Пример #1
    def resume(self, phases=None):
        Resume an existing set of alchemical free energy calculations found in current store directory.

        phases : list of str, optional, default=None
           The list of calculation phases (e.g. ['solvent', 'complex']) to resume.
           If not specified, all simulations in the store_directory will be resumed.

        # If no phases specified, construct a list of phases from the filename prefixes in the store directory.
        if phases is None:
            phases = utils.find_phases_in_store_directory(
        self._phases = phases.keys()

        # Construct store filenames.
        self._store_filenames = {
            phase: os.path.join(self._store_directory, phase + '.nc')
            for phase in self._phases

        # Ensure we can resume from each store file, processing override options.
        for phase in self._phases:
            # TODO: Use resume capabaility of repex to resume and modify any parameters we can change.
            store_filename = self._store_filenames[phase]

        # Record we are now initialized.
        self._initialized = True

Пример #2
    def resume(self, phases=None):
        Resume an existing set of alchemical free energy calculations found in current store directory.

        phases : list of str, optional, default=None
           The list of calculation phases (e.g. ['solvent', 'complex']) to resume.
           If not specified, all simulations in the store_directory will be resumed.

        # If no phases specified, construct a list of phases from the filename prefixes in the store directory.
        if phases is None:
            phases = utils.find_phases_in_store_directory(self._store_directory)
        self._phases = phases.keys()

        # Construct store filenames.
        self._store_filenames = { phase : os.path.join(self._store_directory, phase + '.nc') for phase in self._phases }

        # Ensure we can resume from each store file, processing override options.
        for phase in self._phases:
            # TODO: Use resume capabaility of repex to resume and modify any parameters we can change.
            store_filename = self._store_filenames[phase]

        # Record we are now initialized.
        self._initialized = True

Пример #3
def print_status(store_directory):
    Print a quick summary of simulation progress.

    store_directory : string
       The location of the NetCDF simulation output files.

    success : bool
       True is returned on success; False if some files could not be read.

    # Get NetCDF files
    phases = utils.find_phases_in_store_directory(store_directory)

    # Process each netcdf file.
    for phase, fullpath in phases.items():

        # Check that the file exists.
        if not os.path.exists(fullpath):
            # Report failure.
            logger.info("File %s not found." % fullpath)
                "Check to make sure the right directory was specified, and 'yank setup' has been run."
            return False

        # Open NetCDF file for reading.
            "Opening NetCDF trajectory file '%(fullpath)s' for reading..." %
        ncfile = netcdf.Dataset(fullpath, 'r')

        # Read dimensions.
        niterations = ncfile.variables['positions'].shape[0]
        nstates = ncfile.variables['positions'].shape[1]
        natoms = ncfile.variables['positions'].shape[2]

        # Print summary.
        logger.info("%s" % phase)
        logger.info("  %8d iterations completed" % niterations)
        logger.info("  %8d alchemical states" % nstates)
        logger.info("  %8d atoms" % natoms)

        # TODO: Print average ns/day and estimated completion time.

        # Close file.

    return True
Пример #4
def print_status(store_directory):
    Print a quick summary of simulation progress.

    store_directory : string
       The location of the NetCDF simulation output files.

    success : bool
       True is returned on success; False if some files could not be read.

    # Get NetCDF files
    phases = utils.find_phases_in_store_directory(store_directory)

    # Process each netcdf file.
    for phase, fullpath in phases.items():

        # Check that the file exists.
        if not os.path.exists(fullpath):
            # Report failure.
            logger.info("File %s not found." % fullpath)
            logger.info("Check to make sure the right directory was specified, and 'yank setup' has been run.")
            return False

        # Open NetCDF file for reading.
        logger.debug("Opening NetCDF trajectory file '%(fullpath)s' for reading..." % vars())
        ncfile = netcdf.Dataset(fullpath, 'r')

        # Read dimensions.
        niterations = ncfile.variables['positions'].shape[0]
        nstates = ncfile.variables['positions'].shape[1]
        natoms = ncfile.variables['positions'].shape[2]

        # Print summary.
        logger.info("%s" % phase)
        logger.info("  %8d iterations completed" % niterations)
        logger.info("  %8d alchemical states" % nstates)
        logger.info("  %8d atoms" % natoms)

        # TODO: Print average ns/day and estimated completion time.

        # Close file.

    return True