def main(): # Establish gmail connection creds = None # The file token.pickle stores the user's access and refresh tokens, and is # created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first # time. if os.path.exists('token.pickle'): with open('token.pickle', 'rb') as token: creds = pickle.load(token) # If there are no (valid) credentials available, let the user log in. if not creds or not creds.valid: if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token: creds.refresh(Request()) else: flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file( 'credentials.json', SCOPES) creds = flow.run_local_server(port=0) # Save the credentials for the next run with open('token.pickle', 'wb') as token: pickle.dump(creds, token) service = build('gmail', 'v1', credentials=creds) print('{} Establishing params'.format(getTime())) params = set_params() params['service'] = service params['user_id'] = 'me' printGreen('{} Successfully established params'.format(getTime())) listener = HaroListener(params) listener.messageLoop()
def processMessages(self, msg_ids): """Process all the messages corresponding to the items in msg_ids for links containing key words/phrases specified in self.link_keys. If any links are found, call self.notify() to notify the notification_emails. @param msg_ids List[String]: msg_ids obtained from getMessages() """ for msg_id in msg_ids: print('{} Processing message with id {}'.format(getTime(), msg_id)) try: response = self.service.users().messages().get( userId=self.user_id, id=msg_id, format='raw').execute() except Exception as error: printFail("{} Error retrieving message with id {}: {}".format( getTime(), id, error)) return msg_body = messageutils.getMimeMessage(response['raw']) found_links = messageutils.findLinks(str(msg_body), self.link_keys) if len(found_links) > 0: print('{} Found {} links containing key words/phrases'.format( getTime(), len(found_links))) self.notify(found_links) else: print('{} Found 0 links containing key words'.format( getTime())) self.inbox_manager.markProcessed(msg_id, self.label_ids)
def getItemAnalysis(): logPath = './analysisLog/' df = dfPreprocesing() #Items frecuency itemsBalance = Counter(df['ITEM']) df.groupby('ITEM').agg({'ITEM': ['count']}) #Number frecuency #Number of words df['numeroPalabras'] = df['PARRAFO'].apply(wordCount) #Number of Punctuation characters df['numeroCaracteres'] = df['PARRAFO'].apply(charCount) #Word frecuency by item dfItem = df.groupby('ITEM').agg({ 'PARRAFO': 'sum', 'numeroPalabras': 'mean', 'numeroCaracteres': 'mean' }) dfItem = dfItem.reset_index() dfItem['frecPalabras'] = dfItem['PARRAFO'].apply(wordFreq) dfItem.to_csv(os.path.join(logPath, 'analysisItem_' + getTime() + '.csv'), sep=',') with open(os.path.join(logPath, 'itemsBalance_' + getTime() + '.json'), 'w') as outPutFile: json.dump(dict(itemsBalance), outPutFile) #Mean Page, Max - Min return getItemAnalysis
def savePlayerPlusPPInfo(plusInfo): userId = plusInfo.get('osuid') plusInfo['time'] = utils.getTime(1) userRecord = PlayerPlusPPRecord.query.get(userId) if userRecord == None: actionType = 'add' db.session.add( PlayerPlusPPRecord(osuid=userId, osuname=plusInfo.get('osuname'), current_total=str(plusInfo.get('totalPP')), current_raw=str(plusInfo.get('rawPP')), history=str([]), update_time=utils.getTime(1))) else: actionType = 'update' userRecord.osuname = plusInfo.get('osuname') userRecord.current_total = str(plusInfo.get('totalPP')) userRecord.current_raw = str(plusInfo.get('rawPP')) history = eval(userRecord.history) history.append(plusInfo) userRecord.history = str(history) userRecord.update_time = utils.getTime(1) db.session.commit() return True, f'{actionType} player {userId}'
