A, 'A', y_labelA, title='Standard Deviation of S2 (set A) vs. Feature Labels (set A)' ) featurePlot( stdS1_freqA, 'A', y_labelA, title= 'Standard Deviation of Frequency of S1 (set A) vs. Feature Labels' ' (set A)') featurePlot( meanS1_freqA, 'A', y_labelA, title='Mean of Frequency of S1 (set A) vs. Feature Labels (set A)') featurePlot( stdS2_freqA, 'A', y_labelA, title= 'Standard Deviation of Frequency of S2 (set A) vs. Feature Labels' ' (set A)') featurePlot( meanS2_freqA, 'A', y_labelA, title='Mean of Frequency of S2 (set A) vs. Feature Labels (set A)') n = 2 plt.figure() plt.title(y_labelA[n]) plt.plot(x_dataA[n], 'b') plt.scatter(dataA_peaks[n], x_dataA[n][dataA_peaks[n]], c='r') # plt.savefig(y_labelA[n] + '.png') return stdS1_A, stdS1_testA, stdS2_A, stdS2_testA, meanS1_freqA, meanS2_freqA, stdS1_freqA, stdS2_freqA
def set_B(x_dataB, y_labelB, if_plot=False): """get peaks for B""" dataB_peaks = find_peaks(x_dataB, 'B') # Get S1 and S2 bounds for set B s1_boundsB, s2_boundsB = get_S1S2_bounds(x_dataB, dataB_peaks, 'B') # Standard deviation of S1 stdS1_B = normalize(stdInterval(s1_boundsB, 0, s1_boundsB, 1, x_dataB)) # Standard deviation of S2 stdS2_B = normalize(stdInterval(s2_boundsB, 0, s2_boundsB, 1, x_dataB)) # frequency intervals of S1 and S2 freqS1_B = freqInterval(x_dataB, s1_boundsB, 0, s1_boundsB, 1) freqS2_B = freqInterval(x_dataB, s2_boundsB, 0, s2_boundsB, 1) # standard deviation of S1 and S2 frequencies stdS1_freqB = normalize(np.array([np.std(f) for f in freqS1_B])) stdS2_freqB = normalize(np.array([np.std(f) for f in freqS2_B])) # mean of S1 and S2 frequencies meanS1_freqB = normalize(np.array([np.average(f) for f in freqS1_B])) meanS2_freqB = normalize(np.array([np.average(f) for f in freqS2_B])) if if_plot: featurePlot( stdS1_B, 'B', y_labelB, title='Standard Deviation of S1 (set B) vs. Feature Labels (set B)' ) featurePlot( stdS2_B, 'B', y_labelB, title='Standard Deviation of S2 (set B) vs. Feature Labels (set B)' ) featurePlot( stdS1_freqB, 'B', y_labelB, title= 'Standard Deviation of Frequency of S1 (set B) vs. Feature Labels' ' (set B)') featurePlot( stdS2_freqB, 'B', y_labelB, title= 'Standard Deviation of Frequency of S2 (set B) vs. Feature Labels' ' (set B)') featurePlot( meanS1_freqB, 'B', y_labelB, title='Mean of Frequency of S1 (set B) vs. Feature Labels (set B)') featurePlot( meanS2_freqB, 'B', y_labelB, title='Mean of Frequency of S2 (set B) vs. Feature Labels (set B)') n = 390 plt.figure() plt.title(y_labelB[n]) plt.plot(x_dataB[n], 'b') plt.scatter(dataB_peaks[n], x_dataB[n][dataB_peaks[n]], c='r') return stdS1_B, stdS2_B, meanS1_freqB, meanS2_freqB, stdS1_freqB, stdS2_freqB