Пример #1
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        Sets given value for given primary key in the database.
        Additional types conversion is only done if the value is a dictionary.
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            # check if there are no keys that would become empty strings
            if not all(unicode(k) for k in value):
                raise KeyError('Empty keys are not allowed (%s).' % repr(value))

            # EXPLAIN why the 'from_python' conversion is necessary, as there
            # is no straight forward way of restoring the python objects. What
            # about limiting the allowed keys and values to string only, an
            # raise exception on any other object type?
            flat = list(itertools.chain(*((k, utils.from_python(v)) for
                                           k,v in value.iteritems())))
            args = [key] + flat
            self.proto.misc('put', args)  # EXPLAIN why is this hack necessary?
            if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
                assert self.separator, "Separator is not set"
                prepared_value = self.separator.join(value)
                prepared_value = value
            self.proto.put(key, prepared_value)
Пример #2
    def prepare(self):
        Returns search-ready triple: column name, operator code, expression.

        if not self.lookup in self.LOOKUP_DEFINITIONS:
            available_lookups = ', '.join(str(x) for x in self.LOOKUP_DEFINITIONS)
            raise NameError('Unknown lookup "%s". Available are: %s' %
                            (self.lookup, available_lookups))

        definitions = self.LOOKUP_DEFINITIONS[self.lookup]

        for definition in definitions:
            if definition.accepts(self.expr):
                    value = definition.validate(self.expr)
                except ValueError, e:
                    raise ValueError(u'Bad lookup %s__%s=%s: %s' % (
                                     (self.expr if hasattr(self.expr,'__iter__') else u'"%s"'%self.expr),

                op = definition.operator

                # deal with negation: it can be external ("exclude(...)") or
                # internal ("foo__exists=False")
                negate = self.negate
                if definition.has_custom_value:
                    if isinstance(value, bool) and not value:
                        # if the value is substituted and only provided to define
                        # the expected result of a test (yes/no), we must modify
                        # our internal negation state according to the value
                        negate = not negate
                    value = definition.value
                    value = definition.process_value(value)

                if negate:
                    op = op | TyrantProtocol.RDBQCNEGATE

                # boolean values are stored as integers
                value = utils.from_python(value)

                # flatten list (TC can search tokens)
                if hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
                    value = ', '.join(unicode(x) for x in value)

                return self.name, op, value