def menu(): """Displays the menu and redirects to underlaying options""" clear() ### Get desired option option = input(MAIN_MENU) try: option = OPTIONS[int(option)] except ValueError: pass except KeyError: option = 'UNDEFINED' if option.upper() == 'C': ### Create cm = CreateModule() cm.setup() sleep(1) menu() elif option.upper() == 'S': ### Search sm = SearchModule() entries = sm.setup() vm = ViewModule(entries) vm.load_entries() menu() elif option.upper() == 'Q': ### Quit finalize() else: ### Undefined option print('Undefined option. Restarting!') sleep(1) menu()
def plot_box(xs, ys, xaxis_label=None, yaxis_label=None, x_sci=False, y_sci=True, name=None): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax = sns.boxplot(x=xs, y=ys, linewidth=1, fliersize=1) utils.set_sci_axis(ax, x_sci, y_sci) utils.set_axis_labels(ax, xaxis_label, yaxis_label) utils.finalize(ax) utils.save_pdf(name)
def plot_box(xs, ys, data, xaxis_label=None, yaxis_label=None, x_sci=False, y_sci=True, name=None): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax = sns.boxplot(x=xs, y=ys, data=data, linewidth=1, fliersize=6) utils.set_sci_axis(ax, x_sci, y_sci) utils.set_axis_labels(ax, xaxis_label, yaxis_label) utils.finalize(ax) utils.save_fig(name)
def plot_heatmap(x, y, z, xaxis_label=None, yaxis_label=None, mapaxis_label=None, x_sci=True, y_sci=True, name=None): assert utils.is_list(x) == utils.is_list(y) == utils.is_list(z) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.hexbin(x, y, C=z, gridsize=30, cmap=plt.get_cmap('Blues'), bins=None) utils.set_sci_axis(ax, x_sci, y_sci) pcm = ax.get_children()[2] cb = plt.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax) cb.set_label(mapaxis_label) utils.set_axis_labels(ax, xaxis_label, yaxis_label) utils.finalize(ax) utils.save_pdf(name)
def preprocessor(filename, genre): with open(filename, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: data ="\n") data.remove("") chunks, clusters, ner, srls, zero_ants = get_tags(data) doc_data = utils.finalize(chunks, clusters, ner, srls, zero_ants, genre) return doc_data
def plot_bar(x, y, hue=None, hue_count=1, line_values=None, line_label=None, legend=True, xaxis_label=None, yaxis_label=None, xticks=None, y_lim=None, x_sci=True, y_sci=True, fig_size=None, y_err=None, name=None): fig, ax = plt.subplots() if fig_size and isinstance(fig_size, list) and len(fig_size) > 0: if len(fig_size) == 1: fig.set_figwidth(fig_size[0]) else: fig.set_figwidth(fig_size[0]) fig.set_figheight(fig_size[1]) bar_width = 0.2 new_x = [x_ + bar_width for x_ in x] ticks_x = [x_ + 0.5*bar_width for x_ in new_x] if y_err: ax.errorbar(ticks_x, y, yerr=y_err, fmt='o', ecolor='r', capthick=1, elinewidth=1), y, width=bar_width) if line_values and utils.is_list(line_values): x_set = set(x) if len(line_values) == len(x_set): if line_label: ax.plot(ax.get_xticks(), line_values, label=line_label) hue_count += 1 else: ax.plot(ax.get_xticks(), line_values) if xticks and isinstance(xticks, list): plt.xticks(ticks_x, xticks) if y_lim and isinstance(y_lim, list) and len(y_lim) > 0: if len(y_lim) == 1: plt.ylim(ymin=y_lim[0]) else: plt.ylim(ymin=y_lim[0]) plt.ylim(ymax=y_lim[1]) if legend: utils.set_legend(ncol=hue_count) utils.set_sci_axis(ax, x_sci, y_sci) utils.set_axis_labels(ax, xaxis_label, yaxis_label) utils.finalize(ax, x_grid=False) utils.save_fig(name)