def handleSetUserGroup(data, info='修改用户所属权限组', message='', status=-1, privilege={}): count = 0 try: user, group, actor = data.get('targetUsers'), data.get( 'targetGroup'), data.get('Osuid') if type(user) == list: for uid in user: if database.setUserGroup(uid, group, actor) == True: count += 1 loginTime = utils.getTime(needFormat=1) otsuToken = utils.tokenGenerator(uid, loginTime) database.setUserOtsuToken(uid, otsuToken, loginTime, expiresIn) else: if database.setUserGroup(user, group, actor) == True: count += 1 loginTime = utils.getTime(needFormat=1) otsuToken = utils.tokenGenerator(user, loginTime) database.setUserOtsuToken(user, otsuToken, loginTime, expiresIn) except Exception as Err: print(str(Err)) if count > 0: status = 1 return None, f'修改了{count}位用户所属的权限组', info, status
def printUpcomming(img: Image, show, timeStart: datetime, pos, detail = False): draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) if detail: pos *= 2 width, height = draw.textsize(utils.getTime(timeStart), font = rbtv_config.fontSmall) title = str(show['title']) if not detail and (show['topic'] or show['game']): title = title +' - '+ str(show['topic'] if show['topic'] else show['game']) title = utils.string_normalizer(title) title = truncateString(draw, title) height = 220 if detail else 210 if detail: height += pos * 5 paddingLeft = 70 draw.text((10 + paddingLeft, 33 * pos + height), utils.getTime(timeStart) +' '+ title, font = rbtv_config.fontSmall, fill = 0) if detail and (show['topic'] or show['game']): detailStr = str((show['topic'] if show['topic'] else show['game'])) detailStr = utils.string_normalizer(detailStr) detailStr = truncateString(draw, detailStr) draw.text((10 + paddingLeft + width, 33 * pos + height + 32), ' ' +detailStr, font = rbtv_config.fontSmall, fill = 0) if show['type'] == 'premiere': img.paste(rbtv_config.neu, (10, 33 * pos + height)) elif show['type'] == 'live': img.paste(, (10, 33 * pos + height)) if detail and show.get('isSubscribed', False): img.paste(rbtv_config.abonniert, (10, 33 * pos + height + 32)) if detail and show.get('streamExclusive', False): img.paste(rbtv_config.streamExclusive, (10, 33 * pos + height + 32))
def callInvoke(appName): cmd = "wsk -i action invoke %s --blocking --result" % appName startTime = utils.getTime() r = os.popen(cmd) endTime = utils.getTime() return endTime - startTime
def initInbox(self): """Initialize the inbox and return the label and filter ids @return Dictionary with label ids and filter id """ print('{} Initializing setup...'.format(getTime())) print('{} Initializing Labels...'.format(getTime())) labels = self.initLabels() print('{} Initializing Filter...'.format(getTime())) filter_id = self.initFilter(labels['unprocessed']) colors.printGreen('{} Setup complete!'.format(getTime())) return {'labels': labels, 'filter': filter_id}
def messageLoop(self): """Infinite loop that checks the inbox every 30 minutes for new HARO emails to be processed. """ while True: print('{} Checking for messages...'.format(getTime())) msg_ids = self.getMessages() if len(msg_ids) > 0: self.processMessages(msg_ids) sleep_time = 1800 print('{} Sleeping for {} minutes'.format(getTime(), int(sleep_time / 60))) sleep(1800)
def osuTokenSave(osuid, oauthData): osuTokenRecord = osuUserTokenV2.query.get(osuid) if osuTokenRecord == None: db.session.add( osuUserTokenV2(token_v2=str(oauthData), osuid=osuid, record_time=utils.getTime(needFormat=1))) db.session.commit() else: osuTokenRecord.token_v2 = str(oauthData) osuTokenRecord.record_time = utils.getTime(needFormat=1) db.session.commit() return True, osuid
async def list(ctx, option, *, message): #Add or Remove a word to the list if != shizzle.fuhrer_id: #Checks if its me print(getTime(),, 'Tried to use addword') await 'You dont have Authorization, please contact an Administator') elif option == 'add': #Adds a word woordenlijst.lijst.append(message) print(getTime(), message, 'Added to the list') elif option == 'remove': #Removes a word print(getTime(), 'Removed', message, 'From the list') woordenlijst.lijst.remove(message) else: #If all failed tell me print(getTime(), 'Tried to use ;list but something went wrong') await'Something went wrong')
