Пример #1
def testSliceInvalidStlFile():
    files = [('stl', 'invalid.stl', testtools.dataFile('invalid.stl'))]
    response = testtools.postRequest(baseurl + '/slice', files)

    testtools.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
    content_type = testtools.getHeader(response, 'content-type')
    testtools.assertEqual(content_type, 'application/json')
    res = json.loads(response.read())
    assert res['error']
    assert len(res['error']) > 10
Пример #2
def testSliceInvalidStlFile():
    files = [ ('stl', 'invalid.stl', testtools.dataFile('invalid.stl')) ]
    response = testtools.postRequest(baseurl+'/slice', files)

    testtools.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
    content_type = testtools.getHeader(response, 'content-type')
    testtools.assertEqual(content_type, 'application/json')
    res = json.loads(response.read())
    assert res['error']
    assert len(res['error']) > 10
Пример #3
def testMissingStl():
    files = []
    response = testtools.postRequest(baseurl + '/slice', files)

    testtools.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
    content_type = testtools.getHeader(response, 'content-type')
    testtools.assertEqual(content_type, 'application/json')
    res = json.loads(response.read())
    assert res['error']
    assert len(res['error']) > 10
Пример #4
def testMissingStl():
    files = []
    response = testtools.postRequest(baseurl+'/slice', files)

    testtools.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
    content_type = testtools.getHeader(response, 'content-type')
    testtools.assertEqual(content_type, 'application/json')
    res = json.loads(response.read())
    assert res['error']
    assert len(res['error']) > 10
Пример #5
def createTextNode(sample, section, outputPath):
    #prepare disassembler params
    header = utils.getHeader(sample)
    strs = utils.getSymbolStrs(sample)
    inSymbols = SymbolContents.getISymbols(sample)
    names = SymbolContents.getFunctionNames(sample, strs)
    #open capstone
    target_arch = 0
    target_mode = 0
    if header.header.cputype == CPU_TYPE_ARM:
        target_arch = CS_ARCH_ARM
        target_mode = CS_MODE_ARM
    elif header.header.cputype == CPU_TYPE_ARM64:
        target_arch = CS_ARCH_ARM64
        target_mode = CS_MODE_ARM
        print("NO CPU FOUND!")

    md = Cs(target_arch, target_mode)
    md.skipdata = True
    md.detail = True
    #set or not thumb mode for 32 bits ARM targets
    if header.header.cputype == CPU_TYPE_ARM:
        if header.header.cpusubtype == CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7 \
            or header.header.cpusubtype == CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7F \
            or header.header.cpusubtype == CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7S \
            or header.header.cpusubtype == CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7K \
            or header.header.cpusubtype == CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V8 :
            md.mode = CS_MODE_THUMB
            md.mode = CS_MODE_ARM

    code = Codes(md)
    utils.getPartOfFile(sample, section.offset, section.size)
    os.rename("temp", "codes")
    if section.sectname.rstrip('\x00') == "__text":
        desc = utils.getCommandInfos(sample, "LC_FUNCTION_STARTS")
        utils.getPartOfFile(sample, desc.get("dataoff"), desc.get("datasize"))
        if utils.is64Bit(sample):
            getFunctions(code, inSymbols, names, "temp", section.offset,
            getFunctions(code, inSymbols, names, "temp", section.offset,
        fcode = open("codes", "rb")
        CODE = fcode.read()
        code.disAssembly(md, inSymbols, CODE, section.offset, outputPath)

Пример #6
def surah():
    result = open("templates/surahList.html", "w")
    beginDateForm = request.form['beginDate']
    endDateForm = request.form['endDate']
    precision = int(request.form['precision'])
    email = request.form['email']
    beginSurah = int(request.form['beginSurah'])
    endSurah = int(request.form['endSurah'])
    beginDateForm = beginDateForm.split("-")
    endDateForm = endDateForm.split("-")
    beginDate = datetime.date(int(beginDateForm[0]), int(beginDateForm[1]),
    endDate = datetime.date(int(endDateForm[0]), int(endDateForm[1]),
    numberOfDays = utils.diff_dates(beginDate, endDate)
    returnValue = utils.getDaysPages(numberOfDays, beginSurah, endSurah,
    dailyPageGoal = returnValue[0]
    surahFinishDay = returnValue[1]
    chaptersToLearn = returnValue[2]
    c = Calendar()
        "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"Your calendar was sent to " +
        email + " \");</script>  ")
    result.write("<h2> You will have to learn " + str(dailyPageGoal) +
                 " pages per day</h2>\n")
    for i in reversed(chaptersToLearn):
        finishDay = beginDate + datetime.timedelta(days=surahFinishDay[i.name])
        result.write("<p>" + i.name + " Will be done on " + str(finishDay) +
        e = Event()
        e.name = "Finish " + i.name
        e.begin = str(finishDay) + " 00:00:00"

    with open('calendar.ics', 'w') as f:
    ics = '/Users/serigne/Desktop/dev/project/python/qran/calendar.ics'
    sendemail(email, ics)
    # os.remove(txt)
    return redirect(url_for('surahList'))
Пример #7
def getAllLoadCommandInfos(filePath, outputPath):
    infos = {}
    logger = utils.setLogger()
    header = utils.getHeader(filePath)
    for (index, (lc, cmd, data)) in enumerate(header.commands):
        command = {}
        desc = cmd.describe()
        lc_name = lc.get_cmd_name()
        if lc_name == 44:
            if utils.is64Bit(filePath):
                lc_name = "LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64"
                lc_name = "LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO"
        if isinstance(data, str):
            desc["Name"] = data.rstrip('\x00')
        command[lc_name] = desc
        infos[index] = command
    infos = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(infos.items()))
    outFinal = json.dumps(infos, encoding='latin1')
    with open(outputPath + "/" + "loadCommands", "w") as f:
    logger.info("It has got all infos of load commands sucessfully")
Пример #8
def getHeaderOfMacho(filePath, outputPath):
    rout = {}
    logger = utils.setLogger()
    header = utils.getHeader(filePath)
    descripe = dict(header.header._describe())
    rout["MachoHeader"] = descripe
    magicNum = descripe.get("magic")
    cuptypeNum = descripe.get("cputype")
    if magicNum == MH_MAGIC:
        descripe["magic_string"] = "MH_MAGIC"
    elif magicNum == MH_CIGAM:
        descripe["magic_string"] = "MH_CIGAM"
    elif magicNum == MH_MAGIC_64:
        descripe["magic_string"] = "MH_MAGIC_64"
    elif magicNum == MH_CIGAM_64:
        descripe["magic_string"] = "MH_CIGAM_64"

    if cuptypeNum == CPU_TYPE_ANY:
        descripe["cputype_string"] = "CPU_TYPE_ANY"
    elif cuptypeNum == CPU_TYPE_I386:
        descripe["cputype_string"] = "CPU_TYPE_I386"
    elif cuptypeNum == CPU_TYPE_ARM:
        descripe["cputype_string"] = "CPU_TYPE_ARM"
    elif cuptypeNum == CPU_TYPE_POWERPC:
        descripe["cputype_string"] = "CPU_TYPE_POWERPC"
    elif cuptypeNum == CPU_TYPE_POWERPC64:
        descripe["cputype_string"] = "CPU_TYPE_POWERPC64"
    elif cuptypeNum == CPU_TYPE_X86_64:
        descripe["cputype_string"] = "CPU_TYPE_X86_64"
    elif cuptypeNum == CPU_TYPE_ARM64:
        descripe["cputype_string"] = "CPU_TYPE_ARM64"

    outFinal = json.dumps(rout, encoding='latin1')
    with open(outputPath + "/" + "headers", "w") as f:
    logger.info("It has got the headers of the mach-o file sucessfully")
Пример #9
def d3d(fsl,

    shader = getShader(fsl, dst)

    shader_src = getHeader(fsl)
    if not (d3d12 or pssl or xbox):
        shader_src += ['#define DIRECT3D11\n']

    if prospero:
        import prospero
        pssl = prospero
        shader_src += ['#define PROSPERO\n']
        shader_src += prospero.preamble()

    elif pssl:
        import orbis
        pssl = orbis
        shader_src += ['#define ORBIS\n']
        shader_src += orbis.preamble()

    if xbox:
        import xbox
        shader_src += ['#define XBOX\n']
        shader_src += xbox.preamble()

    if d3d12:
        shader_src += ['#define DIRECT3D12\n']

    shader_src += ['#define STAGE_' + shader.stage.name + '\n']
    if shader.enable_waveops:
        shader_src += ['#define ENABLE_WAVEOPS()\n']

    # directly embed d3d header in shader
    header_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
                               'includes', 'd3d.h')
    header_lines = open(header_path).readlines()
    shader_src += header_lines + ['\n']

    nonuniformresourceindex = None

    # tesselation
    pcf_returnType = None

    # for SV_PrimitiveID usage in pixel shaders, generate a pass-through gs
    passthrough_gs = False
    if pssl and shader.stage == Stages.FRAG:
        for dtype, dvar in shader.flat_args:
            if getMacroName(dtype).upper() == 'SV_PRIMITIVEID':
                passthrough_gs = True
                if prospero:
                                                dst.replace('frag', 'geom'))
                                             dst.replace('frag', 'geom'))

    last_res_decl = 0
    explicit_res_decl = None
    srt_resources = {
        descriptor_set.name: []
        for descriptor_set in DescriptorSets
    srt_free_resources = []
    srt_references = []

    shader_src += ['#line 1 \"' + fsl.replace(os.sep, '/') + '\"\n']
    line_index = 0

    parsing_struct = None
    skip_semantics = False
    struct_elements = []
    srt_redirections = set()
    for line in shader.lines:

        line_index += 1
        shader_src_len = len(shader_src)
        if line.startswith('#line'):
            line_index = int(line.split()[1]) - 1

        def get_uid(name):
            return name + '_' + str(len(shader_src))

        # dont process commented lines
        if line.strip().startswith('//'):
            shader_src += [line]

        if is_groupshared_decl(line):
            dtype, dname = getMacro(line)
            basename = getArrayBaseName(dname)
            shader_src += ['#define srt_' + basename + ' ' + basename + '\n']
            if not pssl:
                line = 'groupshared ' + dtype + ' ' + dname + ';\n'
                line = 'thread_group_memory ' + dtype + ' ' + dname + ';\n'

        if 'DECLARE_RESOURCES' in line:
            explicit_res_decl = len(shader_src) + 1
            line = '//' + line

        if line.strip().startswith('STRUCT(') or line.strip().startswith(
                'CBUFFER(') or line.strip().startswith('PUSH_CONSTANT('):
            parsing_struct = getMacro(line)

            struct_name = parsing_struct[0]

            struct_elements = []

            if pssl and 'PUSH_CONSTANT' in line:
                skip_semantics = True
                macro = get_uid(struct_name)
                shader_src += ['#define ' + macro + '\n']
                srt_free_resources += [
                    (macro, pssl.declare_rootconstant(struct_name))

            if pssl and 'CBUFFER' in line:
                skip_semantics = True
                res_freq = parsing_struct[1]
                macro = get_uid(struct_name)
                shader_src += ['#define ' + macro + '\n']
                if 'rootcbv' in struct_name:
                    srt_free_resources += [(macro,
                    srt_resources[res_freq] += [
                        (macro, pssl.declare_cbuffer(struct_name))

        if parsing_struct and line.strip().startswith('DATA('):
            data_decl = getMacro(line)
            if skip_semantics or data_decl[-1] == 'None':
                line = get_whitespace(
                    line) + data_decl[0] + ' ' + data_decl[1] + ';\n'

            if pssl and type(parsing_struct) is not str:
                basename = getArrayBaseName(data_decl[1])
                macro = 'REF_' + get_uid(basename)
                shader_src += ['#define ' + macro + '\n']
                init, ref = pssl.declare_element_reference(
                    shader, parsing_struct, data_decl)
                shader_src += [*init, '\n']
                struct_elements += [(macro, ref)]
                srt_references += [(macro, (init, ref))]
                if len(parsing_struct) > 2:  # only pad cbuffers
                    line = pssl.apply_cpad(data_decl)
                shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index), line]

        if parsing_struct and '};' in line:

            # if this shader is the receiving end of a passthrough_gs, insert the necessary inputs
            if passthrough_gs and shader.struct_args[0][0] == parsing_struct:
                shader_src += ['\tDATA(FLAT(uint), PrimitiveID, TEXCOORD8);\n']

            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index), line]

            skip_semantics = False
            if type(parsing_struct) is not str:
                last_res_decl = len(shader_src) + 1
            parsing_struct = None

        resource_decl = None
        if line.strip().startswith('RES('):
            resource_decl = getMacro(line)
            last_res_decl = len(shader_src) + 1

        if pssl and resource_decl:
            _, res_name, res_freq, _, _ = resource_decl
            basename = getArrayBaseName(res_name)
            macro = get_uid(basename)

            shader_src += ['#define ', macro, '\n']
            srt_resources[res_freq] += [(macro,

            init, ref = pssl.declare_reference(shader, resource_decl)
            shader_src += [*init, '\n']
            srt_references += [(macro, (init, ref))]

            last_res_decl = len(shader_src) + 1
            # continue

        if 'TESS_VS_SHADER(' in line and prospero:
            vs_filename = getMacro(line).strip('"')
            vs_fsl_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fsl), vs_filename)
            ls_vs_filename = 'ls_' + vs_filename.replace('.fsl', '')
            vs_pssl = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dst), ls_vs_filename)
            d3d(vs_fsl_path, vs_pssl, pssl=True, prospero=True)
            shader_src += [
                '#undef VS_MAIN\n', '#define VS_MAIN vs_main\n', '#include "',
                ls_vs_filename, '"\n'

        if '_MAIN(' in line and shader.stage == Stages.TESC and prospero:
            shader_src += pssl.insert_tesc('vs_main')

        if '_MAIN(' in line and shader.returnType:
            if shader.returnType not in shader.structs:
                if shader.stage == Stages.FRAG:
                    if not 'SV_DEPTH' in shader.returnType.upper():
                        line = line[:-1] + ': SV_TARGET\n'
                        line = line[:-1] + ': SV_DEPTH\n'
                if shader.stage == Stages.VERT:
                    line = line[:-1] + ': SV_POSITION\n'

        # manually transform Type(var) to Type var (necessary for DX11/fxc)
        if '_MAIN(' in line:

            for dtype, var in shader.struct_args:
                line = line.replace(dtype + '(' + var + ')', dtype + ' ' + var)

            for dtype, dvar in shader.flat_args:
                sem = getMacroName(dtype).upper()
                innertype = getMacro(dtype)
                ldtype = line.find(dtype)
                line = line[:ldtype] + innertype + line[ldtype + len(dtype):]
                l0 = line.find(' ' + dvar, ldtype) + len(dvar) + 1
                line = line[:l0] + ' : ' + sem + line[l0:]

            # if this shader is the receiving end of a passthrough_gs, get rid of the PrimitiveID input
            if passthrough_gs:
                for dtype, dvar in shader.flat_args:
                    if 'SV_PRIMITIVEID' in dtype.upper():
                        upper_line = line.upper()
                        l0 = upper_line.find('SV_PRIMITIVEID')
                        l1 = upper_line.rfind(',', 0, l0)
                        line = line.replace(
                            line[l1:l0 + len('SV_PRIMITIVEID')], '')

            if pssl:
                for dtype, darg in shader.flat_args:
                    if 'SV_INSTANCEID' in dtype.upper():
                        shader_src += pssl.set_indirect_draw()

        if '_MAIN(' in line and (pssl or xbox) and rootSignature:

            l0 = rootSignature.find('SrtSignature')
            l1 = rootSignature.find('{', l0)
            srt_name = rootSignature[l0:l1].split()[-1]

            res_sig = 'RootSignature' if xbox else 'SrtSignature'
            shader_src += ['[' + res_sig + '(' + srt_name + ')]\n' + line]

        if 'INIT_MAIN' in line and shader.returnType:
            # mName = getMacroName(shader.returnType)
            # mArg = getMacro(shader.returnType)
            # line = line.replace('INIT_MAIN', '{} {}'.format(mName, mArg))
            line = get_whitespace(line) + '//' + line.strip() + '\n'

            # if this shader is the receiving end of a passthrough_gs, copy the PrimitiveID from GS output
            if passthrough_gs:
                for dtype, dvar in shader.flat_args:
                    if 'SV_PRIMITIVEID' in dtype.upper():
                        shader_src += [
                            'uint ' + dvar + ' = ' + shader.struct_args[0][1] +

        if 'BeginNonUniformResourceIndex(' in line:
            index, max_index = getMacro(line), None
            assert index != [], 'No index provided for {}'.format(line)
            if type(index) == list:
                max_index = index[1]
                index = index[0]
            nonuniformresourceindex = index
            if pssl:
                shader_src += pssl.begin_nonuniformresourceindex(
                    nonuniformresourceindex, max_index)
                line = '#define {0} NonUniformResourceIndex({0})\n'.format(
        if 'EndNonUniformResourceIndex()' in line:
            assert nonuniformresourceindex, 'EndNonUniformResourceIndex: BeginNonUniformResourceIndex not called/found'
            if pssl:
                shader_src += pssl.end_nonuniformresourceindex(
                line = '#undef {}\n'.format(nonuniformresourceindex)
            nonuniformresourceindex = None

        elif re.match('\s*RETURN', line):
            if shader.returnType:
                line = line.replace('RETURN', 'return ')
                line = line.replace('RETURN()', 'return')

        # tesselation
        if shader.pcf and shader.pcf in line and not pcf_returnType:
            loc = line.find(shader.pcf)
            pcf_returnType = line[:loc].strip()
            for dtype, dvar in shader.pcf_arguments:
                if not 'INPUT_PATCH' in dtype and not 'OUTPUT_PATCH' in dtype:
                    line = line.replace(dtype, getMacro(dtype))
                    line = line.replace(dvar,
                                        dvar + ': ' + getMacroName(dtype))

        if pcf_returnType and re.match('\s*PCF_INIT', line):
            line = line.replace('PCF_INIT', '')

        if pcf_returnType and 'PCF_RETURN' in line:
            line = line.replace('PCF_RETURN', 'return ')

        if 'INDIRECT_DRAW(' in line:
            if pssl:
                shader_src += pssl.set_indirect_draw()
            line = '//' + line

        if 'SET_OUTPUT_FORMAT(' in line:
            if pssl:
                shader_src += pssl.set_output_format(getMacro(line))
            line = '//' + line

        if 'PS_ZORDER_EARLYZ(' in line:
            if xbox:
                shader_src += xbox.set_ps_zorder_earlyz()
            line = '//' + line

        if shader_src_len != len(shader_src):
            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index)]

        shader_src += [line]

    if pssl:
        if explicit_res_decl:
            last_res_decl = explicit_res_decl
        if last_res_decl > 0:  # skip srt altogether if no declared resourced or not requested
            srt = pssl.gen_srt(srt_resources, srt_free_resources,
            open(dst + '.srt.h', 'w').write(srt)
                '\n#include \"' + os.path.basename(dst) + '.srt.h\"\n')

    # insert root signature at the end (not sure whether that will work for xbox)
    if rootSignature and pssl:
        shader_src += [_line + '\n' for _line in rootSignature.splitlines()
                       ]  # + shader.lines
    if rootSignature and xbox:
        shader_src += rootSignature + ['\n']  # + shader.lines

    open(dst, 'w').writelines(shader_src)

    return 0
Пример #10
def vulkan(fsl, dst):

    shader = getShader(fsl, dst)

    shader_src = getHeader(fsl)
    shader_src += [
        '#version 450 core\n',
        '#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : require\nprecision highp float;\nprecision highp int;\n\n'
    shader_src += ['#define STAGE_', shader.stage.name, '\n']

    if shader.enable_waveops:
        shader_src += ['#define ENABLE_WAVEOPS()\n']

    in_location = 0

    # shader_src += ['#include "includes/vulkan.h"\n\n']
    # incPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'includes', 'vulkan.h')
    # dstInc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dst), "includes/vulkan.h")
    # if True or not os.path.exists(dstInc):
    #     os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dstInc), exist_ok=True)
    #     copyfile(incPath, dstInc)

    # directly embed vk header in shader
    header_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
                               'includes', 'vulkan.h')
    header_lines = open(header_path).readlines()
    shader_src += header_lines + ['\n']

    # pcf output defines (inputs are identical to main)
    pcf_return_assignments = []
    # if shader.stage == Stages.TESC and shader.pcf:
    #     t = getMacroName(shader.pcf_returnType)
    #     if t in shader.structs:
    #         for t, n, s in shader.structs[t]:
    #             pcf_return_assignments += ['ASSIGN_PCF_OUT_' + getArrayBaseName(n)]

    # retrieve output patch size
    patch_size = 0
    for line in shader.lines:
        if 'OUTPUT_CONTROL_POINTS' in line:
            patch_size = int(getMacro(line))

    out_location = 0

    arrBuffs = [
        'Get(' + getArrayBaseName(res[1]) + ')' for res in shader.resources
        if 'Buffer' in res[0] and (isArray(res[1]))
    returnType = None if not shader.returnType else (getMacroName(
        shader.returnType), getMacro(shader.returnType))

    push_constant = None
    skip_line = False
    parsing_struct = None

    parsing_cbuffer = None
    parsing_pushconstant = None

    nonuniformresourceindex = None
    parsed_entry = False

    # tesselation
    pcf_returnType = None
    pcf_arguments = []

    substitutions = {
        'min16float(': 'float(',
        'min16float2(': 'float2(',
        'min16float3(': 'float3(',
        'min16float4(': 'float4(',

    if shader.returnType and shader.returnType in shader.structs:
        for _, _, sem in shader.structs[shader.returnType]:
            sem = sem.upper()
            if sem == 'SV_RENDERTARGETARRAYINDEX':
                shader_src += [
                    '#extension GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array : enable\n\n'

    struct_declarations = []
    input_assignments = []
    return_assignments = []

    shader_src += ['#line 1 \"' + fsl.replace(os.sep, '/') + '\"\n']
    line_index = 0

    for line in shader.lines:

        line_index += 1
        shader_src_len = len(shader_src)
        if line.startswith('#line'):
            line_index = int(line.split()[1]) - 1

        def get_uid(name):
            return '_' + name + '_' + str(len(shader_src))