def plot_two_bars(ys, labels, legend=True, xaxis_label=None, yaxis_label=None, xticks=None, y_lim=None, x_sci=True, y_sci=True, fig_size=None, name=None): fig, ax = plt.subplots() if fig_size and isinstance(fig_size, list) and len(fig_size) > 0: if len(fig_size) == 1: fig.set_figwidth(fig_size[0]) else: fig.set_figwidth(fig_size[0]) fig.set_figheight(fig_size[1]) bar_width = 0.2 x = range(len(ys)) new_x1 = [x_ for x_ in x] new_x2 = [x_ + bar_width for x_ in x] rects1 =, ys[0], width=bar_width, color='b') rects2 =, ys[1], width=bar_width) if xticks and isinstance(xticks, list): plt.xticks([x_ + bar_width for x_ in new_x1], xticks) if y_lim and isinstance(y_lim, list) and len(y_lim) > 0: if len(y_lim) == 1: plt.ylim(ymin=y_lim[0]) else: plt.ylim(ymin=y_lim[0]) plt.ylim(ymax=y_lim[1]) if legend: ax.legend((rects1[0], rects2[0]), (labels[0], labels[1]), fontsize=28, frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(0, 0.95, 1.2, .10), handlelength=0.5, handletextpad=0.2, loc=3, ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.) utils.set_sci_axis(ax, x_sci, y_sci) utils.set_axis_labels(ax, xaxis_label, yaxis_label) utils.finalize(ax, x_grid=False) utils.save_fig(name)
def plot_line(xs, ys, line_labels=None, xaxis_label=None, yaxis_label=None, xticks=None, vlines=None, vlines_kwargs=None, hlines=None, hlines_kwargs=None, x_sci=True, y_sci=True, y_lim=None, x_lim=None, legend_top=True, ls_cycle=False, marker_size=0, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, fig_size=None, name=None, draw_arrow=False): multiple_x = utils.is_list_of_list(xs) multiple_y = utils.is_list_of_list(ys) multiple_line_label = utils.is_list(line_labels) assert multiple_x == multiple_y == multiple_line_label fig, ax = plt.subplots() if fig_size and isinstance(fig_size, list) and len(fig_size) > 0: if len(fig_size) == 1: fig.set_figwidth(fig_size[0]) else: fig.set_figwidth(fig_size[0]) fig.set_figheight(fig_size[1]) ls_cycler = utils.get_line_styles_cycler(ls_cycle) ms_cycler = utils.get_marker_styles_cycler(marker_size > 0) if multiple_x: for x, y, line_label in zip(xs, ys, line_labels): ax.plot(x, y, label=line_label, ls=next(ls_cycler), marker=next(ms_cycler), markersize=marker_size) else: ax.plot(xs, ys, label=line_labels) if xticks and isinstance(xticks, list): x = xs[0] if multiple_x else xs plt.xticks(x, xticks) if y_lim and isinstance(y_lim, list) and len(y_lim) > 0: if len(y_lim) == 1: plt.ylim(ymin=y_lim[0]) else: plt.ylim(ymin=y_lim[0]) plt.ylim(ymax=y_lim[1]) if x_lim and isinstance(x_lim, list) and len(x_lim) > 0: if len(x_lim) == 1: plt.xlim(xmin=x_lim[0]) else: plt.xlim(xmin=x_lim[0]) plt.xlim(xmax=x_lim[1]) ncol = len(xs) if multiple_x else 1 utils.set_legend(legend_top, ncol) utils.set_sci_axis(ax, x_sci, y_sci) utils.set_axis_labels(ax, xaxis_label, yaxis_label) vlines = vlines or [] for xvline in vlines: with ALTERNATIVE_PALETTE: plt.axvline(x=xvline, **vlines_kwargs) hlines = hlines or [] for yhline in hlines: with ALTERNATIVE_PALETTE: plt.axhline(y=yhline, **hlines_kwargs) utils.finalize(ax, x_grid=x_grid, y_grid=y_grid) utils.save_fig(name)