def printCurrent(image: Image, show, timeStart: datetime, timeEnd: datetime, today: datetime, font = rbtv_config.fontSmall): draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) lowborder = 10 ypos = 210 width, height = draw.textsize(utils.getTime(timeStart), font = font) draw.text((10, ypos - lowborder - height), utils.getTime(timeStart), font = font, fill = 0) width, height = draw.textsize(utils.getTime(timeEnd), font = font) draw.text((600 - 10 - width, ypos - lowborder - height), utils.getTime(timeEnd), font = font, fill = 0) draw.rectangle((10 + 10 + width, ypos - lowborder - height + 2, 600 - 10 - width - 10, ypos - lowborder + 2)) width2 = 600 - 10 - width - 10 - 2 - (10 + 10 + width + 2) sts = datetime.timestamp(timeStart) ets = datetime.timestamp(timeEnd) tts = datetime.timestamp(today) width2 = width2 * (tts-sts)/(ets-sts) draw.rectangle((10 + 10 + width + 2, ypos - lowborder - height + 4, 10 + 10 + width + 2 + width2, ypos - lowborder - 0), 0) title = str(show['title']) if show['topic'] or show['game']: title = title +' - '+ str(show['topic'] if show['topic'] else show['game']) title = utils.string_normalizer(title) title = truncateString(draw, title, 500) draw.text((10 + 10 + width, ypos - lowborder - 53), title, font = font, fill = 0) if show['type'] == 'premiere': image.paste(rbtv_config.neu, (10, ypos - lowborder - 53)) elif show['type'] == 'live': image.paste(, (10, ypos - lowborder - 53)) r = requests.get(show['episodeImage']) try: img = maxsize = (250, 140) tn_image = img.thumbnail(maxsize) image.paste(img, (350, 0)) except: print('could not load episodeImage') pass pass
def cancelOrder(self, symbol, orderId='', origClientOrderId='', newClientOrderId='', recvWindow=''): ''' Name Type Mandatory Description symbol STRING YES orderId LONG NO origClientOrderId STRING NO newClientOrderId STRING NO Used to uniquely identify this cancel. Automatically generated by default. recvWindow LONG NO timestamp LONG YES ''' url = "/api/v3/order" params = {'symbol': symbol, 'timestamp': utils.getTime()} if (origClientOrderId != ''): params.update({'origClientOrderId': origClientOrderId}) if (orderId != ''): params.update({'orderId': orderId}) if (recvWindow != ''): params.update({'recvWindow': recvWindow}) if (newClientOrderId != ''): params.update({'newClientOrderId': newClientOrderId}) data = self.hitBinanceWebAPI(self.DELETE, url, params, signed=True) return data
def authorizer(osuid, otsuToken, path, needGroup=[], customInfo={}): def infoer(infoType): default = { 'invalid': '请求被拒绝,授权认证', 'group': '请求被拒绝,认证用户组权限不足', 'success': '请求已确认,授权认证' } cust = customInfo.get(infoType) if cust != None and cust != '': info = cust else: info = default.get(infoType) return info authorize, actionTime = database.getRedisData( osuid, 'userToken', doEval=True), utils.getTime(1) if authorize == None or authorize.get('otsuToken') != otsuToken: return infoer('invalid'), -1, {} groupStatus, privilege = userGroupChecker(needGroup, eval(authorize.get('group')), path) if groupStatus != True: return infoer('group'), -1, {} if authorize.get('otsuToken') == otsuToken: # pass and refresh token database.setUserOtsuToken(osuid, otsuToken, actionTime, expiresIn, user=None) privilege['osuid'] = osuid userObject = database.getUserByosuid(osuid) if userObject != None: privilege['osuname'] = userObject.osuname else: privilege['osuname'] = '未知' return infoer('success'), 1, privilege
async def shutdown(ctx): #shutsdown bot await ctx.message.delete() print(getTime(),, "used ;shutdown") if == shizzle.fuhrer_id: await bot.logout() else: ctx.send('You dont have Authorization, pls contact Marek')
def getRawPPFromDB(userKey): plusRecord, target = database.getPlayerPlusPPRecord(userKey), -1 rawPP = {} osuid = None osuname = None if plusRecord != None: if type(plusRecord) == list: if len(plusRecord) > 1: status = -1 repairDuplicateDataRecord(plusRecord) elif len(plusRecord) == 1: target, status = plusRecord[0], 1 else: status = -1 else: target, status = plusRecord, 1 if target != -1: timer = utils.getTime() - utils.toTimeStamp(str(target.update_time)) if timer < 1600: rawPP, status = eval(target.current_raw), 1 osuid = target.osuid osuname = target.osuname else: status = -1 else: status = -1 return { 'rawPP': rawPP, 'status': status, 'osuid': osuid, 'osuname': osuname }