        # dont process commented lines
        if line.strip().startswith('//'):
            shader_src += [line]

        # TODO: handle this differently
        if '#ifdef NO_FSL_DEFINITIONS' in line:
            skip_line = True
        if skip_line and '#endif' in line:
            skip_line = False
        if skip_line:

        for k, v in substitutions.items():
            l0 = line.find(k)
            while l0 > -1:
                line = line.replace(k, v)
                l0 = line.find(k)

        if line.strip().startswith('STRUCT('):
            parsing_struct = getMacro(line)
        if parsing_struct and '};' in line:
            if not line.endswith('\n'): line += '\n'
            shader_src += [line]

            for macro, struct_declaration in struct_declarations:
                shader_src += ['#ifdef ' + macro + '\n']
                shader_src += [''.join(struct_declaration) + '\n']
                shader_src += ['#endif\n']
            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index + 1)]

            struct_declarations = []

            parsing_struct = None

        # handle struct data declarations
        if parsing_struct and line.strip().startswith('DATA('):

            # handle entry return type
            if shader.returnType and parsing_struct in shader.returnType:
                var = 'out_' + shader.returnType
                elem_dtype, elem_name, sem = getMacro(line)
                sem = sem.upper()
                flat_modifier = 'FLAT(' in line
                if flat_modifier:
                    elem_dtype = getMacro(elem_dtype)
                    line = get_whitespace(line) + getMacro(
                        elem_dtype) + ' ' + elem_name + ';\n'

                basename = getArrayBaseName(elem_name)
                macro = get_uid(basename)
                shader_src += ['#define ', macro, '\n']
                output_datapath = var + '_' + elem_name
                reference = None

                if sem == 'SV_POSITION':
                    output_datapath = 'gl_Position'
                    if shader.stage == Stages.TESC:
                        output_datapath = 'gl_out[gl_InvocationID].' + output_datapath
                elif sem == 'SV_POINTSIZE':
                    output_datapath = 'gl_PointSize'
                elif sem == 'SV_DEPTH':
                    output_datapath = 'gl_FragDepth'
                elif sem == 'SV_RENDERTARGETARRAYINDEX':
                    output_datapath = 'gl_Layer'
                    output_prefix, out_postfix = '', ''
                    if shader.stage == Stages.TESC:
                        output_prefix = 'patch '
                        out_postfix = '[]'
                        if shader.input_patch_arg:
                            out_postfix = '[' + shader.input_patch_arg[1] + ']'
                    if flat_modifier:
                        output_prefix = 'flat ' + output_prefix
                    reference = [
                        'layout(location = ',
                        str(out_location), ') ', output_prefix, 'out(',
                        elem_dtype, ') ', output_datapath, out_postfix, ';'

                if shader.stage == Stages.TESC and sem != 'SV_POSITION':
                    output_datapath += '[gl_InvocationID]'

                # unroll attribute arrays
                if isArray(elem_name):
                    # assignment = ['for(int i=0; i<', str(getArrayLenFlat(elem_name)), ';i++) ']
                    # assignment += [var, '_', basename, '[i] = ', var, '.', basename, '[i]']
                    assignment = [
                        var, '_', basename, ' = ', var, '.', basename, ''

                    out_location += getArrayLen(shader.defines, elem_name)
                    if sem != 'SV_POSITION' and sem != 'SV_POINTSIZE' and sem != 'SV_DEPTH' and sem != 'SV_RENDERTARGETARRAYINDEX':
                        out_location += 1
                    if output_datapath == 'gl_Layer':
                        assignment = [
                            output_datapath, ' = int(', var, '.', elem_name,
                        assignment = [
                            output_datapath, ' = ', var, '.', elem_name

                if reference:
                    struct_declarations += [(macro, reference)]
                return_assignments += [(macro, assignment)]

            # tesselation pcf output
            elif shader.pcf_returnType and parsing_struct in shader.pcf_returnType:
                # var = getMacro(shader.pcf_returnType)
                var = 'out_' + shader.pcf_returnType
                _, elem_name, sem = getMacro(line)
                sem = sem.upper()

                basename = getArrayBaseName(elem_name)
                macro = get_uid(basename)
                shader_src += ['#define ', macro, '\n']
                tess_var = ''
                if sem == 'SV_TESSFACTOR':
                    tess_var = 'gl_TessLevelOuter'
                if sem == 'SV_INSIDETESSFACTOR':
                    tess_var = 'gl_TessLevelInner'
                pcf_return_assignments += [
                    (macro, [tess_var, ' = ', var, '.', basename, ';'])

            # elif shader.entry_arg and parsing_struct in shader.entry_arg:
            elif is_input_struct(parsing_struct, shader):
                var = get_input_struct_var(parsing_struct, shader)
                elem_dtype, elem_name, sem = getMacro(line)
                sem = sem.upper()
                flat_modifier = 'FLAT(' in line
                if flat_modifier:
                    elem_dtype = getMacro(elem_dtype)
                    line = get_whitespace(line) + getMacro(
                        elem_dtype) + ' ' + elem_name + ';\n'
                is_array = isArray(elem_name)

                basename = getArrayBaseName(elem_name)
                macro = get_uid(basename)
                shader_src += ['#define ', macro, '\n']
                input_datapath = var + '_' + elem_name

                if sem == 'SV_POINTSIZE' or sem == 'SV_RENDERTARGETARRAYINDEX':
                # for vertex shaders, use the semantic as attribute name (for name-based reflection)
                input_value = sem if shader.stage == Stages.VERT else var + '_' + elem_name

                # tessellation
                in_postfix, in_prefix = '', ''
                if shader.stage == Stages.TESC: in_postfix = '[]'
                if shader.stage == Stages.TESE:
                    in_prefix = ' patch'
                    in_postfix = '[]'
                    if shader.output_patch_arg:
                        in_postfix = '[' + shader.output_patch_arg[1] + ']'

                if flat_modifier:
                    in_prefix = 'flat ' + in_prefix

                reference = [
                    'layout(location = ',
                    str(in_location), ')', in_prefix, ' in(', elem_dtype, ') ',
                    input_value, in_postfix, ';'

                # input semantics
                if sem == 'SV_POSITION' and shader.stage == Stages.FRAG:
                    input_value = elem_dtype + '(float4(gl_FragCoord.xyz, 1.0f / gl_FragCoord.w))'
                    reference = []

                var_postfix = ''
                if shader.stage == Stages.TESC:
                    if sem == 'SV_POSITION':
                        input_value = 'gl_in[gl_InvocationID].gl_Position'
                        reference = []
                        input_value = input_value + '[gl_InvocationID]'
                    var_postfix = '[gl_InvocationID]'

                if shader.stage == Stages.TESE:
                    if sem == 'SV_POSITION':
                        input_value = 'gl_in[0].gl_Position'
                        reference = []
                    elif shader.output_patch_arg and shader.output_patch_arg[
                            0] in parsing_struct:
                        input_value = input_value + '[0]'
                    var_postfix = '[0]'

                if sem == 'SV_TESSFACTOR':
                    input_value = 'gl_TessLevelOuter'
                    var_postfix = ''
                    reference = []
                if sem == 'SV_INSIDETESSFACTOR':
                    input_value = 'gl_TessLevelInner'
                    var_postfix = ''
                    reference = []

                assignment = []

                if sem == 'SV_VERTEXID': input_value = 'gl_VertexIndex'
                # unroll attribute arrays
                # if is_array:
                #     assignment = ['for(int i=0; i<', str(getArrayLenFlat(elem_name)), ';i++) ']
                #     assignment += [var, '.', basename, '[i] = ', var, '_', basename, '[i]']
                # else:
                assignment = [
                    var, var_postfix, '.', basename, ' = ', input_value

                if shader.stage == Stages.VERT and sem != 'SV_VERTEXID':
                    assignment += [';\n\t', sem]

                if sem != 'SV_POSITION':
                    in_location += 1
                if reference:
                    struct_declarations += [(macro, reference)]
                input_assignments += [(macro, assignment)]

        if (parsing_cbuffer
                or parsing_pushconstant) and line.strip().startswith('DATA('):
            dt, name, sem = getMacro(line)
            element_basename = getArrayBaseName(name)
            element_path = None
            if parsing_cbuffer:
                element_path = element_basename
            if parsing_pushconstant:
                element_path = parsing_pushconstant[0] + '.' + element_basename
            shader_src += [
                '#define _Get', element_basename, ' ', element_path, '\n'

        if 'CBUFFER' in line:
            fsl_assert(parsing_cbuffer == None,
                       message='Inconsistent cbuffer declaration: \"' + line +
            parsing_cbuffer = tuple(getMacro(line))
        if '};' in line and parsing_cbuffer:
            parsing_cbuffer = None

        if 'PUSH_CONSTANT' in line:
            parsing_pushconstant = tuple(getMacro(line))
        if '};' in line and parsing_pushconstant:
            parsing_pushconstant = None

        if is_groupshared_decl(line):
            dtype, dname = getMacro(line)
            basename = getArrayBaseName(dname)
            shader_src += ['#define _Get', basename, ' ', basename, '\n']
            line = 'shared ' + dtype + ' ' + dname + ';\n'

        if 'EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS' in line:
            line = 'layout(early_fragment_tests) in;\n'

        if 'EnablePSInterlock' in line:
            line = '#ifdef GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock\n' \
                'layout(pixel_interlock_ordered) in;\n' \

        # handle push constants
        if line.strip().startswith('PUSH_CONSTANT'):
            # push_constant = getMacro(line)[0]
            push_constant = tuple(getMacro(line))
        if push_constant and '};' in line:
            shader_src += ['} ', push_constant[0], ';\n']
            for dt, dn, _ in shader.pushConstant[push_constant]:
                dn = getArrayBaseName(dn)
            push_constant = None

        resource_decl = None
        if line.strip().startswith('RES('):
            resource_decl = getMacro(line)
            fsl_assert(len(resource_decl) == 5,
                       message='invalid Res declaration: \'' + line + '\'')
            basename = getArrayBaseName(resource_decl[1])
            shader_src += ['#define _Get' + basename + ' ' + basename + '\n']

        # handle buffer resource declarations
        if resource_decl and is_buffer(resource_decl):
            shader_src += declare_buffer(resource_decl)

        # handle references to arrays of structured buffers
        for buffer_array in arrBuffs:
            line = insert_buffer_array_indirections(line, buffer_array)