ones, imed_score > prob_normality, label="Detected Anomaly", alpha=0.5, color="C0") ax[1].set_ylim(1e-4, 1.1) ax[1].set_ylabel("Normality") bbox = {"boxstyle": "round", "pad": 0.3, "fc": "white", "ec": "gray", "lw": 1} for a, l in zip(ax, 'ABCD'): a.annotate(l, xy=(0.05, 0.8), xycoords='axes fraction', bbox=bbox) ax[1].set_yscale("log") ax[1].legend(loc="lower left") ax[2].set_yscale("log") ax[2].legend(loc="lower left") #ax[3].set_yscale("log") #ax[3].legend(loc="lower left") ax[0].annotate("Year 1", xy=(0.08, 1.02), xycoords="axes fraction") ax[0].annotate("Year 2", xy=(0.27, 1.02), xycoords="axes fraction") ax[0].annotate("Year 3", xy=(0.46, 1.02), xycoords="axes fraction") ax[0].annotate("Year 4", xy=(0.67, 1.02), xycoords="axes fraction") ax[0].annotate("Year 5", xy=(0.90, 1.02), xycoords="axes fraction") for a in ax: a.set_xticks(np.arange(0, indices[-1], 365)) a.set_xlim(plot_start, plot_end) a.grid(True) finalize(args, fig, ax, loc="lower left")
if option.upper() == 'C': ### Create cm = CreateModule() cm.setup() sleep(1) menu() elif option.upper() == 'S': ### Search sm = SearchModule() entries = sm.setup() vm = ViewModule(entries) vm.load_entries() menu() elif option.upper() == 'Q': ### Quit finalize() else: ### Undefined option print('Undefined option. Restarting!') sleep(1) menu() if __name__ == '__main__': init_db() ### Clean exits try: menu() except KeyboardInterrupt: finalize()
def plot_scatter(xs, ys, line_labels=None, xaxis_label=None, yaxis_label=None, xticks=None, vlines=None, vlines_kwargs=None, hlines=None, hlines_kwargs=None, x_sci=True, y_sci=True, y_lim=None, legend_top=True, fig_size=None, ls_cycle=False, name=None): multiple_x = utils.is_list_of_list(xs) multiple_y = utils.is_list_of_list(ys) multiple_line_label = utils.is_list(line_labels) assert multiple_x == multiple_y == multiple_line_label fig, ax = plt.subplots() if fig_size and isinstance(fig_size, list) and len(fig_size) > 0: if len(fig_size) == 1: fig.set_figwidth(fig_size[0]) else: fig.set_figwidth(fig_size[0]) fig.set_figheight(fig_size[1]) colors = iter(cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(ys)))) if multiple_x: for x, y, line_label in zip(xs, ys, line_labels): ax.scatter(x, y, label=line_label, c=next(colors)) else: ax.scatter(xs, ys, label=line_labels, c=next(colors)) if xticks and isinstance(xticks, list): x = xs[0] if multiple_x else xs plt.xticks(x, xticks) if y_lim and isinstance(y_lim, list) and len(y_lim) > 0: if len(y_lim) == 1: plt.ylim(ymin=y_lim[0]) else: plt.ylim(ymin=y_lim[0]) plt.ylim(ymax=y_lim[1]) plt.xlim(xmin=0) ncol = len(xs) if multiple_x else 1 utils.set_legend(legend_top, ncol) utils.set_sci_axis(ax, x_sci, y_sci) utils.set_axis_labels(ax, xaxis_label, yaxis_label) vlines = vlines or [] for xvline in vlines: with ALTERNATIVE_PALETTE: plt.axvline(x=xvline, **vlines_kwargs) hlines = hlines or [] for yhline in hlines: with ALTERNATIVE_PALETTE: plt.axhline(y=yhline, **hlines_kwargs) utils.finalize(ax) utils.save_fig(name)