async def sourcecode(ctx): #sends the sourcecode await ctx.message.delete() print(getTime(),, "used ;sourcecode") if == shizzle.fuhrer_id: await ctx.send(file=discord.File(r"C:\PYTHON\Discord Makrek Bot\"), delete_after=60) else: ctx.send('You dont have Authorization, pls contact Marek')
def handleUserLogin(osuid, userInfo='', loginInfo='', status=-1, loginType=0, user=None): loginTime = utils.getTime(needFormat=1) database.newLoginRecord(osuid, loginTime, userInfo=str(userInfo), loginInfo=str(loginInfo), loginState=status, loginType=loginType) if status == 1: otsuToken = utils.tokenGenerator(osuid, loginTime) database.setUserOtsuToken(osuid, otsuToken, loginTime, expiresIn, user=user) return { 'token': otsuToken, 'timestamp': utils.toTimeStamp(loginTime), 'expires_in': expiresIn }
def analysis(): with open('saleInfo.csv') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) dqu = deque(reader, 2) if len(dqu) == 2: lastRow = dqu.pop() secondRow = dqu.pop() sale1 = sumCount(secondRow) - sumCount(lastRow) sale2 = int(secondRow['5B']) - int(lastRow['5B']) left = int(lastRow['5B']) more_sale = int(lastRow['totalAmount']) - \ int(secondRow['totalAmount']) str1 = '蓝光昨天售出:%d 5号楼售出:%d 5号楼剩余:%d' % (sale1, sale2, left) str2 = '昨天成都总出售:%s 总成交:%s 环比前天出售:%d' % ( lastRow['totalAmount'], lastRow['totalPrice'], more_sale) msg = '\n'.join([utils.getTime(), getWearth(),getStock(),str1, str2]) #utils.sendMail('我的资讯',msg ) return msg
def trainBestModel(): encoder = pickle.load(open('./models/encoder/encoderLicitabot','rb')) trainDF = dfPreprocesing() t0 = time() #encoder = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()['ITEM']) print('Categories:', encoder.classes_) text_clf = loadModel(model='tuning')#grid_search.best_estimator_ # text_clf = Pipeline(steps = [('vect', CountVectorizer()), #('tfidf', TfidfTransformer( norm=best_parameters['tfidf'].get_params()['norm'], # )), # ('clf', MultinomialNB(best_parameters['clf'].get_params()['alpha']))]) # # text_clf.set_params(**grid_search.best_params_) labels = encoder.transform(trainDF['ITEM']) print("Train Samples:", len(labels))['PARRAFO'], labels) outputPredictions = text_clf.predict(trainDF['PARRAFO']) #metrics cm, cm_normalized, accuracy, balancedAccuracy = modelMetrics(labels, outputPredictions, encoder) fileName = 'productionModelLicitaBot' modelName = fileName + '_' + getTime() modelPath = os.path.join('./models/productionModels/', modelName) pickle.dump(text_clf, open(modelPath, 'wb')) trainingTime = time() - t0 generateLog(cm, cm_normalized, accuracy, balancedAccuracy, modelName, encoder, trainingTime)
def handleMassMessage(data, info='发送群发消息', message='', status=-1): queue = data.get('target') content = data.get('content') result = [] count, failed, success = 0, 0, 0 if type(queue) == list: status = 1 for tt in queue: rss, rsinfo = otsocketio.apiSendRoom(tt, content.get("data"), content.get("text"), content.get('action')) if rss == 1: stat = '成功' success += 1 else: stat = '失败' failed += 1 count += 1 result.append({ 'num': count, 'staus': stat, 'info': rsinfo, 'time': utils.getTime(1) }) return { 'result': result, 'count': count, 'success': success, 'fail': failed }, message, info, status
def get_elo_data(self, osuid=None): if osuid == None: osuid = self.osuid tip = f'osuid({osuid})' for i in range(3): log(f'正在请求玩家elo数据({i}):{tip}') resp = requests.get( f'{osuid}') if resp.status_code in range(200, 207): data = resp.json() elo_time = getTime(1) elo = data.get('elo') init_elo = data.get('init_elo') elo_rank = data.get('rank') never_match = (elo_rank == None) if elo or init_elo: self.elo = elo self.init_elo = init_elo self.elo_time = elo_time self.elo_rank = elo_rank self.never_match = never_match self.elo_level, self.elo_level_range = self.get_elo_level() log(f'成功取得玩家elo数据({i}):{tip} elo({elo}) init_elo({init_elo}) elo_time({elo_time}) never_match({never_match}) {str(data)}' ) return True if i < 2: log(f'玩家elo数据请求失败,准备进行重试({i}):{tip}') else: log(f'玩家elo数据请求失败,重试次数已达上限({i}),请重新提交初始化请求:{tip}')