        # specify format qualified image resource
        if resource_decl and is_rw_texture(resource_decl):
            shader_src += declare_rw_texture(resource_decl)

        if 'BeginNonUniformResourceIndex(' in line:
            index, max_index = getMacro(line), None
            assert index != [], 'No index provided for {}'.format(line)
            if type(index) == list:
                max_index = index[1]
                index = index[0]
            nonuniformresourceindex = index
            # if type(max_index) is str:
            if max_index and not max_index.isnumeric():
                max_index = ''.join(c for c in shader.defines[max_index]
                                    if c.isdigit())
            shader_src += BeginNonUniformResourceIndex(nonuniformresourceindex,
        if 'EndNonUniformResourceIndex()' in line:
            assert nonuniformresourceindex, 'EndNonUniformResourceIndex: BeginNonUniformResourceIndex not called/found'
            shader_src += EndNonUniformResourceIndex(nonuniformresourceindex)
            nonuniformresourceindex = None
        if nonuniformresourceindex:
            shader_src += [line[:-1], ' \\\n']

        if '_MAIN(' in line:

            if shader.returnType and shader.returnType not in shader.structs:
                shader_src += [
                    'layout(location = 0) out(', shader.returnType, ') out_',
                    shader.returnType, ';\n'

            if shader.input_patch_arg:
                patch_size = shader.input_patch_arg[1]
                shader_src += ['layout(vertices = ', patch_size, ') out;\n']

            shader_src += ['void main()\n']
            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index), '//' + line]
            parsed_entry = True

        if parsed_entry and re.search('(^|\s+)RETURN', line):
            ws = get_whitespace(line)
            output_statement = [ws + '{\n']
            if shader.returnType:
                output_value = getMacro(line)
                if shader.returnType not in shader.structs:
                    output_statement += [
                        ws + '\tout_' + shader.returnType + ' = ' +
                        output_value + ';\n'
                    output_statement += [
                        ws + '\t' + shader.returnType + ' out_' +
                        shader.returnType + ' = ' + output_value + ';\n'
            for macro, assignment in return_assignments:
                output_statement += ['#ifdef ' + macro + '\n']
                output_statement += [ws + '\t' + ''.join(assignment) + ';\n']
                output_statement += ['#endif\n']

            if shader.stage == Stages.TESC:
                output_statement += ['\t\t' + shader.pcf + '();\n']

            output_statement += [ws + '\treturn;\n' + ws + '}\n']
            shader_src += output_statement
            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index), '//' + line]

        if 'INIT_MAIN' in line:

            # assemble input
            for dtype, var in shader.struct_args:
                if shader.input_patch_arg and dtype in shader.input_patch_arg[
                    dtype, dim, var = shader.input_patch_arg
                    shader_src += [
                        '\t' + dtype + ' ' + var + '[' + dim + '];\n'
                if shader.output_patch_arg and dtype in shader.output_patch_arg[
                    dtype, dim, var = shader.output_patch_arg
                    shader_src += [
                        '\t' + dtype + ' ' + var + '[' + dim + '];\n'
                shader_src += ['\t' + dtype + ' ' + var + ';\n']

            for macro, assignment in input_assignments:
                shader_src += ['#ifdef ' + macro + '\n']
                shader_src += ['\t' + ''.join(assignment) + ';\n']
                shader_src += ['#endif\n']
            ''' additional inputs '''
            for dtype, dvar in shader.flat_args:
                innertype = getMacro(dtype)
                semtype = getMacroName(dtype)
                shader_src += [
                    '\tconst ' + innertype + ' ' + dvar + ' = ' + innertype +
                    '(' + semtype.upper() + ');\n'
            ''' generate a statement for each vertex attribute
                this should not be necessary, but it influences
                the attribute order for the SpirVTools shader reflection
            # if shader.stage == Stages.VERT:# and shader.entry_arg:
            #     for dtype, var in shader.struct_args:
            #         for _, n, s in shader.structs[dtype]:
            #             if s.upper() == 'SV_VERTEXID': continue
            #             shader_src += ['\t', s ,';\n']
            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index), '//' + line]

        # tesselation
        if shader.pcf and shader.pcf in line and not pcf_returnType:
            loc = line.find(shader.pcf)
            pcf_returnType = line[:loc].strip()
            pcf_arguments = getMacro(line[loc:])
            _pcf_arguments = [
                arg for arg in pcf_arguments if 'INPUT_PATCH' in arg
            ws = line[:len(line) - len(line.lstrip())]
            shader_src += [ws + 'void ' + shader.pcf + '()\n']

        if pcf_returnType and 'PCF_INIT' in line:
            ws = line[:len(line) - len(line.lstrip())]
            for dtype, dvar in shader.pcf_arguments:

                sem = getMacroName(dtype)
                innertype = getMacro(dtype)
                print(innertype, sem, dvar)
                if 'INPUT_PATCH' in sem:
                    shader_src += [ws + dtype + ' ' + dvar + ';\n']
                    shader_src += [
                        ws + innertype + ' ' + dvar + ' = ' + sem.upper() +

            for macro, assignment in input_assignments:
                shader_src += ['#ifdef ' + macro + '\n']
                shader_src += ['\t' + ''.join(assignment) + ';\n']
                shader_src += ['#endif\n']
            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index), '//' + line]

        if pcf_returnType and 'PCF_RETURN' in line:
            ws = get_whitespace(line)

            output_statement = [ws + '{\n']
            output_value = getMacro(line)

            output_statement += [
                ws + '\t' + pcf_returnType + ' out_' + pcf_returnType + ' = ' +
                output_value + ';\n'
            for macro, assignment in pcf_return_assignments:
                output_statement += ['#ifdef ' + macro + '\n']
                output_statement += [ws + '\t' + ''.join(assignment) + '\n']
                output_statement += ['#endif\n']
            output_statement += [ws + '\treturn;\n', ws + '}\n']
            shader_src += output_statement
            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index), '//' + line]

        if shader_src_len != len(shader_src):
            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index)]

        shader_src += [line]

    open(dst, 'w').writelines(shader_src)
    return 0
Пример #11
def metal(fsl, dst):

    shader = getShader(fsl, dst)
    msl_target = targetToMslEntry[shader.stage]

    shader_src = getHeader(fsl)
    shader_src += ['#define METAL\n']

    if shader.enable_waveops:
        shader_src += ['#define ENABLE_WAVEOPS()\n']

    # shader_src += ['#include "includes/metal.h"\n']
    # incPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'includes', 'metal.h')
    # dstInc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dst), "includes/metal.h")
    # if True or not os.path.exists(dstInc):
    #     os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dstInc), exist_ok=True)
    #     copyfile(incPath, dstInc)
    # directly embed metal header in shader
    header_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'includes', 'metal.h')
    header_lines = open(header_path).readlines()
    shader_src += header_lines + ['\n']

    def getMetalResourceID(dtype: str, reg: str) -> str:
        S_OFFSET, U_OFFSET, B_OFFSET = 1024, 1024*2, 1024*3
        if 'FSL_REG' in reg:
            reg = getMacro(reg)[-1]
        register = int(reg[1:])
        if 't' == reg[0]: # SRV
            return register
        if 's' == reg[0]: # samplers
            return S_OFFSET + register
        if 'u' == reg[0]: # UAV
            return U_OFFSET + register
        if 'b' == reg[0]: # CBV
            return B_OFFSET + register
        assert False, '{}'.format(reg)

    # for metal only consider resource declared using the following frequencies
    metal_ab_frequencies = [

    # collect array resources
    ab_elements = {}
    for resource_decl in shader.resources:
        name, freq = resource_decl[1:3]
        if isArray(name):
            ab_elements[freq] = []

    # tessellation layout, used for mtl patch type declaration
    tessellation_layout = None

    # consume any structured inputs, since an intermediate struct will be used and manually fed to DS
    if shader.stage == Stages.TESE:
        shader.struct_args = []

    global_references = {}
    global_reference_paths = {}
    global_reference_args = {}
    global_fn_table = get_fn_table(shader.lines)

    # transform VS entry into callable fn
    if shader.stage == Stages.TESC:

        vertex_shader = getShader(shader.vs_reference)
        vs_main, vs_parsing_main = [], -2

        struct = None
        elem_index = 0

        # add vertex input as a shader resource to tesc
        for struct in vertex_shader.struct_args:
            res_decl = 'RES(Buffer(VSIn), vertexInput, UPDATE_FREQ_NONE, b0, binding = 0)'
            shader.lines.insert(0, res_decl + ';\n')
            shader.lines.insert(0, 'struct VSIn;\n')

        # add mtl tessellation buffer outputs
        r0_decl = 'RES(RWBuffer(HullOut), hullOutputBuffer, UPDATE_FREQ_NONE, b1, binding = 0)'
        r0 = getMacroName(shader.returnType)
        shader.lines.insert(0, r0_decl + ';\n')
        shader.lines.insert(0, 'struct ' +r0+ ';\n')

        r1_decl = 'RES(RWBuffer(PatchTess), tessellationFactorBuffer, UPDATE_FREQ_NONE, b2, binding = 0)'
        r1 = getMacroName(shader.pcf_returnType)
        shader.lines.insert(0, r1_decl + ';\n')
        shader.lines.insert(0, 'struct ' +r1+ ';\n')

        # TODO: this one is necessary to determine the total # of vertices to fetch from the buffer,
        # this should be handled generically
        di_decl = 'RES(Buffer(DrawIndirectInfo), drawInfo, UPDATE_FREQ_NONE, b3, binding = 0)'
        shader.lines.insert(0, di_decl + ';\n')
        shader.lines.insert(0, 'struct DrawIndirectInfo {uint vertexCount; uint _data[3];};\n')

        # collect VSMain lines, transform inputs into const refs which will get manually fed from buffer
        for line in vertex_shader.lines:
            if line.strip().startswith('//'): continue

            if line.strip().startswith('STRUCT('):
                struct = getMacro(line)

            if is_input_struct(struct, vertex_shader):
                if line.strip().startswith('DATA('):
                    dtype, dname, _ = getMacro(line)
                    vs_main += [get_whitespace(line), dtype, ' ', dname, ' [[attribute(', str(elem_index), ')]];\n']
                    elem_index += 1
                    vs_main += [line]

            if struct and '};' in line:
                struct = None

            if 'VS_MAIN(' in line:
                sig = line.strip().split(' ', 1)
                line = getMacroName(sig[0]) + ' VSMain('
                l0 = len(line)
                prefix = ''
                for dtype, dname in vertex_shader.struct_args:
                    line = prefix + line + 'constant ' + dtype + '& ' + dname
                    prefix = ', '
                vs_parsing_main = -1
                line = line+')\n'
                vs_main += [line, '{\n']
                global_fn_table['VSMain'] = (line, (999999, l0))

            if vs_parsing_main > -1:

                l_get = line.find('Get(')
                while l_get > 0:
                    resource = line[l_get:]
                    resource = resource[4:resource.find(')')]
                    fn = 'VSMain'
                    if fn not in global_references: global_references[fn] = set()
                    l_get = line.find('Get(', l_get+1)

                if 'INIT_MAIN' in line and vertex_shader.returnType:
                    # mName = getMacroName(vertex_shader.returnType)
                    # mArg = getMacro(vertex_shader.returnType)
                    # line = get_whitespace(line) + '{} {};\n'.format(mName, mArg)
                if re.search('(^|\s+)RETURN', line) and vertex_shader.returnType:
                    line = line.replace('RETURN', 'return ')
                vs_main += [line]

            if vs_parsing_main > -2 and '{' in line: vs_parsing_main += 1
            if vs_parsing_main > -2 and '}' in line: vs_parsing_main -= 1

    skip = False
    struct = None
    mainArgs = []

    # statements which need to be inserted into INIT_MAIN
    entry_declarations = []

    parsing_cbuffer = None
    struct_uid = None
    parsing_pushconstant = None

    # reserve the first 6 buffer locations for ABs(4) + rootcbv + rootconstant
    buffer_location  = 6
    texture_location = 0
    sampler_location = 0
    attribute_index  = 0