def run_next_job(self): # Updates the earliest job from status 0 to status 1, and returns the gid of the updated row. Returns nothing # if no pending jobs are available. sql = """update job set status = 'in progress' where gid in (select min(gid) from job where status = 'ready') returning gid""" current_job = db.exec_sql(sql, [], True) self.update_status("processing tiles") if type(current_job) is tuple: self.job_id = current_job[0] self.thread_list = [] self.log_message("started job") self.work_path = conf.work_path + str(self.job_id) + "/" if not os.path.exists(self.work_path): os.makedirs(self.work_path) tile_list = self.get_tiles_to_process() minx, miny, maxx, maxy = self.get_bounds() if conf.num_threads > 1: if len(tile_list) < conf.num_threads: self.num_threads = len(tile_list) else: self.num_threads = conf.num_threads tile_count_step = len(tile_list) // self.num_threads # Integer division to get floow args = [[] for x in range(conf.num_threads)] for i in range(len(tile_list)): args[i % self.num_threads].append(tile_list[i]) pool = Pool(self.num_threads), args) pool.close() pool.join() else: process_tiles(tile_list) self.update_status("saving clip file") sql = "select geom_txt from job where gid = {0}".format(self.job_id) wkt = db.exec_sql(sql, [], True)[0] clip_poly = self.work_path + "clip_poly.shp" utils.save_clip_poly(wkt, clip_poly) # self.update_status("mosaicking tiles") # utils.mosaic_tiles(self.work_path + "*_dsm.tif", self.work_path + "mosaic_dsm.tif", minx, miny, maxx, maxy, # clip_poly, self.job_id) # utils.mosaic_tiles(self.work_path + "*_height.tif", self.work_path + "mosaic_height.tif", minx, miny, maxx, # maxy, clip_poly, self.job_id) # # utils.mosaic_tiles(self.work_path + "*_intensity.tif", self.work_path + "mosaic_intensity.tif", minx, miny, maxx, maxy, clip_poly) # utils.mosaic_tiles(self.work_path + "*_dem.tif", self.work_path + "mosaic_dem.tif", minx, miny, maxx, maxy, # clip_poly, self.job_id) self.update_status("finalizing output") tree_file = self.work_path + "mosaic_trees.shp" utils.merge_tiles(self.work_path + "*_trees.shp", tree_file, clip_poly) utils.finalize(tree_file, clip_poly, self.job_id) # bldgs_file = self.work_path + "mosaic_bldgs.shp" # utils.merge_tiles(self.work_path + "*_bldgs.shp", bldgs_file, clip_poly, 10) # utils.finalize(bldgs_file, clip_poly, self.job_id) # impervious_file = self.work_path + "mosaic_impervious.shp" # utils.merge_tiles(self.work_path + "*_impervious.shp", impervious_file, clip_poly, 10) # utils.finalize(impervious_file, clip_poly, self.job_id) # contours_file = self.work_path + "mosaic_contours.shp" # utils.contours(self.work_path + "mosaic_dem.tif", contours_file, clip_poly) # utils.finalize(contours_file, clip_poly, self.job_id) for f_name in gl.glob(self.work_path + "*.txt"): out_file = conf.output_path + str(job_id) + "_" + os.path.basename(f_name) cmd = "copy {0} {1}".format(f_name.replace("/", "\\"), out_file.replace("/", "\\")) utils.exec_command_line(cmd, shell_flag=True) self.update_status("job complete!") # utils.mosaic_tiles(self.work_path + "*_trees.tif", self.work_path + "mosaic_trees.tif", minx, miny, maxx, maxy) # self.update_status("generating map tiles") # utils.create_output_tiles(self.work_path + "mosaic_dsm.tif", self.work_path + "dsm/") # utils.create_output_tiles(self.work_path + "mosaic_height.tif", self.work_path + "height/") # # utils.create_output_tiles(self.work_path + "mosaic_intensity.tif", self.work_path + "intensity/") # utils.create_output_tiles(self.work_path + "mosaic_dem.tif", self.work_path + "dem/") # # utils.create_output_tiles(self.work_path + "mosaic_trees.tif", self.work_path + "trees/") else: self.job_id = None self.log_message("No jobs found")
