def SourceFactory(settings): """ return sourceBase derived instance for recent settings""" EmergeDebug.trace("SourceFactory called", 1) source = None if settings.hasTarget(): if settings.hasMultipleTargets(): url = settings.targetAt(0) else: url = source = ArchiveSource(settings) ## \todo move settings access into info class if settings.hasSvnTarget(): url = settings.svnTarget() sourceType = utils.getVCSType( url ) if sourceType == "svn": source = SvnSource(settings) elif sourceType == "hg": source = HgSource(settings) elif sourceType == "git": source = GitSource(settings) if source == None: EmergeDebug.die("none or unsupported source system set") if not source.subinfo: source.subinfo = settings source.url = url return source
def SourceFactory(settings): """ return sourceBase derived instance for recent settings""" utils.trace( "SourceFactory called", 1 ) source = None if settings.hasTarget(): if settings.hasMultipleTargets(): url = settings.targetAt(0) else: url = source = ArchiveSource(settings) ## \todo move settings access into info class if settings.hasSvnTarget(): url = settings.svnTarget() sourceType = utils.getVCSType( url ) if sourceType == "svn": source = SvnSource(settings) elif sourceType == "hg": source = HgSource(settings) elif sourceType == "git": source = GitSource(settings) if source == None: utils.die("none or unsupported source system set") if not source.subinfo: source.subinfo = settings source.url = url return source
def getUpdatableVCSTargets(self, category, package): """ check if the targets are tags or not """ targetDict = PortageInstance.getAllVCSTargets(category, package) retList = [] for key in targetDict: url = targetDict[key] if url: sourceType = utils.getVCSType(url) if sourceType == "svn": # for svn, ignore tags if not url.startswith("tags/") and not "/tags/" in url: retList.append(key) elif sourceType == "git": _, branch, tag = utils.splitVCSUrl(url) if tag == "" and not branch.endswith("-patched"): retList.append(key) elif not sourceType == "": # for all other vcs types, simply rebuild everything for now retList.append(key) return retList
def getUpdatableVCSTargets(self, category, package, version): """ check if the targets are tags or not """ targetDict = PortageInstance.getAllVCSTargets(category, package, version) retList = [] for key in targetDict: url = targetDict[key] if url: sourceType = utils.getVCSType(url) if sourceType == "svn": # for svn, ignore tags if not url.startswith("tags/") and not "/tags/" in url: retList.append(key) elif sourceType == "git": _, branch, tag = utils.splitVCSUrl(url) if tag == "" and not branch.endswith("-patched"): retList.append(key) elif not sourceType == "": # for all other vcs types, simply rebuild everything for now retList.append(key) return retList
def SourceFactory(settings): """ return sourceBase derived instance for recent settings""" utils.trace( "SourceFactory called", 1 ) source = None if settings.hasTarget(): if settings.hasMultipleTargets(): url = settings.targetAt(0) else: url = if url.startswith("[archive]"): source = ArchiveSource(settings) elif url.find(".exe") != -1 or url.find(".bat") != -1 or url.find(".msi") != -1: source = FileSource(settings) else: source = ArchiveSource(settings) ## \todo move settings access into info class if settings.hasSvnTarget(): url = settings.svnTarget() sourceType = utils.getVCSType( url ) if sourceType == "svn": source = SvnSource(settings) elif sourceType == "hg": source = HgSource(settings) elif sourceType == "git": source = GitSource(settings) ## \todo complete more cvs access schemes elif sourceType == "cvs": source = CvsSource(settings) if source == None: utils.die("none or unsupported source system set") if not source.subinfo: source.subinfo = settings source.url = url return source