def generate_user_data(self): regInput = self.collect_input() question1 = str(self.ques1.currentText()) question2 = str(self.ques2.currentText()) title = str(self.titleField.text()) or "Guess" token = getToken() timelog = getTime() sysInfo = get_user_location() productID = sysInfo['Product ID'] ip, cityIP, countryIP = get_local_pc_info() unix = getUnix() datelog = getDate() pcOS = sysInfo['os'] pcUser = sysInfo['pcUser'] pcPython = sysInfo['python'] if not os.path.exists(self.rawAvatarPth): avatar = get_avatar_image('default') else: avatar = self.rawAvatarPth data = [ regInput[0], regInput[1], regInput[3], regInput[4], title, regInput[5], regInput[6], regInput[7], regInput[8], regInput[9], regInput[10], regInput[11], token, timelog, productID, ip, cityIP, countryIP, unix, question1, regInput[12], question2, regInput[13], datelog, pcOS, pcUser, pcPython, avatar ] return data
def run(self, bid_log_path, N, c0, max_bid, input_type="file reader", delimiter=" ", save_log=False): auction = 0 imp = 0 clk = 0 cost = 0 if save_log: log_in = open(bid_log_path, "w") B = int(self.cpm * c0 * N) episode = 1 n = N b = B click = 0 theta, price = self.env.reset() done = False while not done: action =, b, theta, max_bid) action = min(int(action), min(b, max_bid)) done, new_theta, new_price, result_imp, result_click = self.env.step( action) log = getTime() + "\t{}\t{}_{}\t{}_{}_{}\t{}_{}\t".format( episode, b, n, action, price, result_click, clk, imp) if save_log: log_in.write(log + "\n") if result_imp == 1: imp += 1 if result_click == 1: clk += 1 b -= price cost += price n -= 1 auction += 1 if n == 0: episode += 1 n = N b = B theta = new_theta price = new_price if save_log: log_in.flush() log_in.close() return auction, imp, clk, cost
def save_checkpoint(self): checkpoint_state = { 'save_time': getTime(), 'cur_epoch': self.cur_epoch, 'cur_batch': self.cur_batch, 'threshold': self.threshBest, 'accuracy': self.accBest, 'f1score': self.f1Best, 'save_times': self.save_times, 'loss': self.criterion.state_dict(), 'net':, 'optimizer_state': self.optimizer.state_dict(), 'lr_scheduler_state': self.lr_scheduler.state_dict(), } checkpoint_path = os.path.join(self.ckptdir, "{}_{:04d}.pkl".\ format(, self.save_times)), checkpoint_path) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(self.ckptdir, "{}_{:04d}.pkl".\ format(, self.save_times-self.num_to_keep)) if os.path.exists(checkpoint_path): os.remove(checkpoint_path) self.save_times += 1
def setCostFormula(data, valid, nickName=None, version=None, remark=None, public=0): version = data.get('version').strip() name = data.get('name').strip() fullName = name + ' ' + version if getFormulaByContent(data.get('content')) != None: return 2 if getFormulaByFullName(fullName) != None: return 3 if int(data.get('public')) in (0, 1): public = int(data.get('public')) db.session.add( CostFormulas(full_name=fullName, name=name, nick_name=data.get('nickName'), version=version, content=data.get('content'), remark=data.get('remark'), creator_id=data.get('Osuid'), create_time=utils.getTime(1), valid=valid, public=public)) db.session.commit() return 1
def writeDataToFile(soup, fileName, dir) : if os.path.exists(dir + "/" + fileName) : print "Skip " + dir + "/" + fileName return else : div = soup.findAll(attrs={"class":"history-tab"}) if len(div) == 0 : print fileName + ", no data!" return dataObject = open(dir + "/" + fileName, "w") for i in range(1,4) : column = div[0].findAll(attrs={"class":"tr-odd" + str(i)})[0].tbody.findAll("tr") for index in column : td = index.findAll("td") if not td[0].text == '' : dataNumber = td[1].text.encode("utf8") frontThree = 0 endThree = 0 if not (dataNumber == "" or dataNumber == '- -'): frontThree = checkThree(dataNumber[0:3]) endThree = checkThree(dataNumber[2:]) else : continue lineNumber = " ".join([fileName+td[0].text.encode("utf8"), utils.getTime(120, td[0].text.encode("utf8"), dir), dataNumber, frontThree, endThree]) dataObject.write(lineNumber) dataObject.write("\n") else : break dataObject.close() print "Create File " + dir + "/" + fileName
def accountInfo(self): url = "/api/v3/account" params = {'timestamp': utils.getTime()} data = self.hitBinanceWebAPI(self.GET, url, params, signed=True) return data