    # reversed list of functions, used to determine where a resource is being accessed
    reversed_fns = list(reversed(list(global_fn_table.items())))

    parsing_main = False
    global_scope_count = 0
    for i, line in enumerate(shader.lines):
        if line.strip().startswith('//'): continue

        if '{' in line: global_scope_count += 1
        if '}' in line: global_scope_count -= 1

        l_get = line.find('Get(')
        while l_get > 0 and not parsing_main:
            resource = line[l_get:]
            resource = resource[4:resource.find(')')]
            for fn, (_, fn_i) in reversed_fns:
                if fn_i[0] < i:
                    if fn not in global_references: global_references[fn] = set()
            l_get = line.find('Get(', l_get+1)

        l_get = line.find('WaveGetLaneIndex()')
        while l_get > 0 and not parsing_main:
            resource = 'simd_lane_id'
            for fn, (_, fn_i) in reversed_fns:
                if fn_i[0] < i:
                    if fn not in global_references: global_references[fn] = set()
            l_get = line.find('Get(', l_get+1)

        if not parsing_main:
            global_references_tmp = list(global_references.items())
            for fn, resource in global_references_tmp:
                l_call = line.find(fn+'(')
                if l_call > 0:
                    for fn_caller, (_, fn_i) in reversed_fns:
                        if fn_i[0] < i:
                            if fn_caller not in global_references: global_references[fn_caller] = set()

        if '_MAIN(' in line:
            parsing_main = True

    if shader.enable_waveops:
        global_reference_paths['simd_lane_id'] = 'simd_lane_id'
        global_reference_args['simd_lane_id'] = 'const uint simd_lane_id'

    def declare_argument_buffers(mainArgs):
        ab_decl = []
        # declare argument buffer structs
        for freq, elements in ab_elements.items():
            argBufType = 'AB_' + freq
            ab_decl += ['\n\t// Generated Metal Resource Declaration: ', argBufType, '\n' ]

            # skip empty update frequencies
            if not elements: continue

            # make AB declaration only active if any member is defined
            resource_conditions = ' || '.join('defined('+macro+')' for macro, elem in elements)
            ab_decl += ['#if ', resource_conditions , '\n']
            ab_macro = get_uid(argBufType)
            ab_decl += ['\t#define ', ab_macro, '\n']
            space = 'constant'
            mainArgs += [(ab_macro, [space, ' struct ', argBufType, '& ', argBufType, '[[buffer({})]]'.format(freq)])]

            ab_decl += ['\tstruct ', argBufType, '\n\t{\n']
            for macro, elem in elements:
                ab_decl += ['\t\t#ifdef ', macro, '\n']
                ab_decl += ['\t\t', *elem, ';\n']
                ab_decl += ['\t\t#endif\n']

            ab_decl += ['\t};\n']
            ab_decl += ['#endif // End of Resource Declaration: ', argBufType, '\n']
        return ab_decl

    shader_src += ['#line 1 \"'+fsl.replace(os.sep, '/')+'\"\n']
    line_index = 0
    last_res_decl = 0
    explicit_res_decl = None
    for line in shader.lines:

        line_index += 1
        shader_src_len = len(shader_src)
        if line.startswith('#line'):
            line_index = int(line.split()[1]) - 1

        def get_uid(name):
            return name + '_' + str(len(shader_src))

        # dont process commented lines
        if line.strip().startswith('//'):
            shader_src += ['\t', line]

        if 'DECLARE_RESOURCES' in line:
            explicit_res_decl = len(shader_src) + 1
            line = '//' + line

        # TODO: improve this
        if '#ifdef NO_FSL_DEFINITIONS' in line:
            skip = True
        if skip and '#endif' in line:
            skip = False
        if skip:

        if line.strip().startswith('STRUCT('):
            struct = getMacro(line)
        if struct and '};' in line:
            struct = None

        if 'EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS' in line:
            line = '[[early_fragment_tests]]\n'

        if 'BeginNonUniformResourceIndex' in line:
            nuri = getMacro(line)
            if type(nuri) is str:
                line = line.replace(nuri, nuri + ', None')

        if 'TESS_LAYOUT(' in line:
            tessellation_layout = getMacro(line)

        #  Shader I/O
        if struct and line.strip().startswith('DATA('):
            if shader.returnType and struct in shader.returnType:
                var = getMacro(shader.returnType)
                dtype, name, sem = getMacro(line)
                sem = sem.upper()
                base_name = getArrayBaseName(name)
                macro = get_uid(base_name)
                shader_src += ['#define ', macro, '\n']

                output_semantic = ''
                if 'SV_POSITION' in sem:
                    output_semantic = '[[position]]'
                if 'SV_POINTSIZE' in sem:
                    output_semantic = '[[point_size]]'
                if 'SV_DEPTH' in sem:
                    output_semantic = '[[depth(any)]]'
                if 'SV_RENDERTARGETARRAYINDEX' in sem:
                    output_semantic = '[[render_target_array_index]]'

                color_location = sem.find('SV_TARGET')
                if color_location > -1:
                    color_location = sem[color_location+len('SV_TARGET'):]
                    if not color_location: color_location = '0'
                    output_semantic = '[[color('+color_location+')]]'

                shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index)]
                shader_src += [get_whitespace(line), dtype, ' ', name, ' ', output_semantic, ';\n']

            elif is_input_struct(struct, shader):
                var = get_input_struct_var(struct, shader)
                dtype, name, sem = getMacro(line)
                sem = sem.upper()
                macro = get_uid(getArrayBaseName(name))
                shader_src += ['#define ', macro, '\n']
                # for vertex shaders, use the semantic as attribute name (for name-based reflection)
                n2 = sem if shader.stage == Stages.VERT else getArrayBaseName(name)
                if isArray(name):
                    base_name = getArrayBaseName(name)
                    array_length = int(getArrayLen(shader.defines, name))
                    assignment = []
                    for i in range(array_length): assignment += ['\t_',var, '.', base_name, '[', str(i), '] = ', var, '.', base_name, '_', str(i), '; \\\n']
                    # TODO: handle this case
                attribute = ''
                if shader.stage == Stages.VERT:
                    attribute = '[[attribute('+str(attribute_index)+')]]'
                    attribute_index += 1
                elif shader.stage == Stages.FRAG:
                    attribute = ''
                    if 'SV_POSITION' in sem:
                        attribute = '[[position]]'
                    elif 'SV_RENDERTARGETARRAYINDEX' in sem:
                        attribute = '[[render_target_array_index]]'
                shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index)]
                shader_src += [get_whitespace(line), dtype, ' ', name, ' ', attribute, ';\n']

            # metal requires tessellation factors of dtype half
            if shader.stage == Stages.TESC or shader.stage == Stages.TESE:
                dtype, name, sem = getMacro(line)
                sem = sem.upper()
                if sem == 'SV_TESSFACTOR' or sem == 'SV_INSIDETESSFACTOR':
                    line = line.replace(dtype, 'half')

            # since we directly use the dtype of output patch for the mtl patch_control_point template,
            # the inner struct needs attributes
            if shader.stage == Stages.TESE:
                if struct == shader.output_patch_arg[0]:
                    dtype, name, sem = getMacro(line)
                    elem = tuple(getMacro(line))
                    attribute_index = str(shader.structs[struct].index(elem))
                    line = line.replace(name, name + ' [[attribute(' + attribute_index + ')]]')

        # handle cbuffer and pushconstant elements
        if (parsing_cbuffer or parsing_pushconstant) and line.strip().startswith('DATA('):
            dt, name, sem = getMacro(line)
            element_basename = getArrayBaseName(name)
            macro = get_uid(element_basename)
            shader_src += ['#define ', macro, '\n']

            if parsing_cbuffer:
                elemen_path = parsing_cbuffer[0] + '.' + element_basename
                is_embedded = parsing_cbuffer[1] in ab_elements
                # for non-embedded cbuffer, access directly using struct access
                global_reference_paths[element_basename] = parsing_cbuffer[0]
                global_reference_args[element_basename] = 'constant struct ' + parsing_cbuffer[0] + '& ' + parsing_cbuffer[0]
                if is_embedded:
                    elemen_path = 'AB_' + parsing_cbuffer[1] + '.' + elemen_path
                    global_reference_paths[element_basename] = 'AB_' + parsing_cbuffer[1]
                    global_reference_args[element_basename] = 'constant struct AB_' + parsing_cbuffer[1] + '& ' + 'AB_' + parsing_cbuffer[1]

            if parsing_pushconstant:
                elemen_path = parsing_pushconstant[0] + '.' + element_basename
                global_reference_paths[element_basename] = parsing_pushconstant[0]
                global_reference_args[element_basename] = 'constant struct ' + parsing_pushconstant[0] + '& ' + parsing_pushconstant[0]

            shader_src += ['#define _Get_', element_basename, ' ', elemen_path, '\n']

        if is_groupshared_decl(line):
            dtype, dname = getMacro(line)
            basename = getArrayBaseName(dname)
            shader_src += ['\n\t// Metal GroupShared Declaration: ', basename, '\n']

            macro = get_uid(basename)
            shader_src += ['#define ', macro, '\n']
            entry_declarations += [(macro, ['threadgroup {} {};'.format(dtype, dname)])]

            array_decl = get_array_decl(dname)

            global_reference_paths[basename] = basename
            global_reference_args[basename] = 'threadgroup ' + dtype + ' (&' + basename + ')' + array_decl

            shader_src += ['#define _Get_', basename, ' ', basename, '\n']

            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index)]
            shader_src += ['\t// End of GroupShared Declaration: ', basename, '\n']

        if 'PUSH_CONSTANT' in line:
            parsing_pushconstant = tuple(getMacro(line))
            struct_uid = get_uid(parsing_pushconstant[0])
            shader_src += ['#define ', struct_uid, '\n']

        if '};' in line and parsing_pushconstant:

            shader_src += [line]
            push_constant_decl = parsing_pushconstant
            pushconstant_name = push_constant_decl[0]

            push_constant_location = '[[buffer(UPDATE_FREQ_USER)]]'

            mainArgs += [(struct_uid, ['constant struct ', pushconstant_name, '& ', pushconstant_name, ' ', push_constant_location])]

            parsing_pushconstant = None
            struct_references = []
            struct_uid = None
            last_res_decl = len(shader_src)+1

        if 'CBUFFER' in line:
            fsl_assert(parsing_cbuffer == None, message='Inconsistent cbuffer declaration: \"' + line + '\"')
            parsing_cbuffer = tuple(getMacro(line))
            cbuffer_decl = parsing_cbuffer
            struct_uid = get_uid(cbuffer_decl[0])
            shader_src += ['#define ', struct_uid, '\n']

        if '};' in line and parsing_cbuffer:
            shader_src += [line]
            cbuffer_decl = parsing_cbuffer
            cbuffer_name, cbuffer_freq, dxreg = cbuffer_decl[:3]
            is_rootcbv = 'rootcbv' in cbuffer_name

            if cbuffer_freq not in metal_ab_frequencies and not is_rootcbv:
                shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index)]
                shader_src += ['\t// Ignored CBuffer Declaration: '+line+'\n']

            is_embedded = cbuffer_freq in ab_elements
            if not is_embedded:
                location = buffer_location
                if is_rootcbv:
                    location = 'UPDATE_FREQ_USER + 1'
                    buffer_location += 1
                mainArgs += [(struct_uid, ['constant struct ', cbuffer_name, '& ', cbuffer_name, ' [[buffer({})]]'.format(location)])]
                ab_elements[cbuffer_freq] += [(struct_uid, ['constant struct ', cbuffer_name, '& ', cbuffer_name])]

            parsing_cbuffer = None
            struct_references = []
            struct_uid = None
            last_res_decl = len(shader_src)+1