lines = [] for t in tile_list: line = "\t".join([str(x) for x in t.values()]) lines.append(line + "\n") f.writelines(lines) print ("All Done!") exit() utils.mosaic_tiles(work_path + "*_dsm.tif", work_path + "mosaic_dsm.tif", minx, miny, maxx, maxy, None, job_id) utils.mosaic_tiles(work_path + "*_height.tif", work_path + "mosaic_height.tif", minx, miny, maxx, maxy, None, job_id) # utils.mosaic_tiles(self.work_path + "*_intensity.tif", self.work_path + "mosaic_intensity.tif", minx, miny, maxx, maxy, clip_poly) utils.mosaic_tiles(work_path + "*_dem.tif", work_path + "mosaic_dem.tif", minx, miny, maxx, maxy, None, job_id) tree_file = work_path + "mosaic_trees.shp" utils.merge_tiles(work_path + "*_trees.shp", tree_file, None) utils.finalize(tree_file, None, job_id) bldgs_file = work_path + "mosaic_bldgs.shp" utils.merge_tiles(work_path + "*_bldgs.shp", bldgs_file, None, 10) utils.finalize(bldgs_file, None, job_id) # impervious_file = self.work_path + "mosaic_impervious.shp" # utils.merge_tiles(self.work_path + "*_impervious.shp", impervious_file, clip_poly, 10) # utils.finalize(impervious_file, clip_poly, self.job_id) contours_file = work_path + "mosaic_contours.shp" utils.contours(work_path + "mosaic_dem.tif", contours_file, None) utils.finalize(contours_file, None, job_id) print("job complete!")
t1 = time.time() im = imed_metric(triv_pred, example_lbls, G=G) t2 = time.time() trivial_error[i] = im t3 = time.time() tqdm.write(f"imed: {t2-t1}") tqdm.write(f"asgn: {t3-t2}") if animate: anim = animate_double_imshow(example_lbls, example_pred) return np.array(esn_error).mean(axis=0), np.array(trivial_error).mean( axis=0) if __name__ == "__main__": from utils import initialize, finalize args = initialize() data_dir = pathlib.Path("/mnt/data/torsk_experiments") outdir = data_dir / "agulhas_3daymean_50x30" esn_error, trivial_error = esn_perf(outdir, animate=True) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.plot(esn_error, label="ESN") ax.plot(trivial_error, label="trivial") ax.set_ylabel("Error") ax.set_xlabel("Days") finalize(args, fig, [ax], loc="upper left")
sns.set_context("notebook") pred_data_ncfiles, indices = sort_filenames(pred_data_ncfiles, return_indices=True) pixel_error, trivial_error, cycle_error = [], [], [] for idx, pred_data_nc in tqdm(zip(indices, pred_data_ncfiles), total=len(indices)): tqdm.write(pred_data_nc.as_posix()) with nc.Dataset(pred_data_nc, "r") as src: outputs = src["outputs"][:valid_pred_length] labels = src["labels"][:valid_pred_length] error_seq = np.abs(outputs - labels) error = np.mean(error_seq, axis=0) pixel_error.append(error) pixel_error = np.array(pixel_error) pixel_score, _, _, _ = sliding_score(pixel_error, small_window=small_window, large_window=large_window) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) pixel_count = np.sum(pixel_score < normality_threshold, axis=0) im = ax.imshow(pixel_count) plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) finalize(args, fig, [ax], loc="lower left")