async def on_message(message): #check if message is from the bot itself if == return #everytime someone says "tinko" the bot will say something elif "tinko" in message.content.lower(): await"Tinko is een " + random.choice(shizzle.nl_scheldwoord_list))) print(getTime(), "Someone said 'tinko' I responded :)") #Overide on_message so it takes commands await bot.process_commands(message)
def initialUserGroupPermissions(): if UserGroupPermissions.query.count() == 0: for g in userGroups: db.session.add( UserGroupPermissions(group_name=prefix + g, privilege_level=userGroups.get(g), add_time=utils.getTime(1))) db.session.commit() return True
def writeArrayToFile(array, date, dataFolder) : if not os.path.exists(dataFolder) : os.makedirs(dataFolder) if os.path.exists(dataFolder + "/" + date) : print "skip " + dataFolder + "/" + date else : outputObject = open(dataFolder + "/" + date, "w+") totalNumber = len(array) for line in array : info = line.split("\t") dateNumber = info[0].split("-")[1] dataNumber = info[1] frontThree = checkThree(dataNumber[0:3]) endThree = checkThree(dataNumber[2:]) time = utils.getTime(totalNumber, dateNumber, dataFolder) newLine = " ".join([date + dateNumber, time, dataNumber, frontThree, endThree]) outputObject.write(newLine) outputObject.write("\n") outputObject.close() print "Create File " + dataFolder + "/" + date
def checkAndUpdate(self, dType=utils.TYPE_REFERENCE_DEVICE): ''' This function will keep checking the device state, and if changed for it will call db thread to update accordingly''' #initialize state self.firstConnectionTime = -1 # the time when the ID dev connected first self.lastSeenTime = -1 # the last time, dev seen without waiting for maxTimeToChangeStatus self.lastDeviceState = utils.DISCONNECTED self.currentDeviceState = utils.DISCONNECTED self.timeSinceDisconnected = 0 self.lastConnectedDeviceId = utils.getConnectedDeviceId(dType); self.currentConnectedDeviceId = utils.getConnectedDeviceId(dType); #This flag is to set whe addedDbEntryFlag = False #always running loop after every utils.getMaxWaitBetweenDeviceConnectionCheck() while(True): time.sleep(utils.getMaxWaitBetweenDeviceConnectionCheck()) self.currentDeviceState = utils.getDeviceConnectioState(dType); #if no device connected since boot if((self.lastConnectedDeviceId == None) and (currentDeviceState == utils.DISCONNECTED)): self.logger.debug("No Device connected since PC Boot or last device disconnected") continue self.currentConnectedDeviceId = utils.getConnectedDeviceId() if(self.currentDeviceState == utils.CONNECTED ): #self.logger.debug("Some Device is found Connected " + str(self.currentConnectedDeviceId)) if(self.lastConnectedDeviceId == self.currentConnectedDeviceId):"Same device is still connected" + str(self.currentConnectedDeviceId)) #do reinitialization self.lastConnectedDeviceId = self.currentConnectedDeviceId self.timeSinceDisconnected = 0 self.lastSeenTime = utils.getTime() continue #lastdevId != currentConnectedDeviceId else: self.logger.debug("Last Connected Device is not the same as current one: in else" ) self.firstConnectionTime = utils.getMeanTime(utils.getTime(), utils.getTime() - utils.getMaxWaitBetweenDeviceConnectionCheck()) self.lastSeenTime = self.lastSeenTime + self.firstConnectionTime self.logger.debug("Updating old device disconnection entry"); self.updateDeviceDisconnectedEntry() self.logger.debug("Adding new connection device connection entry"); self.addDeviceConnectedEntry() #last device id is not in none else: self.logger.debug("No device connected block") if(self.timeSinceDisconnected >= utils.getMaxTimeToChangeStatus()):"Device disconnected for long time than allowed, marking as disconnected"); self.updateDeviceConnectedEntry(); self.lastConnectedDeviceId = None self.timeSinceDisconnected = 0 self.currentConnectedDeviceId = None self.lastSeenTime = -1 self.firstConnectionTime = -1 self.lastDeviceState = utils.DISCONNECTED else: self.timeSinceDisconnected += utils.getMaxWaitBetweenDeviceConnectionCheck() self.logger.debug("Device disconnected since " + str(self.timeSinceDisconnected) )