        # consume resources
        if 'RES(' in line:
            resource = tuple(getMacro(line))
            resType, resName, freq, dxreg = resource[:4]
            baseName = getArrayBaseName(resName)
            macro = get_uid(baseName)
            shader_src += ['#define ', macro, '\n']

            is_embedded = freq in ab_elements and freq != 'UPDATE_FREQ_USER'

            if freq not in metal_ab_frequencies:
                shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index)]
                shader_src += ['\t// Ignored Resource Declaration: '+line+'\n']

            if not is_embedded: # regular resource
                shader_src += ['\n\t// Metal Resource Declaration: ', line, '\n']
                prefix = ''
                postfix = ' '
                ctor_arg = None
                if 'Buffer' in resType:
                    prefix = 'device ' if 'RW' in resType else 'constant ' 
                    postfix = '* '
                    ctor_arg = ['', prefix, resType, '* ', resName]
                    ctor_arg = ['thread ', resType, '& ', resName]

                if 'Sampler' in resType:
                    binding = ' [[sampler({})]]'.format(sampler_location)
                    sampler_location += 1
                elif 'Tex' in resType or 'Depth' in getMacroName(resType):
                    binding = ' [[texture({})]]'.format(texture_location)
                    texture_location += 1
                elif 'Buffer' in resType:
                    binding = ' [[buffer({})]]'.format(buffer_location)
                    buffer_location += 1
                    fsl_assert(False, message="Unknown Resource location")

                main_arg = [prefix , resType, postfix, baseName, binding, ' // main arg']
                mainArgs += [(macro, main_arg)]

                global_reference_paths[baseName] = baseName

                if not isArray(resName):
                    global_reference_args[baseName] = 'thread ' + resType + '& ' + resName
                    if 'Buffer' in resType:
                        space = 'constant'
                        if 'RW' in resType:
                            space = 'device'
                        global_reference_args[baseName] = space + ' ' + resType + '* ' + resName
                    array = resName[resName.find('['):]
                    global_reference_args[baseName] = 'thread ' + resType + '(&' + baseName+') ' + array

                shader_src += ['#define _Get_', baseName, ' ', baseName, '\n']

                shader_src += ['\t// End of Resource Declaration: ', resName, '\n']

            else: # resource is embedded in argbuf

                shader_src += ['\n\t// Metal Embedded Resource Declaration: ', line, '\n']
                argBufType = 'AB_' + freq
                basename = getArrayBaseName(resName)

                if 'Buffer' in resType:
                    space = ' device ' if resType.startswith('RW') else ' constant '
                    ab_element = [space, resType, '* ', resName]
                    ab_element = [resType, ' ', resName]

                ab_elements[freq] += [(macro, ab_element)]

                global_reference_paths[baseName] = argBufType
                if not isArray(resName):
                    global_reference_args[baseName] = 'constant ' + resType + '& ' + resName
                    if 'Buffer' in resType:
                        global_reference_args[baseName] = 'constant ' + resType + '* ' + resName
                    array = resName[resName.find('['):]
                    global_reference_args[baseName] = 'constant ' + resType + '(&' + baseName+') ' + array
                global_reference_args[baseName] = 'constant struct ' + argBufType + '& ' + argBufType
                shader_src += ['#define _Get_', baseName, ' ', argBufType, '.', baseName, '\n']

                shader_src += ['\t//End of Resource Declaration: ', baseName, '\n']

            last_res_decl = len(shader_src)+1
            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index)]

        # create comment hint for shader reflection
        if 'NUM_THREADS(' in line:
            elems = getMacro(line)
            for i, elem in enumerate(elems):
                if not elem.isnumeric():
                    assert elem in shader.defines, "arg {} to NUM_THREADS needs to be defined!".format(elem)
                    elems[i] = shader.defines[elem]
            line = '// [numthreads({}, {}, {})]\n'.format(*elems)

        # convert shader entry to member function
        if '_MAIN(' in line:

            parsing_main = len(shader_src)
            ab_decl = declare_argument_buffers(mainArgs)
            ab_decl_location = last_res_decl if not explicit_res_decl else explicit_res_decl
            shader_src = shader_src[:ab_decl_location] + ab_decl + shader_src[ab_decl_location:]

            if shader.stage == Stages.TESE:
                num_control_points = shader.output_patch_arg[1]
                patch_type = get_mtl_patch_type(tessellation_layout)
                shader_src += ['[[patch(', patch_type, ', ', num_control_points, ')]]\n']

            # insert VSMain code
            if shader.stage == Stages.TESC:
                shader_src += vs_main
                shader_src += ['//[numthreads(32, 1, 1)]\n']

            mtl_returntype = 'void'
            if shader.returnType and shader.stage != Stages.TESC:
                mtl_returntype = getMacroName(shader.returnType)

            shader_src += [msl_target, ' ', mtl_returntype, ' stageMain(\n']
            prefix = '\t'
            if shader.stage == Stages.TESE:
                if shader.output_patch_arg:
                    dtype, _, dname = shader.output_patch_arg
                    shader_src += [prefix+'patch_control_point<'+dtype+'> '+dname+'\n']
                    prefix = '\t,'
            elif shader.stage == Stages.TESC:
                shader_src += [prefix+'uint threadId [[thread_position_in_grid]]\n']
                prefix = '\t,'
                if shader.input_patch_arg:
                    dtype, _, dname = shader.input_patch_arg
                for dtype, var in shader.struct_args:
                    shader_src += [ prefix+dtype+' '+var+'[[stage_in]]\n']
                    prefix = '\t,'
            for dtype, dvar in shader.flat_args:
                if 'SV_OUTPUTCONTROLPOINTID' in dtype.upper(): continue
                innertype = getMacro(dtype)
                semtype = getMacroName(dtype)
                shader_src += [prefix+innertype+' '+dvar+' '+semtype.upper()+'\n']
                prefix = '\t,'
            if shader.enable_waveops:
                shader_src += [prefix, 'uint simd_lane_id [[thread_index_in_simdgroup]]\n']
                prefix = '\t,'

            for macro, arg in mainArgs:
                shader_src += ['#ifdef ', macro, '\n']
                shader_src += [prefix, *arg, '\n']
                prefix = '\t,'
                shader_src += ['#endif\n']

            shader_src += [')\n']
            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index)]

        if 'INIT_MAIN' in line:

            for macro, entry_declaration in entry_declarations:
                shader_src += ['#ifdef ', macro,'\n']
                shader_src += ['\t', *entry_declaration, '\n']
                shader_src += ['#endif\n']

            if shader.stage == Stages.TESC:
                # fetch VS data, call VS main
                dtype, dim, dname = shader.input_patch_arg
                shader_src += [
                    '\n\tif (threadId > drawInfo->vertexCount) return;\n',
                    '\n\t// call VS main\n',
                    '\tconst '+dtype+' '+dname+'['+dim+'] = { VSMain(vertexInput[threadId]) };\n',
                for dtype, dvar in shader.flat_args:
                    if 'SV_OUTPUTCONTROLPOINTID' in dtype.upper():
                        shader_src += ['\t'+getMacro(dtype)+' '+getMacro(dvar)+' = 0u;\n'] # TODO: extend this for >1 CPs

            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index), '//'+line]

        if re.search('(^|\s+)RETURN', line):
            ws = get_whitespace(line)
            return_statement = [ ws+'{\n' ]

            # void entry, return nothing
            if not shader.returnType:
                return_statement += [ws+'\treturn;\n']

                return_value = getMacro(line)
                #  for tessellation, write tesc results to output buffer and call PCF
                if shader.stage == Stages.TESC:
                    return_statement += [ws+'\thullOutputBuffer[threadId] = '+return_value+';\n']
                    return_statement += [ws+'\ttessellationFactorBuffer[threadId] = '+shader.pcf+'(\n']
                    prefix = ws+'\t\t'
                    for dtype, dvar in shader.pcf_arguments:
                        if 'INPUT_PATCH' in dtype:
                            return_statement += [prefix+shader.input_patch_arg[-1]+'\n']
                            prefix = ws+'\t\t,'
                        if 'SV_PRIMITIVEID' in dtype.upper():
                            return_statement += [prefix+'0u'+'\n'] # TODO: extend this for >1 CPs
                            prefix = ws+'\t\t,'
                    return_statement += [ws+'\t);\n']

                # entry declared with returntype, return var
                    return_statement += [ws+'\treturn '+return_value+';\n']

            return_statement += [ ws+'}\n' ]
            shader_src += return_statement
            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index), '//'+line]

        # tessellation PCF
        if shader.pcf and ' '+shader.pcf in line:
            for dtype, dvar in shader.pcf_arguments:
                if 'INPUT_PATCH' in dtype: continue
                innertype = getMacro(dtype)
                line = line.replace(dtype, innertype)
            # since we modify the pcf signature, need to update the global_fn_table accordingly
            _, (line_no, _) = global_fn_table[shader.pcf]
            global_fn_table[shader.pcf] = (line, (line_no, line.find(shader.pcf)+len(shader.pcf)+1))
        if shader.pcf and 'PCF_INIT' in line:
            line = get_whitespace(line)+'//'+line.strip()+'\n'
        if shader.pcf and 'PCF_RETURN' in line:
            ws = get_whitespace(line)
            return_value = getMacro(line)
            line = ws+'return '+return_value+';\n'

        if shader_src_len != len(shader_src):
            shader_src += ['#line {}\n'.format(line_index)]

        shader_src += [line]

    shader_src += ['\n']

    # for each function, expand signature and calls to pass global resource references
    for fn, references in global_references.items():
        insert_line, (_, insert_loc) = global_fn_table[fn]

        call_additions = []
        signature_additions = []
        for reference in references:
            if global_reference_paths[reference] not in call_additions:
                call_additions += [global_reference_paths[reference]]
                signature_additions += [global_reference_args[reference]]

        modified_signature = False

        for i, line in enumerate(shader_src):
            if line.strip().startswith('//'): continue

            # modify signatures
            l_call = line.find(fn+'(')
            if insert_line in line:
                for parameter in signature_additions:
                    if line[insert_loc-1:insert_loc+1] == '()':
                        line = line[:insert_loc] + parameter +  line[insert_loc:]
                        line = line[:insert_loc] + parameter + ', ' +  line[insert_loc:]
                # print('modify signature:', fn, shader_src[i], line)
                shader_src[i] = line
                modified_signature = True

            # modify calls
            elif modified_signature and l_call > 0 and line[l_call-1] in ' =\t(!':
                l2 = line.find(');', l_call)
                l2 = 0
                counter = 0
                for j, c in enumerate(line[l_call+len(fn):]):
                    if c == '(':
                        if counter == 1:
                            l2 = j+l_call+len(fn)+1
                    if c == ')':
                for argument in call_additions:
                    if line[l2-1:l2+1] == '()':
                        line = line[:l2] + argument + line[l2:]
                        line = line[:l2] + argument + ', ' + line[l2:]
                # print('modify call:', shader_src[i], line)
                shader_src[i] = line

    open(dst, 'w').writelines(shader_src)
    # sys.exit(0)
    return 0
Пример #12
def Main(edgeFile=None,annotFile=None,sep=None,outFile=None,Xout=None,restrAnnot=None,nodeList=None,NodeType=None,nodeID=None,unilat=None,track=None,empty=None,\
    """ Main program """
    ### Argument/options listing
    startWD = os.getcwd()
    if log != sys.stderr:
            log = os.path.join(startWD, log)
        except TypeError:
            log = sys.stderr
    ### Argument processing ========================================
    ## Filename definitions ======================================
    i0 = time.clock()
    inext = i0
    if not outFile:
        inRad = edgeFile.split(".")[0]
        outFile = inRad + ".desc"
    if empty:
        track = None
    ## File reading options ========================================
    # Step 1) Store the node type (top(1)/bottom(2) in the bipartite graph), adapted for the k-partite case
    if not os.stat(edgeFile).st_size:
        if myModule() == "__main__.py":
            sys.exit("Error: Empty file %s" % edgeFile)
            raise IOError("Empty file %s" % edgeFile)
    nodeType = ut.readNodeType(
        edgeFile, Type=NodeType
    )  # this step is not REALLY necessary, in the sense that only the values of the nodeType file are used here
        nodeTypes = list(set(nodeType.values(
        )))  # likely an overkill, but does not seem to be time-consuming
    except AttributeError:  # this is for the unipartite case (or is it?)
        nodeTypes = [1]
    inext = myTimer(inext, "Reading nodeType", handle=log)
    ## Step 2) Read XML configuration file or generate and exit. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    # a) set variables.
    if keyList:
        keyDict = ut.processOptions(keyList, nodeTypes)
        selectedKeys = list(ut.getHeader(annotFile).keys())
        keyDict = dict()
        for n in nodeTypes:
            keyDict[n] = selectedKeys
    trailObjects = []
    compObject = None
    root = os.getcwd()
    if comp:
        compObject = ut.myMod(fileName=comp, attDict={0: "Module"})
    if hist:  # added option to generate complete trailHistory in the XML file : options.H is the main trailFile (from rootDir to cwDir)
        history = ut.trailTrack(hist)
        root = ut.trailHist(hist)['root']
        k = 1
        for trailName in history:
            trailKeyDict = dict([(i, "NodeType" + str(i)) for i in nodeTypes])
            Trail = ut.myTrail(fileName=trailName,
            k += 1
    if x:  # this option gives the name of the config file, and proceeds with the description procedure
        configFile = x
        if X:  # options.X is the name of the configurationFile that will be generated (default = "config.xml")
            if x == X:
                configFile = ut.generateXML(nodeTypes,
                sys.exit("Conflicting fields -x and -X. Check and run again.")
        if K:
            ret = xmlform.main(xmlFile=configFile)
            if ret == "Cancel":
        trailObjects, compObject, keyDict, selectedKeys, XML = ut.readConfigFile(
    else:  # this block will generate the config file and stop: we start with this part.
        if X:  # options.X is the name of the configurationFile that will be generated (default = "config.xml")
            outConf = X
            outConf = "config.xml"
        ## selectedKeys are obtained as header of the annotFile
        configFile = ut.generateXML(nodeTypes,
        #configFile = generateXML(nodeTypes,trailObjects=trailObjects,compObject=compObject,attDict=keyDict,outFile=X,display=display)
        if myModule() == "__main__.py":
                "Configured file %s: please check options, and pass it with -x option"
                % outConf, log)
        return ()
    ## Step 3) Define nodeLists of currentID and UniqID. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    if NodeType == '2':
        nodes = nodeType.keys()
    elif NodeType == '1':
        nodes = ut.readNodes(edgeFile, sep=sep)
        nodeType = ut.initDict(nodes, value=1)
        nodes = ut.readNodes(edgeFile, sep=sep)
    if nodeList:  # if we explicitly give a file with the currentID to restrict to.
        nodeFile = options.n
        nodes = ut.file2set(
            nodeFile)  # nodes is actually a list (but without repetitions)!
        inext = myTimer(inext, "Reading nodeFile", handle=log)
    if unilat:
        nTypes = set(unilat.strip().split(","))
        nodes = (node for node in nodes if nodeType[node] in nTypes)
    printLog("""Loaded %d nodes""" % len(nodes), log)
    # Selected UniqIDs: ========
    if trailObjects:
        )  # here the dictionaries of the main trail file are loaded.
        current2UniqID = trailObjects[-1].dict_inv
        myEntries = ut.unList(map(lambda x: current2UniqID[x], nodes))
        myEntries = nodes
        current2UniqID = None
    printLog("""Found %d entries""" % len(myEntries), log)
    inext = myTimer(inext, "Reading allEntries", handle=log)
    # Annotation file processing: ==========
    if restrAnnot:
        annotationDict, fields = ut.restrictAnnot(annotFile,
        annotationDict, fields = ut.myLoadAnnotations(
    inext = myTimer(inext, "Reading annotations", handle=log)
    ## Step 4) Construct the actual description. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    OutFile = Xout
    if Xout:
        printLog("XML output written to %s" % OutFile, log)
        printLog("Description written to %s" % outFile, log)
    ## Output and exit ======================================================
    prog = myModule()
    if prog == "__main__.py":
        prog = sys.argv[0].split("/")[-1]
    inext = myTimer(i0, "Total computing time for %s" % prog, handle=log)
Пример #13
def gles(fsl, dst):

    shader = getShader(fsl, dst, line_directives=False)

    #Only vertex and fragment shaders are valid for OpenGL ES 2.0
    if shader.stage != Stages.VERT and shader.stage != Stages.FRAG:
            "Invalid OpenGL ES 2.0 shader given, only .vert and .frag shaders are valid."
        return 1

    shader_src = getHeader(fsl)
    shader_src += [
        '#version 100\n', '\nprecision highp float;\nprecision highp int;\n\n'
    shader_src += ['#define STAGE_', shader.stage.name, '\n']
    shader_src += ['#define GLES\n']

    header_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
                               'includes', 'gles.h')
    header_lines = open(header_path).readlines()
    shader_src += header_lines + ['\n']

    if True or not os.path.exists(dst):
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst), exist_ok=True)

    # retrieve output patch size
    patch_size = 0
    for line in shader.lines:
        if 'OUTPUT_CONTROL_POINTS' in line:
            patch_size = int(getMacro(line))

    arrBuffs = [
        'Get(' + getArrayBaseName(res[1]) + ')' for res in shader.resources
        if 'Buffer' in res[0] and (isArray(res[1]))
    returnType = None if not shader.returnType else (getMacroName(
        shader.returnType), getMacro(shader.returnType))

    skip_line = False
    parsing_struct = None

    parsing_comments = False

    parsing_ubuffer = None
    parsing_ubuffer_float_count = 0

    nonuniformresourceindex = None
    parsed_entry = False

    struct_construction = {}
    get_declarations = {}
    struct_declarations = []
    input_assignments = []
    return_assignments = []

    def is_struct(var_type):
        return var_type in struct_construction

    def set_ubo(ubo_name, basename, elemname, elem_type, getname, float_stride,
                fromStruct, isArray, float_offset, result):
        if (is_struct(elem_type)):
            structItem = struct_construction[elem_type]
            for uniformIndex in range(structItem['uniformCount']):
                elem_dtype, elem_name, _ = getMacro(structItem[uniformIndex])
                struct_get_name = getname + '_' + elem_name.upper()
                float_offset, result = set_ubo(
                    ubo_name, basename,
                    elemname + ('\.' if isArray else '.') + elem_name,
                    elem_dtype, struct_get_name, float_stride, True, isArray,
                    float_offset, result)  #recurse
            if isArray:
                if fromStruct:
                    get_declarations['Get\(' + basename + '\)\[.+\]' +
                                     elemname] = (getname + '(#)', True)
                    get_declarations['Get\(' + basename +
                                     '\)\[.+\]'] = (getname + '(#)', True)
                if fromStruct:
                    get_declarations['Get(' + basename + ')' +
                                     elemname] = (getname, False)
                    get_declarations['Get(' + basename + ')'] = (getname,

            elem_float_size = getFloatSize(elem_type, struct_construction)
            element_path = setUBOConversion(elem_type, ubo_name, float_offset,
                                            float_stride, isArray,
            if isArray:
                replaced_value = element_path.replace('#', 'X')
                result += '#define ' + getname + '(X) ' + replaced_value + '\n'
                result += '#define ' + getname + ' ' + element_path + '\n'

            float_offset += elem_float_size

        return float_offset, result

    def declare_buffer(fsl_declaration):
        #Set a default max buffer size, GLSL v100 does not allow unknown array sizes
        #TODO: We might want to use a texture as buffer instead to allow unknown large buffer sizes (requires engine changes)
        default_max_buffer_size = 256
        buffer_type, name, _, _, _ = fsl_declaration
        data_type = getMacro(buffer_type)

        assert not isArray(name), 'Cannot use array of buffers in glsl v100'

        result = []
        stride = getFloatSize(data_type, struct_construction)
        get_name = 'Get_' + name.upper()

        _, result = set_ubo(name, name, '', data_type, get_name, stride, False,
                            True, 0, result)

        result += 'uniform float4 {}[{}];\n'.format(
            name, str(default_max_buffer_size))
        return result

    for line in shader.lines:

        def get_uid(name):
            return '_' + name + '_' + str(len(shader_src))

        # dont process commented lines
        if line.strip().startswith('//'):
            shader_src += [line]

        if line.strip().startswith('/*'):
            parsing_comments = True

        if line.strip().startswith('*/'):
            parsing_comments = False
        if parsing_comments:

        if 'INDIRECT_DRAW()' in line:

        # TODO: handle this differently
        if '#ifdef NO_FSL_DEFINITIONS' in line:
            skip_line = True
        if skip_line and '#endif' in line:
            skip_line = False
        if skip_line:

        if line.strip().startswith('STRUCT('):
            parsing_struct = getMacro(line)
            struct_construction[parsing_struct] = {
                'floatSize': 0,
                'uniformCount': 0
        if parsing_struct and '};' in line:
            if not line.endswith('\n'): line += '\n'
            shader_src += [line]
            print("{} struct size = {}".format(
            for macro, struct_declaration in struct_declarations:
                shader_src += ['#ifdef ', macro, '\n']
                shader_src += [*struct_declaration, '\n']
                shader_src += ['#endif\n']
            struct_declarations = []

            parsing_struct = None

        # handle struct data declarations
        if parsing_struct and line.strip().startswith('DATA('):

            # handle entry return type
            if shader.returnType and parsing_struct in shader.returnType:
                var = 'out_' + shader.returnType
                elem_dtype, elem_name, sem = getMacro(line)
                sem = sem.upper()

                basename = getArrayBaseName(elem_name)
                macro = get_uid(basename)
                shader_src += ['#define ', macro, '\n']
                output_datapath = elem_name
                reference = None

                if sem == 'SV_POSITION':
                    output_datapath = 'gl_Position'
                elif sem == 'SV_POINTSIZE':
                    output_datapath = 'gl_PointSize'
                elif sem == 'SV_DEPTH':
                    output_datapath = 'gl_FragDepth'
                    reference = [
                        'RES_OUT(', elem_dtype, ', ', output_datapath, ');'

                # unroll attribute arrays
                if isArray(elem_name):
                    assignment = [
                        var, '_', basename, ' = ', var, '.', basename, ''

                    assignment = [output_datapath, ' = ', var, '.', elem_name]

                if reference:
                    struct_declarations += [(macro, reference)]
                return_assignments += [(macro, assignment)]

            # elif shader.entry_arg and parsing_struct in shader.entry_arg:
            elif is_input_struct(parsing_struct, shader):
                var = get_input_struct_var(parsing_struct, shader)
                elem_dtype, elem_name, sem = getMacro(line)
                sem = sem.upper()
                flat_modifier = 'FLAT(' in line
                if flat_modifier:
                    elem_dtype = getMacro(elem_dtype)
                    line = get_whitespace(line) + getMacro(
                        elem_dtype) + ' ' + elem_name + ';\n'

                noperspective_modifier = 'noperspective(' in line
                if noperspective_modifier:
                    elem_dtype = getMacro(elem_dtype)
                    line = get_whitespace(line) + getMacro(
                        elem_dtype) + ' ' + elem_name + ';\n'

                is_array = isArray(elem_name)

                basename = getArrayBaseName(elem_name)
                macro = get_uid(basename)
                shader_src += ['#define ', macro, '\n']
                input_datapath = var + '_' + elem_name

                if sem == 'SV_POINTSIZE': continue

                input_value = None
                if shader.stage == Stages.VERT:
                    # for vertex shaders, use the semantic as attribute name (for name-based reflection)
                    input_value = getSemanticName(sem)
                    if not input_value:
                        input_value = elem_name
                    reference = [
                        'RES_IN(', elem_dtype, ', ', input_value, ');'
                elif shader.stage == Stages.FRAG:
                    # for fragment shaders, set the input as RES_OUT to be a varying
                    input_value = elem_name
                    reference = [
                        'RES_OUT(', elem_dtype, ', ', input_value, ');'

                if flat_modifier:
                    reference.insert(0, 'flat ')
                if noperspective_modifier:
                    reference.insert(0, 'noperspective ')

                # input semantics
                if sem == 'SV_POSITION' and shader.stage == Stages.FRAG:
                    input_value = elem_dtype + '(float4(gl_FragCoord.xyz, 1.0 / gl_FragCoord.w))'
                    reference = []

                assignment = []

                if sem == 'SV_VERTEXID': input_value = 'gl_VertexIndex'
                # unroll attribute arrays
                # if is_array:
                #     assignment = ['for(int i=0; i<', str(getArrayLenFlat(elem_name)), ';i++) ']
                #     assignment += [var, '.', basename, '[i] = ', var, '_', basename, '[i]']
                # else:
                assignment = [var, '.', basename, ' = ', input_value]

                if reference:
                    struct_declarations += [(macro, reference)]
                input_assignments += [(macro, assignment)]

                # Store struct information for later usage in declaring UBOs
                elem_dtype, elem_name, sem = getMacro(line)
                    'floatSize'] += getFloatSize(elem_dtype,
                uniformCount = struct_construction[parsing_struct][
                struct_construction[parsing_struct][uniformCount] = line
                struct_construction[parsing_struct]['uniformCount'] += 1

        # Handle uniform buffers
        if parsing_ubuffer and line.strip().startswith('DATA('):
            elem_dtype, name, sem = getMacro(line)
            element_basename = getArrayBaseName(name)
            result = []
            float_stride = getFloatSize(elem_dtype, struct_construction)

            array_length = 1
            if isArray(name):
                array_length = getArrayLen(shader.defines, name)

            get_name = 'Get_' + element_basename.upper()

            _, result = set_ubo(parsing_ubuffer, element_basename, '',
                                elem_dtype, get_name, float_stride, False,
                                isArray(name), parsing_ubuffer_float_count,
            parsing_ubuffer_float_count += float_stride * (array_length)

            shader_src += result

        if 'CBUFFER' in line:
            fsl_assert(parsing_ubuffer == None,
                       message='Inconsistent cbuffer declaration: \"' + line +
            parsing_ubuffer, _, _, _ = getMacro(line)
        if 'PUSH_CONSTANT' in line:
            fsl_assert(parsing_ubuffer == None,
                       message='Inconsistent push_constant declaration: \"' +
                       line + '\"')
            parsing_ubuffer, _ = getMacro(line)
        if '{' in line and parsing_ubuffer:
        if '};' in line and parsing_ubuffer:
            parsing_ubuffer_float_count = math.ceil(
                parsing_ubuffer_float_count / 4)
            shader_src += [
                'uniform float4 ', parsing_ubuffer, '[',
                str(parsing_ubuffer_float_count), '];\n'
            parsing_ubuffer_float_count = 0
            parsing_ubuffer = None

        resource_decl = None
        if line.strip().startswith('RES('):
            resource_decl = getMacro(line)
            fsl_assert(len(resource_decl) == 5,
                       message='invalid Res declaration: \'' + line + '\'')

            basename = getArrayBaseName(resource_decl[1])
            get_name = 'Get_' + basename.upper()

            # No samplers available in GLSL v100, define NO_SAMPLER
            if resource_decl and is_sampler(resource_decl):
                get_declarations['Get(' + basename + ')'] = (get_name, False)
                shader_src += ['#define ' + get_name + ' NO_SAMPLER' '\n']

            # Handle buffer resource declarations for GLES
            if is_buffer(resource_decl):
                shader_src += declare_buffer(resource_decl)

            basename = getArrayBaseName(resource_decl[1])

            get_name = 'Get_' + basename.upper()
            get_declarations['Get(' + basename + ')'] = (get_name, False)
            shader_src += ['#define ' + get_name + ' ' + basename + '\n']

        #TODO handle references to arrays of structured buffers for GLES
        #for buffer_array in arrBuffs:
        #    line = insert_buffer_array_indirections(line, buffer_array)

        #TODO specify format qualified image resource for GLES
        if resource_decl and is_rw_texture(resource_decl):
            #shader_src += declare_rw_texture(resource_decl)

        #TODO Check if usage is needed within GLES
        if 'BeginNonUniformResourceIndex(' in line:
            #index, max_index = getMacro(line), None
            #assert index != [], 'No index provided for {}'.format(line)
            #if type(index) == list:
            #    max_index = index[1]
            #    index = index[0]
            #nonuniformresourceindex = index
            ## if type(max_index) is str:
            #if max_index and not max_index.isnumeric():
            #    max_index = ''.join(c for c in shader.defines[max_index] if c.isdigit())
            #shader_src += BeginNonUniformResourceIndex(nonuniformresourceindex, max_index)
        if 'EndNonUniformResourceIndex()' in line:
            #assert nonuniformresourceindex, 'EndNonUniformResourceIndex: BeginNonUniformResourceIndex not called/found'
            #shader_src += EndNonUniformResourceIndex(nonuniformresourceindex)
            #nonuniformresourceindex = None
        if nonuniformresourceindex:
            #shader_src += [line[:-1], ' \\\n']

        if '_MAIN(' in line:

            for dtype, dvar in shader.flat_args:
                sem = getMacroName(dtype).upper()
                if sem == 'SV_INSTANCEID':
                    shader_src += ['uniform int ', sem, ';\n\n']

            if shader.returnType and shader.stage == Stages.VERT and shader.returnType not in shader.structs:
                shader_src += [
                    'RES_OUT(', shader.returnType, ', ', 'out_',
                    shader.returnType, ');\n'

            #TODO Check if this is needed somewere
            #if shader.input_patch_arg:
            #patch_size = shader.input_patch_arg[1]
            #shader_src += ['layout(vertices = ', patch_size, ') out;\n']

            shader_src += ['void main()\n']
            parsed_entry = True

        if parsed_entry and re.search('(^|\s+)RETURN', line):
            ws = get_whitespace(line)
            output_statement = [ws + '{\n']
            if shader.returnType:
                output_value = getMacro(line)
                if shader.returnType not in shader.structs:
                    if shader.stage == Stages.FRAG:
                        output_statement += [
                            ws + '\tgl_FragColor = ' + output_value + ';\n'
                        output_statement += [
                            ws + '\tout_' + shader.returnType + ' = ' +
                            output_value + ';\n'
                    output_statement += [
                        ws + '\t' + shader.returnType + ' out_' +
                        shader.returnType + ' = ' + output_value + ';\n'
            for macro, assignment in return_assignments:
                output_statement += ['#ifdef ', macro, '\n']
                output_statement += [ws + '\t', *assignment, ';\n']
                output_statement += ['#endif\n']

            output_statement += [ws + '}\n']
            shader_src += output_statement

        if 'INIT_MAIN' in line:

            # assemble input
            for dtype, var in shader.struct_args:
                if shader.input_patch_arg and dtype in shader.input_patch_arg[
                    dtype, dim, var = shader.input_patch_arg
                    shader_src += ['\t', dtype, ' ', var, '[', dim, '];\n']
                if shader.output_patch_arg and dtype in shader.output_patch_arg[
                    dtype, dim, var = shader.output_patch_arg
                    shader_src += ['\t', dtype, ' ', var, '[', dim, '];\n']
                shader_src += ['\t', dtype, ' ', var, ';\n']

            for macro, assignment in input_assignments:
                shader_src += ['#ifdef ', macro, '\n']
                shader_src += ['\t', *assignment, ';\n']
                shader_src += ['#endif\n']
            ''' additional inputs '''
            for dtype, dvar in shader.flat_args:
                innertype = getMacro(dtype)
                semtype = getMacroName(dtype)
                shader_src += [
                    '\t' + innertype + ' ' + dvar + ' = ' + innertype + '(' +
                    semtype.upper() + ');\n'
            ''' generate a statement for each vertex attribute
                this should not be necessary, but it influences
                the attribute order for the SpirVTools shader reflection
            # if shader.stage == Stages.VERT:# and shader.entry_arg:
            #     for dtype, var in shader.struct_args:
            #         for _, n, s in shader.structs[dtype]:
            #             if s.upper() == 'SV_VERTEXID': continue
            #             shader_src += ['\t', s ,';\n']

        updatedline = line

        for key, value in get_declarations.items():
            if value[1] and isArray(updatedline):
                # Regex match and replace
                replace_value = value[0].replace('#',
                updatedline = re.sub(key, replace_value, updatedline)
            elif key in updatedline:
                updatedline = updatedline.replace(key, value[0])

        #Strip .f -> .0 | 0f -> 0 float value definitions, those are not supported on GLES
        def replacef(matchReg):
            if len(matchReg.group(0)) > 2:
                return matchReg.group(0)[:2] + '0'
            return matchReg.group(0)[0]

        shader_src += [re.sub('\d\.?f', replacef, updatedline)]

    open(dst, 'w').writelines(shader_src)
    return 0